#I should've mentioned Han and Marjolein meeting at some point
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@lekreb thank you so much for the procrastination support
First impression
I loved her. I didn't know how to say her name properly and was trying very hard to ramble about her to one of my friends the morning after the postie war act two premiere. My first impression can basically be summed up by:
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Impression Now
Tbh I've only grown to love her more. I wish I could say more but I've rambled so much about her on this blog I'd be repeating the same things for a hundred times.
Favourite moment
Am I allowed to say postie war acts 2-6 or is that too broad?
A New Dream in postie war act three is so precious to me. Marjolein learning how being a postie works, being curious yet also completely confused, HOW AWKWARD SHE IS WHEN SHE MEETS SARAH like "hi I'm Marjolein" when Raven then goes on about what posties are I cringe so hard oh Marjolein I love you-
Favourite oddly specific moment is her meeting Mucklepuck for the first time. I don't think I need to explain why.
Idea for a story
I am going to cheat a little and combine idea for a story and favourite headcanons into one answer I really apologise :(
Unpopular Opinion
I have to admit i am not the biggest fan of Marjolein forgetting Lloyd during her time in the hellscape. I rambled a lot about how I wasn't the biggest fan of how much the cabaret brought in linear time in a Raven ask I just finished writing, but this was just the icing on the top for me tbh.
Like!! I think she should have interesting feelings about Lloyd!! He viewed her as a daughter and only voiced that opinion when she offered to sacrifice herself for them and "was of use"!!! Talk about generational cycles of shitty parenting!! But the idea that she's just... Forgotten almost entirely? That it's almost as if the relationship she built with them in postie war didn't matter?? That the thing she remembers isn't the advice or the time spent or even the adventures, but vague recollections of what he looks like?
And then of course there's Lloyd wanting to rekindle their relationship only to turn around and say he's leaving in a year I do not like that either
Favourite relationship
I know I ramble about Marjolein and Sarah a lot, but I think it has to be Marjolein and Jill. The way Jill feeds into Marjolein's gaining confidence storyline and Marjolein feeds into Jill yearning for people to see her as her and not a "manic pixie dreamgirl" larger than life person? Yeah. Just yeah. I will cut myself off here so I don't ramble for paragraphs upon paragraphs.
Favourite headcanons/Idea for a story
Demon queen Marjolein. I've rambled about this on discord before but the idea that Marjolein accidentally became a demon queen while she was in the hellscape, either through a weird situationship with Mistress or because the demons looked at her and thought "yup. We want her to lead us now." And then when they're all rescued she just drops "oh yeah I'm officially a demon queen btw" on the rest of the posties-
As for idea for a story, a kinda rewrite of postie cabaret. Marjolein is in her whole demon queen thing, Jill also helps out a lot with magic and advising and stuff, and they get approached by Crispy and Toasty and Mistress panicked because "there's a bunch of people out to attack us and try and take you away!!". And it's a big comedy of errors where Jill and Marjolein help defend the hellscape from the postie "invaders" who are trying to rescue them from the hellscape.
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