#I see a Hawke gif set and I get Secret Thoughts apparently
after-witch · 4 years
Let’s Split Up, Gang [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
Title: Let’s Split Up, Gang [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
Synopsis: You have a stalker. Thankfully, your boyfriend Hawks is there to help you investigate. 
Request from @damtoti​: Hawks with horror movie trope “let’s split up and investigate”?
Word Count: 1300ish
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The forest was not altogether unpleasant. The cool breeze, the scent of leaves and dirt and natural things, was almost relaxing. At least, it would have been relaxing, if it weren't for the reason you were in the middle of all that nature in the first place: investigating your potential stalker.
A stalker that would hopefully become a past tense situation, something to cringe and laugh and perhaps be wary about, but past tense all the same. You'd received mysterious letters proclaiming his love for you. Items went missing from your house--clothing, makeup, even sentimental things. You received packages with gifts, some nice enough (a necklace) and others a little more... worrying. (Your stolen panties, soiled with--well.)
You were embarrassed, ashamed. Afraid. But when your boyfriend found out about your terrifying secret, he--to your relief--offered to step in immediately. 
This wasn't something to fool around with, he'd told you--and who better to handle a creeper than one of the best heroes in the world? 
You couldn't deny that having Hawks personally investigate your stalker made you feel more at ease. When you'd told him that a friend helped you attach a little GPS tracker to your new lingerie, a pair which was swiftly stolen from your drawer, he even offered to come with you to make sure everyone stayed safe. (Though he’d told you that was a stupid idea, and to never try something like that again. He was really in the know, so to speak, about these things.) He was so thoughtful, that way.
Which brought you to your current situation. You, Hawks, and a group of friends in the middle of the woods. The tracker led you to a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't even a road nearby, so you'd had to park the car and hike most of the way.
Your thoughts rushed back to the present when you heard your boyfriend land softly in the crunchy leaves slowly rotting on the porch.
"All clear," he said. "No one's home. Let's go inside, yeah? But stick by me, just in case." He pushed open the unlocked front door and turned to face the rest of you.
One of your friends shook their head. "No, let's split up. We can cover more ground and get out of here faster that way."
Hawks sighed. You recognized the annoyance on his face, slow and stretchy. But you knew it was because he was used to these types of investigations, this type of work. He knew what to do and what not do, after all.
"Listen, there's strength in numbers. If this creep comes back, do you want to be alone or with me?" He looked at you, but you didn't want to step in between your friends and your boyfriend. Taking sides was never your strong suit.
"I've got a pocket knife and we'll yell if we need you. Seriously, we got this."
You saw Hawks' face twitch for a moment, just a microsecond, before he offered a resigned, don't-say-I-didn't-warn-you grin. "Okay. But we're all meeting back here in 15 minutes."
Everyone nodded and walked up the creaky wooden stairs into the lonesome home.
You gave Hawks a glance. You almost wanted to go with him--having a stalker was creepy enough, but walking around in their empty house by yourself? But f he noticed your thoughts, he didn't acknowledge them. He merely gave you a low thumbs-up and said, half-teasing: "See in you a bit, babe. Don't do anything stupid."
With that, he headed down the dark stairs towards the basement, his steps thudding quieter and quieter as he descended.
Your other friends were already off on their own, which left you to explore. You tried to ignore the deep, sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. This was a bad idea. No, not just bad--it was a dumb idea. You should have insisted Keigo go to the police station instead of letting him talk you into looking for evidence himself first. You didn't want to get hurt. You didn't want him to get hurt.
But it was too late for regrets and second thoughts, you realized. You were smack-dab in the middle of it now. You walked aimlessly towards an open kitchen area. The house was rustic, but not abandoned. The floors were unswept, but they weren't filthy. A tidy pile of leaves sat idly in one corner, and you could see wipe marks on the countertop. So your stalker cleans, you thought, but they were apparently shit at picking streak-free cleaner. Clearly key information to remember.
A strange sound interrupted your thoughts. A beeping sort of sound. An alarm, maybe? It was coming from above you--from upstairs.
You glanced at your watch. 10 minutes left. You peaked around the corner of the kitchen, looking at the staircase that-- as far as you knew--no one bothered going up yet. 
You kick aside an errant remote control without batteries that had been left on the floor and head for the stairs. They creak as you walk up and you hope the house really was occupied, otherwise they might be rotting and the next thing Hawks would have to do was get your ass out of a literal hole in the floor.
The upstairs was fairly small. There looked to be only three rooms--an open door revealing a (thankfully clean looking) toilet, and two closed doors. You heard the noise again, coming from behind the nearest of the closed doors. You took a breath and opened the door.
It was a bedroom. Sparse, impersonal. A twin bed with crisp sheets and a single flat pillow. A dresser. A desk with a laptop and a box on top, with the lid half-off. You heard the sound again, and realized immediately what it was: a notification on the laptop.
You couldn't deny the sudden urge to flee. This was wrong. This was wrong. This was wrong. You should yell out for Keigo or one of your friends. But something pulled you to the laptop like a puppet on a string. Curiosity, a desire for closure, even a little bit of pleasurable fear. When you got close enough to see the screen, however, your stomach dropped. 
The screen had pictures--no, videos. Videos of your apartment. Your bedroom. Your kitchen. Your bathroom. And it was recording live.
Your world spun, threatening to collapse around you. You felt your knees buckle and you reached your arms out towards the desk to steady yourself. The half-open box was inches away from your face, and even though everything inside your screamed to get the hell out of there, call for Keigo, call for Keigo. Instead, you slid lid off and looked inside.
Oh, you thought. Those are my things. The recently purloined lingerie set. A ring your mother gave you, passed down from her nana. A small teddy bear you'd slept with since you were 5. The sight of an old toothbrusth, crusted with toothpaste you didn’t rinse off good enough, made you want to throw up.
You shrieked and whipped around, half-falling to the floor before you caught yourself on the desk chair. Then you felt shame rush through your face--you were immensely, ridiculously stupid. It was just Keigo. In a second, he was at your side, wrapping his arms protectively round you.
"Babe, what's the--"
He saw the screen. He saw the box. And he whistled, low.
"This... is really fucked up," he said.
You didn't know you were trembling until he pulled his arms tighter around you to calm you down.
"Okay, babe. That's enough of this. Time to call in the professionals to take over your little Scooby Doo gang thing going on here, all right? I'll contact the precinct for you."
You nodded, unable to speak. You looked up at him, eyes watering, and are glad for the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. It’s warm and comforting. You’d never been more glad to know he's there to protect you from stalkers, from weakness, from everything else bad in the world. 
He gave you one more comforting squeeze before escorting you from the room. As he ushered you through the doorway, you didn't notice him glancing back at the box in relief.
If you'd had the time to dig any further, you might have seen one of his feathers nestled inside.
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Sanguine III
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Genre: Mafia AU Warnings: dark themes, blood, guns, creepy evil guy. Word Count: 3k
Summary: You’re a second year med student taken in by the house of NCT. It’s not uncommon to be the last to learn things within the house but when your safety is threatened, you’re forced to leave home with no option. But it only makes things worse.
A/N: my tags werent working and it really bothered me, sorry. Prev | next _____
The car ride to wherever you were going was very awkward, it was painfully clear that this group of people you were taken by were an extremely hostile group. The leader who previously had so much interest in you was now completely ignoring your presence.
You sit in the car, wedged between two members who you learnt went by the name of Jimin and V. You try to hold back your voice and the quiet sniffles but it’s a struggle. As you feel time drag out you can’t help but think you’re only getting further and further away from home; and you begin to sob uncontrollably.
A heavy sigh comes out from the man driving, “Can someone shut her up? I’m trying to drive.”
The two men at your sides only shrug at each other and you stifle your sobs as hard as you can, not wanting to anger them and endanger yourself more – but it’s a struggle.
Finally, the leader who is sitting in the passenger seat turns to look at you, his eyes a fury red “For fucks sake, princess can you please be quiet?”
You choke back the cry that’s about to leave your lips and pinch down on your thigh in an attempt to focus on the pain instead.
“V block her sight, we’re almost near.” The driver calls out, signalling to the man beside you. The member on your right begins to shuffle in his seat, searching in his pocket for something. He pulls out a line of fabric and leans over to tie it around your head. You hold your breath as your vision becomes blinded by darkness; fighting to stay still. He gives it a little tug around your head and you jerk at the tightness letting a quiet growl of annoyance and pain.
It’s only a matter of minutes before the car finally pulls to a stop. You turn your head around, clueless of what to do as you hear doors open and shut.
“Get out.” An unfamiliar voice tells you. You shuffle further away from him, refusing to move and he sighs, reaching in and pulling you by force – out the car with a heavy grunt. You stand behind him, your arms flailing for support as you step with caution and no vision. An arm grabs you by your wrist and drags you up to what you presume is a staircase.
“Slow down.” You yelp, trying to keep up with his pace.
“Stop being so fucking slow.” The guy grumbles
“Then give me my goddamn sight back.”
Finally, the guy leading you has enough and you bump into his figure, almost falling at the sudden impact. “Fucking hell.” He mutters as you hear him fishing through something.
Unknowingly to you, he reaches into his pant pocket pulling out a white material and a small bottle. Unscrewing the lid, he empties some of its contents onto the cloth.
“Why’d we stop?” you ask, your stomach turning at the unexpected cease of movement.
The guy turns around, gripping your wrists together and the smell hits you faster than you realise. You struggle against his hold trying to fight back but when you finally fly free, hands link around your arms, cuffing them behind your back.
“Got you.” The voice behind you laughs.  
“Let me go!” you scream, releasing the last bit of breath you have before you sink to the floor and lose consciousness.
“She’s awake.” You hear an unfamiliar voice says, the person stands at a distance from you, staring at your direction. He has sharp eyes and a set jaw; from where you were looking he seemed really tall as well, but you aren’t certain.
Your vision’s blurry as you sit up, falling in and out of consciousness for a good 20 minutes, until the faces and voices around you start to become clearer. You scan your surroundings lazily, aware of the soft bedsheets under your skin. The room was simply put together; a couple of dim lights, a bed, table, and a connected bathroom.
You’re unaware that there’s another man standing in your room as he’s covered by the shadows of the dim lighting. As you attempt to get out of the bed, he steps out from the doorway.
“There’s no point looking around, you’re not getting out unless told.” He sneers.
You close your eyes, trying to regulate your heavy breathing and the ringing voices that you could hear coming from different sides of the room.
“What should we do with her?” the guy closer to you hums to himself, the question rhetorical as he twirls a knife between his fingers.
“Stop scaring her Jungkook.” The voice from the door says, leaning against the frame.
“Why it’s not like RM’s keeping her alive for long anyway.”
You hear footsteps approaching and the two men inside straighten up a little, presenting themselves in a better manner. You look to your left and the door to the bathroom remains open. With little thought, you jump off the bed, darting straight to the entrance, but in two strides, Jungkook catches up with you.
“Where do you think your running off to?” he chuckles, turning you around to face him as he slams your back into the wall with a loud crash. You cry out in pain and drop to the floor.
RM���s voice is easily distinguishable, booming with authority as soon as he enters, “Careful with her.” Jungkook retreats back to his original spot beside the bed, letting RM approach you. “Get up” he tells you, offering his hand to you. You refuse, wrapping your hands around your legs and curling into a smaller ball as he clicks his tongue in annoyance. “I said get up” he warns, bringing his hand close to your face. Who does he think he is? Fucking leaders all think they can demand everything.
You respond by spitting into his palm and turn your head back into your legs.
The other two men in the room stifle back their laughs whilst RM chuckles, wiping his hand on your hair. “What a pain.” He mutters. He takes a step back, signalling the laughing men to come over and pull you up. You yelp when the rough arms tug your arms away from your knees and bring you standing upright. RM smiles, seeming satisfied with you now and he places himself just a few centremetres away from your face.
“Let’s try this again shall we?” he smirks at you disturbingly, sending chills down your pained back and bringing your hairs on your arms to rise. “Who are you to Taeyong?” he asks in a patronising tone, making you feel somewhat sick.
You don't answer him, choosing to look down at your shoes instead. They were still the slippers from the hotel room but now covered in a dirty mess; no longer white. You think back to your arguments with Lucas and his annoying snoring that had kept you up the entire night. If you had fell asleep then maybe you wouldn’t have noticed the ringing, you wouldn't have been bought into this. But would that mean, the boys would be dead? The guy pinches your chin between his thumb and index finger, pulling your head roughly towards his face. “I asked you a question dumb bitch.”
You swallow hard, thinking of something to lie and respond with but before you’re able to answer, someone beats you to it.
The driver from before enters the room, “She was taken in by NCT back in 2018, apparently her parents died in a car accident and they found her.”
“Car accident? Was it suspicious?”
“I’m not sure, I’ll look into it.”
“Thanks J-hope.”
Jungkook still holding tightly onto your arm grins to himself as he murmurs the words aloud, “And here I thought you were Taeyong’s girlfriend.”
The leader turns his attention back to you, tracing his fingers over your lips, “Who are you to him princess?” he coos, stroking the side of your face in a less than comforting way and staring straight at your eyes, squinting slightly. You answer back straight away, this time, not wanting to repeat the same mistake.
“I’m just someone they took pity on.” You mutter.
“Did your boyfriend teach you to lie as well?” he asks, edging his face closer to yours in attempt to intimidate you.
“He’s not my boyfriend and I’m telling the truth. I barely see or talk to Taeyong and it wasn't even him who found me. He doesn't care about me.” You wanted to sound brave, but your voice comes out with little confidence, just the squeaking noise that makes you look more pathetic as you struggle against the grip tightly around you. “Just let me go.”
“Sorry sweetie but that can’t happen.”
You heart was racing out of fear at the realisation that every single man in the room was staring at you. A few other unfamiliar faces who had joined in on the show without you noticing. You try to think logically, coming up with a plan that would ensure your survival for as long as you could last.
“If she means nothing to them… we can kill her, right?” Jungkook asks, a bit too excitedly.
“No, not yet.” The other member on your right mumbles
“Why are you always ruining my fun Jin.” Jungkook groans. “Oh okay how about torture her instead? She might even expose some secrets along the way.”
RM starts walking towards the door of the room, leaving as he picks up a call on his phone. “You guys can keep an eye on her for now, I’ll be right back.” And with that, he walks out the room, slamming the door behind him.
Night comes fast. The two men from previously, Jin and Jungkook had stuck with you the entire time, watching you like a hawk as you sat still in bed, spacing out in your thoughts. They stayed silent and finally disappeared after staring for hours on end when you ducked under your covers and fell asleep.
When you wake up, you realise it’s only early in the morning, the clock on the wall indicating around 3am. There’s no one in your room and you decide it’s probably worth checking if your bedroom door was locked from the outside. You tiptoe over to the door, pushing down on the lever as softly as possible and it clicks open; the door creaking as it swings. You gasp softly as the corridor comes into view.
The corridors are long, hollow and dark once again being illuminated by only the moonlight coming through the far window. You don’t know where you’re going but you were going to have to guess your way as best as you can. It’s dead silent as you move and you assume everyone’s fast asleep, taking the opportunity to tip toe as fast as you can.
When you come to a corner you and turn swiftly, your heart skips a beat at the sound of sharpening knives.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
Your mind goes blank and your heart drops; you were so close. You back away, turning around and begin to run in the opposite direction where you came from, travelling down an unknown route. As you hear something clatter on the floor beside you, you sprint faster realising knives are being thrown at you.
“The further you run the worst it’ll be.” He shouts. You hear the back of your shirt being teared as the knife skims past you, nipping at your skin. Ignoring the pain, you take another turn and realise you’ve made it into what looks similar to the meeting room back at home. There’s a phone at the end of the table and you dart towards it after locking the door.
“Come out, come out wherever you are.” Jungkook sings out, twirling his knives in his hands as he approaches the door.
You stumble at the phone, quickly punching in the number you had been forced to memorise for situations like this. The line rings once, and you start biting at your nails, on the second ring you can hear the door handle jiggling, on the third ring – someone finally picks up.
“Hello?” the voice answers.
The voice comes out in a ramble, urgently asking a string of questions, “Y/N? Is that you? Where are you? Are you okay?”  
“I don't know where I am,” you cry, clutching onto the phone, “I think I’m at their house or something.”
“Are you okay?”
You slide down to the floor, choking down your sobs. “No, help me, I don't know what to do.”
Johnny can hear the broken down tears in your voice and it brings a great deal of pain to him being so far apart. But the only way he can help you now is to offer you instructions, “They won’t hurt you Y/N, just listen to them okay? Don’t anger them. We’re trying to find you now.”
You nod frantically, forgetting that he’s unable to see you, “I think there go-”
Your words are cut off as you hear the door creak open. Your heart pounds against your chest as you breathe heavily into the phone, watching Jungkook’s footsteps pace slowly around the entrance of the door. Your hand is covering your mouth to prevent yourself screaming and exposing yourself but it’s too late. Jungkook clicks his tongue, scraping the knife against the wall as he bends down into a squatting position. You watch as his chest comes into view, then his shoulders, then his mouth, and finally his eyes.  
“Found you.” ________
Back at home:
As soon as the door shuts, Taeyong rolls his head back, letting out a soft swear as his mind runs in a mess. He’s aware Mark is somewhere within the house, having noticed his movement earlier on when you were still there.
“I’m calling for the others.” Haechan informs Mark, pulling his phone out to call for everyone to group together. “Be careful going down, they might still be around.”
Mark and Johnny give a nod to each other before moving down the stairs, splitting up to search the area first.
“Left side’s clear”
“Right side clear.” Mark repeats, heading straight to Winwin. He holds his breath as he places a finger on the unconscious boy’s neck, checking for a pulse as everyone stands silently, waiting for his confirmation, “he’s alive.”
The members give a nod and relax visibly, everyone much less anxious than before.
“Sorry we’re late guys.” Johnny mutters, untying the bonds from Yuta first. Yuta pulls out the cloth in his mouth and spits it out.
“They fucking ambushed us.” He growls, turning to his side and freeing Jaehyun. Johnny works at the rope around Jeno’s hands.
“Why was Y/N here?” Jaehyun asks, groaning in pain as he sits against the wall, pressing into the wound at his side.
“Their leader called her here apparently. Threatened her with our lives.” Mark responds, being the one you told directly.
“Fucking bastard.”
Mark moves over to help Taeyong as Yuta crouches beside Winwin, checking for other injuries and preparing to administer basic first aid. “Hey Jeno can you go get the first aid kit from the kitchen?”
Jeno nods, disappearing further into the house to look for supplies.
Haechan walks down the stairs, joining Yuta to look after the unconscious member, “They’re on their way.”
Once everyone’s finally free, Johnny glances over the mess of the ruined room. The members are all injured varying with severe bleeding to bruises and cuts on faces and body parts; and as well as that, you were missing. Johnny rakes a hand through his hair in frustration, the silent room eating at his nerves as everyone keeps themselves busy, “Taeyong I think you should explain to us what’s going on. What are they accusing you of?”
All eyes are trained on Taeyong as he tries to get back up on his feet, turning around to face the group.
“RM and I grew up together as kids,” he whispers out, only slightly audible, “he thinks I killed his younger brother and I’m guessing he’s here for revenge.”
“Did you?” Haechan asks.
“No. I was framed, but I don't know by who.”
“And taking Y/N is revenge?” Johnny confirms, his anger boiling.
“I’m assuming so.”
Johnny turns to the wall, keeping his breath steady as he attempts to calm himself. He was one of the members who had been on the minority side, arguing that you would be safer staying with the group rather than leaving the city, “Fucking hell.”
It’s quiet for the next 20 minutes or so as everyone tries to help each other out, grabbing bandages and all the medical supplies for Kun when he arrives. Just as Yuta and Jeno lock themselves around Winwin, the door opens and the members pile in.
Doyoung who happens to enter first stands struck in starlight, unsure what to say, “Wow you guys look...”
Jisung follows after, finishing his sentence, “Great.”
“Better than usual for sure.” Chenle pipes up.
“Bring Winwin downstairs, I’ll meet you there.” Kun informs the boys, heading straight to the infirmary with Renjun trailing hot behind him.
“Did you find anything?” Taeyong asks, directing his question to Doyoung.
“Jisung’s been trying to find the vehicle that left the house. We lost them at a turn.”
“They turned at a corner and the camera in that area seems to be switched off.” Jisung explains.
The leader falls back against the chair, clutching onto the burning pain, “Damn it.”
The members move swiftly throughout the day, allocating themselves to a task whether it was cleaning up, helping in the infirmary, or finding your location. A day had already passed since you were last seen.
While most people followed the orders well, Johnny seemed to struggle with concentrating on his task. He avoids Taeyong, knowing that he’d only lash out at the leader if he says a word. Instead, he chooses to sit on his balcony just outside his room and he leans into the comfort of his chair. He taps continuously on the table beside him as he stares at the moon, wondering if you’re okay, if you’re fighting back.
The sudden vibration in his back pocket brings him out of his trance. He digs for the phone, pulling it out and debating whether to answer the unknown number. He places the phone to his ear, sighing as he answers, “Hello?”
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