#I saw this gif on my dashboard and it was like destiny
boogiewrites · 4 years
Never Break the Chain
Part 1 of 5
Characters: Javier Peña x OFC
Summary: The story follows the moments in their relationship in which things change, carrying the story of their romance from being young and in love in Texas at age 18 to the modern Narcos timeline. We follow Esme on her rise to being a top thief and Javier Peña's rise in the ranks. We see how their paths inevitably intersect in Columbia and how they handle coming face to face after a faked death and decades apart. It's dramatic, it's a cop loving a criminal and them being torn between their ways of life and their love. There's a happy ending among the angst.
Warnings/Tags: Argument, Heartbreak, Young love, faked death. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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The air was as still and silent as a hot Texas summer night could be. The buzz of the insects and the rustle and call of the nocturnal animals felt familiar to Esme and were a white noise that made her feel she was home. The moon was high and bright, illuminating the rushing and recently risen river below her. Summer storms had made their way through, a brief break to the smothering heat and filling the formerly waning river bed. It made for a great day on these rare summer occurrences, floating about lazily and working on her tan, drinks were plentiful between friends and you could let any stress you had floated down the river after you left. As she gripped the old iron railing of the backroad bridge, feeling the failing paint flaking under her anxious hands, she knew those golden days of youth and summer were falling behind her now. The river would take her trouble away tonight, but in the morning a whole new set would emerge in their place. Even so, this is what she wanted, deep down she knew the conversation she was about to have wasn’t going to be one with a happy ending, and she’d prepared for that. Still, until she heard the words from his lips herself, that last bit of naivete she had left would hope against hope that this night wouldn’t end in tears.
Her upbringing with a single mother, no stability that she could recall, and inheriting her mother’s reputation, only doing what she had to make a living, she knew there were no happy endings. Being a striking Latin woman, hell, a woman at all was enough to teach her the authorities in place were corrupt and broken. She’d been born a criminal they’d said. It was first said the moment she opened her eyes. “Look at this little one, a thief.” her father had said. “Esmeralda we’ll call her, as she’s already stolen emeralds for her eyes.” Her father hadn’t come from a line of fortune-tellers that she was aware of, but he’d unknowingly planted the seed that would grow to become her destiny. One filled with heartbreaking choices and world view shattering experiences she would be told she was strong for overcoming. She didn’t think anyone needed to be applauded for being strong. It came from being broken and filling the gaps with something that couldn’t be torn apart again. Her so-called strength was just the glaringly apparent failures of the power structures in place. And she knew the only way to get ahead, to move from outside their oppressive shadow was to beat them at their own game.
The boy on his way to convince her to not follow her dreams didn’t know that yet. He had his delusions and she wasn’t sure she had the heart to take them away from him. Things wouldn’t always work out, he wasn’t going to save anyone, let alone her. But if you asked her, she didn’t need saving.
The hiss of drying raining on the asphalt under the tires of his muscle car didn’t help distract him from where he was headed. Every rendezvous with her up to this point had been nothing but a flip in his stomach and tension in his balls. Where yearning and excitement once lay there was only dread and uncertainty. He was young, he was full of confidence and despite the chronic bad attitude and bloody knuckles, he kept he still thought he could make her stay. He wouldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. She loved him she’d said. That meant something to an 18-year-old boy still deep in his first love and soon to be last heartbreak. The flashes of running from the cops, late nights spent in the back seat of his car, some laying together next to the dashboard light with the radio creating a soundtrack to their youth unknowingly. He gulps, recalling the way she looked at him when they were alone. They were all burned into his mind and they would be there for many years to come. He couldn’t help but remember the first time he saw her, walking into an abandoned house the local kids used for parties. They held the same beer in their hands, locked eyes that held the hunger of teenage lust. Her in cut-offs and a bikini top, deep brown from the summer sun, bouncy black hair in waves falling down her shoulders and framing a heart-shaped face with eyes greener than he’d ever seen.
They were both attractive and rebellious, it took nothing to make them like each other. They were quick to go to bed, and he was quick to fall with for her independent nature, and his desire to protect her quickly fell in behind. She wasn’t like any other girl he’d met, and he thought it was a compliment. But as the lust faded, love grew in its place, seeing what hardships she faced and trying his damnedest to save her from them. He rode in on his steel horse and swept her away despite her insistence she didn’t need it. But when he spoke softly and touched her the same in the sweat-soaked leather seats, naked and vulnerable by both clothes and emotions, she couldn’t help but cry and let him hold her, both sharing their fears. Their biggest in their lives at that time was simply losing the other.
The familiar sound of his car didn’t help ease the knot in her stomach like it used to. She sighed deeply, letting the headlights fall upon her as he pulled up the bridge. No one ever said chasing your dreams would be easy.
“Hey sweetheart.” his smooth voice, soft only for her, flooded her ears as they closed the space between them instinctively. Her heart ached as he wrapped his scabbed hands around her waist, one rough palm to her cheek as if he were assuring he had her full attention.
“Hola, Javi.” she whispers against his lips. He does as he has before, pretending things are fine for as long as he can. Talking sweet and pushing back her hair, kisses to her temples like he always did when she was emotional. It was inevitable his lips would find their way through the small talk to her neck. And they did. “You know you can’t fuck your way out of this conversation.” she smiles, taking her hands to direct his face to look at hers.
“Worth a shot..” he nods with his signature cockiness she no longer found annoying but endearing. A dangerous feeling indeed.
He looks her over, hands gentle but firm as he ran them over her arms and sides, mapping her out in movements that would drive him to drink later on.
“I know your answer, mi Amor, I see it in your eyes. Just say it so we can move on.”
“Don’t make me Esme.” it wasn’t begging but there was a desperation to his furrowed brow as he looked down and finally met her eyes. “I told you what I have to do. I can’t stay here. I can’t be this girl anymore.”
“I don’t wanna lose you, baby, please.” There was the begging. The desperation was in those almost black-brown eyes as they glassed over, the lump in his throat growing by the second.
“You cannot go be part of a system that wants to enslave me. We can’t be together in this world, Javi. You KNOW this. You can’t be the cop and I the criminal. No way works. One of us ends up in jail...or worse.”
“You’re talkin' like you wanna kill me now all the sudden.”
“Never.” she holds his face with a veil of anger in her eyes. “I love you, Javier. I always will. But you are a weakness. You are the only man that knows me. The only man that could best me. And that is because I love you. I have to be who I am, I am a criminal and you are going to go off and be a part of what wants to keep oppressing people like me? Just because we are trying to get ahead? To make a life for ourselves because your government has failed its people? We can’t be together if you do this.”
“You don’t have to go off and do all this crazy shit, Esme. You’ve been reading too many books, baby, you don’t have to go off and steal and con. You could stay here. With me. Where you belong.”
“And do WHAT exactly? You want me to...work in an office? Be a cashier at the grocery store for the rest of my life? You want me miserable? That’s selfish and you know it. I’m not something you get to control, I’m not keeping myself small for you no matter how much I may love you. That’s a fate worse than death for a woman like me.”
“Not any part of you wants that? A simple life? With a good man? Have a few kids...a house. Just...be happy?”
“You are not stupid Javi, stop asking stupid questions. You know me better than anyone and you know that is not me. I will grow bored and loathsome, I would end up hating you and my choices and we would end up hating each other. I would rather us be in love in our memories than hate you in reality.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. Because I see it every day. In the women that glare at me when I walk down the street. The jealousy...they look down on me saying I am trash but it’s because they wish they had what I have. Drive, ambition, fucking OPTIONS. Those women are trapped by their decisions and I will be too if I stay.”
“You think staying with me is being trapped?”
“It is not you, Javi. It is what you will become. I love this..this Javier right now. But you be indoctrinated. You’ll change into someone else and I am not willing to change for you. I’m sorry.”
“I knew I shouldn't've let you hang out with those damn hippies…”
“This is all me Javi. This is no one else. You are the one being fed lies of being a good guy among the bad, that you can save everyone. It’s a lie. I do not want to tell you this because I know it’s your dream to help but mi Amor ...it is not real.”
“And I don’t think your dream is real! I think it’s a lot of horse shit.”
She stands in silence looking at him, his hands on his hips defensively. “Then we agree.” she nods. “Goodbye, Javi. I love you. Always.” she begins to turn and knows before she feels his hand around her arm that it would happen.
“Don't leave Esme you’re the only good thing I got.” he shakes her by the shoulders.
“And if you don’t think I feel the same you’re mistaken.” she almost spits out. “I do not WANT to leave. But to become what I must I have to. And I’m sorry it has to be this way. But it does.”
“If you leave I’ll find you. You know I will. I’m not gonna let you go. I can’t.” he chokes out.
“I know.” she sighs. “Which is why I must take such a drastic measure. To me... staying is a fate worse than death. I know you would find me.” she chuckles and he looks at her with wet confused eyes. “You are my weakness, Javier. You are the only man I know that could ever find me. Ever best me at my own game. And you will not stop looking for me.”
“I never would.” he whispers.
“Which is why I'm so sorry. So.... so sorry mi Amor.” she begins to cry and kisses him, pressing against him hard, his back hitting up against his car and a muffled struggle to embrace one another ensues.
There’s a swift movement and click. Javi’s head jerks to look down, arm tugging against the cuffs she’d just slipped on him and through his vehicle door. “I’m sorry Javi. I am.” she says as his anger grows.
“ESME?!” he barks. “Let me GO! Are you fuckin’ CRAZY?”
“Maybe.” she sighs and walks a few paces away, to the railing of the bridge, looking down at the water. ‘There is only one way you will let me go Javi. I cannot have you being my weakness, or my capture, or my pursuer. I would spend my life looking over my shoulder.”
“What the FUCK are you talking about?!” his voice breaks, a shout scaring the animals in the brush nearby.
She stands on the railing, wind through her hair and a feeling of true freedom being just outside her grasp. She hears him struggling behind her, the desperate grunts and whimpers, his words and shouts join the shite noise of the water as she closes her eyes. She turns only her head to meet his wild eyes one last time, a snapshot in her mind to carry with her into her new life. “I love you, Javier Pena. Never doubt that. I’ll see you in the next life.”
And with that, she was gone. Over the railing as Javi screamed until he was hoarse, his wrist fractures and bruised from the force of trying to free himself. It would break him, and he would be born into a new life. Just like her.
She knew it was drastic, but the only way she would be able to escape not only his love of her but of hers for him. He had to think she was dead.
@likedovesinthewnd @jaegeeeeer @biharryjames @ladamari68​ @past-romantic​ @weliketomoveit 
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tessasocs · 4 years
Hi! so, i saw a post scrolling down my dashboard and i should be going to bed, and then i dove into the character tag for like 15 minutes (i love all the manips, like, talent i wish i had there, honestly.) but I saw that you wanted people to ask you things about Alex? So I have... i guess a few questions for you:
what’s your favorite thing about Alex?
what Taylor Swift songs would you *most* associate with her character?
and what’s the most unbelievable thing *you* think she’s done?
Hi! OMG I’m honored that you loved one of my edits enough to delve into the character tag haha! And thank you, you’re so sweet!! 
My favorite thing about Alex is just how much hope she has inside of her. She’s been through a lot and lost a lot of people in her life and somehow she always manages to have hope that things will get better. It may take a nudge here or there, but she always pushes through and makes it to the other side. And also she’s a 6′2 tall Amazonian goddess who kicks ass and is related to Wonder Woman.
YOU PICKED THE PERFECT QUESTION FOR ME AHHHHH!! So Lover is her and Ray’s theme song and always will be, but for character songs? I would say ‘this is me trying’, ‘long story short’, ‘death by a thousand cuts’. And Long Live for the Legends overall. I’m sure there's more but those are the ones I thought of immediately.
The most unbelievable thing I think she’s done? I think fighting and beating Superman while he was corrupted by the Book of Destiny falls into that category. Like damn, sis really is the strongest hero in the universe.
Thank you for asking!!!!
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Spilt Coffee | Jihoon au
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Pairing: Jihoon x Reader
Genre: Soulmate!au, fluff
Words: 3.1k
Summary: You can hear your soulmates thoughts from the moment you first see them.
The8 |  Jeonghan  |  Mingyu  |  Hoshi |  S.Coups |  Jun  |  Wonwoo | Dino  |  Vernon |  Seungkwan  |  DK  |  Joshua
Unlike most people on earth, you were never too bothered about the concept of soulmates. You always figured that if you stumbled across your soulmate, great. Although you were not going to dedicate your life to finding your other half. 
As you grew up, more and more of your friends found their soulmates and you were happy for them. They would often talk about their soulmate connections and the look of pure happiness whenever they spoke about how they eventually met their soulmate always warmed you heart. You were happy because you knew how important it was to them. Which is why it always puzzled them when you were almost indifferent when you spoke about your soulmate.
In all honesty you didn’t know if you had one. You had no obvious sign so you didn’t know anything about them.  You knew that if you did have one you would have to wait for the day that the connection revealed itself. You were happy waiting. You were at university studying a subject that really interested you, you had a good circle of friends and you were content with life.
Although apparently destiny had other plans.
One day you happily scrolling through tumblr, looking at memes to procrastinate from all your upcoming deadlines when a gif of a group of dancers appeared. You don’t know how it appeared on your dashboard, but you found yourself staring intently at them. After a few cycles you were able to count thirteen of them. How were they all so perfectly in sync?
You couldn’t help but search for the source of the gif. Your interest had been piqued and you gave up on doing anything productive long ago.
You eventually find a music video. The beat was catchy and the vocals were pleasant. What caught your attention was when a member with bright yellow hair came to the front. His voice was beautiful, as was his dance. He was shorter than the other members but he was no less handsome. You paused the video, opening up another tab to try and search the name of the mysterious yellow haired man.
You froze when you heard a voice in your head. It definitely wasn’t your voice, it was soft and sounded a lot like that of the singer that was on your screen. You double checked, the screen was still paused so why could you hear his voice? You couldn’t understand a word he was saying but yet his voice was soothing. You snapped out of that peaceful thought as you realised that you could hear a complete strangers voice in your head and that definitely wasn’t normal.
You thought you were going crazy and resorted to searching. Why can I suddenly hear a stranger's voice in my head? The results you found all screamed soulmate.
Apparently there was a connection where you could hear your soulmate’s thoughts after you see them for the first time. You stared at the screen, eyes wide in disbelief. There was no way this beautiful man was your soulmate, it just wasn’t possible.
You looked into the connection more and soon found that although you could hear his thoughts, he wouldn’t be able to hear yours until he saw you. You chuckled dryly to yourself Of course this connection wouldn’t be that convenient. 
He’s a famous Korean singer, he isn’t just going to bump into you on the street or stumble across a picture of you. It was at this time that you were glad that you were not so emotionally invested in soulmates as those around you. Although you knew who he was now, nothing has really changed. You weren't going to waste your money flying to the other side of the world to track him down. You believed that if it were meant to happen it would happen eventually.
The next day you told your friend about your discovery. She, as expected, looked at you as if you were crazy.
“So why aren’t you going to find him?”
“One, I can’t afford it. Two I’m not just going to be able to run into him on the street, it could just be a wasted trip. Three, I don’t speak Korean so I’m not going to jet off to South Korea on my own”
Your friend rolls her eyes. You were surprised that your friend dropped the subject so easily.
A month had passed since your discovery and you found yourself learning Korean to try and and decipher what the voice in your head was saying. He often had thoughts about music and producing. Naturally you found yourself following Seventeen, constantly curious about what comes of all the foreign thoughts in your head. You could tell his mind was on his work a lot.
You also noticed that the voice didn’t disappear for long. You realised that he didn’t sleep regularly and sometimes you wished he would just stop thinking about arrangements and just go to bed. You thought it would be weird having his voice in your head but you managed to tune it out to a point where it wasn’t in the forefront of your mind all the time.
You got up from the sofa when you heard the familiar sound of letters hitting the floor. You didn’t get post very often. Usually it was just letters from your parents, bills or sometimes the odd postcard from one of your friends telling you about what an amazing holiday they are having with their soulmate.
The envelope looked unfamiliar, the handwriting was not of someone you recognised. You thought it could be for your roommate but it was addressed to you so you opened it.
Congratulations Miss L/N
You have been accepted for the foreign exchange program in South Korea. You will receive further email correspondence outlining the details. We hope you enjoy this experience and make the most of your studies.
You eye the letter in confusion. You never applied for a foreign exchange program, so how could you be a successful applicant? You thought about it for a moment, until you recall an evening with your best friend. 
The two of you were sat in your living room studying. She had her laptop on the sofa and decided to ask you stupid questions to see how much you knew about each other. Questions, that involved medical history and next of kin. She must have been filling out the application for you. 
You face palmed yourself, you should have know she wouldn’t have just let it go.  
After confronting your best friend about it and receiving nothing but an innocent shrug of the shoulders in explanation, you decided to go on the exchange. You knew Korean now and even if you didn’t meet your soulmate it would still be a great experience. 
Before you knew it you had arrived in South Korea and you were settled into your dorm with some of the other exchange students. You quickly fell into the routine of going to classes and exploring your new surroundings. You got on well with the students you lived with so you were quite enjoying the experience. You had made no effort to start looking for Jihoon. Little did you know that that would change soon.
One afternoon you decided to stop by a coffee shop after heading home from your lecture of the day, you were starving and there was no food at your dorm as you couldn’t be bothered to go shopping the day before. It was a decision you were now regretting.
You were on your way home from the station when you walked past what looked like a cozy little coffee shop. You walked in and were taken back by the warmth of the place. You made a mental note that this would be a good place to study. You stood behind the two boys who were waiting to order. They were wrapped up warm in padded jackets and hats, you couldn’t really see their faces.
They went up to order and you couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop but you had taken your headphones out so that you would be able to talk to the cashier and couldn’t help but hear what was going.
“Can I have three Iced Americanos, one Americano…”
“What did Jeonghan want to drink again?” the shorter of the two asks.
“Urgh” the other groans. “Seungkwan you only had to remember two things. Please tell me you remember what Jihoon wanted” the other speaks, his voice deep.
You knew you recognised their voices and from the people they were talking about you realised who they were. Seventeen. You eyes widened. Jihoon. Your soulmate. If they are here then it means that he may be nearby. 
You weren’t ready to meet your soulmate. Not while you were wearing the tracksuit bottoms you wore to bed that night, your hair was a mess after rolling out of bed the latest you could so that you were still on time. You did not look presentable to meet your soulmate for the first time. Especially since you knew how handsome your soulmate was.
Seungkwan and who you made out to be Wonwoo stepped aside to let you order. You were still in shock.
You quickly placed your order and stood aside and waited patiently. You debated talking to them. Although you quickly rejected that idea since you had no idea what to say to them that wouldn't make you sound crazy. You contemplated complementing their music but they seemed so engrossed in the conversation they were having that you didn’t want to bother them. 
Your drink was ready rather quickly, you picked it up and walked to an available table. Seungkwan and Wonwoo left shortly after. You wondered if they were regulars here, the way they conversed with the barista when they were making their coffees suggested that they may be.
You found yourself going back to that little cafe often. They made great drinks and because it was on a back street it wasn’t busy. You found it the perfect place to get your assignments done. You quickly became friends with the staff there and they often started preparing your order once you walked in the door as you were predictable and always ordered the same thing.
You became rather friendly with the barista that works in the mornings. She often came to sit with you once she finished her shifts. The two of you quickly got on the subject of soulmates. She told you about the wolf tattoo the has on the back of her neck. Usually it is covered by her uniform but she pulled her collar down to show you. It was beautiful, somewhere someone had the same tattoo, she was a lot like you, not out specifically searching for your soulmate. It was nice to find someone else that shared the same opinion.
You quickly got onto the subject of your soulmate and you explained your situation. You weren’t sure whether to tell her about Seventeen, since they were regulars here. Although Jihoon had never made an appearance while you were here. 
You decided to tell her, she was nice and you wanted to vent to someone. You told her about the video and how you could hear his thoughts, and how it was completely one way. You asked if he had ever come into the shop but she said she had never seen him.
I’m going to kill him. The little shit, it’s all over the floor and…. Oh thank god it’s not on the computer. I’m still going to kill him though. 
Seungkwan get back here you little shit. 
I’m going to ban him from my studio, never again will he so much as open the door.
You laughed to yourself, earning a puzzling look from the girl in front of you.
“By the sounds of it Seungwan has spilt something in Jihoon’s studio, he is currently plotting his murder”
She laughed along. “It’s probably coffee, he came in about twenty minutes ago”
You smiled. You talked for a little while longer before she had to go and catch her bus. You said goodbye and went back to your assignment.
Seungwan practically ran back to the coffee shop, knowing that it was best not to be in Jihoon’s sight for the time being. He also knew that if he had any hopes of redeeming himself he would have to replace the coffee he spilt all over the floor. He was just happy it hadn’t got on Jihoon’s equipment, otherwise there would be no hope of his survival.
He pushed through the doors. Quickly going to the counter to order. He waits patiently, he recognises one of the regular baristas walking towards him, the same one that had served him half an hour ago. “Hi Seungkwan” she smiles. “How come you’re back so soon?”
“I dropped my coffee” he mutters in embarrassment.
“Yeah all over Woozi’s studio by the sound of it” she chuckles to herself.
Seungkwan tilts his head in confusion.
“How could you possibly know that?”
“See that girl over there” she points to you. You were currently staring out the window. He nods, unsure of what you had to do with his barista being a psychic.
“She can hear his thoughts, she’s his soulmate. By the sounds of it Woozi was plotting your murder” she chuckles.
“How come hyung can’t hear her thoughts then?” He had never heard of this connection before and it seemed weird that it would only work one way.
“He hasn’t seen her yet. She saw the Don’t wanna cry video so she could hear his thoughts. But obviously he hasn’t seen her.”
Seungkwan nods his head in understanding, his mind still trying to process that he knew who Jihoon’s soulmate was before he did. He smiled as he realised that this would probably work in his favour, if he was the one responsible for Jihoon meeting his soulmate then he would have to forgive him.
“Take a picture of her and show Woozi, if it works like it did with her it should be enough.” she suggests before walking out the door.
Seungkwan takes her advice, taking a subtle photo of you without being too obvious. Which was easy considering you were staring out the window.
He grabbed Jihoon’s coffee before walking as fast as he could back to the Pledis building.
“Hyung” he shouts as he bangs on the door of Jihoon’s studio. He opens the door.
“Stop right there. Don’t even think about stepping through that door” Jihoon turns around on his chair, looking deadly serious.
“How am I meant to give you your coffee then?” Seungkwan smiles, knowing that he would have to come in.
Jihoon stands up and takes the coffee, muttering a small word of thanks before going to shut the door.
“I found your soulmate”
“How could you have possibly have done that? I don’t even know what connection I have”
“You can hear her thoughts.” he grins knowingly.
“No I can’t” he deadpanned.
“You will in a minute” Seungwan practically sings in excitement.
Jihoon just stands there confused before Seungkwan pulls out his phone. A picture of a girl comes up on the screen. Sure she was beautiful, she looked so peaceful as she stared out of the window. But he couldn’t help but wonder what this girl had to do with his soulmate.
That’s me you idiot.
Jihoon drops his coffee on the floor as your voice appears in his head. 
Seungkwan groans, he was not going to go back to the coffee shop again so instead leaves Jihoon to his new discovery a small smile on his face.
Why can I hear you?.
You saw my face so now you can hear my thoughts
How is that even possible? like that makes no sense whatever.
I don’t know either but you’ll get used to it.
How long have you been able to hear my thoughts?
A few months I think. I couldn’t understand them at first but after a month or so I could work out most of it.  You think about work a lot.
I know
Just make sure you take breaks now and then, the amount of second hand stress you have caused me is ridiculous.
Sorry. Even in his head he could feel how small his voice had become. He had unintentionally unloaded all his problems onto you for months and he had no idea
It’s okay, just take care of yourself.
Jihoon couldn’t help but smile to himself. He was talking to his soulmate and she cared about him. He never thought it would be this easy. He got nervous around new people but in a strange way you have been with him for months.
Are you still at the coffee shop?
Do you want to come to the Pledis building? I’d like to meet you in person.
Sure. Do you want me to bring another coffee since both have ended up on the floor now. You chuckled to yourself.
Yes please
Jihoon finally looked down at the mess he had created, he groaned at the state of the carpet in his precious studio. He made a mental note to apologise to the cleaner as the stains would definitely not come out easily.
Well technically the second time was your fault.
Can you still hear me?
How do I turn it off?
Are you trying to get rid of me?
I don’t know how you can stop me from hearing your thoughts, I’ve never had that problem.
So I’m just constantly going to have your voice in my head. I mean it’s a nice voice but is’t it like a little weird to constantly have someone else's thoughts in your head.
It is at first but I learned to block it out. When I do your voice just sounds like a quiet murmur, it’s quite peaceful actually.
You have a really sweet voice, I thought it was just when you sing, but it’s like a little warm feeling at the back of my mind.
He couldn’t help but blush, his ears tinted pink as he thought about your words. Many people had told him what an amazing singer he was but their words never had the same effect yours did. 
He felt a tingling in his heart. For years he had never seen the appeal of frantically searching for soulmates, but now he had this feeling in his heart and your voice in his head, he wonders why he hadn't tried to find you sooner.
Minghao  |  Jeonghan  |  Mingyu  |  Soonyoung |  Seungcheol  |  Junhui  |  Wonwoo  | Chan  |  Hansol |   Seungkwan  |  Seokmin  |  Joshua
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