#I only tried one bc I didn't want to open both until the full cosplay is ready haha
eldrtchmn · 1 year
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Contact lens test 🐍👁️ (plus a little edit just for fun)
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter asks Willow which Cosmic Frontier character she wants to be for the convention and she says "[O'Bailey's Love Interest]" without knowing she's the love interest (bc she only read one book), and Hunter's face goes full tomato.
I'm constantly thinking about O'Bailey having this slow burn in the series and the burn was SO slow and gradual and NOT as explicit as he expects romance to be that Hunter didn't even notice it.
It snuck up on him. He didn't realize he had gotten so invested until it all hit him at once. Like there was definitely a foundation being set up in Book 1 but it completely flew over Hunter's head. But admittedly O'Bailey's interesting dynamic with the Keiko character (using that until we come up with a fanon name) was changing his brain chemistry a bit. Like there's something here that's reeling him in but he can't articulate it. He just thinks Keiko is really cool. He likes how strong and tough and smart she is. He's reread that part where she touches O'Bailey's cheek like twenty times. She's just really sweet yknow? He likes that she's so sweet. But ALSO cool and strong and tough and strong AND
Anyway when he gets to the part in the series where they finally kiss, Hunter nearly has a fucking heart attack. His hands are shaking. In his frantic efforts to turn the page he nearly tears it out right out of the book. Then the chapter ends and he snaps the book shut and holds it tight in his lap for a moment, like he's almost scared to keep reading. He will continue, he just....needs a moment. His hand is pressed over his mouth. His breathing is a little unsteady. It was like THAT?? Had it always been like that??? Huh?? How?? When?? Where?? Why??? Huh????
Hunter isn't right for DAYS. It completely and utterly discombobulated him. O'Bailey. His O'Bailey??? He got kissed. Seriously kissed. Holy fucking shit.
Now you KNOW that after this Hunter blushes every time the O'Bailey and Keiko relationship is brought up. He CANT talk about it. It renders him hopelessly flustered so he avoids the subject. Gus assumes he's just indifferent to the romance angle. Which is fine, it's not something Gus really focuses on much either. But both agree that Keiko is an AWESOME character. They LOVE her.
Willow thinks she's pretty cool too. Definitely her fave. (Tho O'Bailey is cute too 😊) So when the question is asked, she's like "Could I be Keiko?" And Hunter just. Freezes. He tries to answer for several seconds, his mouth flying open and shut and NOTHING comes out. Finally, he manages a jerky nod.
"I'll..." He forces out. "I'll get started on your costume right away."
Hunter blushes around Willow CONSTANTLY but nothing could possibly compare to the moment she stepped into the basement to model the cosplay Hunter made for her. Gus and Hunter are already fully dressed. He's decked out in full O'Bailey gear. And I swear, Hunter reacts like he had just been caught naked. Completely fucking exposed.
Cuz she!!! She's dressed like!!! And he!!! He!!! It's like!!!! Yknow????
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