#I need him in my lungs this isn't even funny anymore
imtomiee · 4 months
Literal definition of a tease right here♡
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im-ovulating · 6 months
I think Tate should pin reader to a wall and fuck her. W me deserve a treat this Halloween season, and slutty Tate is such a nice thing.
(A/n: I think that's the best idea you've had yet. Slutty Tate is really all I need in this life🫠)
(Forgive the writing rust, it's been a minute)
(Not proofread)
(Pretend it's still October for me, yeah?)
Word Count: 1,611
Summary- Run, baby, run.
Warnings: Chasing, Unprotected Sex
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Tate Langdon x Fem! Reader: Run
"Oh, my fucking god, Tate!" You screech as you use the banister to make a sharp turn. Tate thunders down the stairs after you in that stupid mask he found.
"C'mon~" He rasps out. "Don't you wanna play?~"
You round the kitchen island, circling it to keep distance between you. His vocal fry makes your cheeks burn; the innuendo in his phrasing doing nothing to help the heat.
"Don't -" You cut yourself off with a scream as Tate all but lunges around the island at you.
And you're running again, through the living room, past the home office, until you spot the basement door in your peripheral. You shoot off towards it, ripping the door open and sprinting down the stairs. You use the support pillars to your advantage, losing him in the maze that you call a basement.
You can hear his heavy steps as he taunts you. Boot clad feet clicking and echoing through the dark room.
"Y/n~" He singsongs. "Come out, come out wherever you are~"
His voice is muffled by the mask.
You slip around the last outcropped wall and plaster your back to the brick.
A shiver runs up your spine and the hair on the back of your neck stands on end as it suddenly goes deadly silent. The only sound in the damp room is your ragged breathing that gets poorly muffled by your hands.
Why did you think the basement was a good idea? You've done nothing but effectively trap yourself.
You're a sitting duck down here. Your best chance at escaping him is if you can manage to get back up the stairs and make a break for the front door. In theory, it's easy. The door is just a few paces to the right of the basement. But this is a ghost you're dealing with - nothing is that simple with him.
Nonetheless, once you steady your breathing, you start inching your way back to the steps.
Thank the gods you decided to put off putting your shoes on; your socks make your steps silent as you scoot around a corner. Your eyes adjusting to the pitch black does nothing to quell your paranoia; if anything, it merely heightens it. The knowledge that you could turn your head at any point at be face to face with your pursuer has your heart frantically beating against your ribs as if aching to smash through the bone. The quiet roars in your ears as you strain to hear even the slightest shuffle in the dark.
No. That was your pulse in your ears...
'Where is he..?'
Every step you take feels like it's being watched like a hawk, and, at this point, you don't know if you're just psyching yourself out or not. Something moves in the corner of your eye, but when you whip around, you're met with nothing.
'This isn't funny anymore...' your mind unhelpfully supplies.
Taking a shuddering breath, you make up your mind and call out into the pitch.
"Tate? Please, this isn't fun anymo-"
A hand covers your mouth, an arm snaking across your stomach to drag you back. You thrash, desperately trying to rip the hand off. Your protests remain muffled as your captor pins you face-first to the nearest wall.
"Gotcha~" Tate quips, his breath fanning your neck. "Are you scared, baby?"
So, he ditched the mask... 'Finally,' you can't help but think.
You shake your head despite the answer being an obvious 'yes'. You can feel his cock pressing into your ass, getting harder with each passing second.
"No?" His hand slips from your mouth to your jaw, tilting your head back, "Liar."
With that, Tate slams his mouth to yours, hungry and not afraid to satiate himself.
You know it's wrong. That being hunted down and caught shouldn't make you feel this way, but it does. It does. It makes your tummy get all hot and fuzzy - makes your head cloudy and hazy.
And Tate knows it.
He knows this dirty little secret of yours and loves to entice it. Because, just as much as you love the chase, he loves the hunt.
The arm around you slides down until his hand can slip into your pants.
"Not only are you a liar -" he murmurs into the kiss, "- but you love that you're scared. I bet you're soaking through your panties, too, aren't ya?"
His fingers finally reach your folds, easily stroking you with all the slick that's shamefully accumulated. "Knew it~"
Tate breaks the kiss and pulls his hand out. Lifting his hand to your lips, he barely has to mutter out an 'open' before you're accepting the digits into your mouth.
You can feel his dark eyes boring into you as you suck your own juices from his fingers.
"Good girl..." His thumbs along your jaw with his free hand before pulling his digits from your mouth.
Tate turns you around and pins you to the wall once more before leaning down to kiss you again. It feels like he's devouring you; eager to eat you until there's nothing left for him to take. His tongue slips past your lips, tasting all you have to offer and still some. It's when he starts to work at your jeans that you pull away.
"Down here?" You ask, as you attempt to catch your breath. Tate makes that easier said than done by shifting to focus on your neck.
You can feel the shit-eating smirk that spreads against your neck as he mumbles out a "Why not? You had no problem soaking your panties down here."
He belts out a laugh at your offended gasp and as much as you want to snark back, you can't deny that he's right. So, instead, you huff out an "Asshole" as you relax against the wall. Wasting no time, Tate shoves your jeans down until you're able to kick them off; after unbuckling his own, he hikes your leg up and lines his cockhead with your entrance with an almost evil grin.
"Tate, don't you fucking dar-" You're cut off with a yelp as he shoves himself to the hilt with one motion.
"You love it," he grunts. And you do.
He pulls out to the tip before thrusting back in. Again and again, he builds up to a frenzied rhythm as the wet sounds of your arousal echo through the basement and all you can think is how glad you are that you're the only one home.
You can feel the staccato of your heartbeat as it mirrors his trusts.
You can barely breathe with how hard he's slamming into you, but he still has you all but clawing at his back, so it's not like you can complain. He isn't much better with how he's basically growling into your neck, sucking and biting a pattern into your skin as he fucks into you.
"How are you still so fucking tight?" He groans out, grinding his cock into you before pulling out. Tate flips you around once more before pushing back in.
Your cheek scrapes against the wall with a few trusts before you're able to get your palms against it. Using your new leverage, you start to press back, meeting him trust for thrust as he draws out grunts and groans from both of you.
The hot, wet slide of him in your cunt has your brain going empty of anything but Tate and the growing need to cum. You can feel the steady build up, the tension mounting in your muscles as he guides you closer and closer to the edge.
You're not even sure what sounds your making; all you can hear is the heavy breathing and growled curses that Tate is releasing. His hands snuck up to play with your tits at some point and with each tug and pinch, your back arches more and more as electricity starts to crackle in your veins.
"God, I'm close," you pant out. "Please, Tate..."
You feel the tip of his nose trail up your neck as he inhales your scent. "You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?" He mumbles once his lips meet the skin just below your ear.
He slips one of his hands back down to your clit, "Then cum."
With one last tug to the sensitive nerve, your vision blurs as you cry out his name. The static in your limbs shoots out, spreading through your fingers and toes and tosses your head back against his shoulder. You don't even register your legs going out until Tate's arm tightens around your waist, keeping you up as he chases his own release.
"Hold on, baby," He rasps, "Just hold on for me a little longer-"
The continued stimulation keeps your eyes shut as your forced to take what he gives. Any rhythm he had is gone as he pounds into your cunt like an animal; you could cry out in relief once you feel his hips start to stutter. And you do. As soon as you can feel the thick, hot ropes of his cum pump into you, the tears fall; the overstimulation makes your legs quiver, but ecstasy still hums in your veins.
You don't register the muttered praises Tate presses into your shoulder until your breathing evens out and your heart stops hammering in your ears. "You with me, Pretty?"
Nodding, you test your legs, finally taking the strain off of Tate, though his arm stays firmly locked around your waist. Blinking the remaining blurriness from your eyes, you turn your head to face him before getting pulled into a kiss.
"There she is," he whispers against your lips.
(3 years and I still don't know how to end smut🤪)
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seungkwanniee · 17 days
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pairings : boyfriend!seventeen x fem!reader
genre : angst
warnings : toxicity , cursing words , mention of death , being manipulate , love bombing , dependence , mention of eating disorder (hoshi) , mention of a break up
synosis : what red flag seventeen could be imo
an : I'm not romanticizing wrongdoing or saying they are okay !!!! Jeonghan again the shortest omg, ily my man 😔
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I think we can all agree that Scoups is deffo possessiveness
"what the fuck do you mean I can't go because you're jeolous of other guys. It's not my problem it's yours" you scream your lungs out. You can't belive what you are hearing right now, you tought your boyfriend was more mature than that.
"you're not going anywhere because I said so. You're mine, you're in my possession, you're locked with me until the day you die" he would just add fuel by holding firm your waist, or maybe your wrist, making you just fall for him again
he would go crazy even if a boy looks at your direction, you're for only his eyes, you can't be too pretty for the others. You can't have friends, you need to spend all the single time with you and you can't run out of energy on others. Always have to be 100% for him.
he would be a manipulator fr
"do whatever you want, you'll comeback to me in two weeks" and throught this two weeks, he would say the most manipulating things
"you was overreacting over an innocent thing" "it's everything in your mind" after you broke up for the frist time because he cheated: no, nothing is in your mind. But he would sound so convicing that you'd fall for him over and over. His angel face is too beautiful to be just yours, right?
so green flag that it was hard to think that he may be love bombing
"I love everything about you" didn't sounded weird at the start of your relationship with Joshua. His gift along with flowers almost every week didn't looked that strange in your eyes. Him showering you with love was everythings that you needed: the 1, 2 and 3 month went so smooth that you started thinking that everything was a dream. It can't be real.
"let's brake up" text on a friday afternoon really wasn't what you expected. It must be a joke, right? it can't be all of the sudden. You trying to contact him everywhere, even his stupid friends. All blocked. He broke up with you, after making fun of you for months like you didn't meant nothing to him. And probably it was like that, he must be having fun while your world breaks. After all, he is cronically offline.
I see him so much like emotional dependence
"why you can't be free today?" "are you really sure you can't?" "you can do this tomorrow" notification one after the other showed up on the phone screen, interrupting your work one again. Working on an life-depending project with a clingy boyfriend wasn't pleasant, and many people tend to say you was just overreacting.
"he cares about you" no, this isn't caring about your partner anymore. This is being completely obsessed at the point where you can live anymore. You chest was heavy, he sended at least thirty message about the already cleared thing, why he can't just accept it.
Imagine not being able to hang out with your friends, not able to have a girls night anymore. Watching them having fun, and then there is you being blocked by doing everything because of a boy. This isn't love anymore
him as excessive sarcasm fit so perfect
"you looked really fat in here" he was joking, but it didn't sounded funny to a girl suffering from eating disorder.
"soonyoung, don't you think you go too far with your mouth?" it should be you boyfriend defending you from dumbass, not his friends. He finds you crying yourself to sleep, on the floor, sitted on the couch and even in front of a meal. He was the one that everytime he saw you crying, he would hold you tightly and reassure you.
Everythink was vain when he jumped in with his unfunny jokes about you body. Who was laughing? none, even you as the most ironic person. It was just him on the floor, almost crying for his jokes. And you looked at him, wishing to desappear as fast as possible, and it was happening
a gamer is cronically online
"wonwoo, can I know the last time we spent time togheter?" who you even talked to? The one that was supposted to be your boyfriend was acting more like an hikikomori. His headphones were on, so there was no way he heard you. His eyes focused on the screen while his fingers were moving fastly. He was in the dark of his room, in this position, for at least 3 hours, and it was only 2pm.
You walk trowards him, moving aside the headphones. His head snapping trowards you so quickly that it almost scared you. "what are you doing? wha- omg. You made me lose, fuck" his acting was so redicolous, can you belive he is in his late 20'? "at least I have my boyfriend eyes on me" you almost sounded so pity, and it was so ashaming that you was even in this position.
"you're happy? I need to resume now" yeah, it lasted less than a minute. He putted on his headphone while his eyes must be hurting for that screen time.
what if not lack of communication
"why you're angry at me? If you not talk it out, I'll never know what's wrong with you" you was chasing him desperatly while he was wandering around your shared house. It was the frist time in an almost a week that he was staying at home for a little bit longer and not just sleep on the couch. The week was going on by him being the most of the time at the studio recording, writing, producing or maybe just ignoring you. You never been a lover of communication too, so you ignored him back, but it was driving you crazy at this point. You thought you was going insane.
"if I knew you would've been a pain in the ass, I would have stayed in my fucking studio" he now was cursing at you for... what? You was so sick of this, and you was feeling like you didn't counted nothing to him. "if you are not sharing your feelings, then let's break up", all you wanted was a reaction from him, this might lead him to say something but you was just facing a cold wall.
"kay" was everything he had to say, while you watched him cross the front door without even looking back at you for once.
man is know for pouting and be sensitive
"dokyeom, why are you behaving like this... again" you roll your eyes back by the sensitiveness of your boyfriend. Early in your relationship, you thought it was kinda cute of him, you loved reassuring him and slightly kiss his pout. But, things changes, and actually you was going insane by his behavior. Everytime you let him notice a bad thing he has done to you, he would just sit there, cross his arms and pout. Not talking to you even if you was speaking to him. You was the one hurted by his behaviors, and he was the one pouting?
"fuck, can you drop your childish stupid behavior" your patience today was thin. You wasn't going to apologize one again and put aside your feelings, they were valid maybe more than his unreasonable ones. You didn't even got a single stare from him, he was just scrolling throught his phone mindless. For a little, you was even being pity, maybe you was the wrong here. Maybe the sensitive one was you?
have a feeling that he is forgetful
"this son of a bitch" you humble under your breath hanging up the phone once again. It's been two hours and your boyfriend was fucking ghosting you, on your birthday after you cancelled all the plans with family and friends just to have a night out with him. He promised you that this time he wasn't going to forget your date, but he is just a liar.
You should've listen to your friends when they said to not trust him, not once again. You complained a lot of how forgetful your boyfriend was, how he was making you get ready just for him to forgot and cancel everything. But you fell for that man everytime you put your eyes on him, like you was forgetting all the pain he caused you, all the beakdown he caused to you.
And now, you was speding your birthday night crying your eyes out, dressed up for him just to be seen by none.
so lack of listening coded for me
"hao, you're even listening to me?" you look at him, while he drink his tea. His gaze lost in nothing, and maybe his mind was everywhere but on you. You can't put blame on him, he has bad day or he is just tired right? but he has bad days every single day? Maybe it was okay, you are so talkative that time by time you get tired of yourself.
You can't say it doesn't hurt tho, whole life being shutted down and the lack of listening from you boyfriend just reopens a wound, or it was never closed. You wish he could at least listen when you're crying your eyes out, when you're opening with him, at least when you act in love with him.
boy is mad cold
"have you ever said that you love me?" you was in a long-term relationship, you just thought it was weird of him never expressing love. You was feeling like you didn't counted a single thing to him, while you could just gave him the whole world. He just shurrg his shoulder while his mouth was filled with food, so you excuse him for the lack of words knowing deep down yourself that he wouldn't dare a words even otherwise.
"for you it's completely right then?" you weren't even curious, you already know the answer so you're just hurting yourself more. You don't know if having answer directly from him would make things clearer or not, you just know how much this is hurts: it almost feel like a one-sided love, not a good experience. You hate the way you chest hurts everytime for a man that doesn't care about you.
over friendly boyfriend one hundred percent
"you are blind or don't you see how that whore clinges at you?!" you were MAD, it wasn't possible that your boyfriend gives zero respect for you or he can't see how his girl friends were wandering way too much around you. That night it didn't even seemed that you was his girlfriend, he just seemed a single boy loving all the attention.
"just friends! I can't even have female friend now?" you look at him stunned, he was being for real? He just looked so dumbfounded, like he really doesn't get the point. He doesn't see what he is doing wrong, he just don't get the way he is disrespecting you and this made you thing he will never change
he would compare you to others
"aw~ see that couple, why you don't do the same~" he points out a couple that was being clingy... maybe too much. He really wanted to look like this, in public?
"you know my friend passed at the frist try? you should do the same" while you're talking about how you can't pass that fucking exam at the university that it's been bothering you for months now. But he does that for everything, how you should look shorter than him like that one friend of his does, how you should cook like Mingyu does, how you should more extrovert, more cheerful, more more and more. It's like you aren't worth, you aren't okay in anything, how someone it's always better than you.
It's been bothering you for months, he made you felt insicure about every single thing of you. Look, personality, worth, skills and everything you could even think. But you are perfect Lee Chan, aren't you?
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 year
Should've (Gojo x Reader)
Your heart stops.
CW: Injury, mentions of death, angst, probably not medically accurate, reader has female pronouns
Part Two | JJK Masterlist | Blog Navigation
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It had been days. Three days exactly. Three days since you took that life threatening blow. Three days since you had opened your eyes.
Gojo sat beside your bed, watching you sleep.
No response.
"Please, if you can hear me, just move your hand. Just a little bit."
Still no response.
"Shoko says you can hear me, so stop pretending you can't."
You still didn't move.
"Come on. This isn't funny anymore. Let's just go home and cuddle. Please-"
His voice cracks and he swallows a sob.
"I love you so much. Please come back to me. I can't- I can't lose you too."
"You should get some rest."
Shoko leaned against the door, looking pointedly at Gojo.
"Sitting there isn't going to make her wake up faster. Plus, she would hate it if she could see how stupid you were acting. You've barely eaten, and I know you haven't slept this entire time. Go home and take a shower. Eat something. I promise I'll keep an eye on her until you get back."
"What if she wakes up and I'm not here?"
"Then I'll text you immediately and you can teleport over."
Begrudgingly he stood and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll be right back."
Making his way to the door, he shot Shoko one last look before teleporting away.
"Please let me know if anything happens."
"Of course."
���── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Gojo was just finishing drying off his hair when his phone rang. Lunging for it, he picked it up eagerly.
"Shoko! Is she awake? Can I come see her? How-"
It was Nanami, and the way he said his first name instantly made Gojo's stomach drop.
"Shoko told me to call you...I think you should come right away. Just...try to stay in control. Everything is going to be okay-"
Gojo had already teleported into your hospital room.
A loud beeping was the first thing he noticed.
The second was Shoko, kneeling on the bed next to you as she continuously pumped your exposed chest with her interlocked hands.
Was she performing...CPR? But that was only necessary if-
His world collapsed around him. Right there, on your heart monitor, was one long, flat, line.
He stood there numb, even as someone pushed past him and handed Shoko the defibrillator. He watched silently as Shoko placed the paddles on your chest.
Tears streamed down his face as Shoko checked for a pulse, then continued CPR as she waited for the defibrillator to recharge.
He didn't even fight as Nanami gently led him from the room, murmuring that he didn't need to see that. That everything was going to be okay. That you were a fighter.
Slumping against the wall, Gojo slid to a sitting position.
What if you didn't make it? How was he supposed to survive without you? Why is he the strongest, if he can't even protect you, the one thing he can't live without?
He should have told you he loved you more. He should have pampered you more, let you have the last piece of mochi instead of stuffing it in his face before you could get to it. He should have held you tighter, never let you out of his grasp. He should've been there, to protect you. He should've kept all his promises. He should've-
It was Shoko, frazzled and exhausted, but relieved.
"She's stable."
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Thanks for reading!! My request box is open if anyone has any!!
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smilingangel582 · 5 months
Yo yo... ik I don't take requests and all... but I have my reasons... im really sorry! I just have a lot on my plate! But writing is all I need and I would like to write as much as I want! That's all, thank you 👉 👈
Anyway! Wind breaker is the new hot topic for me! Idk about u guys but im loving the mc
Haruka sakura! Love his name, style, antics, and cuteness overload when he gets flustered and shy!
Possible lers! Suo, Umemiya, Togame!
I want more of these guys srsly!
Ok, so warning spoilers alert! Anime and manga
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Sakura's Dilema!?
Sakura ate Kotoha's omelette rice as usual. She would smile fondly at him throughout and began her unusual newspaper routine about town.
"...so that's what granny sato said..."
Sakura licking his fingers clean shrugged, "Hm, good..."
Somewhat a little impressed, "Your improving. You don't get flustered anymore when someone compliment you?"
Sakura scoff, "That's a hundred years ago... im not that weak"
She smiled warmly, a hand resting under her chin as he looked at Sakura, "Well i guess everyone should compliment you more now, if that's the case..."
A small heat crept up to his cheeks, Kotoha giggled teasingly, "Ah ha! There's that cute blush we all like..."
"S-shut up! So you guys are praising me because you like to see me reaction??" He snapped, getting flustered.
She grinned looking sideways, "Maybe? Or maybe not but... granny said its adorable... and so do I" winking back Sakura gritted his teeth, a shade of red growing uncontrollably on his face.
She chuckles, thinking, "Maybe I should stop teasing him..." Then she speaks with a calmer tone to relax Sakura's tensed embarassment.
"Oh, Sakura... I almost forgot..."
Looking up from his plate, his face back to his normal colour gradually, "Yh what?"
"Ume told me the shishitoren buddies are coming over at Furin high..."
Almost choking on the eggs, Sakura looked up with a surprised frown, standing up with a daring grumble, "Huh? Why? Are they here to pick a fight?"
Kotoha sighs, "No, that's not it... its-"
He cuts in, "Maybe they wanna fight me again! Hah! I'll show them!" He quickly stuffed his mouth with the final bits of rice and eggs, but deliberately ignoring his veggies and sets out.
Kotoha was too surprised to protest as she couldn't even finish, as the bell tinkled upon his leave, "E-eh? Sakura! Hold up! That isn't what I... meant..." she murmured the last part as he was already gone, smiling confusedly, she sigh again, "That idiot..."
Meanwhile, Sakura hurrying towards the school began to notice a large crowd of bofurin and shishitoren looking at each other. Suspecting it's a fight, Sakura lets out a growl, "Oi! Do u wanna fight?"
The others stared, and half of shishitoren lunged towards him. But not in the way he expected. They crowded him like a flock of fan boys.
"That's the first year that beat our second in command!"
"Wow! He's got a funny but cool look!"
"Is he strong? I can feel it!"
So many ushering and laughter comes from the usually wild shishitorens. Sakura gets flustered and shocked. "H-hey, what's going on?"
"Sakura-san, didn't kotaha-san tell ya?" Nirei finally steps forward, smiling as he helped him out from the crowd, "Shishitoren are here on Umemiya-san's orders for a casual get-together..."
Silent, Sakura stared, "Eh... rly? That's it?"
He nods now, grabbing his hand, "Come, they are all at the auditorium!"
Past the hallways, Sakura could tell the room is less tensed than it should be if it's back those days. There... he can see Togame, Toyama, Umemiya and Suo standing in one pack -oh and Sugishita glaring at Sakura.
Sakura smirks, "Well well... I thought it was a battle but its just a silly tea party..."
Togame played along, feigning meance, "Oh? would you have preferred us thrashing your butt, Sakura?"
Eyeing him challengingly, "Ah... the second in command himself, Togame, wants to lose again..."
The older guy steps in with his geta clattering on the ground. He has a much mellower appearance in contrast to Sakura's first impression of him. Sakura says he prefers the other and colder Togame, but... who knows what a tsundere actually says and means?
Togame clapped him in the back, "So, Sakura... how have you been?"
"Hmph! Mr. Sloth himself... what a surprise"
Togame smiles, genuinely happy, as he continues this banter, "Well, you are still that brat who almost got pummeled by me,"
Sakura scoffs, "As if! I never lose..."
"Togame and Sakura have history to share..." Umemiya grins gleefully, and Toyama has his arms around Umemiya, very buddy-like and close as expected. Its ironic to how things used to be. There's more liveliness and strength in Shidhitori.
Everyone had a harmonious atomosphere compared to how they met the first day. Even Sako has a reserved but amiable relationship with Hiragi. Sakura felt somewhat... relieved...
Suo mentions slyly as he crept behind Sakura, "Well, Togame-san? Want to have another fun fight with our grade captain?"
Sakura's ears turn red as he snaps at Suo, "Oi, don't push it..." however he looks at Togame expectantly, "Well, I don't mind a bit of fighting and all..."
Nirei squeaked, "B-but... Sakura..."
"Dont worry, Nirei... look, " Suo pats his back with assurance. They both watched Togame smile more openly, not in the prior meancing grin, "Yaa... It's been too long, Othello-kun. I hope you learnt something from me that time..."
"Oh? You mean other than how I punched you?" Sakura provoked, which Togame narrowed his eyes playfully, "Don't get cocky..."
Toyama brightened up, "Ne,ne Ume-chan, are they gonna fight?"
Umemiya sighs but not in dismay, "Seriously... alright, I suppose, but don't go too far, or else Hiragi needs another stock of gas-kun ten"
Soon, Togame was in his usual stance. Instead of glaring, he was looking forward to it. Nirei grabbed his notebook, and began scribbling on a new page.
Suo asked, "Are you gathering information on Togame?"
Nirei grins, sticking his tongue as he concentrated, "Not quite... It's for Sakura-san as he told me to write down his flaws so he can improve himself, I want to know what's his weak points are, too, anyway..."
Suo gives a brief laugh, "Other than the fact that he's so easily red when someone compliments him?"
Nirei conceded with a chuckle, "Well, yh that too... but something else..."
Togame lunged just the moment Sakura moved. It expected that Togame strives for grappling more and he's more intent on grabbing Sakura instead of punching him
"Ugh, I hate this fighting style!" Sakura sneered as he dodged perfectly. Regardless, their hits are serious despite the playful nature. Sakura could feel Togame grab his shoulders to push him down, but he's too flexible as Sakura slips away.
"Whew close!" Toyama mentioned and Umeniya agreed with a smile.
Sakura managed to dodge and yet...
"Gotcha..." Togame slipped under his arm to judo flip him from behind. Sakura felt the force as he made contact on the ground, yet Togame carefully made it less forceful and used his hand to protect the back of his head. Nevertheless Sakura twisted himself to avoid being pinned down. Instead, he spun himself with his leg wrapping around his opponents waist now switching sides.
Togame slipped a bit but latched on to his waist a bit unexpectedly.
The touch caught Sakura off guard despite it being an obvious grapple. Surprising everyone, Sakura stumbled down on his knees.
This was noted by the shishitoren second in command. Then, getting an idea, Togame slowly poked his waist while using his body weight to pin the shorter guy down, "Hm... interesting discovery..."
"H-hey! Wait! Dohont doho that!" Sakura flinched now, arcing his back as Togame's touch became gentler and swift around his sides, a light giggle slipping out of Sakura's grinding teeth.
"Oh my, is the little delinquent a bit sensitive?" Suo teased from the background, beating Togame from saying a similar phrase.
Sakura gets flustered again, now trying so hard to keep his laughter under control. Togame's nimble fingers began to crawl up his stomach, which made Sakura shriek and quickly scramble away from him, "Ack... NOHO?!"
A frivolous yet sinister grin was plastered on Togame's face. He raised his hands, tauntingly wiggling his fingers, "Uh oh, someone's in trouble... too bad I found out this weakness first..."
Nirei, mildly shocked, immediately began jotting down notes, giving a serious nod to himself, "Intriguing indeed, but a guy like Sakura is bound to be ticklish..."
Nirei flinched when Sakura yelled. Snapping his head with an aghast look, "Huh? Whohoho's sihihide ahahahahare youhuhu ohohohon, boke?"
"Now now, you can't even keep your giggles to yourself, Sakura..." Suo snickered.
"Y-YOHohou bahahastard!" He raised a hand to try and punch Togame and use a leg to kick his face.
Togame took this chance to lunge forward, dodging them effectively. Like the tackle from last time during the fight, Togame pushed himself forward towards Sakura's midriff. He managed to use his strength to get him down again, "You shouldn't let your guard down... even at friendly spars"
"Ah!" Sakura yelped, trying to turn on his stomach to escape, as this is no longer fighting but play fighting, "S-shit!"
Togame instantly grabbed his shoulders to stop him, "Uh uh uh~ Sakura... where do you think you're going...?" He dug his nimble fingers into Sakura's sides, suddenly eliciting a squeal and contagious giggles that sounded so unlikely of the tough Sakura. It went crescendo to decrescando at each sensitive spot he targeted.
"Who said fighting is about fair play?" Togame snickered mercilessly, almost like an evil older brother, "You of all people should know that, little Othello. Plus, it's cute when you lose control..." That earned a beet red blush from the victim as he kicked and thrashed, not even coordinating his defences.
Toyama and Umemiya grinned at this, and the others watched how their bonding went on through this 'spar' session.
Still the leader of Furin sigh, "Honestly it's dangerous if anyone finds out about his weakness..."
Toyama laughed, "Yes! Isn't he like strong as you? It's crazy how he's trying to fight back like this..."
Nirei chuckles, "I never expected this side of him, its... surprisingly cute"
"You mean unsurprisingly Nirei-kun," Suo winked, now pointing towards the fight with a gleeful look. Sugishitha, who's been eye rolling as he watered the plants, took multiple glances back at the little one-sided tickle fight.
Sakura tried to kick him (half-heartedly) but instead felt a suddenly electric tingle spread down and up his leg as Togame sqeezed his knee -whether it is accidental or intentionally was unknown.
Shocked beyond anything...
His laugh kicked a knotch as Togame began to tickle under his knee, unable to use his hands as they uselessly failed. They just hit the wooden floor instead, "AHAHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE! DAHAHAMN IT!"
Togame laughed at that, not stopping as Sakura couldn't place his attacks properly, "Oho? I should've gone for the knees before... It's funny how you got restrained by a mere touch there,"
"Then... what about... heeere?"
Togame used his bodyweight to pin his shins and then squeezed his upper thigh. This made Sakura go wild, "GAH! N-NOO! HAHA SHIT! YOU AHAHAHASS!"
Seeing him slightly going red, Togame decide to give him a break. But... just a break.
Just five seconds at least... Togame thought menacingly.
"Haah haaa..."
"J-jeeheeez, thehehe heheck?" 3...
Togame got ready as he cracked his fingers. 2...
"U-uh eek!"
Sakura's voice hit an octave as he let out a startled shrill when Togame pounced forward to get his ribs, a giggly reaction that melted his heart. It's not as strong as his knees and thighs, at least.
Suo has his usual smile, which stretched widely as he said mysteriously, "I wonder if I can get a turn?"
Nirei gulped, inwardly thinking he should never leave Sakura alone from now on-
"NOOO! HAHAHA, P-PLEHEHEASE NOHOT THEHERE! I TAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHACK! AHAHA YOHOHOU'RE AHAHA DEHEHEMON!" A surprised squeal from Sakura made Nirei look in bewilderment. Where was Togame tickling to make the tough and cold Sakura to actually beg for mercy?
"Ahhh~ found it... your actually weak in the armpits? How predictable, its so adorable" Togame is, as Nirei will note down, the possible second worst tickle monster... first place being Suo.
Suo chuckles, "You say it's the worst but he's ticklish everywhere"
Togame laughed, still tickling Sakura, "Oh yh... it doesn't matter... his knees are as bad as here..."
Sakura kicked and thrashed weakly, now cackling like a mad man, closing his arms, "NAHAHAA! Y-yohOHOHOU AHAHAHAASS! LEHEHEHehet gOHOHOHo!"
"Mmmm~ nope..."
Panicking instantly, Sakura let out a flustered cry, "FIHIHINEHEHE! FINE! I GIVE UHUHUP!"
His voice raised another octave at the end, and Togame chuckled with amusement, letting his hands leave his armpits, "You are so ticklish there, who would've guessed..." he added with a pinch yo his thighs, making the other squeak weakly jolting, "aaaand there too..."
"It's good enough, that he's a tsundere, but being ticklish one is better," Suo proudly stated.
"Q-Quhuhuiet y-yohou dihihick!"
Evidently, Sakura is catching his breath, still pink in his face, sweating as if he had an actual one-sided 'battle' of blood-lust.
Nirei hummed in consideration as he looked at his notebook, "Hmm, so being ticklish is Sakura's weak point eh? Even I could win against him,"
"Shaddap!" Sakura managed to choke out angrily.
Umemiya gives a laugh, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I doubt you can cuz Sakura will knock you out cold before you could try. He's a proud guy after all..."
"Oi! Quit talking like I'm not here, dumbass"
Sugishita sneered, clenching the water kettle tightly, "That's Umemiya-san to you, weaksauce!"
Getting up on his elbows, Sakura growl, back to his old self, with remarkable stamina, "Ah? Do you wanna pick a fight mop-head? Cuz I'm game..."
"Ma ma..." Suo stepped in between them, elegantly skimming his eyes over the taller guy, "Sugishita-kun, do you want to upset Umemiya-san?"
The tall guy turned to a radiant happy Umemiya and huffed angrily as he backed away easily. Now Suo turned to Sakura with a much eerie smile, "And Sakura-kun, do you want round two?" He mischievously wiggled his finger, "Instead of Togame, I can step in for him?"
Fear struck him, he blushed, yelling as he swatted those fingers, "H-hohow dare you threaten me! Ugh, whatever... fine, I won't pick a fight with him"
Suo heard Togame speak with amusement from the corner, hands restinf behind his back, "and here I thought you were looking forward for round 2 Sakura..."
"W-why would I?"
Suo answers this time, leaning forward towards his ear, "You never resisted... now did you?"
Sakura instantly turned red, eyes widened with surprise, his golden and black eyes dilating like a cats pupil, "H-huh? I was too concentrated! T-to even fight back!"
"Mmm~" everyone hummed teasingly, not believing him obviously.
This time Toyama grinned childishly, nudging Sakura playfully, "So then, does that mean you admit that you are weak to tickling then?"
"Ah? N-no I didn't say that-!"
"Theeeen, you pretended not to fight back and let me tickle ya?" Togame added... the two shishitoren leaders were putting Sakura in a helpless position.
Silent... Sakura looked away, Suo added, "Quite the bind your in, Sakura-kun"
Debating on what was more embarassing... either he should say that he liked being tickled and pretended not to fight or say he's too ticklish to handle it and fight back.
Sakura fumed for good five seconds before replying with a mutter, "U-ugh fine fine, fine! I'm weak to it so I cant fight back! Happy?"
Everyone grinned fondly, Sakura covered his face, both in shyness and rage.
"Good boy!!" Umemiya ruffled his hair, now making Sakura snap and growl like a little savage puppy.
In a corner with Suo, Nirei, however, chuckled to himself, "I bet he doesn't mind it much..."
Suo grinned, looking at the scene with a glimmering passion, "You guessed it... he's our fearless, cute, tough tsundere grade captain... Sakura-kun"
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artist-issues · 9 months
From one Christian to another, you seem like someone who stays true to your values, convenient or not, and that’s exactly what I need.
In short, what’s your stance on writing LGBTQ characters? Does including such characters normalize sin, or is it comparable to writing about any other flawed human? I’ve heard some say I could write such characters out of a sense of realism, but fiction is made up of a writer’s intentional choices, and I don’t think one can have those choices and not say something to the audience.
I’ve looked all over the internet for a definite answer to this, and most results are either vague or very permissive without any scriptural backing. Your thoughts?
I think your head is on good and straight!
I am not an expert on this but I'll give you my unprofessional opinion.
The truth is, sin is normal. I mean, it's normal in this world. We're living in a cursed, fallen world. So if you were going to write a story about wildlife in Africa, there'd be a place in the story for a zebra. Because zebras are normal... in Africa. You wouldn't have to be making a comment about zebras to include them in a story about Africa; they just naturally are in that setting.
When you're writing a story about this world, and humans, that same sense applies. There's a possibility for any and all sin to be mentioned in the story. Because that's normal in this world.
Now, I guess that wasn't always the case. Even ten years ago having a homosexual couple in your story would've been surprising, and you could've run the risk of "normalizing it," because of the low percentage of people identifying as homosexual. But now? With the social contagion and overwhelming popularity, especially in adolescents, of the very idea of gender-fluidity and open-ended attraction? You're not so much "normalizing it" anymore.
Everybody's talking about being LGBTQ+. Everybody's making a statement. The question is no longer "are you going to say something about it?" The question is kind of "WHAT are you going to say about it?" Even by leaving the topic out, if it's a story about modern day life in the West on Planet Earth, you're saying something by leaving it out.
(Note: if your story isn't on Planet Earth in the Modern ((and RECENT)) time period, and even if it isn't in the West, then I wouldn't put homosexuality in your story. I can elaborate on why if you'd like in a different ask.)
So I'm basically saying it's comparable to writing about any other flawed human. 😅
As for Scriptural basis, there's no verse that says "don't talk about homosexuality," --and talking about it is all that "telling a story which includes the topic" is.
For storytelling principles found in the Bible: Jesus put one guy choking another guy out over a debt into one of His stories. That was to illustrate the depravity of the guy who was forgiven of much, but wouldn't forgive his fellow man of a little.
So now I have two very important questions for you!
If you are going to put a homosexual couple in your story, why are they there?
You have to answer this question for every decision you make in a story...but with this, because you are putting a sin in your story, the important thing to note is that the culture we're in doesn't actually consider it a sin. So by putting the sin in the story at all, you're right, you have to say something about it. You have to say that it's good or it's bad.
Doesn't have to be super in-your-face. I mean, Kuzco's "sin" is that he's selfish. So in the first scene he insults a bunch of women. And they all react like he's a monster; one of them's crying, the other one's lunging at him, but it's all just in the background. The point of the scene is that he's funny but he's a jerk and he's selfish; and those traits, "jerk" and "selfish" are treated like they're bad things, not good things, about Kuzco. A good rule of thumb is "call what is good 'good,' and call what is bad ''bad."
2. And this is the really important one, from one Christian to another: why are you considering adding a homosexual couple to your story?
You don't have to answer me, but ask yourself that question super honestly and examine every possible reason. Of course it doesn't really apply if you're not writing a story, you're just wondering about it on principle.
More on the point: I think sometimes, Christians cover up some sins by not talking about them, and it's not out of a desire be self-controlled and careful with their words. It's out of a warped desire to appease the culture.
C.S. Lewis says something like this in Surprised By Joy. My understanding of him was, Christians in the 40s didn't want to ever talk about homosexuality because, to them, it seemed the worst of sins...but when you examined how they came to that conclusion, you realized that the only things that made homosexuality different from other sins was that, if you were discovered to be engaging in homosexual sin, you'd lose your job and your fame. So Christians were choosing not to talk about it, even if all they were planning on saying was "homosexuality is wrong and God's definition of sexuality is right," because to address it at all was taboo to your public appearance.
That's a really bad reason for Christians not to talk about something. Christians know that all sin has been defeated and conquered by Christ. So why are we acting like mentioning it gives it power? Mention the sin (not the people sinning, but the sin) like it's a monster that WAS terrible and scary, but once Jesus gets ahold of it it's actually powerless and slain.
Christians have done the same thing with sex. It's supposed to be this awesome act of worship that God created to point to the cosmic idea of oneness with Him. It's supposed to be a wonderful thing, like singing beautiful songs or eating good food; all in the right way, in the right time. But Christians saw people using it sometimes in the wrong way, at the wrong time, so they threw the whole freakin baby out with the bath water and now the Church in the West is just starting to turn the corner and talk about sex again. But young people really needed to hear about it, the right way, from the Church, generations ago.
Anyway. Soapbox. The point is, if you know that homosexuality is a sin that is only destructive when it isn't submitted to Christ, and you're going to call it THAT, then what's to fear? Why does the corrupt culture get to hog the mic? So what if it wasn't a widely-accepted sin again until recently? Acting like it wasn't worth addressing, or like calling attention to it would've made the sin expand, didn't do anything to actually stop the culture from treating it like a good thing.
If Christians don't remind everybody of truth, the culture will twist it.
It's like being at a kid's birthday party, and you notice a tiger slinking over the backyard fence. Only instead of warning everybody you just sit there and try not to look directly at it. Try not to draw attention to the tiger. Because if you do, the kids might run over and try to pet it. So it's best to just sit there and hush everybody who points the tiger out up? No! The tiger's in the yard! It's too late to ignore it! Point it out, and point it out for what it is: not a big kitty you can pet, but a big dangerous beast that will hurt you if you don't treat it like that's what it is.
Thank you for asking me this question.
If you ARE writing a story, and you DO feel convicted about putting homosexual couples in the story—don't do it. Why? After everything J just said?
Because the one scripture that trumps everything I said is the one about your personal convictions: Romans 14:23. It's talking about meat sacrifices to idols, but the principle is, if you make a decision that is not based in faith, it's sin. So if you read everything I just said and still feel convicted about writing in a homosexual couple, it's not a good idea to force yourself to do it anyway. Because if you're forcing yourself to ignore conviction, it means you're making a decision based on...what? Peer pressure? A sound argument? Neither of which are agreed with by your redeemed-conscience? Can't be a decision based on faith, then, right?
We can talk more about that if you want!
Pray about it. Have you done that? Sometimes I get so spun into my own reasoning and puzzling something out, and then I'm like, "God is literally watching the inside of my brain spin itself out, He's standing right there with the answers and I don't even bother to ask 😅" Don't do that!
Thanks again for the hard question.
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
Stolen mask/ Three x reader
Summary: you find one of the black masks and put it on, III thinks you look funny
Words: 741
Today Sleep Token has a gig. Until then it's still a few hours, so there's enough time to do some nonsense.
You make your way to III. He said he waits outside the venue, in a locked area.
On the way to him you pass through a small room and see a black mask with the all too familiar white symbol lying around. None of the band members walks around without their face covering, after all they want to hide their identity. So it must be a second mask, in case one tears or something.
I'm sure no one will mind if it's gone, you think to yourself, and reach out for it. You look around to see if no one is watching you and pull it over your head. The fabric clings to your face. It feels like a second skin.
After a short while you leave the room. You walk down a corridor and push open a door. Cold air seeps through the fabric of your mask.
A few meters away III is standing with Mick the photographer. They're talking about something. You walk towards the two.
III, who is facing you, looks over the shoulder of his counterpart and immediately starts laughing under his mask when he sees you. "What's that?" His laughter makes your heart beat faster.
Mick excuses himself and leaves.
"What do you mean?" You ask III as you come to a stop in front of him, you try to suppress your laughter.
He points at you with his arm trembling with laughter. "What you look like." His laughter grows stronger and he can barely stay on his feet. His hand finds its way to your shoulder and gently clasps it. "You look like II, only smaller."
Now you can't help but giggle. "Don't I look good?" You gracefully run your hands over your head.
Your question amuses him even more and he leans back, laughing at the top of his lungs. One hand on your shoulder doesn't seem to give him enough stability anymore because he puts his other hand on his stomach. "You look fantastic." He brings over his lips with effort.
You fold your hands together and hold them at your side. III, who slowly calmed down looks at you grinning. You blink your eyes. "Thanks." You say, flattered.
This makes III laugh again, slapping his thighs with his hands. "Stop it." He struggles to catch his breath. "My stomach hurts."
His laughter slowly fades and he suddenly looks around searchingly. "Wait, this needs to be recorded. Where's Mick?" He spins once in a circle and yells. "Mick?!"
Mick is already running towards you from one direction. "What's up?"
III replies exhausted. "You have to take a photo." He points at you. "Isn't that hilarious?" Again, he starts laughing at the sight of you. You giggle because it suddenly sounds like grunting noises. That, in turn, makes III laugh more. Tears of joy form in your eyes. You wipe them away.
Mick stands next to you and grins. "You guys are really meant for each other." He raises his camera and snaps a few photos as you barely stay on your feet, holding each other tightly.
Eventually, you act normal again and Mick walks away. Only your breath indicates that you've either just run a marathon or had a laughing fit.
III pulls you to his rapidly rising and falling chest. "Oh I love you so much." He cradles your bodies and rests his chin on the top of your head. "Wow the mask even smells like II."
You grin. It might be his mask. After all, there aren't that many other options.
After you've calmed down, III asks you, "I'm sure the photos turned out fantastic. Do you mind if I post one of them and write something cheesy underneath?" He gently pushes you away, grinning under his mask. His hands reach for yours and squeeze them lightly. "Like your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world?"
You smack his arm. "It is!"
"I know. I was serious about that. That's why I add this sentence. So everybody knows." He defends himself.
Of course you give him the okay and a few days later, you can actually find one pic on his Instagram channel, with said cheesy caption.
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Phone call.
Alex Keller x Ex wife/husband reader (Y/N).
Phone calls are all he needs when he feels alone and overwhelmed. He already knows who to call to ease his mind.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Warning: nothing serious, as always grammatical and spelling errors.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
It's pretty early in the morning for Alex, he didn't sleep, it's the 3rd time this week, he left the bed hours ago, unsure of what to do, he's just walking around, the smell of gasoline, ashes and the serenity of the night vanishing is all that fill his lungs, some soldiers are awake too, but they're not trying to talk to him, many of them probably are feeling in the same way as him, exhausted.
His brain is floating in the air, the silence is Peaceful but also crushing. Suddenly the memory of your voice echoes in his mind.
When you and him signed the divorce papers you weren't happy, but also there were no signs of anger, all ended in good terms, he always loved that about you, your self- control, since then he occasionally calls you to make sure you're doing well, because even if you're not together anymore, he still takes care of you and he still needs to hear your voice.
You're literally his first contact on the list, the beep causes anxiety, somehow he fears one day you will not pickup the phone.
«Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...» the sound of music and then your voice.
- Hello?
- Y/N? hi!
- Alex, hi, what time is there? Isn't it Early?
- Ah, yeah, it is... What about you? It's kinda late, no? feels like it has been years since we talked.
- Yes, but in fact, our last call was three weeks ago. Are you having sleeping problems, again?
He can't lie to you, you can read him very well.
- Yeah, but... it's alright, And you? Why are you still awake?
- Ah, you know a paramedic rarely sleeps.
Both let a little laugh escape, but you can hear it in his voice something is bothering him, there's a long pause before one of you can talk again.
- What's going on Alex? Is Farrah okay?
Your voice is calm and soft, he likes that, he misses it, just sometimes. He's observing the sunrise while the sound of whatever you're doing and your voice singing fills the silence.
You're making some Mac and cheese while you're waiting for him to talk, you know he will.
- She's alright. What are you doing y/n?
- Mac and cheese, your mother's recipe, remember?
- fuckin' hell, yeah, i haven't eaten it in a while, but I can taste the flavor in my mouth.
Both start to talk about those days when you learned how to make that pasta, when he got sick for eating it for a whole weekend. For some minutes he forgets the emptiness that was bothering him, until you talk again.
- Alex?... Why did you call? Talk to me.
He loudly sighs.
- Do you remember when we talked about the divorce?
- Of course. Why?
It's a bittersweet memory, you remember the day of that conversation, how he told you he wanted to divorce, why he wanted to leave and continue working far from home, it hurt and was painful, but you found the courage to understand and respect his motives.
- Well, you told me it was fine, that you would be okay, but now I don't know if I did the right thing, sometimes I want to go back. Do you think we made the right decision?
- You did..., we did. Listen, perhaps I never said this before but I signed those papers because... Alex, I love you, okay? and I'll always want you to be the best version of yourself, even if that means to stay behind or admire you from afar.
Both stay in silence, you're smiling, you understand, he wanted to hear something like that. He wanted to hear you're still supporting him.
Both are still on the call, talking about your work, how many people you saved, you even talked about the new grocery store and the prices, he told you about a funny joke Farrah made some nights ago, modification he did in a gun, he feels better when you're laughing, when you're talking, he's good knowing everything is cool between you two.
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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cutelipsaresealed · 3 months
I really don't have much to say
I don't need a voice. It's just annoying noise, if toys start talking
But I do want to, just this once, to say what has happened to me.
What I have become.
@hypnosealing has corrected my unruly loud mouth and stopped me from ever speaking again. Showed me how to shut up. I don't say anything to him, not ever, not at all.
I just swallow the programming he crams down my throat. I just retch and spasm, making such cute helpless noises as the device he has installed between my vocal chords stretches them until they become permanently useless bands of tissue. Even if he took away all the upgrades he has made, I will never again make a single peep, so that's nice to know.
It really didn't feel very nice at all when he threaded the breathing and feeding tubes into place. I remember really thrashing against my bonds when he did that. So I really appreciate how the biofuse glue he used as lubrication ensures that they will stay exactly where he wants them. Like, I am so grateful that they can't ever be removed now, because it means I won't have to have them inserted again.
It is comforting to know that he has such total control over what enters my lungs and my stomach and my mind.
Not that anything is mine. Not anymore.
I think I can remember that I used to struggle. Make noises. I would act out in ways that weren't cute at all.
Once I even tried to escape, if you can believe it. But @hypnosealing knew how to fix me.
When I opened my mouth wider to scream, he slipped a bigger gag into place.
When I glared at him defiantly, he just showed me pretty pictures that helped me learn how to please him better
When I fought until I gasped for breath, he made sure I sucked in deep lungfulls of sweet smelling chemistry that made it so hard to resist and so easy to obey.
He knew what he was doing.
He knew what he wanted.
And as he modified my body and mind, I found it easier and easier to just be quiet. Pleasant. Docile.
I used to never know when to shut my big mouth.
That's funny. Now it is permanently open. Artificially plumped lips stretched to an obscene limit around the ball of the cock gag that is nanowelded into what used to be my face. I don't remember if he left teeth in my mouth. I don't need to know. It doesn't matter.
The fleshlight fuck tunnel that replaces what my mouth once was is perfectly padded for his pleasure. My jaw bones are forever locked, frozen in their current position. Botox makes all the muscles in my face perfectly immobile, but soft, cute for him. A doll face with a perfect cute "oh!" Always ready to take whatever he wants to fill me with.
Of course, no one wants to have to look at a drooling mouthcunt when it isn't being used.
Good toys in must always be good order. Tidy. Smooth. There are so many wonderful gags to dress his dollface up with. Tape and panels and muzzles for every occasion.
Can you believe I ever tried to get away?
I know what he is doing. I feel him erasing what's left of me, of what I used to think was me.
When my nutrients and drugs are pumping in through the feeding tube, I feel my brain getting mushy as my food. Baby food brain. Bland as paste and twice as dull. I forget smart things I used to know. The drugs erase everything. I couldn't recognize my old name if you told it to me.
I think he tells it to me sometimes, just to watch me not react.
When he puts me into my crate for the night, he puts my headphones on and fastens my learning screens over my eyes so that I can become a better toy for him to play with the next day.
I know what he's doing.
I used to know the words for it. I think I can almost remember being smart, having something to say, I think...
You can see it there, can't you. Like a butterfly in a glass jar, just uselessly beating the dust off its wings until there is nothing left to fly. He wants me to let it do that. Who I Used To Be. He thinks it is cute how it struggles and tries to think and be clever. As long as I keep quiet about it.
I can't really think anything. These aren't even my own thoughts, as much as they are echoes of stories that he thinks are hot. I have no original ideas of my own.. I don't have a voice. All I can do is make cute little noises that just happen to sound exactly like my programming. Isn't that a nice thought! I am now so hollow that you can hear the echo of the words that play in my headphones.
Blank empty mindless obedient penisgagged cocksleeve fuckpuppet silenceslave mouthsealed forever for no reason except that it turns him on. I am nothing but the living sacrifice of so much thought and energy and potential, eradicated and simplified into a pretty mouthless appliance made to please @hypnosealing.
But I still haven't said the best part... Even as he increases the doses and wipes out the last parts of me that can even put words together on a page, he is going to let me bring more toys under his control. He is letting me make myself such a good example of a perfect slave for him. I'm allowed to post all the entrancing images and other people's words here, so that others will fall under his control.
That's everything I had to say. Isn't it exciting? Once this post is finished, no more words from me, ever. I never had anything worthwhile to say anyhow.
I think that writing this was the very last thing I needed to do, to completely silence me forever. I can feel it starting, the change is happening, it isn't pleasant, but nothing matters but pleasing him.... I need to please @hypnosealing...
Mmmm mmmph mmm mmmph. Mmmmmmph mm. Mmm mmmmmnmh.
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obscuremantisman · 3 months
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Non-human male × GN Reader who doesn't really care
cw: You fawning over him for the most part.
this popped up in my dream, and i couldn't help but write it down. It was much shorter, a drabble of 5 tiny paragraphs with cute rose banners around, but i like a longer writing, so here.
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"Hey—" You pause with a hiss, holding your head in pain, your thoughts collapsing as forgotten memories slowly take place around your brain. "I'm sorry..." You hear him regretfully say. When you looked up, he was caressing his arm slowly, shifting uncomfortably in your gaze, nervous at your reaction.
His eyes were the first thing that caught your attention. You couldn't believe it. Was this a dream? The air seemed to leave your lungs as you stared in awe.
His pupils were white slits, thin as he fearfully watched you. The irises, they weren't the sweet brown you were familiar with. They were black, and you couldn't distinguish if irises even existed anymore in those space eyes.
Pink, blue, yellow, and purple. These shades adorned them perfectly with specks of white, floatong around as if they had a will of their own, making you question if stars truly existed behind those ethereal eyes that won over your heart for the hundredth time.
You took a step closer, and he took a step back in return. What caught your sight next was his skin, a rich brown in the past that had now transformed into a deep shade of red, akin of a rose, glistening in the light as if he had just bathed in rain like one.
His dark brown curls were longer, hitting his waist and gently flowing with the breeze, unknown of frizz. You swallowed down. Was he an elf? a fairy? He had pointed ears, after all, droopy and sophisticated, giving off a charm you didn't know you needed to witness before.
Licking off the dryness of your lips, you came back to your senses. This is not the time to be fawning over. "I... I don't know what to say." You blurted out, reaching out for him only to stop midway, déjà-vu. "Just— just let me think for a moment." You looked away, him shrinking in place in response, your memories unfolding. This has happened before, hasn't it?
For the past years that you've known him, certain fragments of your days seemed to disappear. Now you know why. Turns out your roommate has been wiping your memories away all this time, not you having concerning memory loss. Those were nice news since your budget wouldn't have survived if you did have serious memory problems, but this isn't the focus right now.
You take in a deep breath, something you hadn't know you needed at the moment, gaze fierce as you step in and take his hands in between your own. He flinched, heart drumming in his ears as he gazed into your eyes.
While he panicked internally and rethinked his choices, you gathered the many words in your head and chilled out, building up the confidence. "You're beautiful..." You told him, making his mind go blank. "I think i might have even fallen in love with you all over again."
His mouth closed and opened like a gasping fish as he tried to respond, face warming up as he registered your words. "Careful, what if a fly get in there?" He heard you joke, a flustered mess as you used your hand to close his mouth. Did he hear you correctly just before? You loved him?? And he was beautiful??? And you LOVED him???? Is he dreaming?????
You chuckled at his funny expression, unable to contain a smile as you took notice of his wide blown pupils. How cute. "Let's go down for lunch, yeah?" You said, deciding to act rather boldly and give a kiss to his cheek, the gasp that left him after being priceless.
He nodded quickly in response as you repeated yourself, head in moonland but still following you nonetheless to the kitchen. "I made that pudding you especially like." You winked at him, and he smiled, muttering a quick thank you.
He looked your way, giving a soft squeeze to your hand, happy to know you wouldn't change your view on him because of what he was. You reciprocated his gesture with a squeeze of your own, happy to know he was at ease.
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this all, byeee
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writtenjewels · 1 year
Joke Book
The “party” for his birthday was a subdued affair this year. Growing up, Jason had learned not to expect a big celebration-- his family could never afford much-- and by the time he was grown up it just didn't matter to him anymore. As long as he had his sister and his friends over, it was all the party he needed.
One by one he went through the presents, thanking everyone for what they gave him. He saved Salim's to last and his heart pounded as he picked it up. Salim sat up a little straighter in his chair and watched hopefully as Jason tore through the wrapping. Jason caught his eye and smiled at him; he got an answering smile in return. The last of the wrapping was pulled away and Jason paused, frowning at the gift.
“What's this?”
“A book,” Salim responded.
“I know that, smart-ass.” A book was the absolute last thing Jason ever expected to get for a birthday present. He had no idea what to make of it. He turned the volume over in his hands in confusion. It was a book on puns, riddles, and other jokes.
“You like my jokes so much,” Salim explained, his smile fading a little uncertainly, “that I thought you might enjoy a book about them.”
“Thanks,” was all Jason could say. He knew it wasn't nearly enough and from the look on Salim's face, the other caught that, too. Penny decided now was a good time to clear up the wrapping paper so they could have coffee and cake.
A little while later, Salim stepped outside for a smoke. Jason made sure his guests were all entertaining themselves before following.
“Can't believe you survived fuckin' aliens just to gunk up your lungs with that shit,” Jason huffed.
“I know.” Salim exhaled a puff of smoke. “It isn't like you to be so polite, Jason. You could have just said so if you didn't like my gift.”
“It ain't that I didn't like it,” Jason argued. He stared out into the distance searching for the right words. “It's just… I don't laugh 'cause I like the jokes. I laugh 'cause of the way you tell 'em. They won't be funny if I just read the book.” Salim went still, and Jason worried he explained it wrong. Maybe if he tried another approach. “Why did Hamlet feel sorry for Yorik?”
“I don't know.” Salim's brow knitted in confusion. “Why?”
“He was getting a head of himself.” Salim let out a soft laugh, and Jason grinned, nudging him. “See? That's what I mean about your jokes.”
“Are my jokes really that terrible?”
“Most of the time, yeah.” Jason smirked at him before adding, “Sometimes they're even worse. But I laugh 'cause I like when you tell them.” Salim's smile widened, his gaze almost tender. The look made Jason's heart beat a little faster. “Anyway, thanks for the gift.”
“You're welcome.” That tenderness was still in Salim's gaze. “I only gave it to you because I like when you smile and laugh.” Jason wet his lips, suddenly nervous. It felt like they were confessing something more to each other.
“I better go back inside. Try not to give yourself more lung cancer.”
“I promise that the only thing smoking will be your candles on the birthday cake.”
“Like I said,” Jason snorted, unable to stop the smile on his face, “your jokes are awful.” Salim's eyes twinkled back at him and Jason had to hurry away before the other man noticed the blush starting to rise on Jason's face.
That stupid joke book turned out to be his favorite birthday present yet.
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cellard0ors · 2 years
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(A Full Deck Series one-shot that's been rolling around in my head for some time)
The year is 1994.
Travis is almost thirty years old. Chris is early into his twenties. It would almost be a funny thing...the fact Chris has fallen in love so deeply around the exact same age Travis did when he first fell in love.
Now, granted, once Chris turned seventeen he fell in love all the time. He has had a plethora of girlfriends. Travis has only had one...the one. Laura. The girl that got away. Or disappeared. Or...
Travis doesn't like to think of the last one. To be honest, at this point, he doesn't like to think of her at all. It still hurts too much. How can it still hurts so much?
But it does.
Regardless, he does his best not to think about it, not to talk about it. Yes, Travis does still tap into some off-the-clock detective work in her regard, but that's only to solve the mystery.
That's all.
...he doesn't...
He doesn't love her anymore.
That would be pathetic.
Especially if she just up and left him.
So, yeah - funny. Funny that the perpetually in love Christopher is now in his twenties and head-over-heels for a girl so much that he walks up to Travis's newly bought home and knocks on the front door hard and with grim set determination.
Funny as he looks Travis dead in the eyes and roughly asks, "Where is it?"
Travis, having just gotten off a twelve hour shift, is bone tired and in no mood to deal with Chris as he grumbles, "Where's what?"
"You know what!" Chris cries and shoulders past Travis into his home. The stark little house doesn't have much in it, yet Chris tears through drawers and cabinets like a madman while Travis just glares at him, "No, I don't know. Also, it might've been nice if you said 'hello' or 'nice to see you' or 'I missed you' before barging in and going through my stuff.'
"I'm going through your stuff because I know you have it and you know I want it!" Chris snaps and sometimes Travis tries to remember when his younger sibling looked at him with admiration. With love.
It feels like a lifetime ago, albeit it only really started once Chris's hormones began to really kick in and he began taking notice of girls. Notice enough that he now whirls on Travis and sighs in annoyance, flapping his arms, "C'mon man, Amelia deserves it!"
"...Amelia-?" Travis is confused because, yes, of course he knows the (current) love of Chris's life, but he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Chris enlightens him, "The ring, Travis! The family ring! Great-great grandma Moria's wedding ring! The one passed down through the family? Ma wore it for a time, but then Dad passed it to you when you turned eighteen..."
He trails off, but he doesn't need to. Travis knows the ring. He remembers that birthday well. It was the only time he'd ever received a truly meaningful gift from his father.
The ring went to the eldest son when he turned eighteen. Whether his parents liked it or not, he is the eldest son. And, being true Hackett's, they couldn't turn their back on family tradition.
Even if they wanted to.
And Travis is sure they wanted to.
Chris, it seems, is more than fine with bucking the tradition as he rubs at his face, growling and then, sucking in a deep inhale as if to calm himself, looks at Travis with sincere brown eyes, "Look, I know who you wanted it for."
Travis feels as if his younger sibling has struck him.
Just that sentence alone.
But one hit isn't enough, as Chris continues, "But, T...you gotta know by now...she ain't coming back."
Travis is tired. That's why he stumbles. That's why he falls back against his kitchen counter, using it to stand up, to prop himself. He just worked twelve hours straight. It has nothing to do with what Chris is saying.
Nothing at all.
It's not why his legs feel weak, lungs dry of air, mouth full of dust, eyes burning...and what Chris is saying...none of it is because of that...
"Look, I know you loved her and I know she meant a lot to you, but...facts are facts, brother. She's gone."
She's gone.
"She's gone and Amelia is here. And...I love her, man. I love Amelia. I'm going to make her my wife. I'm going to ask her and I want to ask her with that ring. Our family's ring."
Travis licks his lips, eyes shifting from side to side, "You don't know...maybe I'll...I'll find somebody. Someday."
I'll find her, he doesn't say, doesn't think, I'll find her.
Chris lets out a huff, "I wish you would, T. I do. But...I dunno...think you're a lil too...ah, stuck for now..."
Travis's eyes close.
He stands, but he feels like he's been knocked down. Knocked down and dragged out to sea, swept up in an undertow and it's the lack of sleep from the job, nothing else.
"So... how's about it, huh? Where's the ring?"
Travis doesn't answer.
"Look...if-if someday you actually DO find someone, I-I can give you the ring back! But for now, for my sake, for Amelia's, can you just-?'
"I don't have it." Travis states baldly. Firmly. His voice carries no emotion. It's bare. Bloodless. Empty.
He opens his eyes and looks at Chris, expression plain and devoid of anything. As if he's a robot. As if he's on autopilot, "I don't have it, Christopher. So...why don't you just go, huh? It's late."
Now Chris looks as if he's the one who's been struck. As if he never anticipated not getting exactly what he wants. Travis isn't surprised. Chris has always gotten what he's wanted before.
Especially from him.
But this is different and somehow Chris seems to know it, even as he lets out a bitter snicker, even as his eyes broadcast anger and hatred while he growls, "Yeah. Fine. You don't have it. Whatever."
He charges out, muttering obscenities beneath his breath the whole time before he slams Travis's front door behind himself.
Travis waits until he hears his brother's car engine rev up, waits until he hears him peel out, tires squealing as he zips off at an inappropriate speed before he unclenches his fists
He unclenches them and feels the sting on his palms where his nails bit in, where they drew blood. Travis pushes himself away from the kitchen counter and, on heavy wooden legs, he goes to the full length mirror in the living room.
Travis goes and taps on the frame and the mirror pulls away from a secret door, one he opens and he goes inside the tiny room behind it, goes and practically collapses into the chair at the desk there.
He pops open the top drawer and then, with a sure flick of his fingers, he pushes aside the false bottom to reveal a small black jewelry box.
Travis looks at it and his hands tremble some as he picks it up. Picks it up and carefully cracks it open. Inside is a slim, well crafted band in silver. In its center is a circular white diamond, one that twinkles with promise...
...or better to say, lost promise...
Travis carefully picks it up, rolls the delicate piece of jewelry between his thick fingers...
...it would have looked beautiful on her...
Travis licks his lips, bites the bottom one hard. The last time he saw this...
He sucks in a shaky breath and, sniffing, he quickly tucks the ring back into the box, putting it back into it's rightful place under the false bottom of the desk drawer.
He shuts it up, then he shuts the room up. Travis puts it all away. He trudges to his bedroom and collapses on his bed and he wishes, oh how he wishes, he could shut up his mind, his heart, as easily as he did those other things.
Travis wishes it could all be tucked away and forgotten about. The ring, the girl...all of it. But, for now, all he can do is find some respite in the insensate numbness that sleep brings.
It takes a long time to come.
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the-oc-lass · 10 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
This scene and the one for tomorrow are two that I've been excited (that may be the wrong word to use in this scenario...) to write since I started posting these, so I hope you enjoy them.
TW: Canonical su**ide discussion and ideology
First, Previous, Next
Nimona shoves the door so hard that it bounces back and almost hits Ballister in the face. It might've been funny if it weren't so obvious that Nimona is upset.
"Are you okay?" Ballister asks, though she clearly isn't. But Ballister didn't see the way that little girl looked at Nimona. The way that she held up that sword because she thought that's what she was supposed to do.
"I don't wanna talk about it," Nimona snaps, walking further into the tower. Her shoulders are hunched up defensively, and Charlotte watches her with concern as Ballister shuts the door behind them.
"I know something's wrong," he says, moving after her.
"I said I don't wanna talk about it!" she says, turning slightly to gesture before turning back around. Even though she isn't looking at him, Ballister's hands rise slightly in a placating gesture.
"Hey, hey, I'm just trying to help."
"I don't need your help!" Nimona grabs the bottom of the coffee table and flips it, sending everything on top of it clattering to the floor. The chain hanging from the ceiling swings back and forth from it, and the squeaking noises mix with Nimona's panting.
"Nim..." But Charlotte trails off, unable to find the right words. She stares at Nimona's back, wringing her hands together.
"Did you see the way that little girl looked at me?" Nimona asks softly. "Kids. Little kids. They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different." Charlotte purses her lips and bows her head slightly. "And I'm the monster?" As she lifts her head, she sees Nimona turn away from them again, hugging her arms around herself and bowing her head. "I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart...or that sometimes...I just wanna let 'em." The air catches in Charlotte's lungs, and it's as if her heart stops. She aches to take Nimona into her arms and protect her from this awful, cruel world. She looks helplessly at Ballister, who looks as heartbroken as she feels. For a moment, they look at each other, and then something of an understanding passes between them. Ballister takes a deep breath, and determination sets into his face.
"We have to get you out of here," he says, looking around before moving to start collecting things that they might need. Charlotte slowly starts moving around the sofa, toward Nimona. "We'll go over the wall. We won't stop until we find someplace safe. Okay, we'll go. Together." At that, Nimona's head lifts slightly.
"Together?" she asks softly, looking toward Ballister. Charlotte carefully sets a hand on her shoulder, and she offers a soft smile as Nimona looks up at her.
"Together," Charlotte agrees. She knows that she has the KB and the sanctuary to take care of, but Nimona has sworn to her before that there's nothing dangerous outside the wall. They could all go, find a new home. They wouldn't have to hide anymore.
"Listen, you were right about everything. The Institute, the wall...Ambrosius." Ballister pauses for a moment, and Charlotte can almost hear the last pieces of his heart shattering. "No matter what we do, we can't change the way people see us." It's not fair. It's never been fair.
"You changed the way you see me," Nimona says. "Didn't you?" Ballister sets what he's holding gently on the shelf, turning to look at her. He smiles softly, and Charlotte smiles as well as she looks down at Nimona again and gives her shoulder another soft squeeze. "We can't let the Director get away with this. We shouldn't have to run." She points at Ballister, and Charlotte lets her slip away as she starts moving toward him. "And you made a deal, right? We clear your name, you make me your sidekick. And you can't back out on a deal because you believe in truth and honor and blah, blah, blah. All that stupid stuff." Ballister chuckles, and Charlotte smiles a bit and crosses her arms, watching the two of them.
"Truth and honor aren't stupid, but all right," he says.
"So, you got a plan?" He gives a tiny shrug as he smirks.
"'Course I got a plan." He reaches over and picks up a piece of paper. "Something, something, something..." As he holds the paper toward Nimona, she takes it from him and grins mischievously at him.
"We win." She walks over to the "murder wall" and pins the paper over the picture of Ambrosius, then steps back. The two put their hands on their hips and look at the newly pinned up picture of the Director. After a few moments, Charlotte chuckles.
"That was really sweet, you two, but I hope you have a real plan, because we're going to need one to pull this off," she says. Ballister looks over his shoulder at her and raises an amused eyebrow.
"Of course I have a real plan," he says. Charlotte raises an eyebrow of her own.
"That's right. And you-" He lightly smacks Nimona's arm. "-are going to play the starring role." Charlotte chuckles again.
"Oh, I can't wait to hear this."
Operation: Shambrosius—as Charlotte has delightfully been calling it—seems pretty solid, considering that they haven't been planning it for more than a half hour. However, it doesn't account for the whereabouts of actual Ambrosius.
"The knights and I can try to stall him so that you have time," she says. She doesn't exactly want to fight her own brother, but Norshe would probably pay to throw a punch or two at him, and so would a few other KB members.
"You think he'll go to the sanctuary?" Ballister asks, looking over at her. She sighs and crosses her arms, a somber look on her face.
"If he can turn on you the way he did, I don't know if I can really believe he couldn't do the same for me. I hope I'm wrong. I hope there's something I'm missing. But I have to be prepared, right? I already sent the kids and the sanctuary members somewhere else, and most of the KB is there to protect them." She purses her lips for a moment. "I hope that I did it for nothing." A beat passes, and she lifts her gaze, watching Ballister's profile. He frowns at the table for a moment, then looks at her again.
"Why did you help us? The Institute would've left you alone if you'd never shown your face," he says. The sentence itself should be accusatory, but instead, it's filled with concern. She reaches over, carefully taking his robotic hand.
"You and Ambrosius were all that I had at the Institute, and once I left, it was you two that I kept believing in. You gave me faith. But now...Now, I don't know if I can trust my own brother. But I know you, Bal. I trust you. And I would follow you anywhere," she says. His eyes widen for a moment, and he simply stares at her. Then, his gaze softens and he smiles at her, shifting his hand to give hers a squeeze. They both grin a little wider when they're met with an exaggerated gagging sound, and Charlotte looks over at Nimona. "Don't worry, Nim, I'd follow you most places." Nimona blows a raspberry.
"Gee, thanks," she says sarcastically. Charlotte smiles softly.
"Nimona." Nimona looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "I'm always gonna look out for you. You mean just as much to me as Bal does." Now, it's Nimona's turn to give her a startled, wide-eyed look. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.
"I think you broke her," Ballister says in a stage whisper. Charlotte looks at him and nods sagely.
"It's my specialty." A ball of paper is thrown at her, and she laughs.
"You guys are the worst," Nimona says, but she's smiling when Charlotte looks back at her. Just then, Charlotte's comm comes to life.
"He's on the move. Heading in the direction of the sanctuary." Charlotte frowns and sighs.
"Looks like I was right." She rises to her feet, and Ballister stands as well.
"What are you going to do?" he asks. She shrugs.
"Like I said, try to stall him. Give you two time to get a confession out of the Director. And...Maybe I can sway him," she says. He purses his lips for a moment, looking hesistant. She reaches out and sets a hand on his shoulder. "I won't hurt him, Bal." His gaze snaps to hers.
"I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about..." He cuts himself off, but she gets the message. He's worried about the opposite. About Ambrosius hurting her. She offers him a soft, reassuring smile, and he sighs. "Be careful, Char." She tilts her head.
"Hey." She pats his cheek affectionately. "Aren't I always?"
The answer is, of course, no.
Lovely tagged people:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger @madlad06 @xxlunadrawsstuffxx @floxu @lilith707sposts
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annmarcus63 · 2 years
I really like the latest fic post! Very few fics deal with the calm acceptance that Jaskier's emotions for and relationship with Geralt are one-sided and have him actively take steps to put himself first and make himself happy instead of moping over the state of affairs before reluctantly accepting it while watching as Geralt plays happy families. I'm very into reading more of this if you want to write!
I'm sorry my dear and beautiful anon, this take more time than I anticipated.
Here's what happens when Geralt realizes Jaskier was right and needed him there with and for him. Is it too late, though?
Previous here In which Geralt fails once again
It's funny how loneliness comes in the strangest of forms. He's surrounded by dozens of people shouting his name from the square in front of the stage. Wasn't this what you want it? his mind supplies unhelpfully. Yes, he did want this, the love and admiration of the masses. He is, after all, the artists of the decade. But, well, in retrospective he was young and with little knowledge of life. It's only natural that your aspirations may change thru the years. Don't get him wrong, older Jaskier wants the same than younger Jaskier, but now, he understands that the love of the masses can't fill the void of being unloved unwanted by people close to him, or people he thought were close to him. So, he accepts the award with the biggest smile on his repertory, mocks Valdo Marx and goes to the tavern with a bunch of scholars like him. He drinks, he laughs, he sings a lot of his songs, flirts and play gwent.  And with every sip of wine and ale he peels a little bit of his sorrow, his wounded self-esteem, his beaten heart, and self-pity. He wished Geralt was here, with him, but he's not, so be it. Enough of wanting, enough of this ever-present loneliness. He's resolute. He'll find a place to call home, and he won't resent Geralt.
Maybe a little.
The celebration has reached the part where everyone is drunk enough to dance and sing at the top of their lungs. Jaskier is standing on top of a table surrounded by the locals, he's leading the song. He's sweating all over, his hair a brown wet mess. He's happy. When the front door swings open. It's Geralt. The witcher removes his hood and instantly locks eyes with the bard. Like a hunter finding his prey. Jaskier stops singing, right there and then, fortunately no one notices, the song continues its course.
No, no, it's too late. Jaskier thinks. I've already made my mind. The bard climbs down from the table and pushes through the crowd. His mind it's a volatile compass, pointing at his resolution and to Geralt. It tries to decide how to proceed. It tries to decide which path will hurt less.
"What are you doing here?" Jaskier is proud of his steady voice. Not even the ale could break it.
"I thought I'd make it on time" Reply Geralt, his eyes trying to find Jaskier's, but the bard is looking at a spot on the witcher's shoulder.
"You're late" In that moment the blue eyes look up to meet yellow ones, defying Geralt to name the issue. To name the hurt on Jaskier’s eyes two nights ago. To name the emotion that is now on the bard's eyes.
They both know this isn't about the ceremony, not anymore.
"I'm here now" Geralt sighs heavily and Jaskier laughs cause it's funny really. i'm here now so it must be enough.
And that's the thing, he forgave Geralt many times thanks to sporadic care and attention that would be forgotten later. His heart is screaming within his chest, the poor thing wants to take Geralt back. But no, Jaskier won't listen to it anymore.
"And you are late"
A girl walks past them holding a tray of beers, Jaskier takes one and drinks half of it in one go.
Geralt watches him, anxiety sewing itself on his veins. He can feel the goodbye hanging between them. He fucked up, again, but this time for good.
"I thought Yen’s message was important" Jaskier wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, cursing internally, his tongue is loose by the alcohol. He sounds bitter and resentful. He hates it.
"It is, but this is too" and oh the witcher is trying but instead of being charmed Jaskier gets angry.
"Oh, now it's important, I see. Well, maybe if you have arrived on time for the actual ceremony..."
“…I tried”
"Maybe it wouldn't be too fucking late" A young couple turn to look at them, feeling embarrassed Jaskier lowers his voice and continues. "I appreciate the effort, Geralt, but is an unnecessary one. I’m sorry, my friend” says Jaskier reaching out to place a hand on the Witcher’s muscular arm, trying to convey comradery, an olive branch if you will, for Geralt to take and be gone without blame. If Jaskier dared to look at Geralt's face one more time, he would find sadness, grief, shame, and fear. Every emotion that the witcher always tried to conceal from everyone, especially Jaskier.  “There's an open bar, enjoy the celebration. Rest. I'm going to sleep" In that instant Jaskier heart broke even more. How he wanted this man, how he long for him, decades on end. Even in his resolution he still wants him.
He needs to rest too. He's not young anymore, his feet hurt, and his thighs are trembling from the exertion. So, he turns around up the stairs to his room, closes the door behind and with clothes and all, he gets into bed and sleeps like death.
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mourningdewey · 1 year
as is customary for 4/20 , i am out of my mind zooted . that being said , here are my stoned thoughts on different fallout 4 characters as stoners . nonhumans are humanized because it's funny . think like- a college au ig . don't take this post too seriously please 😭🤚
ada: can take three blinkers off a cart and be fine , tbh she probably smoked a decent amount with her original crew
cait: ✨ seasoned stoner ✨ , doesn't smoke much anymore but she'll engage in the doing of some good zaza occasionally , makes fun of deacon for smoking to become poetic
codsworth: would vomit after even breathing in secondhand mary jane smoke from twenty feet away
curie: has smoked weed to test sciencey shit that she was curious about , has a decent tolerance
danse: has never smoked weed in his life . decided not to after being half-blinded by stepping into a hotboxed room
deacon: among the ✨ seasoned stoners ✨ , has a MAD TOLERANCE because he's depressed and uses pot to make himself more poetic , he smokes to forget but he always remembers
dogmeat: if you give your fucking dog weed you are awful please do not let the dog hit the bong
hancock: ✨🍃king seasoned stoner 🍃✨ , his bare minimum with pot would have any other humanbeing dead burned and buried , smokes with deacon and cait sometimes , provides others with that good zaza
maccready: smokes sometimes either to feel ... deep and edgy , or nothing at all . would shove all the weed in his mouth if the cops came knocking , chew it up , and swallow it . buys from only the fInest most credible dealers
nick: he smokes every once in a while for similar reasons to deacon (it makes him more poetic) , his weird fucking 50's detective coat flaps in the wind more dramatically when he's stoned (he's some weird cosplayer like hancock ... nobody knows what his deal is)
old longfellow: nah this man is on smth a lot stronger than pot 😭🤚 i remember nothing about him as a character but looking at him scares me
porter gage: he is constantly crossfaded . he needs to be to cope with the dumb fuckin edgy junkies he hangs out with . he's dumb and edgy and a junkie too though so ... hypocrite ass
preston: he coff coff 💨 ouchie lung hoit 💨 coff coff 🌬️ no more zaza for pressie (he literally just looked at a bong and greened out)
strong: don't let him anywhere near any drug the entire human race would be wiped out (don't ask how my brain is starting to fizz and dissolve)
amari: she'll pass weed along for friends if they need her to but she isn't too into smoking it . carrington Might be able to convince her to join him for a joint but it's rare
arturo: he'll share his zaza with you 🥳 only really smokes on weekends or holidays to avoid issues during the week . it's just a nice relaxing thing he usually does on his own
desdemona: this poor woman is so fucking stressed someone pass her a bong and a bucket she can sobb into . she smokes with carrington . they're both so stressed they're barely sophomores in college and they have gray hairs
drummer boy: he gets so weepy when zooted like please look after him 😭 wrap him up in a blanket and don't let him think . talks big game about smoking but he'd pass out in a hotboxed room
carrington: his tolerance is godly . he's been so stressed his whole life that he smoked in HIGH SCHOOL how scandalous~ would end another person's life for a fat blunt
crocker: 💀 this fucking wackjob is trying to find a way to mix Adderall and weed . hancock thinks he might just be a genius and everyone else thinks he needs to be behind bars
fahrenheit: oh girl she hangs with hancock she's blazing it in a back alley on campus in the middle of class , has some silly bimbo girl friends she likes to smoke with
glory: smokes with deacon and drummer boy primarily . will make fun of drummer boy for being weepy but takes care of him (not cuz she cares abt him 🙄 he's just a little worm) if he gets too bad . also smokes with des but they're gay asf eww
ingram: smokes very rarely like on special occasions . she doesn't have time to drift off into zazaland on a regular basis
irma: classy lady who smokes the finest quality zaza because she can . gets really really flirty with amari while high . gets flirty in general while high tbh . somehow fully aware/grounded the whole time tho
jun long: he ALSO smokes to forget but he always remembers . idk even if he didn't have a son thag died i feel like this man is HAUNTED like he needs that bud to survive
kent connolly: oh no no no don't give him weed . no good for the good little man . no good at all he cannot have that . give him a comic book and have him wait in the hall
magnolia: she smokes weed rolled in fucking rose petals . she deserves it tbh . smokes with kleo , irma , and daisy . sometimes her , mac , and deacon will sneak out to smoke in the park
marcy long: thinks weed is for lazy bums with no ambition . she takes care of jun when he's zooted but lectures him later . she wouldn't be caught dead with weed anywhere on her
myrna: she's too uptight to have ever smoked weed ... she is sucha fucking square
percy: he needs weed to cope with myrna . she's like his bossy mean toxic girlfriend who thinks he's inferior to her or smth idk man where am i
sturges: 😇 he like zaza it make him head go bzzzzztTtt bZZzzzzzZt like an old flip phone vibrating . sometimes he comes up with really weird projects while stoned and then he tries make them
sun: if only he had TIME to get zooted fUCK . his dormmate is a headache and his classes are hell . he'd gladly join carrington and amari for a smoke sesh but he does not have that kinda spare time
teagan: doesn't usually smoke himself but he sells that shit in some covert operation at a burger king drive-thru
quinlan: he smokes to quiet his buzzing mind . he gets very opinionated when stoned . his cat cannot escape his zooted cuddles
zeke: eh he'll chainsmoke cigarettes but draws the line at weed . cuz it's just nOt cOoL ??? (sturges likes being friends with zeke but is too autistic to understand why the man does not like to feel like his head is being banged like a gong)
ok i know i missed a lot of characters but considering how many i put in here i hope i deserve a pass 😇😇😇 um but ueah i am starting to really drift into zazaland . which is great . i'm gonna sleep fuckin epic tonight
anyways please don't take any of this seriously i could hardly remember who half of these characters are
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