#I really love gally in the movie so much more then in the book
ginaluvr · 4 months
rating the changes between tmr book and movie
anyone who read the books first knows that the movie trilogy ended up telling a completely different story. i've been a big fan of the books forever so i thought i'd rate the significant changes made in the first one since it's generally the same plot. scale is 0-5 with 5 being good change.
the gladers initially not remembering their names: 3/5. maybe it was done to raise the stakes and make it more disorienting.
there are no real buildings in the glade: 1/5. this implies they had to start completely from scratch when they first arrived, which makes the maze seem like a test of survival rather than willpower and psychology.
leading on from that... the maze is actually outdoors: 0/5. you're telling me they had rain and lots of greenery in an outdoor structure in a desert climate? and the gladers had no real shelter provided? it also makes the test of their determination less powerful, because in the books, the maze was an indoor structure. the fact that they could technically climb the walls and see the outside world in the movies removes some of hopelessness and frustration for me.
ben is a runner: 4/5. makes sense! especially since we never learned how he got stung as a builder in the books.
the gladers are allowed to have a bit of fun: 5/5. i love the bonfire scene. i think it's a realistic change that a bunch of teenage boys would want to let loose every now and then.
they were there 3 years instead of 2: 4/5. i mean, sure.
no one has ever seen a griever before and survived: 0/5. makes no sense at all because the gladers are aware of the changing as a process! if no one has ever survived encountering a griever, where did they get this precedent from? how did they recognise that ben was stung? perhaps this info was just newt being dramatic since it comes from his dialogue.
they don't have grief serum until teresa arrives: 1/5. again, doesn't make sense. the changing being a process they're familiar with which brings back memories after they get the serum is entirely destroyed in the movie. this is the catalyst for a lot of the events in the book and it loses all its function.
several of the characters are different in personality: varies. thomas is more typically 'cool' in the movie and less curious and, to put it bluntly, less annoying. i don't like this change much, his constant curiosity and eagerness to learn and discover was a huge part of who he was in the books (if you know mbti, all i have to say is he was an INTP in the books and an ISTP in the movies). then we have minho, who was way less brash, hot headed, and reckless in the movies (he was also made into an ISTP while he was an ESTP in the books). i think alby is a bit different. i like both portrayals of alby, but i think he seemed nicer and more chill in the movie, probably just because the actor was very charismatic. this works because he can easily be charismatic as a leader. but him also being a stressed out kid with too much responsibility in the books, leading to him lashing out more and being less calm and collected, makes sense! gally is a bit nicer, actually rational at times, in the movie. he's also not, like, pathetic and embarrassingly petty. these are all traits in the book which emphasise the fact that he's a scared kid, so this also isn't my favorite change ever.
thomas gets memories back in his dreams: 1/5. unnecessary and completely removes the high stakes of him having no recollection of his involvement with WICKED.
minho doesn't find a dead griever: 3/5. at least they still accounted for why alby had to go into the maze. i still wish they did it.
alby was alone in the glade for a whole month: 1/5. it is not logical that someone would be able to run a whole farm and build shelter all alone at 15 years old without any help. it also doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have gotten killed in the maze on accident.
teresa doesn't come up one day after thomas: 2/5. i guess it doesn't really matter, but this is just one element of the timeline being quite different that wasn't necessary to change.
minho helps thomas save alby in the maze: 0/5. this is thomas's first big act of heroism and the thing that makes minho respect him. they should've kept thomas doing it alone.
the grievers are completely different: 2/5. i understand that this is probably a design issue for the movie, but the book concept of the grievers is better.
the maze is completely different: 1/5. i don't like the movie maze... why is it a circle. the idea of the 8 square sections that are repeating and consistent makes the maze so much more frustrating and bewildering! also that part in the movie where the walls start to fall and the floors come up... why. there's also no code hidden in the walls, which was a very cool element.
no cliff/griever hole: 2/5. not terrible because this would be hard to show on screen. but the fact that instead, in the movie, there is just a visible section that the runners never found before is a bit unrealistic.
gally never went through the changing: 0/5. gally's hatred for thomas in the movie is baseless, while in the book it's clearly about suspicion and fear. he's an understandable antagonist in the book.
thomas and teresa don't have telepathy: 3/5. would've been hard to portray on screen. takes away from the depth of their connection, however.
the gladers give up too easily: 0/5. this one bothers me! when all the other runners in the movie randomly quit their jobs. the whole point in the books is that they'd never do that.
thomas is looked to as a leader: 0/5. when he starts giving orders in the movie and leads the charge into the maze.... ughhh. again i think they tried to make him a more cool and admirable protagonist, but i think a big part of the books is that thomas never saw himself as particularly special, or a leader. he couldn't have done anything he did without minho's, newt's, alby's, teresa's etc skill, authority, support. they were a team and a family. instead, in the movie, they start to follow him without question when he was barely there five days.
the grievers don't only kill 1 glader per night: 2/5. adds tension but also takes away from the fact that the maze again wasn't a test of survival.
alby's and chuck's deaths were essentially swapped: 0/5. i really dislike this change. they took away the fact that alby's fear changed him, and that his last act was both selfless and scared. in the movie he just died on accident. then i think chuck actually chose to sacrifice himself in the movie, when in the books he was forced to as a variable by WICKED. this absolutely takes away from the utter pointlessness of chuck's death, and it's also ooc for a scared 12 year old to choose to die when he so badly wanted to escape.
thomas had no real reason to sting himself: 0/5. he already had memories coming back in dreams and they already believed they had found an escape in the maze. he literally had no reason to go through the changing in the movie and it's a bit overdramatic for no reason.
people take gally seriously as a leader: 2/5. this only happened because alby got killed off early in the movie.
this is one of my least favorite changes so i saved it for last. nalby erasure: 0/5. the movies definitely take away that alby was newt's best friend and the person he cared for and protected most. likewise, in the books, thomas's favorite and most prioritised glader (along with teresa) was actually always minho. although thominho wasn't erased as much in the movies, the fact that those two pairings were the strongest bonds we ever got between the boys in the books isn't really there in the movies. i think the movies allowed people to forget that newt being canonly gay actually means alby is his most likely love interest!
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shoobie-doobie · 18 days
My Opinions On Various Tmr Ships (Because Posting On Tumblr Is Easier Than Facing My Own Problems)
(No hate to any of these ships)
Newtmas: I think this entire account is self explanitory (OTP)
Brenda x Thomas: I kinda see them as gay x lesbian where they think they're in love with eachother, but are really repressing their sexualities
Nalby: My No 2 Newt ship! The first thing I shipped when I read the books (although I did become more attatched to Newtmas). Less prominant in the movies. Also, HAVE YOU SEEN THEM???
Tomresa: I think the plot would have been so much more meaningful if they were made siblings, not love interests, but here we are ig???
Tominho: Allright ig. Always saw them more as brothers??? Idk, kissing the homies goodnight type vibes. I don't really see it
Minewt: Cute!! Not as good as Newtmas, but I do like this one!! Definately enjoy it more in the movies tho
Tominewt: If I had to pick an OT3 this would probably be it. I like it, no super intense feelings either way. Some really great Tominewt fics out there
Brendresa: Idk I don't really see it, but I will always eat them up as a side pairing to Newtmas!!
Gally x Ben: I LOVE THIS SHIT!! I will eat up Gally x Ben till the day I die!! They are so cute!!
Gally x Minho: Firm belief that anyone who's read the books is less inclined to ship these two. Bitter exes type vibe
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crestfallercanyon · 5 months
weekly tag wednesday ☁️
thanks for the tag @mmmichyyy!!! Been a while since I've actually done one of these but I'm always excited to see others tags <3
name: crest
age: late 20s
your time zone: actually currently it's mountain time but that's not typical.
what do you do for work? I'm an attorney.
do you have any pets? yes, I have one cat, he's adorable.
what first drew you to this fandom? admittedly I at first started seeing gifsets, and then I realized they were coming from a beloved mutual @go-catch-a-chickn and I was slowly becoming obsessed and wanted to know more about the show, talked to my sibling who has already seen Shameless too, and then when I finally made the plunge everyone was SO NICE and LOVELY! So while I'm back to being a bit on the fringes (of all things fandom lately, not just Shameless) I do still adore it.
are you a morning person or a night owl? quite genuinely I am both and neither. It really depends on how well I've slept, how much time to myself I feel I've had, or how busy I am.
what are your hobbies? writing, getting back into drawing, video games, hiking, I play an instrument in my community orchestra as well, as well as others.
how tall are you? 5'4ish?
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? I don't know actually -- some days I just want to go back to the midwest, other days I want to live in New York and experience that. I'm pretty happy where I'm at, though.
favorite color? green
favorite book? Oof, favorites are really hard. I don't know if I have a true favorite book, just recency bias lmao. I absolutely loved This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. However, I will say, I actually reread The Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff Vandermere (particularly the first two books, Annihilation and Authority) fairly often. It is one of the most compelling stories I've read, and every time I reread it I catch a new clue as to what's going on and a new creepy detail.
favorite movie? Steel Magnolias. No other movie makes me laugh and cry as hard as that one does.
favorite fic? there's so many, I've read in so many different fandoms, too, this isn't really quantifiable. That being said, I probably reread Stag and Wolf, Wyvern and Rabbit by deadlifts (Fire Emblem Three Houses Claude/Felix fic) the most. I've also read Ready (Maze Runner Gally/Minho fic) by comebacknow a lot. They're both amazing, I greatly recommend.
favorite musical artist: glass animals and the japanese house. this is also subject to change all the time, but I adore these two for sure.
what is your average screen time so far this week? way too fucking high. I've been easily distracted recently.
what’s the first app you open in the morning? this will date me for sure -- probably snapchat. i've got streaks with friends spanning years, not about to let 'em die.
how long have you been on tumblr? not until around the pandemic area, think 2021? My vibe screams I was on tumblr when I was a preteen, but when I was a kid we only had one computer for the whole house and it was ancient -- which means I never got to use it and had actually never heard of tumblr until after it "died" the first time.
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: no one ever expects it, but I'm actually a pretty good dancer, and I love to go salsa dancing.
no pressure tags: @go-catch-a-chickn, @michellemisfit, @jrooc, @callivich, and anyone else who wants to join!
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maysxn · 8 months
A Scorch Trials rant
Is 2024 and I'm making my way back into tmr, that saga has had a choke hold on me since elementary school. I was happy with the material we already had but James Dashner decided to write a sequel trilogy and now I have to catch up. (Honestly, I find a bit of a stretch in the new books, like 73 years later Sonya's granddaughter is the new protagonist, and SPOILER: I heard that they say that Newt was the supposed cure-all this time??? Idk maybe I would change my mind after I read them).
I loved the first movie and I tried reading the books in elementary school but The Scorch Trials was way too hard to understand for me, so I just stuck with the movies. I'm reading it again and it's as crazy as I remembered.
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I'm appalled at how fucking annoying is Thomas. I'm on chapter 23 (I was) and I hope this gets better (it didn't). He just whines and is always thinking about Teresa, the only thing in his mind is "Teresa, Teresa, Teresa". Man, I understand you like her and you are worried about her but there are more important things happening. I can't believe he literally curls into a ball and cries because she is not there and is not answering his telepathic messages.
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Another thing that baffles me is the lack of information about the other Gladers, I know the story is from Thomas's pov and he was in the Glade for like five days, but we have people dying in horrifying ways and no one reacts to it and in some cases we don't even know who just died. Like a guy just got decapitated by a metal ball and the only thing we know (after his death) is that his name was Frankie. And no one reacts to it, are Frankie friends in the room with us??? All the other guys without names are like npcs they don't really add a lot, they are just here to die.
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When Jorge and Brenda appeared I was excited but that died as quickly as Franky, the moment I met Brenda's book personality. Wdym Brenda literally throws herself to Thomas, tells him that he would be a better leader, kisses him, and tells him that she likes him. Then she starts hugging him, holding his hand, resting her head on his shoulder, and she tells him that they should leave the others (including Jorge) and go to save heaven together. They met less than an hour ago, what the fuck is going on????? Where is badass Brenda??? Is a fucking post-apocalyptic world, with crazy zombies everywhere, why are you acting like that???
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Right now I'm in chapter 34, things are getting exciting but I was hoping for some character development, not only for Thomas but everyone. Minho is really impulsive and that's something that puts them in a bad position with new people. Newt is just there, I was waiting for more action on his part. Overall I hope the dynamic between them evolves, in the movies they are a great trio and they feel like best friends, but in the book not so much.
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And to finish this long rant a pet peeve of mine is what is with James Dashner describing the smell of everything??? I didn't want to know that in a small hallway reeks from everyone's breaths. I didn't want to know that something smells like Frypan's pits or Gally's feet, and I didn't want to know that Brenda's breath has a nonscent that Thomas finds pleasant, thank you very much.
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For the fanfic asks, 💕Galesa💕 and 6, 13, 15, 51, 60
(I had to whittle it down… you may see me again for these two)
Well, this went absolutely overboard haha. Enjoy <3
6)Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
OH MY GOD, what a question. Who would beg the other not to leave. GOD. I think we both love Teresa and Gally together because they’re all hard edges and have to learn to open up a lot until they can be something. Trust, and more importantly admission of weakness does not come easy to them, so to beg the other not to leave… Wow, that is powerful.
So honestly, if Teresa were to beg Gally not to leave, I think Gally wouldn’t. Gally cares above all else to protect the people he loves, and if Teresa gave him such clear directions, I don't think he would be able to go against them in good conscience.
The other way around however I think Teresa would leave. Because she trusts her own judgement above anything—and anyone—else's. She's driven to do "the right thing", and she'll go to any length to do it (as we've seen very clearly in both the book and movie storyline). So if Teresa decided she needs to leave Gally to protect him, she’ll do it.
However, him begging will stay with her might very well set the founding stone for withering doubt that could turn into regret and revelation, leading to Teresa coming back and trying to tackle the battle together.
But oh to think of Gally begging……………………… Imagine how much pride he’d have to put aside for that. How much vulnerability. (Is it our fault for wanting to break Gally when he’s that easy to break………………..)
But having said that, I think if Gally truly felt he needed to leave to protect Teresa, he just wouldn’t tell her about it and leave in the dead of night. Because he would know he wouldn’t be strong enough to resist her reasoning (though actually it would be all about the emotional side of her plea. She has a draw too strong on Gally for him to be able—no, for him to want to resist).
He might even resist any possibilities of making them into a thing—or of letting whatever they have progress further than the bare minimum he cannot resist. (If he knew he had to leave, I mean.)
To conclude this, I want to say that I think both Teresa and Gally are absolutely the types who would come up with the idea they had to leave to protect the other. I think both are prone to deduce themselves as an exaggerated source of danger or suffering, due to highly self-critical senses of self.
I think that’s true in canonverse or in AUs. (In AUs I’d imagine this revolving around mental health issues, and leaving to protect the other from the (anticipated, or already present) effects. —Kinda like that Thomesa fic of mine 'Peace'.
13)Who’s the bigger tease?
Asldkjfaklsd. I wanna say Teresa—or let’s say it comes more easily to her. But what I’d really die for is to see Gally develop a comfortable enough sense of self around Teresa to start to tease her. And once he does, once he has figured out exactly how to make her blush or scoff indignantly, he only has to do the mental equivalent of flexing his little finger to get her.
When other people witness this, it may surprise them—and they might have a moment of epiphany where they see just how much Galesa bring out in each other. <3 (GOD i'm feeling so soft about them)
15)Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
I think so, yes. They’re both too earnest and sweet to not do it.
51)What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Hugging. The type where you fall into each other.
Generally physical touch. I’ve had this image for a while where Teresa’s sitting on her computer, working, and Gally just kind of steps up behind her and lays a hand on her shoulder, and she relaxes under it.
I also see them giving each other gifts from time to time; flowers or other small things.
The gifting of flowers goes both ways btw, Gally gets flowers as well (and likes them a lot). (I’m such a fan of making my male characters enjoy “”””””””””””””””””feminime””””””””””””””””” things. Like what even are gender norms.)
I think the big thing about this, especially for Gally, is that the presents can be small, sweet things that don't necessarily hold for very long, and hence don't serve any "practical purpose" except for saying "i love you".
60) Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping
Uhh I’ve never been a cuddler during sleeping so I’m finding this one hard to answer lskadjfa. Maybe Gally? Bc he’s some sort of gruff sleeper, yknow. So he’d draw a bear arm out for Teresa.
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star--anon · 10 months
Rewatched Maze Runner
Warning! The following below contains giant paragraphs of rambly, out-of-order thoughts on some random movie. Viewer discretion is a word.
If everyone could go ahead and remember that, apparently, the stage directions for the introduction of the Runners is, "A group of kids sitting far away from the crowd, not really joining in, like war veterans that never assimilated back into society"
I've always had the vague sense that Thomas and Newt were such a popular duo that, in later movies, Minho was somewhat overlooked in order to make room for the two. I can't tell if it's just the movie's reinventing of Minho's character (let's be real: book-Minho and movie-Minho are two different people), but I think the overlooking of Minho happened since Day One, honestly. Like, during the scene where Thomas, Newt, and Minho talk to Jeff (doctor guy) about Teresa? And Newt gets all the sassy lines and Minho stays quiet?
He would not fucking say that.
(don't get me wrong I love Newt; I just wish Minho got to shine more. He's so loud and confident and sassy in the books. Not only did we lose that, I also feel like we didn't get anyone to replace that. Newt's a bit more broken than Minho is, so as sassy as he was, he couldn't be book Minho levels of sassy. So we just kind of completely lost that cocky attitude entirely. Also, cmon man, I deserve this. I never get to see Asians be the sassy ones in movies. We're always the nerds.)
Also if we got more sassy Minho it'd make the scene where Thomas and him follow the Griever core beeping thingie to the Griever Hole so much funnier. Minho looks so lost and confused during that scene lmao
It's worth mentioning that Gally's respected enough to be the one to cross off Gladers' names from the walls after they die. Like, it cannot be a coincidence that the two times we're shown where someone gets their names crossed, it's Gally.
"He built half of this place himself." Yeah, man. Gally is a respectable character in the Glade. There's a lot of subtext in the movies, but I feel like that's totally glossed over by the fandom. Then again, I wouldn't know. I don't hang out in the Gally tag to be honest. Too much xReader smut there.
Just a reminder that there's a deleted scene before the scene where Gally pushes Newt to punish Thomas for breaking the rules. Minho bursts into the room and goes, "What the hell, Gally? You think you can call a Keeper meeting without us?" And after Gally tries to get Thomas to leave the room, he immediately snaps, "He stays." And that should've been left in the movie. ONCE AGAIN THEY CUT OUT MINHO BEING COOL AND CONFIDENT. WE WERE DONE A DISSERVICE
"Gally-" (placatingly) "Nah, Fry." Damn I want more Frypan. This one scene, where Frypan then proceeds to chase after Gally, has so much behind it. I want more Frypan dammit
When Minho and Thomas are exploring section 7 and discover the Griever Hole? Before going in, Minho turns and asks, "You sure about this?"
He would not fucking say that.
Just for the record, Gally is scared. I feel like that's not talked about a lot. He's not... Okay, well, I mean, he is a plot device that is mad at Thomas because the plot requires it. BUT HE IS ALSO a terrified kid! "For three years, we've coexisted with these things. Now you've killed one of them. Who knows what that means for us?" HE'S TERRIFIED HE'S SCARED THOSE ARE THE WORDS OF A SCARED KID WHO DOESN'T WANT TO DIE!! JUSTICE FOR GALLY AHHHHHH !!!
Having a VFX guy to be the director was a genius move. The scene where the walls in section 7 start closing in on Thomas and Minho is genuinely beautiful and exhilarating
When Alby wakes up and the Main Gang (my term for the group of main characters) burst into the room, and Minho immediately asks Teresa, "Has he said anything?" AHHHHH T^T He cares, he really does. Beneath all that attitude, he cares.
Damn Wes Ball was such a good fucking pick to direct this movie. And anyone who worked on the VFX deserves so much love. And money. Mostly money. but love too! Anyway, the night scene where the Grievers come in and kill a bunch of kids is fucking beautiful. I think I got too used to Marvel, where all the shitty CGI is covered up via super fast cuts that make it difficult to keep up with the action. It's so nice to take a breath of fresh air for once.
Wish we got to see more of the Gladers fighting back against the Grievers, though. Two people throw a spear and that's it? C'mon.
"Chuck, don't let go!" "No shit!"
Ooooooooh, when Alby goes insane and rabidly hacks away at the Griever tail holding Chuck? Dammit I love him too.
I think it's because I'm aromantic but I hate it when an artificial romance just completely overshadows any genuine friendships made. I always hated that the first half of the book is Thomas forming tentative relationships with the Gladers, and then Teresa comes along and Thomas totally prioritizes her over everyone else. I like movie Thomresa a lot more.
When Minho whips his machete out after Thomas gives his bloody inspiring speech? *kicks feet and giggles*
It's worth mentioning that Minho always runs behind the group of kids? I've noticed this in Scorch Trials, too. Minho always runs behind everyone, even though... y'know. He's faster than them all. It's kinda cute; he's making sure nobody falls behind.
Okay, but genuinely, though? I have my gripes with the books and movies' writing, but the movies' diversion on Chuck's death is genuinely good. Twice, he almost died (Griever got him, he almost fell down in the Griever hole). It's like they want to nail home that he has plot armor so when he actually dies on the third time, it totally comes out of left field. I feel like if I hadn't read the books and just watched the movies, that would've absolutely stunned me.
I usually don't bother myself with complaints about movies because I fully believe that some movies have symbolism and social commentary and character arcs and some movies are just to stimulate happy chemicals in your brain for 2 hours, and both types of movies have value. However, I will say that the "detail mistake" that Minho knows the password to the Griever Hole starts with 7 is kinda unfounded. They're literally in section 7. If you're being asked the pattern of the maze while in section 7, you'd probably start with section 7.
Everyone say thank you to Jeff for sacrificing himself so we could go on to Scorch Trials and see sassy Minho at his sassiest (still a tamer version of book Minho though). Also say thank you to Jeff for having the most gruesome death. Obviously no blood was shown, but him screaming as the Grievers basically trample him was pretty damn shocking. From heroic self-sacrifice to merciless death. Whiplash.
Big ol' sign that says EXIT Frypan: "Seriously?"
Chuck nervously, hopefully asking, "Is it over?" AHHHHHHHHHH TT-TT
Just saying, I'm sure the first time Chuck gave Thomas his little totem, it was because Chuck believed Thomas could get them out. The second time, though? When he's literally bleeding out in his arms? Where Chuck realizes he's never gonna see his parents AND Chuck realizes Thomas is as close as he's ever gonna get? AHHHHHH
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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smoke and fire (11)
word count; 12,58
summary; following the tragic events of your last call, Vince has given the team a few days off, covered by other shift rotations, and coping alone can be hard.
notes; prepare for a few tears, but a lot of smiling and blushing.
warnings; reference to death, mentions of a funeral service, mentions of panic attacks, reference to injury, fire & arson.
The first tear fell the second your front door closed behind you. It was like a weight had been sitting on your chest, crushing you slowly for hours, from the very second you’d woken up this morning.
It had all been numb, seeming detached from who you really were, meeting members of Chuck’s family, introducing yourself, answering questions from the medical side of it all as they all stood confused as to what had happened to their son, and having to remind yourself on a mantra that you hadn't been at blame, as the unwarranted guilt threatened to topple over you at any given moment.
A beautiful ceremony of life, words that made the back of your throat sting as you sat in the church pews and listened to tributes, and the slight smudge of mascara under your eyes that you’d tried to clean up as your eyes watered, but you’d held strong throughout the entirety of the funeral. The dress sticking to your body felt too tight, like it was clinging to every inch of your skin, pushing in on you and crushing you from the outside.
He’d had a fireman’s funeral, the team deciding that despite never getting the chance to pass his exams, he would be sent off the proper way, and Vince had offered no argument. The morning started at the firehouse, nine o’clock sharp, the lights on the van flashing silently with the sirens turned off. The hurst had guided the pathway, lines of firemen along the edges of the cemetery as his family had arrived, and Newt’s hand had found your own to squeeze tightly as the black car had rolled to a stop.
His father, his uncle, his brother, a childhood friend, his best friend, and Thomas. Those six men carried the wooden box holding your friend to the front of the church for the gathering, respectful and calm, his mother offering a speech dedicated to the team, and you’d almost broken on the spot. There was something mentioned about all of you, about how proud Chuck made them all every day, and how much he loved what he did. Apparently, he spoke about you all to his family, at every chance he got. You felt like they were an extension of the team by the end of it.
Your social battery was drained; the simple small talk and polite exchanges you’d shared with everyone, but it had been overwhelming. You were no stranger to funerals or death, but you’d never lost someone so close to you before. It was utterly terrifying, to care so deeply for a group of people, to allow your walls to come down and let them in, only for the ever-looming threat of losing them to always be hanging over your head, and yet, somehow, it only made you stronger.
You suspected Chuck himself had something to do with that.
You’d placed a rose the same shade of red as the fire engines down on the top of his coffin, and whispered your thanks to him, for being your first friend in firehouse ‘21. You wouldn’t be who you were without him, you weren’t even sure whether you would have been able to stick it out there without his support, and without him, you certainly wouldn’t have the family you did today. You had him to thank for all of it, and you’d never be able to repay him.
You were invited out with them all, the family had booked a small conference room to go to, to share memories and chat, but the idea of it seemed like it might throw you over the edge, and you didn’t feel like having any more public breakdowns for a while. Your team had seen enough of you crying in recent weeks, and you felt like you’d done enough of that. You knew that Chuck wouldn’t want you to cry, he’d want you to make a cup of herbal tea - something stolen from Gally - and to watch a movie with Adam Sandler in or a rerun of Brooklyn 99, and he’d want you to smile, because that’s what he’d encouraged every other time you’d been sad.
He had never wanted anyone to do anything but smile, he was a ray of pure sunshine, warm and friendly and enough to light up any room or mood. You’d been sure to tell his mother that, and she’d held you in a tight hug that left you feeling weak, like you were being pulled down to the ground, the emotions overwhelming.
And so, you’d denied their request to join them as respectfully as you could, because you didn’t want to mourn surrounded by people. You didn’t want to do your mourning in a formal black dress that was smart enough for the occasion and heels that made your feet ache, watching as Newt pulled at the collar of his dress shirt, and the rest of your team wander around in the formal firemen’s uniform that was usually reserved for special occasions with a happier undertone, breaching on being tarnished, and you wouldn't let that happen.
So, you’d driven yourself home, eyes blurring a little and the clock tickling just past midday before the dam finally broke and you were slamming the front door shut a little harder than necessary. One gasping breath as you stood still, a second to follow, and then you were kicking off your shoes. The tears fell freely, hot and salty and unending as you sobbed, shoes abandoned and soles aching as you reached up to try and roughly jerk the zipper on the back of your dress down.
As you peeled it away from your body, you felt like you could breathe again, the pressure having been the opposite of soothing and you worry you were going to tear it in your haste to get it gone. It was chucked across the room, haphazardly into the laundry basket in the corner, and your stockings did rip as you tried to shed them from your skin. Elegant and professional, your appearance had been perfect, but you had felt the opposite. You felt broken, damaged and wounded and messy, like your emotions and inner feelings were leaking out for everyone to see, your deepest and darkest fears on display to be gawked at, your innermost worries open for public viewing.
It was a churning pool in your stomach, one that chilled you from the core, blood running cold in your veins, and you shivered a little. The smell of your perfume felt wrong where it lingered on the air from where you had sprayed it before, and you collapsed down in the seat at your dresser, hating the face that was staring back at you in the mirror.
It was wrong, you looked so professional, pointed eyeliner and a flick of lipstick, more makeup than you’d worn in a long time, but it was a mask, a shield to hide behind as you put up your defences against the pain you were experiencing, armour to wear to hold the pain at bay for long enough, but now it felt heavy. You grabbed for a makeup wipe, two coming loose and then a third, before you were scrubbing at your face. Flawless skin and artful designs were scrubbed away, your flesh blotchy underneath and flushed from the day’s events already, and it was only growing sorer as you scrubbed your skin clean.
The tears kept running, silent and slow as they flowed, and you struggled to even find the strength to push yourself back to standing up. The cold air in your apartment made you shiver, the simple but comfortable underwear was already feeling uncomfortable on your skin, everything did, now. Your fingers were shaking as they turned on the tap, trembling as you washed your face free of any remaining grime until you felt fresh, and you managed to get a handle on your tears.
They stopped somewhere between brushing your hair up out of your face and rubbing some moisturising cream onto the skin that was red and raw from salty tears. Tugging on your sweats and rolling them at the ankle away from your feet. Unclipping the bra from behind your back, it felt like the final restricting garment that was binding you to the pain of the day. It was left dropped to the floor, alongside torn stockings, kicked into the corner. You were fishing out a long-sleeved shirt from your dresser, the comfortable maroon coloured one with the hole in one sleeve for your thumb to slip through, when there was a knock at the door.
Nothing too startling, it wasn’t too quiet with the traffic outside, neither was it dark as light poured in from the sun outside, but you were one edge, and so the sudden intrusion on your quiet was shocking. Tugging the fabric over your head as you walked, and adjusting it across your front, you stuck your thumb through the hole and wiggled your fingers a little to grow comfortable, before you were opening the front door.
You were a little surprised to see who was on the other side. You had expected a neighbour, possibly the grumpy woman that lived a floor below, but you hadn't expected the towering frame of a familiar firefighter. He’d changed too, smart navy uniform swapped out for some jeans and an oversized jumper that would make him look smaller than he was if it wasn’t for broad shoulders and tall stature you knew lived underneath. Soft brown hair was freed from a white cap, and his face held equally as much sorrow as yours did.
“Thomas.. what are you doing here? How did you even know..?”
“I remembered. From the night we went to the vets. You pointed out which window was yours, I counted the floors, and tried to work it out. The resident two doors down told me where to find you.” Pink tinged his cheeks at the confession, and you laughed lightly, his hands rubbing together as he moved to stand up fully from where he’d been leaning a shoulder against the doorframe. “I thought you might need a friend right now.”
“You didn’t want to go to the little get together his family arranged?”
“Absolutely not.” He grimaced, shoulders sagging a little more. “I loved Chuck, I did, but I don’t think he’d be mad at me for not being able to handle another few hours of his crying relatives looking at me like I was the one who failed them, because I was supposed to be his lieutenant.”
“You’re not allowed to blame yourself if I’m not.” You whispered, his eyes sparkling a little in amusement as he let out a soft huff of a laugh, before his gaze was dropping down again.
“Look, I know my presence is unannounced, and that I am crossing all kinds of boundaries right now, but you were the first person I thought of when I got home and started feeling alone, and so I got changed and drove here without really thinking about it. I know it’s wrong, and you probably need time for yourself, and so I can go if you want me to, b-”
“Don’t go.”
He let out a relieved sound as you cut off his rambling, rubbing a hand over his forehead, and daring to look you in the eye. “Are you sure? I mean, my company right now, are you sure that’s what you want?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure about ninety-nine percent of the things going on in my life right now, but I’m pretty sure you’re one thing I’m absolutely certain of.” He smiled a little at your words, something soft and adoring flickering over his features, and he held his arms out a little wider for you.
“C’mere, sweetheart.”
You didn’t wait, letting yourself topple forwards into his grip as your hold on the door to keep you steady and upright in your weakened state moved to him, letting him support you as your arms wrapped around his neck, his around your waist to pull you flush up to his body for support, and you felt like you’d finally found your comfort as his warm breath washed over your cheek, before his face was burying in your neck, and a sweet kiss was being pressed to the skin there briefly.
His hands dipped a little lower, no doubt feeling you tremble against his hold, knees buckling as you relinquished the last of your self-control and stability to him, to hook under your ass, and lift you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, feeling him hold you a little tighter as he stepped blindly into your apartment, kicking the door shut and leaning back against it as he held you, and the presence of wet tears and muffled sniffles against your shoulder wasn’t missed.
You raised a hand, brushing through his hair gently, and taking the time to comfort him this time. You pressed a kiss to his temple, and again, before squeezing yourself around him a little tighter and letting him reciprocate the actions in silent acknowledgement of your comfort, as he let himself break down now he was behind closed doors, much like you had.
Your feet slipped back to the floor a few minutes later, when his heart had slowed and breathing calmed, and the moment of insure weakness had passed, leaving you to lean against him, staring up at red-rimmed eyes as his hands rubbed circles onto your hips, silence being all that was needed.
“Thanks for letting me in.”
“Thanks for coming over.” Your words were barely even audible, shared into the space between you both, and he nodded his head, licking over dry lips, and clearing his throat slightly.
“It was really no trouble. Like, at all.” You smiled, forehead bumping against his chin as you leaned forward, before your cheek was pressing to his shoulder, and his arms were circling more fully around you for the hushed conversation. “I was hoping you’d let me take you to lunch, or something? We could hang out, try not to think about it all for a few hours.”
“God, it is lunchtime, isn’t it?” You rubbed at your eyes, gaze flickering to the clock on the wall overhead the open-plan kitchen counter. “I haven’t even had breakfast, yet, I felt too nauseous this morning to even consider eating something.”
“You’ve not eaten yet?” He pulled back a little further, his hands coming up to sit over your jaw, allowing his thumbs to sweep gently over your cheeks as he directed your eyes back to meet his own, and you shrugged, a smile on your lips.
“Oh, c’mon, Tommy. It’s not exactly anything new for us to miss meals in our line of work. I swear, that siren waits until I make something to eat to ring.” He chuckled, nodding his head, before pulling you forwards to press a kiss to your forehead, your hands bunching up in the fabric of his jumper around his waist, holding onto him tightly and hoping it conveyed what you couldn't say with words, a silent offering in gratitude for simply having his presence. “My body would probably be more shocked at a regular eating and sleeping schedule than it would one missed meal and a day without needing to nap to get through it.”
“Well, I guess we’d better start with breakfast, then.”
“You haven’t had breakfast?” You questioned, hopping up onto one of the bar stools beside the kitchen counter, and you watched with some form of amusement as Thomas moved across the room to open your fridge, clearly making himself comfortably at home in your home as he rooted through the contents.
“No, I’ve had breakfast.” He hummed, beginning to pull things out and stack them on the counter. “Well, kinda’. I picked up coffee on the way to the.. on the way, and I got a couple of muffins to go, too.”
“Muffins do not count. I bet they were chocolate chip ones, too.”
“Only one of them was chocolate chip!” He defended himself, the fridge rattling a little as the door closed and he turned to stare at you from the other side of the counter, eyes narrowing a little, before a teasing smirk was appearing on his face once again. “They only had one chocolate one left, the other was blueberry, which is fruit, so it’s basically like eating an apple.”
“You’re so full of shit, I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong that is, and how unhealthy that is, for a lieutenant of a fire station, no less.”
“Yeah, well, I have to live life a little unhealthily. If I didn’t how would I get cute paramedics to fuss over me?” He winked, the moment slipping away from you both for just a second as you gaped at him, feeling a warm blush race over your skin to find a home on your cheeks, and he chuckled to himself cheekily at his ability to make you so flustered, your eyes rolling but it was out of fondness as your head dipped. “So, pancakes? I’m really good at making pancakes.”
“You sure? Something about you just screams ‘I-cannot-cook-for-shit’.”
“I take that as a raging insult. I’m an excellent chef. An excellent and usually healthy chef, actually. I mean, I’m a lieutenant at a fire station, I’ve gotta’ stay in shape.” You scoffed, your words used against you again, and your eyes trailed along broad shoulders and arms for a second, taking in the muscles you knew to exist there that were hidden under a baggy jumper. “Are you checking me out right now?”
“You totally are, you’re checking me out.” He gasped the words, reaching up to grab at his pecs like a woman would grab her tits, and you grinned at his actions, lips pursed together to try and contain it as your heels ached, and his jaw dropped, as though he was utterly modified and disgusted at the idea. “I feel so violated right now. Take your eyes off of me, this is disrespectful, my eyes are up here, you know.” He pointed up to his face, and you raised a brow, hopping down from your seat to around the counter, his gaze following you as you moved past him.
Pressing the button on the small countertop coffee machine and placing a mug underneath, you turned back to him, hands wrapping around his wrist to bring them down, your eyes dragging purposefully slowly over his chest, up to his face, and he there was a more serious look on his face as you did this time. Leaning up a little, his breathing hitched, eyes fluttering to sit hooded as he leaned in enough to bump his nose against your own, and you let out a breathy laugh. “It ain’t nothing I haven’t already seen, big boy.”
You pulled back, laughing at the shocked look on his face as he blinked to clear his mind, and you turned away to face the coffee machine, the man behind you stuttering a little bit. “You little tease.”
“Not a tease, maybe I’m just playing hard to get.”
You replaced the mug, making him a freshly brewed coffee too as soon as yours was finished, and Thomas was rooting through your cupboards to find the equipment he wanted. “I don’t know whether to be insulted or excited. Insulted, because, after all we’ve been through, I figured I’d at least have a place in the runnings, but excited, because you just admitted that I at least have a shot.”
“I thought you already knew you did.” You blew the steam from your coffee mug gently, and he found the mixing jugs he was looking for, his eyes twinkling a little as he glanced at you, turning back to the pile of ingredients he had made.
“Yeah, maybe, but it’s nice to hear you say it.”
“Hm.” You took a sip, settling yourself back in your seat, and watched as he began to crack eggs, clearly working on mental estimates rather than an actual recipe as he created a batter. “Well, for the record, you have a really great shot. Good ranking in the runnings, or whatever. Go for the gold.”
“Are you my top prize?”
“I could be.” You tried to convince yourself the blush on your cheeks was simply a bodily reaction to the heat steaming from the mug.
“Then I’m in it to win.”
“I hope so.” You whispered, the coffee machine beeping again as another cycle came to an end, and you nodded towards it, letting the moment be carried away, left on a high note, and not allowing yourself to overthink it or start to become doubtful of your decisions. “That coffee is for you, I made you a cappuccino.”
“I love cappuccinos.”
“I know, you like the foam on top so you can lick it off your upper lip.” He paused, glancing up at you, something you were unfamiliar with flickering across his features, before he was nodding his head.
He didn’t say anything, and for a second, you worried you had messed up somehow, that you’d done something wrong or freaked him out, or made an error, but you were certain you were right, you remembered Thomas telling you about his love for the frothy drink a few months ago when the station coffee machine had broke and you’d all had to make coffee from a kettle, and you’d seen him lick the froth from his upper lip with a grin every time he had one of the drink, when he thought nobody was looking, and he could be a child again for just a few seconds.
Then, though, you caught sight of the smile he was trying to hide, the way his face was lit up a little as he stared into the recipe, beating the eggs with a fork, a variety of other utensils laid out before him. He turned, placing a pan over the hob and starting it up on it’s lowest flame, before dropping a large wedge of butter into the pan to start melting, the lump sliding across the metal surface slowly as it began to heat up.
“So, these pancakes might be a little off. I normally use protein powder instead of flour, so, go easy on me.”
He added a large scoop of flour to the mix, milk being splashed in by eye-measurement only and some butter added, the pan popping a little behind him as it heated up, and you raised a single and slightly judgey brow at the unusual mix of quantities he was adding before mixing it. It seemed to work out for him, because somewhere along the line, it had formed a decent batter, and he was scooping out enough to slowly drop into the pan.
It sizzled at it cooked, his back to you as he worked at the hob, and you twisted a little more in your seat, facing forwards to the counter and resting your elbows on it, to be able to balance your chin on the top of your hands. Scanning your eyes over Thomas slowly, your cheeks flushed with heat a little as you realised you were very definitely checking him out, but you couldn’t help it.
His broad shoulders couldn't be hidden, no matter how big his jumper was, filling his frame widely. The muscles of his back became evident occasionally as he moved, the soft cotton of his jumper pressing to them but never becoming stained, and he’d rolled his sleeves up to cook as butter and oil in the pan popped, the veins along his forearms becoming a little more prominent each time he flipped a pancake over, or served it up onto a plate.
He was humming a song to himself, hips swaying a little as he occasionally mumbled a word or two, barley even audible to you as you listened in and you didn’t recognise the song but it sounded like something that would have been made in the 70s, your lips sneaking up into a soft smile. It was unusually domestic, it had been years since you’d ever had anyone to cook for in your own home, and you couldn't remember ever having anyone cook for you.
Well, bar when you’d been living at home, and a child, but that didn't count.
You weren’t blind to how attractive Thomas was; he was attractive in a beautiful kind of way. Soft chocolate-coloured locks and golden eyes that seemed to change shade with his mood, skin imperfect with constellations of pretty moles that only made him seem more like a piece of art. Of course, being the lieutenant of a firehouse team had its perks, he was often fitting in workouts at the firehouse on slow days between calls and you’d seen the stretch of his shirt across biceps and lean pectorals, and you’d been caught staring when he had comforted you after Chuck’s death. You’d been close enough to him so many times now that you were no stranger to the hard muscle under his clothes and soft but warm skin to cover it, or the long fingers on calloused palms that often found their way to you.
You’d just never really allowed yourself to be affected by any of it before now, putting up walls meant shutting out anything that might cause you to connect to someone, including physical attraction. Now, though, you’d been forced to take those walls down. You were happy about it, even if you weren’t happy today, but it meant noticing the more intimate things. It meant you noticed the scar on the side of his nose, almost indistinguishable until you’d been allowed close enough to see it, or the way the moles on his face continued all the way down along his flesh, but were more heavily grouped on his left side.
He turned, a plate for both of you in hand as the heat had been turned off, pan sitting there to cool, and he wandered over, pushing the condiments he’d assembled from your cupboards into the middle of the table, and you chuckled at the small collection of fruits he’d chopped on a separate plate; strawberries and apples, all you had, but he’d slipped something healthy in there.
“You want me to get the cutlery?”
“I found it. Third drawer across from the fridge.” He smiled, turning, and grabbing a matching set of knives and forks for each of you, before settling himself on the opposite side of the kitchen island, and you were already reaching for the syrup as he placed a piece of apple into his mouth, a satisfyingly loud crunch sounding out as he chewed it. Grabbing the knife and fork from the counter, your hands hovered over the plates, holding in mid-air before your first cut, and you could feel Thomas’ eyes on you. “Is it okay? I can make something else.”
“It’s perfect. Nobody has ever really cooked for me before.”
“You and Fry cook at the house all the time! He’s always making you meals.” He looked confused, brows pulling together and he sliced off a piece of pancake, stabbing it through a strawberry and sweeping it through some syrup, before chewing happily, and waiting for you to explain.
“No, that’s different. I mean, nobody has ever cooked for me before. Just made me food, in my own kitchen, for the sake of it. When I cook with Fry at the firehouse, that's cool, but we’re making lunch for everyone and he’s testing recipes. This is different. You didn’t have to come over and see me, or cook for me, or comfort me, but here you are.”
“Here I am.” He whispered, a sweet expression on his face as he chewed, eyes flicking between you and his food, and you finally chopped off your first piece, bringing it to your mouth.
You didn’t need to thank him, he already knew, just from your words, how much it meant and the message you’d been trying to convey had been shared. Every experience you made with Thomas was like something entirely new, you weren’t sure why or how it had happened, he was never someone you thought you’d end up in such a situation with, and if someone had told you six months ago that he was the person you’d be turning to in your grief, you’d have laughed.
It was good food, the two of you sitting quietly for a few moments, a grin on his face as you approved of his cooking, warmth spreading over his cheeks at the compliment, and it was well-deserved. You wondered why he didn’t cook at the house more often. The fruit between you was dwindling, though he had eaten the majority of it, and you were at least a third of the way through your food before he spoke again, this time, his eyes fixed on his plate, voice barely above a whisper, but it seemed to fit the delicate mood. “You looked beautiful today.”
You paused, swallowing your mouthful thickly, and Thomas’s fingers were tapping at the counter as the other one navigated his fork around his plate, watching it intensely as though it was the most intense action in the world, but he seems to sense your gaze, his lips pursed as he looked up, one shoulder rising and falling in a shrug.
“I think you always look beautiful, even right now when you want to cry, but you looked really beautiful today. Sad, heartbroken, but beautiful, too. In an epic Ancient Greek tragedy kind of way.”
“So did you.” You murmured, heat washing over your face and burning at you as his brows raised a little, and you let out a frustrated exhale through your nose. “Handsome, I mean. You looked really smart. And good. In your formal suit.” The word vomit was starting again, the beginnings of a smirk forming on his lips as he stared at you, but the hole was already being dug and you were just falling deeper, unable to stop it. “Not that your normal fireman stuff doesn’t look good, you look really good in that, too. Fuck, are you going to shut me up any time soon or are you just going to let me continue embarrassing myself?”
He grinned, toothy and wide, a sight that made your guts twist a little, and your stomach feel like you’d lost gravity for a second, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you. “I think it’s cute when you ramble.”
You were even more flustered now, cursing a little under your breath, and staring back down at your half-eaten meal, poking the top pancake angrily with your fork like it was to blame for your embarrassment.
“I also think it’s pretty cute when you get embarrassed about rambling, and you blush, and you get all flustered because of me. I like knowing I can make you flustered.”
“Shut up.” You scowled, and he chuckled, but gave in, quieting his laughter with another mouthful of his food, and silence took over again.
It was a few more minutes before the heat bled away, and you were able to look back up to meet his eye, finding the amusement in the situation now that it had passed, but the dark cloud of the day was still hanging over you both.
You poked at your food, stirring it around the plate for a while, and eventually, you had finished your meal, moving on to snacking on what was left of the fruit in the middle of the table. You appreciated the gesture, because you were certain that had you been left to your own devices you wouldn’t have eaten, you probably would have spent the whole day moving around in some kind of daze, wallowing in your pity before eventually dropping into bed. Tomorrow would have been a mess, and yet, it was looking a little more promising now.
“So, do you want to talk about how you’re doing?”
You paused mid-chew, looking up to face him as you felt more like you were choking down the bite of apple, rather than swallowing it, and you sighed, your bottom lip finding itself being worried between your teeth as you thought about it, before eventually shrugging. “There’s not much to say.”
You stood, moving around him, breaking away from the bubble you had created together in order to start loading up the dishwasher, any kind of menial task to avert yourself from the conversation, but he clearly wasn’t letting it go that easily. He stood, his empty plate following, slipping it onto the rack beside your things, and reaching for the pan next. “I know you’re not okay, but you’re not alone, because I’m not really okay either.”
“Tommy, it’s different.”
“No, it’s not. Don’t shut me out.” You closed the machine, loading it up with a capsule and pressing a series of buttons, the machine humming to life, and you turned around, leaning against it, arms crossed as you stared at the floor. It was more like a glare, as though the tiles of the kitchen had personally offended you, but it softened considerably when a finger hooked under your chin, dirty sneakers filling your vision as he stepped in front of you, forcing you to look up at him. “Stop blaming yourself, sweetheart. You can’t, because it’s not your fault. It was a whole load of unfortunate incidents that all came together, and you couldn't have known any of them. You did your best, you did everything you could, and sometimes even when you try your hardest, bad things still happen, but that's not your fault.”
You sniffed lightly, a soft sob leaving you before tears were beginning to slip free, and he wiped them away gently with his thumbs, both hands now cupping your cheeks, and you allowed yourself to once again be weak with him. Your hands were shaking, finding his forearms, smoothing along until you reached his wrists, the back of his hands, pulling his touch away from your face until you could wrap his arms around yourself and press your face into his chest.
He didn’t resist, instead, he lifted a hand to cup the back of your head, his cheek coming down to press softly to your crown as the other slipped around your waist to hold you close, and your cries were muffled as you clung to him. As you did, as you sought comfort from him and let your pain out, you couldn’t help but settle, decide that you were far too comfortable in his arms and with this team, too comfortable at this house to ever let it go. You’d always wanted a family, the bond that came with finding a group of people you could bare your very soul to, to find someone who would see you in your worst state as well as your best and still stick by your side, and you’d found it all.
Holding him a little tighter, you found the tears were slowing, misery was still weighing heavy on your heart, but it was a little easier to carry when you let them help you.
“Can you stay?”
“Stay?” He echoed, letting you pull back to wipe at damp cheeks, before you were nodding, and giving him the best smile that you could muster in that moment.
“Like, here, with me. If you don’t have anything else to do today.”
“Only thing I have to do today is you.” He smiled, and you knew there wasn’t supposed to be an innuendo in the words, but he seemed to realise the same moment you did, a laugh breaking free from your lips as his face flushed with a pink blush, sitting up on his cheekbones and spreading right to his ears, a shocked look forming. “That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”
“I gathered that.”
“What I meant to say, is that I don’t have any plans except being with you, for as long as you want me to be here.” You smiled, letting the moment go rather than teasing further, because the colour on his cheeks was already too much.
“Wanna’ watch a movie? I’m pretty sure we could get all the way through one without any distractions, there’s no alarm going off today. Hopefully.”
“Knowing our luck, your building's fire alarm will go off.” He teased, his arm lifting up to tuck you into his side and settle back over your shoulders, guiding you through the space to the couch and living room only a few metres away.
“Well, if it does, I know that I’m the safest I could possibly be since I’m here with you.” You tapped the tips of his nose as you settled down, Thomas slumping into the cushions and spreading out a little as you sat beside him, legs crossed under yourself as you reached for the remotes, trying to reset your emotions as you scrolled through the comedy section, deciding that it was definitely the time for something light-hearted and fun. “What are you in the mood for?”
“Whatever you want is fine by me.” His hand found a place on your thigh, just above your knee, casual and relaxed, and you paused for a second. Glancing down at it, you realised your pause hadn't been from insecurity or anything unsure, but simply from the overwhelming shock of being so comfortable in the action. You didn’t feel put on edge, or tense, it just felt right, and you rested your hand over the top of his, his fingers spreading out to lace loosely with your own, and turning over to hold onto you properly. Pulling the appendage a little closer, your joint hands sat connected in your lap as you scrolled the movies.
You settled on something easy, something with a lot of laughs and giggles, and enough to boost your mood without even having to think about it. You shifted, spending a while sitting up, playing with the fingers of a hand that didn’t belong to you, before he’d seemingly had enough of that. Thomas lifted that arm about thirty minutes in, forcing you to settle back into the couch but wrapping that arm around your shoulders and pulling you backwards, tucking you into his side.
His fingers played with your hair, and you let a hand splay out over his stomach, and he felt like he was a permanent part of your life. It wasn’t a comparison to a piece of furniture, he wasn’t an essential but taken-for-granted piece of house-ware like a frying pan or a kettle, but instead, he was a comfortable addition that you didn’t feel like letting go of.
He was like a throw pillow or a blanket that went on the end of your bed, something for comfort and accessorising, something you could live without but would fight to have taken away if someone tried. He’d wormed his way in, you weren’t sure when or how, but he’d gone from hating you, to tolerating you, to accepting you, to caring for you, to something else. His nose brushed along your hairline every so often, soft smiles and muffled laughter as he kept his voice low, like the comments he made would shatter the mood if spoken above the whisper.
You never moved away from him. He never made you.
Rather, he held you close, and if there were a few times when the emotions all became a little too much, when the tears came again, when the crushing guilt you were working on dismantling threatening itself again, you would let the edge of his jumper soak up the tears and he wouldn't say anything, simple holding you close, and tracing patterns onto your skin as his fingers ran up and down your arm or held onto your shoulder, and if he got a little emotional partway through, or if at the only point in the movie when his arm unwrapped itself from around you, it was to wipe at his cheeks, or cover his face as he tried to protect what he had left of his emotional stability, you only squeezed him a little tighter.
You watched a second movie, one that you assumed was supposed to be a sequel to the first one you had watched, but you hadn't been able to follow the plot that much. Your mind was spinning, your thoughts like a tornado, ricocheting from every side of your brain.
You wondered how Newt was doing, whether he was still with Chuck’s family, whether he was sick of having his cheeks pinched and shoulders squeezed in a tight hug by older family members and swooning relatives. He had a way with words, he had a way with charming people; charismatic and cheeky. He was able to find a joke or a story for any situation, and something about him put you at ease just to be around. He was like medicine for the soul, patching you up from the inside out and making flowers bloom in spaces that had been cold and frozen. Maybe he’d had enough, maybe he’d gone home, or perhaps he’d called Derek for support. You hoped it was the latter, you had high hopes for the two of them.
Your mind also brushed over Brenda and Minho. You had no doubt that the two of them were together, that they were comforting each other. You would see her soon, you made a note of it. Calling people up and asking them to hang out wasn’t something you were used to, but you’d make the effort for her. You’d take her for coffee, or lunch, or simply show up with a bottle of wine and her favourite snacks, and take a girl’s night that you were in desperate need of.
You were picking at a loose thread that was dangling from the inside of his hoodie, a different colour to the pal jumper, it was more of a khaki green shade, and you suspected it wasn’t a thread from his jumper but from the t-shirt he wore underneath, and you jumped a little as you realised that there was a voice in your ear, closer and sharper than the television, which seemed or have been turned down and had become muffled, and you startled slightly, a chuckle following it as you moved to sit up.
Your eyes had been drooping a little, you’d been close to nodding off, not having even realised it as you absentmindedly toyed with a loose thread and let your thoughts take over.
“You haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, have you?”
“Not even one.” You mumbled, glancing around, before rubbing a hand over your eyes, and noting the late-afternoon sun that was beginning to lower towards the horizon, fading light as the hours ticked on, and you sighed, shaking yourself down a little and his arm slipped free from around you to let you stand as you wobbled a little on legs that hadn't been used in a while. “I was thinking. I got wrapped up in my thoughts.”
“That’s okay, I wasn’t saying anything important, I was talking about the movie.”
“I’ll be right back, just, hit rewind. And pause. I’ll focus, I swear.” He nodded, legs popped up on your coffee table and you weren’t aware of just when he’d made himself at home, an air of domesticity that he seemed comfortable in. The image was burned into your mind as you wandered away, closing the bathroom door and taking a deep breath. The cushions were spread out around him, he was nestled among them, head lolled back against the edge of the couch, feet popped up on the table, shoes kicked off by the couch somewhere and an obviously wrinkled patch on his jumper where you’d been leaning.
You didn’t want to let it go.
You flushed, the sound drowning out the occasional shuffling noises Thomas made as he adjusted himself, the squeaky springs in your couch, and then the sound of the tap to follow, lavender overwhelming your senses as your hand wash flooded the room with the pleasant scent.
You caught sight of yourself in the mirror, red-rimmed eyes and cheeks a little raw from salt, and you switched hot water to cold, cupping your hands under the faucet and bringing your hands up to your face as you leaned over, trying to ease sensitive skin and wash your eyes, wash away where eyelashes were still clumped together, washing away the residual pain. Like a cold shock, waking you up from the hazy slumber you were threatening to fall into once again, and the emotional turmoil of the day had been just too exhausting.
You snapped the scrunchie from your hair to sit around your wrist instead, the dull ache on your scalp eased as you ran your fingers over it, your hair sitting in odd shapes that only a hairbrush would be able to truly tame, and Thomas was looking at you already. “I want to take a nap.”
“I can head out.” He rubbed his hands along his jeans, reaching from the remotes as he lifted his feet down from the coffee table to the floor and switching the television off. You padded your way across the polished wood towards him, taking his hands in your own, and his brows furrowed a little. “What?”
“I want us to take a nap.”
A myriad of emotions moved across his features. He started with confusion, before he was moving to something between bashful and shy, a sweet smile following that and his expression smoothed over until he was simply staring at you, nodding his head slowly and twisting his hands more to lace the fingers of one hand together, and letting you guide him through the halls.
He followed after you, feet scuffing on the floors, and sliding in his socks, and he paused outside of the bedroom door as your fingers found the handle, pulling you to a slight stop, and there was a nervous look on his face.
“Are you sure?” You weren’t sure what he meant, and he seemed to sense it from the shifting in your expression, because his eyes left yours, flicking up to the closed bedroom door long enough to signal what he meant. “I just, well, I mean.. your bedroom. It’s a private space, y’know, and I know there’s this thing between us, but I just want to be sure you really want it.”
You only pushed the door open, stepping into it backwards and taking him with you, and his lips inched up at the edges into a fuller smile, gaze leaving yours to take in the room. It was still a little messy, you hadn't bothered to properly tidy up from before when he’d arrived and the blankets on your bed were still pulled haphazardly tidily from when you had crawled out of bed this morning with barely enough energy to face the day. He took it all in, observing the space that was so intimate to you, taking in every detail, and he watched as you pulled the curtains shut, blocking out some of the light to cast a darker atmosphere over the room.
His fingers were running over the books on your shelf, and you settled down onto the bed, edging your way up it and tucking yourself down underneath cold blankets, shuddering a little and peeling them back to make a space for him when he was finished observing. He took the hint, turning to see you, and stepping a little closer to the bed.
He rested a knee on the edge of the mattress, a hand reaching behind his head to peel his jumper up and over his head, and you didn't even bother to hide the lingering of your eyes on the skin that was revealed, before you were watching him shake his hair free and throwing his jumper away to rest on your dresser chair.
He crawled his way up towards you, pressed a prolonged kiss to your forehead, before flopping down onto the mattress beside you. You lifted the blankets up, tucking them around him as he made himself comfortable, one hand resting under his pillow beneath his head, and facing you as his legs crooked, and he adjusted the blankets more securely around himself. His eyes found yours once he was settled, something that was both awkward and comfortable at the same time, and he sighed as the feeling washed over you both.
You waited a moment longer, his other hand resting just above the edge of the covers that were sitting around your middle, before you gave in to the temptation swelling within you, and you reached out. Smoothing your hand over the top of his own tentatively, he smiles, turning his hand to weave your fingers together once again, like magnets, your hand now only having a home as long as it was wrapped with his own.
“Was Chuck your first loss?” His words barely reached your ears; they were spoken so quietly, and you were certain that in the entirety of the day, you’d yet to actually use your voice at the volume it usually was, in fear of damaging an already fragile aura.
“No.” You mumbled, swallowing thickly, your eyes sliding shut to hold back fresh tears that may threaten to rise, his hand squeezing yours a little tighter in support. “He was the first friend I lost, though.”
It went silent for a moment after that, enough time for you to get a handle on your emotions, before you were opening your eyes back up to meet swirling honey-brown that were watching you through a somewhat sleepy gaze. “The first loss of someone I really cared about was hard. His name was Ben.”
His voice cracked a little as he spoke, and you dared to shuffle an inch closer across your pillow towards his, the bedding barely even making a sound as you moved minutely. “You don’t have to talk about it.”
“I want to. I want you to know about me.” He let out a shaky breath, and you realised that this was perhaps the first time he’d spoken about it since it had ever happened, and so it was just as therapeutic for him as talking about Chuck was for you, even if you didn’t want to. “It hit hard, I liked him, he seemed like a cool guy. He was a lieutenant candidate with me, we were training together. It was competitive but all in fun and games, nothing serious. He was better than I was, he’d been preparing longer, he was definitely going to get the promotion when our house lieutenant retired. He’d been there years, I’d only been there for three months, but it felt like three days.”
You chuckled a little at his words, his expression brightening a little at the sound, seeming to perk up just slightly, and he tugged you a little closer, your cheek pressing to the end of your pillow as his own head remained firmly planted in the centre of the opposite one.
“We got trapped, burning building, it was all coming down. Nothing new. I was trained for the situation, and I tried so hard to get to him, but I couldn’t, he took a piece of debris straight into his abdomen, he was dead before I’d even made it across the room.” He choked down a lump in his throat, and your heart cracked a little in your chest at the broken look that flicked across his features. “I blamed myself for so long. I kept going over the moment, so sure there was something I could have done, that I could have run faster, asking myself if I hesitated just because of the job I wanted that he would have gotten.”
“I did all I could. I did my best. I know that now, and I don’t feel guilty, but sometimes it just hurts to think about it.”
“Thank you for telling me.” You could see that it was hard for him, and that he was reopening old wounds just to make you feel better, and it was a silent promise, something more permanent and solid, a confirmation that he was here for you, and that he wouldn't let you fall. That he was inside of those walls now and that he didn’t plan on leaving any time soon, his thumb playing gently with your own as you fell quiet once again.
“Newt’s first loss was a guy called Alby.” He eventually spoke, and you looked up to him again, brows raising slightly. “Before I even joined this firehouse. I remember Newt telling me about him, though. It took Newt a long time to get over it. He was new, basically a candidate, if they have that thing for paramedics. Do you? Have that kinda’ thing for paramedics?”
“We call ‘me greenies. Because on their first few cases, they usually look a little green, and throw up.”
“I like that. Greenies. That’s good.” He chuckled, and you shrugged one shoulder, letting him continue when he was ready. “He was the greenie, I guess, and Alby was the house chief. He took Newt under his wing, fresh outta’ the academy, early graduate at just twenty, and they became good friends. About a year in, they got in some trouble, Newt never really told me the full story, but Alby died on the stretcher to the hospital. Newt tried to pump his heart all the way there, he was sure that if he just kept pumping, his heart would start beating on its own again. It didn’t.”
You didn’t have anything to say to that, a pang of sadness for your best friend racing through your veins, and your eyes flicked over the edge of his pillow, contemplating getting a little closer, but he seemed to make that decision for you, shuffling himself up further toward you until his face was balanced on the edge of his pillow like yours, the soft pants he let out occasionally able to felt against the tip of your nose.
“Then, of course, there’s Brenda.” Your heart sank at the mention, and you knew she had to have lost someone along the line somewhere, but you hated the tone in his voice. “Arguably, the worst of them all. She really was the candidate, at a firehouse a few miles over, with her brother. He was a couple of years older, his name was George, he inspired her to become a firefighter. Apparently, they played firemen together ever since they were little, she followed in his footsteps.”
“I never even knew she has a brother.”
He lifted your hands up, instead of stretched out between your bodies, they were folded up near your faces between you both, resting on the mattress and holding tightly. “He was on Squad, she was on Truck - of course - and the Squad team got trapped on an upper floor. Everyone but her brother made it out. She finished her candidacy, passed her exams, and transferred to a new house, our house, she needed a fresh start.”
“Not that I don’t want to know, but, why are you telling me all of this?”
“Because I want you to know that you’re not to blame, and that everybody blamed themselves after a loss, but we all moved on, because we found each other and we let ourselves grieve without holding onto it.” He lifted your hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, and you watched his lips move slowly along your hand, dragging along your skin.
“My first-ever loss on the job was a patient, in my first month. A stab wound victim, he died on the way to the hospital, while I was trying to hold the wound shut. I considered quitting, it hurt, not like this does, but it hurt because I felt like a failure.” Your smile only widened as his kisses moved as far as your wrist, his face inching ever closer to your own, able to taste the sweet syrup still on his breath from your shared late-breakfast hours ago.
“I’m glad you didn’t, because if you had then I wouldn’t get you now.”
His nose bumped against your own, his lashes tickling your cheek as lids lay closed and your own followed, darkness surrounding you as every other sense went into overdrive on him. The smell of his cologne, the feel of his nose brushing against yours and his breath tickling your lips, the tingle that shot along you at the barely present brush of his lips that you wondered if you were imagining it as so light when he adjusted himself on the cushion, but the connection you were waiting for never came.
Instead, you caught the sound of a soft sigh, and his hand squeezing a little tighter around yours, before he was letting go, and begging his hand up to sit over your waist under the covers, fingers spreading out until they reached your spine.
He hummed, nose nudging a little more roughly against yours as he’d begun to fall away. “Yeah, angel?”
“You’re not gonna’ kiss me?” Something breathy resembling a chuckle left him, and the hand from your waist ran up along your body, evading goosebumps in his wake until he was cupping your cheeks. When your eyes opened, it was to find he had already taken that step, watching you fondly, pulling away enough to rest on his pillow once again.
“No.” He eventually gave in, seeming to be lost in thoughts, and you felt your features rumple with confusion and disappointment. “Oh, sweetheart, I want to. I really, really want to. Have for a while, actually, but not now and not like this. You’re sad and I’m sad. Every moment we’ve had so far that brought up the chance to kiss you has been stressed, depressed and near-death.”
“But you are going to kiss me, at some point?”
A sleepy smirk, that had way more of an effect on you than it should be allowed to have, and he seemed to know it too, because it only got wider. “Oh, definitely. But when I kiss you, it’ll be amazing, and breathtaking. When I kiss you, you’re going to feel it. It’ll make you a little weak in the knees, but that’s okay, because I’ll hold you up. It’s going to be perfect, it’ll be a kiss you’re never gonna’ forget, so I don’t want our first kiss to be when we’re sad.”
You didn’t know what to say, a long beat passing, before your lips were pressing together, and you were unable to contain your grin. “Well, okay, then.”
You moved forwards, his laughter only increasing as your face pressed into his neck, rolling him onto his back as you let your full body weight fall against him, his arms wrapping tightly around your back. You pressed a kiss to his neck, any spot you could reach, and the deep and rumbling laughter he let out was replaced with something softer and cracking, lighter pitch as he bordered on giggling, squirming a little as you kissed just above the patch, sensing a weakness in him.
You moved up, before eventually, he was giggling without restraint, squirming at the tickling feeling over the featherlight kisses you pressed to his jaw.
“Alright, alright, cut it out, before I lose all of my masculinity.” He was pink along his cheeks when you propped yourself up over him to get a better look at his flushed face, sparkling eyes peering up at you with messy hair and a dopey smile to match, and that sight was definitely something you could get used to seeing.
This was all new to you, it was ever-changing and constantly evolving, it was unsteady and unsure and it made you feel nauseously anxious and yet ecstatically excited all in one, and you leaned down, the promises he’d made were you giving you the confidence to so so as your forehead pressed to his. “Nap?”
“Yes.” He beamed, twisting his body like you weighed nothing until you were on your side against the mattress again. He pulled you over, adjusting you on your side to face away from him, before pulling you back into his body.
His arm wrapped around you, one spread out under the pillow to support your head, and you weaved your fingers with the other, bringing it up to your mouth to kiss the back of his hand like he’d done for you. He was resting behind you, legs tangled together as your bodies sat snugly to one another and he held you tight in a gripping hug, and you were able to drift off to the steady beat of his heart against your back and the feel of his body surrounding you.
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“You know, it’s rude to text when you’re having dinner with someone.” you jibed, his gaze flicking up from his phone as his elbows rested over the empty plate on the counter, lamps making his skin look more golden and highlights in his hair seeming to stand out as the light outside had faded, the evening meal being the next thing the two of you shared; chicken nuggets from the bottom freezer drawer and homemade wedges as he refused to eat curly fries.
“It’s not my fault you’re taking ages to eat.” You scoffed, swiping another nugget through some of your tomato ketchup, and lifting it on your fork to take a bite. He picked up his discarded fork, stabbing it into one of your nuggets, stealing a smear of ketchup that left a mess on the plate, and putting the whole thing into his mouth at once, winking as you protested weakly. “Besides, I’m talking to the group.”
“How are they all doing?”
“They’re good. As good as they can be. They want to meet up for drinks in a little bit, they’re headed down to the bar we like.” You finished your food, placing your knife and fork down to match his, and chewing the rest of your mouthful, considering it all, and his attention was back on his screen as he typed away.
“Can I come?”
He paused, looking at you over the device, before turning it off and putting it down on the counter, the buzzing and lighting up going ignored as he stared for a second. “Seriously? I just, I mean, you’re up for it?”
He stumbled over his words a little, he didn’t mean to come off as rude and you knew it, and so you let it slide, shrugging and smiling a little as you hopped down from your seat to put the plates in the sink to be washed later. “You said that everyone else got past their sadness by being together. I’ve never had anyone before, but I would like to be with you all now.” His seat scraped along the floor, and a second later, arms were wrapping around your waist from behind in a tight squeeze, shocking you a little as he did, and you straightened up, twisting in his hold to face him. “Is that really so shocking?”
“A little bit. We’re kinda’ used to being shut out. They’re all going to be surprised.” He tapped the end of your nose. “A good surprise, though.”
“Well, I can go change into something that isn’t sweatpants, and we can go.”
His eyes dropped down, taking in your outfit as he let you go, seeming like he’d only just noticed your attire, and you wandered away, leaving him to whatever he was going to do, confirming his arrival to the rest and getting his shoes on, while you tried to find some suitable clothes.
Once you had pulled on a pair of jeans and a more comfortable and bar appropriate top to replace your pyjamas, you folded them, resting them on pillows that had only just gone cold, before straightening the sheets out, erasing all evidence of the nap you’d taken as your bed was reset. A pair of shoes came next, hopping about a little bit to get them on, before running a brush through your hair and checking you looked presentable enough to go out. There was no doubt that Brenda would look like a supermodel, she always did, grieving a friend or attending movie night, she could put everyone else to shame, but it was just another thing you loved about her.
As soon as you stepped out of the room, there was a whistle meeting your ears. Thomas had found his jumper again and pulled it back on, his shoes too, phone tucked into his pocket as he beamed at you, and you rolled your eyes, walking straight past him to the coat rack to find your belongings as you got ready to go.
“Oh, shut it.”
“Why? You gonna’ get all cute and flustered, blush for me a little bit? Sweet and shy?” He was teasing now, and you scowled, pulling on your coat and hiding your face from him as you grabbed your keys, batting yourself down for everything you’d need and finding it already in your pockets.
“I’m kicking you out.”
He laughed, wandering past you and into the halls of the building, letting you flick the lights off before locking up, and he offered his arm to you for you to link your own through, before guiding you down the corridors to the elevator.
A short car ride, Thomas holding the door of his car for you to let you in before opening it for you again when you arrived, commenting both times about something gentlemanly, before his hand was finding yours as the car lights flashed to signal it’s locking, and a fresh wave of anxiety was washing over you.
You wanted to see your friends and be with them, you truly did, but that didn’t make it any easier to take yourself into a crowded place when you were in such a vulnerable place. The opening of the door made muffled snap into sharp surroundings, the bar filled with people, crowds weaving among one another, and Thomas took the lead, shouldering through the people milling around the entrance politely. The cold air of the outside was overwhelmingly different from the stuffy inside, the smell of liquor and sweat overwhelming your senses, but it wasn’t a smell you were unfamiliar with. The music pumping through the floor was vibrating right up along your bones, pooling in your gut, and you squeezed Thomas’ hand a little tighter as the crowds cleared once you passed the high tables and the dance floor.
You could just about see your friends, gathered around the largest booth with extra chairs pulled up, bodies constantly weaving in and out of your sights, blocking them from your view. Lips brushed your ear, a jolt of electricity making you jump, before you turned to find Thomas, his head ducked to speak to you but eyes flittering over the scene.
“I’m going to go buy everyone another round. What d’you want to drink?”
“Uh..” Your words died out, a little overwhelmed at the sight before you, and he squeezed your hand reassuringly. “Just something cold and refreshing, maybe fruity. I don’t know.”
“I got you, don’t worry. Why don’t you head over to the table?” He gave you a final lingering stare as you nodded, before the two of you were parting, and you were left to try and make your way toward the table. Luckily for you, it was only a few metres upon leaving Thomas’ side that Brenda spotted you, her entire face lighting up and glass slamming down onto the table, before she was practically climbing over the men to get out of the booth, and all but pushing people out of the way to get to you.
A tight hug as she rocked you from side to side, clearly tipsy as she spoke faster than she normally would while mumbling into your ear about how happy she was to see you. The story Thomas had told you came back to mind, and you didn’t mention it, but you wrapped your arms around her just as tight and held her to you, a show of your love for her, belated sympathy for the tragedy, and comforting her as she needed it, weak inside even if she didn’t show it right now.
Newt followed, cheering a little, hair messy and cheeks flushed with warmth from the drinks he’d had and the temperature in the bar, and you were already beginning to grow overheated. He hugged you next, walking you backwards to the table as you giggled, and settling back into his seat as several other welcomes and greetings echoed in their place. You couldn't help it, the smile that broke free, the way you fitted in so perfectly, your anxiety melting away just from being with them.
“You’re here!”
“Is that okay?” You teased, Brenda shuffling back into her seat at the back of the booth, nodding avidly as she sipped at a glass of gin through a thin straw.
“Of course! We just didn’t expect you, you haven’t been answering your phone all day.” Your brows furrowed, hands digging into your pockets to find it. “I was worried about you.”
You located it, metal cold to the touch from where it had been abandoned for so long, and you realised that the last time you’d checked it had been before turning it off as you entered Chuck’s service, not having a chance to turn it back on before Thomas had arrived, and stole all of your attention solely and unwilling to share.
Turning it on at the side, the device flashed back to life, and you waited a few moments, before it reset itself, and all the notification you had missed began to flash through one by one. Multiple missed calls from various members of the team, the oldest of which begging Thomas, probably calling to let you know he was coming over, before alerts from only a  few minutes ago, the groupchat you all had with recent notifications, and you chuckled at the volume of them all.
“Sorry, my phone had been turned off all day. I wasn’t ignoring you, I swear.”
She shrugged it off, and you placed your phone down to be able to shuck yourself of your coat, the heat growing stifling with the extra layer on.
“How’d you know where to find us? How’d you know we were here?” Newt piped up, and you let your cat hang over your arms, turning to face him.
“I, um, Thomas. He told me you’d all be here.”
“But I thought your phone was turned off, so-” He cut himself off, brain seeming to catch up in his slightly inebriated state, and you were grateful that the heat in the room would hide your blush as your skin was already flushed. “Were you with Tommy today? All day?”
An undeniably cocky grin split his face open, matching expressions following gasps that echoed around the table, and you scoffed, placing your coat down on the heap that had been built. “Maybe. It’s not a big deal.”
“He told me he was going to check up on you. I figured he meant, like, call you or something. He came to see you?”
You shrugged, the questions suddenly being shot at you, among teases and winks that made you stare at the floor, bombarded with gentle humour from your team. Newt was through the roof, Brenda was yelling louder than all of them about her ‘ship’, some gazes being given over to her from strangers, and Minho was trying to shush her while laughing. Gally was simply grinning like the Cheshire Cat into his beer, and your head was spinning too much to even process anybody else’s questions or remarks.
“Alright, well, I’m not drunk enough to start this conversation with you all.”
“Well, where is lover boy, anyway?” You rolled your eyes at Newt, before tipping your head back towards the bar.
“He’s getting you all a fresh round of drinks.” Your retort resulted in a cheer from them all, hands banging on the table in excitement; empty bottles, glasses, and cans rattling as the surface shook. “I’m going to go and see if he needs any help.”
“You spent the whole day with him, can’t we keep you for a little while?” Newt pouted, and you stepped away, sticking your lower lip out to mock him a little, before flipping him off, and making sure to wave the gesture at the rest of them for good measure, chuckles taking up all around.
“No, because you’re teasing me, and I need at least two shots to handle that.” He raised a brow, a mumble of ‘touché’ spoken into his beer and he smirked, before you were turning and weaving to the bar.
He wasn’t hard to find, tall and messy hair unmissable once you were set on him, and as you got closer, you realised it wasn’t the bartender he was talking to. A woman, not too far from your own height, dark curly hair and tight jeans, a blue eyes that were piercing as she spoke to him, and it seemed to be a hushed conversation as she leaned on the bar against him, two trays of drinks stacking up beside Thomas, his wallet sitting out on the bar.
You considered turning back, letting him have his privacy with whoever he was speaking to, and you paused in your path, ready to turn before his eyes were moving from her face to you, lighting up a little as he smiled, and there was no way you could backtrack now. He’d seen you, you had to at least go over and explain yourself, his attention moving back to the woman.
Her words went silent as you approached, and you smiled politely, her gaze dragging over you, before she was offering a polite smile herself upon realising you were stopping by their sides, and not just passing by.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, I just realised you might need a hand with the drinks.” You pointed to the two trays building, an empty laugh leaving you all, but the atmosphere was still tense. “You want me to come back in a few minutes, instead?”
“No, now’s fine, we’re pretty much ready,” Thomas promised, the woman by his side frowning, and you grimaced at the tension continuing to rise, gaze moving between them for a second. Thomas turned, paying for the drinks with a swipe of his card, and nudging a try toward you, while picking up the other himself. “I appreciate the help.” He mumbled, leaning in to press a kiss to your temple as you tried to balance the drinks, and you smiled softly, eyes catching his, hoping the affection was returned without you having to lean up and actually return it, risking toppling all the drinks you were holding. “I gotta’ go. I’m sure we’ll catch up or something another time.”
You stepped away from the pair, at least trying to give them a second's privacy without lingering, slow steps away from them and back to the table. “My number is the same, still. Call me, alright?”
He didn't reply, not verbally at least, Thomas falling into step with you a second later, and you couldn't bite back the curiosity on the tip of your tongue as no introductions had been made. You didn't know many other people in town, and if you were going to stay, it was probably wide that you got to know your neighbourhood; “She seemed polite. Who was she?”
He glanced at you, a complicated look on his face, and you realised it must be deeper than you thought, a list of names and suspicions moving through your mind, before he sighed away his worries and shook his head lightly. “Nobody important.”
You placed the drinks down on the table, accepting his answer, and the group shuffled up to make room for you all, greeting their lieutenant and thanking him for the refills as they grabbed their drinks. A bottle of something fruity and fizzy was placed in front of you, and it seemed satisfying enough, you weren’t overly picky about it, and it tasted fine as you took a sip. Perching on the leather booth, an arm you had grown familiar with throughout the day returned to sitting over your shoulders, and you settled into him without hesitation.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you couldn’t help but smile, feeling at home as you sought comfort with your friends, moving on together, and letting your burdens be carried by friends and not just yourself for the first time in a long, long time.
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scattered-winter · 3 years
🌸 Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield ? 🌸 Dylan O'brien or Ki Hong Lee ? 🌸 TMR Thomas or Gally ? 🌸 Thomally or Minewt ? 🌸 Newtmas or Nalby ? 🌸 Brendesa or Soniet ?
anon you went OFF huh ❤
andrew garfield definitely. tom holland is kinda annoying ngl. and andrew was always my favorite spiderman of the 2, anyway, so this was an easy choice
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he's just a friend-shaped fluffy-headed fella
dylan o'brien is my favorite of the two! watching the old cast interviews and bloopers from the maze runner trilogy is always so fun because he's such a fun-loving goof
I gotta say, I like Thomas more than Gally, but I do love them both! Gally's another interesting narrative foil to Thomas (maybe not on Teresa's level but it's definitely there) which makes their dynamic really interesting to see
thomally is good....classic enemies to lovers, 10/10 rivals. but MINEWT MAN.......best friends to lovers always holds a special place in my heart because those dynamics always straddle the line between romantic or platonic, which makes my aroace heart very happy....also they've been through so much together and they care about each other so much ❤ so I'd probably choose minewt
nalby is.....I have some mixed feelings on this one. my main problem with it is because alby is SO radically different between his book characterization and his movie characterization. so it's kind of hard to pin down a characterization that'll stick, yknow? and I never really saw the appeal for shipping them, but thats just my opinion ofc! (I don't tend to ship characters until a friend points out that they ship something, then I rethink things in that lens and decide if I wanna ship it or not. it's generally not my go-to when I look at fandom stuff, so I'm not the resident TMR Ship Expert jshdhskdhd) but newtmas holds a very special place in my heart so I'd have to choose that one ♥
brendesa would be one of those sexily toxic relationships that are an absolute DUMPSTER FIRE to witness but it'd be funny so. there's that. (if you're looking at it from a canon perspective, at least. they're so different that I don't think they'd vibe At All. but from a fanon standpoint they'd probably work) but SONIET IS MY FAVE ❤ they don't have a huge part in the books lmao but in the movies they're shown together at all times and I respect that ❤ post-apocalyptic sapphics my beloved. that scene when Sonya gets rescued from WICKED and Harriet runs to give her a big ol' hug? lives in my mind rent free (I know aris was there too but this ain't about him)
make me choose!
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bruh--wtf · 4 years
A Message
Thomas x Reader
Summary: The reader goes through the Maze trials with a message, but she has no idea who it's from. That is until he enters the maze. And he helps them get out.
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Maze Runner Masterlist
Warning: I am well aware that this is not how the books or the movie painted the backstory. But it fits better, so we're just going to go with it, okay?
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You were in your room with the guys. Newt, Minho, Alby, Chuck, and Gally. You'd been in a room with them for a couple years. Since you were taken when you were ten. Now, fifteen, you all were like family to eachother.
You were hanging off your bunk, upside down with your hair hanging down. Newt slept below you and Minho slept in the top bunk across from yours, above Alby. Gally slept on a bottom bunk with Chuck above him. The kid had become the little brother of the group. All of you were protective over the boy.
While upside down you and Minho were tossing a ball back and forth. It was something that one of the guy's friends had snuck into your room.
When the door started to open and Minho had just tossed the ball, you tried to grab it but also slipped off the bed in the process. Newt stood and slipped his arms under yours in the process to catch you. Your legs hit the ground hard and you winced a little and threw the ball at Minho. He caught it quickly and hid it under his pillow.
You straightened up, and Newt let go of you. A boy and girl who looked around your age came into the room. They both had brown hair, but the boy's was darker. He was quite handsome, actually.
"Hey, Thomas," Chuck says. Minho pulls the ball back out and throws it at your head. You manage to catch it and throw it right back, just as harsh, if not harsher. The boy, Thomas smiled slightly but it quickly disappeared.
"What's wrong?" Alby asked, standing up. The girl took in a breath and looked around the group.
"They're between two of you to go into the Maze first," she says. You snap your eyes to hers.
"The maze? I thought that wasn't supposed to happen yet," you say. The girl looks you over, but nods.
"We're not even supposed to be telling you this," she says pointedly to the boy beside her. He looked a little annoyed, but didn't even glance at her.
"How do you know this?" You ask. The girl and the boy both look at you.
"Uh, we overheard," the girl says. You raise an eyebrow, not believing her at all.
"Do you know who?" Newt asks. Thomas looked at him, glancing at you.
"Yeah. They can't decide between Alby and Y/N," he says. You exchange a look with Alby. He looked a little freaked. You looked down, in thought.
"Can one of us choose for them?" You ask. The guys all look at you.
"Y/N, I know where your mind is going. Don't be stupid," Newt says. You roll your eyes and look at Thomas.
"Can one of us volunteer?" You clarify to the boy. He seems a little surprised and glances at the girl beside him.
"I mean, I guess. But why would you want to?" He asks. You swallow, biting the tip of your tongue in thought. You shift on your feet a little bit.
"One of us has to go in there first, we're all going in eventually," you say. The girl nods and turns towards you a little bit.
"Yes, but you'll be in there alone. For a month. And you won't remember anything," she says. You blink, and after a second you shrug. That, uh, was a little new. You'd heard rumors about the mind wiping but it being confirmed is kind of scary.
"I'd rather it be me than one of these idiots," you say. The girl takes a step towards you.
"You guys would really do that for eachother?" She asks. You roll your eyes.
"Where do I sign up?" You ask in reply. The guys all look at eachother, exchanging worried looks but you just smirked.
"You could request to see Chancellor Paige," the girl says. You nod and gesture towards the door.
"This is me, requesting," you say. The girl exchanged a look with Thomas and you rolled your eyes. "Where do I find her?"
"Don't be stupid, Y/N," Gally says. I scowl at him.
"It's me or Alby. I'm making it easier on them. Trust me, letting them struggle went through my mind. But I'd rather me be in there alone than one of you," you said. Alby steps forward.
"We should talk about this. What if you make a stupid decision in the maze?" He asks. You shrug.
"Then you guys will be there after me. And you'll forget I ever existed. You'll move on," you say. He looks annoyed, his nostrils flaring. But before he could respond, the door opens. The same guard steps in and then the Chancellor. You raise an eyebrow. She looks at Thomas and the girl.
"Thomas, Teresa," she says. You roll your eyes. The two take steps towards her, falling behind her. She then looks at you and Alby. She opens her mouth but you cut her off.
"I want to go into the maze first," you say. Alby grabs your arm and tries to pull you back but you shrug him off. "Seems like a better option at this point." She raises an eyebrow at you, keeping eye contact.
"That's why we're here. We've decided. It's a good thing you want to be first. You're going in, in a few weeks," she says. You stare at her. She nods at the boys and then turns to leave the room. You were frozen in your spot. Newt grabbed your arm, turning you to face him.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" He asks. You shrug him off but your throat had went dry.
A couple days later, you were walking in a hallways when Thomas walked by. He looked a little confused when he saw you but grabbed your arm to stop you. You raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed.
"How are you feeling?" He asks. You were a little caught off guard by the question. Thomas was friends with the guys but you had never met him before last week.
"Like I want a book," you say. He gives you a confused look and you shift on your feet. "I loved to read before all of this. Will I even remember how to read?" I ask, laughing a little and looking down.
"Yeah, you will. You just won't have your memories," he says. You chewed on the inside of your lip and nodded, lifting your head back up to look at him.
"I won't remember the guys," you say. He nods. "Then I guess we'll just have to remake our memories in the maze." He smiles slightly. "Hey, I, uh, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor. The guys said you were cool, so..."
"Yeah, yeah, what is it?" He asks. You meet his eyes and let out a breath.
"I was wondering if you could try to find out something about someone. I just need to know if they're okay," you say. He studies you for a second before nodding. "It's my little brother. He probably doesn't even remember me he was only two when we were taken. But... he's the only reason I'm still alive. And I need to know if he's okay." Your voice cracked a little, and you looked down shaking your head. "I'm sorry, if you can't-"
"I'll see what I can find out. What's his name?" He asks. You look up.
"Uh, Jack. His names Jack," you tell him. He nods, and gives you a small smile.
"I'll try and figure something out," he says. You give him a watery smile and wipe your nose, looking away again.
"Thank you," you say. He nods.
"Yeah, of course," he says. He studies you for a second. "You're nervous, aren't you?" He asks. You sigh and shake out the jitters in your hands.
"Yeah, I guess. The idea of having no idea where I am. Or getting lost in the maze. Having nothing to live for and purposefully-"
"That's not going to happen," he says. You scoff and cross your arms.
"How do you know? 'Cause the last one seems pretty much like a me thing," you say. He gives me a 'be serious' look.
"I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you," he says. You straighten up, looking him over.
"Why? You barely know me," you say. He smiles and shrugs.
"I like what I know," he says. A smile creeped onto your face.
"Thomas!" Someone calls from the end of the hall. You look over to see Teresa. She looked at you briefly before gesturing for Thomas to come with her.
"I'll find out what I can about your brother," he says, taking a few steps away from you. You watch as he leaves, a little bit in shock.
Two more days past before Thomas came by the room again. When he did you stood up from where you were sitting with Chuck. He looked at you.
"Can I talk to you?" He asks. You nod, following him out into the hallway. He crossed his arms and looked at you. You leaned against the wall, waiting for him to say something. "I found your brother," he says. You straighten up. "He's young, so he won't be put into a maze for a while. And when he does... it's going to be yours." You stared at him for a minute.
"He... he's in our group? How have I not seen him? Why haven't I seen him?" You ask, pushing off the wall.
"Like I said, he's young-"
"Yeah, young! He's nine! He's being raised in this! Is he in our building? Can I see him?" You ask. He puts his hands on your shouldrrs to calm you down. You stare at Thomas with wide eyes.
"It'd be hard to make that happen, but I can try. Until then," he reaches around and pulls something out of the little bag he had brought with him. You knit your brows together. He looked around a little and handed you what he grabbed.
When you looked at it you saw a book. The Lord of the Flies. You chuckled a little looking down at it. But the little laugh turned into a few tears falling. You gave Thomas a watery smile.
"You got me a book?" You ask, laughing a little. He smiled a little and nodded.
"Yeah. It's super old, but it's one they wouldn't miss," he says. You wipe your cheeks, looking down at it.
"Why do you keep doing nice things for me? Is it pity? Because I really don't-"
"No! I told you, I like what I know," he says. You smiled at him and without thinking you hugged him. He hesitated for a second before hugging you back. Your lips touched his clothed shoulder, and after a minute you pulled away.
"Sucks I'm gonna forget about this is in a week," you say, holding up the book a little. He shrugs.
"Maybe." You raised an eyebrow but he just opened the door. "I've got some things to do." You eye him suspiciously for a minute before going back into the room, him leaving.
Tomorrow was the day. You were going into the maze. And you were freaking out. The guys were all sulking. Even Gally. You hop off your bed and catch the ball as Minho tosses it at the ceiling, playing catch with himself. He looks at you, frowning.
You toss it up, and catch it, pointing a finger and waving it around at all of them. "That's it! You guys aren't allowed to be upset. Your last memory with me isn't going to be boring and sad! Sure, I won't remember it, but who knows how long you guys will! Now, stop being boring! Now!" You say, tossing the ball to Alby.
"It should be me," he says. You groan, playfully slapping the side of his head.
"Doesn't matter. Whether I volunteered or not, I got chosen. So it really shouldn't be you."
"What if something happens to you?" Chuck asks. You roll your eyes, grabbing the ball back from Alby and tossing it to Chuck, who catches it a little messily. He was nine.
"Nothing is happening to me! One of these bozos is following me in a month! What's a month? I can survive a month, don't you think." They were all still frowning. "Oh, c'mon put a little faith in me!"
"We do have faith in you! But you without memories is a different story," Newt says, standing up. He puts his hand out towards Chuck who tosses him the ball. "If we have to watch something bad happen to you, we'll be the ones who really get hurt." You sigh and grab the ball as he lightly tosses it to you. He turns and sits back down on his bed.
The door opens and Thomas reveals himself. You knit your brows together, and walk over to him. He gestures to the bed.
"Do you still have the book?" He asks. You nod, grabbing it from under my pillow and handing it to him. He smiles, putting it in his bag quickly. "We have to go. Quickly." He says. Your eyes widen and every guy in the room stands up quickly. "She's not going into the maze yet," Thomas clarifies. A breath of relief is sounded throughout the room. "But I still need you to come with me." You were confused, but followed him regardless.
After walking for a little bit, Thomas started to look around a little bit more. He looked kind of sketchy and you laughed.
"What are you doing?" You ask. He grabs your hand, making you match pace with him as he speeds up a little bit. "Thomas! What-" you stop when you see a child's drawing on a wall. You knit your brows in confusion but then the realization hits you and you stare at Thomas in shock.
He was taking you to see your brother.
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the-bee-graveyard · 3 years
The Fine Line
Chapter Two
Hello! So this is my first chapter fic. It’s a Newt's and Brendresa fic (I’m hoping to write a Kitty one soon, sorry for my neglect to the TDA fandom recently) so um yeah I hope you like it
Sorry for any misspellings/grammar errors I did proofread, but I’m super inattentive so I probably missed stuff.
WARNING: Major Spoilers for The Death Cure
Story Summary: Newt and Teresa both survive the destruction of the last city and are brought to the safe haven with all their friends. Newt is welcomed back with open arms, and most people learn to forgive Teresa, all but the one person she wants to forgive her the most. Oblivious!Newtmas and Enemies-to-lovers!Brendresa. Minho and Sonya are sick of their friend’s being stupid. A little bit of Soniet and Mingally because I’m weak for them. Sonya and Minho are an unexpected Brotp I now can’t live without. Might actually be even more chaotic than my last fic. Combining movie and book logic because I feel like it. Pining because I said so. I might make a playlist for this fic because I like playlists.
Chapter Summary: both Teresa and Newt unexpectedly wake up in the safe haven, and Minho and Sonya don’t even give them time to catch their breaths because they’ve spotted their OTP’s and they won’t stop until they get them together. 
Chapter One: Fine Line Between Love and Hate
Part One: Teresa’s POV
Teresa used to think she knew everything. She’d been told so by many people. Those same people fed her so many lies, but it took her long to figure out that was one of them, maybe because that was the only lie she’d ever truly believed down deep in her heart. Thomas used to say she knew everything too, and maybe once he stopped believing that she did too. No matter the cause, she  now knew that there were a lot of things she didn’t know, but she did know this one thing:
She was supposed to be dead.
The last thing she remembered were the walls of her lab in the last city coming down on her. She saw a large chunk of concrete hit Janson right in the face right before she hit her head on the floor and blacked out . She could assume the rest of the building went down shortly after that. That was the end of her life, right?
So you could imagine her confusion when she woke up in a cot, not in hell.
“Great, you’re alive,” A sarcastic voice said from beside her bed. She’d recognize that voice anywhere, it had plagued her dreams and nightmares for months in the last city, for reasons Teresa didn’t understand. But now the voice was more than just a nightmare. She’d assume she’d actually woken up in hell, but the person who spoke hadn’t died and sure as heck would not have ended up in hell. They were everything Teresa could not be, and for the longest time Teresa had hated them for it.
“Brenda,” Teresa gasped. She sat up, pushing the blankets off herself and swinging her legs over the bed. As soon as she lifted her head off the pillow she regretted it, her head pounding. Brenda sat on a stool next to the bed, her legs crossed, looking bored. Teresa must have flinched from the pain or something since Brenda threw her an ice pack.
“Concussion, you hit your head pretty badly back in the last city. When Minho and I got you out of there we thought you might be already dead. The medic’s say you’ll make a full recovery, you’ve just got to take it easy for a few weeks,” Brenda explained. Brenda looked different since the last time she’d seen her. She’d cut her hair again, not as short as she had it when the two first met, but shorter than it was when Brenda and all of Teresa’s former friends kidnapped her and forced her to tell them how to get into WICKED’s headquarters.
Brenda being alive was good. Brenda being alive meant that she made it out of WICKED headquarters, which meant at least a few others had to have. A wave of grief suddenly hit Teresa, not for Brenda but for Newt. Thomas never came before the building came down on her. Maybe they could have made another cure for their friend once they got out of the city and to wherever they were now, but Teresa remembers how Newt was the last time she saw him. He had an hour left in him, that’s if they were lucky. There’s no way he could have made it wherever they were without cranking out, and Newt would have never allowed himself to get that far, to get that close to hurting his friends.
One way or another, Newt was dead. Another person’s blood on Teresa’s hands, someone Teresa long ago considered to be one of her best friends. And he died hating her, and she'd given him every right too. 
“Can you explain to me what happened?” Teresa asked once she could make herself speak again.
“You came over the speaker and gave a whole thousand word speech on how Thomas could save Newt. When we got to Newt with the serum Thomas had knocked him out to keep him alive. We gave him the serum and Thomas told us to go get you and the cure, so we did, but the building kind of fell apart. We got out just in time, we found you clutching the cure,” Brenda explained. Teresa exhaled, Newt made it. She didn’t have to add his name to the long list of those she killed. “I suggested we kill you, we got what we needed from you and someone else could recreate the cure. You can thank Thomas for being alive, he insisted we didn’t do anything to you. He was even hesitant about letting me take my shift watching over you, I guess he thought I’d strangle you in your sleep or something.”
“Where is he? Thomas?” Teresa asked.
“With Newt, we haven’t been able to peel him away from him since we got back.” Teresa couldn’t hide her grin, she always knew there was something going on between Newt and Thomas, even before the maze. She and Minho used to bet on them as children, betting their pudding cups on if they’d walk into a room holding hands or something like that. 
But thanks to her none of her friends remembered that.
“I’m sorry Brenda, I really am. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I’ll do anything to prove it. I hurt you all, and you should hate me for the rest of eternity, but I really wanted to be your friend at one point. I still do.” Brenda stood up.
“Save it for someone who cares Teresa, ‘cause I sure don’t. I never liked you.” Brenda began to walk about of the shack they were in. Teresa didn’t know why the words hurt so much, she’d never liked Brenda either. They did though. Brenda turned around in the doorway. “I’ll let the others know you’re awake though, they’ve been worried, even if they won’t admit it.”
Part Two: Thomas’s POV
Thomas was half asleep when he heard Newt mutter something. He sat right up in his chair next to Newt, waiting. It had been over two weeks since they’d gotten back from the last city, and both Newt and Teresa hadn’t woke up. 
“Tommy,” Newt mumbled.
“I’m right here Newt, it’s me,” Thomas said, leaning in closer. He felt guilty about it, but he hadn’t even gone to visit Teresa, wanting to be there when Newt woke up. 
After a minute Newt’s eyes opened, and they were clear. The black veins had faded from his body shortly after they injected the cure into Thomas, but he hadn’t opened his eyes since then so Thomas saw the insane look in them every time he closed his eyes.
“Oh my god Newt, you’re alive,” Thomas threw is arms around his friend, pulling him into a tight hug, afraid to let go. Newt laughed in Thomas’s embrace. 
“Still a bit confused on that part, care to explain how?” Newt said. A wave of relief hit Thomas again. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if Newt died, he couldn’t make it in a world without his best friend.
“Teresa,” Thomas said. “Teresa made a cure. It was my blood the whole time, she just figured it out first.” Thomas sighed. “I feel like an idiot Newt, I could have spared you all that pain the whole time.”
“Oh shut up you twat,” Newt said. “I would’ve died long before the flare without you. You save me every day just by being there. You-”
“Thomas!” Minho called, interrupting Newt’s statement which Thomas really wanted to hear the end of. “Teresa’s awake and looking for you.” Minho came into the tent.
“Good to see you too,” Newt said, rolling his eyes sarcastically and grinning fondly. Minho gasped and hugged Newt tightly. 
“I was so worried,’ Minho said. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again you ugly shank.”
“Can’t breathe,” Newt gasped. Minho let go of Newt and laughed.
“Hold on, Gally and Frypan are with Teresa, but there’s one other person who’s been waiting for you to wake up,” Minho said before dashing out the tent. He came back a few minutes later with a familiar blonde girl by his side.
Sonya had explained to them all that when WICKED took her and Aris they’d given their memories back, but she’d never been able to tell Newt she remembered they were siblings before he ran off to follow Thomas.
“Do you remember me?” Sonya asked timidly from the doorway. Newt didn’t respond for a minute, and Sonya’s face fell. “That's a stupid question. You’ve met me after the swipe, you remember me as Sonya, but why would I think you’d remember me as-”
“How could I ever forget you Lizzy?” Newt said, his voice cracking. Tears streamed down Sonya’s face as it lit up and she attacked her brother with a strong embrace. “The flare must have damaged the swipe. I don't remember everything, but I remember some. Enough.” Thomas suddenly became conscious to the fact he was holding Newt’s hand. 
“We’ll leave you two to catch up if you’d like,” Thomas offered. Newt squeezed his hand tightly.
“Please don’t go,” Newt said. “I want you to stay.” Thomas knew the words were directed at all of them, but it felt like they were meant just for him. His heart skipped a beat at the thought.
Part Three: Minho’s POV
Minho had always been a guy who was relatively fond of people around him falling in love, but he sure as hell wasn’t fond of people around him being completely oblivious to the fact that they’re in love. 
Minho usually had his routine “Newt and Thomas were fools before all this and Thomas is an even bigger fool now because he still hasn’t realized his feelings for Newt” rant with Brenda and/or Gally, but Gally had gone to take his shift accompanying Teresa, who said she still wasn’t ready to face Thomas and Newt, and Brenda had stalked off after telling them Teresa had woken up.
So when Sonya plopped down next to Minho on the log he sat on in front of the bonfire and said, “Can Newt and Thomas just kiss already?” Minho figured she’d have to do.
Minho quickly stole a glance over to where the pair sat laughing on a log with Jorge and Vince. Thomas had his arm around Newt and Newt had his head rested on “Tommy’s” shoulder. When Minho made a comment on it they said “it’s just a bro thing”. Over the past few weeks Minho had sat like that with Gally multiple times, and it was most certainly not a bro thing. 
“It’s so annoying isn’t it?” Minho said. “I was trapped in a maze and the scorch with them, I’ve been dealing with it a lot longer than you have.” It would cause Minho to rip out his hair, but his hair was so beautiful he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
“Even Aris caught onto it, and it took him to see Harriet and I kiss in front of him five times before he realized we were together back in the maze,” Sonya rolled her eyes. 
A brilliant idea came to Minho. Of course, all of his ideas were brilliant, but this one was even more brilliant than the others.
“How about we put an end to this pining?” Minho asked Sonya, grinning wickedly.
“Got anything in mind?” She asked him. Sweet Sonya, sweet innocent Sonya. if only she knew he had not one thing in mind, but multiple things in mind that were all incredibly risky and might cause Vince to banish them all, but they all had the same result: Newt and Thomas getting together.
“I do, but we can’t do it alone. Get Harriet and Aris and I’ll get Gally, Frypan, Teresa, and Brenda and we can all meet at the beach tomorrow after curfew.” 
“Should I be scared?”
“Probably, but not that much. I’ve done crazier things, and look at me, I’m still here.”
“Okay then.” Sonya was also grinning like crazy, and Minho knew this was the birth of a beautiful friendship, one built on interfering in other people’s for the better.
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bby01boi · 4 years
My opinions: TMR (the mazerunner) version:
1. WICKED is evil!
2. I hate Teresa
4. Winston deserved better
5. Chuck deserved better
6. Newt deserved better
7. Newt definitely had a crush on Thomas (in the movies it’s most noticeable)
8. WICKED deserved to die
9. Minho is the bravest of them all
10. That’s why he is the leader!
11. The movies are still awesome even though they aren’t anything like the books
13. I found it weird that they changed the years in the movie to 3 when it’s 2 in the book??? It’s the easiest thing to remember
14. The Scorch Trails book is scarier then the movie
15. The first time I watched the mazerunner was when I went camping and I was the only one awake in my tent and when the grievers showed up I was terrified but now I find them pretty gross and funny.
16. The grievers sound more terrifying in the book then they look in the movies
17. The actors suit the rolls perfectly
18. Brenda was adorable (book)
19. I really wish they stuck to exactly what the book said cause it would’ve been awesome to see some scenes in real life
20. Minho has the highest pain tolerance (man was struck by lightning and kept going)
21. I want to live in the maze but it’s not a test and I don’t have to leave, people have to fight/get past the grievers just to visit my house
22. As much as I love the movies the books are way more interesting
23. I genuinely felt bad for Gally (movie, I’m still on the second book so idk yet)
24. Jack’s death barely saddened me and idk why
25. I didn’t even know it was Jack that died in the mall on the escalator until today when my friend googled it (movie)
26. What if Frypan was actually a bad cook but no one remembered what good cooking tasted like?
27. I’d wanna be a runner
28. A ladder wouldn’t have done them any good since it would’ve broken not even half way up due to too much pressure causing it to bend and snap
29. Minho had it worst then the others including Thomas
30. Minho needs to develop a freakin’ brain to mouth filter
31. In the movies Tommy and Teresa look like siblings
32. It mentions the vines not leading to the top yet (from what I know) Newt jumped off the top of the maze and also he didn’t die???? How’s he get up there? And how in the world did he not die???
33. Also they reached the top in the movie ya liars
34. The cranks terrified me when reading about the ones in the underground tunnels
35. It’s sadder to read about Newt losing his mind then it is to watch it.
36. I like the necklace better than the envelope idea because it’s like he held Tommy close to his heart.
37. I feel bad for Gally 🥺
38. Newtie 🥺🥺 is going crazy
I’ll probably add more after finishing the third book.
So I’ve finished the trilogy and here are some more 🚨BOOK SPOILERS🚨
39. Newt’s death is sadder in the book than it is in the movie
40. I kinda felt bad when Teresa died even tho I hate her
41. Fuck Rat man
42. Doctor lady is actually good???
43. Poor Thomas
44. Thomas and Brenda are adorable
45. I NEED the other three books 🥺🥺😫
46. Newt 🥺🥺😭😭
47. Gally 🥺 my poor bby
48. The ending is so cute.
49. The part where everyone is running through the maze scared me
50. I was like “RUN!”
51. What saddened me the most about Teresa’s death is how Thomas reacted
52. I’m so glad that they’re finally free and happy.
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crestfallercanyon · 3 years
Can i ask what's your opinion about Teresa and Brenda (as characters in both books and movies) and which one you prefer ? I love your deep and smart tmr analizes :)). Have a wonderful day.
haha -- I don't know how smart my tmr analyses are, but I'm glad you enjoy them!
(this the same person as before? if anything, you're still a tmr anon, so I'll tag you the same)
This question is actually very long and complicated, now that I'm writing it, because the books and movies are so very different. I was about to go into some analysis on that, but I think my opinions might come off a little harsh 😅. We'll reserve that for a private message maybe some other time.
However, not to say that my opinions are all that glittering for the rest of it either. I love the maze runner, both movies and books, but I have to treat them like separate entities because the movies are what I would call inspired by the books, (and they make several corrections I agree with and think were needed!) but overall I think they miss the point of the books (particularly with the main plot and Thomas's characterization).
However, one thing that I will say the movies did that's not okay even as a separate entity? How it stunted the female characters in the books. The girls (all of them, including Group B) lost so much of their nuance going into the movies.
TLDR: Teresa's character is tragic and gets screwed over by canon and fanon in ways that I think were unfair. Her character is fascinating, and I think her mindset was really critical and nuanced and important to have in a woman in a young adult book at that time. She was clearly her own character with her own motivations, and I like that she was ruthless for a greater cause. Even if she was wrong, you can track how she came to be the way she was. I think her character could be even more explored. However, I was a Trenda shipper when I read the books many years ago. I loved Brenda's character in the books. Found her actions and decisions and just mercurial self so fascinating. She was a character I felt I could relate to, who I wanted to aspire to, even if now looking back on it I think I would see some stuff that makes me cringe. More under the cut!
Just a general content warning: I do get pretty harsh, and discuss some harsh themes (abuse and whatnot, regarding Teresa's character; tropes that minimize women so that men become more "inspired" to complete their goal, so on.)
We'll start with Teresa. For one, if you want a really good analysis of Teresa's character, I greatly recommend going to @its-tea-time-darling because she's read all the books and also just has some incredibly smart analyses for Teresa. I never read Fever Code or Kill Order. I only read Crank Palace beyond the original trilogy. (In fact, I didn't even know Kill Order existed until about a year ago -- please forgive me, I read these a long time ago now).
However, I do remember stuff.
In total, Teresa is a damn tragedy. One that deserves more sympathy than she gets. Both movie verse and book verse.
There are many moments I will say this, the first time I did so was with Gally -- the only reason Gally is wrong in the first book/movie is because it's not his story, it's Thomas's. The fact of the matter is, is that a lot of the conclusions and decisions he makes in the books and movies are absolutely correct based on what he's perceiving, and a lot of what Thomas achieves is damn lucky. I would say the same is true of Teresa. Particularly in the movies because, in my opinion, Teresa ends up being pretty much right. There is a cure (and so easily made, too, from what it seems like, because all you need is Thomas's blood -- this is a story for another time). She could have saved everyone if she'd been listened to at all.
In the books she is ultimately in the wrong, but her sympathy is derived from other sources. I didn't read The Kill Order, but from what I remember of the trilogy and from what I understand of The Kill Order, her backstory is haunting. In the movie they give her pretty much the same backstory of everyone else with a memory, but Teresa in the books is someone who has been left in the cold more than once, and while is still deeply empathetic with the world, she views it in a very utilitarian way: the suffering of the few for the good of the many. She is part of that few that must suffer -- break down all relationships around her, destroy potential for friendships, sacrifice her childhood -- in order to save the many by finding a cure no matter what. While there are many criticisms to utilitarianism, it is one that often comes out in do-or-die situations, so it's no wonder that Teresa adopted it herself. To others, her actions are cruel and horrific (and they are, in some ways, her betrayals rough) but I think you have to remember that this is a girl who has been taught from the beginning that her only goal should be to save the world, and that means cutting everyone away from her if she must. (In this way, she actually kind of reminds me of BOTW Zelda -- wouldn't that be an amazing crossover? I digress).
Also remember that she was under the thumb of WICKED for far longer than any of the other Gladers. She was a young girl, WICKED had essentially raised her and saved her life. She felt obligated to them. In return she was supposed to help them. She was a child who has no idea that WICKED is exploiting her sense of obligation to them. Can you imagine, a child, being labeled as The Betrayer? How many times has this girl been pre-labeled a villain? Or by the people who she viewed as her heroes? It's fucking horrible what WICKED did to her. People think she deserves hatred and her fate -- I don't think so. The more her actions worked at cutting away people (i.e., the more the betrayals isolated her), the more she was able to fall into the role that WICKED always wanted for her. This isn't to say it's the glader's fault for getting upset at her betrayals, but it's the vicious cycle that WICKED put her in and it worked, poor thing.
(Honestly I am seeing so many parallels to Gally right now, maybe I'll write a fic in which they become tormented besties, because the same thing happens to him. Also I heard that tea's fic I May Do No Harm features a friendship between the two and I must read it. I'm totally digressing, sorry).
Also, if Teresa can go through endless torment and suffering for the good of everyone else, if that's the life she has been forced to live, of course that is a mindset that she feels should be put upon others as well. And even if she does eventually see that WICKED is wrong, such a relationship is not an easy one to break. Abuse and manipulation places a strong hold upon people. I tend to view Teresa's relationship to WICKED as a child under abusive parents. I won't go into details just because I don't want to trigger anyone or anything like that, but a mind is incredibly malleable, but also relies in its creature comforts. If Teresa has coded WICKED in her mind as a source of comfort and love, WICKED can get away with doing a lot of horrible things to her, because her mind will try to twist what they're doing to fit her mind's coding of them. That makes Teresa easily made victims to WICKED's atrocities, and complicit in them as well.
Movie!verse Teresa is... complicated. It's just so much harder to view her with as much sympathy because of how much they flatten her character. They give her very minimal screen time. She is only there for "big reveals" and "grand betrayals", so of course the audience will struggle to like her. Also the way TDC dresses her up in the movies makes it hard to see her as someone with less agency (like a child!). She doesn't look like a child, act like a child, nor do other characters interact with her as though she is a child. In the books she keeps some of that innocence despite the atrocities being done against her and everyone else by WICKED because there are constant reminders that they're all teens.
I had a long analysis here about why I get mad about the movies' final message and how they needed to flatten Teresa's character and make her generally unlikable by having her be a near-active participant in Minho's torture. But a) it gives the wrong mesage, because I do like the movies, but they have a lot of flaws; b) it was quite harsh, c) there's a lot to unpack there, and d) I get it across here. I think they needed to make Teresa unlikable for sake of the plot monster they created. Done.
While Teresa had never been my favorite character when I read the books nor in the movies when I first watched them (I don't remember why this was, but I know that I thought the unexplained telepathy plot was fucking stupid and frankly I still do -- one of the best changes wes ball made, but I also tend to dislike pre-designated love interests that are done in this way) I think she's shafted often by canon and fanon in ways that are truly unfair to her character. I found her fascinating as an entity in the books. In the movies... She's okay. She deserved better. And honestly, kind of same as with Gally, the longer I engage with The Maze Runner as an adult, the more I tend to sympathize with her and like her character. Who knows, maybe tea will make me into a Teresa lover after all.
Okay, onto Brenda.
I loved Brenda in the books. Loved her characterization. She was badass and devious and a scavenger. Tough bitch was independent and wasn't starstruck by Thomas in any way (something I miss in the books, none of them really were starstruck by Thomas except maybe Minho -- I'm digressing again). Then she does end up liking him, which I think now I would hate how quickly that happened, but as a kid I liked her better than Teresa anyway so I was very much a Trenda fan. Her involvement with WICKED with Jorge was a spectacular element and probably one of the biggest "wow, this goes way deeper than I expected" moments of the books. She's also far more Teresa's equal because, if I remember correctly, she also has her own betrayals against Thomas. She just was very dynamic and mercurial, it's clear in the books that she has goals in mind that are her own and she has relationships that are her own, ones that she cherishes more than she does the gladers in the beginning, and even better is we got to see them in action (I'm referring to Jorge). It was a wonderful thing to show and one of the few things I'll kudos Dashner for. While her story eventually does become Thomas-centric, it is also clear that if you switched the pov to her, she would have a story of her own in the books. She has her own growth and strength, and I really admired her.
Movie!Brenda's story was far less her own and she became a support for Thomas's propellor into generic protagonist hero. This is because, unlike the books, she is actually sick in the movie and she becomes "sick girl Thomas needs to save". Often times women are placed in suffering so that men can have "more drive" to complete their mission, and I think making Brenda actually sick with a lost brother and all that is doing the same thing. This, in turn, makes Thomas himself lose nuance, because he becomes "quintessential protagonist" in the movies instead of the (appropriately) guilt-ridden character he is in the books who strives not only for savior of his friends, but for redemption because he was part of the band of people who put them in this terrible position. Instead of Thomas's initial interest (and freaking out) over her strange behavior, and her responding to his vigilantiism with coy "I'm not impressed", they bond over the fact that she has a brother who disappeared and he had Chuck. Fine, I guess. It's very tragic. Does well enough, I suppose.
What I love about movie!Brenda is her relationship with all the other gladers and Jorge. Her interaction with Gally? Fantastic. Her interaction with/discussions about Teresa? Love them. She and Frypan's badassery? Could watch it all the time. What Brenda has that Teresa doesn't is that she connects with damn near everyone on screen in a meaningful way. She may be a support character, and she may lose her own agency (which I'll describe more in a second) but she'll be damned if she is not made a fixture in every single character's view, even if only in a minor way. It's something that is fairly well maintained from books to movies, unlike Teresa. Brenda manages to maintain most of her strong relationships that I remember, they make an impact. Teresa loses almost all of hers (she had Aris, at least, and I believe she also sided with the other group b characters as well, but she gets none of that in the movies).
The thing that bothers me about Brenda (and Jorge)? How quickly they just go along with Thomas in the movies. I get it, Thomas kind of saved her life, but the kiss at the Lotus Hotel? (that's not what it was but that's what it was emulating, that thing with Markus where they drink and she kisses him and he sees Teresa? That scene?) it ends up amounting to nothing. She never does anything regarding feeling spurned of his affection. Why? And then later, there is very little reason that I see why she and Jorge should be so concerned with Minho's disappearance to be completely honest. Honestly, I would have loved to see them join the revolutionary movement with Lawrence. I am much more inclined to believe that they go with Thomas to the last city in order to wreak havoc and hey, if it helps him get his friend back, that's neat for him.
Overall, I think Brenda's character was not wounded as badly as Teresa's long term in the movies. Movie!Teresa, particularly in TST, was flattened and stored away, only for big reveal moments of treachery or as an emotional push for Thomas to continue his story thus robbing her of her own -- this made her into someone that most view as just genuinely unlikable with few redeemable characteristics, a characterization of her that is, in my opinion, unfair. Brenda, however, continues to be fiery and badass (her relationship with Jorge is still one of my most favorite things in the whole of The Maze Runner), but in a different way. However, she is also robbed of her own story for Thomas.
Anyways, this got really freaking long. I have a lot of thoughts on these two. Primarily, though, their movie versions are just so much less than they should have been. But hey, I still enjoy watching them, and also, I think this is what fuels my fanfiction writing -- potential. So, in that way, I guess I'm glad they are the way they are.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Hiii 🥺 if i could ask, how do you outline your works in general? books, short stories, one shots? What are the differences? 🥺🥺
Hey I love this-- here's a little walk through of what I do. Bear in mind I do really heavy outlines-- lets go through it all, okay? It's not as daunting as it may seem
Click keep reading to see an extensive guide to outlining stories!
So I'm going to use the Maze Runner re-write I'm working on (no one steal my shit I will be sad)
First off, I get all my templates from Evernote they have some really great templates and they range from when you want to plan a little bit and when you want to plan a lot, here is the link !!!! I recomend highly!
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I start with the basics. Title, genre, series (yes or no), premise, setting. I add a box to keep my dates (if you see, I'm not good at filling them in, thank god docs keeps a history so I can later. This isn't necessary I just think its fun-- like a scrapbook of my progress!)
I then add a story premise template-- this one's important!!! It's like the shortest summary for when you need to go back while writing and remember things quickly. I add details like slang (ex: the maze runner uses terms that are made up so I need to remember to use them when writing), the main events (inciting and conflict will do), and my main goal!
After this you can choose to add which template will work best for planning the story. Some people choose to do the characters first but I, in this case, chose story because I am drawing off a series that already exists and plan to stick relatively close to that. In any other case I might have planned characters first but it's up to you!
The templates for planning your story range from very in depth to not at all-- I'll lay them out for you and you can choose the best for you!
The least in depth (derived from screenwriting, this method offers just a brief outline of what you want to write, leaves a lot of room for movement as you write) : Story Beats
More in depth but not crazy (goes through all the main parts of your book, lets you focus closer to the details singularly as opposed to part of a whole, a happy middle) : 3-Act Structure
The most in depth, full crazy (plan every chapter, the exact way you want things to plan, note: you may do this and then get thrown a curve ball while writing but that is OK!) : Chapter Outline
Here is an example of my chapter outlines (again, people, don't steal my shit please I beg do not)
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As you can see-- I do all the outlines LOL but this is the only one worth showing and it's the only one I focus on when I write. These are about as detailed as I get-- it's important to leave room for your characters to breathe. This is as much their story as it is yours-- if they're trying to do something you should let them do it. Natural flow is always best.
Next I dive into characters (again, you can do this first-- this is like cooking, there's a recipe but season things how you prefer to make it your own!)
First I start with a simple breakdown : The Character Master List
This includes main characters, antagonists, additional characters
An example below :)
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After this I get wild-- I only do this with my protagonist(s) (in this case Ellie and Gally) and I go as in depth as I can. Every little thing I can think of about my characters gets written down. To write a book is to know your characters better than you know yourself. Their likes, dislikes, motivations, nervous habits, sleep schedules, every freckle and mole-- all of it. If you know your characters, you know your story. If you love your characters, you love your story.
Here is the template I use, again I strongly recommend : Character Profile / things I added
(On the templates (it's a dousy): full name, age, occupation, situation, motivation, height, build, skin tone, hair, eyes, facial description, prominent features / distinguishing marks, style of dress, mannerisms / gestures, how they perceive themself, one word used to describe themself, one paragraph, self perceived best personality trait / worst trait, self perceived best physical trait / worst trait, how they think others see them, something they would change about themself, one of voice, language / accent, fave phrases, personality, habits, ambition, greatest fear, biggest secret, how does this character get along with other characters, where they were born / grew up, important past events, family, current home, finances, occupation, education, health, religion, interests / hobbies, opinion of people in general, does the character hide their emotions from others?, person they hate most, best friends, love interests, person they go to for advice, person they feel responsible for, person character feels awkward around, person character openly admires, person character secretly admires, most important to character at the beginning / end)
See example, do not steal example (I know, redundant, but necessary)
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Finally after characters I move on to world building. This is important! You need to understand the location and time so that you can write an accurate (or not) story!
Again, here is the template : Worldbuilding Basics
(On the templates: story location, time period, climate, geography, borders / what's beyond, architecture style, how do people get around, distinctive sights / sounds / smells, how many people live there, where do they live, how do they make a living, is the economy healthy, what is family life like, history of the place, the political situation, who are the leaders, the languages spoken, how do the people dress, what role does religion / superstition play, what holidays are important, what's the food like, what are the forms of entertainment, how do the younger generations differ from the old)
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From here the rest is up to you, these are the things I recommend. As you can see from my screenshots, I do a lot for my planning.
Some other things you can think to incorporate are:
- General ideas (a place to keep things you need to remember while writing: themes, reoccurring motifs and metaphors, notes, scene ideas)
- Things to remember while writing (like general ideas but also not, a place to add notes about your characters, I like to write their habits here and keep it open while writing so that my characters remain somewhat consistent)
- Movie Script (For fanfiction books; I usually write my own dialogue but sometimes the movie does a good job of summing the basics, Ex: Alby goes over the basics of the glade and it made more sense to give him those lines again, can save you heartache)
Annnnnd that's all I do for books-- the outline I shared is about forty pages LOL so it's a lot but in my experience it's worth it!! Again, do what suits you always but this is what I find works.
Short Stories!
Usually my short stories are a very summed up version of the books. I do the chapter outlines and a very basic outline of the characters. In this case what I usually do is put it all in one doc-- outline and work as one.
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This is the best example I can use without outing important story details. On the left you can see the headings of each chapter-- I recommend using these so you aren't stuck scrolling helplessly through long fics (trust me, after 25k words it gets insane).
Each of these, as noted above, I flesh out the basic scene set up of the chapter. It helps me keep the goal of what I want to convey so I don't trail off (I have a habit of doing that).
The final thing I recommend is SideNote-- it's a life saver.
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Once enabled it allows you to write notes that you can see while writing in order to keep your story consistent. It has and will continue to come in handy!
One Shots!
I don't plan these at all LMFAO
Okay, kidding a little bit? It isn't worth showing because all it is is the basic outline of what I want to write and then I just attack it head on. One shots I usually just write and write and write and let it flow. They serve a purpose at the moment and thus are best written in the moment. My best advice here is to just let go-- you'll thank yourself for it!
I hope this helps, nonnie, and I hope whatever you write is as wonderful as you are! Thanks for trusting me enough to come for advice!!
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moonrainbowfish · 3 years
OMG my friend I didn’t know you did Maze Runner matchups!! If you have time could I get one? No pressure if you don’t want to though <3
I’m a straight female, with curly brown hair and green and blue eyes. I’m about 5’6. I’m a Gryffindor, ENFP, Aquarius. The people closest to me say I’m Brave, funny, friendly, stubborn, overprotective, and tough. I can be a little loud sometimes, but it’s only cause I get excited. I’m usually the one in my circle who stands up for what’s right, I have a hard time being a bystander. Sarcasm is my way of showing love sometimes 😂
My hobbies include reading, writing, daydreaming, occasional archery, being in nature, watching my favorite shows/ movies and listening to music.
My favorite color is red, and my favorite animal is a lion. My favorite movies/books are Narnia/LOTR. My favorite weather is rain. My favorite smells are Lilac, a forest after it’s rained, vanilla extract, or a house after you’ve baked something.
Some more random things about me: I like chocolate, birds, dramatic music, battle scenes in movies where the good guy comes to the rescue, music that gives me chills, the energy in a room when people are being inspired, horseback riding, swords, dresses, and flowers. I’ve been told I have a powerful presence in a room, just by the way I carry myself. I struggle with maladaptive daydreaming, and anxiety. I would rather be super cold than super hot. People closest to me say I would be a good ER nurse.
Here's your matchup! I hope you enjoy! And to anyone else, please don't send in a matchup, or it will be deleted. They are still closed and this was for a good friend.
For the Maze Runner I ship you with:
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He loves how you're not a bystander and always there for your loved ones. Thomas enjoys having small conversations with you about literally anything you like. Your writing, daydreams, your favorite shows, or music. He just loves hearing from you and getting to know you even better. He'll try to remember small details from you, but he can't help but get flustered around you. After all, you do have a very powerful presence.
He would know about your anxiety and would always try his best to be there for you and comfort you. Pulling you into a hug, softly petting your beautiful curly hair, or kissing your forehead and looking into your gorgeous eyes.
You rarely keep secrets from eachother and he would defend you from Gally and you would do the same for him. You rarely leave the others side and are both very protective. 
You're always so worried for him when he goes into the maze. You were scared he won't make it in time. He meant so much to you and he thought the same way about you. So when he returns you basically stick to his side forever and pull him into a bone brushing hug, because you're so glad to see him alive.
After that you somehow convinced everyone to be a runner so that you can go into the maze together and not leave his side ever again. Even if he takes some risk, you do trust him with all your heart and he does trust you too.
He'll hold you in his arms and whisper soothing words into your ears. You would lean onto him while at the bonfire. After a while when Chuck died, you comforted him which he really was thankful for.
You became jealous of Teresa and Brenda a bit throughout the journey, but Thomas assured you, you were the only girl in his life that he truly loves. He also sometimes became jealous. So many boys had crushes on you. I mean how could they not? You were brave, funny and so kind to anyone. Thomas still made sure they knew their place and that you were already taken.
You were there for him when Next died. Poor Thomas had lost so much, so he really appreciates how you're always there for him, even when it got difficult.
Despite when everything seemed hopeless, in the end you both were still happy, because no matter what happend you always had eachother and nothing could ever keep you apart.
I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
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newtcallsmetommy · 4 years
Speaking of Brenda, can we just. She’s like such an amazing character????? Like a bad ass bitch who can also be really soft when she needs to be. That scene were she’s about to get off the bus bc they’re surrounded by the police and she turns back around to looks at the kids and goes “you’re doing great” makes my heart melt every time like omfg she cares so much about these kids that she’s never even met before Bc she knows how it feels to be so young with no one to look out for you or protect you. And like at the end when Minho gets to the Berg and needs to get the cure back to Newt, and she takes one look at him and knows like he’s in no shape to run all the way back. She just, takes off and hauls ass back to Thomas and Newt. Like no doubts no second thoughts doesn’t wait for anyone else to come with her, to cover or protect her bc, they need her. And maybe they wanna say it’s because she’s in love with Thomas or whatever but I think that’s just who she is. These people aren’t just her friends, they’re her family now, and she’ll do anything to protect her family. Obviously idk how her character differs in the books or if we see more or less of her but like I wish we had gotten more of her on the movies. Like I feel like she and Newt would’ve been really good friends, lots of bonding over constantly trying to keep Thomas and Minho from doing stupid shit and accidentally getting themselves killed. And I feel like she and Gally would’ve been so cute together because she’s like the perfect mix of Take No Shit and Mom Friend and Gally strikes me as a guy who would kinda fancy himself a ladies man but I feel like he’d be a total simp for Brenda and I like that. So yeah idk just some thoughts I was having
I agree with all of this so much!!! Like omg Brenda is amazing!!! She's so strong and caring and badass all in one.
And yes I also think she sees them all as family! She and Jorge kinda have this father-daughter vibe and then they just took everyone else in into their little family as well
I also feel like her and Newt would have gotten along really well. I'm imagining them doing synchronized eye rolls at Thomas and Minho whenever they come up with some stupid idea
And yes!!! I totally agree with her and Gally being cute together. The "I like her" scene already had me sold on them fitting together well and then some more fic convinced me even more (I'm making them a couple in the fic I'm working on too)
Thank you so much for sending this along! It was really nice hearing your thoughts and you put a lot of my own thoughts into words there!
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 2
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
PART 2 : how many allies do they have/how powerful are their allies. basically how screwed they’d be if they had to rely on their allies to survive
yeah believe it or not im putting him before charles or steve. listen, listen; dean just. does this thing. in which he’ll get pretty much anyone on his side after like two conversations. ESPECIALLY incredibly powerful supernatural creatures. i mean he’s got sam, aka the second best hunter on earth, and jack, literally GOD, on his side; then obviously the dean winchester simp squad, castiel, a seraph and commander of garrisons who can get heaven to fight for him; benny, a vampire; crowley, a powerful crossroad demon and the king of hell; amara, literally THE DARKNESS HERSELF, god’s SISTER; and then there’s just SO many others who will fight for him for diverse reasons, rowena, eileen, claire, jody, donna, kaia, mary, anna, gabriel, DEATH HIMSELF was his bitch before billie, then ketch charlie kevin, he’s just got so many allies and so many are some of the most powerful creatures in the universe. i mean, jack, amara and gabriel alone are three of the most powerful beings who have ever existed, as well as billie and the other archangels but all of them are dead, and chuck but he’s also dead and even he would be on dean’s side since dean is his favorite and if it’s an actual life-threatening situation chuck would want the show to keep going. so yeah dean winchester’s got the biggest defense squad imaginable and honestly? good for him, he deserves it
do i even have to say it? outside of his ability to. you know. literally control minds, he’s also a leader who inspires loyalty and trust, and he’s got all the x-men fighting for him, including jean and logan - and even if we’re being honest some of the brotherhood, i mean especially in the first class timeline, erik and raven would absolutely be on his side. he’s got some of the most powerful mutants of all time ready to fight for his life
I mean he’s the leader of the avengers, man. have you seen the avengers assemble scene? they were fighting against thanos there but don’t try to tell me all of them wouldn’t fight for him. he’s got the falcon, black widow and the winter soldier on his side as well as the SCARLET WITCH, CAPTAIN MARVEL, THOR, do i need to keep going. he’s got a huge reputation and everyone knows and trusts him. and as we can also see in all his movies he inspires loyalty and devotion easily so even with people he doesn’t know he can get himself a loyal army in one well-delivered speech à la captain america
while most of the people on this list (steve, scott, charles, dean, bill, newt, anna) are born leaders who inspire trust and loyalty, kaz is just. really good at blackmail and insanely smart and cruel. and he’s got an insanely scary reputation too. he’s got the crows on his side no matter what, so an amazing spy, the best sharpshooter in ketterdam, a grisha who survived parem, an ex-drüskelle, and a demolition expert; as well as now the entirety of the dregs and inej’s crew, probably. plus, he most likely has leverage on the entirety of ketterdam and more. if he got in real trouble he could probably dig out the years and years of blackmail he got stacked away and get himself allyships with anyone he wants. plus his allies are ruthless, diverse and all strategically selected
he’s got his entire pack ready to jump to help him anytime. and really when you think about it his pack is so big and diverse, there’s all kinds of creatures/skills ready to help him, plus he’s a true alpha, any werewolf would jump to his aid. I mean let’s look at his pack, stiles, allison, lydia, derek, malia, isaac, kira, hayden, mason, corey, and then of course stilinski, deaton, melissa, chris and peter, i mean even theo... he’s got a huge pack who is extremely loyal to him and they’re all kinds of creatures too, he’s fine
everyone loves rose SO much. like obviously the doctor will give his life for her without hesitation but we also got jack, mickey, jackie, and even a bunch of people she met for like a couple episodes like donna or sarah jane immediately loved her. so i think she’s ultimately got some pretty solid allies especially with her father’s wealth and torchwood’s support in the alternate reality
im putting her pretty down because on one hand he’s got very powerful/devoted allies on her side, like bellamy, lexa, roan, nyilah, finn, wells, etc (the key of getting your allies to be entirely devoted and loyal to you is to make at least half of them fall in love with you OR to top them so good they’ll literally put their lives down for you because of how good it was and clarke got that down to an art) BUT they’re also like. all dead. like almost all the people i just listed are dead so. yeah she’s kinda on her own in the end but if we look at early seasons clarke before literally all of them got murdered she had skaikru, azgeda and trikru pretty much in her pocket, so three of the biggest/most technically advanced armies on EARTH ready to fight for her.
now he doesn’t have actual allies per say but he can manage to get pretty much anyone on his side through charisma, threats and promises, so he ends up steadily getting massive support from witches, angels and many others in the books. he can pretty easily get himself a bunch of followers at his side ready to die for his cause.
now listen he does have a pretty solid bunch of allies, aka the entire fellowship, who they, themselves, have a bunch of allies, who have a bunch of allies. i mean homeboi’s got ARAGORN and LEGOLAS and GANDALF on his side all ready to jump to save the tiny hobbits anytime so he’ll be fine.
he’s immediately got the losers on his side, which is a win because they’re stubborn and annoying enough that they defeated an alien demonic clown. plus they’re quite literally assembled by a divinity to destroy a demon, so they’re the perfect team to kick ass and they’ll risk their lives for each other. plus he’s got a fanbase! people read his books and watch his movies. meaning he’s probably got a pretty big part of stan twt ready to help?? idk man i just think he’ll be fine when it comes to allies
11- NEWT
he’s got the entire glade ready to jump to his aid pretty much at any time, i mean let’s be honest if there’s one person all the gladers would agree on defending it would be.. ok it would be chuck bc he’s a CHILD but otherwise it’d be newt. plus he’s alby’s second in command and even gally likes him and respects him more than he likes and respects most people, which isnt much but hey kudos for the effort. anywho yeah the entire glade would defend him i think
she would’ve once had the entirety of heaven at her commands ready to smite anyone who comes close to her but now that she fell and rebelled they all want her dead so. i mean i wish i could say cas would help her but after he betrayed her im not so sure? and the winchesters well idk either, maybe, maybe not, depends whether or not the entire trying-to-kill-sam ordeal happened. gabriel might help her? idk where to put her because i don’t KNOW if cas, dean, gabriel or the angels would help her but if any of them did then even one of these is a pretty solid backup so. idk man
im only on season 4 but as far as i can see he’s got only scully. which is pretty solid backup, she can kick ass, but still. i guess it’s one of the downsides of everyone thinking you’re batshit insane and having the entire government out to get you because they all LOATHE YOUR GUTS SO MUCH
I mean dude. he pretty much kills all his friends. like he could ask for chris’s help but umm well he killed him, if he’s in a bad situation oh great he’s got a friend at the police except NO he murdered her. what’s that? fuches? no barry’s literally trying to murder him as of now. sally wouldn’t help him at all. cousineau just found out barry murdered his gf. at MOST he can hope that noho hank will help but i mean he’s not much help tbh i love the guy but he’s kinda useless<3
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