#I think ive been watching too many mlp infection videos
febrezeluna · 2 months
OKAY GUYS I NEED UR HELP people who are obsessed with Kremy and Gideon and Torbek I'm calling you I'm working on an AU where basically everything goes to shit early on and Frost ends up being a cult leader See sadly my brain didn't obsess over Kremy and Gideon and Torbek as much as Frost and Gricko so I've only been able to come up with their parts and not the other three SO uhh does anyone have any suggestions.. perhaps [if so please put it in my questions box or if you're a mutual you can dm me]
I wanna prefis that this probably mostly likely won't have many OUAW spoilers in it because I was planning on it taking place before they went to the Feywild but I don't know
THIS IS A WIP: For the story that I've got so far basically is that early on meeting Kremy and Gideon, Frost tried to get Gricko to escape with him since he didn't want to become a criminal, but Gricko was reluctant because he was actually making money and was able to support Hootsie more then he ever was before. They got in an argument, and after getting too overstimulated Frost momentarily lost control of himself and crushed Hootsie's mind.
Gricko freaked the fuck out and Frost fled. Gricko never forgave Frost. Years later, Frost had built up a psionic order, starting out first as a desperate way to cope with what he'd done, but it grew and grew. Frost is at the top of this power higharchy he's built and is praised for being able to communicate with the universe itself [this isn't entirely true]. They praise the power of unlocking your true potential by expanding your mind mentally.
Gricko now leads a clan of people who are hellbent on taking down this cult. It's built out of people who Frost has hurt from his actions and previous members who escaped early on. Gricko still doesn't forgive Frost, and although he misses his best friend, he is determined to stop Frost.
I'm not sure how Kremy, Gideon or Torbek fits into this though, which is why I'm asking, I don't have enough of a grasp on their characters as I feel I do with Gricko and Frost
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