#I think my only two that're still up are Bugtrap and Void
Dark Jax: good or bad? thats a hard one... back before THIS? i was def bad... wanted everything gone! JUST like my pervious itterations... but that was a LIFETIME ago... now? i don't even know... but i HATE this jerk! and want him OUT as much as ANYTHING!... only way i know of, would be to make our fusion unstable! *meanwhile Xaster has Velvet's body rush Pitaya! leaping from whats left of the blasters! his plan? put Red Velvet in DANGER! make the heroes fight themselves to save'em!*
"Do you think if we hurt your body enough that it could make the fusion unstable? I need out of here but I want to help you. Or maybe we can have whoever Void was talking about to try and help, we just may need to knock this body out for that. I hope whatever's happening out there has gotten better..." Red Velvet thought out.
Dark Enchantress looked at Red Velvet (or at least his body) in horror, summoning anything that would contain him but not hurt him. "I will not let you hurt my son!"
Bugtrap fully crawled out of the trapdoor to focus on Xaster. "You go ahead, Enchantress. I'll try to deal with this guy!" he said, focusing his calming power on Xaster.
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