#I think we'll go back to the present for a bit next mayhaps
turntechcatnip · 4 years
Are you injured? How are you holding up?
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TC: not gonna sugar coat it it was purrty bad for a while
TC: bro bandaged the bites up and then stuffed me full of his freakishly endless supply of instant noodles and goldfish which thanks to sprite bullshit helped stop the leakage stabilize and start processing the damage
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TC: i might as well have b33n a furreakin mummy there was no good way to deal with clothes that are clothes but were also a part of mew???
TC: at least hes had expurrience dressin wounds
TC: ...anyway
TC: the broken wing was the weirdest pawrt
TC: bro debated taking me to the vet for that but we both agr33d dr google would have to make a housecall instead
TC: the whole fang was awkward city
TC: it’s b33n thr33 years since--
TC: it still made me f33l like a kitten again
TC: not really in a good way either
TC: more in the mew cant control even the tiniest thing and have to rely on your lusus to do litterally everyfang way
TC: n even if bro was allergic to the merest chance of my busting a s33m its not like i could expect him to wait on me hand n paw
TC: not that he ever said anyfang about it
TC: its just
TC: complicated
The worst part wasn’t the injury, if you’re honest. 
You’d barely even felt that. Which actually was the problem.
For days you couldn’t feel much of anything at all. Or move, unless driven by pure undiluted panicked adrenaline shots. Or do more than just chill on the futon or your bed unless you annoyed Bro into moving you. For weeks, even if you made it to your feet, you would probably end up on the ground because you were wobblier than a baby deer without your wings to check your balance, and everything felt the slightest bit off.
Only one wing was broken. But the other might as well have been dead-weight regardless. Like something was short-circuiting your nervous system. Something you never did run into as Davesprite.
Then again, you’d never had a wound run black as Davesprite either.
Nothing was ever quite right as the yawning void ate at your insides, centered on the one wound that showed no signs of healing.
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