#I should go to bed really but I'm stressed about a big event tomorrow at work so I'm distracting myself lol))
revenantxprince · 6 months
((I might make Lu.ke Mit.chell Rohir's fc, and I'm gonna link the pic below that's pushing me to go with him, though I'm still not 100% certain just yet sfdghkjsfd
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skylarstark4826 · 7 months
She should have seen it coming; really. It was easy to see that the auction was a set up and just as the whole place went up in flames Sara felt being pulled out of the building by the strong arms of none other than Leonard Snart. She and the crook had decided to volunteer to go undercover in an arm-dealer's auction and of course someone really wanted the men dead. The host of the event, Jack Smith, was associated with Time Pirates and he supplied them with weapons of top quality that were stolen from military bases. But it looked like the military got to him before Sara's knives or Leonard's cold gun did. Both of them had fallen onto the ground as the bidders who survived rushed to their cars and fled the scene.
Sara lifted her eyes to look at Leonard; whose face was now covered in smoke and dirt, which somehow made his eyes seem that much brighter.
"What do we do?" Sara asked and prayed that her comm was not somehow damaged during the fire. The answer came almost immediately and the blonde felt relief course all over her body as she heard Rip's usual stressed voice in her ear.
"From the looks of it, the place will be swamped with police and I wouldn't recommend you sit there and be questioned; you can't show them a 2017 ID in 1996." Rip said and then Sara looked at the still on-going fire, even though she knew that no one that was inside could be saved. "I suggest you lay low and unless you want to walk two hours back to the ship… there's a motel not very far from the warehouse. In the morning we will be there once the coast is clear and we will be on our way."
"So blondie and Snart are gonna be bed buddies?" She heard Mick's voice and then laughter in the distance but after something that sounded like Amaya shushing him, it stopped.
"Okay, sure." Sara answered and heard Rip's sigh of relief. He very well knew that the co-captain of the Waverider did not particularly enjoy taking orders from anyone. "We'll meet you in the morning."
"Guess we'll be bed buddies after all."
"Checking in?" The woman who was behind the front desk asked. She was about 25 years old; blonde hair in pigtails and bright green eyes set on Leonard as she chewed her bubble gum. Sara was throwing her a killer glare and moved closer to Leonard; clutching his hand tighter. Even though it was all a show to not get unwanted attention now that they had managed to scrub the smoke off of their faces, Sara really wanted to hold Leonard's hand. She felt the steady beating on his heart through their touching wrists and at that moment it was a big comfort for her.
"Just one night." Leonard answered and the young blonde smiled at him as she wrote something on her notebook.
"James Smith and Olivia Miller." He stated with a grin and the woman's cheeks reddened. Sara felt her blood boil at the sight of the two but Leonard soon took a step back. "And do you happen to have any rooms with single beds?"
"Unfortunately not." She handed them a key and let her fingers brush against Leonard's as she did. "Enjoy your stay and I'm always at your service."
"Thanks but we can manage it on our own." Sara told her and basically dragged Leonard out of there.
After his extraction from 2014 and restoration of time, Leonard had returned to the team; memories from his time in the Legion torturing his mind. Sara didn't press him to talk about the kiss on the Oculus; instead she helped him any way she could to come to terms with the things he did when Darhk had control of his mind. Now she was going to have to spend the rest of her night stuck in a motel with Leonard.
The room was small; like very small. A king sized bed was taking up most of the space and across it was a small two-seat sofa. There was also a dressing table with a mirror next to the bed and a door that leaded to a bathroom with the basics and a small shower. One of them would have to sleep on that sofa and from the looks of it; neither of them would fit properly.
"Dibs on the bed." Sara announced as she fell on her back on the bed and let out a sigh of relief as she felt her bones melt on the mattress. Leonard eyed her before walking over to the sofa and sitting down; realizing that he was never going to fit in the furniture. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything and just took his coat off and then jacket; leaving him only with his shirt and pants.
"I'm going to take a shower." Said the blonde as she stood up from the bed and started removing the knives from her dress; placing them on the bedside table. When she was done she turned her back to Leonard and pushed her hair to the side. "Unzip it?"
Leonard hesitated only a moment before he let his cool fingers trail the zipper down Sara's scarred back until it reached its end; right in the end of her back. He felt his mouth go dry and his cheeks were blossoming with color and then Sara turned and flashed him a smile before walking over to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
Only when he heard the water running he was able to sit on the uncomfortable sofa and let out a breath he had been holding for way too long. But then he started thinking about what Sara was doing just a thin wall away. She was until the spray of the shower; naked as water fell crystal clear on her skin and he could just get up and open the door… He could walk in there fully clothed and press her against the wall and whisper in her ear all the things he wanted to tell her since he returned… But he couldn't… shouldn't.
The door opened again a couple of minutes later and Sara walked out of the now steam-filled room, wrapped in a towel that reached her mid-thigh and Leonard really needed to stop himself from wondering if she actually wore anything underneath. So that called for a very cold shower. Without a word, or another glance Leonard walked inside the bathroom and let the water wash away all the inappropriate thoughts he had about his teammate. By the time he walked out, Sara's towel had been neatly folded on the bedside table and the blonde had crawled underneath the covers. She watched him closely as he moved to the couch wearing only his pants and leaving his chest exposed.
Sara knew about the scars from stories they had shared in the past but she had never actually seen them. And now finally she could say that she wished she had had a chance to hurt Lewis Snart much worse than he had hurt his children. Deep scars on his ribs and small burns that spoke of old cigarettes on his torso. She vaguely saw the lines on his wrists; barely visible but her throat tightened only in the thought of Leonard… She cleared her throat.
"You can sleep here if you want." She stated and sat up a little and Leonard realized that she really didn't have anything on; at least as a top. He grabbed his shirt and only with a moment of hesitation he threw it to her and she smirked. "Someone doesn't want to be tempted…"
She passed the already buttoned shirt over her head and smoothed it a bit before lying back down and pulling the covers back on the empty right side of the bed. A silent invitation.
Again, he found himself just staring at the blonde for a long moment until he finally gave up and unbuttoned his pants; not being really comfortable with sleeping wearing them. Sara gave him an appreciative stare that lingered until he finally joined her under the warm covers and turned to face her.
"Fate must really want us together since we always find ourselves in situations like this." He said and Sara smiled up at him. Despite the awkwardness that should have been there, somehow… laying in that motel bed with Leonard felt nothing but natural.
"Sometimes fate has a way of pushing stubborn people together, Leonard." Sara answered as she glanced at the clock on the bedside table; 1.54 and she was exhausted. "You want lights on?"
"I prefer the dark." He drawled as Sara reached for the switch and soon enough the only light came from the tiny gap of the bathroom door. They couldn't see each other properly but the outline of Leonard's jaw and face could be seen, as well as Sara's bright blue eyes. "Makes things… easier."
"Was this your plan so you can seduce me, Leonard?" She teased and he didn't answer, so she took it as Leonard challenging her this time around. "Or is it easier to talk to me when you don't see my face?"
"Stop it. Stop with the 'Sara' and that stupid distance you have been keeping from me ever since you came back. I'm sick and tired of walking on eggshells."
He took a deep breath. He was trying to avoid that particular conversation for way too long even though Sara and he had talked about every other subject.
"I might have been a bastard when I first came onboard but not even then I was close to being the monster that they made me." He said and Sara heard the genuine hurt in his words. "I killed Amaya; Sara I killed Mick. I used to be heartless but not at that extent. I would have never hurt Mick or… anyone I cared about. I would have threatened to kill you."
"It wasn't you." Sara told him as her hand slowly reached for his and her slender fingers tangled with his. He felt a peculiar sense of bliss with Sara's skin against his; a strange comfort with that simple touch of skin. "Anything that Cold did has nothing to do with Leonard Snart and the man that you have become."
"Maybe Darhk didn't need to blur the lines that much for me. Maybe he just blocked my memories and let the old me do his handy work…" He trailed off and Sara squeezed his hand tighter.
"Barry told me when we met… that you were a bit of a pain in the ass back then, but I know that the mayhem you caused in Central and how you messed with Barry is nothing like what Cold did with the Legion." She felt Leonard squeeze back in her hand before he suddenly pulled it back and stood up from the bed. "Leonard what are you-"
"I just need some air." He announced and before she knew it the man had pulled on his pants and walked straight out of the room in the chilly night. Thankfully it was early June so she wouldn't worry about Leonard falling sick because he spent his entire night shirtless on the parking lot of a motel. Less than a minute later, all of Sara's self-control had disappeared and she was marching out of the room and straight out the chilly night.
Leonard was leaning against a pillar; head leaning back against it and eyes shut. Sara began walking towards him but at some point Leonard somehow heard her and his eyes opened; setting immediately on her.
He watched as the fearless assassin now resembled a scared woman more than anything else; wearing his shirt and tugging one sleeve as she balanced on her heels.
"Come back inside Leonard." She said and started to walk closer to the man. Her right hand was slowly lifting; she itched to touch him, to hold him and tell him that it was going to be okay. Because after all they had been through they were there. They were safe and they were themselves and they were together. So what was even stopping them from-
And then he was kissing her; hands tangled in her hair as his own snaked around his waist. He pulled her close; telling her with his mouth what he couldn't say out loud. He pinned her against one of the pillars and his lips were almost brutal in hers; trying to somehow show her how much he had missed her even though they had reunited a while ago. Sara whimpered against him; but soon they were turned into moans as he slid his hands to cup her where had been wanting to since the first day he met her. His hungry mouth started pressing open-mouthed kisses to her neck as Sara's hand tried to get him to come closer to her; more and more because his chest was exposed and she hadn't wore almost anything under his shirt and she just missed him so fucking much. A large palm found its way through the shirt and Sara almost cried out at the coolness of his palms against her heated flesh.
"Inside; now. I don't want to have to explain why we were having sex in a parking lot." She mumbled against his mouth and Leonard let out a groan but didn't make a move to let her go. Instead he pressed a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"Oh, so this is where this is all going?" He asked with the most teasing tone he could use and Sara leaned forward and let her hands drag from the bottom of his stomach and wrap around his neck.
"If you are game that is." The blonde asked and Leonard smirked. His eyes lingered on the bit of exposed cleavage; the blonde hair that were flowing free on her shoulders and her blue eyes that were mostly blackened with need that matched his own.
"I'm game… So game." He let go of Sara and turned towards their room; smiling at her disappointed sigh. Leonard felt her following him and once she was inside the room she closed the door behind her.
"Leonard?" She asked and he immediately turned as he relished the sight of her; disheveled with her cheeks reddened and lips swollen from his kisses.
He had thought about it. Hell he had been thinking about it since St. Roch; how she would feel against him, how that bad-ass assassin would be like sated next to his own body. But as he came to know her better these fantasies of him began to change; he began to imagine less of the physical connection they could share and more of… He thought of Sara's blonde hair sprawled on his chest as she slept soundly on him after a very tiring night together. He imagined her voice whispering in his ear that the second round was totally worth it before dozing off to sleep on top of him.
But no fantasy was as good as Sara in front of him in that small motel room; waiting for him to come to her. So he smirked and did just that. The woman let out a squeal as Leonard cupped the back of her head and pulled her in for a knee-weakening kiss.
"Bed." She groaned against his mouth and Leonard chuckled but complied with the woman's will. The smirk on his lips grew as he let his hands go underneath the thin material of the shirt and slide down her stomach and then- "Oh my God…"
"Looks like someone is impatient…" He breathed against her ear as goosebumps started to appear down her arms.
"Now it's not the time for teasing, Len." She whimpered; actually whimpered, and Leonard was quick to act as he slipped one finger inside of her and Sara's back arched at the utter bliss of Leonard's touch. "Yes, that's more like it."
He pulled her with him towards the bed and as he fell back against the mattress flat on his back; earning an appreciative hum from Sara who was quick to stand up with her knees in each side of Leonard's hips. She let her palm caress the man from his collarbone down to lower abdomen and soon her lips replaced her hands as she placed small kisses and nibbled her way down to the buttons of his pants. His body was exactly as she had imagined; all lean muscle and tight skin, and his skin was almost ice-cold before she managed to heat things up. She saw the scars but didn't linger on them; they were a part of Leonard and they were something that made him… him.
"I have missed you… I have longed for you so long, Leonard." She lowered herself until her lips grazed his ear. "Any person I kissed afterwards isn't a match for you… I want only you…"
He let out a growl as he felt Sara's fingers graze his growing erection while she unzipped his pants and helped him throw them out of the bed. She gave him another of these smiles before she cupped his face and pulled him in for a searing kiss.
"Enough with all of the teasing." Leonard murmured as his hands slid upwards from her hips and in the buttons of his shirt; slowly popping each of them and revealing more of Sara's bare and beautiful skin.
By the time he threw the garment off of her, Sara had been taking sharp breaths. She craved him for so long and she finally had him. After everything, Leonard had returned and now she could show him just how much she wanted that future with him.
"You wanna do something or should I?" Smiling, Leonard reached for her panties and took them off to join the rest of their clothes. "Finally, Len."
And then she sunk into him and that's all she needed, all she wanted. His body molding perfectly with hers as she was now joined with the man she adored. Placing her hands on the headboard Sara started to move; in a slow and torturous manner at first but Leonard's grip on her leaded her to a fast and hard pace which had both of them unable to contain their moans.
"Sara-." He tried to say but he realized that the heat of her around him was stopping him from even talking.
"Shh Len." She told him as she finally surrendered herself to him and let Leonard take control; flipping them over. "Just fu-."
She didn't get to finish because Leonard had done something with his tongue and then his fingers; something that had her screaming out her release almost painfully. Sara let her nails leave long scratches down Leonard's back, as she tried not to linger on the old scars that were there because she knew that it would be a total buzz kill to start comparing scars at that particular moment.
Less than a minute later she felt Leonard reach his own peak and then releasing himself with a gaping shout. Sara gave him another kiss; a silent thank you as he climbed off of her and lied on his back on the bed.
"That was…"
"Worth repeating."
He gave her a sly smile.
"Many, many times."
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - epilogue
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Summary: It's been a year and a half since their little baby was born. How are the two of them doing?
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: Is it the end for Penny and Walter? Yes, omg i can't believe. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. The story took a full 180 (especially because I intended this story to be much shorter lol), but I'm very satisfied nonetheless 🥰
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
Declan has a plan and that is to go outside. I mean, it’s kinda fair, since he spend a lot of time inside today. Not that he complained. No, no, no, he was an absolute angel at the salon—like always—playing with his toys, while I was at work, but now he needs some fresh air after we had a quick snack at home.
This little man is definitely as head strong as his dad, however he isn’t as stubborn as Walter can be.
Declan attempts to throw a ball at me and I can see there is some definite improvement. Just like any kid at that age, he is distracted like that. ‘Momma, momma,’ he says, pointing to a truck that passes by. ‘Dada!’
‘Oh honey, that is not his truck,’ I say, crouching down next to him. ‘Dada is gonna become soon. In his other car. His work car.’
Declan points. ‘No dada?’
‘Not yet.’
‘Dada home?’
‘Almost,’ I say to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Declan stops playing altogether, staring at the road, waiting for Walter to come home. His mouth slightly agape, as he focused on every car that passes by.
Finally his car pulls up and I exclaim: ‘There he is!’ When Walter gets out of the car with a smile that is only this wide when he sees us, I let Declan go and watch him wobble over to his dad. With one hand he lifts the little boy up and presses kisses on his chubby cheek. ‘I missed you,’ Walter says, looking his son in the eye.
‘Dada miss, dada miss!’
He chuckles. ‘That’s right.’ He walks up to me and says: ‘There is my princess.’
‘Princess momma,’ Declan says.
‘Give me a kiss, sweetheart,’ he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I press a peck on his lips and melt against his frame.
‘It went splendid,’ I say. ‘I actually got to do someone’s hair for an important interview and afterwards, she came back to the salon and told me it went great!’
He smiles. ‘I’m so proud of you.’
After Declan was born, I stayed home for about six months, acclimatizing to being a mom and those sleepless nights. It was hard, I cried a lot and I was very scared. I think I hung on the phone with my mom about seventy percent of the time, while calling Walter the remaining thirty percent. I have adjusted pretty okayish, especially when Walter went to work, made sure I have nothing to worry about.
No stress, providing for the two of us as much as he can and Declan and I sure are lucky that Walter is the love of my life.
My parents helped me financially to go to cosmetology school, which was an absolute blast. It was around fifteen minutes from my place and Declan was always allowed to come with me.
He sure wrapped everyone around his fingers with no issue at all.
While Walter still is that grumpy detective he was when I met him outside of our house, he changes into a big fluffy ball, shaped like a human the second the front door closes. No matter how tired he was, how long his shift was, he pushes it aside to take care of his family.
We walk inside of our place and I tell him: ‘I made dinner.’
While I’m not a world class chef, I do manage to make some decent meals, especially because I wanted to make Declan’s baby food, since my mom raised me with that as well (though I was no saint and had jars as well stored in my kitchen, just in case).
‘Princess, I’m so lucky to have you,’ Walter says. Once we’re inside, he places Declan in the high chair and scoots his own chair closer to it, a silent message that he will help Declan eat today. ‘Okay, little fella,’ Walter says, ‘you gonna be a good boy and not spill the food over me?’
Declan nods. ‘Deccie, good boy.’
I give Walter a kiss, after placing his plate and Declan’s in front of him. ‘He has been such a good boy at the salon today, so it’ll go great, I’m sure.’
After I sit across Walter, he asks about my day. From the looks of it, he had a rough one. Thankfully enough happened at the salon today for me to talk about. While we’re still working on improving him sharing more details, but I kinda understand. With Declan repeating a lot of words recently, we get a little bit more careful with what we’re saying.
After Dinner, Walter and I curl up on the couch after Walter changed into something more comfortable. Declan places his head on my chest, his eyelids growing heavier before he stretches out his hand to place on Walter’s chest.
I nuzzle against Walter’s side.
‘He is so cute,’ Walter notes.
I smile. ‘He sure is. He has your curls.’
‘But your pout and eyes. How can I ever say no to this kid?’
I shake my head. ‘You can’t, honey. I tried it today and it was the hardest thing in my life.’
He starts to chuckle softly. ‘You got nothing to do tomorrow?’
‘No, why?’
‘Can you come down the precinct? I wanna show off the two of you.’
I smile. ‘Oh my goodness, you are so predictable. Of course, I can come by. Maybe I’ll even steal some of my mom’s cookies, tell them I baked them.’
He chuckles. ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be lying when at the police.’
Declan stretches himself and whines a little bit. ‘Momma,’ he says, looking up to see me.
‘Oh, I think someone is really tired,’ I say. ‘You wanna go to bed?’
He nods. ‘Deccie tired.’
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Here, sweetheart, I’ll do it. You relax, okay?’ Walter stands up and after I gave Declan a kiss, Walter lifts him up and carries the tired little one up the stairs.
I watch my big buff boyfriend walk back into the living room and he places the baby monitor in front of us, before he sits back on the couch. That monitor basically is glued to Walter’s hand as he always checks up on his boy. I thought I would be the parent that worries the most, however Walter puts me to shame.
The two of them are as thick as thieves and it makes me so grateful that we have a son together.
‘How was work today?’ I ask him.
He shrugs. ‘There was a dad who left his kids in the car,’ he says, ‘in the burning sun, before literally running away. Took us two hours before we found him.’
‘Oh no.’
‘Yeah, it was painful. The kids are gonna be okay, but… It reminds me that Declan is a really lucky kid.’
‘Do those kids have someone to go to?’
‘Yeah, an aunt,’ Walter says, rubbing his face. ‘Come here, princess.’
I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on his lips. ‘I missed you.’
Walter smiles. ‘I missed you too. You have no idea how much it means to me to see you two in the yard, waiting for me. Especially after a shitty day like this one.’
‘You know you can always call me,’ I say. ‘Really, I always want to listen to you. You before anyone else, okay?’
He nods. ‘Have I already told you today that you are a very amazing mother and how lucky I am?’
I shake my head. ‘Nope, not today.’
He pulls me on his lap and gives me a peck on my forehead. ‘Just everything you do and say to him… It’s like you always know exactly what to do and you stay so patient and kind.’
‘Oh, Walter, that’s too sweet. I can guarantee: it’s all because you stayed—or at least pretended—to stay calm. Had you not done that, I would absolutely freaked out every time Declan had a funny breathing.’ I ruffle through his hairs and ask: ‘Have I been good to you as well?’
‘What kind of question is that? Of course you have. I’m so lucky that I have you and you and I have a family. There is no one else in the world I would rather have with me for important events.’ He places his hand on my sides, pushing up my shirt. ‘Give me a kiss, princess.’
I willingly oblige and press my lips on his. ‘I love you, Walter.’
‘Oh, I love you too. I want your honest opinion and really be honest, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I chuckle.
‘What do you say if you and I have another one?’
‘Another what?’
My eyes widen. ‘Really?’ I ask. He actually wants another kid with me? I mean, I always figured we would have more than one kid, but that would be in the future a little bit further away.
But already another one?
‘Yeah and I mean, if you’re not ready, then I totally understand and I won’t bring it up until you are ready, but I personally would love it.’ He smiles and adds: ‘I mean, two of the most beautiful babies running around here? Together with my beautiful girlfriend, who I’ll make my wife someday?’
I should not be squealing, yet I totally do. ‘Walter, honey,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘I’d love to have another baby with you.’
He starts to smile even wider. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really. I’d love for Declan to have a few brothers and sisters.’
‘A few? How many you thinking about?’
‘I don’t know. How about three kids? Or four?’
He starts to laugh. ‘Then you and I better get some practice in with some baby making,’ he chuckles. ‘Because this time it’s not gonna be an accident.’
I slap him across his chest. ‘Walter, what did I say about that word?’
‘Oh, right right.’ He gives me a kiss and says: ‘Declan wasn’t an accident, he was our surprise baby. Forgot.’
I place my forehead against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘Forever and ever, right?’
‘Forever and ever.’
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kyopmi · 2 years
Oh hi, I'm new so it feels like cheating to join your event but they're all so god! Damn! Cute!🤌🤌🤌 So I gotta shoot my shot 😚
Name's virtue🤙. I'm here for tr hehe. A bit about me~ I'm short, and complain endlessly about it. Like lots of folks here, I'm a hyper fixation queen and I regularly cycle through hobbies and interests when I run out of things to learn or hit like an okay level of proficiency. I cannot handle being with someone with a bad taste in music T.T I like to think I'm pretty fucking witty and funny a good bit of the time but I'm also perpetually stressed and tired heh.
Prompt: but you're my mess.
Ndkksncjfxkksemc thanks looking forward to reading the others!!! Sorry if it's weird that I followed literally this morning but like I'm selfish like that I wanna read your writing n see ur opinion okay thanks ily bye (Crown's was so cute rip suddenly a big fan lmao)
you've been matched with :
hanma shuji !
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after a long day and night, hanma wants nothing more than to get home, change and flop on the bed, preferably with his favorite cuddletoy (you). however, tonight he unlocks the front door to find suspicious rustling coming from the living room. his eyes narrow as he tries his best to silently approach , mind instantly wandering to you.
“y/n?” he calls out, waiting expectantly for your answer.
hanma lets out a small relieved sigh, following your voice to find you sat on the living room floor. you’re surrounded by a questionable amount of craft tools spread out, with you in the middle. (it reminds him of some sort of summoning circle)
a teasing smile grows on his face. “just what have you been doing, darling?” he asks, head tilted and arms crossed as he gives you a playful scolding.
you sheepishly smile back. “just trying out this new thing,” you admit, “i didn't realise it got so late.”
“it sure is late,” he agrees. he holds out a hand towards you, prompting you to put your hand in his. his grip is warm as he wraps his fingers around yours and pulls you up on your feet, helping you maneuver through the scattered objects until you’re finally standing toe to toe in front of him, looking up at him. “come on, time for bed,” he coos, bringing your hand up to pepper kisses on your knuckles.
“you go ahead, shuji, i’ll clean this up—”
“no, no. leave it for now. we’ll clean it up tomorrow,” hanma is quick to interrupt you, tugging you along in the direction of the bedroom and ignoring your protests.
you have no choice, really, but to go along with him. you sigh when you reach your shared bedroom. “i still think we should clean up the mess first,” you mutter under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear.
hanma’s chuckles at your words, his arms envelope your figure and pull you close to him. “it’s okay, baby,” he kisses the crown of your head, “you’re my mess.”
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hi hi, so sorry it's late! i hope you like it,, I've barely started writing for tokrev and im not sure if im doing it right😭
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 6)
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(chapter 6)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: kissing, language, violent deaths, fighting, angst, fluff, + nsfw
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Athena’s POV
Every night since I've arrived to the Capitol, I would go and sit out on the balcony after training. It's calming and sobering to rewind the events of the entire day.
For example, I had just finished telling Taeyong about my plans with Jaemin in private. I made sure that no one else, especially Renjun, knew what was going to happen. Of course, Taeyong wasn't too happy about me being with a boy. Or at least pretending to be with one. However, he said it doesn't matter to him, just as long as I win.
I also thought about how we were gong to be evaluated and given rankings tomorrow.  Rankings, ranked from one to twelve, are assigned by the Gamekeepers to tributes, after they are given fifteen minutes to show off their best skills. These are very important, since these are televised to the public and show people who they should sponsor.
I hear the door slide open from behind me.
"You here to kill me, yet?" I joke, seeing Renjun.
"Maybe." He shrugs, sitting down beside me.
We both stare down at the Capitol below. Watching as a group of citizens are walking, having the time of their lives. For them, the games were the most excited part of their whole year.
I speak up, "They look so happy"
"If I lived like this everyday, I would be happy too," Renjun says, matter of factly, "The food. The apartments. Who wouldn't be happy?"
Frowning, I state, "I wouldn't. Do you wanna know why?"
"No, but your probably going to tell me anyway." Renjun rolls his eyes.
I wonder what he truly thinks about the Capitol and the games.
"Haven't you seen the kids from twelve? They look so small and malnourished. I would feel bad for living like that, when there are others, like them, who can't." I shake my head.
"Where'd you get those ideas from? Jaemin? They look fine to me."
I begin to throw a pebble off the roof. However, a invisible force causes the pebble to bounce back into the balcony.
"Do you know why they have that? It's so the tributes can't jump off." I try to make a point.
He plainly stated, "I don't get why they would do that."
Frustrated, I ask, "Have you ever even thought about all the things you might not ever get to do?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know. There's so many things I never got to do. You know, all the things teenagers are supposed to do. Like first kisses and love and all that stuff." I shake my head.
"Probably cause no one has ever wanted to be with you like that." He laughs at me.
Sharply, I just reply with, "Jaemin would."
"Of course," He repeats to himself, "Of course, he would."
Taken aback, I inquire, "What's that supposed to mean?"
He just shakes his head.
"Okay, fine. Then, have you ever kissed someone before, Renjun?" I interrogate.
His nose wrinkles in disgust, "Ew, how did this conversation get so long and gross?"
"Renjun, it's just a simple question." I state, nonchalantly.
"Fine," He answers quickly, "I never got the chance to. So, no."
I let out a laugh of relief, "Well, now I feel better about myself."
Renjun just shrugs, "I just don't get why it's such a big deal."
"How can you know it's not a big deal if you've never tried it?" I suggest.
He stares at me blankly. After pausing to think about my words, a little smile appears on his face.
"Lee Athena, it sounds a little like your trying to get me to kiss you right now."
My eyes widened in denial, "No. I'm really not."
He just chuckles to himself.
Without carefully considering the weight of my next words, I speak, "Although, you did say you didn't think it was a big deal."
"And?" Renjun pressures.
Out of my mouth slips, "So I guess it wouldn't be weird if you did."
He looks at me like I'm dumb, "Are you even listening to what you're saying?"
"I guess not. Never mind, then. I think I'm really tired and delirious. I'm going to bed." I quickly muster out, before practically running back into the apartment.
I run back into the living room and up to my own room. I really think I'm going crazy. It's only after shut the door to my room, that I realize the weight of what I just did. How messed up must I be to basically come on to Huang Renjun?
Huang Renjun!
Someone who's going to be trying to kill me in several days. I just tried to get him to kiss me, even though I'm about to have fake relationship with another boy. Which, Renjun can not know is fake. Otherwise, my whole game will be jeopardized and I could lose all the sponsors.
Knock. Knock.
"Who is it?" I play dumb.
"Lee Athena, open this door." Renjun commands, sternly.
I let him in the room, before beginning to plead with him, "Can you just for-"
Suddenly, he just quickly started leaning in.
Closer and closer.
Then, he just paused from hesitation. It was almost as if he was thinking, am I really about to do this?
However, the next thing I did was the result of no thinking on my part.
I grabbed his face and closed the gap. Oh my god, why are his lips actually so soft? This is so wrong. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. Our lips just slightly touched for about eight seconds, before I moved away.
"Oh my god, did I really ju-"
Huang Renjun kisses me hard. This time, our lips began moving. He set a pattern and I just followed his lead. This time it felt less foreign,  almost natural.
If I had to describe the feeling, it felt like I got punched in the stomach, just without the hurt. Instead, it just felt really warm. I almost felt like I could melt into a blazing inferno any second.
It was one of the best things I've ever felt in my life.
He pulls back, studying my facial expression.
"See, I was right. Not a big deal." He coldly shrugs before quickly leaving. I don't stop him, either. This is what I deserve. I'm the one who walked myself into this situation. Maybe it's better, if I just block it out of my memories.
However, as I'm waiting with the rest of the tributes to be called in for examinations, it's the only thing I can think about.
"You look like you're about to throw up. Nervous?" asks a concerned Jaemin, sitting next to me.
"Just a bit," I lie, "I really don't want to mess up."
"Hey, it's okay. I know you're going to be great." He comforts, sweetly.
A mechanical voice comes over the speakers, "Lee Athena."
"Please, just don't kill anyone." Jaemin trys to ease my fake nervousness with a joke.
"No promises." I wink before entering the gym.
I look up to see the Gamemakers, where they had watched us during training. Luckily for me, District 2 is one of the earlier groups they see first. That means, they are more awake and still excited.
I walk over to a table, where I see a large assortment of weapons to choose from. I grab multiple throwing knifes and place all of them in my left hand.
I inhale and look at the human-shaped targets in front of me. There were two targets on the head, chest, and stomach. I inhale, before I finally begin my rampage.
One target after the other, hitting with perfect precision. Even after I completely finish the target directly in front of me. I continue randomly throwing knifes, all precisely hitting the fake-humans.
I stop after there are no more knifes left. Peeking up, I see the Gamemakers clapping in awe.
Although, I'm not done yet. No, I need to give them something that they have no choice but to remember.
I return to the table and pick up an axe. I look up and gave a sweet smile to the Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane.
Without looking at the target, I hold the axe behind my head, then throw straight at it.
Once hearing a thud, I smile in delight once I see it has hit the designated spot.
The groin.
With one last innocent smile, I make my exit.
"Oh my gosh, that was absolutely everything!" Doyoung gushed to me, sitting down on the couch.
"What happened?" asked a confused Renjun.
"I hit the target in the dick." I explained.
Doyoung cried out, "Language, Athena!"
"Oh shit, my bad.  I meant the no-no square." I tease. Doyoung is one of those people who are fun to purposely stress out.
"Athena, quit bullying Doyoung." said Taeyong with a hint of playfulness. He came in from the kitchen and turned on the television. Surprisingly, I see Seulgi following him in.
There’s a small part of me that wants to score high for her. Especially, since her outfit is the reason I have gained any support so far. I really don’t want to throw away the opportunity she helped provide me.
On the screen appears the host, Caesar Flickerman. One of the things he was known for was changing his hair color for the games every year. This year, his powdered-blue hair was styled in a low ponytail.
“As you know, the tributes were rated on a scale from one to twelve, after 3 days of careful evaluation. The Gatekeepers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional group.
From District One, Jeno with a score of 10. Also, Haechan with a score of 9."
Those were really good scores. Although, nothing unexpected from a Career.
“Then, we have District 2. First, we have Huang Renjun with a 10.”
“Wow!” Doyoung claps loudly. Renjun just cringes at the man.
Caesar’s voice becomes more high pitched, “Then, we have Lee Athena with an 11!”
Well, I guessed they liked my little stunt. Although, I can let this go to my head. Especially, since this means I have to be prepared for a huge target on my head.
“Well done, both of you.” Taeyong praises, content.
We pay attention to the rest of the scores. Jaemin received a ten, which I know he worked hard for. Compared to the Careers, the rest of the tributes were not as high. However, this doesn’t mean they’re not as much as a threat. Many people like to use a strategy of hiding all of their talents until they step into the arena.
We all head back to our rooms. Renjun, of course, avoiding any sort of conversation with me. I lay down on my bed and sigh.
Tomorrow, everything’s going to change.
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sunyoonandstars · 7 years
Hi! I'm also new to the family and I'm already in love with all of them, they're all so amazing , generous and gorgeous, that sometimes I wonder if they're even real ,you know? And I was wondering if there's something I should definitely know about the boys? Or something you think I should know? Thank you for being so sweet and kind to us all, you're the best!!
I can totally understand that you already have them in your heart! 💜 I was lost the very second I started researching interviews. They’re all just so genuine and amazing in their own ways. 
What you should definitely know about the boys … In general? They’re incredibly hard-working and dedicated to their work and fandom. They love us, their fans, and miss no chance to let us know how grateful they are for our continuing support. They started out pretty young, especially Jungkook, and have been living together since their trainee days (over 7 years ago). They also repeatedly stated – a fact that seems especially important to Yoongi – that they don’t plan on changing that anytime soon, even though by now they are surely old and ‘rich’ enough to be living by themselves. They consider each other family, they deeply care about, rely upon and are always there for each other. There is so, so, so much more, what I’m sure you’ll find out through watching interviews or videos like Run BTS!, Bts Gayo, Bangtan Bomb … 
And what I personally think you should know about each of the members for starters:
1. Kim Seokjin / Jin 
the ‘mother’ of BTS 
mentioned that he doesn’t like being misgendered, so it’s not intended as a nickname but merely as a description of the role he occupies within the group (he protectively cares for the members in an almost mother-like way [e.g. loves to cook for them] especially, the younger ones, and never misses out on a chance to jokingly lament over the fact that he virtually ‘raised Jungkook on his back’) 
DO NOT call him eomma/mom or ‘princess Jin’, as some fans used to because he does not feel comfortable about it! 
is mostly responsible for/adamant about keeping the dorm clean (or at least that was the case in their first dorm, back when they used to share a room and sleep in bunk beds. Now they have staff who regularly cleans their new, more luxurious apartment, I believe. Or at least I think Yoongi mentioned something similar in a radio interview/podcast once.) 
king of nagging 
he has a driver’s license 
family: parents + older brother 
Yoongi once called him a “family man” and an “ideal husband” in an interview 
Jin once stated that he would want his firstborn to be a girl and the second child to be a boy so his son would have a noona (older sister) that would treat him kindly and that the boy could look up to since he was often being teased by his hyung (older brother) 
last year his parents gifted him the most adorable pet sugar gliders 
BROAD SHOULDERS (especially for Korean standards apparently)
considers his face (jokingly?) his greatest asset 
but underneath it all he is still very insecure (I believe)
likes hearing others call him cute or handsome 
loves doing aegyo 
actually needs (rather strong) glasses but doesn’t like wearing them because he can’t feel confident when doing so 
recently seems to ponder beginning his a career as a hairstylist??? 😳
should stay away from scissors in the future … 
has the most genuine, beautiful, infectious, hilarious windshield laugh 
often laughs until he literally tears up 
because he freaking loves to laugh
and even more to make others laugh 
does not mind making a fool of himself in doing so 
was literally cast off the street 
a member of the staff spotted him walking by and reportedly started running after him because he was so handsome even back then
graduated from college (majored in acting) 
alongside RM (Namjoon), he is considered the worst dancer of BTS
yet he is among the hardest-working members because he previously didn't have any kind of background/experience in either dancing or singing (was cast as a ‘visual’) 
and because of that he is very hard on himself 
has improved a lot since debut 
but is not being given enough credit, appreciation, and lines
he loves cooking and food and eating
and once was put on a heartbreaking diet (like all idols at some point, probably, but still, it must’ve been incredibly hard on him) and was repeatedly told by his managers he was fat/chubby 😤 (WHERE? I demand to know…) 
SIGNATURE: enthusiastically blowing kisses upon kisses upon kisses + HEART EVENTS 
because he is simply the sweetest angel there is
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2. Min Yoongi / Suga
the grumpy grandpa of BTS 
but also more of a ‘father’ 
because he is practically the dorm’s handyman (usually responsible for changing light bulbs and stuff)   
good at working with his hands and fixing things (which RM previously broke …) 
MOTIONLESS MIN (because on his [rare] days off he likes to do literally nothing)
strives to be stone in his next lifetime 
likes to sleep (A LOT) and is always tired
can literally sleep anywhere 
probably because he likes to work/is especially creative at night (once said most his songs are produced between midnight and 6:00am) 
insanely talented lyricist/rapper/producer 
actually did not audition to become an idol but to become a producer at Big Hit and work behind the scenes 
claims he got his stage/nickname ‘Suga’ because of his pale complexion and his sweet smile (’wanted to promote sweetly’) 
despite his ‘bad boy’ image/attitude (especially on-stage) 
his hometown is Daegu (which is what the ‘D’ in AGUST D stands for) 
his family also consist of parents + older brother 
he moved to Seoul on his own back pre-debut 
starved for a few months so he could keep on producing/working on his music and career while living off of under-payed part-time jobs 
during that time he developed anxiety (suffered several attacks, even in BTS’ earlier days after debut) and depression (which he openly addresses on his AGUST D mixtape. If you haven’t already you should really give it a listen and study the translated lyrics.) 
writes/composes songs every day and can do so everywhere, even in crowded public places 
he relieves stress through writing/composing songs 
doesn’t like going outside and repeatedly stated he ‘doesn’t like people’ (I believe he refers to being around many strangers/in crowded and loud places)
prefers to stay at home 
so his ideal date would also be a comfortable night in 
Yoongi is usually on the quieter side 
but when he speaks up, damn, you can be sure he has something to say 
wise beyond his age 
great common/general knowledge 
very outspoken and straightforward  (’savage Suga’/’savage Yoongi’) 
so it’s his task to openly scold the younger members and call them out on their questionable behavior 
does have his silly/hyped-up moments, though 
and they are priceless
can occasionally actually let loose 
but it happens rather rarely 
always seems to be very observant and contemplative 
tends to overwork himself and neglect self-care/sleep/his health (forgets to eat/skips a lot of meals) 
his studio is called the ‘Genius Lab’
seems to regularly put himself on a diet?? he seems to be getting skinnier and skinnier, or is it only me, guys?? 
claims he doesn’t give a shit
but he actually does 
cares a lot about the people close to him, simply doesn’t show it so obviously 
does not seem too big on showing it through physical contact, too (once said himself in an interview that he wouldn’t be the kind of boyfriend to hold hands or put his arm around his s/o’s shoulder in public because he isn’t the sweet kind of boyfriend like that) 
takes care of them ‘behind the scenes’/’in secret’ 
beneath the gruff exterior, he’s just a huge softie 
used to play basketball in high school and was quite good at it, too
he is second smallest in the group (a few centimeters taller than our mochi Jimin)
which sometimes leads him to jump in order to get into the frame when they are taking group shots at award shows and such (it’s adorable) 
does not particularly enjoy physical activities and the way they tire him out 
loves meat 
can actually cook quite well but isn’t as vocal about it as Jin 
also takes cooking very seriously (see Run BTS! Ep. 36, for example) 
tends to speak in Satoori dialect when he’s nervous 
doesn’t consider himself handsome/charming 
wants to become even more successful and for his music to reach as many people as possible 
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Waaaah ….. These turned out longer than expected. I’ll do the other members, too, later on, sweet anon. And maybe repost this as a real headcanon or something tomorrow. For now I, unfortunately, have to go to sleep because it’s 02:30am here and I have to get up in 4 hours … 😁
I hope this helped/was at least close to what you imagined, anon! Take care and feel free to message me anytime!! 💜
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