#I think I'm very weird in that I really love masc Dean
egipci · 2 years
What are your views on bottom!John? 👀
HAPPY LATE DADFUCKER FRIDAY (or is it early Dadfucker friday?)
Anyway, love this question! As you know, I'm super infatuated with older angry, bitter Dean/young John time-travel shenanigans (and so is Jensen Ackles apparently lol), and I think that lends itself quite easily to some bottom John action. (Do yourself a favor and go read this fic right now!)
But bottom John in the main timeline seems pretty unlikely to me. I could see Dean (or a very self-assured version of Dean) wanting to fuck his dad (because his dad is hot or because he wants him to feel good or because he's mad at him or whatever other reason you like), but I don't think that would actually happen. In fact I think for a long time John himself would be pretty hesitant to penetrate Dean out of guilt but also because he thinks it's invasive or he thinks it would injure Dean's masculinity in a way-- and he really loves Dean's masculinity, I think-- and so that renders the reverse situation impossible. The only way it would happen would have to be in something like vin's au -- But as I said, John really loves Dean, and Dean's sex and masculinity are constituent parts of Dean, and I think there are many non-penetrative ways to enjoy him as a dude with dude-parts. <3
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seancekitsch · 5 years
Yay ships!!! I ship you with Remus Lupin, I feel like he'd LOVE to talk books with you and I think you'd be super sweet together! Please could I have a Harry Potter and a Star Wars (any era) ship? I'm a nonbinary pan (leaning more to masc people) who's had a rough past, but always tries the best I can to be kind to myself and others! I'm a drama student who lives for all the performing arts. I play piano, guitar, ukulele and I'm hoping to get a hurdy gurdy soon! I also love writing poetry! (1/?)
I'm a slytherin ENTP Wiccan who loves doing tarot readings for my friends! I never used to have many friends because I was 'weird', so I have lots of love, respect and loyalty for my friends now! I'm the sort of person you come to when you're stressed because I always have herbal tea on hand and can help you out or distract you. I love books and music and cosy nights in. No clubbing for me! But I'm up for going to a gig if they're a musician I like. I can be a bit oblivious sometimes. (2/3)
I have an emotional block where I cant yell people I have romantic feelings for how I feel. It's very upsetting and frustrating as trying to talk can be physically painful, but I'm trying my best to overcome it! Otherwise, I'm a very confident and passionate person (I almost never feel neutral about a topic) and I can be very stubborn sometimes too! (3/3) Sorry this turned out so long 🙈 have more remus: I think hed really love how you care for your plants and your personalities would work well!
Thank you!! I looooove my bb Remus!! Educator power couple!!!! 🧡🧡🧡
For Star Wars i ship you with... Kylo Ren!
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-your passion and confidence is what would draw him to you. He would see a similar fire burning in you to the one within him.
-Your loyalty, respect, and care for the ones you love is also something he admires greatly. Although he is much more of a loner, he appreciates the level of care and generosity you bestow on your friends, and he wants to be that for you.
-He loves to lay there and listen to you play music. Even if you’re just messing around or tuning things up he absolutely loves how peaceful it is and how relaxed it makes you both.
-in general, you’re a calming presence to him. Everyone in the first order can tell you have a positive affect on him.
-Youre both stubborn and when you get both of your minds collectively set on something, it’s a powerful and dangerous combo.
For Harry Potter I ship you with... Dean Thomas!
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(There are like..... no gifs where he isn’t a literal fetus so have this nice non moving pic)
-He would 100% be the one to pursue you even though you’re in different houses. He would definitely hop right over your emotional block by just letting you know exactly how he feels and letting you ease into it in your own way.
-He would always support you for any performance. Helping you run lines and bringing you treats and caffeine between days loaded with shows and rehearsals!!
-He loves how good you are to his friends and how that part of your personality makes your friend groups mesh so well as the relationship progresses
-He would love going to see live music with you, even if it isn’t one of his favorite musicians. He loves live music and it’s a lovely night out for the two of you.
-You can both be a bit stubborn, so i can see the two of you bickering, but it doesn’t last long.
(6/20) ships are open!
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