#I messed up the hearts a bit but it's okayyy
petals-and-all · 4 months
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[ Self indulgent Panqueerplatonic Aroace Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer ) moodboard with themes of desserts and cats ]
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imaginewarehouse · 2 years
Yandere!Marcus White x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're having a thing with Marcus as, just, rebound stuff. He's someone, to you, to have some fun with, and help forget about the guy that broke your heart. And he knows this. He knows what he is to you- what he is supposed to be in this situation.
But he has no intention of letting you go- especially not when your ex starts trying to get you back.
Warnings: Yandere character, Age Difference (Marcus is like, early to mid 30's and you're fresh outta college), Emotional Manipulation, sexual references, a dose of sexism- okay so this got a little away from me XDD I think you'd be better off with your douchewagon of an ex in this one- but I hope someone with just as messed up a mind as I do somewhere, likes this XD
Tags: @flowercrowns-goodvibesand @one-edgy-bitch
"Okayyy, haha. I've got to go, now," You grin, pulling away even as Marcus tries to follow you, and forcing a giggle at his playful actions before letting him go; Stepping back. "Breaks over, lover boy. Time to get back to work."
"Come on... "
"Don't 'come on', me... I'm coming over to your place after work!- you can wait til then!" Shaking your head at him with a gentle, perturbed grin on your face, you're about to step further away- when your phone suddenly dings. And as you pull it out of your pocket and take a look at the message, Marcus takes you by the hips and guides you back to him as he leans against the wall once again.
The next words uttered are from Marcus, and theirs a marginally more serious tone to his voice. Probably due to your sudden change in body language, getting stiffer, as you read the message. "Who's that?... " He asks quietly, thumbs brushing over the skin showing between your shirt and your jeans. You glance at him, heart racing suddenly, before swiftly pocketing the phone, and flashing a smile; But removing his hands from your body.
"Just a data alert." Yes, you feel bad for lying, but you aren't about to tell him that it was your ex boyfriend saying hi. That would be way too awkward.
What Marcus doesn't know, isn't going to hurt him.
Immediately that dumb, handsome smile returns to his face and you feel relief simmer in you. "Okay! So- you're definitely coming over tonight, right??"
You nod, quickly. "Definitely! Now, I gotta go take over for Garret! See ya!"
"Wait- " You'd already turned around to rush off... maybe to respond to that text you received, if your heart can calm down for a damn second... but Marcus' call makes you stop, turn around. He's now standing up straight, towering over you, and his arms wrap around your body once again; Pulling you up against his.
"Oh. Watch those hands, Marcus, remember we're at work~" You joke light-heartedly, at the advance, but your giggles are cut off abruptly when he kisses you. Its an oddly deep kiss, for the moment; His lips seeming to totally encompass you as he applies pressure, and you almost lose yourself in it. Almost getting dizzy, as you allow yourself to be deterred by him- afterall, that's why you're together. A good old romp to get your mind off a painful ex. A rebound.
The feeling of his hands drifting down a bit too far, though, wakes up. And you end the kiss- snatching up his wrists, and placing them back in front of him with playful wink. "What'd I say?"
Then you turn on his cheekily smirking face, and successfully walk off.
Marcus watches you turn the corner, before revealing your phone in his hand, which was hidden from your view as you had walked off, and switches it on as he leans back against the wall. Just chilling... snooping... Its fine. He had a pal in prison who did the exact same thing with his gal, and they're going strong 30 years, now. "Okay, Y/N... lets see what's really going on, here... "
When he sees the most recent message, not even opened yet, a disappointed frown immediately spreads across his face. He sighs. "Oh, Y/N... " Then, realising you did not start contact with your ex, on further inspection... Marcus' eyes narrow. A dangerously displeased, almost mad look appears in his eyes. "Oh, hell no."
Because he can talk to you. You're maybe having a bad day if you text your ex, and he can convince you that that's a bad idea.
But if its your ex texting you- that's a threat. Marcus has to do something about this.
He's not going to let you get swept away from him- he has a plan, see? Yeah, he agreed that what the two of you had would just be rebound fun... but that's just for now. You're going to fall for him; That's how it works. You two'll be regular romantic comedy material, he's sure. He's just got to convince you that this is right, then you're going to realise what he already knows, that you two are meant for each other, and rebound sex will turn into making love; He'll be your boyfriend, not just your Guy. And your husband, too, one day. He knows it'll work.
But this could destroy his chances entirely. This is a huge problem. He's got to get rid of this.
After getting to his place and returning your phone, convincing you that you must have accidentally shoved it in his pocket rather then yours seeing as you two were so wrapped up together- you and Marcus found yourselves in the kitchen... after fucking, that is. There's a tub of ice cream between you as you chat about your days, and Marcus is living. He cant help but think this is how it should be. You in his shirt, giggling at jokes he's made, eating ice cream after mind-blowing sex with him.
That should be every day!
And it will- as long as he can put you off your ex.
"Hm," He chuckles, loving the sound of your laughter when he throws a zinger at you... but, unfortunately, knowing he's gotta change tact soon, if he's going to make any headway today, with your whole... douchebag ex, situation. "So... when I realised I had your phone... I might have noticed something... "
Your spoon stops on its way to the ice cream, and its a dead give away that you're hiding something. Even though he knows what's going on, he hates that you haven't been honest with him. If you're going to be married some day, you're going to have to trust him. Every sturdy relationship is built on honesty, and trust. Oh, he'll teach you. "... Oh?... "
Feigning awkwardness, which is not hard at all because this is an awkward conversation, Marcus rolls his shoulders back before he starts. "Was that, um, your... ex? That texted you?"
Immediately, you droop. You leave your spoon in the ice cream tub, and avoid his gaze. Its cute. Sighing, you take a deep breath after a moment, and nod. "Yeah... it was." Good girl.
Marcus cant help but wonder whether you're nervous because he found out, though, or because this... guy... makes you nervous.
He wants to be the one making you nervous.
Faking a relaxed demeanour, though, Marcus shrugs; Focusing on the delicious treat between you. "What does that douchebag want?"
"Marcus!" You gasp, and his blood boils. What? He's not allowed to call your ex a douche? He left you!!
Ugh, he has to shut this down now.
"What? He hurt you, didn't he? 'M just being a good friend... Just a little... protective over you, you know? You don't deserve to be treated like that." And with him, you would never get hurt like that. God, why cant you just see that he's the right one for you? Why doe she have to jump through hoops?
Fuck, Y/N!
Marcus blood pressure is definitely rising as he works himself up, but he tries to stifle it; To shut it down. Because you look so fucking cute, blushing and embarrassed. "Yeah... I know." You speak softly, looking down at your lap. "I was just with him for long y-you know?? I just... he has me wrapped around his little finger, and I... I don't know... how to escape." You deflate like a sad balloon, pouting, and it takes everything in Marcus not to squeeze sense into you. He settles for taking one of your hands in his over the table; Being a comfort.
Oh... Y/N, you don't know anything about being wrapped around someone's finger. You've got him in a Chinese fucken finger trap. And you don't even know it!
"Hey," He pushes through the intrusive thoughts, thinking that you're such a bitch for saying these things to him, such a thoughtless, naïve, little bitch. Because he would never say those things to you, never. He loves you, and he would never want to make you feel sad... Even if you destroy him. "I get it. I do. But... its not forever, you know? I'm here to help you." He forces a kind smile, feeling it become real as you give one back; Optimism and warmth in your sweet, innocent face as you look up at him. Him! "And part of that, is not letting you text that asshole back."
"... You're sweet, Marcus."
A bashful grin flashes across his face. "You're sweeter."
Oh, that was such a sweet moment between us, Marcus thinks, grinning at you. That's what he craves.
Days full of cute moments like that between me, and my lovely little stay-at-home, mother-of-my-kids. My little, dumb wife.
A perfect life with her.
... Then you snort. "Haha- that was reeal cute, there. Lets try not to let it happen again, though, okay?" You giggle, visibly cringing as you return to the tub of ice cream, scraping out a nice mouthful of the creamy substance. Marcus feels his heart thud at it, though, and the grin is wiped clean off of his face.
... Stupid fucking bitch. What the hell was that!? That was foul. You really should get punished for something like that- you're just lucky you're not at that point, yet. When you're his, undoubtedly his... then... Well, then you'll just have to learn how to fucking behave.
For now though, Marcus pastes on a smile; Only squeezing your hand a little harder instead of telling you what for.
"Yeah, hah... Kinda dumb." He forces the words out, watching you grin and nod your head, sucking on the spoon. Rolling his shoulders once again to relieve the tension, Marcus moves on. "So... y'think you're gonna text that fucker back?"
Looking thoughtful for a moment, frowning as your eyes fall downcast and your teeth nibble on the end of the utensil between your teeth - honestly making Marcus a little hard at the sight, - , you honestly leave him hanging for a few moments... before you finally shrug. "I don't think so. You're right, he did hurt me, and... the easiest way to get over him, I guess, is to ignore him." Your eyes flicker up, wide and adorable, to his. "Right?"
When you smile, hop off the stool and onto his lap to finish the rest of the ice cream, Marcus smiles for real.
You're fucking perfect.
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mrsluthordanvers · 3 years
Day 2 - Secret
Read on AO3
As if getting the opportunity to meet and work with her role model wasn’t enough, now Nia’s meeting Lena Luthor over mimosas like it’s an ordinary day. A woman she had started following out of journalistic interest, only to quickly become a strong supporter as Lena navigated the mess her brother left behind. A woman she had only ever dared hope to meet in passing. She never imagined that Lena left L-Corp to visit CatCo very often with James Olsen as her CEO. 
Seeing them both at Kara’s brunch leaves her feeling light headed and starstruck. She can barely think of replies as she’s introduced to everyone because she’s trying not to blurt out how much she admires Lena the moment Kara introduces them. She already did that to Kara, and once was enough embarrassment for the week. It doesn’t help that two seconds after arriving she starts to realize that she’s in the presence of a National City power couple. The two of them are all soft touches and private smiles as Kara keeps Lena’s flute glass filled without being asked, and they share a single plate because Kara seems too busy flitting from conversation to conversation playing hostess to get her own food.
It takes time to adjust to this new reality.
It’s a couple weeks before Nia no longer feels like she’s fighting the urge to fangirl every time she talks to either woman. Her admiration for both women is still strong, but quickly morphing into something softer, sturdier, as they start to form something resembling a friendship.
It’s another few weeks before Nia feels confident enough in their friendship to tease Kara. She knows now that Kara and Lena are extremely private people and have not made any attempts to make their relationship public. But they aren’t really being discreet either. So when Kara asks Nia to cover her over lunch because she wants to bring Lena some Big Belly Burger for the third time that month, Nia cannot be held responsible if she feels like teasing Kara a little bit. 
“You got it, boss.” Nia winks, “your secret is safe with me.”
Nia just chuckles when Kara levels her with a look she can only assume is meant to be threatening. 
They repeat this process many times over the next month. Everytime Kara runs off to interview Lena, or have lunch with Lena, or leave work early to have dinner with Lena, Nia just smiles and winks, or makes a joke that makes herself laugh. 
“Why do you always do…that?” Kara finally asks as she motions at all of Nia. 
“Do what?”
“You know…” Kara shifts from foot to foot as she adjusts her glasses. “Every time I say I’m going to see Lena you…” Kara flails a hand at Nia before finishing lamely. “Wink.”
“Oh!” Nia turns in her chair and lowers her voice. “Because no one knows you’re dating.”
Kara chokes on air as she immediately starts laughing, her laughter fading quickly as Nia watches her with a confused look. 
“Lena and I aren’t dating!” 
“You’re not?” Nia asks, her eyes growing wide when Kara shakes her head. “Oh god! I’m so sorry. I just assumed, at brunch you two were so couply. And you always take her lunch. And you leave work together most of the time. I just thought-”
“-that we were dating.” Kara says softly, as she falls back into her desk chair.
Nia watches her stare off somewhere over her shoulder. 
“You really thought we were dating?” 
Nia nods. 
“Do you think Lena thinks we are dating?”
“Uhhh…” Nia freezes, unsure if Kara actually wants an answer. She’s saved when Kara stands up abruptly and pulls her bag over her head. 
“I think I have to go.”
“Okayyy.” Nia drawls, uncertainty colouring her tone as Kara starts to speed walk away only to turn back towards her at the last second, her hands wrapped around the strap across her chest. 
“What if she doesn’t?”
“Think that you’re dating?” Nia asks, trying her best to keep up.
Kara nods, her knuckles turning white as she twists her hands. It’s then that Nia realizes that Kara looks nervous and her heart melts.
“Kara…” Nia starts softly, watching as the kryptonians' eyes flick around the office. “If you’re worried that Lena doesn’t like you...I don’t think there’s anything for you to be worried about.” 
“Really. Really.”
“Okay.” Kara takes a deep breath and slowly releases it as she squares her shoulders. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” Nia smiles as Kara nods to herself one more time and heads towards the door. 
“Good luck!” Nia yells loudly across the nearly empty bullpen, unable to restrain herself from teasing just a little bit, even as she means every word. 
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jiminzfilter · 3 years
slow dancing in the night
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→ Pairing. Taehyung x reader
→ Genre. established relationship, fluff, slice of life, model!taehyung, model!reader, taehyung missed you a lot, he is starving (his words not mine), gets a bit hot by the last 40 lines, mentions of oral (f) so I guess this counts as mature content, implied smut, making out (kinda), there is a bit of swearing
→ Summary. what could possibly be better than coming home after a long day of work to someone you love and missed a lot ?
→ Word count. 3.2k (!!!)
→ because I wrote this over a year ago when I still didn't know what I was doing with my writing, I had to go through a deep process of editing and re-writing before posting it. This might not be my best work but it's still a fic that I really really like :,)
→ song rec. slow dancing in the dark, Joji// still with you, Jungkook
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Fridays have always been exhausting days for both you and your boyfriend, especially on runways weeks. As models, you were put under a lot of pressure.
Pressure to be perfect, to smile but never smile too much, to look good, to not fall on stage.
Falling has to be the most tragic thing that can happen to your carreer as a model, the hungry stares of thousands of photographers and reporters ready to share the latest news to the press.
Yeah, it was exhausting.
This week was no exception... or maybe it was since, this time, you were the only one working until late.
It’s four in the morning and you’re already on your way out - kind of running late, oBviOusLy - quietly wishing your boyfriend a good day.
He is not working today.
That lucky bastard.
He gets to enjoy his free day in bed, lazing around, while you work your ass off all day. He mumbles something that you assume is a sort of goodbye. He is still asleep.
You look at him one last time before leaving the room and smile. He looks so peaceful.
You still remember the day you met, by pure luck even though you both call that fate. That was 5 years ago, when you just debuted your career as a model and were not that comfortable around high heels.
Okay no. Let’s be real.
You hated wearing them because you couldn’t walk in heels higher than 5 cm.
It’s still a wonder how you managed to make it in the first place.
Were you wearing flat shoes for the audition ? Damn you really must’ve done an impression on the judges if they made you pass without the heels try-on.
Your first day at the agency was chaotic to say the least. Your manager made you walk around the building, to visit she said. She made you wear heels. HEELS. That devilish person.
But, thank to that, you got to meet Taehyung. Your eyes landed on him as you were visiting the lounge and couldn’t tear them away from his figure. The poor man had to witness you fall down because you weren’t watching your steps anymore.
I mean.
Who could blame you ??
That was Kim frEaking Taehyung
He even came to help you get back on your feet and asked if you were alright, kind of amused.
It’s not everyday you see someone falling down in here, let alone a newbie
Let’s be honest, you were so embarrassed.
First day of work and you’re already failing falling.
That night when you came home, you spent the night wearing heels and prayed really hard you’d never have to face him again. After all, the building was big enough and there were enough workers that you could avoid Taehyung easily
If only
The NeXt day, you were told that you had a couple shooting, with none other that Kim Taehyung.
He would occasionally tease you about your fall and check on you to see if everything was alright. He watched you carefully as you were walking around with heels.
From up close he looked even more handsome.... :)
After this day, you started talking with Taehyung more and more. He introduced you to everyone around the agency. You met outside of work, got to know each other. You both became regally good friends but there was something lingering in the air, in the way you’d look at each other or stood so close to him after a couple glasses of wine that you could breathe his air.
So what was bound to happen happened and you went from friends a to lovers without really noticing it.
He was still your best friend...somehow
Eventually, you took things to the next level and moved in together... maybe a half and a year ago or so ? You’ve never been happier in your life
And, well, you’d actually be happier if you could spend the day with boyfriend instead of running around trying to find god knows which accessories you need for the rehearsal.
8 in the morning is noT a time to be doing cardio.
Especially while wearing heels
Become a model they said, it’ll be fun they said
“Y/n! Come here please I need you to try on this dress before you go!” Your personal stylist calls “I made sure to fix it yesterday so it’d be a perfect fit for the show”
You stop your tracks and go to her “make this quick i have to go get changed before 9 otherwise I’m screwed. Why did they even decide to do the rehearsals so early today ?” You sigh, frustrated, and put on the dress she’s handing you “thank you”
“Okayyy...it looks great. Gold looks amazing on you.” She smoothes the dress and gives an approving nod, visibly satisfied ; “You’ll look perfect for the Grand Finale. Oh god it’s already 8:30 you better go before Mr.Kim throws a fit because you’re late”
You both giggle ; “thank you for fixing the dress Naeun, see you later today. Well, probably tonight. Byeeee”
The rehearsal seems to never end. You’re squeezed in dozens of different outfits, gorgeous for sure but sO tight. Mr. Kim, the one who organised the runway, is such a perfectionist that you have to re-do some things multiple times before he’s satisfied. One time the lighting isn’t right, the other the models are walking too fast, not on beat and so on.
Everyone hates him for that but he always makes the best shows so you just follow.
After multiple tries, the rehearsal finally comes to an end. It’s already 4PM. You barely get time to breathe and go pee before you’re back into the ‘running-around-to-find-my-dress-and-fix-my-makeup-oh-god-i-gotta-be-on-stage’ crazy mess.
Walking on the runway feels amazing, running backstage is terrible.
It’s so hot and small back there you can hardly move around well.
It takes 2 hours for the whole fashion show to be over, one more for pictures outside the catwalk and chat with reporters. Since you’re kind of a famous model now, you get invited to the afterparty and spend few extra hours interacting with some celebrities that attended the show. Other models were invited and you’re happy to see familiar faces amongst them. Jimin, an old colleague and friend of yours, comes your way and compliments you. You chat with him for a while before deciding you’ve had enough for the day and leave the party. A few more people greet you on your way out.
A taxi takes you back to you company, where you left your stuff in the morning. You spend an extra thirty minutes getting rid of your heavy makeup and striping off that gorgeous but awfully tight golden dress you’ve been wearing ever since the end of the runway.
Now, you can FinaLLy go home. yassssss
It’s almost 12am when you leave the agency and climb into yet another taxi. The ride is quiet, background music playing over the car’s radio, and you take some time to look at what you were gifted for your performance : fancy makeup products, accessories, pieces of clothing-but not those from the runway, you sadly never get to keep those. Being kinda famous has its perks :,)
You then decide it’s time to warn Taehyung you’ll arrive soon and send him a few texts. As if he was waiting for them, he instantly replies saying he’ll be waiting for you and proceeds to spam you with heart emojis. Sometimes, it looks like this man just discovered what emojis were and is trying to use them as much as possible. What a child…
It’s way past midnight when you finally step into your duplex and the first thing you notice is that the place is way too quiet.
Maybe Tae went back to sleep, who knows, it’s super late after all…
You remove shoes and jacket and drop your bags in the entrance before going further and you call out quietly “anyone here? Tae, you sleeping?”
There is a faint glow from the tv on your right but the sound has been muted.
“Taehyung ?" You call one last time
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist and you’re pulled into someone’s chest. You gasp, almost scream, but soften up when you feel the warmth on your back
“Hi baby” a deep voice says in your ear, sending chills down your spine “I missed you”
You turn around and are very pleased to see a handsome face and a warm exposed chest your boyfriend smiling at you.
“Mhm, missed you too” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, happy to hear his heartbeat. Taehyung places his head atop of yours and gently strokes your hair. You tighten your grasp around him and hum.
Few seconds later, he lifts your chin up and gently lays a kiss on your lips.
“How are you doing?” He asks, his right hand cupping your cheek. The warmth of it is comforting.
“Exhausted, but you know how it goes” You shrug and he smiles
“Not too tired for dinner ? I could cook something if you want”
“Mhm... let me just go shower and put something else on” You sadly let go of him
“Sure, go ahead” he whispers and you give him a kiss before regretfully tearing yourself away from him.
You walk up the stairs to your bedroom, where you find the bed undone. You smile, Taehyung never really liked making the bed and, very honestly, neither did you. You slump onto the mattress and bury your face into the pillows, inhaling his scent. Lavender. Relaxing. Just like he is.
After a warm shower, you find a t-shirt Taehyung left on a chair in the room and wear it. It’s big enough to reach your thighs and, if you were more energised, you’d probably stay like this. You grab large pants and put them on.
Once again, you smell lavender all around you.
When you’re back in the living area, you see Taehyung busying himself in the kitchen. He hears your steps and his eyes find yours as a smile appears on his face when he notices that you’re wearing his shirt
“My shirt looks better on you than it’d ever do on me” He teases, his gaze longing on your frame.
“maybe I should keep it then” you smile and ask ; ”Do you need any help?”
“no no no no no, you’ve worked enough already. Go and have some rest. I'll call you when everything’s ready okay?”
Too tired to argue on this anyways -and thankful for the given rest-, you go lay down on the couch, your body oriented to let you look at Taehyung.
As he hums and moves to the chill music that was playing in the background, you start to detail his beautiful figure. From the curl of his dark hair (which you knoW are so so soft to the touch) to his beautiful profile and his nose you love so much down to his broad shoulder and then his tanned abs you see from time to time when the opened shirt of his pyjama moves according to his steps.
oH! Let’s not forget his perfect hands gripping at the pan’s handle while he cooks… vegetables? Something like that yeah.
Taehyung is giving his best into what he’s cooking. Vegetables with rice, that’s the only thing he could do quickly.
Quickly as in less than half an hour, unlike his friend Namjoon who’d take this time just to cook the rice.
The music he put earlier is slowly starting to bore him. After washing his hands, he reaches out for his phone and plays a different playlist. It’s one you name yourself when the two of you were still friends (aka not dating yet). “Taetae fm” because you once joked he should have his own broadcasting channel on the radio. He’d always criticise the music playing so why not have his own channel 👀
“You know Y/n, I actually watched the fashion show live this afternoon. I mean, of course you know because I always do that haha. Anyways, you really were the highlight of the runway tonight. And I’m not saying this in a biased point of view. Okay I might be a bit biased as your boyfriend but I swear that it’s true!! You literally shone back there, especially in that gold dress you were wearing and even the audience was impressed by your looks maybe you didn’t see it on stage but some cameras filmed their reactions and everyone was looking at you. Really, you were so gorge-oh” Taehyung looks at you and smile fondly “Of course you’re asleep, baby”
He lets his phone aside and checks the now cooked food before making his way to the couch. There’s a blanket on the sofa, he covers you with it, scared you might get cold. Taehyung put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your chin.
You slowly open your eyes and find yourself face to face with him. You both smile.
“Hi there beautiful” He whispers
“what time is it? Did I sleep until the morning?” You’re scared of having slept through the entire nap without realising
“almost 1:20am, I just finished cooking. I thought you might be cold so I went to cover you with the blanket. You should go enjoy the food while it’s still hot, imma go to the toilet”
You nod as an answer and watch him leave upstairs. Getting up from the warmth of the couch is the hardest part so you keep the soft blanket draped around your shoulders and walk towards the kitchen. You grab two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks that you place on the counter along with glasses and a bottle of water.
You then go take care of the rice and the vegetables, which you mix in the pan. The song playing changes and your favourite nighttime tune starts.
“I don’t want a friend, I want my life in two” you sing along
“Waiting to get there, waiting for you” Taehyung’s voice startles you as he grabs your wrists and pulls your back close to him. You smile as he makes the both of you dance slowly. You put his arms around you so it’s like he’s hugging you from the back. You swing around for a little while, enjoying the close proximity as you both softly hum the song, making your body vibrate against each other, moving in perfect coordination.
“I love you” he whispers in your ear and then kisses it, sending chills down your spine, before lifting one of your arm up to make you turn so that you’re now facing him “did my baby sleep well?” You nod as you place your arms around his waist, paying attention to go under the shirt so you’re touching as much skin as possible.
Taehyung chuckles before asking you in that same, chill-sending, low deep voice ; “Still hungry? Because I’m starving”
If you didn’t just wake up, you would’ve definitely caught that lust in his eyes and also the fact that this wasn’t as innocent as it seemed.
As an answer, your stomach growls pretty loudly, making Taehyung laugh . “I’ll take that as a yes. Sit down, princess. Let me take care of you”
You do as he says, jumping on a stool, detailing all of his moves. You only realise how hungry you actually were when you start eating. Rice with vegetables has never tastes better. You eat everything in less than 5 minutes when you’d usually take your time to finish your plate.
“Damn, that was a well needed dinner! Thank you Tae” you mess a bit with his soft locks
“Imagine me who was waiting for you all evening!! I was hungry too” He pouts.
“Oh come on, I was working today. Cardio in heels isn’t the best way to wake up, let alone spend the whole day standing in tight clothes. When I think you has a day off… pfff. I saw the bed, I’m sure you stayed there all day, you lazyyyyyyyyy ass.”
He mumbles some gibberish and you giggle, knowing that you're right. He looks away, crossing his arms and obviously sulking. You leave your stool and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You leave a few kisses on his cheek and neck
“- Don’t be such a babyy. You know I love you.
- You do?
- of course, you dummy” you bop his nose "Sooo, what do we have for desert?
- You. Uh I mean!! Yoghurt, fruits, cakes, fruits…anything” he clears his throat
“Great! What do you prefer?” You open the fridge
“ I’d very happily eat you out honestly but an apple sounds good”
“Oh sur- wait whaT!?” You snap your head to him, eyes wide open
what did he sayyyyyyyy?????
whaT am I even supposed to say noW oh my goddddd
You close the fridge’s door, suddenly not so yogurt-hungry.
There’s a sudden silence between the two of you, only disturbed by the music still playing in the background.
“Mhm? What is it?” He turns around to face you, asking so innocently “did I say something wrong ?”
This man knows what he is doing for sure. Has he ever been that straightforward before ?
Taehyung stands and closes the distance between your bodies, now towering over you.
He lowers himself slightly to speak in your ear “what is it baby? Mhm?” You feel his smile on your cheek when he lays a kiss on it “what happened to my all proud and fierce y/n who was so confident telling me I was being lazy all day, huh? Tell me” He lays another kiss on your temple
now he’s being a tease
1 A.M. fluffy and bare chested teaser Taehyung
Anyhow, it’s a good turn on.
Being tired and turned on was definitely not a good mix for you. You could feel the heat rising in your body and hear your heart pounding in your ears.
He laughs gently seeing you silently begging for more, brushing your face with his lips, teasing another kiss.
“Tsk tsk, you gotta speak darling, I cannot guess”
You should calm down and go to sleep, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow you should definitely-
“Fuck-“ You sigh and grab his face, sealing your lips together while closing your eyes.
It doesn’t take long for that kiss to turn into a heated make out session.
You grab and pull some of his dark curls while his hands travels under his your shirt.
You break the kiss just a second to catch your breath.
“Have i ever told you you have the perfect body?” Taehyung asks
“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are??” You reply
He laughs, deep raspy laugh.
You’re too tired for this
And because you’re tired, you’re even more horny :D
Taehyung puts his hands behind your thighs and you jump, locking your legs around his waist, hands still in his hair, lips against his while carries you to the bedroom.
He leaves your lips to travel down your jaw and then collarbone. You throw your head back.
Taehyung gently lays you on the mattress of your king sized bed and makes it his personal mission to pleasure you tonight.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P1] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Hey bishes. I snapped and decided to publish first chapter of my current project. This was inspired by @glitterfreezed​​ playlist . Honestly I am so thrilled for this story. It’s different from everything I have written so far and I am excited for how it will turn out.  Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers  General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
Synopsis : Isn’t love a matter of timing after all ?  That’s what Sabo has always thought. It was about finding the right tempo, making the right moves and hitting the right spot. Patience is a virtue after all, and he had a lot of it. It all started when your ex cheated on you. You were heartbroken, you needed someone and he was there. Was he always that hot ? You didn’t know. But after that night you have never seen him in the same way.  Part II -
Part I : 
“(Y/N)…You should really stop drinking. Said Nami as she took the cup off your hands.
-Leave me alone ! I wanna drink some more…Come on…Let me drink“ you said as you reached weakly for the cup in her hand but ended up stumbling and almost falling.
You were quick to feel an arm encircle your waist. Your intoxicated senses could still pick up his scent, a mixture of mint and cologne. His gloved hand held you a little tighter against him so you don't fall.
« Sabo ! Glad to see you here. I didn't know what to do with her...She's been drinking non-stop.
His hand tightened possessively around your waist. He only knew too well what happened, yet he still asked Nami for confirmation :
« -Hey Nami, What's wrong ? (Y/N) isn't used to drink this much. -Oh...I don't know if I'm technically supposed to tell you but... » she bit her lower lip « let's say that she broke up with (ex). »
You started hysterically laughing as you heard you now ex's name while trying to escape from Sabo's firm grip.
« Eeeeeeeh ? Saboooo~ ? Whatcha doin' here huh ? Oh gosh are you following me ? Why do I always see ya everywhere ? Come're...Let's dance together~ Saboo.. » you screamed so he could hear you over the music.
The nightclub was extremely crowded but you needed all these faces, all these bodies almost crushing you on the dance floor. You needed to drown your pain in alcohol, the pain of being used and discarded, of being betrayed.
You didn't talk about this to Sabo, your bestfriend. You didn't want him to see you in this pathetic state. Seeing you like this made the blood pump into his veins. His fist clenched, but he tried to keep his calm. He slid a hand in his blond locks, sighing and rocking his head back.
He had to keep it in, if he lost his temper, it was going to be the end for your ex.
« I'm going to take her home » He says to Nami as he holds you by your arm.
« 'kay ! Here, she gives him your purse. Take good care of her okay ? I'm counting on you. » She seemed really worried.
-What are you guyyyz on about ? I don't wanna go home ! I wanna drink some more...Come on Sabo, you're no fun. It's good to loosen up from time to time. You're always so uptight...Come on...Lemme go...
-There is no way that I am going to let you in this state, (Y/N)
-That's none of your business ! Let me go....It has nothing to do with you.
Your words hurt but he was used to them, his role as your « best friend » meant that you were always blunt with each other, and usually it amused him, but not tonight.
« You're coming with me. 
-Namiiiiiiii, you traitor! »
Sabo ignored your loud whines taking you to his car, eyebrows tied together, his blood on fire. He felt guilty ; he didn't prevent you from this hearbreak, he didn't protect you, his dear princess. He was too fooled by how happy you seemed, by the way you spoke so eagerly about that bastard, making him wish that it was him instead. But that was going to change. 
You fell asleep while on the backseats of the car. Your dress was slightly up, showing your beautiful legs. It was extremely painful for Sabo to concentrate on the road, his head fuming because of anger and because of seeing you so vulnerable at his side. As you were sleeping and he didn't want to leave you alone, he decided to bring you to his own appartement that he shared with Ace.
He held you like a princess as if you were as light as a feather. Once inside, he put you on the couch. You slowly opened your eyes ;
-Sabooo...Ohh...We're at your place...Where's Ace ?
-Ace is spending the night with Thatch. You can stay here till tomorrow. I can't leave you alone...Well...Like this.
You rubbed your eyes together,  sitting on the sofa. He found your flushed face extremely cute. 
-Ohhh...’kayy...Gosh I'm nauseous..you put your hand over your lips. You looked at the glass of water on the table and got up to reach for it, but you stumbled and dropped the glass on the floor.
-Oh goddamnit...I'm sorry...you bent over to collect the shattered glass but Sabo's hand held yours ;
-It's fine, I'll take care of it. Are you hurt ?
You look at your hand some blood was dripping from the fresh cut. You instinctively put your finger in your mouth while looking into his eyes :
-Uh-uh it's fine...I'm really sorryyy for the glass.
-It's okay. I'll bring you another one, you just wait here, and don't touch anything. He says as he collects the pieces of glass to throw them away. Then he disappears into the kitchen only to come back with a glass of water.
You were sitting there, on the couch, in your underwear ; a simple set of black bra and cotton panties. Your dress was on the floor and you reached for the remote control to turn the T.V. on. Sabo blinked many times. He knew that you were bestfriends, and that you probably only thought of him as a brother, yet, you have never stripped in his presence. He almost dropped the glass of water but thankfully he managed to keep his cool. You were drunk. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, especially not tonight. 
« Here, drink up. » He sits next to you and you put your legs on his ;
-Thank you~ Ahh, I took off my dress because it was wet. You said as you gestured to the said black dress. I didn't want to get your couch wet...Also it's kinda hot. You don't mind huh ? It's not like you've never seen me in a swimsuit before...Duuh. Wait ? Are you looking at my chest ??? Eh Sabo, stop right there you're looking at my chest ! I'm sure you're doing it haha.
You said playfully. You had a point, you were to the beach together before, but something about seeing you in underwear was different, and he hated himself for looking at you that way while you were so vulnerable.
-I'm not looking. As you said, it's not like I've never seen you in a swimsuit before. You're going to get a cold though. I'll get you a shirt.
He moves your legs out of the way and gets up.
-Okayyy~ But don't make me wait blondie.
-Blondie ? He stops and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, which makes you laugh super hard. - You know what ? Nevermind.
He proceded to ignore you and comes back with a shirt and some shorts. He took advantage of the situation to change into a white shirt and gray sweatpants. He takes place next to you on the couch as you were too focused watching cartoons and laughing at every not-so-funny joke. 
You managed to put the black shirt on which was too big for you, reaching your thighs. You just threw the shorts away because the shirt was long enough to cover your panties.
-Thankyou~ Wha, your clothes really smell good. Kinda smells like you. You smell good.
He knew that your words were innocent, and that you were much more open because of the alcohol, however, he couldn't help but find you extremely adorable wearing his shirt. The thought of what your ex did made him extremely angry. How could he hurt you this way, you, almost an angel ? 
If only you let him love you, he would never hurt you that way, he would cherish and protect you. You’ll never need anyone but him.
An hour passed, with you laughing extremely loud and him trying to keep his calm as you teased him -unconsciously-, putting your head on his shoulder or messing with him. Then, as you were starting to get a bit sleepy at one in the morning, you let your head fall on his lap and said ;
« Thank you for taking care of me Sabo. You're always here for me...Youuu always help me, you really are an amazing guy. 
You were getting emotional so you put your hands on your face, a bit uncomfortable while talking about your feelings this way. Even though you were bestfriends, you weren't the kind to open up about her feelings so much. You hated being perceived as weak. He ruffled your hair lovingly, taking your hands slowly away from your face. His eyes were extremely gentle, it almost melt your pained heart. You couldn't help but think of your ex, and what he did.
-It's normal (Y/N), I wish I could've prevented all of this. I am sorry for what happened.
-Why are you sorry Sabo ? It's not your fault...It's just me, it's like I'm a fuckboy magnet or something...You said with a bitter laugh, trying to dedramatize the situation.
You sat down again on your knees on the couch, he turned  a bit so he was facing you. He didn't know what to say to ease your pain. He didn't know what to say without betraying his emotions, without giving himself away.
-It's like...Everyone I meet plays me and breaks my heart. I'm so done...I really...What did I do wrong huh ? Why did he have to cheat on me ? Am I not enough ? Am I not pretty enough ? Am I not good enough for him ? What's wrong with me... ? Tell me Sabo what's wrong with me...
You did your best at holding your tears. Sabo gently placed his hand on the back of your head, this gesture was even better than words for you. You just snapped and started crying, your mascara staining the white shirt.
-You are more than enough (Y/N). He is just a bastard. You are extremely pretty..You are kind...Every man dreams to have you by his side. Shh..Don’t cry...he gently caressed your hair
You jolted back, looking him in the eyes and sniffing. He hated to think that in this moment, you were adorable, like a little puppy that was only asking to be protected :
-You're so kind Sabo...Why can't I attract guys like you huh ?
His eyes darkened, he never expected you to say anything like this. He knew it was the alcohol, he knew you didn't mean it, yet, it lit something new inside of him : a hint of hope. And if this wasn't better, you kept going on :
-I mean, you're handsome...You're kind, you're smart...And you make me laugh...you laughed a bit, hell you've seen me at my worst haha ! You really are amazing~I’m so lucky to be your best friend.
you moved yourself a bit because you were getting uncomfortable sitting on your knees on the couch like that. You just slipped onto his lap, and it wasn't the first time you did that. Actually, you had to sit on his lap many times when you were teenagers and you didn't have enough place in the car. But this time was different, you were both adults, and you were drunk and heartbroken.
-I'm sure that a lot of girls are into you...
You look down at his shirt, it's true that you have seen Sabo many times before, but you have never noticed that he was this attractive. You run your hand in his hair as if you were discovering his face for the first time, and you felt some kind of electricity between both of you. He was letting you go too far, almost to the point of no return, but you kept going on and on without leaving him the time to even process one thing.
-Why don't you tell me about anyone huh ? Don't you like girls ? What about that girl, Koala, I'm sure she's into you ! She's pretty cute and...Ahh...Don't tell me you're gay Sabo ???!
You put a hand on your lips simulating a shocked reaction. You knew him for so long and you would be offended if your bestfriend was gay and never told you about it. He held your hand and took it away from your lips. Looking at you with eyes you've never seen before. A serious look, you could've sworn that it was the look of yearning :
-I am not.
His voice firm, just like his grip on your wrist. You could've sworn that you saw something mirrored in his black eyes, something that disappeared as fast as it first appeared. And this thing, that little flame that you almost saw thrilled you. You wanted to understand this change in  atmosphere, and why he wasn't laughing along with you. You felt a bit intimidated.
Did you go too far?
But you wanted to go too far.
You wanted to feel something, to forget the stinging pain, to do things that you would regret.
You wanted to sabotage yourself, as a form of punishment.
But for what? And what did he do to deserve this?
Those questions didn't even cross your mind, adrenaline rushing through your veins making your mind blank. You were defying him with your eyes.
« Oh » you said, a mischievous smile forming on your lips. He didn't like this at all. He didn't like how you took all of this as a game while he was serious. But he was that desperate to see your next move. 
The game has just started. It was the perfect timing.
«-Prove it.
-This is getting ridiculous. You should go to sleep as you are saying nonesense.
He knew that you were drunk, but pushing his buttons like this ? It was out of the question for him to take advantage of the situation. His feelings were sincere towards you. He didn't want to do something and betray your trust. He was better than your bastard ex. 
If something was meant to happen, he wanted more than a hookup, he didn't want to abuse of the girl that he has always knew and loved and that saw him as a brother, even if she was half naked on his lap.
It took every ounce of control he had. Every drop of patience in his system to not block you on the couch and kiss your glossy lips.
-You're such a coward...Really...You scared huh ? You're scared ! Say that you've never been with a girl~ Come on, admit it...Who would've known huh ? Sabo you're always so cool~ But in reality you're juuusttttt a virgiiin. I'm so gonna tell Ace ! It's over for you blondie~
You playfully said unaware of the effect of your words, and of how dangerous they were, awakening something almost feral inside of him, just for a few seconds he lost control, pinning you against the couch fist on the side of your face. His face was so close to yours, his hair caressing your cheek and almost making you giggle. 
You have never been this close to Sabo, physically speaking. You felt his leg between yours and you instinctively closed rubbed against it for friction. You just wanted to numb the feelings away. In that moment, you wanted to taunt him, you would've wanted anyone to fuck you. In fact, has he left you in that night club, you would've definitely ended in someone's bed.
But he took you here, so it was his fault, right ? So now it had to be him. He had to numb out the pain.
He was serious.
Sabo, your sweet blondie. Sabo the good friend. Sabo that was always here to pick you up everytime your heart was shattered in million pieces on the ground.
«-Don't try me. I think I'm really close to reaching my limit (Y/N) »
You felt thrilled to see him being serious. You wanted to push his buttons and make him mad. More mad. Because you were broken and you needed some intensity to forget. In that moment, you closed the gap between your lips and encircled his neck with your arms, leaning into a kiss: a desperate, sloppy, drunken kiss. Sabo's eyes opened wide as he felt your soft lips on his. He would have never expected this moment to happen. He never imagined his first kiss with you to be this way. You were so eager, so desperate, and the way you kissed him reflected your conflicted emotions. You kissed him like you needed him, not like you wanted him. 
And that made him full of tenderness. 
He sustained your back, bringing you a bit closer to his chest as you pulled down, eyelids heavy, eyes full of tears :
-Sabo...Kiss me back...Please...I need you. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad that it angered him, but the taste of alcohol on his lips reminded him of your state. His lack of reaction made you even more desperate ; -Sabo don't you want me ? Am I not pretty enough ?...Tell me Sabo...Am I not good enough ? You started nibbling on his ear, and he couldn't help but get hard, he was human after all, and he has loved you for so many years. You whispered into his ear ;
 « Saboo I want you to fuck me »
That was it. That was enough. He got up leaving you there on the couch. Trying so hard not to lose it. He wasn't that guy. If anything, he was mad at your ex, seeing you so hurt that you would initiate something with him, thinking that it was only because of the heart break and alcohol. He held you in his arms like a princess ;
«-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep.
-B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... »
He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you.
«-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober. »
- Please support me by leaving feedback <3 it motivates me to keep going ! I am tagging people who asked to be tagged or exepressed interest. If you wanna be tagged, ask me !  Enjoy~
 @vemuabhi​​ @glitterfreezed​​ @mwls-garden​​ @soanywaysistartedsimping @tsunderedoctor​
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nbrook29 · 3 years
Hey!! 108. “I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.” for the dialogue prompt? 💞✨
Hi there! 😇
Another anon: 7, 8 😇
Another anon: 120, 127 ✨
Another anon: Okayyy so for the prompts :3) “You are not going without me.” and 8) “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”I already know it will be so good!! Thank YOU
So to sum up:
108. “I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.” for the dialogue prompt?
7. “I’m not jealous.”
8. “ You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
127. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
120. “Your hair is so soft…” -> already done here
* * *
Heaven. He’s in heaven. Every single muscle in his body is completely relaxed, body bathing in the scorching heat of the sun above him as he stretches his calves, toes digging in the sand, joints popping in a satisfying way, and yes, this is something Robbe could get used to.
He can’t believe merely six days ago he was a bundle of nerves. Nail-biting, snapping, whining, zombie-like mess, overly stressed about his finals and revising like a crazy person. It’s short of a miracle, he ponders, that Sander didn’t dump his ass after being barked at for two weeks straight. Instead, he gave him his space, would just kiss the top of his head everytime Robbe snapped at him for breathing too loud and quietly leave the room so Robbe could focus. 
Robbe would then be so overtaken by guilt that he couldn’t focus anyway and he’d walk to the kitchen, head hanging low, biting his lip, afraid that this time Sander finally had enough and went home, only to find him in his kitchen; making them dinner and swaying his butt to his newest playlist oblivious to the torment in Robbe’s conscience.
He’d walk over to him, quietly, slinking across the tiled floor in his socks the last few steps, and he would wrap his arms around his waist, holding on tight, head buried in between his shoulder blades as he’d mouth sorry after sorry into his t-shirt, sealing each one with a kiss. 
And Sander would be so fucking sweet about the whole thing. More understanding that Robbe could have ever asked for. He'd feed him croques or any other delicious food, smoothing out the frown lines between Robbe's eyebrows with his other hand and Robbe's contrite face would soon be all smiles, cuddling up to his side for a ten minute makeout session before going back to his studying with a long-suffering sigh. Not without a pat on the butt for, as Sander claimed, good luck. The cheeky bastard.
He smiles to himself now when he opens one eye to peak at the person lying next to him, but Sander is not there. Confused, he lifts his head with a groan, squinting against the sun. It only takes him a few seconds to locate his boyfriend, zeroing in on his tanned back, muscles shifting as he hits the ball across the net.
Robbe must have nodded off for a while because he remembers everyone chilling on their towels and now half of their squad is in the water while the other half is goofing off pretending to be good at volleyball, HIS other half included. He recognizes Jens, Jana, Moyo, Senne, and Sander of course, but there’s an additional person from outside of their group, playing for Senne and Sander’s team.
She’s a long-legged olive skin beauty, tossing her long dark hair left and right, and Robbe snorts when he notices Moyo and Jens on the other side of the net, following her every move, hearts in their eyes. 
Grinning to himself, he starts thinking about the teasing material they’re providing him right now, and he’s about to turn his head to the other side to catch some sun rays on his right cheek as well when his eyes stop at the girl’s fingers as they wrap themselves around Sander’s arm, traveling to his bicep as she inches closer. There’s a private smile on her face, teeth biting coyly on her bottom lip, and Robbe cocks his eyebrow at the scene.
He rests his weight on his elbow, trying to find a position that doesn’t look too obvious as he keeps shooting furtive glances in their direction.
It’s not that he’s jealous or something. It’s just. She’s standing a teeny tiny too close and is a bit too touchy-feely. 
In his humble opinion.
There’s a pause in the game as one of the boys go to retreat the ball from the water and Robbe watches her hand slip sideways, now grazing Sander’s lean abs, and she’s saying something, but they’re too far for him to figure it out. There’s an unpleasant feeling rising in his stomach and he tries to squish it down but to no avail.
Fuck. He IS jealous. In fact, he’d really appreciate it if some random person wasn’t groping his boyfriend, pawing at him like he’s theirs to touch. 
Just as the realization hits, Sander takes a step back, gently pushing the girl’s hand away and saying something back, making her beaming face morph into a sad frown. Before Robbe can drop his gaze and pretend he hadn’t been watching the scene unfold like a hawk, Sander turns around and looks straight at him. Robbe curses under his breath when he sees the smirk growing on his lips when Sander realizes he caught him in the act. He shakes his head with amusement, chuckling a little as he winks and blows him a kiss before turning back to the boys and Jana and quitting the game, leaving the girl looking after him forlornly.
Robbe closes his eyes as the squinting becomes too much just as Sander jogs over to their spot, flopping on the towel next to him with a groan. 
“I think I’ve done enough sports for a whole year,” he complains, stretching his arms and legs like he’d just run a marathon. Robbe scoots closer, Sander’s body blocking the sun and giving his poor eyes a much needed break.
“Did you win?” he mouths the question against his side, tasting the salty skin as he brushes a small kiss on his hip bone as an afterthought, making Sander squirm at the tickling sensation. He lets out a short giggle, fingers finding their way into Robbe long curls, combing through them as he pulls his own body back a little.
“They’re still playing so it’s hard to say.”
Sander chuckles at his slurred answer. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like that, all rosy cheeks and puffy lips,” he murmurs, leaning down for a quick kiss that pulls an involuntary smile out of Robbe. He traces a delicate finger down his nose, "You're gonna be all freckly tomorrow."
"You love my freckles."
"I do." 
He waits until Sander makes himself comfortable on the sand before swinging his arm over his belly possessively and asking the question that's been on the tip of his tongue.
"So who was that?"
He opens his eyes and regards him from his half-closed lids, groaning internally when he notices the smirk dancing on Sander’s lips as he watches him, expression a little too gleeful for Robbe’s liking.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
Robbe huffs in indignance like he hadn’t just been watching the girl touching Sander, grumpy and disturbed.
“I’m not jealous.”
Sander shoots a pointed look at the placement of his arm, eyes sceptical. 
"Pff, whatever," Robbe goes to move it, but Sander is quicker, catching it and pressing it back down, entwining their fingers on his belly in the process.
“Her name’s Leah, she wanted to play with us.”
"Did she make a move on you?" it slips out before Robbe can swallow the words down, and great, now he doesn't sound jealous at all.
Sander seems to be as surprised with the question as Robbe is.
"She did," he replies, turning on his side to look at him, head propped by his hand, "but I told her a have a scorching hot boyfriend who's currently sunbathing his perky butt and being insecure for some reason."
Robbe gets a bit defensive. "I'm not insecure," he mumbles back. "I just don't appreciate it," he waves his hand vaguely trying to find words, "when someone gets too close."
Sander is quiet for a few seconds and just when Robbe starts to regret opening his mouth, he finds himself being dragged across their towels and onto Sander’s chest. He’s not that light though so he essentially ends up with his upper body resting on Sander while his legs are now lying askew on his own towel still. It seems to be good enough for Sander though because he loops his arms around his back, effectively trapping him in case Robbe wanted to get away, eyes crinkling with that smug smile of his.
“You’re jealous of me,” he says it with such fondness in his voice that Robbe does a double take.
“Ugh, you’re enjoying this way too much,” he grunts, pulling back as far as Sander’s hold allows to get rid of the unpleasant twinge in his back.
Sander delicately thumbs at his pouty lower lip, expression still amused.
Robbe glares at him half-heartedly. “Could you stop?”
“I could, but could doesn’t mean would. Let me bask in this unexpected turn of events, babe.”
“Sandeeeeer,” he drags out his name in a whiny voice, first poking at his cheeks and then squeezing his lips with his fingers to put his satisfied smile to rest, but it only makes Sander laugh more. “Don’t be mean to me.”
“Admit you were jealous.”
“Oh my god, okay! I was jealous! She was touching you up and pawing at you with her tanned arms and I hated it, happy now?
Sander squeezes his lips to keep his grin at bay, but a small giggle escapes his mouth anyway.
“You’re the worst.”
“Aww, baby, I promise you’re the only one I want to be pawing at me. And touching me up.”
“Well I hope so.”
Robbe can’t resist giving him a kiss that is a bit too lingering and messy for a sunny noon at the beach, but he feels like staking his claim. Sue him. Sander is all for it, the exhibitionist in him couldn’t care less about random bystanders so when Robbe finally comes up for air he whines and tries to bring him back down, already looking dazed.
Robbe peaks on his left to see if the girl maybe was looking in their direction those few seconds ago, when he hears Sander’s scandalized gasp.
“Was that you claiming your territory?!”
Robbe fires him a smug wink, shutting up his “such a bad boy, mr IJzermans” with another kiss.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Hello againn!! May I ask prompt number 38 for Doffyy with female s/o? Thankyou sm!🌸
Prompt #38 With Doflamingo
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A/N : heyyy, thank you for requesting again! I’m so sorry this took much longer than usual, I couldn’t think of anything for this, but I hope you enjoy! :)
note : angsty then fluff at the end.
Prompt #38 : “tread carefully, [Name]. You’re on dangerous waters right now.”
Summary : When Doflamingo finally pulls the last straw, you provoke him and leave. Yet, it seems you always return to him no matter what.
not good with summaries yall-
“I can’t believe you right now! You’re such a pain in the ass!”
Doflamingo leans back into his chair, a hand pressed against his forehead as he heard your shout towards him once more.
He could feeling his brain and sanity on the verge of explosion from how much stress you were building up inside him.
You were angry at him for the fifth time this week, all for the same reason.
He was pissing you off.
Most of the time, he did it intentionally. He would purposely make you irritated just to see you get all feisty.
He found it amusing to see your pouts and annoyance towards him, knowing that at the end of the day, you would be in his arms in bed.
But today was not the case.
Today, he deliberately ignored you the whole day, walking pass you and avoided you at all cost.
Which you certainly didn’t appreciate. Especially after working so hard on making sure the people of Dressrosa were happy and nothing was going wrong so far, with Doffy as king.
If the people weren’t happy, or if things went wrong with the toys in the Toy House, perhaps even the annual colosseum gladiator battles, you couldn’t imagine the level of anger and chaos that would ensue with Doflamingo and the country.
Ahem, Dressrosa arc—
So returning to the palace with Doflamingo doing his very best to act like you didn’t exist was not something you needed nor wanted right now.
“Doffy, I just spent the whole day, walking all over this country to make sure things are running smoothly.. why are you doing this?” You mutter irritatingly, pinching the bridge of your nose as you withheld a loud groan.
Doflamingo brings his hand down from his face and stares over at you with his usual shit-eating grin, however it seemed a bit forced.
“For my own entertainment.”
He said it so casually, you actually felt your heart sinking at his words.
You didn’t know why you put up with him so much, after all of this constant teasing and messing with you.
You let out a heavy exhale, hiding your pained and hurt expression as you turn away. “Right, of course. I only exist for your own amusement..”
Doflamingo didn’t say anything, his smile faltering just slightly at your words.
“Alright, well, I’m glad to have served my purpose today, your majesty.” You hiss out in a mutter, beginning to walk off.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Doflamingo asks, leaning back onto his throne and stares at you with an unamused look.
“Anywhere but here. I might even be gone for a few days or more. I’m not needed here anymore, it seems. I might try to go and find Law and his crew or something. At least they might treat me as human instead of some toy to play with.”
A small scowl made way to Doflamingo’s lips with his eyes narrowing. “I hope you’re joking.. I’d tread carefully, [Name]. You’re on dangerous waters right now.”
You ignored him and continue making way to the door.
Once you finally reached the exit, much to your surprise since you were sure Doffy would’ve pulled you back, you turned and glared at the king.
“I hope you had your fun. If you need something to cure your boredom again, I’m sure you’ll find a easy replacement, since it won’t be that hard for you.”
“After all, everyone here is just a tool for your own entertainment. Right?”
With that, you opened the door and slammed it closed behind you, leaving his sight and leaving him in silence.
Doflamingo sat there, reflecting on your words and his mistake.
“Don’t fret over it, [Name].”
You ignore Baby 5 and continue to pack your bag of your needed supplies, moving quickly to leave as quickly as possible.
“Are you sure this is what you really want?”
Hearing her question, you pause your actions and reflect on your memories.
Regardless of the many times Doflamingo messed with you, teased you, or hurt you, he always made up for it twice as much.
Whether it was showering you with all your favorite things, making it up for it in the bedroom, or made sure to shower you with his own way of affection, keeping you close to him and in his arms.
You stay quiet as you slowly began to continue to pack, still thinking deeply at her question.
“..I’m sure it is..” you murmur, eyes slowly closing as you accepted the truth. “I don’t even think he truly loved me.. probably only kept me by his side to help his boredom..”
Baby 5 frowns at you. She didn’t want to see you leave but she couldn’t stop or your choices. “I’m sure that’s not the reason.” She comments, in hope of trying to change your mind but she knew it was futile.
“I’ll come back in a bit.” You say softly, offering a gentle smile to her as you close up your bag and swung it over your shoulder.
Baby 5 stares with a sad smile, nodding reluctantly as she sighs and brings a cigarette to her lips. She was going to be sad, but she respected and understood your decision.
You gave her one last smile before heading out of the room and into the hall, exhaling gently as you began making way down to the front of the palace, mentally preparing yourself for your leave.
‘This is the first time I’m actually leaving on my own.. is it really the best choice?..’ You started to feel doubt running through you, reminiscing on the genuine good times you had with Doffy, times where he was vulnerable, actually sweet and endearing towards you.
Pursing your lips, you shook your head from the memories and reassured yourself that this was what was best for you.
“I’m done being a little pawn for his game.” You mutter to yourself, gripping the strap of the bag tightly in your hand as you sped up your walk.
It didn’t take long to reach front. Your steps slowed down, still processing the fact that you were heading out for a while.
Sighing, you look down at your feet and continue to walk, biting on your inner cheek as you thought to yourself.
When you reached the open air, making it to the outside, your eyes widen at the sight of the king standing right in front of it, hands in his pockets and him in his usual stance.
Doflamingo didn’t say a word, standing there and staring straight at you through his glasses. His lips was in a firm straight line.
“What do you want, Doffy?” You frown at him, securing your bag onto your back tightly as you stop in front of him at a distance.
“I want you to stay.” He said simply, unmoving from his position.
You narrow your eyes slightly and scoff. “Unfortunately, I can’t give you what you want this time, Doflamingo. Sorry about that. Please move aside.”
Your brow twitched as you clenched your fists and inhaled sharply. “Fine.”
You continue your walking, heading straight towards him before turning just slightly to go around. You kept your vision straight, making sure to avoid eye contact with him.
When you finally reached a close enough distance, being right next to him, Doflamingo spoke.
You stop in your tracks once again, keeping your head and posture straight and listen to him clear his throat.
“...I’m sorry.”
Doflamingo was apologizing?..
“You aren’t a tool, nor a toy to play with.” He continues, turning his head just slightly to look at you. He saw your tightened grip, seeing the whites of your knuckles as you listen to what he had to say.
“Don’t leave. Stay with me..”
If you listened close enough, you could tell how much he was struggling to speak and the faltering of his voice.
Doflamingo never begged, apologized, pleaded or have been so vulnerable before. The only time he was vulnerable was when he was with you, alone in the room. But even then, it wasn’t much.
So seeing him right here, completely serious and sounding so stressed and struggling with himself, you couldn’t help but be empathetic.
“.. One of the seven warlords and king of a country.. apologizing and being so sincere..”
Hearing your words made a small vein appear on his forehead as Doflamingo clicked his tongue.
“Damn it, I hate you Doflamingo..” you mutter in annoyance, dropping your bag and turning to face him, jumping into his arms.
You wrap your arms around his neck tightly and shut your eyes, Doflamingo’s arms wrapping around your torso and held you up.
“You really are such a pain in the ass.”
Doflamingo felt a small grin forming back on his lips, a genuine one as he held you close. “I’m aware.” He says as he leans down and pressed his lips to your head.
“You aren’t any better yourself.” He points out, making you smile slightly despite the previous irritation and anger you had.
“I know.”
A/N : okayyy, glad that this is out, I hope you liked it.
Also not one of my best works, it’s reallyyy hard to do Doffy honestly, no matter how much I love him.
Especially since I’m in Whole Cake and haven’t seen Doffy in a while lol so I’m really sorry if this isn’t too great :(
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Hi you could write something in which Draco is in love with a Hufflepuff girl, but she is a little afraid of him and always runs away if they get too close, Draco gets a little desperate to get her attention and ends up using Amortentia  to make her fall in love with him ... You could have a little anguish, but end up with a happy ending?My first language is not English I'm sorry if you got confused
This is so creative Holy shit you guys have got some good ideas!
The potion. That GOD. DAMN. POTION. It all started with potions class. You were forced to be partners with Draco Malfoy. THE DRACO MALFOY. The one that scared the absolute daylights out of you. You were a relatively outgoing person, you were an absolute sweetheart to the first years in your house, how could Draco NOT notice you. Your hair was always in a ponytail, but there were these few strands that were always loose in the front that made the ponytail look adorable, though it was cleared you’d always get frustrated with them. Draco noticed these little things that you did, biting the end of pencils when you were focused, your habit of getting distracted easily and fidgeting with something like the ring on your finger, the fact that your best friend was always waiting outside your class and you’d usually get really excited when you knew you’d pass an exam. He was so in love it hurt. The poor guy would stay up at night sometimes and think about you. It was always when he couldn’t sleep. But the part that frustrated him the most is you wouldn’t talk to him. You always jumped or had this look that resembled pure terror whenever he’d talk to you. You’d start shaking, you’d nearly knocked things off your desk or you’d just apologize A LOT. Draco couldn’t understand this. Why were you afraid of him? 
There was this potions project that came up, Draco needed to work outside of class with you for. You loathed this. Because that meant having to talk, and talking meant the possibility of you messing up your words and saying something absolutely idiotic in front of him. It was no secret to your best friend Lila that you had this massive crush on the boy. To everyone else it just looked like he freaked you out just by BREATHING. Your mind couldn’t function around him, you always would trip, knock things over or stutter. So you kept quiet around him. Today that wasn’t possible. You needed to work with him and actually talk. You were a mess, always fucking up your words, shaking so bad you had to leave a couple of times, hiding your face behind large books. The next day was a bit different. You two needed specific books for this project and you knew EXACTLY where to get each one. “So you spend a lot of time in here?” Draco asked as you handed him a book. “Y-yeah. Granger u-usually studies with me.” You muttered. Well shit, of course you knew where everything was if you studied with Hermione. You handed him another book. “What books do you typically like to read?” Draco asked curiously. “U-uh... M-muggle ones u-usually older ones.” you said handing him another book. “Ah.” He nodded. You mistepped on the ladder and fell back, Draco dropping the books and catching you. Your face was becoming redder by the second and you jumped back. “T-t-thanks.” You said. “No problem. Can’t have you messing up that beautiful smile of yours.” He flirted making you nearly scream. Have you ever seen Inside out? If you have then you know that one scene with the boy that likes Riley and his brain screaming “GIRL. GIRL. GIRL.” over and over again. This was you. “I-I left something in p-potions I’ll b-be right back.” you squeaked out. You sprinted down the hall and practically screamed. How in the hell was this easy for Fred and George?
 Draco sighed. Great. He scared you. AGAIN. He picked up one of the many books he dropped before seeing the title. “Love potions”. Oh... Maybe just maybe he could use something here. No that would be absurd... Or would it. It certainly would get you talking to him... Maybe if he used... A little? No... Unless? Well you two did manage to finish the project, his excuse to see you again falling apart. Destiny worked in his favor however when he had to make a love potion for class. Amortentia. The class all had to say what they smelled. But you didn’t say anything, accepting the poor participation grade when it came. There was no way in hell you were admitting you smelled Draco in that cauldron. Draco slipped a small bit of the potion into a small vial, keeping it with him in case he changed his mind. Well he did. After saving your ass yet again from falling. “Do you enjoy falling on me or something?” He asked with a laugh. “I-I didn’t mean to f-fall f-for you-- I MEAN ON YOU!” You screamed. He blinked a few times. He just... He couldn’t take it anymore. So he sat by you one day. Scared the bejesus out of you naturally, but he slipped it in your drink. You sipped it and rose a brow. “That’s... Sweeter than I remember.” You muttered to yourself. Draco was good at potions. So why the fuck were you FUCKING UP EVEN MORE? 
More tripping, stumbling, falling, screaming, clumsy events were taking place. Did he mess up or something? He finally got an answer when you (yes. again.) tripped onto the poor guy and he caught you before you could hit the ground. “Y/n, you’ve got to stop falling for me like this, it’s getting ridiculous.” Draco teased. “It’s not my fault those silver eyes are really distracting!” You breathed out. Yep. There it was. Your face heated up. Where the fuck did that surge of confidence even come from!? “What was that Love?” Draco asked making your heart pound. You stood up straight. “You’re absolutely distracting dude, who is this attractive before they’re eighteen?” You asked. Oh God. Stop talking. PLEASE STOP FUCKING TALKING. “... I see.” Draco said with a small smile tugging at his lips. “Have your lips always looked that great or am I hallucinating?” you asked. He was trying really hard not to laugh at how quickly this coming out of your mouth. “Y/n, are you flirting with me?” He asked. “Ding ding ding, we have a winner.” You said. WHAT THE FUCK MAN!? SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE OR ELSE YOU’LL-- “I mean why else do you think I’m such a fuck up around you?” You snorted. SHIT. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD-- Draco blinked. “What?” Draco asked, his reaction going from amused to “WAIT WHAT?”. “Yeah, I screw up all the time because you’re very distracting. Like have you seen that ass--” “OKAYYY Y/N!” Your friend said dragging you off. “What the fuck are you doing!?” Lila asked. “I don’t know, please make it stop-- Why is he coming over HERE!?” you whined. “I have to ask for clarification. You don’t hate me?” Draco asked. “HA! No! I’m ridiculously in love with you--” Lila slammed her hand over your mouth and smiled politely. “Y/n. Stop talking.” She begged. “For how long?” Draco asked, making sure this wasn’t coming from the potion. “Since our third year, did you know your hair brings out your eyes, because I sure did-- LILA HELP ME” You whined. “Excuse us Draco--” He pulled out another vial and pulled you forward. “Open.” He said. “Are we about to kiss right now--” He dropped a couple of droplets of a reversal potion in your mouth and you shot back. You coughed a couple of times because my God it tasted horrible. 
Lila rose a brow as Draco ran a hand over his face and you frowned. “Oh god. OH GOD OH GOD I FUCKED UP!” You groaned. Draco opened his mouth. “DON’T. SAY. A. WORD.” You groaned smacking your head onto the wall. Lila sighed and then it hit her. “wait a minute. That was Amortentia.” She said. Oh no. “YeS LILA I’M AwAre” You groaned. Draco inched back and she turned to him. “The potion only makes you attracted to--” “Who made it-- Yes Lila I’m aware of how it....” You leaned off the wall, turning to her. “Wait... a damn minute.” You said before looking at Draco. “Did you use a love potion on me!?” You asked. “I...” He sighed. “In my defense I didn’t mean for it to be that strong. I only wanted to make you hate me less!” He said. You blinked. “Hate you-- Draco I don’t hate you!” You said. “Well I know that now!” Draco said. You opened your mouth and then closed it. You sighed and just walked away. “Draco. Next time you have a crush GO TO THE BEST FRIEND. I swear boys are fucking idiots!” Lila groaned following after you. 
You avoided Draco like the plague, not even showing up to potions for a week. Draco hated this. He knew it was a bad plan, after all the potion would have to wear off eventually. But now you weren’t even talking or looking at him. He decided to give you your space, sitting outside in the courtyard rather than the great hall.
He sighed, closing his book when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see you. “Y/n... Look I am--” “Don’t. Give me a second okay?” You said before reaching in your bag. You held up a vial. “Truth serum?” Draco asked. “Yep.” You nodded. you uncorked the bottle and sighed. “Bottoms up.” You muttered before drinking some of it. Draco rose a brow. “I love you. I have since our third year. I constantly trip over everything because you literally are on my mind most of the time. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I hated you. I don’t, truth be told I can’t even form proper English around you much less walk. You don’t have to say anything.” you finally said. Draco blinked a couple of times. He looked at the vial and sighed. “Mind if I take some of that?” he asked. You handed him the vial and he finished it off. “I love you. I have since our first year when I literally ran into a post watching you laugh at a prank Fred pulled. I used the love potion because I was under the impression you hated me, not that you loved me. You hide your emotions well, let me tell you. I won’t do it again and I’m genuinely sorry.” he said. You blinked a few times. Well at least you couldn’t lie. “I have to know this though and I’m so sorry... But do I actually have a great ass?” He teased making you blush and shake your head. “You’re something else Draco.” You said with a giggle. He smiled and took your hand into his. “I love you Y/n.” He said softly, taking your hands into his. “I love you too... And to answer your question yes, you have a fantastic ass.” You said making him laugh. He shook his head before kissing you, holding you close in his arms as he did. “I have wanted to do that for years.” you said with a laugh. He smiled and kissed your forehead. “We have a lot to catch you up on.” He said taking your hand. “Ugh... Studying. Damn it.” you grumbled. He turned around, fingers under your chin.
 “I didn’t mean classwork darling.”
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jean-kayak · 4 years
You Lost What?
Summary: As the day he plans to propose to you on comes closer, he realizes that he lost the ring
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
Word Count: 1,227
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve haven’t really felt that motivated to write, and I don’t want to put out trash content lmao
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"You lost what?!" Bokuto practically screams, and Kuroo flails his arms around before frantically shushing his best friend.
"Can you keep it down? They'll hear you," Kuroo whispers harshly, running a hand through his tousled hair before sighing.
"Where was the last place you put it?" Akaashi asks, and Kuroo lets out another stressed sigh as he rests his hands on his hips, responding with a weak shrug.
"I don't know. I thought I had it in my pocket, but when I went to look, it wasn't there."
"Okay, okay, let's just calm down. We'll help you look for it," Bokuto says, and Kuroo nods before they start looking through the living room, searching for the missing engagement ring.
You're walking down the hallway, rubbing the last bit of sleep from your eyes, and you stop in your tracks once you get into the living, seeing your messy living room and the cause of it walking around frantically.
"We playing hide or seek or something?" you ask, making all three men jump comically before turning to you.
"Babe, you're up," Kuroo says, rushing over to you and giving you a hug.
"Yeah, I am. What are you guys doing?" you question, looking at your boyfriend before turning to Bokuto and Akaashi.
"Playing where's Waldo?" Bokuto speaks up, his answer causing Kuroo to give him a wide-eyed look while Akaashi gives him a confused one.
"Okayyy," you respond, slowly starting to wonder what they're up to. "Well, what are you guys doing here?"
Both of them seem to hesitate at your question, shooting a quick glance at Kuroo before Akaashi speaks first. "Kuroo told me you wanted to get something for your co-workers. I wanted to do the same, thought you'd want to join me."
Kuroo nods his head at the quick save, and your eyes widen. "Oh, jeez, Christmas is like four days away, isn't it? Okay, I'll go get dressed." You quickly walk out of the room, and all of the men sigh in relief, their bodies slumping slightly.
"Okay, so while we're out, you guys look for the ring. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep them away from here, but I'll do my best," Akaashu decides, and Kuroo rushes over to hug him.
"I owe you one, man," he says, and Akaashi just gives him a light pat on the back, and Kuroo pulls away once he hears you coming back into the room.
"Okay, I'm ready." You walk over to the door, slipping on your shoes and your coat. "So, what are you guys gonna do?" your question aimed at your boyfriend and Bokuto.
"Uh, we are going to go get me a Christmas tree," Bokuto says, and his eyes widen when yours squint.
"I thought you already got one?" And Kuroo feels himself starting to panic again.
"Did I say me? I meant my sister. You know what, it doesn't matter." Bokuto rushes towards you, pushing towards the door as Akaashi starts pulling your wrist, tugging you out the door. "You gotta get those presents before they get taken!"
"Uh, okay, love you, Kuroo," you rush out, almost losing your footing as you step down the stairs on your porch.
"Love you, too, have fun." He waits until you drive off before closing the door.
"Now," Bokuto starts, "we find the ring."
Needless to say, the house is a complete mess. Everything that was in its place is out of place. The house looked like a tornado ran through it. Kuroo rushes back into the living room, now furiously pulling at his hair.
"It has to be here somewhere, where haven't we looked?" Bokuto asks, trying to keep Kuroo as calm as possible.
"Akaashi, you can't keep me from my house," you say, gently tugging your arm from his grip and jogging towards the house.
"Y/N, wait."
Bokuto crouches down on the floor, looking under the coat rack by the door. He sweeps his hand under it, feeling something tiny and cold under it. He grabs it, pulling it out to reveal the ring as he sits up on one knee. "Kuroo, I found it!"
As he celebrates, you open the door, stopping in your tracks to see Bokuto on the floor on one knee a ring in his hand. "Bokuto?" you ask, way past confused, and his eyes widen as he stands up quickly, putting the ring behind his back, Akaashi coming in behind you with his eyes wide, matching your confusion.
"It's not what it looks like, I swear." You're eyebrows rise on your head, and Kuroo runs to him, snatching the ring out of his hand.
"He's actually telling the truth this time," Kuroo agrees, his face turning red as he moves to stand in front of you. Akaashi grabs Bokuto's wrist, pulling him out the door and closing it softly behind him. "I was saving this for Christmas, but I guess the cat's out of the back now."
Your face is covered in disarray, and Kuroo takes a deep breath into him some courage before getting in the position you found Bokuto in. He hears you gasp softly as he remembers the words he spent rehearsing for hours.
"Kuroo..." you start, and he lifts his head to meet your eyes.
"I don't even know where to start on how to explain how much I love you. You're always there for me, no matter what's going on. I can always count on you to brighten my day, making a hard day at work completely disappear. You're so good to me, sometimes I don't think I deserve you," he says with a light chuckle.
"But you were always right there. And from the moment I met you, I knew that you would be the one that I would marry and spend the rest of my life with." He sighs heavily before shifting on his knee and holding the ring out for you to see. "Please make me the happiest man in the world. Will you--"
He doesn't get to finish the question, you're already on the floor, your lips on his, and the impact almost makes him drop the ring and fall over, but he regains balance, his arms wrapping around you. He pulls you both up to stand, not breaking the kiss as he feels his heart swell. "So, I'm guessing the answer is yes?" he asks, pulling away from the kiss as you nod quickly.
"Yes, yes, a million times yes." He slides the ring on your finger before you both each other's tears away, and Kuroo didn't even realize that he was crying.
The door opens and Bokuto runs in with his arms in the air with Akaashi giving him a disapproving look. "They said yes?!" he asks, and Kuroo nods happily.
"They said yes." Bokuto runs over, hugging the both of you while Akaashi joins him in saying congratulations.
"Guess I better cancel those carolers," Bokuto speaks up before fishing his phone out of his pocket.
"Carolers?" you repeat, giving him a confused look.
"What? He was gonna do it on Christmas, so I thought I could set the mood." Everyone laughs at his thought process, and Kuroo turns to you, pressing his lips against yours.
"I love you so much," he declares against your lips.
"I love you so much, Kuroo."
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Christmas Event Masterlist!
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Drunk Confessions - IwaOi
Warnings: swearing, drinking, this is cute asf
Summary: Oikawa can’t have Iwaizumi, so he gets drunk off his ass to try and forget. The only problem is, Iwa comes to take care of him in his drunk state. Thank goodness Iwa likes him too
Oikawa Tooru was LONELY.
Having an insufferable crush on your best friend for the past five years made it hard to not feel lonely.
His heart felt so full when he was with Iwa, but at the same time so empty.
If he didn’t have a crush on his best friend, wow how things would be different. He had plenty of fangirls (and some fanboys even) who wanted to date him. He wouldn’t sit alone on a Friday night and scroll through his best friend’s snapchat stories and feel his heart break every time he hung out with people and Oikawa wasn’t invited.
Yeah, this sucked.
Well, his parents were away for the weekend, so what else could he do to fill the empty hole in his heart? He’d play a game: how many shots does it take until I forget his name?
He couldn’t even be positive Iwa was attracted to boys. He had never told him explicitly. Shot.
He knew everything about Oikawa, even the small things that would make him cringe. He knew how to cheer him up. Was that just a friend thing? Who would he even ask? Shot.
“Yamaguchi!” He cheered over the phone, facetiming the first year.
“I, how did you get my number?” The boy asked awkwardly.
“You and the glasses kid are childhood friends, right?”
The boy smiled. “We’re boyfriends now actually!”
“Fuck my life.” He hung up. Shot.
The radio was playing Ed Sheeran. Dammit. Although he’d never admit it, Iwa listened to Ed Sheeran a lot, usually while he studied as background music. Perfect by Ed Sheeran. That would be their song.
Everything was Iwaizumi Hajime. The blanket he always stole when he came over. The blue cup he used and dubbed his own. The dent in the wall from the one time he tripped and fell down the stairs. The spiderweb cracks in the back window from when he threw a baseball a little too hard when they were kids—his parents never got to fixing it. Dammit.
Shot after shot for everything that reminded him of Iwa. But it only made it worse. He didn’t fill up the spot in his mind that Iwa occupied with the alcohol, but instead filled up his mind until Iwa occupied it all.
His fingers were tapping on his crush’s contact before he even comprehended what he was doing.
“Oi, Oikawa, what is it? It’s almost midnight.” It was dark wherever Iwa was, his face hardly lit up by the screen.
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa slurred excitedly. “Just wanted to seee what was up!”
There was silence for a brief moment.
“Did you drink?” His eyes were serious.
He sighed, shaking his head. “Your parents are out of town, aren’t they?”
“Mhmmmmmm. Don’t worry about me Iwa, I’ll be okay! Just wanted to see your handsome face before bed,” he chuckled. The words brought a ping of pain to his heart, but he ignored it, pouring himself another drink with one hand.
“Hey! Cut it out. I’ll be over in a few. No more drinks til then, alright?”
“Okayyy. You know I can’t say no to you.”
“You know what? I’m staying on the phone with you til I get there,” Iwa decided. He held the phone in his hand and it shook slightly as he walked, his face being illuminated with streetlights every few seconds.
“Awwww so protective of me.”
“Fuck off,” he grumbled. Then a pause. “How much did you drink tonight?”
“Seven? Eight? I dunno.”
“You shouldn’t be drinking alone. It’s not healthy or safe,” he scolded Oikawa gently.
Oikawa frowned. “I know. But you seemed to be having fun on your story so I didn’t wanna bother you.”
“Idiot. You’re never bothering me,” he said under his breath.
“Awww, Iwa Chan, you’re so sweet! You’re making me blush.” Oikawa moved haphazardously to the couch, collapsing onto it.
“You’re ridiculous. I’ll be there in just one minute, alright?”
“Okay. The door’s-“
Why was the line silent? Iwa clutched his phone tighter. Did he lose service? No, the picture was still there. Did this idiot really pass out? God. He should have been there for him. If anything happened to Oikawa he’d- well, he’d be pissed with himself. He ended the call and sprinted to his friend’s house.
He pushed the front door open urgently, shutting it behind him in one quick motion, and made his way to the living room. “Shittykawa!” He called, plopping on the couch next to the sleeping man.
“Oi,” he flicked Oikawa’s forehead, causing the boy to jump awake, startled. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Iwa!” Tooru exclaimed, pulling the man in tight for a hug, keeping him locked in his grip. “Missed youu.”
“Missed you too. But you can’t freak me out like that. I thought you died or something.”
“I knew you had a soft spot for me!” Oikawa exclaimed, poking his chest playfully.
“I always have,” Iwa smiled, shaking his head. “But I’m only telling you this because you won’t remember in the morning.”
He forced his way out of Oikawa’s grip and started cleaning up the spilled alcohol on the table. “Wanna tell me why you were drinking to make such a mess?”
“The guy I like doesn’t like me back,” Oikawa pouted.
Iwaizumi paused, then quickly picked up where he left off. “I didn’t realize you were gay.”
“Duhhh. I don’t just swoon over your muscles for nothing.”
“Sh-shut up,” Iwa stuttered, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks. “Sorry about the guy though. I thought everyone liked you.”
“I know. I’m as shocked as you are. Hey! You know the kid with the glasses from Karasano? He’s been friends with their pinch server since they were kids. They’re dating now. What bullshit.”
Iwaizumi had no clue who Oikawa was talking about but nodded. “Uh huh, bullshit.”
“It sucks to see someone living out the life you want to live,” Oikawa groaned, flopping dramatically on the couch.
“You like glasses guy?” Iwaizumi felt himself stiffen.
Oikawa started cackling. Not the response he was expecting. “No.”
“Pinch server? When did you even hang out with these Karasano guys to know them well enough to form a crush?” He shouldn’t have felt so offended by Oikawa liking someone, but Oikawa never told Iwaizumi his feelings. Girls would always swoon over him, but he didn’t seem to care. He never told Iwa about his crushes, and so hearing it now made him even more uncomfortable.
He had always hoped that Oikawa never talked about crushes because he liked him back.
“Hey, you’re not even listening to me!” Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi turned his attention to him and smiled, putting his hands up defensively.
“I don’t know them well enough to form a crush.” Oikawa repeated himself.
“Okay? Who do you like then?” Was it probably bad to be working this information out of a drunk Oikawa? Yes. But he needed to know so he could move on.
“Iwa-Chan.” His voice was gravely serious.
Oikawa shook his head. “No, like that’s who I like. You won’t tell him, right?”
“Are you stupid? I’m literally Iwa-Chan.” He almost cringed at calling himself by the nickname, but he knew it was the best way to get the information to Oikawa’s brain.
Oikawa looked sick very suddenly, his face paling. He stood up and stumbled to the bathroom, Iwaizumi following quickly behind him, getting there just in time to see the intoxicated man throwing up. He rubbed his back gently, trying to get his stomach to calm down. They sat like this for a few minutes until Oikawa felt okay enough to break the silence.
“Iwa,” he grumbled. “Please forget I said that. Literally pretend I said nothing. Please. I don’t want to lose you as my friend because something so stupid slipped out.” His eyes were teary as he looked up at his friend, face still pale as a sheet and sweaty.
“No, I-“
“Please!” He called out, tears falling now. “Please. Please try and forget. I can’t wake up tomorrow morning and have no memory of tonight and all of a sudden you’re gone and-“
“Tooru,” Iwaizumi said firmly, hands reaching to cup his face to make him look up at him. “You never were good at letting me get a word out.” He joked, a small smile on his face. He used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears that fall down Oikawa’s cheeks. “I love you too, Oikawa.”
“You don’t have to say that ‘cause you feel bad.”
Iwaizumi leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “I’m not. I’m in love with you.”
Oikawa tackled him into a tight hug, almost knocking them both over. He then began to pepper kisses all over his crush’s face, while Iwa tried to pull him off. “Stop!” He laughed. “You just threw up. I don’t want kisses right now.”
“Booooo. You’re no fun.”
“I’ll kiss you tomorrow, ‘Kay?” Iwa said softly, brushing some of Oikawa’s hair out of his face. “We need to get you to bed.”
“Stairs plus me is not gonna work.” Oikawa said matter-of-factly
Iwaizumi grumbled. He was still as stubborn and annoying as ever when he was drunk. He stood up and knelt down, back to Oikawa. “Fine, get on, but only this once.”
“Awwww, is my Iwa Chan giving me a piggyback ride?”
“Better than you falling up the stairs.”
Oikawa leapt onto his back, causing Iwa to sway a little bit at first, but he quickly steadied himself and began slowly walking towards Oikawa’s bedroom.
“Wow, look at those muscles!” Oikawa swooned, poking around at Iwaizumi’s biceps. “What a man.”
“You’re such a pain in the ass,” Iwa chuckled, letting the man poke and prod up his body.
Finally he got to Oikawa’s bed, letting him go to collapse onto the piles of pillows and blankets. Oikawa squealed as he landed, letting out a few giggles.
“You’re too adorable,” Iwa commented, looking at the man in front of him fondly. He then also collapsed on the bed, joining Oikawa. They had shared a bed plenty of times before, but this time was different. They weren’t just best friends. Maybe they were boyfriends? Iwaizumi would ask in the morning. His heart was racing thinking about it.
Oikawa tore him out of his thoughts, readjusting and flipping face first onto Iwaizumi, head nestled in his neck.
“You comfy?” Iwaizumi teased.
“Asshole. Yes I am.”
“Okay. Good night Oikawa.” He wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him closer.
“Your heart is racing. Is that because of me?”
“Shut up and go to bed before I knock you out myself.”
Oikawa’s brain felt like putty in the morning. What the hell had even gone on last night? Bad decisions, that was what. He kept his eyes shut tightly, not ready to wake up to the blinding sun quite yet, and reached his hand around to feel for water on the nightstand.
And then he accidentally smacked someone in the face.
“Asshole.” They grumbled. That was... definitely Iwa Chan’s voice. And... did he have his arms wrapped around Oikawa? What happened last night?
He forced his eyes open to figure out what position exactly he had put himself in, and was shocked to see himself buried into Iwaizumi’s chest, laying on top of him, with the man’s arms wrapped around him.
His heart told him to stay cuddled up in his embrace, but his brain told him WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.
“You’re up,” Iwa grumbled sleepily. “Feeling okay?”
“What in the fuck did I miss?”
Iwaizumi chuckled. “You got really drunk last night.”
“Well, duh.”
“And uh...” Iwaizumi couldn’t meet Oikawa’s eyes as he spoke.
“Uh what?”
“You might have drunkenly confessed to me.”
“Oh, fuck.” Oikawa hid his face, unable to meet his friend’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Tooru. I’m in love with you too.”
Oikawa sat up quickly, shocked, straddling the man beneath him now. “You what!?” His hand rushed to his head to hold it, the quick motion causing his head to pound.
“I love you too.”
“For real?”
Iwaizumi sat up, face only inches away from Oikawa’s. His eyes softened, and he reached out to touch Oikawa’s cheek gently. “For real,” he whispered.
Oikawa’s eyes were trained on Iwaizumi’s lips. He was going to kiss him. He was going to kiss his best friend, his crush, the man who he loved and who loved him back.
“Oh, hell no.” Iwa held his face back, palm of his hand squishing against the boy’s cheek, refusing to let him get closer. “You threw up last night and never brushed your teeth.”
“Okay!” Oikawa stumbled out of bed, almost falling flat on his face as his head spun from getting up. “Mhm, going to go brush my teeth. Wait for me okay?”
“I’m waiting. Make sure you get your tongue too!”
“I love you Iwa Chan!” He called. Iwaizumi could hear the faucet running.
“I love you too.”
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honeymyheaven · 5 years
Could I get relationship hcs for Lucifer, Mammon, and Diavolo? Both sfw and nsfw if possible! Thank you so much!!!!
my three best bois 🥺 thank you i hope these are okayyy i dont get many obey me requests but they always make my day :)
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S f w
very protective
always making sure everything is okay
holds your hand like all the time because he just wants to be near you
he can't express emotions very well because he considers it a sort of weakness but with time he'll slowly become more and more open
v e r y mature
doesn't mess around very much
likes running errands together
is super excited when you offer to help him out but he plays it out veeeryy cool
"Sure you can help out if you want."
has a very obvious soft spot for you so you're the one mammon runs to when he's in trouble
isn't a fan of excessive PDA but will kiss your cheek or forehead every now and again and in rare cases he might even give you a light peck on the lips
because he loves showing you off and taking you out to nice places because he wants you to feel special and good and he looovesss seeing you smile and if he could he would have you smiling and laughing forever.
N // s // f // w
im gonna say it because it must be said;
is very much into bdsm
has you calling him sir
power play just makes him feel very good and if you're into it its double the fun
doesn't feel comfortable subbing so he's always the dom
very much a fan of temperature play and tying you up but even with that he's very meticulous and makes sure he's careful
loves edging you as well until you're practically begging for him until you're a mess for him and only him
kissing while he's thrusting in you is a massive turn on
aftercare is super important to him, he makes sure you were okay with everything, hot bath, lots of kissing, lots of talking and just making sure you were properly satisfied
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S f w
the rowdiest of bois
also the stupidest of bois
every day is a suprise
he has some new get rich quick scheme that he needs a partner in or he's running from lucifer because said scheme failed and he needs an escape buddy
theres just always something going on
gets shy but likes holding your hand and kissing your cheek in public
sitting at home with his head in your lap is also a favourite pass time
if you buy the magazines he models in his heart will literally burst out of his chest
buys you sweets all the time and takes you to places you havent seen mainly because he just likes exploring everything
late night walks are also an almost daily occurrence and he likes strolling under the moon with you on his arm, resting at a late night cafe, kissing your cheek
opens up a lot to you and always tells you how much he cares about you even if he's a blushing flustered mess
sometimes feels inadequate because of his brothers' comments cause some of them do get to him so he needs a bit of reassurance every now and again
N // s // f // w
okay i have been going crazy with this and i might do a whole drabble but,,,,,,,,
H e a d
his cheeks get super hot, his hand moving through your hair, lightly tugging at the roots while you work him, his breathing gets ragged, he swears through his teeth because of how good he feels and just can't get enough of your mouth
very much has an oral fixation in that he just likes seeing you with things in your mouth
Or kiss them and he'll get horny on the spot
ofc he always returns the favour because he also gets a kick out of watching how you squirm for him and how you call his name, feeling you tugging on his hair and praising him oh yea that's the good shit right there
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as the king of hell he never really had a partner
he was much too busy with other things so he's rather....inexperienced
but gosh hes a fast learner
always super happy and ready to explore
but at the same time ofc you're gonna be staying at his huge palace mansion thing and his servants will be waiting on you hand and foot
your his partner how could he offer any less
he shows you around the whole place and tells you the stories of everything and hes so excited and happy and you find that so fucking endearing you cant help but just kiss him and he gets surprised but kisses back because god he just loves you so much
hes never really shown this side of himself to anyone mainly because no one really cared to know him that well
his favourite thing is laying by you in bed and feeling your head rest on his chest, his arm draped around you and he just slowly presses a kiss to the top of your head and just smiles and sighs out because he still can't believe you chose to be with him
N // s // f // w
Tell him what to do
He'll be so happy and ready to do it almost immediately
loves loves loves giving you head because wow he's doing something rlly good and you're praising him and hes making you feel amazing hey this is awesome
His hands would grip your hips, teeth pressing down into his lower lip when he feels you move on him, light swearing would pass through his lips when he exhales and he'll just be a complete and utter mess
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tendousthoughts · 4 years
Our Plan
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Y/N or Ship(s): Ship (KuroKen & BokuAka)
Genre: Fluff/slight angst
Warnings: Mention of not eating/weight, foul language (cursing)
Summary: Does he really love me? I hope so. I love him so much, it hurts. Even though everyone seems to be telling me the same thing... how can I trust them when I don’t see it myself. I won’t confess until I know for sure.
A/N: Heyo! I’m sorry I didn’t post any stories for like a week. I have been really lazy.. I won’t be doing a longer version for this. I am writing this for all the people who got hurt from my last KuroKen fanfic (My Petals). If you can go check out my last fanfic (Mine forever). I might be doing some more headcanons later today/tomorrow. Please go ahead and request/comment/chat me. As always sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors!
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There he goes like he was never there. God Kuroo I wish you wouldn’t leave me alone. I am going to miss you so much. ~ Kenma
There was Kuroo sitting on the bench waiting for the train. Holding back his tears. He wished he could believe that Kenma liked him. But he couldn’t, no matter how many people told him otherwise.
Kenma wished he could just confess. But he couldn’t come to agree with the statement that Kuroo liked him.
“Kenma?” Kuroo whispered.
“Mhm?” Kenma mumbled.
“Will you miss me?” He choked out as tears began to flood his eyes.
“Of course, Kuroo” tears began to fall.
Kuroo slowly opened up his arms as kenma slowly entered his grasp. Holding him tight. “Kenma, I’m going to miss you so much,” Kuroo whispered.
“Promise to visit me?” Kenma mumbled hiding his face into his shoulder.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Kuroo whispered as he closed his eyes. The tear’s wouldn’t stop rolling down his face.
Where are you?
Kuroo sat in his new dorm. It’s been one week yet nobody could tell him where Kenma was. Not only that, Kenma wasn’t answering anyone. He couldn’t help but think it was his fault. This was only the first week. The next break he had was about a month from then.
Kenma sat in his bed. He wasn’t hungry. He hadn’t eaten for like a day. He wished Kuroo didn’t leave.
Kenma slowly looked at his phone. Akaashi was calling him.
“Hey..” he grumbled softly as he picked up.
“where the hell have you been?” Akaashi screamed.
“Why?” Kenma didn’t want anything other than to have this phone call over.
“WHY? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Akaashi screamed.
Fuck. Can everyone leave me alone? ~ Kenma
“Akaashi I am Okay you don’t have to worry nobody does. Can you ask everyone to just leave me the hell alone? I’m not a lost puppy that needs help. I am tired. I know I have to fucking move on okay so don’t go telling me that. I just miss him. Everyone tells me he likes me. Then when we are talking he only talks about a girl he likes. I need people to stop trying to help. They aren’t helping.” Kenma was already crying.
Fuck I’m sorry Kenma. ~ Akaashi
“Kenma.. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry about Kuroo. Please can I just come to check up on you?” Akaashi started. “I won’t- ”
“My House...” Kenma whispered.
“I’m at my house, You can come check up on me. I want only two people max though. So go ahead and choose someone. I don’t want Kuroo knowing anything about how I’m doing. So choose someone trustworthy.” Kenma mumbled and hung up.
He Doesn’t
Kenma slowly opened the door. There stood Akaashi.
“Hey kenma..” Akaashi smiled as he walked in. The house was a mess.
I’m so sorry Kenma. I don’t know if I have done anything to cause this but if I have I am so fucking sorry. You look so sick. How long have you not brushed your hair? When was the last time you ate something, you’re so pale? When was the last time you slept.. You have really bad eye bags. ~ Akaashi
What the actual hell. Why is nobody concerned about you? Akaashi your eyes are so red. You look almost as tired as me. What the hell are you doing here? Huh? ~ Kenma
“What happened to you?” Kenma laughed. “You look almost as bad as me.”
“What do you mean?” Akaashi smiled softly.
“Why were you crying huh?” Kenma blurted out
“Oh uh, I just miss Bokuto. You?” Akaashi whispered
“Oh that Owl? I miss Kuroo” Kenma tried to lighten the mood
“I know you didn’t just come for Bokuto when Kuroo looks like a rooster” Akaashi laughed.
“He does not!”
“Does too!”
Kenma giggled a bit. “You hungry?”
“Sure,” Akaashi smiled.
“Okay I’ll go make some food, you go take a shower. You look like a mess.”
“I know you didn’t call me a mess!”
“Did too! I’ll take one after you can borrow some of my clothes.” Kenma smiled as he began to make some food.
In about fifteen minutes. Akaashi walked out.
“You and Bokuto are not together?” Kenma took a bite out of his food.
“Um no.. he doesn’t like me.”
“Are you sure? I think he does. All he does is talk about his Akaashi when he comes over.” Kenma smiled.
“H-His?” Akaashi’s heart fluttered.
“Mhm! But he doesn’t think you like him..”
“I do! But then again he might just be calling me his. As a friendly way. Anyway how about you and Kuroo?”
“He said he likes this girl.”
“Oh weird.”
“What do you mean weird?”
“He told me he is gay.” Akaashi looked seriously confused.
“I think it was as a joke ‘Kaashi” Kenma smiled softly. “Bokuto and you would be cute.”
“I wish he would just confess..”
“Why don’t you?”
“Unsure.. I just want to make sure he likes me and just doesn’t feel bad. Dating me out of pity and shit, you know?”
“Ya.. You know we could fake dating. It would help speed up the process of this sappy shit.” Kenma said jokingly.
“I guess... Oh and it will help us find out about you and Kuroo!”
“Oh um okay.. I bet you have been ignoring everyone too?”
“ ‘Kay just text everyone ‘Sorry I was busy lately Kenma just confessed to me and we have been going on dates.’ I’ll say the same thing.
Akaashi sent the messages and so did Kenma.
“In like three weeks we will fake a breakup. Just in time for Bokuto and Kuroo to come back!” Akaashi smiled
“Well okay, baby~” Kenma winked and smiled
He did what?
Kuroo stood there looking at the message for a good ten minutes. Trying to see how to respond.
“Oh um.. Congrats.” Kuroo sent as tears rolled down his face.
Bokuto called up Kuroo.
“Hey?” Bokuto shouted.
“Tell Kenma to back off ! I really really really like ‘Kaashi!”
“I know Bokuto. I wish they weren’t dating..”
“Do you think ‘Kaashi is not good enough for Kenma! Huh? ‘Cause Kenma doesn’t deserve him! ‘Kaashi is the most calm, best, kindest person out there!”
“No Bokuto. I don’t think that, it is just I like him.”
“Oh. Umm well I think when we visit we need to make them fall for us instead!” Bokuto smiled proudly.
“I guess Bokuto but they love each other and we shouldn’t hurt them by doing that.”
Even though I wish you liked me Kenma. I thought you liked me too. Was I not clear enough? Did telling you that I like a girl really confuses you? Or did you really never like me?~ Kuroo
Kenma smiled softly. They never kissed. Akaashi wanting to have his first with Bokuto, and Kenma wanting to have it with whoever actually would like him. It being Kuroo or not.
“Ready for part two to be in place?” Kenma smiled softly.
“Yep! So let’s just post on our twitter that we broke up and it was mutual. As well as we realized we both liked other boys so there are no hard feelings. We will still be friends and all.” Akaashi whispered.
“Okay you wanna post it first and in twenty minutes I’ll post mine?”
I really hope this works.. I don’t know why it would. I really love you though Kuroo. Please if there is any fighting chance... please love me. ~ Kenma
Bokuto-san, I know this might not work. But, I won’t give up. Am I not making it clear enough? I tried to tell you I love you. But you took it as if it was a friend type thing, how many friends tell you that? How do I make it clearer? Do you like me or do you not Bokuto-san? Because, I really like you. ~ Akaashi
Once they were both posted, Kenma and Akaashi just got ready for sleep, not thinking much about it.
My Shot
Kuroo woke up to the sound of his phone. He slowly rubbed his eyes slowly.
“Hey Bokuto you needed something” he whispered softly as he yawned, half asleep.
“ ‘Kaashi and Kenma broke up! So now I can be with ‘Kaashi!” He giggled softly. “I am going to ask him out next week when I see him!”
“What?” Kuroo woke up with that sentence. “They broke up? Do you know how Kenma is?” Kuroo blurted out.
“I don’t know.. But I can be with ‘Kaashi now!” He smiled softly thinking of being with his ‘Kaashi he couldn’t wait.
“Uh okay well talk to you later imma call Kenma.”
Kuroo hung up. Taking a deep breath. Closing his eyes. Not now. Not fucking now. Not when all he is doing is trying to avoid this feeling.
There you are Bokuto-San. I love you so much. I wonder if you knew that. I love your eyes. They are so fucking pretty. I love your smile.. I love your everything. I. Love. You. ~ Akaashi
My ‘Kaashi is so beautiful.. I wonder if Akaashi will like me back. He is the best looking person. He is so calm, kind, and gentle. I love him so much. I. Love. You. My. Lover boy. ~ Bokuto
Bokuto ran up and picked up Akaashi. “MY ‘KAASHI!” He giggled as he placed a kiss on his head.
“Hello Bokuto-San,” he blushed from the name and the kiss.
“I like you. Like really really really like you!” He smiled as he carried him. Swinging him around. “Can you be my boyfriend?”
“What?” Akaashi blushed harder.
“Can you be mine forever ‘Kaashi?” Bokuto stopped spinning, looking Akaashi dead in the eyes. With his stupidly cheerful, happy grin. One that could brighten anyone’s day.
“Uh..” Akaashi was shocked. But soon reconnected to reality. “I will. I will!” He smiled tears rolling down his cheeks as he slowly looked at bokuto with his eyes that could melt anyone’s heart.
“Can I kiss you?” Bokuto asked.
“Um.. Ya I would love that,” He whispered.
A soft pair of lips pressed against his. The lips of the only boy he had ever loved and will ever love.
There he is. The boy I will forever love. The boy I wish was mine. The boy who might not love me. The boy who might not even like boys. The boy who is my everything, Kuroo.” ~ Kenma
I love you Kenma. I hope by the end of tonight I will be yours and you will be mine. Can we make this happen? I hope so Kenma because I can’t see you go find another lover. I love you too much for that. I hope you love me that much too. ~ Kuroo
Kuroo walked up and smiled softly, “Miss me?” He asked softly.
“Mhm,” he smiled as he jumped up. Kuroo instinctively reached up and began to carry him.
“I missed you too, I missed you a lot,” he whispered as he held on to Kenma tightly.
Kenma smiled and nuzzled into Kuroo’s warm neck.
“Hey Kenma, I’m gay. You know that right?” Kuroo whispered.
“Uh... no..?” He mumbled. “I thought you liked that girl. The one you talk about all the time. You know, the girl with the great personality and is all warm towards you?”
“Kenma am I that convincing?” Kuroo chuckled.
“I guess. You like someone though?”
“Mhm.. you” Kuroo chuckled. His anxiety was extremely high, wondering how kenma would respond to the sudden confession.
“What?” Kenma moved from his spot, his face red.
“I like you Kenma, I like how cute you are. I like how calm you are. I like how you can be super observant. I like how when you want to do something really bad you won’t stop till you have done it. So Kenma, will you be my boyfriend?” Kuroo was pink looking into his eyes. Those eyes were going to be the death of him.
“I-I like you too.. so yes,” Kenma giggled.
“Kiss?” Kuroo looked away, embarrassed as he said so.
Kenma shook his head slightly as his lips hit Kuroo’s. His smile was wide. His heart pounding fast. He was happy. Happy forever.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #671: Lovely Motorcycle Ride (Sonic Series)
9:07 p.m. Outside of the Rabbits and Chaotix's Household.......
Vector: (Waiting Outside the House For Vanilla to Come Out While Crossing his Arms) ('Sigh') (Man....A motorcycle ride for our date night.... It's been a long time since I even took Hard-Boiled for a spin. I just hope I don't mess things up for the both of us....)
Vanilla: Vector dear!~ Are you ready for our night together?~
Vector: Yeah, Vanilly! (Turns to Vanilla) I'm dress up and ready to....(Eyes Widened in Surprised and Begins to Blush Once he Sees What's in Front of Him) g-g-g-goooo?~
Vanilla: (Closes the Door Behind her While Wearing a Black Leather Biker Suit) Espio agrees to watch over the kids for the reminder of the night. (Turns Around with a Bright Smile on her Face) Our date night can finally begin!~
Vector: (Still Staring at Vanilla) ..........
Vanilla: Vector?
Vector: .................
Vanilla: Vector!
Vector: (Finally Comes Back to Reality) Oh! Uhh....(Smiles Awkwardly While Trying as Hard as he Can Not to Look Back at Vanilla's Bicker Suit) Y-Yeah! I uh....('Heh') Can't wait! For our...date night....
Vanilla: Is everything o- (Eyes Widened for a Brief Second Before She Suddenly Begin to Smirk Seductively) Vector-kins?~
Vector: Y-Y-Yes, dear?
Vanilla: Are you, by any chance, seem to be... Fascinated by the biker suit I'm wearing tonight?~
Vector: What!? N-N-No way! I would never-
Vanilla: (Gently Grab Vector's Hand) Vector-Kins~ Be honest with me now~ (Kiss the Top of Vector's Hand)
Vector: But I-I-I a...('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Fiiiiine. You got me... (Starts Blushing Again While Smiling Like a Dork) You really look great in the suit~
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly While Blushing) Why, thank you, my sweet crocodile~ I think you look very handsome yourself~
Vector: You think so? (Looks Down at the Suit and Tie He's Wearing) It's kinda plain compare to what you're wearing.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) I know so, dear. Granted, I always think you're handsome, no matter what you wear~
Vector: (Blushes Yet Again) T-Thanks. So uh...this might be wild guess, but judging by your biker suit, does this mean that we're gonna take Bianca out for a ride?
Vanilla: (Happily Nodded) That's right. Showing her to you and kids has really inspired me to give motorcycle riding another shot. So I figured that our date tonight would be a perfect opportunity to do so. I hope you don't mind.
Vector: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all, 'hon! (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth in a bit of a Bashful Fashion) To tell you truth, I was kinda hoping you would take me for a ride one of these days~
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) Well, it seems today is your lucky day, Vector the Crocodile!~ (Holds Vector's Hand and Brings him to Bianca in the Garage) Now, come. Our date night awaits~
Vector: Sure thing- (Eyes Widened Once He Noticed Vanilla is Slowly (and Purposely) Swinging her Hips Side to Side While Walking) ('Gulp') (WelI....(Blushes Once More) I guess this beautiful rabbit really is gonna be the death of me...)
Vanilla: (Giggling Softly to Herself) (Oh my darling, Vector-Kin~ Why must you be so gosh darn cute this evening?~)
On the Road.........
Vector: (Holding Onto Vanilla to Dear Life from Behind) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Few Minutes Later in front of the Traffic Light........
Vanilla: (Waiting for the Lights to Turn Green) Vector dear! How are you holding up back there?
Vector: (Still Holding on to Vanilla to Dear Life From Behind) I-I'm doing good, Vanilly! D-Don't Worry!
Vanilla: (Frowns a Little in Worry) Are you sure!? (Felt Vector's Hands Shaking) You're shaking like a leaf! I'm starting to get worry!
Vector: Nononono! It's alright, 'hon! I'm good!
Vanilla: Vector! Be honest with me please!
Vector: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okayyy... I'll be honest with you. It's been a long while since I ride on a motorcycle, so..... I got nervous
Vanilla: (Turns Around to Vector with a Sad, Worried Look in her Eyes) Oh sweetheart, why didn't you tell me that sooner? I would've been more than happy to slow down for you.
Vector: I know, but you were having a lot fun riding Bianca that...I didn't want to ruin it for you.
Vanilla: Vector, your happiness and safety are more important to me than my own excitement. (Brings Vector's Hand Up a Bit) And it's because I love you with all of my heart~ (Kiss the top of Vector's Hand)
Vector: (Heart Begins to Melt as He Begins to Smile Softly) I love you too, Vanilla~ But really though, I'm still having a lot of fun with you tonight!
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) I know you are, my dear. (Turns Back Around and Place Vector's Hand to Where it Was Before) I'll slow down for you once the light turns green, okay?
Vector: 'Kay! ('Sigh') I swear, babe, you really are too good for-
Vanilla: (Begins to Pout) Nuh-huh! No sir! Don't you dare finish that sentence!
Vector: But I-
Vanilla: Vector, we both agreed and established that those words are absolutely false. Now stopping believe that silly assumption before I take away our Cuddle Time privileges!
Vector: ('Sigh Heavily') Okayyyyy! I'm sorry.....I love you!
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly I love you too, my precious crocodile!~ Always~
Once the lights turn green, the couple continues riding down the road in their own pace, enjoying the rest of the date night together.
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what comes after? | jeon jungkook
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pairing: jeon jungkook x male reader
word count: 1673
description: (M/n) and Jungkook finally get to catch up after all those years of not speaking.
a/n: sorry this one took me a bit to write, i didn’t wanna upload it too soon after the first one. i hope you guys enjoy, and if you’re seeing this one before reading tiny fractures please click on the link and read part one! you need to have read that one first in order to have context for this one
It was almost insane to (M/n) how easily he and Jungkook fell back into their friendship. 
He and Jungkook met up at a BBQ place around a week after the award show, Jungkook having preserved a private room so they’d have no interruptions. It felt like time had paused when Jungkook left Busan, and that night someone had pressed the play button. Sure, the two were much older and had been through their own hardships, but the bond the two shared hadn’t faded one bit.
As they got a few bottles of soju in though, their conversation went from familiar bickering to much more serious tones. It began when Jungkook turned to (M/n) with a very serious look on his face. “You know, I’m surprised you agreed to come out tonight.”
“Really?” (M/n) raised an eyebrow, taking a quick sip from his bottle. “Why is that surprising?”
“I figured you hated me for breaking our promise.” There was something about just how honest Jungkook was with that sentence that made (M/n)’s heart break a bit. 
“Kook, I could never hate you, for starters.” (M/n) set down his bottle, turning completely toward Jungkook. “Also I already told you the other night, you’re not the only one who could’ve reached out, plus that promise fell onto my responsibility.” A faint smile tugged at Jungkook’s lips then.
“You did come to Seoul at least.” Jungkook chuckled, resting his elbow on the table. “So, be honest, what did you think of BTS?”
“Genuinely?” (M/n) hummed as Jungkook rested his cheek onto the palm of his hand, giving (M/n) a nod after. “My entire group really looks up to yours, including me. I know that seems really generic, but the way you guys use music to bring together all walks of life is incredible. Plus, the music itself is amazing and the choreo is stellar.”
“That means a lot to hear from you, (Nickname).” A large grin spread across Jungkook’s face before he took a sip of soju.
“I’m just speaking the truth,” (M/n) grinned, taking a moment to fully take in Jungkook’s appearance. “You wanna know what’s kinda strange?”
“You’ve grown so much, but you still remind me of a bunny.” (M/n) chuckled, booping Jungkook’s nose lightly. He scrunched his nose lightly, but his smile grew.
“Some things never change.” Jungkook laughed out. “You’re still extremely handsome.”
“Do you really think so, rockstar?” (M/n) batted his eyelashes as he cupped his own chin with his hands. “What an honor to be complimented by someone of your stature!”
“I’m being serious!” Jungkook shoved (M/n) lightly, the two laughing together. 
“Honestly though, you’re not messing with me?” (M/n)’s eyes drifted to the table as the serious tone came sliding back in. 
“I would never joke about something like that, (M/n).” (M/n)’s eyes widened a bit when he felt a hand lightly grip his wrist, bringing them to look at Jungkook again. His best friend was now sitting up straight and had moved closer to (M/n).
Whether it was the lack of space between them or the soju, something in the air surrounding them changed. (M/n)’s breath hitched in his throat while Jungkook’s eyes scanned over his face. If it hadn’t been for the server walking in to bring them more food, causing the two to practically jump apart, (M/n) wasn’t sure what would have happened. One thing was for sure though, and that was he and Jungkook must’ve had similar thoughts as both of their faces were flushed with embarrassment. Even after the waiter had left, the two kept more than enough distance between each other.
Once the two had finished their food and Jungkook paid, the two ended up lingering in an alley near the restaurant. Even if things had grown awkward, neither one wanted the night to end yet. “Do you have a ride home?” Jungkook asked as he glanced around, slipping his face mask on.
“No, I was just gonna walk. My dorm isn’t too far from here, maybe about a fifteen minute walk?” (M/n) hummed out, swaying a bit as he still felt fuzzy from the soju.
“I’ll walk with you then, I’ll just let my ride know where I am.” (M/n) could tell Jungkook was grinning by the way his eyes crinkled up, and just that along had him beaming from ear to ear.
“Okayyy! This way then!” Jungkook had to move quickly as (M/n) took off out of the alley way, being coherent enough to at least get (M/n) to slip on his own mask. 
What (M/n) claimed to be a fifteen minute walk was actually an hour long walk if you included all the times Jungkook had to keep him from getting distracted, forty-five if you didn’t. By the time they reached the dorm, it was very late and Jungkook knew it was too late to call anyone. (M/n) immediately offered for Jungkook to sleep over, but even after they had gotten all the way to his room Jungkook was still unsure on if it was okay or not. “Look if anyone has an issue with it, I’ll talk to them. I highly doubt they would, I mean they all seemed relieved to know I finally talked to you.”
“So they know about our past?” Jungkook asked as (M/n) searched through his closet.
“I’ve known Chunsoo since I first came to JYP, and the others found out when you guys released DNA.” (M/n) explained before tossing a shirt and pair of shorts to Jungkook. “Do you mind sharing a bed?”
“Not at all.” Jungkook smiled softly, waiting until (M/n) turned back toward the closet to change.
An awkward silence fell over them as both of their thoughts roamed back to the restaurant. (M/n) felt a blush creep up his face as he thought about just how close they were, and how part of him wished the waiter hadn’t walked in. Jungkook seemed to have a similar train of thought as he walked over to (M/n), placing a hand on his arm. (M/n) turned around to look at him, not quite expecting for Jungkook to wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer. “Kook?” (M/n) whispered as his eyes scanned over Jungkook’s face, the air turning electric again.
“Yes, (Nickname)?” Jungkook whispered back as his face inched closer to (M/n)’s, his eyes shifting between (M/n)’s and (M/n)’s lips.
“I’m not sure if it’s the soju talking, but I think I like you more than just as a friend.” (M/n) could hear his heart pounding in his ears as Jungkook smirked a bit.
“I think that feeling is mutual.” Jungkook closed the gap between them then, their lips connecting as (M/n)’s hands gripped onto his shoulders.
It didn’t take long for the two to slowly make their way toward the bed, their lips not breaking contact until (M/n) accidentally backed up too far and ended up falling back onto the bed with a loud squeak. In the process, he had gripped onto Jungkook’s shirt and ended up pulling him down as well. The two broke out into fits of laughter after that, Jungkook resting his forehead on (M/n)’s shoulder. 
“I’m so glad we bumped into each other again.” (M/n) sighed out when the laughter died down, running his fingers along Jungkook’s forearm.
“Literally bumped into each other.” Jungkook snorted, getting a light smack from (M/n) on said forearm.
“Watch it, rockstar.” (M/n) grinned wide as Jungkook lifted his head, a slightly cocky smirk playing on his lips.
“What am I watching, popstar?” (M/n) went to make a retort, but he quickly shut his mouth as a blush began to creep up his cheeks again. “What is it?”
“I never expected you to find a counter nickname.” (M/n) mumbled before hiding his face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. 
“Why am I actually not surprised?”
(M/n)’s eyes shot open as the sound of Chunsoo sighing. He looked over to see Chunsoo and Taehwan standing in his doorway with their other two members peaking their heads in. “When we agreed you could have a room to yourself, we did not mean you can bring random people home.”
“Technically they aren't random?” (M/n) let out a nervous chuckle as he looked over to see Jungkook still sound asleep. 
“HOLY SHIT IS THAT JEON JUNGKOOK?!” Their youngest member, Jaehui, screeched just before their other member, Jungho, could cover his mouth. Jungkook flinched at the screech, blinking his eyes slowly. When he lifted his head and saw the four people in the room (M/n) could tell it made him feel nervous. 
“Alright, alright I’m up now so you guys can go!” (M/n) piped up as he stood, shooing Chunsoo and Taehwan out the door.
“I didn’t know you were gay, but I’m glad you and Jungkook truly made up.” Taehwan whispered teasingly as (M/n) had to practically push him completely out of the room. “Be safe you two!” 
(M/n) sighed in relief once he shut the door, making sure to lock it to prevent any further interruptance. When he turned around to apologize to Jungkook, he was surprised to find him standing right behind him. “I um… Hi.” (M/n) mumbled out as he bit his lip, looking up at Jungkook as he moved closer.
“Hey.” Jungkook chuckled, wrapping his arms around (M/n)’s waist. “What’s your schedule like today?”
“Today is our free day, why?” (M/n) wasn’t sure how it felt so natural for him to be in Jungkook’s arms, but he wouldn’t dare question it.
“Same here, wanna just lay in bed and play video games together like when we were younger?” Jungkook grinned, swaying a bit with (M/n).
“I would love to.”
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Duct Tape
Author's Note: Hiya y'all! Here is a lil Peter x Reader oneshot that I've been working on recently.
As always, this was beta read by the wonderful @twentytwohearts !
If anyone has any Peter x Reader requests, feel free to reach out through my inbox or via chat!
Peter's POV
"Uh, Pete?" Y/N's voice echoed through the hall. "Can you come in here for a sec?"
I could instantly tell something was off. She sounded nervous, her voice had an edge to it that set off my senses immediately. I snapped the textbook I'd been reading closed quickly and hopped to my feet. I skidded down the hallway of the tower, rounding the doorway to the lab where Y/N was working. 
"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked breathlessly as I practically ran into the huge room, eyes scanning the space hurriedly until they landed on Y/N. 
She was standing over a table, hands entwined within a mass of machinery and facial expression sheepish. She smiled at me from her place, but made no move to either wave or walk over to me. Although she looked somewhat calm, I could hear the way her heart was pounding and feel the nervous energy radiating from her. She was clearly distressed, and I felt my own anxiety start to increase as my mind was racing with the possibilities of what was bothering her. 
"So, I definitely need your help, but you have to promise not to laugh," she requested self-consciously. A deep red color was creeping its way up her neck as she spoke, and her voice sounded smaller than usual. Y/N was normally extremely sure of herself -- a trait that was reflected in the confident, strong way she spoke. It was one of the many things I admired and loved about her. A fact which only fueled the confusion and fear I felt at her completely out-of-character behavior. I raised an eyebrow at the statement, crossing my arms and looking at her curiously.
"Okayyy," I drawled, hoping she would continue. She winced a bit. 
"And you have to promise not to be mad," she amended. I felt my brows furrow deeper with confusion. 
"Okay. I promise I won't laugh and I won't be mad." I vowed, curiosity and anxiety at an all time high. "Now will you please just tell me what's going on?"
Y/N chewed on her lip nervously, and her eyes glanced away from mine as she paused. If I wasn't so completely freaked out by her strange behavior I might've actually passed out at the sight. 
I have no idea why, but for whatever reason I found Y/N ridiculously cute when she bit her lip like that. I mean, I found Y/N adorable pretty much all the time -- and harbored a massive crush on her -- but all the more so when she did that. Like, whenever she was deep in thought she'd get this look on her face: brilliant Y/E/C eyes trained on whatever she was doing, a tiny crinkle forming between her eyes as she focused, and that damned bottom lip tucked firmly in between her teeth to really let you know that she was concentrating. The effect just that tiny action had on me was baffling. 
Y/N shifted her weight nervously as she chewed on her lip. She eyed me for a moment before opening and closing her mouth wordlessly. Distressed little butterflies flew recklessly against my stomach and my heartbeat was hammering in my chest as I waited impatiently for an explanation. 
"Can you please just...can you tell me what's going on here?" I blurted. "Sorry. I just…  you're freaking me out here."
"Okay, so, I've been working on an update for your suit --"
"Wait, my suit?" I interrupted, eyes widening. She glared at me, and I shook my head. "Sorry, okay, go on."
"So I wanted to fix the web tasers  -- because I remembered you saying how annoying it was that you couldn't remotely activate them and that the voltage wasn't high enough blah, blah, blah--" she continued. "And once I got past the 'training wheels’ protocol--"
"That's still on?" I snapped, sidetracked once more. Y/N cocked her head to the side and shot me a look that clearly said 'really?'. 
"I know, I know, not the point. But Ned took it off like forever ago!"
"Evidently Tony turned it back on at some point," she explained exasperatedly. "Must have upped the security too, cause it took me like 5 minutes to get through it. Anyways, so I bypassed that, made the tasers manually accessible, and started working on upping the amperage for them. Which I did, by the way. It's kinda interesting actually…"
I blinked for a minute, accidentally tuning Y/N out for a moment as I marvelled at her. People might have thought I was pretty smart, but I was nothing compared to Y/N. She was the smartest person I knew, and I could listen to her talk about whatever project she was working on for hours. Even now I was almost in a trace as I watched her excitedly explain all the intricacies of my suit and the tech that Mr. Stark had installed. Her stuttering heartbeat told me that she was still freaking out, but her face was lit brightly with excitement as she spoke as if it was any other day. I let my mind wander briefly to imagine what it would be like if I could watch her talk like this all the time. Shaking my head slightly to clear my thoughts, I cleared my throat loudly. 
"That's great Y/N, thanks for all that, but I'm confused. I thought you said you needed my help with something?" I asked patiently. Her face blushed a vibrant red at my interruption and the sheepish expression returned. My heart fluttered a little at her flushed features, but I squashed the feeling down as I waited for her to speak.
"Wellll…," she drawled uncomfortably as she shifted her weight slightly. "So basically, I fucked up the manual vs. auto mechanism system, and if I take my hand off this metal plate your suit is going to fire a taser web straight at me."
"I'm sorry, it's going to -- what," I stuttered incredulously. I hadn't had any idea what she was going to say, but I was absolutely not expecting that. She smiled meekly, gesturing with her head down to the tech she was currently holding. 
"Yeah. And the kicker is, I've already upped the amperage quite a bit, so I'm not really sure just how bad it would zap me."
I blinked a few times and opened and shut my mouth as I struggled for words. This day had taken a turn that I would've never guessed in a million years. The shock of it all wore off pretty quickly though, and my body and mind kicked into overdrive. The mere mention of Y/N being in danger had dialled my senses to 11. My feet rushed over to where she stood without even consulting with my brain first and I worriedly scanned the immediate area around her makeshift workspace. 
"Jesus Y/N!" I scolded her. "Alright, so what do you need me to do?"
She bit her lip and cringed at my harsh tone, weight shifting on her feet once more. 
"You said you wouldn't get mad," she mumbled quietly. She stared up at me, expression guilty and Y/E/C orbs practically begging for forgiveness. My tense body relaxed marginally as I took in her vulnerable state. I felt my eyebrows loosen from the tight line they'd been set in. I moved closer to where she stood, hand reaching up as if it was going to rest on her shoulder before I thought better of it and withdrew it. 
"I'm not mad, I just--" I sighed. "I just don't want you to get hurt."
I felt her body relax slightly next to mine as she absorbed what I'd said, and she shot me a look of such genuine relief that the butterflies in my stomach went wild. 
"So, again, what do you need me to do?" I asked, tone softer this time around. She straightened up at my question and smiled. 
"I need something to hold this piece of metal down while I move out of the way. There's a roll of duct tape in that drawer over there, so if you grab that for me, I can tape it down. Then we can both move out of the way." she explained carefully. 
Although I trusted that Y/N knew what she was talking about when it came to the mechanics of the suit, I didn't want her anywhere near it. The idea of her getting hurt -- working on my suit no less -- made my skin crawl. Every pore in my body was screaming to rush her away from the danger as fast as I could. I shook my head and frowned. Y/N looked at me, eyebrow raised and expression full of total confusion.
"Absolutely not. There's no way I'm letting you stand there, in front of an active taser, while I mess around fumbling in a drawer." I answered firmly. Y/N frowned, clearly still confused. 
"Okay, well what do you suggest?" she asked carefully. 
"I'll hold the piece down until you can find the tape, and then once you're out of the way I'll take my hand off." I decided. She scoffed. She shifted her weight again and shot me a look of thinly veiled irritation. 
"Oh, please, I'm the one who jacked up the suit anyways." she retorted stubbornly. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want to get shocked, but if I do it's my own fault. I'm not letting you potentially get hurt because of something I did"
"Y/N," I warned. 
"Peter," she replied, tone mocking my own as she glared.
I crossed my arms petulantly across my chest, eyeing her with a stern expression. A look that she fully reciprocated with a glare of her own. We stared stubbornly at one another for a few moments -- neither of us willing to back down. After what felt like hours had passed (which had only probably been less than a minute) I sighed and rubbed my face in exasperation. 
"Y/N, I am not gonna let anything bad happen to you if I can be there to stop it. I can't," I mumbled quietly. Her expression softened slightly. "Worse case scenario, I can take the brunt of the shock way better than you can. Please?"
She eyed me for a moment, body relaxing under my hopeful gaze, and her bottom lip disappearing briefly as she bit her lip in contemplation. As distracting as I would normally find that, I stared at her form intensely, internally begging for her to see reason. After a few beats, she huffed. 
"Fine." she replied flatly. I felt my heart lift at the victory, the weight in the pit of my stomach disappearing almost instantly. I smiled thankfully at Y/N in appreciation of her agreement. She smiled softly and the lovely pink color blossomed across her cheeks in response. We stared at each other with dopey smiles on our faces for what was probably way too long before Y/N cleared her throat. 
"Well, get over here then and put your finger on here while I go get the tape." 
I shook off my thoughts of Y/N and how adorable she looked with her face tinted pink like that and nodded tensely. 
My hands hovered over hers, and after a few awkward shuffles we managed to get my hands over the small metal bracket just as Y/N instructed. After her hands were completely free from the tech she all but sprinted over to the drawer and began furiously digging through it. 
"Fuckin' Tony, can't find shit in this place," she grumbled in irritation. 
"I got it!" she screeched, holding the aforementioned roll up proudly. 
I smiled, despite the fact that my hand was covering an active taser. Y/N looked so triumphant as she rushed over with the tape -- her beautiful features were practically glowing with excitement. She wound her way around the various equipment scattered around the lab and made her way to sidle up to me. She ripped off a piece of the tape immediately and started to secure the bracket that was currently under my fingers. 
Y/N was completely focused -- eyes down, fingers expertly weaving around my grip as she taped, and her bottom lip stuck tight between her teeth. I, on the other hand, stood completely motionless, hopelessly entranced by her presence. I don't think I'd ever been lucky enough to have ever been so close to Y/N, and everything about her was making my brain feel fuzzy. The smell of her shampoo wafting from her thick hair, the feel of the electricity in the space between her skin and mine, and the sight of her beautiful face so close to mine were clouding my thoughts. All I could think about was how soft her skin looked and wondering what it would feel like to have her smooth lips pressed against mine. 
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I almost forgot that my hand was the only thing standing between us and an active taser. I was abruptly pulled back down to earth as Y/N cursed loudly. I blinked a few times as I tried to force myself back to reality. She was finishing the last few pieces of tape, and she was clearly 100% concentrated on her task. She looked up from her hands briefly. 
"Can you shift your hand over without releasing pressure?" she questioned. "I want to secure the piece right under your fingers before you let go." 
I nodded, hands moving over slightly to give her some space. As she rolled another piece over the spot her hand gently brushed against mine. I held my breath, the brief touch sending tingles through my entire body. The contact lasted only a few seconds before she moved on to laying another strip of tape down. I was so wrapped up in suppressing my own reaction that I almost missed the subtle response from Y/N.
Outwardly, she didn't show any signs that she'd even registered the fleeting touch -- her eyes never wavered from the tech on the lab table, and she didn't pause for even a moment. But I could hear the way her heart skipped a beat as our skin touched and the way it hammered furiously afterwards. I also saw the way the blush on her cheeks spread further and deepened in color as she continued to work. 
I felt my own heart skip several beats as my mind raced with the possibilities of what her reaction could mean. 
I didn't have long to wonder, because it was only a few moments later that she removed her hands completely from the tech with a satisfied huff. 
"Okay." she spoke up. "I think that should do it."
I looked down to the piece of tech and chuckled out loud at the sight. Y/N had practically covered not just the metal bracket but the entire taser center with the duct tape. I think if I hadn't moved my fingers when I did that they'd probably be stuck underneath the mass of grey strips.
"You think?" I teased lightly. The fading pink lingering on her cheeks blossomed once more at my jab, and she immediately began stuttering her way through an explanation. I raised both my hands in surrender.
"I was just joking, Y/N. I'm glad I could help," I soothed. She smiled slightly before looking down towards her shoes in a display of uncharacteristic shyness. Ignoring my curious thoughts of what could be causing such an out-of-character response, I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Why were you working on my suit anyways?" 
"Oh, uhm," she responded, still looking down as if her shoes were suddenly the most interesting thing. "N-no reason really, I just remembered you saying that the taser feature was in need of some upgrades and I had the time and I was bored and, yeah…"
"You remembered that?" I felt my brows wrinkle a bit in confusion. "That was like, 3 months ago."
Y/N blushed deeper at my questions, which only fueled my confusion. What could she possibly have to be embarrassed about? She shrugged nonchalantly. 
"I always remember what you tell me Pete," she muttered so quietly I almost missed it. My heart fluttered wildly at her admission. My mind was a swirling mess of a million different thoughts all focused on Y/N. 
"Yo-you do?" I asked breathlessly, unable to process what that could possibly mean. I couldn't move, couldn't even breath as I stared at Y/N and waited for her response. She took a deep breath before looking up at me. 
If I'd thought I wasn't breathing before, I definitely wasn't now. 
Y/N was looking up at me with the most mind-bogglingly stunning look on her face. Her eyes were sparkling with a kind of furious determination like I'd never seen before -- they were shining. Her pink face was so perfectly framed by the stray Y/H/C locks that'd fallen out from the tight bun she normally wore, and the way the lab's harsh fluorescent lights were lit around her created a half-life effect. She was so beautiful that my chest was physically aching with the desire to grab her and hold her against me. 
Her reply was simple, spoken boldly and with the determination and confidence I'd come to love about her. 
"Oh." I swallowed thickly, unable to sort through the tornado of thoughts that whipped wildly through my head and respond with anything else. I could feel my heart pumping with such force that I was surprised I was still standing upright. 
What did that mean?
Was she complaining that I talked too much? Or was she just telling me that she valued our friendship? Could she possibly mean what I thought she had? I mean, I remembered everything Y/N had ever told me, but that was because I was pathetically in love with her. Surely, she couldn't mean...
I didn't have much time to let my erratic thoughts wander, because almost as soon as the word left my mouth I felt the hairs on the backs of my arms stand upright. Time ground to a near complete stop as my alarm bells went off throughout my whole body. I faintly heard the high pitched sound of fabric tearing, and I lunged at Y/N without thinking. 
I all but tackled her to the ground as the duct tape gave way and a distinct thwip sounded. The taser web flung instantly against some machine on the far wall and immediately activated, sending sparks of electricity everywhere. I hovered my body protectively over Y/N’s as the sparks rained unpredictably over the room. After a few seconds, all the lights in the lab shut off abruptly and everything went silent. 
"Y/N, you okay?" I asked, eyes straining to make out her features in the dim light. The only light source currently, was the red glow from the emergency exit sign. Even without the benefit of sight I could tell Y/N was more-or-less okay. Her pulse was racing beneath my body and it sounded like she was breathing relatively normally for someone who'd just been tackled to the ground and nearly tasered. Even so, I was still on high-alert and I needed to hear her tell me from her own lips that she was alright. 
"Yeah, I think so," she breathed, voice shaky. A small wave of relief overcame me at the reassurance. "Thanks Peter."
The relief was short lived though -- after a few calming seconds I suddenly realized the position Y/N and I were currently in. My body was completely covered hers after having tackled her. I was braced above her as she laid on her back, hands hovering just to the sides of her shoulders as I held myself from putting my full weight on her. Our faces were mere inches from each other, and I could feel each breath she took fan lightly against my lips. If I thought my thoughts had been jumbled before, it was nothing compared to now. My mind was screaming to close the gap between us and to get off her and run in equal parts. I looked down at her red-tinged features, unsure of what to do next. 
I didn't have to think long. 
Y/N, the wonderfully bold and determined person she was, grabbed my face gently with her soft hands and pulled herself up to kiss me firmly.
Fireworks exploded through my entire body the second our lips touched -- my eyes fluttered shut and my mind immediately went blank at the new sensation. Her lips were soft and gentle as they moved against mine, everything I'd always dreamed of and so much more all at once. I reciprocated instantly, and our lips danced together as if we'd done this a million times before. 
After a while Y/N pulled back and my eyes opened lazily. The only sounds that filled the air were the erratic gasps coming from Y/N and I as we attempted to regulate our breathing. I gazed down at the girl beneath me in awe as the butterflies in my stomach that had been raging since the moment our lips touched finally began to settle. My mind wasn’t quite as blank as it had been a few minutes ago, but I was thankfully spared from the torrent of questions and panicked thoughts that I was certain would be coming later. Right now all I could think of was her.
The sound of the irregular rhythm of her thundering heartbeat as she fought for regulation, the adorable blush that still covered her entire face, and the small smile that was playing at the edges of her swollen lips all drove me insane as I took in the sights and sounds one-by-one, savoring each. I’d never seen Y/N look so entirely happy, and the idea that I had something to do with this new sight made me feel like I was floating on pure air. 
After a few minutes Y/N’s eyes slowly fluttered open. Her small smile turned to an all out grin as she caught sight of the way I was watching her. She raised a hand to push some of the stray hairs off my forehead before settling it on the side of my face gently. I felt a chill run through me at the intimate action. I returned her smile, unable to contain my happiness, and opened my mouth to speak just as the door to the lab flung open. 
“Y/N! Parker! What the fuck did you do to my lab?”
Mr. Stark’s angrily shout was like a bucket full of ice cold water, and we immediately jumped apart scrambling to our feet. I glanced towards Y/N hoping to convey my apology through my expression. She smiled warmly at me, grabbing my hand in hers and squeezing it firmly before mouthing ‘later’. I felt my face flush once more at the soft reassurance and I nodded. 
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 21(Final part) (Yeon-Seok version)
Yeon-Seok asks you something you never expected.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okayyy, so this is the last part in this series, and this is the Yeon-Seok version. While, I am on team Jiyong, as some @starlighttaek8​ may have guessed, I love Yeon-Seok and am a chronic victim of the second lead syndrome. It’s a paradox! If the reader chooses them, they aren’t the second lead anymore!!! Anyways, I loved some of the bits in here. Enjoyy :))
You leaned back into your seat, closing your eyes for a minute to try and gather yourself. You needed to think. You didn’t know how you would react to seeing Yeon-Seok after so long. What would he think? How would he feel? You finally shook your shoulders to try and shake off the nerves eating at you. You looked at your belly and smiled, thinking that it would be the baby’s first time seeing her father. You picked up the box next to you, full of everything you had been saving for Yeon-Seok and went and knocked on the door. You were expecting Yeon-Seok to slam the door in your face when he saw it was you, as he had proved himself incapable of listening to you, but the moment the door opened, you found yourself being pulled into a kiss; a hungry, lust-filled one at that. The part of you that desperately missed him and longed for him to be by your side kissed him back with equal passion, but the part of you that was being sensible knew that something was off. It wasn’t like Yeon-Seok to do something like this. Yeon-Seok had moved to your neck, and was nibbling on it when suddenly, he stopped, as though he recognised something. His eyes opening for the first time since he opened the door, he shakily said,
 “You’re not Mina.”
 And then, everything made sense to you. So he was waiting for someone. You took a few steps back, head reeling from trying to process things. You let out a laugh heavy with sadness. He never felt the same way you did huh. It just wasn’t that way. He was already with other people while you were struggling every day, desperately hoping for him to come back. You laughed again and wiped the few stray tears that had escaped.
 “I’m just going to go Yeon-Seok. I can see when I’m not welcome.” 
You stared straight back into his shocked and vaguely hostile eyes. You walked over to him and dropped the box in his hands.
 “I thought you should know.”
 Something in Yeon-Seok flipped. He grabbed your hand, holding it so tight, it hurt. Voice dangerously low, he said,
 “Why Y/N? Why would you want me to know about Jiyong’s child? You know I love you. You know how much I’m trying to get over you, but the thought of you doesn’t leave my mind for even a second. You were never this sadistic when we were together. What happened to you now? Why would you want to cause me so much pain?” 
You broke free of his grip, heart breaking when you realised what conclusion he had jumped to. Drained of energy, and sad by how baby would have to hear all of this, you whispered, 
“Yeon-Seok. This is your child.”
You didn’t bother waiting to see his reaction. You were just too sad. You couldn’t handle seeing such a loving and caring relationship deteriorate into a pathetic excuse for one. You shut the front door behind you and walked over to your car, leaning against it while you tried to calm down enough to drive. Yeon-Seok though, felt everything spin when he heard you whisper that. He looked down into the box in his hands, picking up a sonogram and turning it around, only then noticing your squiggly handwriting scrawled all over it, with notes of the date, the baby and whatever you wanted to share with Yeon-Seok that day. Yeon-Seok started feeling this odd pain. It was small at first, and then it hit him. He could hardly breathe. He left you on your own when you were pregnant. He left his child. A beautiful outcome of your relationship. A beautiful part of your future. The future he always wanted. He walked away from a perfectly healthy, loving relationships because he wouldn’t listen to you and let his fears get in the way. He clenched his fists, cursing himself for thinking that he knew everything about you. He should have just let you speak for yourself. He should have given you a chance to explain what you wanted to. He shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about the kiss. He clenched his fists even tighter. If only he hadn’t seen that damn kiss. He shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. But then, another thought popped into his head. Why were you living with Jiyong? He rushed out, not knowing what to say to you first, only knowing that he desperately needed you to still be outside his house. 
You heard him shout. You looked up, wondering to see how he would manage to hurt you this time. Sounding vaguely defensive, he continued.
 “Why’d you move in with Jiyong then? I told you to use our apartment.” 
This time, something in you broke. You screamed,
 “Because you weren’t there, you bloody bastard!” 
Your voice broke. 
“How could you expect me to take baby home without you there? I didn’t want to go back there without you, because I had faith that things would work out between us in the end! But clearly, I was the only one.” 
The small insecurities in Yeon-Seok wanted to ask why it had to be Jiyong, and whether anything happened, but he pushed them out of his mind, because he knew those were what cost him the relationship in the first place. He walked over to you with unreadable expression on his face, closely watching your shoulders shake slightly from the sobs. Your fierce eyes met his. You were sobbing, red-eyed and a mess, but all your pain and anger shone through your eyes, unflinching through it all. Yeon-Seok finally reached you, and gave in to his greatest desire from the past few months. He wrapped his arms around you and held you. You froze, your body longing to just melt into the warmth and familiarity of his arms, but your anger didn’t allow you to do that. You tried to push your way out of his arms.
 “Let me go Yeon-Seok. I might as well go back. I don’t want to be here any longer.”
 He just held you tighter and buried his face in your neck. You could hear his muffled voice from there.
 “Y/N, I am sorry. I am so incredibly sorry.”
 His hand reached for your belly, and gently patted it. 
“Baby, Dada’s sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t meet you earlier, but I’m never going to leave now.”
 All your strength left your body as you sobbed into Yeon-Seok’s chest.
 “Oppa, do you know you much I needed you and how you were never there?” 
He also sobbed into you. 
“I know Y/N, I know. I’m sorry. Nothing I do will ever make up for it.” 
He pulled away, hurriedly wiping his eyes, and yanking off the chain around his neck. Your eyes widened as you saw him get down on his knees in front of you, holding out a beautiful thin gold band with a pale sapphire in the middle, still hanging onto the chain as a pendant. 
“Y/N, I bought this a month before we broke up. I didn’t know how or when to propose, so I was planning something simple the night Jiyong collapsed. When I saw you with him, all my worst fears came back, and I was convinced that you would leave me. So, I left first. I know. I’m an idiot. And I deserve all the anger and some more for everything I didn’t listen to. But I still love you. I always will. And we’re halfway through achieving my dream anyway,”
 he paused to smile at your stomach,
 “So, let’s achieve the other half?”
 and he held out the ring. He could only watch in silent happiness as you nodded and let him slide the ring onto your finger. He got up and pulled you in for a proper kiss this time around. Although you hit the back of his head a couple of times, he could feel you smile against the kiss.
 -------- 1 month later--------------
Jiyong stood there as your Man of Honour, zoning out the priest as he preached, focussing completely on how ethereally gorgeous you looked in that simple white dress, with that smile of yours that absolutely killed him every time. Although Yeon-Seok wasn’t threatened by Jiyong anymore because Jiyong had made it clear by giving you Yeon-Seok’s address that he put your happiness over his own, Jiyong and Yeon-Seok still didn’t like each other very much. Yeon-Seok learnt to put up with it, because Jiyong was going to be the baby’s godfather, but Jiyong never fully forgave Yeon-Seok for not listening to you and abandoning you when you needed him the most. Jiyong snapped out of it when he heard the echo after,
 “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
 He was tormented. He didn’t know what he would do.  Almost of his own accord, he found himself opening his mouth, and he was about to say I do when the dazzling smile on your face stopped him. He closed his mouth and smiled through the pain. He looked up, and made eye-contact with Mirae, your sister, across from him. She knew what he was going to do, and she smiled encouragingly, as though telling him that it was all going to be all right in the end. He smiled back at her, looking at your happy face one more time, just to make sure he had made the right decision.
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