#I should maybe have cropped them all to just Horus but I can only crop out that pretty face so many times y'all
laurelindebear · 2 years
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This is a Horus Appreciation Post
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Feel free to add your own gifs, pics, and art! <3
Image sources: 1, 2-8
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fanfiction-forlife · 7 years
Egyptian Gods in Korea
Hello everyone!  Oh wow it’s been a long time since we posted huh?  Well we are back with a new fic!!!  Its a Neo fic (N and Leo pairing from VIXX)  and I really hope you enjoy it.  Let me know what you think! This chapter is more exposition and not alot of action so I’m sorry, hopefully next chapter will be more exciting.  Thank you all for reading and sticking around I know we have been gone a long time but I hope this story will make up for it
 Pairing: LeoXN
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 here
    Time moves differently  for gods.  Thousands of years to man is mere days in the eyes of the divine.  Wars among men are mere blinks, love stories short clips.  This meant when you were an already lonely god among gods, that mankind was a painful reminder of how alone you truly were.  Our story starts in ancient Egypt, the dawn of the golden age for the gods of old, when many were still young and full of hope and wonder.  High above the great pyramids there sat a castle, gold and wood it was more beautiful than any temple or altar man could create for their lords.  Humans knew this and the gods revealed in the attention they got.  They were a family then, loving and happy, a time where no war threatened both god and mankind, where peace reigned and crops flourished.  When the old gods were young and naïve.  One such god sat alone at the edge of the great palace in the sky.   It was his first time looking down at man, as they worked hard and long for their pharaoh.  The young godling had tan skin and bright blue eyes, his hair falling just behind his ears lay black but silver at the tips.  He figured one day it would all be silver, like his mother’s was now.  To humans, he would look to be the age 10 but he had already lived a hundred years by this point.  His cousins all played together, laughing happily around the palace, their home.  He never felt like he belonged among them, felt alone.  Maybe that’s why his mother had given him the jackal, a pack animal yes but also lonely, and feared.  
    He liked watching the world below, for although this was his first observation, he enjoyed the fervor man put into life.  
“When you have so little time, you must use it advantageous.”  He thought to himself.  He smiled slightly at the idea.  Humans were so interesting, their feelings so pure, even when they hated they hated so purely, as if they could only wish to focus on one emotion at a time.  
“Ani, what are you doing out here?  Horus and Bast are in the gardens playing why don’t you join them?”  The young god looked up to his mother.  She was beautiful, almost more so than his aunt Isis, the queen of the gods.  Nephthys was a tall woman with tan skin like her son’s, her hair was silvery, almost like that of an elderly human but not course.  It felt like silk.  Her eyes shone like the Nile, dark blue but calm.  Her smile could lull anyone into peace and her voice was angelic.  The young god had watched his mother prepare many for death, calmly assuring them of their afterlife.  He adored her, she was safe, she was love, she was home.  Unlike his father.  He shuddered thinking of the god of change, storm and deserts.  Sett was a god of furry, of fiery passion much like that of man.  He feared his father.  
Nephthys walked to her son and sat, looking at man work and smiled softly to herself.
“One day, you will walk among them and take them to their afterlife.  You will hold the most important job of us all and when the rest of us fade and other gods take our place you will remain.  For all men die.”  She reached out and began to pet the young boys hair.  He almost purred with happiness at the thought of being among man.  Even if it was in the presence of death, death was eternal.  He was eternal.
“Mother, why was man made so fragile.  Why do they not last like us?” Nephthys looked at her son, contemplating his question.
“But Ani, humans are stronger than any god.  We need humans to live, we need their life and their love.  We will fade and disappear but man, man is eternal.  Remember that.”  The boy stared at his mother in wonder.  He had never thought of that before.  He needed to respect man, protect man.  For what was a god without those to believe in them?  He gave a quick nod to his mother and kicked his legs as they dangled over the humans below.
“Yes Mama, I will never forget.”  
Many years passed and the young boy was a full-fledged god.  He fulfilled his duty purposefully, collecting souls as his mother prepared them for their departure.  He was happy, he saw the humans more than any other god, he was able to walk among them, even if he was never noticed.  He loved man and always remembered his duty, no matter how difficult.  Every so often he would return to the palace of the gods to visit his cousin and relatives.  He cared for his family but he never really felt like he belonged.  The others were less aware of the human world, cared less about those they needed to sustain them.  
“Anubis? Hey where did you go? Still with us?” The god blinked and looked at his cousin.  He was different than Horus.  Where Anubis had darker skin and silver hair his cousin had pale skin and dark hair.  He had a friendly face where Anubis’ was sharp.  He was crowned prince where Anubis was the cleanup crew.
“Yes Horus, I’m here.  I was just thinking.”  He watched his cousin as he smiled, laughing off Anubis’ stiff presence.  
“It has been to long since you came to visit, those pathetic humans keeping you away so much.”  Anubis frowned.  He didn’t enjoy the way his family spoke of man.  They were incredible creatures.  More interesting than the gods.
“Now now Horus, don’t be rude.  Ani likes them.”  Bast smiled her catlike smile.  He liked her, even if she was Horus’ sidekick.  She was created to be his protector but they had been together forever.  She never acted like the servant she was meant to be.
“Yes ma’am.”  Horus’ smile never left his face, dimples making him look rather cute. Anubis knew he wasn’t sorry.  He didn’t really care.  One meal and he could leave, go home to the Afterworld and not see them for another few months at least.  
“How are your parents?” Anubis’ voice was quiet but firm as he spoke, he was used to dealing with his cousin.  Small statements, nothing that involved to much thought.  
“They are good, mother is being worshiped more than ever, as is father.  Seems the latest droughts have the humans worried.”  Horus looked at Anubis out of the corner of his eye, any humor seeming to leave his voice.  Anubis had noticed it too, many more were dying of late.  Many children.  The days were getting warmer and the rain wouldn’t come.  Neither would the food.  “Wouldn’t happen to know why your pops is creating such a fuss?”
“Horus.”  Bast scold landed on deaf ears.  So that was it.  Horus, and by extension Osiris and Isis blamed Sett for the plight.   They blamed Anubis too.
“I don’t speak to Sett, neither does mother.  He left long ago to fight the chaos beast.”  Horus didn’t seem content but the look he was getting from Bast screamed for him to drop it.
    That was the last time Anubis saw his family.  After the meal, he returned home alone.  His mother was gone and the day was ending.  He waited to see the sun chariot pass through but none came.  It was dark, a red hue that felt uneasy.  When he returned to the top world there was chaos.  The palace was gone, in pieces and falling from the heavens like stars in the night.  Humans screamed, animals cried, but there were no gods in sight.  No one to stop the carnage.  No one to protect man.  Anubis watched in horror as everything he knew fell apart around him.  The golden age of the gods was ending.  A new age of man was beginning.   
     Centuries passed and Anubis kept to his duties of collecting souls and ushering them to the Underworld.  He had been around to see the rise and fall of many civilizations, usually being mistaken for one of their gods.  Time passed and Anubis was alone.  At some point he found one other god he had known to be a recluse, Thoth the god of knowledge had been hiding out, protecting and copying all the knowledge he had accumulated before seeking out any other survivors.  Knowledge and Death, two constants of the universe.  On this particular day, Anubis sat in his home in the Underworld, a pool before him that was his only real view into the human world, lest he go on his own.  He had grown sad, watching the humans his mother had loved so.  He didn’t want to go see them if he could help it.
“Ani, you are being boring.  Why not come with me up top?  All the glorious things you can learn.  I heard that a few new planets were discovered and I can't wait to go see them.”  Thoth had taken to staying with Anubis, claiming it was safer if he had someone to help if something should happen.  Thoth had been away from the palace too the day it was destroyed, and it killed him that he didn’t know the cause.
“Thoth, I would prefer not.”  Anubis replied, absentmindedly.  He was watching the pool, waiting to be told who he should collect next.  Waiting to be told anything really.  As he stared, he felt a familiar warmth in his middle and frowned, watching the pool closer.
“Thoth, did you see that?”  The other god looked into the pool, frowning slightly.
“See what?”  There, a faint dash of red glowed inside one of the humans in the pool.  Faint but familiar.
“That light.”  Thoth looked at Anubis, tilting his head in concern.
“There's no light.  Are you sure you aren't imagining it?”  No, it was definitely there.  The glow of a god.  And not just any god.
“Horus?  Ani, you must be tired.  Horus died long ago, with everyone else.  There’s no way he's there, least of all among the humans.”
“No, it's him, I recognize that aura anywhere.”  He squinted. “Why can’t I see who it is?”  the light was there but he couldn’t see the body it belonged to.  He could see those around the human though.  He was with two other boys, one was tall, black hair and cat like eyes.  The other was blond, his smile mischievous.
“I must find them.”  Thoth’s eyes grew wide.
“Ani no, that's an awful idea.  you can't go interfering with the humans.”  Anubis looked at the other god.  Thoth was tall, his hair a sandy brown color, his face young and usually so full of joy, now held a hint of concern.
“You also want to know what happened.  And if Horus is alive in a human body then he may have answers.  I want to find him, ask him if he knows where mother is.”  The desperation in Anubis’ voice caught Thoth off guard.  He had always been content being alone, with his books and  ability to see the humans.  Anubis had been alone, with nothing but the dead for company.  He had always been so close to his mother and to have her ripped away-
“Alright.  But you must be careful.  Humans have fragile minds, who knows what telling them that their gods are real will do?”
Anubis took a soft breath, knowing Thoth was right but not really wanting to indulge the gods ego any more than it already was.  he nodded once to acknowledge his words before going to his room to pack.  He was going to find Horus and bring him home.  He needed to know where his mother was and what happened that night.
 A few days later and Anubis was among the humans once again, but this time disguised as one of them.  He knew his cousin was in South Korea, why or how he had gotten there he didn't know but he was set on searching.  He arrived at the closest location he could find to his vision.  A large building stood before him, stone and marble.  he walked in, looking around at all the people around him.  Everyone looked lost, new to this world as well.  Not in the same was as the young god but still uncomfortable in the environment.
“Hello.”  A cheery woman caught his eye.  she smiled politely and Anubis bowed his head.
“Hello.”  he cleared his throat.
“Are you here for registration?”  Anubis nodded at the woman who began typing on her computer. “Can I get a last name, then I can find you in my servers.”  Anubis looked at the small piece of paper Thoth had given him.  his human identity.  He repeated the name, a silly name but Thoth had done so much to  help him already he couldn't complain.  the woman typed some more before handing him a piece of paper.
“Here is your schedule, orientation is today for new students so just follow the sidewalk outside until you see the red building and enter, you’ll be separated into a group for foreign students and then be seated for the presentation.  Welcome to Seoul College, good luck.”  She ended with a grin and Anubis nodded before following her directions.  he was sorted into a group and sat down to listen to the speaker talk about how great the school was.  He was bored and scanning the crowd for a familiar face.  No such luck.  When the session ended he went outside and sat on the grass, looking up at the clouds.  this school was huge, he had been given a map to help him find his classes but reading it was useless.
Anubis wandered around for a bit until he saw a group of people surrounding a board.  He walked over where a student stood, answering questions and directing others.
“Hi, what can I do for you?”  Anubis handed over his papers.
“I cant find where I’ll be staying.”  The student looked over the paper before handing it back.
“Straight into that building.”  Anubis nodded and walked toward his dorm.
 After a long while of missed turns and dead ends he finally made it to his room.  Thoth had gotten him a double room, ‘so he could fully experience life as a student’.  He walked in and bowed slightly as he saw his roommate was already moved in.
“Hello.”  The man was laying on his bed reading a magazine before looking up at the newcomer.  The boy was tall, even sitting on the bed that looked to small for him.  His hair was short and a dark red, spiked up at the front.  He smiled when he saw Anubis and bowed back.
“Hey, you must be my roomie.  What took you so long did you get lost?”  Anubis could tell that the boy was joking but he nodded anyway.
“Yes, this campus is ridiculously big.  All the buildings and rooms look the same.”  The other boy looked at Anubis, almost dumbfounded before he laughed.
“Yeah, you’ll get use to it.”  Anubis sat on his bed, putting his backpack on the side and sighed softly.
“I have never felt so tired before.  Being human is exhausting.”  The other boy nodded in agreement and suddenly Anubis realized what he had said.  He tensed slightly, wondering how the boy before him would react.
“You said it.  Life is tiring.”  Anubis sighed softly.  Good, his cover was intact.  “what‘s your schedule like?”   Anubis handed his papers over and the boy looked at them. “Cool, we have a few classes together.  That’ll make everything easier.  My name is Ravi by the way.”  he handed the papers back and held out his hand.  Anubis took them and shook the outstretched hand.
“An…” he bit his tongue.  That wasn't his name anymore.  Not here, not on Earth.
“N?  That's an odd name.”  Anubis laughed awkwardly but nodded.
“Yeah, my mom use to call me that, don't know why.”  He fidgeted slightly, hoping he could get away with this mishap.
“Well, N, I hope we have a great year together.”  Anubis laughed nervously.
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ibboard · 7 years
New Year’s Resolution planning
I’m thinking about what I should do in the New Year. Maybe a resolution, but not quite. So far I’m thinking that I need to:
Learn more
Finish “Seven Languages in Seven Weeks” (which I started a year ago as something to “bash through” quickly to find other ways to attack programming problems and have only got half way through!)
Read the Humble Bundle data science books so that I can science data better
Read the Humble Bundle programming books so that I can program better
Read the stack of GIMP magazine PDFs that I downloaded for arty tips
Learn to touch-type better (I can “touch-type” quickly now, but I’m self-taught and I’m sure I don’t do it right, which means I struggle with numbers and sometimes get horrible “typing gibberish because I’m off by one” situations)
Game more
Do more painting of miniatures (mainly for display)
Try my hand at sculpting (I’m planning some clothes “fixes” for some House Escher models for Necromunda)
Get back into gaming in some way
Blood Bowl
Battlefleet Gothic and Man O’ War would also be cool
Oh, and maybe something with all of the many, many old games that my mum is looking after that my grandma found in charity shops over the years!
Get into more of the other tabletop gaming
Fluxx-like games
Empire building games
Settlers of Catan
Meeples games like Five Tribes
Play the SIX DOZEN games that I’ve bought through Humble Bundles and GOG sales/give-aways but never played
Read more stories
Read the Humble Bundle Horus Heresy novels that I bought
Read more William Gibson novels
Learn more of some of the major mythologies (I know very little Greek or Lovecraftian mythos)
Read the DC comic collection that my kid has (partly to see if I can cope with comics, but mainly to learn more DC mythos)
Maybe find something a bit outside that core “Games Workshop and Gibson” area
Do more photography
Sort out more of the photographs that I have
Learn how to crop and process to improve what I’ve taken already
Take more photos
Take more photos of more interesting things
Take more photos in more varied places
Do… more
Fix all of the little things that annoy me
Unsorted photos
Unsorted music
Software niggles
GUI theme niggles
Find and organise all of the sources I’ve got for useful stuff but can never find when I need them (like colour references for data sets, toolkits for specific effects, etc)
Do a thing that’s something and that has an effect somewhere, not just tinkering and minutiae
Just a couple of small things to do, then.
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