#I swear I'm already scuttling off again like a little tiny crab
plantdad-dante · 2 years
Book #49 - Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
(third? forth? time read, first actual end-to-end read of the English text, current copy has miraculously evaded all my attempts to follow fan tradition and drop it in the bath, douse it in iced tea or dripple nail polish onto it)
A post told in fun facts.
- I have held two book presentations in my life. Both books were either written or co-written by Terry Pratchett. Both presentations, years apart and judged by different teachers, have been described as "I can see you're enthusiastic about it, but maybe try to be more coherent next time".
One of these books was, indeed, Good Omens.
(I specifically remember trying to stir up excitement about it by mentioning there was a TV adaptation for Amazon Prime in the works. To this day I have no idea if any of my classmates ended up watching it and remembering "Hey, didn't the Weird Kid(TM) from Lit Class say this was gonna be good, like, two years ago?")
- The iced tea thing is kinda funny, actually, bc I held a glass of the stuff in the same hand as the book and then absentmindedly tilted the hand in the direction of the book, so the tea spilled out and I basically thought "Oh shit, the book is fucked now", but then I checked and there was nothing.
Well, except a puddle of iced tea on the floor...
- This is a book I can Always read. There is no state of mind, no circumstance of life, no Mountain or Valley of Depression that can keep me from reading Good Omens and feeling the radiant and quiet and hopeful joy eminating from it. Rarely does a book leave me with such a simple, uncomplicated sense of love and contentment, and maybe that one post I saw years back was right, maybe we all did need a story that just has a happy ending, without terms and conditions attached to it.
- Like a bunch of people, my sense of what day of the week it currently is has proven... shaky, over the last year(s). So it came as a nice surprise to me that , apparently, I finished this book on a Sunday.
- Finally, in the time I read this book I also managed to momentarily break my executive dysfunction - byebye reading slump - and I managed to clean up my flat a bit. This is pretty unimportant and maybe even unconnected from the book, but I am proud of having accomplished something, so there.
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