#I say cis for the lack of dysphoria but I don't feel like femininity incarnate
eolewyn1010 · 4 years
30 questions
@fanpersoningfox tagged me, so I guess I’mma just...
Name/nickname: Eolewyn
Gender: cis female, I think?
Star sign: Libra
Height: 1.63m/5'4″
Birthday: 10th day of the 10th month, duh
Fave bands: Queen, Blue Oyster Cult, Styx. Perhaps My Chemical Romance, a bit? Dunno, we don’t know each other for long yet.
Fave solo artist: Dvořák, but don’t tell Beethoven I said that (yes, I do listen to that unironically. Yes, I’m weird. Move on.)
Song stuck in my head: Korobeiniki
Last movie I watched: The Prince of Egypt <3
Last show: Tatort. That really cringy Münster one yesterday, “Zwischen den Ohren”, I rage-quit it. Gotta find a good one now, preferably not Münster.
Creation of blog: Early 2019, but I only started really using it sometime November 2020.
What I post: My personal opinions on Tatort and Charité, some of my fanart, occasionally I’m just yammering about my life. Reblogging links or gifs of stuff I like, comments on my fanfic writing.
Last thing I googled: Widukind (the Saxonian duke, not the chronicler)
Other blogs I own: none at all!
Do I get asks: I got one or two altogether? Heh, I think there’s not much people would ask me.
Reason for my url: A long, long time ago, I picked Eowyn as my favorite LotR character (I was 13, I dunno) and, in a move that would make Tolkien and all his lingual skill want to burn me and piss on my ashes, randomly inserted another syllable. It kind of stuck because it was a name not yet in use wherever I came. The numbers are my birthday.
Following: 8 blogs (I can’t handle big amounts of social input. I still look through other’s blogs quite often; I just don’t want my dashboard full of stuff all the time. Prefer to choose what I look at.)
Followers: 36 blogs (not sure what they hope to find here, but cool?)
Average hours I sleep: 7 to 8, sometimes less. Depends on my emotional state.
Lucky number: 138
Instruments: Never learned one. If I could choose, it’d be the violin.
What I'm wearing: a white dress shirt and fancy dark grey waistcoat, less fancy blue jeans and a really ugly grey cardigan that is literally one my grandpa used to wear; it’s just so warm and I get cold easily.
Dream trip: Circling through all of the former Roman Empire. Everything around the Mediterranean Sea, African and European side, plus Britain and all the way up into the Germanic provinces. Would be a very history-archaeology centered trip with Entirely Too Much Info.
Fave food: Potato soup; I’m a Saxonian girl.
Nationality: German
Fave song: Viva la Vida, the only Coldplay song I’ll never stop listening to.
Last book I read: Alan Bradley’s “The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie”, first of the Flavia de Luce series - those are really clever, cynical mystery thrillers with an 11-year-old hobby detective, set in the 1950s. Having a blast with ‘em.
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: I’m more one for time-travels than fictional ones, actually... let’s say it’s Stargate (from SG-1 times), the Gunnerkrigg Court, and my personal version of Atlantis.
Fave color(s): dark blue, dark red (not muted tho - a “juicy”, rich kind of dark colors)
Tag someone: Oh god, no idea, I don’t like asking someone that sort of thing... @thotstochter and @xxdreamiiloeyxx - you in the mood? It’s fine if not.
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