#I probably queued a post like this for months from now and forgot yay
nikatyler · 5 years
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Today has been frustrating. That’s all I’m going to say. Well, it started off nicely, I did something I was proud of. Then it went kinda downhill. I’m probably going to make it even worse as soon as I post this...there’s this thing I’ve been thinking about for the past few days. Considering I’m soooo good at communication and expressing my feelings, it’s going to end up great, you can bet.
Sarcasm aside, let’s talk about my legacies: 
I just queued the rest of part one of Gen 6! It’ll run for like 40 more days though.
After that, I’ll finally post the first generation of my BPR, almost a year after starting it. I know what you’re thinking, I’ve been posting TS3 for months, I should switch back to TS4 now, it would be fair, and yes, I thought about that too. But I kinda really want to get rid of the BPR. Gen 1 is finished and I don’t want to keep it to myself anymore.
As for gen 3 of NSB, I haven’t been playing it too much recently. I’ll play it a lot in June though, I hope. As soon as the exam chaos is over.
I’ve also made some decisions about Roses, but I’ll talk about these later. There’s still a high chance I’ll change my mind.
Besides, when do I not make decisions about Roses? They’re on my mind way too often. It can’t be healthy.
Update: I’m still not done with my replies but I just got a message from my teacher, saying that I did well on the English writing exam! I don’t know the exact grade but yay me. I mean, I knew I was going to do well on this one, but finally seeing I passed feels much nicer than “oh yeah, I’m confident about my English, there’s no way I can fail”. The way this exam system works...I was worried it wouldn’t scan properly or some crap. In the past, people had problems with that.
Update 2: Still writing the replies but I just found out that apparently I got 100% on the exam. Holyyyyy crap.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Courtney: I really married this idiot. I’m stuck with him forever. Oh...”
Don't worry it could be worse. It could be Ross for example (sorry, not sorry��)
Ooooooh. Yeah I mean, what Felix does is kinda natural, what Ross does (or used to do)...is just wrong.
sparkiemonkey replied to your photo “I have three weeks to learn everything for my last exams. Am I dying...”
Good luck with your exams. You can do it.
Thank youu! I hope so. I feel like I still remember nothing from the notes, but at the same time, when I read some of them, I’m like “duh, I’ve heard this a million times, of course I know what it is!”
desira-sims replied to your photo “I have three weeks to learn everything for my last exams. Am I dying...”
If it makes you feel better, I’m constantly rethinking how I should have posted my story too. I think it’s why I’m enjoying doing these mini photo shoots for Gen 2. It’s glimpses into their life that I didn’t fully express in my story.
I feel like everyone does this, they get great ideas when it’s too late to change it. Some people are just better at moving on, I guess. Not that I want to move on from gen 4, nope.
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Let’s see what we have down here…”
The lighting in this shot is gorgeous!
It is! Isla Paradiso underwater is amazing. I wish there were more diving spots though.
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “It’s getting dark so fast. This should be a quick dive, or else…well,...”
this is how midnight sun challenges start...
Imagine if I did that. I love this idea.
dreamsongsims replied to your photoset “Houston we have a problem I forgot Isla Paradiso is a glitchy mess”
Yes. Yes it is. All that work to get to a dive spot and BOOM! Right back to shore.
It’s frustrating that it’ll most likely never get fixed :/
astraeanevermore replied to your photo “10 Day Self Sim CAS Challenge: You At Another Age Kind of based on an...”
I also got an ugly haircut with ugly blonde streaks when I was 15 :’D guess that’s a 15 years old thing? XD Anyway, love the pic! *O*
It might be?? And it wasn’t even a good blonde. In many photos, it just looks yellow, sometimes even a little green. But hey, I learned from my mistakes, now I’m never going blonde :D
And thank youu! ♥
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “I love this…wait, it seriously take me a whole day to get here?!”...”
most adorable screenshots ever! her expression is so cute!
She makes the best faces, I love her ♥
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “I was going to make a comment about her work outfit, saying the...”
The alien powers from Miracle are resurfacing lol
I mean, DNA is weird, sooo... 👀
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Me during the first part of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 vs me...”
Haha a BIG mood
Biggest mood
I thought episode 4 fucked me up...but then episode 5 came and...let’s just say ep 4 was alright compared to this.
twistedsim replied to your post “Well that was an amazing surprise! ������”
Shit! I just now saw the score. XD Damn, you whooped Sweden's ass!
Usually it’s the other way around :D Yeah, it was great to watch. I was expecting to be disappointed but not surprised, but actually...if I’m not mistaken, that’s our best score with Sweden ever. And then with Norway, we did great too...too bad we lost with Russia today. There were so many chances and not a single goal...but oh well, it’s just one game. It doesn’t mean anything. I hope.
flowerhoneysims replied to your photoset “I was just kidding I don’t actually want her to die jkahdkfahdflg”
My diver died because of a shark ;-;
Oh nooo ;-;
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck was that a shark?? A SHARK??? I’m gonna die I’m...”
Ohhh :(
This was actually a funny moment. I thought “Awesome, her mother died in a fire, she’s going to be eaten by shark and who’s there to save their ass with a ‘quit without saving’ button? Me again! Maybe they’re telling me I should stop playing this legacy.”
But then she wasn’t actually killed by a shark. Phew.
desira-sims replied to your photo “10 Day Self Sim CAS Challenge: Date Night Bold of you to assume I’ve...”
I love this dress. ��
Me too! And I never use it for some reason. I wish I had something like this irl.
desira-sims replied to your post “So…I took a break from studying to watch the latest episode of Game of...”
I haven't watched this season yet. �� I keep saying I'm gonna sit down and binge it, but haven't done it. Maybe I'll do that Wednesday.
Oooh, I’m not sure if I would be able to binge watch it. Every episode left me feeling overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, doesn’t matter if they were negative or positive. Actually, I don’t think this season is as bad as so many people online say...it’s not perfect but nothing is. 🤷‍♀️
Then again, speaking of binge watching, I was able to watch the previous seven seasons in less than a month last year, so maybe it is possible.
plumbobhart replied to your post “So…I took a break from studying to watch the latest episode of Game of...”
I hated it sooo... yay? D:
I’m not sure how I felt about it. Like I’ve said already in this post, today has been frustrating and this episode contributed to that. There were some things that bothered me, some decisions that bothered me, oh and there was a great example of character development going to hell (that really disappointed me tbh), but overall...idk, I guess I still kinda enjoyed it - I mean, as much as one can enjoy this tv show. It was brutal.
I’m not going to talk about it all in depth though, I could spend whole evening with that and I don’t want that haha :D
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