#I think I mainly stopped watching anime tho bc it just wasn't one of my top priorities anymore
nervocat · 22 days
I wanna get back into watching anime so badly guys
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lunarmothmann · 2 years
bc its fall now and im wanting an excuse to talk abt Halloween, RTC HALLOWEEN HCS!!
ive never done one of these before, but there's a first time for everything!
(these are all angst free! its all fun little ideas and stuff based off of my own friends back when we spent Halloween together)
tw : mentions of gore (nothing expicit, the word gore is just used a few times)
- Ocean and Constance HATE being scared. Constance will 100% start crying if she gets scared really bad, while Ocean will just fall on the ground and refuse to get up until the immediate threat is gone (even tho she is completely safe)
- Penny loves Halloween for the sole reason of scaring the absolute shit out of Constance and Ocean. she plans it out WEEKS in advance, and the other two dread it bc Penny can be really scary when she wants to be
- Noel also hates being scared, but he blows it off, despite always flinching whenever he gets scared. one time, Penny hid in a bush and grabbed him by the ankles when he wasn't looking and he screamed so loud that everyone outside just. stopped. and stared at him.
- Mischa, Penny, and Noel all love one thing when it comes to Halloween, and that's gore. We already know Mischa loves gorey movies like Saw, and Penny just has twisted vibes, but Noel has a dark sort of humor that makes it so he can enjoy the more grotesque parts of the holiday, aside from the more family-friendly stuff
- the whole group still goes trick or treating, mainly for Penny and Ricky's sake, but they all have fun
- Ricky makes everyone's costumes, he asks everyone 2 months in advance what they want and then goes HAM
- Penny picks the most obscure things as costumes. she's like "I wanna be a vacuum" and Ricky just goes with it
- Mischa has absolutely gone as Ash from The Evil Dead before. He wore it multiple years in a row and was pretty upset when he outgrew it (bc theyre teenagers and growth spurts happen). otherwise my man is always someone from a horror movie. Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, you pick.
- Constance and Ocean are usually pretty basic with their costumes, typically going as witches, zombies, etc etc.
- Noel is just constantly going as iconic women in queer media/cult classics. Heather Chandler from Heathers (probably the musical version), one of the Sandersons from Hocus Pocus (either Winifred or Sarah), etc. He's fr running out of ideas.
- Ricky is a cat. every single year. but it just gets gradually more realistic until it eventually gets CGI Cats level freaky.
- i feel like its a universal experience for someone to trip and fall while trick or treating every year. do I even need to say it? its Ocean. every year, without fail, Ocean wipes out on Halloween. she's mainly unphased, aside from being slightly scraped up, but now the whole group makes jokes abt when they think she'll fall
- they all have a movie marathon where they each pick one movie and just eat candy and hang out. they usually pick the same movie every year.
- Ricky picks Ghostbusters. I dont need to elaborate.
- Penny picks Corpse Bride. i hc she likes animated movies, and its a classic.
- Noel picks Rocky Horror Picture Show. like, come on. it makes sense.
- Ocean picks Hocus Pocus. it literally isn't scary at all (which is one reason why she picks it) and she believes its the "superior Halloween movie"
- Constance pick Nightmare Before Christmas. its just a fun movie that everyone enjoys, regardless of the "Halloween movie vs Christmas movie" debate that the group has EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. (they watch it for both. it literally doesn't matter)
- Mischa picks Saw V (even tho the movie he describes in rtc is Saw VI). he gets confused EVERY YEAR wondering where certain parts that he remembered are, never realizing he picked the wrong movie. nobody corrects him.
- it always turns into a sleepover, whether they plan on it or not. its either at Mischa's or Constance's, so its not an uncommon thing for there to be at least 1 random teenager in their house at any given time.
im out of ideas, I might make a part 2 eventually but thats it for rn :)
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