#I originally planned on writing for more characters and then it just became kalpas only because I'm a simp
kalpasio · 2 years
kinda update?
it's not anything huge don't worry
ok. Angst fic is done, I'm just typing it up and probably will be until I die because oh my gosh why do I write so many words. The only problem is. uh. well you see. I opened the word document! and then I opened a second document and started writing a whole fucking story on the spot and I'm sosorry but now there's a half written thoma piece sitting in my folder right next to the Diluc piece I will never finish
Anywhom. I'm gonna try to finish typing tonight and then edit tomorrow. Potentially there will be a story on Monday? Potentially I will just stay up all night writing about thoma? We'll see. Maybe both.
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