#I think they're a celeb but unclear
adamparrishdyke · 1 year
Does anyone have that photoshopt of a butch fly fishing
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It's just a shame Meghan wanted out because she wasn't number one in the heirarchy.
👆🏼 also proves to me that Harry didn’t really want out, and tbf neither of them wanted to be completely out — they wanted to collaborate with the queen lmaoo
Anyway, over the years Harry has had so many opportunities to not take up a big royal role, he was in the military (and I think he was expected to stay way longer in the army but he didn’t have it in him), and after that he spent like half of the year in Africa doing unclear things. I think it ultimately came down to a few things, and that is that William and Kate moved back to London which meant that William got a much bigger presence in the office. It wasn’t just the office for the three of them, William is the boss of KP and Harry the “sidekick” who was there because he’s William’s brother (this is why it was a mistake of them in the first place to create an office together, because they were always going to have to remove Harry from it when William became the Duke of Cornwall). Before WK lived there that hierarchy probably wasn’t as clear as it became, especially considering the press narratives at the time.
Now, the same time as this is happening Kate is pregnant again which means another cute baby who will make Harry less important, which he does care about no matter what he says. And he had met a woman who was willing to marry him, but he wasn’t truthful to her about what it meant (or she didn’t want to understand). So when that realisation finally came that “yeah it doesn’t matter how many people google our names, we will still not be as important as William and Kate” it was hard for them to understand and buy that, because they had bigged up themselves in their own minds, “modernising the monarchy” or whatever even though no one asked them to. And you know Harry’s the grandson of the queen so he needs to be prominent, completely ignoring the fact that the only grandchild who matters for the monarchy was William.
It can’t be easy to go through life knowing that your older brother have this huge destiny in front of him, will always be more important etc, but you can choose how to deal with it. Harry (and Meghan) choose to throw the tantrum we still see.
you're absolutely right in all of it. harry was expected to have a decorated military career like andrew then quietly retire to royal duties to be a steadfast working royal (and i think we can all say that ~professionally~ andrew was a hardworking royal, and we should all hold respect for him for his military service imo) but harry was such a spoilt little bastard
in the end, he mixed hollywood with royalty and it doesn't work. it worked for grace kelly in monaco because they're kind of celebs anyway, but not for us. harry's problem was marrying a d-lister, not an a-lister
and i'm so glad harry's crusade to be a prominent grandson of the queen has worked out. it's been lovely seeing him in the third row at his father, the king's, coronation
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omglr · 6 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like feminism, and feminist.
Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: feminist?
You: yeah
You: you?
Stranger: Same
Stranger: What's your name if you don't mind me asking?
You: Lizzy
You: you?
Stranger: Nice
Stranger: If you don't want to talk to me, I understand - I'm a guy and my name is Dennis
You: cool
You: what's up?
Stranger: Really? Many of the feminists I've spoken to hated me because they think I'm privileged - I have done everything in my power to stop guys from mistreating women
Stranger: I'm great btw, hbu?
You: most dudes i meet in this section either wanna hate on feminists, or they wanna meet sexually liberated women for sexy talk
Stranger: That's gross
You: yeah
Stranger: Yeah I'm not gay or bi, but that doesn't mean I want to get into every girl's pants
You: yeah
Stranger: If you don't mind me asking, who do you think you'd vote for in 2020?
Stranger: I'm a complete idiot and haven't followed the news at all, sorry
You: i'm canadian, but i'll probably vote ndp next election
You: which is a fairly left leaning party
Stranger: Oh nice! You're lucky to be out of the US with all this political bs
You: yeah, its scary
Stranger: I fucking hate the guys who are anti-feminist
You: but there are 3 parties up here and the left is divided into two, so sadly a super fucked up conservative will likely win
Stranger: The amount of derogatory insults I've gotten from them (not saying that the way females are insulted is less harsh, just trying to say I know how it feels), really sucks
You: yeah, some dudes have no awareness
Stranger: Do you have any advice on things I can do that indirectly hurt women?
Stranger: Wait shit that came out wrong!!!
Stranger: I meant things I can stop that have indirectly hurt women, shit I'm sorry for how that came out!!
You: i am still unclear what you mean?
Stranger: What are some things I can stop doing, that guys do, and is actually kind of hurting women
Stranger: One of my feminist friends told me to stop watching porn because many porn videos are 'rape tapes'. I listened and have not watched porn since she told me the logic behind it.
You: have you heard of the feminist porn awards?
Stranger: No, sorry
You: http://www.feministpornawards.com/
You: it's got a Find Porn category
Stranger: Oh wow
You: with suggestions of porn
Stranger: I had no idea that type of stuff even existed!
Stranger: That's kind of cool, how they're able to stop the hate with marginalized groups
You: made by people who have more control over the content they are in
Stranger: I had no idea, but this is actually amazing
Stranger: I had a question for you, ma'am
You: sure
Stranger: Please don't be disgusted though
Stranger: Is it bad (a lot of guys do this) to see pictures of a famous celebrity or someone, and then masturbate to it? I feel really bad when I do it
You: if you feel bad, why do it?
Stranger: I feel remorse after it
You: like, i don't have a solid answer for the morality of jerking it to random celeb photos, but there are probably ways to get off that don't make you feel bad?
Stranger: Probably
Stranger: But I kind of feel that jerking it to any woman without her verbal consent is bad, so I haven't masturbated for the past 6 months
You: lol, i mean at that point why would you need photos, why not just jack it in the shower
You: this story makes no sense
Stranger: It isn't a story
Stranger: In that case I guess I'm really screwed up
You: even the proud boys don't jerk off, so they can go out and meet real women
You: like, those dudes suck, but that sorta makes sense
Stranger: I'm not like them
Stranger: Just because I don't jerk off doesn't mean I am a fascist
You: no, it just seemed like not jerking off was a problem for you
You: and jerking off was a problem for you too cause of the lack of moral spank material
You: why not try dating?
Stranger: There's no point
Stranger: Literally no girl will be interested in me because of my fatal flaw
You: a weak achilles tendon?
Stranger: Lol haha
Stranger: A terribly small ____
You: lol, i knew this is where it was going
Stranger has disconnected.
text box final comment interupted: literally every dude on here either Hates feminism, or is "cool with it: and steers the convo to talk about their small penis
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