#I should've done my homeork but did this instead
simplyalicee · 1 year
♡ Last Heartbeat ♡
Corpse Puppet AU by @sketchquill
Idea: He was deeply in love. Wally Darling, a handsome young man. Julie Joyful, a gorgeous young lady. It seemed as if they were the perfect pair, though love has blinded Wally from realizing that wasn't the case. In fact, he was so, so wrong.
Reminder: Quick disclaimer, this fic will contain one-sided love and murder!! While canon to both Corpse Bride and Corpse Puppet AU, I know this stuff is not for everyone! Potential spoilers will be ahead as well for Corpse Bride!! You have been warned, viewer. >:)
Julie Joyful, how does one begin to describe her? Her beauty is simply just breathtaking. Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous.. no words can even describe how extravagant this young lady was. Always wore her precious jewels and pearls around her neck. Always kept her long, blonde hair up in a ponytail. Always wore her most delicate dresses, everything looked so good on her. People all around town can never get enough of her beauty. She knows this and takes pride in it. How many hearts she's stolen, how many men have fallen in love with her. It was too much to count. She could brag about it all day if she really wanted to.
However, just because they fall for her doesn't mean she falls for them, oh no no. Julie is rich and wealthy, she shows it so through her outfits and precious jewels she wears. She has very high standards, mind you, and not a single man or woman out there has swept her off her feet. It was getting tiring, actually. Always having looks at her, but never returns them simply because she doesn't see them that way.
But it's not like she needs the love, anyways.
She doesn't need it. What she needs is gold, lots of them. Diamonds if possible, she wants it all. Sure, she's rich, but what she has now isn't enough. She needs more. More of that wealth and luxury.
And fortunately for her, a poor soul just so happens to fall in love with her, and have the money.
It was quite simple, actually. As usual, Julie was headed out when a young man just so happens to walk to her the opposite direction. He stops and looks at her, and right then and there, is already falling in love. For a moment, she was about to wave and walk off, but what caught her attention was the satchel of gold he carried. Was he rich, too? It wasn't easy to tell, despite being wealthy herself. She reaches her hand out and plays along, pretending to be swept off her feet by him. He takes her hand and holds it softly. With a small bow, he introduces himself.
Wally Darling.
An interesting name to say the least.
But that doesn't matter now. His name means nothing to her. For now, however, she played with his feelings and sent him compliments purely to toy with his heart.
It was like a fun little game. Except Wally is the pawn and Julie is the player.
And of course, all games must come to an end.
And that ending will be his.
Weeks go by, and it all came down to this exact moment. It was cold out, the moon sat exactly in the middle of the dark skies as all could be seen were the moonlight and stars. Wally stood nearby at an oak tree, he was ready to go. All dressed up in a tuxedo, taken from his father. It was true, you really didn't need much when you were in love.
He held his satchel of gold close, smiling so brightly as he waited for his beloved Julie. He never questioned why she asked for his precious valuables. Perhaps it was to show them off? She shows her jewels off, so maybe she wants him to do the same? Yeah, that seems fair.
The waiting was starting to get to Wally. He became worried. Did she get lost? Oh goodness.. did she leave him alone? To sit in the darkness? He knew she knew about his father being against their wanted marriage. He couldn't cope with that alone, but he couldn't bear to think of the possible scenarios of where Julie could be.
As he stood alone, there stood Julie just at a fair distance away from him. She alone wasn't dressed up, just in one of her fancy dresses. She wasn't about to ruin a wedding dress for this quick stunt. She stared, closely examining his posture and keeping low Incase he were to turn around. With a twisted grin and ax in hand behind her back, Julie slowly approached Wally. A few steps in, she puts on her facade and coughs to get his attention.
"Wally, sweetheart?" She called out, just managing to force care into her voice.
Wally felt his heart flutter, his stomach filled with butterflies. He turned to his feet and faced Julie, sighing in relief when he saw she was okay.
"Julie, my pretty rose!"
Ew, she hated that name.. she forced a smile and took a few steps forward, sighing.
"Oh, Wally.. you have no idea how much I've been waiting for this moment."
..Poor Wally wasn't aware about what was coming to him. His heart was beating so loud, being filled with so much love for his precious darling. He loved her. Wally loves Julie. But she doesn't love him, not at all.
"There's no need to wait anymore. We can run away, be somewhere far away. We can have our future, just to ourselves. Oh, Julie, I'm so happy to marry you!"
The excitement in his voice, his unconditional love for her was showing through.
Too bad for him, that was about to be cut off.
"Oh, Wally.."
Julie paused for a moment. She broke the facade. A creepy smile crept on her lips as she took out the ax that she hid behind her back.
"I wish I could say the same."
What..? No, no no..
Wally was taken aback. He quickly took a few steps back as fear crept on him like an incoming tsunami. That tsunami crashed, all was visible was fear and terror on his look.
No, he didn't have time to think. He needed to get out, and fast. Wally quickly turned on his feet to run, but he was stopped. Julie was quick to grab him by the arm, tightening her grip as she prepared to strike. Before Wally could think or process what was happening, there was a sudden sound that clapped through the air.
It was loud, causing Wally to flinch. He then felt excruciating pain somewhere in his arm. He looked down and screamed, seeing he was now missing an arm.
"PLEASE, STOP!" Wally managed to scream out in between his pained noises. Tears ran down his face, crying in so much pain. Julie took enjoyment in his cries, he should've stepped away when he had the chance back then.
With a sick, twisted laughter, Julie took the chance and shoved Wally down to the ground. He groaned in pain, trembling as fear and pain overwhelmed him. He was a sobbing mess, the veil covering his face as he looked up at Julie with heartbreak, fear, and betrayal. She stomped down on his leg, causing him to flinch and cry more in pain.
"Stay still. I'll make this as painless as possible for you." She spoke coldly. She made it very clear that she never loved him. She never loved him, and it now too Wally this exact moment for him to realize that.
"N-No, please.." He began to plead. Julie lifted her ax up in the air, staring down at Wally with a horrific grin.
"JULIE, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I LOVED YOU, PLEASE! NO, NO!!" Wally was bawling his eyes out. His heart beat faster, but not out of love. It was out of fear and terror. Oh god, he was about to die. There was nothing he could do.
"NO!" Was all Wally could scream out as he saw Julie slam her ax down.
Then.. everything went black.
There was no pulse. No heartbeat.
Oh.. he was dead..
Wally was dead..
Why him..?
It didn't feel real, he didn't want it to be real.
No, no.. he can't possibly be dead.
Somewhere, out there, he was there. It was pitch black. Was he in his mind? That would be far fetched, yet there he laid on the ground. Everything was pitch black. So much pain overwhelmed him, it was difficult to move. But eventually, the pain slowly began to subside.
Wally softly groaned as he slowly sat up. As he sat up, he noticed stitches on his arm that.. was chopped off.
His eyes widened. Tears flooded his eyes as he saw how horribly discolored his skin was. Once a cheery yellow, was now a dark blue that is cold. He looked down at himself, now noticing that all of his precious valuables were now missing.
Wally lost everything. Oh.. he really lost everything.
He couldn't handle this. Wally slowly began to sob as he stared at the ground in disbelief.
"N-No.. I can't be dead.. I can't.. be dead.. No.. please.. Julie, why..?"
Wally held his hands together tightly and held them against his chest as he sobbed uncontrollably. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart ached, his body was numb. What did he do to deserve this..?
He didn't understand. He didn't understand anything. Wally sighed with a shaky breath as he continued to sob. He slowly curled up in a ball. All he could do was cry and sob. He couldn't control his emotions. Tears kept pouring down until his head ached.
Wally loved Julie. She meant the whole world to him. She was the one who made his heart flutter. But now?
She was the one who made his heart stop beating.
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