#I still haven't worked the guide voodoo doll or the guide's death via lava spawning the wall into this whole equation
nebulousboops · 2 months
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uhhhhh my guide and hero designs!! Well saying the guide design is mine is a stretch since I drew a lot of inspiration from @murderofsomeone's but he's got glasses! and boots! It's totally different don't look at me!
I. Don't really have the energy to explain my personal interpretation of their lore, but just know this; Asher and Nova were created by deities to be their "avatars" of sorts, so they share a mental and somewhat physical link with them.
You can probably guess who Asher is an avatar for, and Nova was created by a deity of the Aether to serve as its guardian. They're also both basically immortal, not aging and not able to die of natural causes. So they're kinda stuck together forever, not that I think either of them mind
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