#I might as well cancel my account and start over
majikkulu · 3 days
♱ 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘; 003 by majikkulu ;P ♱
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━━ ❝ masterlist ❞
these are my personal observations and may not resonate with everyone. please take them with a grain of salt, as i'm not a professional astrologer! :))
♱ having transit saturn square natal chiron/pluto can indicate potential injuries or illness. the same goes for transit uranus conjuncting natal mars, but that happens unexpectedly.
♱ virgo moon is great at advising others on their feelings and decisions, but it's funny how they struggle with their own. they often feel confused and chaotic. (i’m speaking from experience!)
♱ mercury at 20° can indicate clearer ideas and communication. in scorpio, it brings confidence in what they say, but they can be reckless with their words and talk quickly. they might ask controlling questions and easily read others, being very observant.
♱ i feel like mercury conjunct pluto people have an easier time saying controversial things that could get them canceled, lmao. they dgaf. 
♱ moon opposite mercury may struggle to express their emotions and desires clearly, often feeling disconnected. they might say things that don’t align with their true feelings and tend to overthink. mood swings are also common.
♱ saturn retrograde natives might struggle with confidence, often feeling uncomfortable in authority roles and fearing failure. they can be quite pessimistic. they may avoid or struggle with taking responsibility and accountability, especially when younger, but with age, they learn to embrace it. things get better over time.
♱ jupiter retrograde natives might struggle to embrace positive changes in their lives due to a fear that they will be temporary. it's hard for them to fully express and feel happiness because they may feel it will be taken away from them.
♱ men with moon conjunct venus are incredibly caring and nurturing. they’re affectionate and understanding, usually avoiding conflicts. this placement will avoid arguments at all costs and strive to make things better. they also want the same treatment in return. in general this placement falls in love easily (which is not a bad thing! they find beauty in everything)
♱ many men with venus conjunct chiron have been cheated on or experienced significant heartbreak, leading them to question their worth and if they are enough. they may also have faced abuse, making them hesitant to pursue romantic interests. they could attract partners who are wounded and somewhat toxic.
♱ i've noticed that people with a taurus midheaven (mc) often have their own businesses or work as accountants or in real estate. both of these careers tend to be stable, long-term, and provide financial security.
♱ having chiron in the 5th house can bring delays and challenges in romantic life, making it take longer to enter the love scene. once they do, they love deeply and unconditionally. sometimes, romantic connections can offer them healing in some way.
♱ natives with the moon in the 11th house may find that friends are often in love with them due  their caring and comfy presence. many of their romantic connections can start as friendships as well.
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alienzil · 2 months
Nanny Danny
“That is a whole ass baby,” was the only thought running through Lex Luthor’s head when the scientist proudly showed him the tube containing Project KR. It was not remotely the sort of thing he would normally think and most definitely not what he had expected to be thinking the first time he saw the clone.
He’d been pleased when he’d read the reports indicating the success of KR after years of failures. Lex had poured millions of dollars and literally his own blood into ensuring a clone of the alien could be made, one that would be under his total control instead of the unknown aspirations of Superman.  He’d wanted to see the fruits of his labors personally but this…
It. No, not an it. He scrunched his tiny face and smacked his lips and…did he smirk? Was that HIS SMIRK on that baby’s face?! No. No. Babies this small didn’t smile or smirk. They passed gas and their sleep deprived and addled parents mistook it for an intelligent response. He’d heard enough inane conversations in the Lexcorp office about the various progeny of his employees to pick up on that but still. This child had Kryptonian DNA, not to mention his own contribution. Surely, he was far more advanced than the dribbling potato shaped lump of an infant whose pictures he’d been forced to smile and nod over when Mark from accounting had rudely shoved them in his face at the last quarterly budget meeting. Yes, that was definitely a smirk. His, that was his smirk.
“So as you can see its growth is well within expected parameters and we’re planning to start phase one of accelerating the maturation process tomorrow once the testing is do-”
“Take him out.”
“Sir? The testing can all be accomplished while it remains in the tube. There’s no need to-”
“I said, take him out. The project is cancelled.”
“What?! Mr. Luthor you can’t!”
“I think you’ll find I can. Now get me my son.”
Two years later
“Call them again”
“Sir, I’ve called them seven times. They won’t answer.”
“Then call another agency!”
“There isn’t another agency, Sir”
Lex glared at his assistant who stared back at him impassively. Mercy stood by the door staring off into the distance and pretending she didn’t notice him being bested by his own secretary.
He stopped himself from shouting again and took a deep breath before asking, “Then what, exactly, do you propose I do Mrs. Anderson? Adjust my entire schedule around naptimes? Find a toddler size lab coat and safety goggles and bring my son with me to tour the new clean energy project on Thursday? Perhaps buy a tiny business suit while I’m at it for the next board meeting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything of the sort, Mr. Luthor. I’m telling you that no childcare agency in Metropolis will return my calls anymore. Most won’t even answer.  You’ve gone through 27 nannies in the last 3 months. You need someone better suited to your son’s…special needs.”
Lex snorted. “Special needs might be a bit of understatement. He can lift a car over his head and his favorite word right now is No.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Thank you for…clarifying the situation, Marjorie. If there’s nothing else, you can leave.”
His secretary didn’t move. She looked at him like she was waiting for something and now that he was paying attention, he saw she was holding a file.  “Did you have a suggestion?”
Looking pleased with herself she responded, “Actually, yes, I did.”
She set the file on his desk and flipped it open. He looked down at the first page and raised an eyebrow, “What am I looking at here?”
“This,” she responded pulling out the top set of papers and spreading them out, “is the employee file and background check for Daniel J. Fenton, an intern that started in our engineering department about 4 months ago. He has one sibling, two parents and several close friends he regularly meets with. His current supervisor has nothing but good things to say about him and reports he gets along well with all his coworkers.”
She set out the next set of papers, neatly arranging them on the desk to be easily seen. “These are newspaper articles and screenshots of social media posts regarding a small town vigilante locally known as Phantom. The same small town, Mr. Fenton is from coincidentally. Also coincidentally, Phantom made his first appearance only a few weeks after Mr. Fenton was involved in a minor accident in his parent’s home laboratory when he was 14, the medical records for the incident are included.”
“Hmm,” Lex said observing several photos of Phantom and a younger Fenton arranged in order of similar poses and facial expressions and printed out side by side.
“Finally,” she said handing him the last set of papers directly, “this would be a report from the lab Mr. Fenton works in from an incident that happened yesterday. A test with a new protype went wrong and started a fire. Everyone evacuated per protocol when the alarms went off but one of the other interns was working on a programming issue off to the side of the lab while wearing headphones and didn’t hear the alarm or notice the fire. Mr. Fenton noticed his absence and returned to the lab to get him out.” She stopped talking and let him look at the last several pages in the file, a series of photographs of the lab.
“Is this ice?”
“Yes, it is. It’s several inches thick and covers half of the lab. It completely put out the fire leaving minimal damage.”
“This machine was moved?”
“It was. It was very close to the flames and would have required replacement if exposed to extreme heat or cold. That particular piece of equipment also weighs several thousand pounds and was bolted to the floor.”
Lex read through everything in detail then clasped his hands under his chin and stared at the photo of Daniel Fenton for several moments before turning back to his waiting secretary.
“Have HR send Mr. Fenton up. I’d like to offer him a promotion.”
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sexybritishllama · 1 year
in further neopets discord news, oh boy is there drama in my awful virtual pet game website today. strap in if you want way too much information on neopets’ broken economy
for some context, an event has just launched called the faerie festival. this is the first event to be run by the ‘new’ TNT (aka. the neopets team aka. the staff) since the leadership change, and they've said in recent editorials that this year’s faerie festival is going to be a combo of two previous popular events:
the faerie quest event, wherein people can get a free quest from a faerie every day in exchange for a reward (something that’s normally limited to random special events and therefore quite rare)
the charity corner, a highly requested event that hasn’t run since 2020, where you can donate random items to get points that can then be exchanged in a prize shop
there’s a LOT of ultimately worthless items on neopets that people gather from doing dailies and things, but charity corner actually gave a use to hoarding all of these, so people have wanted it back for ages. people have been going out of their way to hoard extra junk items for like 2 months now, after TNT teased the event in an editorial
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this event was originally meant to start on 20th august, but got delayed 2 weeks, presumably because of issues behind the scenes. people were generally a bit disappointed but relieved if this meant they were going to get a proper, well prepared event without bugs
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flash forward to 2nd october, the actual start of the event. nothing actually opens up for several hours on the day- that’s somewhat waved off by the fact that staff presumably need to be in the office to launch everything, a midnight launch isn’t expected
but, eventually, it opens!
well… kinda. there’s one page with one dialogue scene available and a link to an event page for spending neocash (the premium currency that costs irl money). the faerie quest page is giving out free daily quests, which is nice, but literally just the same as they did back in 2020. where’s the item recycling part? did this really need 2 weeks of delay?
the next day, the FAQ page for the event is published neopets support site (but not announced via news). still no sign of the actual event starting- seems like that might not be until moday?
as well as multiple grammatical errors, the FAQ had a few… concerning elements. most notably:
only 10 items could be donated per day
points would be awarded based on the rarity of the item, with the maximum rarity being r200-500, worth 15 points each
this meant people's hoarding of junk items for months was... essentially useless
r200-500 items basically means either hidden tower items (rare, expensive items that can only be bought in an account age locked shop with a purchase limit of 1 per day) orrrr….. neocash items. In other words, players could either spend an exorbinate amount of their in-game currency to buy up items to donate, or they could just hand over their credit card and pay to win
people were Not Happy about this
not long after info spread and the outcry started (and a sizeable number of people cancelled their premium membership in protest), the FAQ was quietly updated to remove mention of donating neocash items. that took away to pay to win element at least
however, now there was a new problem. a tombola man problem.
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i mentioned already that the highest rarity items are pretty rare and expensive. one of the least expensive of these is an item called the Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy. you can probably see where this is going already
because you can only buy a maximum of one tombola guy per day from the hidden tower, your only option if you want to buy more than that in a day is to go to user shops. however, in light of the event, people had already started buying and hoarding tombola guy toys. equally, others were buying them purely to sell at a profit. this made the perfect storm and caused the price of the tombola guy toy, which was normally 110k NP, to explode up to 500k, 600k, even 700k within just one day
BUT THEN THE FAQ GOT UPDATED AGAIN. surprise, you can now donate 30 items per day! also they just got rid of the highest rarity tier altogether. the maximum you can get for an item is now 8 points, for rarity r102-r179.
this has now made the squeezy tombola guy toys useless. unless you’re a collector they don’t serve any function beyond that of a normal neopets toy (of which there’s thousands of much cheaper options). the price has now plummeted down to BELOW what it originally was and many users now have piles and piles of the dolls sitting in their inventory, mocking them
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so what now? well, because no one ever learns, everyone is now flocking to what is now the cheapest high-rarity item eligible for donation. most are going for omelettes, which have a few different options at r102+. these have also inflated by like 400% from before the event, but unlike the squeeze tombola guys, these are only worth a few thousand neopoints, so not as bad a potential loss in comparison
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it’s worth noting that while all this is going on in preparation for the recycling event, neopets is also experiencing insane inflation in a lot of other items right now, including those required for people to complete faerie quests. for example, a Griefer, which cost 5000 np just last week, is now worth selling for 1 MILLION
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So yeah. 3 days into the event and that’s where we are so far. who knows what tomorrow might bring
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f1angelz · 2 months
Hey there , saw your requests open soo
Carlos x fem reader
The reader is pretty closed off, calm or unemotional person, works in academia. Somehow her and Carlos are dating and it hasn't been that long. Carlos wants to know more of her and like form an emotional bond but the reader is pretty nonchalant. But he notices that she's much more reactive when they're having sex or getting yk. And he uses that to his advantage to get her to say I love you back (she loves him but never says that)
You can take your time. No worries (•‿•)
𝒄𝒂𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆? — carlos sainz x f!reader
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summary: everyone’s shocked how y/n is carlos sainz’s girlfriend. her personality didn’t really show it— calm and nonchalant, never really the type to open up even towards carlos. will he be able to change that?
content warnings: smut (18+) mdni, cunnilingus, bathroom sex (but there’s no penetration so idk if that’s still considered), not proofread again 😭 please excuse errors you might encounter.
this fic contains super basic spanish words!
── .✦
“No, are you serious?”
“Miss Y/L/N? Dating THE Carlos Sainz?”
“I know, why hasn’t she told us? If I were her, I’d be bragging about it everyday.”
“Maybe that’s why she had someone substitute for her Friday class, she was at the race last week.”
Said the students who gossiped over their TA, Y/N.
Recently, a picture of Carlos and Y/N in the Ferrari garage was released all over social media. It went viral, the post reaching almost a million likes.
Y/N obviously wasn’t the type to post content of her boyfriend. She was rather reserved, her social medias were private and little to no posts— she didn’t even have a TikTok account.
Even at the start of their relationship, Y/N didn’t know Carlos was an F1 driver. She only found out when he invited her to a race.
The sound of Y/N’s heels clicking against the marble tiles echoed throughout the hallway, making her way towards the lecture hall. She pushed the laminated wood door open and the students immediately fell silent, watching her as she made her way towards the desk.
“Mr. Sanders won’t be able to make it today, so he won’t be able to deliver a lecture.” Y/N said while she brought out her laptop and placed it on the desk. After the students heard the news, they whispered a small ‘yes’.
“However, he has instructed me to create a quiz on last week’s lesson.”
The students groaned.
Y/N opened her laptop, “The quiz can now be accessed, you have 1 hour to answer. Goodluck.”
The students got to work and Y/N as well, answering several emails and creating lesson plans for the next semester.
Work never really seemed to end for her, she was always glued to her laptop— and when Carlos wanted to spend time with her, it would take a long persuading to do so.
1 hour quickly passed by and Y/N stood up, “Please submit your quizzes. Late submissions 2 minutes after will incur deductions. Once you have finished, you may leave the lecture hall.”
Some students who were already finished left as instructed while others were still fixing their things.
Just as Y/N was about to fix her things too, her phone vibrated and a notification appeared.
Carlos: Mi preciosa, what time do you get off work?
She opened her phone and replied.
Y/N: Now, actually. Why? My 11 to 3 pm class got cancelled.
Carlos: I was wondering if we could grab lunch? I’ll fetch you from work.
“Miss Y/L/N?” A voice interrupted, Y/N looked up from her phone and saw a group of students surrounding her.
“We’d like to ask what’s the passing score? One of them asked.
“Passing is 25.”
All of them let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Miss. See you next week!” They replied and slowly walked away “We hope to see you in the race next week.” One joked, causing their elbow to be nudged.
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed upon hearing the statement, causing her to stand up. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, well you’re all over social media right now, Miss. We know you’re dating Carlos Sainz.”
“Yeah, why haven’t you said anything? It’s something to brag about.”
Y/N inhaled deeply, “Yes, I’m dating Carlos Sainz. Why does that matter? It isn’t my responsibility to announce my relationship status. Now, please leave the lecture hall.”
The students were stunned and they apologized. They left the hall, leaving her all alone.
Y/N huffed and grabbed her things, closed the lights and left the hall.
She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and messaged Carlos, telling him that she was already off work and already walking towards the exit.
Carlos was already parked outside of the University. Among all the other cars parked there, Y/N knew which one was her boyfriend’s car. She walked towards his car and knocked on the passenger’s door, Carlos opened it and greeted her with a warm smile.
Y/N smiled back and sat in the passenger’s seat, closing the door.
“How was work, amor?” Carlos asked as he started leaving the parking lot.
“It’s okay, I guess.”
“I guess?” He questioned.
“My students found out that we’re dating.” Y/N sighed and fixed her hair on the mirror.
“How’d they find out?”
“I don’t know, I told them off and I left the lecture hall immediately.”
Carlos glanced over to her, “Amor, what about it if they found out we’re dating? You’re smart, beautiful, and definitely more than what I deserve. What’s the worry?”
“Nothing.” She shrugged off Carlos’ question.
Their lunch ended on a good note and went home immediately after, at Y/N’s apartment.
Y/N tapped her keycard against the door lock, pushing it open. She took off her heels and placed it on the shoe rack behind the door, Carlos’ actions following hers. The cold beige colored marble tiles made contact with feet, her thin socks barely giving her any warmth.
“I’m going to take a shower.” Y/N announced, making her way towards the bedroom and Carlos hummed in response.
He always wondered why she wasn’t as open towards him. Sure, she’s shared some things about her past, and her life in general, but she never really shared anything regarding her emotions.
Although she’s somewhat affectionate, it’s still a shock to her how she really just couldn’t say the three words that meant the most— I love you.
The sound of metal clinking on the ceramic jewelry plate resonated throughout the bedroom, Y/N taking off her accessories before she showered.
“You’re so beautiful, you know?” Carlos leaned against the bathroom’s doorway, watching Y/N as she unbuttoned her blue silk button down top. She looked towards his direction, flashing him a small smile.
As she was about to unbutton the last one, Carlos wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, closing the gap between them. His hands wandered, while he placed soft kisses on Y/N’s neck.
“Carlos..” Her words fell, lost in his kisses. “— what are you doing..” She let out a soft moan.
“Te gusta, Mi amor?” Carlos said in between kisses, slowing making them aggressive.
“Si…” Was all Y/N managed to let out.
It was like Carlos turned on a switch in her brain, he never saw her like this. Submissive, melting even at the slightest touch.
Out of desperation, Y/N guided his hand towards her right breast, pushing her bra. Carlos played with her nipple, tugging and pulling on it. Y/N looked at herself in the mirror in front of her, desperate and needy for her lover’s touch.
She finally removed her top, only leaving her in her bra and panties, her slacks gone even before Carlos entered.
“Hermosa.” Carlos said under his breath, looking at Y/N’s figure on the mirror. She turned around and faced him, pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss. “May I take this off?” Carlos asked in between kisses and tugged on her bra strap, she hummed in response. With one swift movement, her bra fell loose, letting it drop on the floor.
Carlos pulled away and unbuttoned his linen polo, tossing it somewhere. Y/N couldn’t believe what was in front of her— it was her first time seeing Carlos topless. She placed a hand on his chest and he watched, her hand slowly going down towards his crotch.
Before she could unbuckle his belt, Carlos inched towards her, causing her to lean against the sink.
“Sit on the counter for me, yeah?” And she obliged, her feet hanging off the counter.
Y/N’s hands wandered along his chest and arms, desperate for his next move. Carlos brought his hand towards her left breast, kneading it as his mouth latched onto her right nipple. She felt herself getting wet, her core beginning to feel a familiar tingle.
Carlos pulled away for a moment, “Is this okay?” She nodded, her free hand making its way towards her core, ready to touch herself. But Carlos was quick to stop her, “Ah ah, no. Let me.”
“Por favor, Carlos.” Y/N begged, growing impatient.
Carlos laughed, “Since when were you so impatient, amor?” He took off her panties and tossed them aside, revealing her wet core.
Y/N spread her pussy lips apart, her clit exposed and covered with her wetness. Carlos went on his knees and placed kisses on her inner thigh, inching closer towards her pussy. Y/N grabbed his hair, desperately wanting to be touched.
He placed his thumb on the entrance of her pussy, spreading her wetness around. Y/N’s breath hitched, “Fuck, Carlos.” He licked her clit gently, his thumb still toying with her entrance.
“You love this, no?” Carlos taunted, his licks now turned into sucking which made her crazier.
“So— so much, f-fuck! More!” Y/N moaned out, her grip on Carlos’ dark brown locks tightening.
Carlos picked up the pace, her sounds of pleasure growing louder and louder each time his tongue grazed over her clit.
Y/N brought her hand towards her breast, pinching and twisting her nipple to stimulate herself.
Carlos couldn’t believe the sight before him. Her chest heaving up and down, breaths shaky from the work his tongue was doing on her pussy.
He felt that Y/N was cumming soon, her wetness growing even more. “Are you close, amor?” Y/N nodded like her life depended on it, “Si, amor— fuck! I’m so close!” She struggled to say, her orgasm nearing.
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes, please— please! I want to cum!”
“Tell me that you love me, and I’ll let you cum.” Carlos stopped sucking on her pussy and rubbed her clit with his thumb instead, in a painfully slow motion.
“W-what?” She breathed out, unsure of what he said.
“Tell me you love me.” Carlos stood up and pulled her closer, his middle and ring finger rubbing her clit as he picked up the pace.
Y/N jaw remained open, unable to comprehend what Carlos said.
“Cat got your tongue, amor?” He smirked and rubbed even faster, the sound of her wetness spreading around her skin.
“A-ah! I love you— fuck! I love you, C-carlos!” She screamed as her orgasm came over her, her legs tightened on his hips. Carlos groaned, giving her wet pussy a slap before slightly pulling away.
Y/N processed what happened, she actually said I love you.
How did that happen?
Still recovering from her orgasm, she was panting heavily. Carlos took a good look at the sight in front of him, satisfied with what he did.
“If it takes an orgasm for you to say those words,” Carlos panted, running his hand through his hair. “Then I’d give you an orgasm everyday.”
Y/N let out a laugh, “I never really said I love you because I thought it was too early.”
Or maybe because she wasn’t used to it.
“Amor, I’ve always wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth ever since we’ve started dating.” Carlos cupped her cheek, looking into her eyes. “Por favor, mi amor. Please say I love you more often.”
“But that means I wouldn’t be able to get orgasms anymore.” She joked, Carlos laughed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum anytime you want.” He placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you, Carlos.”
“I love you too, mi preciosa.”
── .✦
a/n: this was a experience to write! i haven’t written smut in a while 😭
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
Thoughts and pictures - S3E4
I've never been that slow with a Young Royals rewatch >< It's hard for me to get through this season (especially now that I'm in the last 3 episodes...)
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And here we go, starting directly with a very sad Simon 😞 Omar plays a crying Simon way too well, it breaks my heart every damn time...
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I like hearing Wilhelm call Simon his boyfriend 🥰 Also is it me, or do we have a lot more close up shots in season 3? (No clue if that's what it's called, I mean shots that are very zoomed in on their faces like this one.)
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Vincent drawing a dick on the ground, of course... And I don't get his explanation: "why even try if there's no reward for the effort?". It means if the school closes, they all won't graduate and have to do their grade all over again? Surely if they're taking tests and all, it counts for something? Why fail an important test and take the risk to fail your year? 🤔 (Not gonna lie, most of Vincent's reactions to what's happening to the school this season left me quite perplexed ^^') And if it's just the graduation ceremony that is cancelled, it still doesn't mean they're not graduating, does it? 🤔
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But can you really Simon?
And Wilhelm repeating his mother's words "it's a privilege, not a punishment" breaks my heart >< (Also I'm gonna be a little shit about it but even the Royals have a choice in the end about accepting or not their role and job: after all, Wille is gonna renounce it in 2 episodes :p)
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I do like what he said about the role of the royal family in Sweden! We have very little information on that in the show so I appreciate it here. And he looks so pretty in this light!
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Wilhelm sounded so surprised that Farima said yes immediately when he told her they needed to help Simon. He was expecting to have to fight them on that.
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Why did he have to delete his whole account? Why not just put it on private? (I know I've read in several fanfics the idea that searching and deleting through all the new people who followed him before going on private would be too much of a hassle but I feel like it's a stretch, and an acceptable price to pay to keep his account?)
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Their conversation about Wilhelm's choice of foundation makes me so so sad! I had hoped that he would see Simon's point of view on how he can use his role as Crown Prince to try and make things better! I was actually pretty surprised that he was 100% not interested. It's a new facet of Wilhelm's personality that we hadn't really seen before I guess? And it feels like it creates a serious gap between them, it shows that they're not on the same page at all about a pretty serious subject (which is not good for the future of their relationship...)
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This shot of these 3 made me laugh :p
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This one hurts... Another crack in their relationship 😩 Simon is realizing how different they are. He knew they were but this season is showing us a side of Wilhelm that just seems incompatible with Simon :/ It's not just differences in tastes or personality, now it's differences in their core values also. And that is a huge problem.
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So we learn that Simon mostly avoided Micke for Sara's sake. Or maybe he's exaggerating that fact because he's really angry at her.
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The sit-in scene is very funny, they're all so dramatic, thinking they might starve to death xD I didn't think that August's eating disorder would be confirmed this way! Also I guess Vincent does have ADHD then? It was not just an excuse to get pills.
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"Because we are different?" Yeah... that's what this episode is really about, how different you both are. Which wouldn't be an issue for me if it was less about such important matters :/ I wish we had seen them learn more from each other this season, instead of being in conflict to much.
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I agree with Felice that it's getting out of hand! (I still enjoy the whole thing though 😁). I don't dislike Stella as much as a lot of people seem to, but I don't like her in this scene and how she talks to Felice!
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Cutest scene of the episode.
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I adore this scene. It makes me want to cry. I love them both and I'm so happy that they're slowly finding their way back to each other <3
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"Erik was there." This sceeeeene!! Such a punch in the face, so fucking terrible >< (So well acted also!!)
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Another trauma for my poor boy...
So lots of mixed feelings with this episode! I'm very frustrated with Wilhelm and his reactions, but I love the Sara arc. I really like the end of the episode, with some very good scenes. But now I really don't wanna go watch the next one ><
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livsateez · 4 months
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late night runs (choi soobin x reader)
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in which you drag soobin to 7/11 to satisfy a midnight craving
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you rolled over to look at soobin, who was sleeping soundly, while you laid there bored and wanting something sweet.
“bin.” you shook soobin’s shoulder lightly, getting no response.
“binnie,” you shake his shoulder again, he hums in response. you sigh and decide shake his shoulder one more time.
“soobin!” he groans in response this time. he rubs his eyes and rolls over to face you, pulling you to his chest. he takes a deep breath and kisses your forehead while he slowly wakes up.
“you okay?” his voice is soft yet hoarse. you start to feel bad for waking him, contemplating on telling him to just go back to sleep. he takes your silence into account, looking down at you to see you bury your head in his chest. “babe?” he moved back slightly to look down at you. you shook your head and told him to go back to sleep.
“y/n, you clearly woke me up for a reason. what’s up?” you watched as he reached for his glasses on the nightstand and sat up now that he was fully awake.
“.. i’m bored,” he looked at you quizzically.
“you’re bored,” you nodded, “and hungry.”
with that, soobin almost immediately got out of bed, grabbing a hoodie and his shoes, “what are you doing?”
he was silent as he handed you your sweater and a pair of shoes, as if to tell you to get dressed. you tilted your head in confusion, “bin, i can just grab something from the cabinet. we don’t have to go get anything.”
“but you’re also bored, we might as well make a 7/11 run,” he smiled at you, handing you the sweater and shoes again. you smiled back at him and grabbed your things. once you were ready, he grabbed your hand, ready to lead the way.
“wait, my wallet,” you stopped to grab it from the kitchen, but he stopped you, “don’t worry about it, i got it.”
“bin, you don—,”
“it’s okay, i got it. i promise,” he grabbed your hand again, pulling you as if he was the one to wake you up and ask to go to the store.
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the walk to 7/11 was quiet but comfortable. it gave you time to think about the little things that soobin has done for you over the course of your relationship. the countless times he’s taken you on late night convenient store runs, picking you up from work when your ride canceled last minute, waking up early to go get your favorite coffee from the cafe down the road.
you were still getting used to all of these things, occasionally apologizing to him for inconveniencing him, but he’d always tell you the same thing, “y/n, you don’t need to apologize. i want to do all of these things,” or “you do so much for me, let me do something for you.”
even now, as he held your hand in his own and mindlessly swung your hands back and forth, you couldn’t help but feel bad for waking him up due in the early hours of the morning.
“sorry again for waking you up,” you told him, looking up at him to see him already looking at you.
“don’t apologize, it’s okay. i was hungry anyways,” he put his arm around you to pull you closer to him.
“bin, you were sleeping,” you chuckled and he just shrugged, “barely.”
the rest of the walk was a comfortable silence as he silently kept stealing glances at you. he felt his chest swell with nothing but love and warmth with every look in your direction. he knew you would feel bad on nights like this for waking him up but he would always do his best to convince you that he never minded.
as you both continued your walk, he thought to himself about how he’d wake up in the middle of the night forever, as long as it was with you.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
So I was looking at this old post of yours (in your fandom meta tag) and has anyone else noticed that Hogwarts AU fanfic and meta about if this or that character from another fandom would be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw has completely disappeared? I assume that this is related to JKR’s transphobia making her (understandably) persona non grata to a lot of online queer people of the kind who dominate fanfic fandom at least on AO3 (I’m less familiar with Wattpad or other corners of fandom that are overwhelmingly cishet and writing het, and the Bridgerton drama has taught me a lot about just how out of pace a lot of them are with even elementary queer stuff, yeesh). but I was wondering if others have noticed that. It did seem to really start to crater around 2019-20 when she stopped being coy and blaming it on “middle aged moments,” and started openly making transphobic tweets and writing essays about it rather than just “liking” others’. Like when I was into Yuri on Ice circa 2016-18, it was still all over that fandom, even though people were already souring on the actual official franchise stuff such as those terrible Fantastic Beasts movies.
So I’m mostly active in anime, JRPG and Western genre TV fandoms so I was curious if this was also happening elsewhere. I’m also wondering if the fact that actual HP fandom seems to be increasingly divorced from canon (like fanon pairings of characters who never interacted in canon being the most popular lately) is related to this too.
Cuz having a Hogwarts AU used to be a sign that a fandom had Arrived. I remember in 2016 you saw people doing house sortings for the people on the frickin 538 political podcast. Now I never see any of that even with huge fandoms.
It’s interesting to me given that it feels like her transphobia hasn’t dented much of her popularity with non online nerd culture. Like the third Fantastic Beasts movie failed but those had never been good and had been declining in box office numbers already. But the Hogwarts Legacy game sold really well. You still see HP in stores all over the place with other nerd culture staples like Star Wars and Marvel. Still constantly see brands doing collabs. I often find non online friends and family, including many who are genuine allies to the trans people in their lives, who have no idea about her transphobia. Or they’ve only heard a little and assume it’s some weird insular online culture thing that is just fans nitpicking, maybe having heard about some other Twitter “canceling” over nothing and figuring it’s like that. They’re always shocked and horrified when I tell them what she’s actually saying and doing.
Interesting question.
For me, as an Old, it just feels like Hogwarts AUs are part of my childhood, and why wouldn't they be less common now? But realistically, if they actually are declining, it does mean something.
There's no way for us to know if the "Would X be a Hufflepuff?" posts are really a thing of the past. That could be a question of whom one follows or of fans leaving one's platform. But we can at least poke at some AO3 tags and see if they show a pattern.
The relevant tags are Alternate Universe - Hogwarts and its metatag Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting.
There are 21,426 works in the metatag. Obviously, not everything uses the tag, but it's a starting point. (Some cursory playing with filters on big tags makes me think that maybe around 3/4 of HP AUs are actually tagged with a relevant AU tag.)
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If we look at the AU tag itself, the numbers have come down in the last few years. (This year is obviously only half over, so we'd expect those numbers to be smaller.)
But we have to take into account how big the archive itself was. It's been growing significantly since it opened to staff accounts in late 2008 and then more widely in late 2009, so the overall rise doesn't mean much, but the recent drop might.
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It does seem like there's a downward trend lately, but it doesn't look like it's falling off a cliff.
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breezybangtanbebe · 9 months
Eye On You: Wonho❤️‍🔥
A/n: anyone ever sit back and think about how rich Wonho would be if he had an OnlyFan's account? Just me? 🌚 aw ok well....here you go🥴. I wrote this in like an hour so...
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3.75k words
You never imagined you'd be the type to subscribe to one of these websites.
Hell, you barely liked forking over that $9.99 a month for Netflix and a small part of your soul died at the sight of that reoccurring charge on your bank statements.
But this felt different.
It was midday and you were alone in your room, writhing in bed as your body's reluctance to go to sleep frustrates you.
It wasn't as if you needed a nap but sleep was the only thing that could distract you from the insatiable ache between your legs.
So after scrolling on social media for a little bit, seeing enough of a particularly fine man's face and body on your timeline led you to fish out your debit card and open your laptop.
The cursor idles over the pixelated rectangle for what felt like minutes.
You've already created the account and input your payment information.
All you had to do was hit subscribe and an uncensored world of Wonho would be unveiled for your and 120,863 people's eyes only.
When you'd first seen him, you were amazed by the exaggerated definition of his muscles and undeniably handsome face.
Every Instagram post was either him fully clothed and candid, smiling or looking away as if he weren't aware of a picture being taken.
Or he was naked.
Ok, maybe not full-on ass-naked but he might as well have been.
Plump and pert glutes.
Thick muscled thighs.
Massive pecs that could easily fit in a d cupped bra.
Buttered Hawaiian roll-looking abs.
And then there was his....lower half.
No matter what he wore, there was never a reason NOT to look down at the sizable print that bulged in the most provocative way in even jeans or dress pants.
Him wearing a size smaller than his normal fit, no underwear, and sitting wide-legged in every picture didn't help either.
Don't even bother asking anyone what color his hair or his shoes are.
You damn sure didn't know.
All you knew was that when you realized this specimen had a Stream4You account, similar to OnlyFans, it only took a shameful 8 minutes for you to decide to subscribe.
The membership fee wasn't bad.
About as much as your Netflix subscription and you were sure to be much more entertained by this than the thousands of shows and movies you'd scrolled through.
Plus you could cancel any time so...
You click to enter the website and your eyes widen at the array of pornographic thumbnails from past streams.
"My gawd.." you gawk as you scrolled.
Well-lit 4K snaps of Wonho on his black leather couch.
Some of him alone, gripping his thick print in different colored boxer briefs.
Some of him with a woman in various sexual positions.
Doggy style with nothing but their naked torsos and legs in the frame.
Missionary with Wonho's massive upper body looming over a woman much smaller than him, their pelvis' pressed together.
Another with a view of the bare back of a woman kneeling in front of the couch and between Wonho's spread legs, his hand resting on the back of her head with his tipped back in ecstasy.
All of them different races and body types.
All of the gorgeous.
A pang of jealousy struck in your chest as well as deep within your clenching walls.
What an experience it would be to get fucked by such a magnificent man. You didn't even have to watch him in action to know he could fuck.
It was all in his aura.
You sigh, leaning back with your laptop resting on your tummy, scrolling down his profile with a pout.
Suddenly a notification bell pings in the corner of the screen, followed by a drop-down banner letting you know that Wonho was about to start a live stream in 5 minutes.
It's a shame how fast you clicked the link that led you to the waiting room which consisted of a black screen with a countdown, a sidebar with his past live streams in the queue, and a frenzy of comments popping off in a chat on the other side.
You immediately found the 'Turn off chat' option in settings because you didn't want anything distracting you from the main event.
After an agonizingly slow five minutes passed, the black screen shifts to an unexpected view of who you knew to be Wonho's glistening chest and sculpted abs.
He's leaning over the tripod, adjusting the angle from what it sounded like.
A second later, his beautiful face fills the screen.
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"Hi guys...." he croons, smiling innocently in that way that reduced his eyes to slits and lit up his entire face.
His voice is deep and soothing, something you'd probably want to hear up close or in your ear first thing in the morning.
Wonho furrows his brow and tucks the soft pink tip of his tongue at the corner of his mouth as he goes back to fiddling with the camera.
"Bare with me a second everyone...I got a new tripod and I'm still figuring it out. This angle is not...ah..there we go." He huffs in triumph as he rights the camera in the way he intended.
He then kneels in front of his infamous leather seat. Not to be confused with his equally infamous black leather couch.
Wearing nothing but some black Adidas shorts and a smile, Wonho seats himself comfortably on the floor in front of the camera. He leans forward, squinting at it for a second before smiling and waving again.
"Can you see me ok? It's in focus?" He asks and you snort at the irony of him speaking so casually considering what he was setting the audience up for.
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"Looks like I am. Anyway... Hi again. It's Wonho, your favorite. I hope everyone here is enjoying their day so far. I um....really have no plan for today's stream. I just got back from the gym and showered so I'm at home for the rest of the day. What are you all up to?"
Again, he was speaking to his audience as if they were coworkers or neighbors he say occasionally on his way in or out of his home.
It was...cute. Unexpected but cute.
Your brow crinkles in amusement.
Wonho smirks softly as he stared at what you assumed to be the comments, which were no doubt coming in by the thousands per second. His eyes squinted again as he read them, his smirk persistent at what his paying audience had to say. 
For a second you toyed with the thought of him asking you about your day with s genuine interest. He'd be looking at you the way he was looking at the camera now with expectant eyes and parted lips, hanging on to your every word.
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" 'Just got off work.' Cool. 'Just had dinner..' Already? It's dinner time where you're at? I haven't even had lunch yet..'Hi, baby' Hi...' You're handsome' No you're handsome, whoever you are.." he chuckles cutely as he went through more similar comments before leaning back on his knees.
He lifts his arms and runs his hands through his hair, flexing his biceps and triceps unintentionally with the movement.
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He then stands to extend his body in a stretch that gave you a godly eyeful of his body. Abs contract and quads flex as he stretched and your gaze falls to the plushy-looking hill that gathered at his crotch area.
He's not even trying.
After satisfying his muscles, Wonho exhales heavily and plops into the waiting seat behind him.
It groans under his weight and you could only imagine the things that chair had to endure being owned by this man.
On and off camera.
"Glad to hear all is well with you all. Thanks for tapping in." He says, resting his head in the nest of his interlocked fingers.
"As I said...I didn't really have a plan. I took a shower and had this urge to jack off but I didn't want to do it alone...."
Your ears perked up at the favorable turn of events and you reflexively push the laptop up to your chest.
"Oh..do tell," you mutter as if he could hear you.
"...So I figured I'd just get comfortable and do that while I chat with you guys until I cum. Or perhaps until you cum. Whichever comes first..." he jokes with a little chuckle.
His corny pun and little laugh alone should be considered a sin. How could a man so burley and huge be so cute at a time like this?
Wonho remains leaned back comfortably in his shorts that hung loosely from his tree trunk thighs, his hooded gaze fixed on the camera.
He lifts one of his hands from the back of his head to rub through his silky black hair again, mimicking the way you wish you could do the very same thing.
Beside him, an iPhone lays face down on the leather armrest and he picks it up, swiping his thumb over the screen a few times before focusing on reading the stream's comments from his own device.
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Then he flashes that damned panty-dropping grin.
" ''Good plan' I know right? 'Deal.'  'Sign me up Coach. 'Cum first Daddy. I need frosting for my toaster strudel'...Wow. Nasty. And beautiful. You might have just inspired some future content with that one..." he says in response.
" 'Nice Tits.' Thanks. I work pretty hard on them so glad to hear it. 'Show us your dick please' Well since you're so polite.." he grunts.
Without wasting another second, Wonho lifts his hips to push down his shorts and underwear. They shimmy over his legs and drop out of view, leaving him shamelessly nude for the camera.
"There. That better?" He teases with a light-hearted chuckle.
As he continued to respond to comments, some funny and others nasty, your eyes fixated on the culprit of all of those damned likes on his Instagram posts.
Wonho's dick.
It sits lazily between his attractive man spread, not even erect yet but still impressive.
The fact that he's clean-shaven only allows you to appreciate his full size as you tapped the fullscreen icon in the corner.
Now filling your monitor, Wonho's muscular body and thick manhood captivate you entirely.
You'd never see a man so beautiful in your entire life and maybe it was your hormones leading you to exaggerate but...
"Shit..." you exhale, marveling at his size.
For a moment you wondered why he had so many subscribers. Beyond his good looks and entertaining content, you didn't think 120K for one guy doing normal amateur porn made much sense.
Until he took off his underwear.
Wonho's dick is gorgeous. Similar to his skin tone if he were blushing with a fat mushroom tip that looked like it had been kissed by lips stained pink.
Thick and surprisingly long to be flaccid. He reaches down to cup himself, ringing his shaft between his thumb and two fingers while his ring and pinky fingers rested over his balls.
Which looked heavy and smooth to the touch.
The thought has you nearly drooling on sight
Wonho slowly begins to stroke himself, the velvety smooth skin moving over his veiny shaft.
He readjusts his seating and spreads those massive thighs more for the camera, scooting forward so that the audience has a perfect view of all he was selling.
With his other hand, he holds his phone to read the comments. He smiles at whatever madness you imagined to be occurring in the live chat.
If you weren't already touching yourself, you might have been able to post a comment or two.
At some point the laptop materialized beside you on the bed, giving you the freedom to shuck off your underwear and caress your sensitive folds.
The pads of your fingers pass over your clit and you gasp, repeating the action in a rhythm mimicking Wonho's.
Slow and steady.
Teasing yourself just enough to arouse you more.
It's not long before Wonho's once drooping member is ramrod straight and standing up at its full length.
He's a grower and a shower.
My gawd.
Wonho pauses to reach for something on the floor and sits back up with a glistening glob of liquid from a dispenser off-camera. He drops the phone to clap the substance between his palms, warming the lube before reaching back between his legs.
His large hand encircles the shaft, twirling his wrist slightly on the upstroke that's now much smoother with the help of the lubrication.
Now his dick shined as if it were encased in glass, showing everything in greater detail. He jerks himself with the original hand, using the other to cup and tug his balls gently.
"Ah..shit.." he exhales.
His tongue runs over his top lip as he continued stroking, his chest moving with each breath.
Yours shuddered beneath your shirt as you rubbed over your clit in slow and teasing circles, but the wetter you become, the more stimulating your touch is.
A soft moan parts your lips and you spread your legs wider as if you were on full display for this beautiful man and not the other way around.
Wonho gets lost in his touch for a moment, not shying away from rubbing his perineum as he worked over his dick.
His head tips back and his eyes fell shut for a moment and you wondered what he saw when he did.
What did he think about when he touched himself? It's not like he didn't have a massive collection of savory images to recall from his past experiences.
You wondered what memories turned him on the most...
After a while of the same pace and some of the sexiest soft moans you'd ever heard come from a man, Wonho lifts his head and opens his eyes to gaze straight into the camera.
There was something different in his eyes now.
Long gone was the cute and funny guy with punny jokes.
There was now what you could only describe as a demon. The brown of his irises seemed black now and they hid halfway beneath his eyelids in a sultry stare that makes you clench around nothing with a pathetic whimper to follow.
"What the..." you pause, feeling as taken aback by his expression as you were by your body's reaction to it. 
A little smirk lifts at the corner of the demon's lips before he releases his ballsack. He does a quick wipe over his thigh to rid his palm of excess lube before picking up his phone again.
Wonho goes back to reading the comments, leaning over to rest his elbow on the armrest as he stroked his dick slowly.
His brows go up at something he read but he doesn't respond out loud, only sparing the camera a knowing look briefly with a sly smirk.
He then goes on to read more, his thumb strumming over the screen.
He laughs at something someone said and pauses to switch up his tactic for a moment, focusing just on the tip of his dick and stroking over it with a shuddered sigh.
This makes his eyes roll back and he curses under his breath.
By now, your clit was so hard and swollen that your legs twitched every time your fingers passed over it. Occasionally you'd slide them inside to stroke the ache away that grew from deep.
But you could only manage that for so long before feeling like you were about to cum.
And you know once you did that, it would all be over.
Wonho looks back at his phone and smirks.
" 'Stroke faster' Yeah? That's what you wanna see?" He asks breathily, his eyes never leaving his phone.
He then adheres to the request, most likely accompanied by a cash donation.
The tacky sounds of the lube slicking the motion of his hand kicked up as he jerked himself faster.
It must have felt really good because his smirk melts into him scraping his teeth over his plump bottom lip.
"Ah fuck...mhmm.." he moans, exhaling sharply through his nose.
You match his energy, strumming two fingers over your needy clit, hips rolling and back arching.
You moan louder now,  panting as the heat collecting at your apex mounts.
You were close and so was Wonho.
You could tell from the way he'd abandoned the phone to go back to sitting upright, the other hand groping his balls and rubbing under them. His dominant hand was doing what it did best, pushing him closer and closer with every upward stroke.
He cursed and moaned just as freely as you did and you only bit down on them so that you'd be able to hear him over yourself.
Not that it was an easy task.
Hearing him moan.
Watching his hips canting and his abs contracting.
Spotting the shine of pre cum dribbling from the hole at the center of his rock-hard tip...
You wanted him. You wanted him so fucking bad that it sparked tears in your eyes knowing it wasn't him fucking into right now.
Wonho's eyes lift and lock onto the camera as it had done a few times before and for a moment it felt as if he were actually looking at you.
Through you.
Straight to your soul.
"You're about to cum aren't you?" He asks and you hiccup amidst your moan in reaction.
You lift your head from your pillow and blink away the blurriness to inspect your screen.
"Yeah...Im talking to you. I've got my eye on you...I've had it on you this whole time.." he rasps, now stroking his dick as if her priming a weapon ready to fire at any moment. 
His mouth goes slack for a second and his eyes roll back a little, but he resists the urge to look away from the camera.
From you...
"Oh fuck..I wish I was there. I bet you feel so good..fuck I bet you look so sexy right now. Are you touching yourself for me? Hmm?" He continues, this octave lifting to a gentle coaxing tone that has no will to resist responding to.
"Yes." You whimper, rubbing and swirling over your bud with the sole intention of getting yourself off.
"Good....keep going. And don't you fucking stop until you cum, you understand me?" He commands with a lifted brow.
"Yes..yes. Oh god..." you cry out, tearing your eyes away from the screen to shut them.
"Yes, baby! Like that...just like that...Im about to..." Wonho grunts and you open your eyes just in time to watch the thick spout of pearl shoot from his tip. Some of it hits his chest, drizzling over his sternum as he kept milking his dick for more. It was like it would never stop.
Your mouth hung open in a silent cry as you give in to the impending explosion as it sizzled down your spine.
Your breath hitches and your fingers pause over your clit at the memory of his intense gaze and throaty moan of release, and it's enough to send you hurdling over the edge and into a heart-stuttering orgasm.
Your climax hits you like shockwaves, making your muscles tense and relax as it passed over your body.
Hooded and lust-drunk, Wonho exhales finally and slows his strokes to rid himself of any remaining drops of cum he had left before sagging against the coach.
"Fuck...that was good...shit..." he pants, talking more to the ceiling than to his audience.
You lay limp in your bed, staring dazedly at your laptop with your now exhausted hand resting over your pussy.
That was good. Better than you'd expected for sure. You felt that same liberating tingly sensation all over that you always felt after an intense orgasm.
But this felt different.
Even though this was what he did for a living and thousands of people watched him exactly as you had...
And even though you knew there was no way in hell that this man could see you when he looked into his camera...
In your own little bubble of horny delusion, he was looking at you.
And that is perhaps what makes him so popular. The way he connects with his audience. The way he just doesn't set up a camera and act as if no one is watching him. He engages and puts on a show well worth the $10.99 a month.
Knowing and feeling that made this monthly subscription feel less like an expense and more like an investment.
Wonho's hand still rested around his dick, which was still stiff in his grasp but not as erect as it was seconds ago.
He sighs and leans up from the back of the couch, the sound of his sweaty back pealing from the leather surface making him cringe.
"Alright guys...that was fun but looks like Im gonna have to take another shower.." he huffs humorously.
You watched him in silence as he reached off-camera for a small washcloth he must have prepared beforehand.
Wonho cleans himself casually, wiping his cum from his chest and abs as if he spilled food on his shirt or something, and it makes you smile weakly.
He then wipes his hands thoroughly before tossing the washcloth aside. The cushions squeak beneath his bare ass cheeks as he scooted forward, lifting briefly to detach the device mounted by the tripod.
Now carried in the hand he just used to jerk himself off, Wonho held his audience and lifted them so that he was looking up at the camera in selfie mode.
"I hope you enjoyed our time together. I know it was quick but I didn't want to interrupt your day for too long. I have a lot of cool content planned for the month so stay tuned. Subscribe to get notifications and become a platinum member for exclusive videos. Until next time. Come back and see me. Bye..."  he winks and gives the camera a quick wave before the screen goes black again.
And just like that, the stream was over.
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I miss him. I miss his random IG posts of his bawdy. I miss his smile. I miss his laugh. I miss his dorky shimmy when he’s shy or embarrassed or happy over his food. I miss his daily vlives (dammit Vlive why’d you have to go!!? *waves fist)
*sigh* anywho..🌚 I think im gonna do more onlyfans wonho stuff
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
I think if it wasn’t for twitter I wouldn’t even be contemplating my deepest fears for this situation. Like in any other context I think they could take a step back and heal and all come back later but Twitter is so cruel it has me worrying they might not come back
Yeah I genuinely wish twitter wasn't so impactful in cancel culture and people's careers because of times like this where the amount of anger is completely unnecessary and the treatment of george is frankly not appropriate to actual facts of the situation. Honestly i think it also is being paired with a lot of stans starting to move like antis over there and its making it worse.
One thing i will say though is to remember that no matter how large twitter seems to be, Dream has said himself that on average the fans he meets in the real world are not from twitter. And we know that the twitter community had gotten small already. It seems overwhelming and crazy right now but that's also because we are only following stan accounts on twitter right now so it seems like this is all anyone is talking about. And from what I hear, the youtube crowd is taking george's response quite well? (at least yesterday they were) so maybe there is hope?
I have spoken to dreams manager about this privately during the grooming allegation/nick cantu stuff, and I'd like to share a quote from them: "Nobody outside of twitter cares about all of this. the youtube comments are always very positive and people IRL who aren't clout chasing influencers who are also nothing like people on twitter." So while I can't promise you that they won't just quit the internet, I wouldn't doom so hard yet. I have been an advocate for a hiatus throughout all of this and that still stands tbh.
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duuhrayliegh · 1 year
hey babes can i request more seb x singer!reader? thank youuuu :)
slowing down
Neither of you says anything for a few minutes, basking in the uninterrupted silence. In the recesses of your shared apartment, you can hear the faint click of the air conditioning. Raindrops hit the bay windows in your living room and you just know that the sunrise is going to be beautiful. or in which you can't sleep
pairing: seb stan x singer!reader (that’s right, I'M FUCKING BACK FOR MORE BABY)
warnings: it's kind of angsty? idk i didn't mean for it to be but i guess here we are?
a/n: of course you can love! i'm in the world's worst slump but i refuse to let this stop me. i can honestly tell you that this will probably be really shitty but nevertheless here we are :/
pls like and reblog if you enjoy my work. which you can check out more of on my masterlist.
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You're quick to dim the glow of your phone, the illumination too much for your dry eyes. You're halfway through your North American tour and have finally reached the break in your schedule. Three whole days that you're able to fully relax and recharge after two months.
Two excruciating months that you spent away from home, sleeping in hotel bed after hotel bed, chasing peace and quiet on airplanes, private cars, and green rooms.
Two long months without Seb.
It wasn't so bad at first. I mean let's be real, you both have busy lives. He's a leading Hollywood actor who has film execs fighting tooth and nail to cast him in their upcoming projects. And you're touring your second album, playing in venues both large and small, never stopping for longer than five minutes.
Until now. When you were first planning out your tour schedule with your management company, you insisted that there be a break halfway through the run. You wouldn't label yourself as a homebody, but you're something close to it.
You knew yourself well enough to predict when you could burn out. Much to the dismay of your team, you refused to even consider a tour unless it had the required time off built in.
You've watched too many of your friends have to cancel shows to recuperate, you wouldn't do that to your fans. People have real lives outside of concerts--it's not always sunshine and rainbows, but rescheduling shows was the last thing you were willing to do. Compromise wasn't an option for this decision, and thankfully they bent to your demands rather quickly.
What you didn't account for was how wired you'd be.
You made sure to plan your time off for after your New York shows. That way you would already be where Sebastian was and you could spend the break with the man you love.
You'd think your body would enjoy the break. Instead, it doesn't seem to realize it's on a break. So here you lay, doom-scrolling on your phone with the brightness turned so low you might as well not even be on it.
You closed and opened the same three apps for the past thirty minutes. A lump is beginning to form in the back of your throat and your eyes are starting to burn. You could feel your breaths coming in faster intervals, fighting against the exhaustion in your bones. The words on your phone screen start turning into just random letters, then blurring altogether, becoming one big glowing blob in your hand that your mind can't seem to fathom.
"Birdie?" Sebastian's baritone startles you back to reality. You quickly flip the screen into the duvet, stifling the dim object from his sleepy view.
His hand finds yours, running his fingers over your tense knuckles that grip the phone steady. He pries the device from your grip and places it face down on his bedside table.
"What's wrong, bird?" By this point, he's preparing for whatever you throw at him. Sebastian's front molds to your back, pulling you into his warm skin.
"Do you ever feel so exhausted that you reach the point that you're not tired anymore?" Your voice is soft, not wanting to disturb the peace and quiet any more than you already have. Sebastian's fingers are still tracing meaningless shapes on your knuckles as he hums against your bare shoulder.
Neither of you says anything for a few minutes, basking in the uninterrupted silence. In the recesses of your shared apartment, you can hear the faint click of the air conditioning. Raindrops hit the bay windows in your living room and you just know that the sunrise is going to be beautiful.
"Like, you spend so long waiting for something and then once you get it, you're disappointed?" You breathe the words into the void before you can stop yourself. It's only when you realize what you've said do you rush to correct yourself. "Not that I'm disappointed. That's not what I meant."
Sebastian hums in acknowledgment. Beneath the blankets, he tangles his legs with yours, wrapping you in the comfort you've been without for the past two months.
“It's just that my mind won't stop running. Like, I've done the damn thing. I planned the time off so that this wouldn't happen." Your breathing quickens again but slows as soon as Sebastian nudges your feet with his. Tears pool along your lash line, threatening to spill over out of frustration? exhaustion? pure anger? You aren't able to fully discern what you're feeling.
"I'm just so. damn. tired, Bastian." Your voice lilts into a whine at the end, but you both know it's to mask the chink in your armor. You shuffle to plant your face in his chest, attempting to shield yourself from the world outside.
Something you've learned about yourself is that you're so quick to give. The first to volunteer yourself. Always think of everyone else before yourself. It's a quality that people envy.
What they don't know is the toll it takes on the giver. The volunteer. The thinker. The envied. They don't know that you lay awake at night, exhausted beyond all reason with your mind racing when you try to put yourself first for a change.
"I don't know how to make it stop." He wraps you in his arms, burying both hands in your hair at the base of your neck. "I don't know how to make my mind quiet."
Frustration oozes from your every fiber and it makes you burrow deeper into Sebastian's hold. You squeeze your eyes shut, the action causing a throb to form in between your brows. You begin to match Sebastian's breathing, allowing your chests to rise and fall in sync. You rest your forehead on his collarbone and listen to the even beating of his heart.
No more words are exchanged. No more admissions. No more almost insults. No more dimly lit phone screens.
Just the rain. And the whir of the AC. And the matched breaths.
All the worries and troubles are pushed aside to be another day's problem.
For now, you'll rest.
please like and reblog if you enjoy my work. for requests.
for more of my work.
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webbedphantom · 2 months
... So in my time not sleeping since 4 AM yesterday (yeah I never got that nap. Insomnia sucks), I've been rewatching a retrospective of the old Sonic comics in semi-preparation for the Multi-muse that will launch... eventually. Which gave me an idea that I think I'm going to commit to.
I'm gonna read all of Archie Sonic.
But not just that, I think it'd be fun to make an adventure out of it, read a new issue each day and chronical my thoughts on it on the new account when it launches. Because in spite of how big of a fan I am of the character and his world, I've never actually read the biggest part of his history. I've seen chunks of it through the new waves of Retrospectives, and I did try to get into a few times before it got cancelled. Once during the Reboot Post Mega Man crossover (gotta read that too, I've been getting more into the Blue Bomber lately), once during the sequel to that crossover which I sadly never got to finish (even though it was awesome but the library I was borrowing them from didn't have the second half available), and finally once a few months before the end, picking up the Sonic Archives starting with the Sonic Adventure arc. I actually managed to buy a few of them, as well as the two issues of Sonic Mega Drive which I just ADORE
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But the thing is... this is a lot to go through, and I mean a LOT. The comic released over 500 issues during its 20+ year run, in varying degrees of quality. And while I do want to tackle all of it eventually, including the fan made continuation which I've heard good things about, I think I'm going to need to take it in chunks if I've got any chance of finishing it.
... also gotta watch SatAM because I've never seen that either.
So, you might be wondering why I'm even posting this here. Well, I'm indecisive and I don't know if I should start from the beginning, start from issue #160 where Ian Flynn took over the book and it actually gets good, or if I should start in the middle with the Sonic Adventure stuff like I had tried before.
And instead of just flipping a coin on it, I'm just gonna let you guys decide!
... And before you ask, I'm not touching Knuckles yet. I'm not ready for Knuckles.
He's rougher than the rest of them.
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noelsfielding · 1 year
I am so sorry to come to you with this but I am honestly lost and you are the closest reference I have about Noel Fielding, I am a BIG fan of Noel, have been for years, and with the Russell stuff comming up I have started getting a bunch of Tik Toks and some post about Noel also being a predator and dating minors, this is hugelly distressing for me as I have a deep an fixated Interest (I am hoping you undestand how that is) Do you know anything about this? Do any of the acusations hold water? I am so scared and worried, he has been a confort for me in very hard times and I must admit I am finding all of this very difficult to navegante
I have had to take a few days to digest all this information myself and I can't and won't tell anyone the right or wrong way to feel about this but I will say, here is where I am at...
I believe the victims of assault, whomever they accuse.
I have not seen any accusations of misconduct against Noel specifically, I have only seen his questionable relationship with Peaches Geldof resurface. This transpired over a decade ago.
I believe that people are capable of change and growth.
I believe that people who make mistakes should be held accountable for their mistakes.
I believe that Noel has had more than one friend who was and still is inappropriate with women, I am not under the impression Noel is that person any longer. I have no idea the extent of his knowledge of the inappropriate behaviour of the others.
Some might try to say OF COURSE he knew, but I had a friend in a band with a VERY BAD person and the whole band had ZERO idea because MOST people like that go to extensive lengths to hide their bad behaviour.
I can't comment on Russell at this time, I have not watched the expose myself but again, my instinct is to believe the victims first. I am disappointed to say the bare minimum.
I have also been recently disappointed with Richard Ayoade throwing his support for someone who is anti-trans. I understand some feel they can separate a person from their morality, but I struggle with that the older I get.
I want everyone to know that their complex feelings on this matter are valid. I am not a big subscriber to the concept of cancel culture, but I am a big proponent of accepting and owning responsibility and accountability and knowing that it is possible to love someone while also recognizing and not excusing their lesser behaviours.
We can talk more on this as things unfold, everyone is welcome to come into this post or inbox and share how they feel, all the feelings are valid and I don't want to see a single person attacking another for feeling differently. Everyone is going to have a myriad of feelings regarding this no matter what happens from this point on and even if we disagree, we should RESPECT.
At this time, the time of me penning this reply, I believe that Noel is a decent person. I think he's a grown man, partner and father and has moved away from a lot of the debauchery of his past, including his times with Russell. I think it's possible that as a 'friend' he turned a blind eye to things and may have even engaged in some inappropriate relationships in the past, but I don't believe that is who he is now. While I am of course disappointed in those things, I can also say there are many things from my life 10+ years ago I am disappointed in too, so I don't feel like I have the right to judge too harshly. I also know that what the press reports and what happens behind closed doors are not always the same and things can easily be blown out of proportion. But at the same time I also know if it walks and talks like a duck....
Feelings are complex, opinions as well. I hold many in my head at a time and I feel like, ultimately what I am trying to say is... I want to believe in the Noel I have come to adore over all these years. The one with great imagination, compassion for the underdogs, and the childlike spirit that makes us all feel so comfortable and safe.
I am very interested to see if he makes any comments in the coming weeks and I hope that I can stand by this statement as time passes. I love all my fieldmice and am here for you while you navigate your own feelings at this time.
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viathecloset · 6 months
Dear Taetae lovers,
I write to you all with utmost respect and understanding, don't mind sharing this with your circles as you like as well.
Let me start off by thanking the wonderful and extremely professional fan bases and their admins who are ever so hardworking and dedicated without missing a beat. (With a few going on an indefinite rest today I thank you all so very much for your dedication and love)
I just deactivated my twitter accounts today, I have been planning on for a while now but today felt apt enough.
Taehyung has worked so incredibly hard throughout his career, but especially since the second half of last year and with the beginning of layover we've got endless content from him, even after he enlisted we got multiple photoshoots, an MV as an actor, a gift song and a digital single all in just 3 months. I couldn't have been more greatful to witness such artist who is so very passionate about his own craft and loves his fans so dearly. Every moment of it ive thoroughly enjoyed and made me proud of my artist.
That being said, the outside hasn't been quite a pretty site to say the least, constantly tagging the incompetent agency, huge blunders, sales being cancelled, fraudlence over that faced with hypocrisy of the fandom, shippers, biased armys, boycott, shippers, other fandoms everything, everything has been so tough, even on mental health sometimes, and said fanbases and our fellow Taehyung lovers have constantly defended and stood up for him, which might have inturn be a little stressful on us who just wanted to appreciate our favorite artist.
I just want to say to yall that you've done well, you've worked hard. But very there is going to be an unavoidable drought we might be facing very soon though. And it might be a long one. I just want to say, take that break, keep your playists running, stream anyway you want, appreciate him but if u need to take a break, go ahead and do it, its okay, we can come back anytime he comes too, its gonna get a little quieter now though but don't worry, the love isn't going anywhere, we shall keep showering him with so much adoration, we shall hype his activities, we shall keep streaming,buying and voting as necessary but take a break if u must, there's a world outside X or Instagram or anything for that matter. Do what you must, take that break off socials trust me Taehyung would love it if you prioritized real life before social media. You did well, we can sit down now it's okay ♡
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xoxoemynn · 7 months
I'm glad you feel at least a teensy bit better after sleeping. I feel pretty out of it. I've had a few weeks of ups and downs that have left me pretty exhausted before this news.
I hope you don't mind me leaving a message here. I've never been part of the fandom community, just outside of it, so I'm not even really feeling the 'at least we still have each other' sentiment. Ofmd helped me revive my creativity after years of not creating anything when I used to do so much. I'm still slower at it than I used to be, but it's a start. It's something.
Ofmd gave me the strength to come out at work, to be myself in most parts of my life rather than just carefully cultivated moments. I've found strength I never knew I had. Ffs I'm doing diversity training information stuff now??
I feels good. Feels great. And I really don't think it was a long shot to think that a successful, critically acclaimed show would get rescued. (I did wonder if making it very clear how valuable it was made HBO have an insane asking price but I hope not)
And I know s2 ended neatly (thank god) but I was so on board with Jenkins' view of "the will-they-won't-they is the least interesting part of a romance". Because you never see the payoff! It's just oh they're together now, the end, and you don't get to experience the characters as a couple. The story was the development of Ed and Stede's relationship, and a 3rd part would have given us the full scope of that.. *sigh
Idk I guess I'm just at a bit of a loss. Feeling empty. I was already struggling posting my work, or thinking how to adjust how I do it, because I don't feel its good enough for this fandom (which in my very limited experience feels very clique-y? If you're not in with the cool kids then no one cares and I'm too old for this!) It's all a bit "what's the point" I guess. I expect it'll pass but aaa, man. Y’know. Rant over, thanks for reading ^^'
The deepest of sighs, the tightest of hugs.
I feel you. Starting work today with swollen eyes and a tired heart. It sucks. This all just really sucks. And yes, I'm so grateful we got the show at all, I'm so grateful for the cast/crew, I'm so grateful for this fandom and the friends I made along the way. But this show, that did EVERYTHING RIGHT, ended before its time. And there's no getting around that just really, really sucks.
You're right, I don't think it was ridiculous to believe our renewal efforts might be successful. Because it SHOULD have been! It was a beautiful show with a passionate fan base that was also viewed very favorably by critics. In any sane world, OFMD's renewal would have been a given. And it's not silly or stupid to hope for good things to happen in a world where so often good things don't. The solution to the world being a shit show isn't to just bow our heads and accept it. It's to keep hope alive because yes, it might turn out different this time! Beautiful things deserve to be cherished, and that's what we did and will continue to do with OFMD. OFMD wasn't canceled due to a lack of love. It was corporate greed, pure and simple, and unfortunately that's a really difficult evil to fight against. But we still gave it our all, and people and the industry took note. That's no small feat.
And the show did so much for all of us! I'm so happy it gave you the strength to come out at work and live more in your authentic self. That's huge! That's the power of good art. And that's something studio heads can never take into account while they plug figures into their calculators and huff and puff about the numbers not being there.
I do hope you'll post your work, and share whatever you feel comfortable sharing. We really are of all skill levels here, and I've found genuine love of the show/its characters > the most technically well-written fic on the planet. I do hear what you say about it feeling cliquey, but for what it's worth, I also think it's very welcoming to newcomers? I realize that sounds like a contradiction. But I do think people have just kind of naturally formed little social circles of their friends and it can feel hard to break into, especially if you're an introvert like me. But I think if you start just getting in people's inboxes or reblogging with tags that show your personality/opinions/whatever, you'll start naturally forming those groups on your own. I'd also really recommend the OFMD Fic Club server if you're trying to get the courage to start posting your own work. It's a really supportive community there of people who've been posting for decades, as well as those who are just beginning to plan their very first fic.
Anyway, this is getting long and rambling so I'll end it here, but please know I'm sending you SO much love. It sucks right now but we'll get through it. And my DMs are open if you ever just want to chat. 💕
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magicxc · 1 year
What Will It Take
Pairings: Luke James x Black Reader
Word Count: 3235
Warnings: Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Reverse Cowgirl, Spanking, Hint of a Breeding Kink, Pain Kink if You Squint, Real Hard
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BBJ Masterlist
“Warriors for the Dub,” I confidently yelled across the hall. 
Chuckling as I stride back into the office, coffee in hand, I’m mad excited for tonight's game. Right now it’s a toss up between the Warriors and the Cavaliers and my hating ass coworker is a diehard Lebron fan. I’m talking this man can do no wrong. And I’m all for Lebron don't get me wrong, I can respect the hustle, but that man cries way too much for my taste. Just get in there and play the fucking game without calling for fouls every quarter. 
The door slamming against the wall interrupts my thoughts and I look up to see just who has the motherfuckin audacity; my posture relaxing as soon as I eye Damon’s bitch ass stepping through the threshold.
“Ayo for real that boy Curry is done for,” he boomed. “So you might as well just run me my money right now.” 
“Just because your rent is due doesn't mean you get to walk around here harassing people; budget better bitch.” 
“Ain’t nobody short on money Luke it- matter of fact, lets double up on it.”
“You really wanna go double or nothing?” I questioned. 
“That’s what I just said, don’t bitch out on me now.”
“Damon ain’t nobody worried about a few dollars,” I countered. “That’s chump change.”
Damon is what I’d like to call a competitive wagerer. That man will quadruple up on a losing bet even if all he has to give for it is the pants around his ass. Just constantly tripling up on a stake in hopes that the next one guarantees him a pocketful of money. How he still walks around here with two fully functioning knee caps is beyond me. 
“Ain’t y’all niggas spose to be working?” comes a voice chiming in from the door. 
“Yes sir, I’m just finalizing some of these last minute reports before I hand them over to Luke for the Swiss fiscal account.”
“That’s real cute Damon, but I heard you motherfuckers all the way from the bathroom.”
“Well what you riding a nigga for then?” Damon groaned. 
“My bad boss,” I conceded. “But by the end of the day all the statements will have been completed.”
“If y’all two sons of bitches gone be gambling in my establishment, at least have the decency to do it quietly,” he barked. “And while we’re at it, Luke, I need you to stay behind tonight to get a head start on the Cayman Island accounts.”
“My man, any other night and I got you, but tonight is the finals and I already have everything all set up.” 
“Luke, if I don’t see at least some headway on those reports by tomorrow, don’t even bother coming in.”
“Sheesh, so much for a work environment that feels like family.” 
“Damon shut yo ass up and clock out while you at it,” he ordered, stomping out the room; Damon angrily puffing behind him.
“Fuuuck,” I muttered. 
Five days worth of planning down the damn drain. I’m talking surround sound installed and ready to go. Acoustic panel strips glued to the door of my mancave for the perfect noise cancellation, effectively soundproofing it. And wings from my favorite spot preordered and ready to deliver for the exact time I pulled into the driveway. Deadass, the only thing I had left to do was take a quick shower once I got inside. And with how long it takes me to get home once I got off, I would’ve been out the tub just in time for player introductions.
Now my boss wants me to sort through this pile of shit tonight? It’s gonna take me at least an hour to make even an ounce of progress trying to unscramble these makeshift ass policy reports. Truth be told, he’s only doing this cause he thought his underdog ass team was gonna come through and make their way to the finals. Well jokes on him cause the Celtics haven’t been relevant since Rondo was on that bitch. I mean he’s a cool boss when he’s ready, but I need to square up with him at least once outside of work hours. Nothing too hectic, just long enough to let out some frustrations. 
Tonight's game starts at 7:00, meanwhile I just barely wrapped up everything for the Swiss fiscal accounts; my impatience growing as I eye the current time of 6:30. Vigorously rubbing my temples, I let out a sigh of annoyance as it dawns on me that I may very well spend the first half of the game in this office - all my weeks worth of preparation wasted. 
Sending a quick text to my wife that I’ll be working overtime, I set up the game on my phone and give myself until the end of the first quarter before I call it a night; opting to stream it for some background noise. 
Halfway into the second quarter, I’m just shy three pages into the Cayman Island files, stopping every so often to watch Draymond run a foul. Honestly I couldn’t tell what’s going on with that paperwork, but I’ll be damned if I sit here and find out. The very least I can do is finish up these last two quarters in the comfort of my home. Boss said I had to make some headway not finish it, I thought to myself as I packed up to leave.  
“Boy aint no fucking way,” I screamed to no one in particular, hands slamming against the steering wheel; those orange striped cones tall and unwavering as they barricade the street, mocking me. 
Ten minutes into my drive home and my usual route, of all times, is blocked off. Now I gotta take the residential area which is chocked full of stop signs and speed limit ass followers. The third quarter is just beginning and the fleeting thought crosses my mind about finishing the game at the nearest bar; dismissing the idea soon after, my heart intent on salvaging whatever is left of this night.  
Five minutes away from my house, the sportscaster announces the end of the third quarter with the Warriors at 88 and The Cavaliers at 73. They cut for a short commercial break and I floor it the rest of the way home, fingernails digging painfully into my palms. 
Bursting through the front door, I fling my jacket on the back of the couch. My tie follows shortly after, softly slithering onto the floor. Feet noisily slipping out of each shoe, it’s become a messy clothing trail left behind; a chaotic version of footprints left in the sand, and although my steps can be retraced, it’s far from picturesque. 
Mancave be damned I think, making a beeline for the front room which to my surprise is already playing tonight’s game. I plop into the seats, confusion etching onto my features as I get the strangest case of deja vu. 
“I swear I’ve seen this before,” I whisper. 
Sitting up further, ass dangling off the edge of the seat, this game is starting to look a little more familiar than I’d like. And it isn’t until I peep the infamous two player scuffle that I realise it's an old game, head hanging in irritation as I pinch the bridge of my nose to calm my nerves. 
A quiet, but unmistakable giggle sounds from behind me and I turn around to eye none other than the culprit herself, bursting into hysterics like shit is funny. 
I go and make my way to the basement to try the game down there, but I just about tore that place up looking for the remote. Stomping up the stairs, I try our bedroom as a last resort to see the actual game playing; only it's muted. Eyeing the remote, relief washes over me and I quickly snatch it off the dresser trying to press the buttons as I aim it at the tv every which way, to no avail. 
Muffled laughter in the background has me turning over the remote to see that the batteries are missing. Tongue poking against my cheek, I try to weigh my options of giving into her shenanigans or just watching the game on my phone like I did earlier tonight; not that I think she’ll let me. 
We’re currently in the fourth quarter with 10 minutes left on the clock and everyone still has all their timeouts so I can realistically catch another 25 minutes of game time. Again, I doubt I'll get a chance to watch any of that, at home that is. 
And I peep exactly what’s happening too, she ain't slick. Knowing how important this game is, she chooses to pull these childish ass stunts to get a rise outta me cause apparently I get “erotically aggressive” when I’m frustrated, or in this case, competitive. 
Albeit, I think it’s mostly stemming from boredom. Something about taking matters into her own hands cause she's been feeling overlooked lately. But I’ve promised her more quality time between us as soon as I wrapped up the Swiss fiscal accounts. That project has taken more time away from us than I’d like, but it was crucial that I made the deadline. Shit, the bonus coming my way has already been spent if I’m being honest. I even made plans to take a few days off from work in preparation for a surprise getaway to show her how sorry I really am. Then she goes and pulls this fuckery. This right here is why she can’t have nice things. 
“Y/N, please don’t do this, at least not tonight,” I warned. 
Stepping into the room, batteries in hand, she twirls them through her fingers taunting me with each swipe, pondering exactly what I’d do for the batteries in question. 
“Imma count to 3.”
“ONE!” she so boldly started for me. 
Head cocked to the side, I have to forcibly tuck my lips between my teeth to hide the impressed grin that threatens to show. Meanwhile her eyes are narrowed into slits just daring me to make the first move; and I’ll be damned if I don't. 
“Three,” I barked. 
Stalking towards her, I scoop Y/N up and over my shoulder to which she purposely tosses the batteries throughout the room. I land a handful of smacks to her ass, clenched fists beating on my back in return. Slamming her onto the bed, I crawl between those pretty, brown thighs and wrap my hand around her neck. 
“You wanted my attention so badly mamas, now show me why you should keep it.”
A dry, gagging sounds from the back of her throat, but I don’t have time for nonsense tonight. Releasing her neck I send a quick love tap to Y/N’s cheek, instructing her to tell me what’s next. 
Pushing me to the side, Y/N quickly switches positions as she straddles me, grinding her clothed pussy into my dick while she catches her breath. 
Swallowing a groan, I send a sharp smack to her thighs and demanded a speed up in pace, lowkey hoping to have a quickie so I can get back to the game. 
Scrambling, she reaches for her shirt and throws it over her head, my favorite laced bra flying not too far behind. My dick twitches as the sight before me, pathetically rubbing against the friction of my pants while she plays with her nipples until they harden underneath the touch. Moans tumble from those luscious lips as she begins to circle her hips over mine once more, rubbing her core deliberately into the growing tent of my pants. 
Raising up ever so slightly, Y/N’s underwear follows suit and she so boldly crawls over to my face, easing on down until her lower lips align with mine. Hands cradled around her plump ass cheeks, I pulled her closer and got to work, munching on the pussy like it was my last meal. 
Tongue swirling through her slippery folds, I slide it further toward the glistening center, flattening it as I apply some much needed pressure. Hips thrashing away, I clamp down on her thighs until she has nowhere to run, intent on letting her feel every ridge of my tongue as it slithers toward the throbbing of her hooded clit. 
We build a nice rhythm, the buckling of her hips a clear indication. Head thrown back, her hand tightly grips the headboard as the other sinks into my hair, roughly pulling on my coils while she whimpers into the quiet night. Body quivering above mine, I begin sucking on her clit without relent and it doesn’t take long until Y/N stiffens, a mouth full of her sweet essence the end result of a wave well rode. 
Shallow panting turns into quiet breathing and usually after an orgasm, she tends to doze off, but I'll be damned if she gets a good night's rest after tonight's mischief. Shuffling on the bed, my clothes land next to hers in the corner of the room, my dick now at full attention.
Sliding my hands up to her waist, I hurl her onto the mattress below. Back to the sheets and legs spread eagle, I instruct her to finish what she started. Deciding to crawl on top of me, I stopped her mid-climb emphasizing, “aht aht aht, turn around and give me sumn good to watch.” 
Tongue seductively gliding over her bottom lip, Y/N sends a knowing smirk my way as she readies herself to ride me reverse cowgirl. Hands wrapped around my dick, she gives it a few strokes, pussy teasingly hovering over where I need it most. A thunderous smack to her thighs gets the message going, her shrill shrieking turning me on a little more than I expected. Hips finally lowering onto my shaft, I let out a breathy moan, fingers sinking into her soft skin, all but ready to slam her all the way down. 
“Mhnmmm, stop playing and put that pussy on this dick mamas,” I groaned. “C’mon and soak it real good for me.”
Knees connected to the sheets, one hand cradles my thigh for support while the other guides just the tip along her sopping lips. Now moist with her slick, Y/N raises up entirely and continues to jerk me, head diving down south to swallow my nuts whole.
“Aghhh shit, where the fuck you learn th-”
Pressure on my sac and hands swiftly stroking my length has me turning pussy real quick, encouraging her to keep going, my earlier outburst quickly forgotten. It may not be the sensation I was going for, but it for damn feels good as hell. Fingers digging into her flesh, they envelop those thick thighs, opting instead to knead them soothingly, sensually - her warm skin almost as sizzling as my desire, our low grunts bouncing against the still walls.
“You missed me real bad huh? Show me just how much.”
Tongue sliding against my balls, I feel every ridged texture coupled with the strokes she refuses to slow down on, it makes for a mind blowing sensation. Eyes rolling back, I almost miss the way her pussy slowly drips on my belly. 
Removing my hand, I slide a thumb inside, sending slow, languid thrusts. After a few minutes, I inch my thumb closer to her clit, rubbing that mother fucker in steady motions of figure eights. Mouth hung open and hand movements sluggish, we stayed like that for a moment; slowly milking each other to the brink of pleasure.
Releasing my member Y/N sits up, my thumb falling to my side. Hands now resting on my thighs as she makes eye contact over her shoulder while slowly sliding down my shaft.
“This feel good baby?” she faux’s innocence. This woman is gonna be the end of me. 
“Mhmm, squeeze me how you know I like it.” 
That kegal shit she does makes my eyes cross over. The way her warm walls hug my dick in all its spongy goodness, mhnnmm fuck I could stay like this forever. 
Grabbing a handful of each ass cheek, I help guide her on a rhythm that makes us both feel good, one where she actually makes use of her ankles instead of scooting on my dick like she’s trying to push in a chair. It's a position where I know she won't last long but also one where she experiences the best orgasms. Apparently from this position my dick rubs along her clit in all the right places and I ain’t mad at a two for one special. 
Sitting forward, weight pressed on her forearms, Y/N garners better control and starts to bounce on me in earnest. 
“Unhh, just like that keep going,” I grunt.  
“Tell me you love me,” she screams. 
“I love you.”
Raising my hips to meet hers, I grab a hold of her waist and drive into that pussy full force, the headboard viciously knocking into the wall behind us.
“Say it again Luke!”
“I love you,” I croak. 
“Tell me what you want baby,” she coos. 
Coming up off her forearms, Y/N slowly sits up and gets into a squatting position, hands nestled on her kneecaps as she readies herself to drain me dry. 
Intensely rocking her hips, the steady sound of skin slapping against skin fades into the background as my heartbeat loudly pounds in my ears, toes tightly curled while my hips continue to meet hers thrust for thrust. 
“mamas *thrust* I’m so *thrust* sorry,” I growl. 
“Aghhh say it again.”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” is the tantrum that spills from my lips, shouting as I hit my peak. Fingers damn near embedded into her skin while I empty my load inside her fertile walls. 
Y/N comes shortly after, her juices splashing around us. Falling on top of me, her back to my chest, I wrap my arms around her as we lay there in our post orgasmic bliss, heavy breathing coming to a slow stop.
“Mamas, I am so sorry that you’ve felt the need to resort to this as a result of my neglect,” I apologized. 
“Luke, I just wanted you present is all, I feel like we were starting to drift and I got scared.” 
“No, no, no if ONLY you knew what I had in store for you; but I’ll do my best to at least check in when work seems never ending,” I assured her. 
Holding up her pinky, I lock mine with hers to which we share a kiss to our thumbs and then to each other. Promising a better act of communication between us, I wrap her in my arms and assault her face with slobbery kisses, encouraging her to never pull this shit again and to get a full night's rest as she’ll need her energy for the morning.  
The game is still playing mute in the background and from what I can see they just wrapped up, GSW blowing a perfectly good 15 point lead. 
“Well I’ll be damned. Damon really did win the bet, and double at that.”
A vibration from my phone has me already knowing who’s on the other line but I don’t have time for that man’s antics tonight. I can wait a few more hours before I have to sit up and listen to non stop gloating.
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moonpoolcat · 3 months
Hi Everyone!
About me
♢Hello whoever you are that has fallen into my cave of an account. I go by many names, but I am normally referred to as as Tiny. (If you know me personally I'm Sirina and hi you found me!) I'm a small artists an writer with adhd. I'm still learning new techniques so don't mind me experimenting every once in a while. I struggle with intense paranoia and a horrible sleep schedule, I have not posted to tumblir in years but I am hoping to make a fresh start after departing from the hell hole known as twitter. After recently being discarded by the last fandom I had been a part of I currently am searching for a new fandom to call home. I hope to get to know you all and I'm looking forward to making some new friends. 💙 ♢Extra: I do have an IRL job so posts will be extremely slow, drawing is a hobby after all.
♢What to expect: Realism- lots of realism. If I can draw it, I can make it real. Do not be surprised if I am absent for a long time an suddenly post out of nowhere.
♢This is a personal one please by all means do not take my words to heart. I can be overly blunt an brutally honest. I don't, mean any harm, if you feel like I was too harsh please let me know.
⚠️Content warning 🔞
In regards to this I would like to give a little bit of context on this matter I am going to address to my younger viewers. I am NOT responsible if you're in any shape or form confused or uncomfortable as I put this here specifically so you can read this. I am NOT your parents. I'm not responsible to monitor your activity here. In no way shape or form am I going to censor myself because you found my content an just said ew. None of you are entitled to come in here an tell me what to do with my art. That goes for the adults as well. If I catch you little turds trying to act more than your age I'm going to treat you like one an break a new reality into your little heads. You can easily block my account an be on your way. This is your only warning. The following is a list of said content Mild nudity, expression of anatomy exposure of skin explicit themes or suggestive poses. Gore is also included as it will be a heavy theme in some posts. look at your own discretion so i'm just gonna dump a bunch a tags you can use.
For my ask box I actually do take suggestive requests! Again please tag them correctly and do not send anything that has been controversial or associated with anything that might get my ass canceled over the internet. #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive #tw body horror #cw gore,# cw body horror,
Other fandoms of interests
♢ Anything anthro ♢ Cult of the lamb ♢ Mlp ♢ Warrior cats ♢ Wof ♢ Welcome home ♢ Any fandom I can obsess over an get my hands on Response time I cannot for the life of me respond fast enough, if I do congrats. I'm not on social media regularly so do not expect me to be on every day. This goes for dms as well. What I do allow I have seen the abyss of twitter so I am putting this here now. ♢Interaction art between ocs ♢Memes ♢Fanart ♢SFW ships ♢Shit posts ♢Literature posts (if you're feeling a little handsy I don't mind fanfiction) DO NOT make it nsfw if you aren't going to tag it correctly! ♢I have no problem with ocs or characters flirting with each other just ask first as a heads up. What I don't allow ♢Spamming of inbox ♢Unconsented shipping: I do not allow unwanted shipping of my characters an ocs- (I know where you are..) even if it is harmless please do not do this without my consent first. ♢Nothing personal but anyone below 18 must refrain from dm me as my safety as well as yours is important. I know some older users allow this however I don't. Do not lie about your age Any miss information may result in you getting blocked. ♢For my younger anxiety induced users this may be an acceptation if not rarely as I understand social interactions is hard. ♢Do anything I will not tolerate bullying, toxic behavior, instigating, gaslighting, or any form of harassment that might hurt others. Failure to do so will result in an instant block. ♢ Spam requesting art of ocs.
Protection of art All extremely art related posts will be watermarked. If you or anyone else spot someone stealing or claiming the art is theirs feel free to report them. My tags that I probably won't remember #rainworld epoch au #rainworld epoch #moonpooldraws #rw oc #my ocs #askmoonpool #rambling moonpool #Moonpoolwrites Programs used Firealpaca- that's it. What did you expect?
List of characters (so far) Epoch Looks to the Moon (So far as I intended on updating her ref soon.) LORE! Epoch Moon Backstory (Long version)
This is a WIP I'll add more later on. Did you make it to the end? Good. Have a nice day ye little gremlins.
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