#I paid £3.30 in hospital parking the first night because I panicked and wasn't sure how much to put in the machine
love is a doing word
(But apropos of previous post and Friday I'm in Love -
love, as iirc M has said for years, is a doing word
look I'm willing to believe that there are people to whom being kind, caring, nurturing, helpful etc come naturally; for whom those things are easy
I am not one of those people. (This is not a cue to argue; I know what I am. If you do not, it is because I have worked for that; because I have performed those behaviours on purpose and, apparently, convincingly.)
I do these things, I continue to do these things, because they are the right things to do, either in-general, or specifically for a loved one. Driving to the hospital in the middle of the night, being gentle with a co-worker who's obviously used to being shouted at, thanking the person who tried to help even if they couldn't solve the whole problem, noting when someone else did a really good job and making sure they get credit for it, voting left, union membership - no matter what the context, it's the same thing; love as a doing word.
Do I have squishy soft feelings about people in general? Absolutely not. A great many people are arseholes, either by accident or design. Some of them overtake you to run a red light on an electric scooter while you're driving home from the hospital because they apparently have no self-preservation instincts. I like individuals of course! But people in general are not great. I may be swearing under my breath as I drive around the idiot who's trying to get himself run over, but I still do it.
a friend told me once, 'love is a doing word'
my spouse is sick. i drive them to the hospital
my offshore colleagues haven't been given the tools to do their job
four-and-a-half time-zones between us, no word of it spoken, and i can tell they expect anger
i speak gently, i am careful with my language
of sixty languages I know three words; the burden of translation is not mine to carry
i drive to the hospital. the burden of sickness is not mine to carry
i brake sharply for the off-lead dog that runs across the road to the park
i stand with my union siblings, i vote for the imperfect helping hand
i drive carefully around the wanker who overtakes me and runs a red light on a hire scooter in the dark
i wash the dishes, i hang out the washing, i make dinner. it will be better with cheese
i grate the cheese; i drive to the hospital
love is a doing word
i stand with my union siblings, i vote for the imperfect helping hand
my feelings are tired and worn, frustrated and angry, but love is a doing word
i drive to the hospital. chalk hearts have no hands to help. thank-you banners cannot take handover at shift-change. fireworks do not pay bills. no-one can work at their best for twelve hours straight.
they try anyway, checking over each other's work to catch the inevitable mistakes, because love is a doing word
we are all so fucking tired
and the tories are trying to destroy the best things we have left
but love is still a doing word
and the dishes are dirty again
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