#I read that comic and Arthur's compassion broke my heart
teethofthedeeps ยท 8 months
hc + ๐Ÿ˜ก for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
Thematic Headcanons.
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ARTHUR. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Actually, that's not entirely true - Stoplight does hold anger towards Aquaman, for intruding in their territory and stealing their prey, for collapsing their territory and sealing away the rest of his kind beneath the earth's crust. Stoplight understands something else though; Aquaman wasn't the cause of them dying. They were already a dying race before he came to save the people they'd taken as food for their Queen, having long since exhausted their hunting grounds to satiate her endless appetite.
What angered Stoplight was not being able to understand why they were dying. He would hunt and hunt, feeding younger members of his kind that didn't seem to grow stronger no matter how much they were given. Truthfully it was lack of nourishment taking it's toll on an already dwindling gene pool, causing too many of their children to be born weak, if they even managed to live long enough to draw their first breath of water. They failed to thrive, and that failure was his, having failed to get enough food, the right sort of food to make them better again. They had to swim further, towards the surface in hopes of finding something to strengthen their Queen, ensuring enough of her young grew strong enough to make it out of the nursery. But now Stoplight doesn't worry about that anymore. Now his kind lie buried beneath a mountain of rubble, what's left of them anyway. Perhaps in some strange way, it was some small mercy for the Trench, having no other option than to hunt in a world they didn't belong in, where others would grow angry their own children were being taken away to feed others not of their kind, and perhaps come for revenge. It is a lot for him to take in but that anger has quelled, simmering quietly below the surface along the magma quietly cooling over Stoplight's old home. Now there is only silence, leaving a world where Stoplight has no idea what to do with himself now he's alone. It makes him fearful, and fear is what makes him angry.
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