#I see sunoh's dimple and I cri
nokhwa · 2 years
Started rewatching so I could annalyse and understand everything but the moment this blond bitch shows up I'm all "te-hee 😜💗"
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jaehyunspeachparty · 3 years
nsf the children's rection to jaehyun and y/n making out
warnings: lighlty smut, heavy make out
It was a September evening and school had started again. Jaehyun and you were just getting to know the twins' new teachers and had discussed everything for the new school year. Miga had taken care of the little ones while you were at school. The information evening had lasted for a while and Jaehyun was getting a little bored. He was already stroking the whole side of your hands and thighs very sensually and it almost felt wrong that he do that, after all, you were in school. "You're killing me," you say when you are back in the car. Jaehyun grinned, his lips pressed together and his dimples appear on his cheeks. "I don't know what you mean," he then says and started the engine. "I think we've been married long enough that I know if you're horny." You look at him while he drove off and somehow you feel like everything tingled inside you. "Oh no no no..." He grinned and drove on. It wasn't a long way home by car as the school was close to your home. "Okay, then not, but you already know that when we come home the children are still awake, they might want something to eat and we won't have time for us two for 3 to 4 hours." You shrug your shoulders and see Jaehyun open the garage door. "Y/N ..." He sighed even though it sounded a bit like a moan. Then he parked the car and you get out, but at that moment he took your wrist and pulled you to him. His lips found yours and he picked you up so you were sitting on the hood. You reach over his white shirt and unbutton it. It got hot between you and you were so close to doing it here but suddenly the door opened. "Mum? Dad? I heard how the garage ..." Miga came into the garage and suddenly she couldn't speak. Jaehyun and you turn around frightened and see how your daughter froze. "Yuk. That's gross. We're right next door, how can you?" She shook her head and scolded you at the same time. Jaehyun buttoned his shirt and you straighten your dress. You clear your throat and look at each other. "I think we should go in there."
Sunoh wanted to spend every day with Chichi, he was so in love. But especially at the beginning of the relationship, Yuta didn't want Sunoh to stay with her and vice versa. Sometimes he would sneak out at night, especially when you and Jaehyun were on a date and Miga was babysitting the twins. Most of the time Miga called her friends in the evening and so she was inattentive and so he could easily go out of the house. So he crept to Chichi in her room to be with her, to feel her. But at some point, he had to go home, because neither Yuta nor Jaehyun and you should catch him. When he got home everything was already dark and he saw your car, so he thought that you were already in bed. He wanted to go to the bathroom downstairs because he was afraid of waking someone up if he went to the bathroom upstairs. But it turned out that it was a mistake. Sunoh opened the door and the first thing he saw was his father's naked back and your hands clenched on his shoulders. You sat at the sink and were right in the middle of the action. At first, you don't realize that Sunoh was in the room. But you hear a gasp and then slam the door. Then he couldn't look you in the eye for a week.
The twins:
Kiwoo and Geon were older and, as always, there were two of them. Although they looked the same, they were of different characters. But still, they do always everything together. But even so, it sometimes happened that they fight. Especially with her favorite hobby, video games. That was most of the reason they started arguing and it could get really wild at times. Kiwoo was so mad that he lost, that he took Geon's controller and threw him against the wall. The controller was broken, of course, and Geon was getting angry too. But Geon was much gentler than his twin brother and so he often responded to anger with tears. He ran off crying and opened the bedroom door. However, Jaehyun and you were in the mood. You thought the children were asleep or busy. And until now you always had a good sense of time, but you weren't prepared for your children to come to you without knocking. Jaehyun had his hand under your shirt and your lips were tight together, you couldn't get to the next step... thank God. "Mummy ... Kiwoo has ..." Geon cried, but he stopped when he saw you. Kiwoo came along and froze too. Jaehyun was still lying on top of you and didn't quite know what to do. "What did I tell you about knocking on doors before you went in?" Your voice got a little louder and you pull the covers over you as Jaehyun climbed down from you. "Ugh..." Geon called. "You can’t do that, you are really old," said Kiwoo and shook his head in disgust. "OUT", you yell and the twins ran out of the room.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
daddy jaehyun
iv.xli. (m)
When Jaehyun was opening his emotions and feelings, it took him a lot of strength. After she was at the playground and he was so honest and vulnerable, he was totally clingy for the rest of the day. He clung to the children, to you, and needed so much attention that it was actually cute. However, this change in his mind and that he was no longer too jealous has a reason. Since his mother was in a coma, he saw many things differently.
In the evening you were in bed with Jaehyun. Sunoh and Miga were already asleep, but the twins were still awake. You are lying in his arms, he also had Kiwoo in his hand and you are breastfeeding Geon. "Can you believe the two have been almost 5 months?" Jaehyun looks at Kiwoo and smiled. "I don't really want to think about it that much. They're growing too fast for me and they're our last babies." You sigh and stroke Geon's head. "Would you like to have more children?" Jaehyun then asked. "I think after the twins my body will not be able to cope anymore. As much as I would like to have a whole bunch of children with you, I think that we are a nice size of a family now." You smile and look up at Jaehyun. "That's right, now we can all pay enough attention. With more it becomes more difficult." Jaehyun sighed and stroked his thumb over Kiwoo's back, who was already staring tiredly into space. "Sometimes we don't quite make it. Sunoh sometimes feels neglected." Sunoh's jealousy has already diminished, but he would like to have all of your time. "But Sunoh learns like Miga. In the beginning she didn't want to have a sibling and now she is the loveliest big sister." Jaehyun had to smile because Miga has developed so incredibly. "Do you remember when we bought such a cupcake that was colored inside what gender Sunoh will be, when I was pregnant with him?" Those times seemed so unbelievably forever ago to you. "Yes, Miga started crying because she didn't want a brother." Jaehyun had to laugh, it was all so unreal. Miga has developed so strongly in character. "At the very beginning she couldn't even bear the thought that there was another child coming. And she even hit my pregnant belly because she was so mad." You had to laugh, that was so unrealistic now. Miga was 3 years old when you were pregnant with Sunoh and she was spoiled to get all the attention. "And when you were pregnant with the twins, she was totally caring." Jaehyun looked down at Kiwoo, who was slowly closing his eyes. "And now, Sunoh and Miga are really close too. I hope the kids will always be like best friends. It would break my heart if they would fight." It was important to you that the four always have each other, that they can always rely on each other. "Yes, I wish that too." Jaehyun came with his head further down to you and he put his lips gently on yours. You kiss for a while, but then you hear a squeak. Geon was fed up and wanted to attract attention. You put your breast back into the shirt and Jaehyun looks at his son with a smile. "Well? Are you full? Did it taste good?" Geon then started laughing and it was so contagious that you both had to laugh too. You take Geon with you and you two reminisces until the last baby has fallen asleep. You lay the two on the addition of the bed, on your side and watch them. "They are so cute," you say, looking at the two. "Yes, really. I can hardly get enough of them." Jaehyun grinned and put his arm around your body. "You make really pretty babies," you say and turn to him. "I am not alone responsible for this." Jaehyun grinned and put his hand over your cheek. "But your beautiful DNA is very strong." You grin when Jaehyun was suddenly over you. "Don't act like this, without your beautiful DNA the kids wouldn't be so perfect." He was suddenly very close to you. You can feel his breath on your neck and when his moist lips touched your skin, you moan softly. His hands brushed your entire upper body until his palms were under your shirt. He took your fingers between your swollen nipples and because you were so sensitive there, your whole body twitched. Jaehyun loved it when you react that way to his touches. He pushed your shirt over your chest and kissed your roots. He pushed his right hand into your panties and began to massage your pearl. He was so gentle and loving and it was driving you crazy. You got so wet that you could hear his movements between your folds. "Mhmm, I like it when you get wet so quickly." Jaehyun grinned and pulled your panties down completely so that you were free below. Jaehyun knelt between your legs and stroked his middle while he looked at your pussy. He was hypnotized and you wonder why he was still so fascinated, after all, you've been together for 9 years. "Are you just staring or are you doing something too?" You ask with a grin. Jaehyun smiled gently, his dimples appear and he immediately pulled down his sweatpants and placed himself between your legs. He leaned down to you and buried his face in your shoulder. He slowly pushed his length into you and you two start to moan. And when he moved inside you everything was gentle and passionate. "You feel so good," he moaned and his pelvis pushed deeper into you. You look at him with big eyes and kiss him. You were so close to each other. The sex was so intimate, so full of love. But when Jaehyun turns to one side, he suddenly freezes. You hear a low sigh and you see Geon briefly open his eyes. You stop and feel caught, you didn't know what to do. But Geon closed his eyes again. Still, it felt weird to go on like this. "Come on, let's continue in the bathroom," said Jaehyun, lifted you up and carried you to the next room, where you could continue in peace.
In the morning you and Jaehyun prepare the food for the children again. Jaehyun gave Sunoh and Miga a cocoa. You carry Kiwoo in your arms while Jaehyun put Geon in the child seat. "I thought, now that Kiwoo and Geon are sleeping through the night, that we might let them sleep in their room. You usually only breastfeed them in the evening and then in the morning anyway." Jaehyun looked at you while he cut the strawberries. "Do you think this is a good idea?" You look down at Kiwoo, who is clutching you tightly. "With that addition by the bed, it is getting tight for both of them. They are constantly kicking each other because the have been grown so much. Besides, it slowly gets awkward when we next to them ... you know ... do adult things. They just notice a lot more." Jaehyun looked at you seriously and you have to agree with him. "Yeah, it don't feel right doing it beside them. We could fix the room today and try it this night." You smile and so do Jaehyun. "That sounds like a great plan." He kissed you and took the plates to serve Miga and Sunoh. "Bananas!" Sunoh started to grin and was finally happy to eat something. You had prepared a fruit platter for the children and Sunoh has been loving bananas lately. "Yes exactly, especially for you," said Jaehyun and stroked Sunoh over his hair. "I prefer strawberries," said Miga and immediately stuffed one of them into her mouth. "Good Morning!" Mia and Xiao Jun came to you and both still looked tired. "Morning! Coffee is already on the table." You point to it, but Mia came to you anyway. "Shall I take the little one from you?" She stroked Kiwoo's head gently and you hand her your boy. But he didn't liked the idea. He immediately started to cry, but not the typical cry when he was hungry or unhappy. He screamed as loudly as he could. His crying echoed across the room. "Mummy ... loud," Sunoh said, covering his ears. "Is Kiwoo sick?", Miga immediately asked her father and she was worried. You take your boy back to you immediately and he became calm again. "What was that?" Mia asked worried. She had taken care of him so many times and he had never cried like this. "Is he beginning to no longer want to see anyone else than his parents?", Jaehyun asked and looked at you in wonder. Sunoh was the same at that age as he acted like this. At 5 months this can be a typical behavior. It was worse with Sunoh because he only wanted to be with you and not even with his father. "Well then, you stay with me." You kiss Kiwoo on the tip of his nose and he laughed again. Geon meanwhile had turned his attention to something else. He held out his hands towards Miga's plate. He babbles something and Miga thought he understood what he wanted. "Daddy, can I give Geon a strawberry?" She looked intently at her father with her dark eyes. Jaehyun and you look at each other in surprise. Before that, he wasn’t interested in solid food. "Yes, try it," said Jaehyun then and Miga immediately took a piece and put it in the little hands of her little brother. Geon still had some difficulty grasping it, but Jaehyun then fed him. You are excited to see how Geon would react. But when he ate the strawberry, he began to grin and laugh. "I think he likes it," said Xiao Jun and laughed. "I think I'll cut a few for him." Jaehyun got up and went back into the kitchen. It was a really nice morning. You had so much fun watching Geon eat the strawberries. Your sister was there, everything went harmoniously between you and Jaehyun and the children were happy. But then the doorbell rang. Xiao Jun offered to open it, and in the end it was just a postman who brought something. But when he came to you with a large bouquet of red roses, you looked at each other in surprise. "Roses? Who are they for?" Mia asked, but you can already guess what happened here. Jaehyun also knew that that couldn't mean anything good. "There's a card inside ... it's for the Y/N," Xiao Jun said, but Jaehyun immediately took the card. "Can you two take care of the children for a moment?" He asked and Mia and Xiao Jun nodded. Jaehyun waved you into the living room and with Kiwoo in your arm you follow him. "It's probably from him ... isn't it?" You ask and you got nervous. "I'm afraid so. It is he who always sends you red roses." Jaehyun sighed and opens the envelope. There was a photo inside where you were eating with Doyoung. When he turned it it said "Does Jaehyun know about it?" "That idiot has no idea about our relationship." Jaehyun got incredibly angry. "He followed and monitor me." You stare at Jaehyun and you couldn't believe, that it was starting all over again. "If I only see him once, then ..." Jaehyun's chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. But the next moment your phone rang. With your free hand, you pick it up and look at the name. "Who is it?" Asked Jaehyun curiously. "Doyoung."
daddy jaehyun masterlist 
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
a/n: okay, this is just a try, this scenario stucked really long in my head. If it’s weird that I write about the children who are now older, it’s also okay. But I would be really curious about what you guys think? Should I write more of it?
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"I can't believe we're sitting here." Jaehyun sighed and tipped his fingers nervously against the wooden armchair. "Surely there is an explanation." You had to admit that you were nervous too. This has never happened to any children before. "What should he explain to us? He is 14 years old and hit an 18-year-old." Jaehyun was really angry with his son. You got a call from the school an hour ago saying Sunoh was involved in a fight. He had knocked down an 18-year-old student in the schoolyard and the school management is not very happy with it. "I should never have taken him to boxing." Jaehyun crossed his arms and you look at him with concern. "No, he has to live out his energy somewhere. Besides, you, Sunoh and Kiwoo, always have so much fun with it." The three went to boxing at least once a week and have been doing it regularly for a year. It was important to strengthen their relationship even more.
"You shouldn't have done that. Mum will be totally disappointed and sad." Miga looked at her brother and sighed desperately. Chichi now holds a pack of ice on Sunoh's hand. "You could stop dating such idiots. Dad will be totally disappointed." Sunoh looked annoyed at his big sister and clenched his fist again. "Sunoh let your hand loose." Chichi tried to patch up his wounded hand, but it was not easy for her. What Sunoh didn't know, but Miga did, she's been in love with him for a year. But she was so shy that she didn't dare to say anything to him. Miga was the only one who knew Chichi’s secret because she already knew the girl so well and recognized her love to Sunoh immediately. But the boy wasn't ready for girls yet, though he was the crush of all the girls in his class. "Still, you can't solve things by force." Miga crossed her arms and tried to play the big sister now. Sunoh said nothing and just stared into space. "Sunoh come, your parents are here." The director of the school came and Sunoh got up and Miga followed. "Just Sunoh," said the director, looking seriously at Miga. She hesitated for a moment and sat then back to Chichi.
1 hour ago
"Hey Miga, do you have babysitting service?" Her boyfriend called when she came out of the school building with Sunoh. "Dang, we have to go home." She replied and Sunoh rolled his eyes. "Come on honey, come to me." He winked and waved Miga to him. "How can you be with such a guy?" Sunoh was already annoyed by all of this. It was his first day at the new school and everything was exhausting for him. But before his big sister could say anything, Chichi came to them. She went to the same class as Sunoh and, as so often, went to the Jungs after school. "Hey, sorry I still had to get the new books." Chichi stand shy beside Miga and Sunoh and with her petite figure she looked almost childish. They all went to the School of Performing Art, the same one that Jaehyun was in. Miga was already very successful as a K-drama actress, Sunoh was already musically gifted and Chichi danced ballet. "What is this here? A kindergarten?" Dang stood there with all his friends and tried to prove himself. Sunoh clenched his fist and glared at the guys. "Dang, leave it." Miga sighed and crossed her arms. But she didn't like that at all. He snatched her wrist and glared at her. It was always the same with guys for Miga. She was pretty and successful and at some point the men always wanted to own her. But she didn't allow that. Miga knows how to defend herself, after all she grew up with three boys. "You come to me now." Dang was angry and Miga knew exactly why he wanted her to come to him. But she didn't play along with it. "Forget it. Now let me go." Miga hissed furiously and tried to pull away from Dang. "Shit no. My parents aren't there and I finally want what you get from a girlfriend." He whispered this to her, but was very menacing. "We're no longer together. It's over and now leave me." But Dang doesn't want to let her go. "I can't watch this any longer." Sunoh starred at his sister and then looked around to the people who just watched but did nothing. "Sunoh, I don't think that's a good idea." Chichi sighed and pressed her books firmly to her chest. But Sunoh stopped hearing to her and went to Dang. "Let her go!" He looked at the guys warningly. "Sunoh, leave it. I can do it." Miga looked worriedly at her brother, she knew his temperament very well. "Oh, does your little brother want to help you? It's cute." Dang teased him and Miga knew that Sunoh was being provoked. Sunoh was tall for his age, but he looked younger with his cheeks and dimples. "Do you really think Miga is getting involved with a guy like you? You can be glad that you could date her because she is way above your level." Sunoh only saw red and he now provoked Dang. But he did what he wanted to do and Dang released Miga. But now he looked at Sunoh. He took a step towards him and pushed him back a little so that Sunoh fell a few steps back but could still catch himself. "Sunoh not!" Cried Miga, because she now knew her brother was angry and in the corner of her eye she could already see how teachers were coming. But Sunoh only saw red and he ran towards Dang and punched his fist into his face. "What the hell?" Dang screamed and writhed in pain. Chichi and Miga ran towards Sunoh and all the other students stood around and watched the action. But at that moment the teachers came and took Sunoh with them.
The school was lenient with Sunoh, of course he had the advantage that Jaehyun is his father. But they would watch him now and Sunoh shouldn't afford to make any mistakes again. After you came home, the twins ran towards you. "Can we play video games?" Kiwoo grinned and Geon stood beside him with a big smile. "Have you already done your homework?" You look seriously at the two, because the twins love to lie to you in this regard. "Yes," said Geon, also grinning suspiciously. "Then show me." You point to their backpacks, but they give up immediately. "Okay, we haven't done it yet." Kiwoo's shoulders sagged and Geon looked disappointed. "If you've done your homework, you can play until dinner." So you send them to their room and the twins ran up the stairs. Jaehyun was now standing in front of Sunoh, crossing his arms. "We never raised you by force. You got so much love from us. What do you think of to solve a problem with fighting?" Jaehyun was really angry and tried to get his son to talk. But Sunoh just sighed and rolled his eyes. But you knew exactly where Sunoh got his temper and anger from. Jaehyun was no different, for example when he was jealous. Then he often saw red too. "Don't come to me like this." It was enough for Jaehyun, he never thought that he was facing something like this. "Daddy please, Sunoh just wanted to help." Miga tried to intervene, but now Jaehyun turned to her. "Then please tell me what happened." Sunoh looked at his sister, who was hesitant. Miga couldn't tell her father that she had been dating an idiot, because he would get angrier then. "It's enough now. You don't go boxing anymore." Jaehyun decided this and now you step in between. "Jaehyun, I don't think this is the way to go," you whisper to him and looking at him intently. "My two children cannot tell me what happened even though they were both there. There must be consequences." Jaehyun glared at his two oldest children and waited for a reaction again. But Miga and Sunoh just looked at their father and were silent. "Okay that's enough for me.Boxing is now prohibited." Jaehyun made his statement and then went up the stairs. "Mum, please do something," Miga pleaded, but what should you do? The only thing you know was that Sunoh hit a guy and you don't know why he did it.  "You have to tell us what's going on. Or at least tell me. How can I help you if you don't tell me?" You look desperately at the two. As long as you no longer know more, you support Jaehyun, because you didn't want Sunoh to fight any further. But you knew the two of them were hiding something together.
Sunoh's room door was ajar and you knock carefully before going inside. Your son was sitting in bed looking at his phone and listening to music. He didn't respond when you came even though he saw you. You sit down to him and look at him. Sunoh sighed, put his phone aside and took off the headphones. "Hey, I just wanted to know if everything is okay." You were really worried because you knew that his behavior was not normal. "Yes everything is okay." He looked annoyed and you sometimes wished it would be as easy to make him happy as he was as a child. "Sunoh, I know that you don't hit anyone for no reason. I don't think it is a coincidence that Miga and Chichi were with you." You stop briefly and wait for him to say something, but your son remains silent. "You don't have to tell me now. But you can come to me anytime, okay?" You are waiting for his reaction and suddenly he became very gentle. He pressed his lips together lightly and you can see his dimples, which he had like his father. You gently brush his hair aside and look at your son. "No matter what, I'm always proud of you and I love you. And I'll talk to your father that you can go on boxing." You smile gently and look at him again before you get up. "Thank you mum," you suddenly hear your son voice and you look around in surprise and see how Sunoh looked at you softly. You nod, smile and turn to go to Jaehyun's bedroom "I think he's hiding something from us." You sigh and turn to look at Jaehyun. "Why can't they always stay small? Do you remember how Sunoh refused to sleep in his bed? He always slept here between us." Jaehyun put his hand between your heads and you were surprised that he became so sentimental. "Yes, he was attached to me all the time and now he doesn't tell me everything." That made you sad. You knew that it was only a phase that Sunoh was going through puberty, but it still hurt you. Jaehyun saw that, he put his hand on you and stroked your body. "Let's make another baby." He looked up at you with his dark eyes and for a moment you thought it was his joke. "What? Jaehyun, I'm old. I mean, I'm too old to have children." All of this is very surprising. Where did the urge come from now? "We are not that old. Others also have children at this age. Why not we too?" He smiled and you could see that he was serious. "Because we already have 4 children." You don't think another child is good. The twins were still young, Sunoh started with puberty and Miga was in her senior year. "Just think about it. It would still be nice to have a little baby. Maybe a little girl?" Jaehyun was so gentle and soft that you almost became weak. "Jaehyun ... I don't know ..." You sigh and feel his palms gently touch your skin. "Think about it, but such a little baby would be so sweet." Then he pulled you towards him and kissed you.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun 
"Are you sick, maybe?" Jaehyun sighed and looked at you desperately. You reach for your stomach and shake your head. "It's all good. Jaehyun, you have to tell your parents at some point. It's good news." You have just returned from your vacation and are collecting the children from Jaehyun's parents. You decided to tell them that you are pregnant. With twins. Jaehyun hadn't seen his mother in a long time and was quite nervous. "We can do it." You smile and take his hand. Somehow you were relaxed, the holiday was good for you and the time with Jaehyun was so refreshing. "I know. Well, let's get Miga and Sunoh. I missed them." He smiled gently and looked at you. When you look him in the eye, you feel so much warmth and you were glad that he was such a good father. You know you made the best choice with Jaehyun. "I missed them too." Jaehyun then kissed you and you got out of the car.
"Ahh my babies." Jaehyun took his children and hugged them tightly. "Daddy, I missed you so much," Miga was so happy to be with her father again. Sunoh started to giggle, but when he saw you, he stretched his arms up to you. "Mummy, mummy, mummy." He started crying, so Jaehyun let him go and you lift him up to you. You kiss his tears away and stroke his red cheeks. "It’s all right, my little one. Mummy is back." Miga then came to you and gave you a kiss and you were so happy to have your children with you again. "Do you want to have another coffee?" Jaehyun's father has been trying to find peace between you for a long time. "Yes, that would be nice," you smile when Jaehyun didn't answer and stood by the one. He played nervously with his fingers but then went into the apartment with you. When he met his mother, they exchanged uncertain looks for a moment but said nothing. Then she quickly ran into the kitchen and prepared everything. Meanwhile Miga showed you what she had done and Sunoh tried to play with you. The atmosphere was tense and nobody dared to say anything. Jaehyun's mother quietly prepared everything and you all sit down at the table. Miga sat down with you and Sunoh sat on your lap. He had a toy rabbit in his hand and was occupied with it, while Miga only had eyes for the cookies her grandmother was putting on a plate. "Mum, Dad, we want to make peace today because we have something to tell you." He swallowed and hesitated with his next words. You take his hand and smile. It was good news, he shouldn't be so nervous. "We have really good news. Y/N is pregnant." Jaehyun looked panicked at his parents who barely responded. "What?" Asked his mother. "With twins," you add quickly, and the older couple turned to themselves in surprise. It was quiet and nobody said anything. It was all weird, you expected more joy. "Do you really want to do this to yourself? Think about it," his mother sighed and looked between you in surprise. You were really shocked by her reaction. "There is nothing to think about, I'm already in the 12th week." It was all so uncomfortable. "But 4 children are a lot. Jaehyun is a public figure and you would neglect Miga and Sunoh." Jaehyun's father was also worried and that surprised you more. "I'm not that much in public anymore and I support Y/N with everything." Jaehyun had found his words again. "But 4 children, that's way too much. Then what do other people think? You're not peasants." Jaehyun's mom was really horrified and didn't want to believe that the number of her grandchildren would double. "Okay, that's enough. We're going." Jaehyun did not see that he should discuss this more. He took Sunoh from you and went out of the room with you and Miga. His parents didn't follow him and you take your children's things and go back to the car. "I can’t believe it." He was really angry and didn't know how to react. He clutched the steering wheel but didn't start. You also didn't know what to say, you never expected such a reaction.
In the evening, when the children were already asleep, Jaehyun was still angry because of his parents' reaction. He was sitting in bed staring into the void. You wanted to distract him from all of this. So you sit on his lap and put his hands on your stomach. "At first I thought I was just bloated, but I think everything starts to grow now." You point to the small bulge on your belly and he smiled gently for the first time. "Unbelievable or that there are two babies in there or not?" You look down at yourself and see Jaehyun gently caressing your stomach. "Imagine there are two boys. Like you ..." You take his face in your hand and look at him. "Or two girls as beautiful as you." Jaehyun smiled and he now looked up at you too. "Oh, I want two boys. And they have your eyes." You stroke his temple. "And your whiskers." You stroke his nose down to his cheeks. "And your dimples." You kiss his right cheek. "And your mole." You kiss this spot on the other cheek as well. "Or your lips", you touch them with yours and stay in this kiss for a while. Regardless of whether the children become boys or girls, they had the best DNA with Jaehyun. Every detail was perfect on him and you hope that your children will inherit these special details as well. Jaehyun was very fixated on you, he grabbed you on your hips and put you on the sheets. He leaned over you and started kissing your neck. You moan softly and enjoy how his hands wandered over your breasts. But suddenly you hear a soft sob and when you turn to the side, you see the door open. "Jaehyun, wait," you whisper softly, and he also turns to the side and sees Miga and Sunoh standing in your bedroom. She holds her little brother on her hand while Sunoh rolled tears down her cheeks. His cheeks are all red and he sobbed all the time. "Sunoh cried and didn't stop. I thought I would bring him to you." Miga looked at you desperately and you found it really cute that she looked after her brother like that. Jaehyun lifted Sunoh to you and he lifted Miga to bed with him. "So what's going on?" You look at your son and see him sucking on his fingers as more tears roll down. "Did you dream badly?" You ask, and Sunoh nodded and immediately put his head on your chest. "I think they'll stay with us today." Jaehyun sighed and watched Miga make herself comfortable. "Looks like it." And at that moment your son's eyes closed in your arms.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun
ii.vii. (little bit angst)
You hear Sunoh crying through the baby monitor, but he fell silent again. It was unusual, because he was never so fast quiet, but then you hear Jaehyun's voice, who hummed something to him. You think for a moment whether you should go back to sleep, but then you wanted to see it with your own eyes. You put on your robe and go to Sunoh's nursery. You see Jaehyun sitting in the rocking chair holding his son in his arms. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. Jaehyun still had his clothes on, apparently he has just come home. He didn’t look at you, but his humming stopped. "I work too much." Jaehyun's eyes were still on his son, whom he continues to lovingly swing in his arms. You don’t say anything and place yourself questioningly on the little stool which Miga used to stand on, when she helped you with Sunoh. "He has grown so fast in the few weeks. I have barely seen it." He strokes his little head and his eyes are almost melancholy. "I feel I don’t know him. I miss so much of their life’s." At that moment, he looked at you for the first time. You could not say anything and look at him expectantly. "How is he?" The question seemed so absurd, but Jaehyun was serious. At the beginning you didn’t know what to answer. Sunoh was his son, should he not know him? "He's amazing, he laughs a lot, for example when he sees a lot of bright colours or when I tickle the tip of his nose. He has the same dimples as you and they always appear when he smiles. He's always hungry and it’s sometimes stressful to breastfeed him. I think he will get very tall in the future. Maybe taller than you. If he sees Miga, he always wants to grab her hair, which annoys her, but she is very patient. He loves to bathe, he thinks it’s funny, when I trickle a little bit of water over his stomach. He always starts to smile, but when I wash his hair, he always cries. Oh, and just before he falls asleep, he always makes such bubbles with his mouth, that is totally cute, and I could watch him for hours." "Look at you." Jaehyun smiled at you with wide eyes. You could not describe how he looked like right now. Somehow very vulnerable, but you could not feel sorry for him. He was the person who decided to work more. He was it who prefers to work with his ex-girlfriend rather than being there for his children. You have forgiven him too often, now your pity is used up. "Your eyes sparkle with joy." He smiled and then looked back at his son. He strokes his black hair and it was quiet for a while. You thought about his words. Yes, your kids made you happy and, you liked being a mother. Your children have been so important to you and sometimes you wish you could share this experience more with Jaehyun. "I don’t know anything about them ... The little time I'm there, the kids are sleeping, and you know them so well." He sighed and starts to rock Sunoh again. You could not sit here anymore and watch him dissolve with pity. For the first time you couldn’t see Jaehyun anymore. How many times did you tell him to be more at home, how often did you tell him to spend more time with his children? You're tired of running after him. That's why you decide to stand up and get back to bed. It took only a few seconds when Jaehyun was suddenly behind you. He took you by the wrist and it felt like a burn. When you turn around you look at his warm eyes and you feel like your knees cave in. "What's wrong Y/N?" His eyes were still vulnerable and tired. His eyelids were swollen and his skin was red. His hand was still on your wrist and he did not let you go until you gave him an answer. Your eyes were glazed, but you could not cry. You wanted everything to be perfect again. You wanted a normal working family. You just wanted him to be there. So, you hesitate briefly, until you give him an answer, but then you have found your words. "Jaehyun, I think we have problems."  
Daddy Jaehyun Masterlist
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun
the Jung’s in Switzerland / part 2
The first day in Switzerland wasn’t optimal. A snowstorm came up and you were unable to walk out. You all try to pass the time in the chalet. Jaehyun was talking to Lee Soo-man and you were silently nursing Sunoh. Miga got bored and she tapped with her little feets through the house until she found a “victim”. "Who are you?" With wide eyes she looked up at the man, who was looking deep in his phone. He looked up from the screen and smiled. "Yukhei." He said with a big grin. Since Jaehyun and he aren’t that close, Miga barely knew him. "Ju-hai?" She had a hard time pronouncing his name. "You can call me Xuxi too." He laughed and set his phone aside. "Xuxi? That sounds funny." She started to giggle and turned back and forth while she is standing in the same place. "What do you have in there?" He pointed to the bag she was carrying with her. "There are my things in there." She put the bag on the table and put the stuff out. "Should I draw something with you?" He asked, and Miga nods as she puts her things on the table. She packed out of the bag some books, papers, pens, and a few cookies she had secretly pocketed. Yukhei had to laugh, she was so professional but also totally cute. "Do you like painting?" Yukhei asked her while she pushed a paper and some pens over to him. “Mummy always paints with me, but since Sunoh's here, she doesn’t have that much time. " She begins to draw something and tells her situation to her new friend. "Yes, I know that well. I have a little brother too." Yukhei laughs and looks at the little girl. "Is your brother a baby too?" She didn’t look at him while she questioned him. "No, he is already an adult." Yukhei found the whole conversation super entertaining. "Is he so big like Daddy?" She begins to draw a sun and had to change her pen. "No, he is bigger." Explained Yukhei and continues drawing. "Daddy is the biggest person I know." For Miga, that's clear, because after all, her father was her hero. Yukhei laughed, but he didn’t want to tell her the truth, that he and Johnny were bigger than Jaehyun. Miga continued to draw, but the pen was already pretty blunt. "We have to throw away the pen." Miga shows Yukhei her pen which she puts aside. "Why? We can sharpen him." Lucas smiled and drew on. "Daddy says to Mummy that he can’t here in Switzerland sharpen his pen.” She told it as if it were totally normal, but Yukhei had to start laughing. He knew that Jaehyun didn’t mean what Miga thought. He just couldn’t stop, and Miga thought his laugh was so funny that she giggled too. But her eyes were still on him and she waited for further reactions, because she didn’t quite know what was so funny. At that moment, Mark and Taeyong came to them and sat down. "What's so funny?" Asked Mark as he sat next to Miga. She got hearts in her eyes when she saw that her crush was sitting next to her. Yukhei still had to laugh and wasn’t ready to talk when Jaehyun joined them. He looked pretty tense and annoyed and Yukhei knew it wasn’t the time to explain this funny situation.
As Jaehyun came to the table, Miga looked happily to her father. She picked up her drawing and showed it to him. "That looks really nice." He smiled and picked her up. He kissed her hair and sat on the chair, placing Miga on his lap. "Everything okay?" Taeyong realized something was wrong. "No. The restraining order has been declined." He sighed and stroked his daughter's head. He felt safe when she was with him. Miga had something incredibly reassuring for him when she just sat there and drew. "Are you going to tell Y/N?" Mark asked his friend and he looked worried now. "I don’t want to keep anything from her, but she's supposed to enjoy the holiday. Suji has brought a lot of problems and it's finally harmonious and peaceful again." Jaehyun looked at his daughter's drawing and thought about what he should do. He was in a really stupid situation. "I don’t like Suji, she was mean to Mummy." Suddenly Miga threw this on and Jaehyun looked down at her in surprise. "Say my sweetheart, do you know Suji?" Jaehyun thought that she had never really met her. "Yes, she said to Mummy that she is fat, that she is a housewife and only gets money from you Daddy and then Mummy cried." Miga went on drawing while Jaehyun remembered. You and Miga have met her since then in the company. He didn’t even know that Suji said such things. "I think I should talk to her. Can you take care of Miga again?" Jaehyun stood up and put Miga back on the chair. Mark, Taeyong and Yukhei nodded.
Before Jaehyun came into the room, he heard you singing a nursery rhyme. That's why he just opened the door cautiously and he saw you sitting at the bed where you are putting on Sunoh his romper. He stopped for a moment and watched you silently. It was so peaceful, and he wished he could see you every day like this. This picture had so much love and he wondered if he could give that to his children, what you give them. "You are so cute. I would like to eat you up." You start to tickle your son, because you love it when he starts to laugh. He always opens his mouth, his dimples appear which he had from Jaehyun, and he starts squealing. Jaehyun laughed and now you know that he was also in the room. You look to the side and lift your son. "Look, there's your daddy." You kiss your baby's cheek and he keeps laughing. Jaehyun sat down in bed and gave Sunoh also a kiss on the cheek. "I thought after Miga that we can’t do anything more perfect but look at this boy." You put him in your arms and stroke his tummy. "Y / N ... Miga has told me something." Jaehyun struggles to break that harmony, but he wanted to be honest. No obstacle should stand between you two anymore. "Did she divulge anything?" You laugh and finally look at your husband. But Jaehyun remained serious. "What happened back when you met Suji when you were pregnant?" Your smile vanished and it surprised you that Miga apparently still remembered it. "Jaehyun, I really don’t want that ..." It was uncomfortable for you to raise the topic again. Somehow, you were also embarrassed. "Please, I have to know everything. The restraining order has been rejected." Jaehyun put his hand on your knee and looked pleadingly at you. It didn’t surprise you that it was rejected. Your lawyer had already warned you, as there was no evidence. "Well, I was really done that day. I was very pregnant with the little sweetheart here ..." You stop and gently stroke your son's head. "And Miga was quite moody. I lost my temper and shouted at her. I was so sorry, but then Suji came to us and told me she was back in the company and that she wanted to produce your solo album. She said she want never to get pregnant, because the body would never look the same again, and because the sex isn’t good anymore. She said that I was a housewife who just lived on your money and that you will probably know what you are doing." You breathe deeply when you're done. It wasn’t easy to tell everything. "Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?" Jaehyun was stunned. He never thought that Suji had talked to you like that. "Jaehyun, we had so many problems at the time and Sunoh was also on the way, I just couldn’t ..." You sigh and stroke your finger over Sunoh's cheek. It was already so far away for you. So much has happened and now you had your baby. "I'm so sorry, I was a real asshole. I was a bad husband and dad." Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair and rested his head in his palms. "I know you always want to be perfect, but we all make mistakes and it’s all good if we are learning from them." Jaehyun looked up at you and he couldn’t believe how composed you were. But the distance to Korea and the time as a family did you good. And Jaehyun could see that and realized even more, what has you missed away all the time. "It will not be easy with Suji." He sighed and looks to you. "I know that's why it's important that I can rely on you to 100%." You look at him seriously. There are still many lawyer talks coming up and you didn’t want to go through this alone. "I promise." He takes your free hand and put a gentle kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and enjoy his warmth. And in that moment, you knew that everything was going to be alright.
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