#I think she's in the DBZ universe rn but its been a while since I followed that AU's plot thread cause I have BNHA brainrot atm
vitiateoriginator · 1 year
Cringetober 2023 Day 2
credit to @sleeprann for the concept and awestin martinez for this year's prompt list
Day 2's prompt is "Self Insert"
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I chose to insert myself into Homestuck, because I'm still trash all these years later. Tbh self inserting myself into homestuck, or homestuck-adjacent scenarios, has been a long time escape daydream for me. I'm always thinking about how cool it'd be to become god tier and about all the trauma playing SBURB would cause lol. I like to imagine how I'd get along with the characters too. As a Homestuck character, I'd be good friends with John/June Egbert (windy buddies hell yeah), and I think somehow we'd both end up getting retcon powers and saving the day together (maybe I got recon powers first and I ended up in Homestuck proper thru shenanigans involving them? idk). I'd also be besties with Karkat. We'd develop some unspoken feelings for each other that don't come out until post-canon/Homestuck 2, and in the meantime I'd be with Jane til she decides to go for Jake/Gamzee and have Tavvi (who'd I'd eventually steal adopt as my son so he wouldn't have to have a fascist as a mother)
if you'd like to participate in the challenge, here's the prompt list
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#sma's art#cringetober 2023#cringetober#cringetober day 2#day 2#self insert#homestuck#homestuck sona#tbh tbh I fucking love making self inserts#Viti is my main self insert for most media involving humans and tbh in most she's still got her homestuck abilities#/maid of breath and recon powers cause I think its fucking neat#there's two separate AUs where instead of going to Earth C after the game with everyone timespace yeets them to another dimension/media#one she just straight up ends up immediately in the my hero academia universe/ dimension and becomes stuck there#and in the other AU they end up traveling thru multiple universes/dimensions trying to get home to her friends on Earth C#and she enlists the help of characters from those universes to help make portals or find portals that can send her home#but they always get redirected to a different universe instead of sending her to the one she's aiming for#currently in my vast expansive daydream world Viti hasn't made it home and might never get there#I think she's in the DBZ universe rn but its been a while since I followed that AU's plot thread cause I have BNHA brainrot atm#did I mention I was a maladaptive daydreamer?#anyways if anybody took the time to read these tags thanks. hope you dont' think my daydream/ inner multiverse world is cringe#but then again this post and challenge celebrate cringe so fuck it idc if it is or not#it just feels good to talk about my daydreams even if nobody reads about em or cares#btw Viti doesn't remain in Homestuck's artstyle when she's transported to a new universe. her appearance changes to fit in where she's at#if I could draw better I'd SO make art of them in the different medias they visit. alas I can barely draw people right as it is.#maybe I'll buy art of her in different styles some day. that'd be fun af
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