#I really like the robin hood and corrupt king metaphor for mob and Ritsu
vampzzz64 · 3 months
Mob is most likely a blood player because of how important the people in his life are to him. He represses his emotions and psychic abilities because he is afraid of hurting Ritsu again and because Tsubomi became bored of him. No matter what he always thinks of others before himself, so much so that he literally will not fight back. Only when he is in his ??? does he become the aggressor. Even then he struggles against himself and begs those around him to hurt him so that he can stop hurting them. He is extremely trusting and caring. He sees the good in those around him and actively tries to release that goodness. During his fight with Teru he does not fight back and gives Teru advice. He tries to help Teru before he helps himself. He guides and he leads. He gives his abilities to Reigen briefly because of how much he respects, trusts, and believes in his master. He would do anything to protect the people he loves. Shigeo is selfless. He would sooner let himself bleed than anyone else.
Similarly to Roxy, a rogue, he harnesses his aspect and gives it to others. However, similarly to John, an heir, he has immense power that he gains through his aspect. Shigeo puts his all into remaining passive and in a sense “good”, and in extension into his aspect. Shigeo is a blood player that embodies his aspect.
Ritsu is a void player because of how often he is overlooked and perceives himself to be less than Shigeo. No matter how grand his own achievements are, they’re nothing compared to what Shigeo can do. He is constantly mistaken for his much stronger brother. He thinks he exists only as mob’s underwhelming little brother. Ritsu somewhat resents Shigeo for having psychic abilities when he doesn’t. He wants the one thing he can’t have more than anything in the world. He hates the emptiness that is his life. He tries to fill the void by studying, playing in sports, joining the student council, etc. He’s like a black hole in that way, mindlessly consuming but never able to be satisfied.
Similarly to Eridan, a prince, Ritsu aims to destroy his aspect with a deep hatred towards it. Once he unlocks his psychic powers, he immediately gets a massive ego. Being self centered is seen in princes. Both Dirk and Eridan think the entire world revolves around them, albeit in different ways. Ritsu is a destroyer class and Mob is a passive class. They couldn’t be further apart from one another. Throughout his arc, Ritsu realizes that he is no better than anyone else because of what he has. He learns to accept being “ordinary”. He moves from despising his aspect to learning to accept it. Initially a destroyer, he ends a “normal” boy. (I say “normal” because he’s literally an esper,,,). Ritsu is a void player that seeks to destroy his aspect.
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