#I mean at least don't sadden that poor soul more
lys-lilac · 1 year
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These genius men and their absolute stupid shenanigans :')
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anonymergremlin · 5 months
What it means to be a good king
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[GIF by @lenreli]
[Name]'s blade sliced through the last carcass like it was nothing. With a final scream, the mutated creature fell to the ground, lifeless and silent. They wiped the sweat from their forehead with the back of their hands as they finally felt some relief. The amount of carcasses had increased in the last few days. "I think that was the last one, Romeo, at least for now," they muttered before looking around for their friend. "Romeo?" they said when no answer was given. [Name] glanced around once more, expecting to see their puppet friend beside them, but instead he was busy with a broken puppet on the side of the street.
Romeo knelt before the puppet as it sat against a wall. Its lower half was completely missing, and one of its arms was hanging loose from its torso. "Is this my king? Oh… even in this form… you look so tall…" the puppet said in broken words. It was so badly damaged, probably from the carcass' corrosive acid. Had it fought them? Romeo's eyes widened slightly when he finally heard the formal title. King. He had almost forgotten that he is their king. Romeo, the king of Krat's puppets, the role he was meant to play, but what king would let his people fight such horrible creatures? Puppet or human, it doesn't matter. He felt bad seeing one of his puppets like this. "I thought you were dead… you look so different" the marionette said cheerfully, "but I can tell it's you… Your Ergo… Only our king would have such a strong Ergo". "I may have been your king," replied Romeo, "but not a good one. I never meant for you…". "Don't say that, my king. Not only did you try to save us… we who remember… you also tried to save people from… this terrible disease… We know you tried your best…".
"By sending you on a suicide mission? You… who are as human as I am… I…". "No, my King, by believing in us, by treating us as living beings… and so we believe in you, we see you as a living being… yourself… good and bad… my King… I". Romeo was on the verge of tears. Was that really the way all those puppets felt about him? Had he really been a good king to all of them? Although he wished they never had to fight at all. As he realised that the puppet had become far too quiet, his gaze fell on [Name]. His expression said enough about what he wanted to say, but [Name] could only shake their head in response.
"I'm sorry, Romeo, but I can't fix this puppet." The king slowly got up from his knees. Eyes focused on the doll one last time before he picked up his scythe. Its 'death' saddens him, but he hopes that one day he'll find another way to give poor souls, like this puppet, another chance for life.
Oh, my king. We are so proud of you. You do not rule over us and command us as others Kings do. You simply put your hands around us, protecting us all. And make us realise that we deserve to be here. We want to serve you, to help you. And whatever command comes from you. We follow it. Because you are our king, our ruler with a kind heart. And we know, even though we are not human. You would shed a tear for all of us.
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milkttea · 5 years
Sunny Days
Jungkook x Reader, GN!Reader: one shot
:: fluff, ex-friends to slow lovers
:: warnings: none
Edited: 1/2/20
"Look at the bright side of life and the bright side will look at you. The reflections we send out always return." — Ron Baratono
For the Sunny Days, which bring you joy.
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Sunny days were your favorite, they reminded you of your childhood. Now, by all means, your childhood wasn't the best, it had its ups and downs as life does, so it wasn't too bad, nor was it wonderful and like how Disney movies portray life.
However, there was one person in your childhood that made your life so much more amazing. You haven't seen him in years, not since his family moved away. It saddened you because you were best friends, platonic soul mates, you did everything together.
Jeon Jungkook, your best friend since diapers and the boy who you loved since middle school. He also is the boy who left you behind and didn't talk to you at all since he moved away. Kind of makes you bitter, but it has been roughly nine years so you kind of let it go. The feelings never really left though, even after one boyfriend and one girlfriend, who are now your closest friends.
People assume it's weird to be friends with your exes, best friends even weirder, but you believe it's only weird if you let it be. You three constantly joke about it, you were young and we're looking for companionship and tried to find that in relationships, but you found it better this way.
This is where you found yourself in your dorm with said best friends.
"I'm just saying, mixing a bunch of bread dough and then baking it would be amazing!"
"Jimin, do you ever sleep?"
"My eyes close when I sneeze, does that count?"
Seulgi deadpans and contemplates her mortality as she looks at Jimin as he continues on his rant about bread. You walk in at this moment as he has both his feet on the wall, upside down, and Seulgi is about to throw her water bottle at him.
"I leave for two minutes to get ice and Seulgi almost murders you Jimin, are you going on your bread rant again?"
Jimin jumps and hugs you, tackle really, onto the floor as he complains how you took too long, he was pretty clingy, but it's cute on him. The ice you went to get rattles violently in the container, thankfully nothing falls out since you closed it tight because you anticipated this. He finally lets you up after Seulgi flicks his ear telling him how you're being suffocated and that ice will melt. She was right, you were laughing so hard it was getting hard to breathe and you hadn't had asthma, even after doing cross country for three years in high school, and you sure as hell were not trying to get it now.
"Sorry about that, oh you'll never guess who I saw when I was going into class," he brushes you off as a little bit of dust was in your hair, mentally making a note to vacuum later. You raise an eyebrow at this, you really couldn't guess, you knew quite a bit of people even if they weren't close friends.
Jimin, realizing you weren't gonna answer, suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.
"Does the name Jungkook ring a bell?"
You screamed.
Seulgi and Jimin both laugh at your panicked expression. Meanwhile, you were having a minor panic session, you didn't want to see him again, even if you missed him! It's been 9 years, he probably doesn't even remember you and that would be even worse. Guess it's time for you to live out your life long dream of being a hermit, oh how the tables have turned in your favor.
"Yes, the name rings a bell," you hissed, "why do I get the feeling you're going to force an interaction between us?"
He smiles innocently, but you know it's anything but that as you hear three knocks on the door. Your eyes widen so much, Seulgi fears they may burst out of their sockets.
"Jimin you didn't."
"Oh didn't I?"
He opens the door, "Jungkook!"
You run away into your room and lock the door, meanwhile, Jungkook looks at where your form used to be in concern and surprise. That doesn't happen often to him, even if he is pretty shy around girls they mainly run towards him not away. Now if you're wondering, is there a possibility that your first love and ex-girlfriend will get together? Seulgi is a raging lesbian and she has a girlfriend, happily together for 4 years. There was no concern there, besides she was about the spring the big question on her and you couldn't wait because their families were both so supportive.
Anyways, you were hiding under your covers as Jimin and Jungkook moved past that brief moment and start talking about whatever it is they started talking about earlier in the day, probably classes. Seulgi, ever the loving friend, opens the door to your room with the key on top of the door frame and drags your ass out of bed, literally dragging you out and bringing you by hand to the living room where both boys were talking about how the homophobes were at their worst again.
"Those sleazy rats are working hard, but I work harder!"
Jungkook laughs at Jimin's declaration, oh how you've missed his laugh. Deciding to be the bigger person, you flick Jimins forehead, gaining Jungkook's attention as you begin apologizing for running away like that, meanwhile, Jimin tries to get up and tackle you but you have your knee on his groin and stomach. It does a pretty good job of preventing him from doing anything.
Jungkook, internally, is screaming because you have aged so finely he is convinced you aren't real. You're very different from the sixth grade you who was too shy to even talk to boys aside from him and looking at you now he would have never guessed this would happen. You stop talking once you realize that he's just staring at you with his mouth slightly open, your face flushes a bit at his stare so you boldly flick his forehead and tell him to shut his mouth before a fly goes in.
"You haven't that much (n/n), still flicking people on the forehead," he rubs his forehead after stating that. You, on the other hand, are the one now with your mouth open, he remembers you? Your shock, however, is quickly replaced with annoyance and anger because he remembers you. All those years and he didn't once try to get into contact with you? What happened to being friends forever, always being there for each other even if you were far away, you weren't mad, no you were livid. That was quickly noticed by him as your expression went from shock to anger and then blank.
Any emotion you felt was immediately muted as you went to the kitchen to get yourself and Seulgi some food, the aforementioned person going with you and you both talking normally. She knows when to not ask about certain things and let you handle your problems and this was one of those times. Jungkook, on the other hand, was very confused as to what he did wrong. He'd never been on the receiving end of your anger and if he remembers you at all, whenever you get that blank look you are pissed beyond recovery. The room began to feel tense after that so he decided to head out and finish his college work, he thanked Jimin who has been silent the entire time that this exchange happened, and left closing the door silently.
You didn't even glance at the door, everything continued as normal after telling off Jimin a little bit, he understood and apologized immediately and the three of you ate ice cream and had a day in for the rest of the day. You all thankfully had a day off from work and had finished your classes already.
Days after the events that unfolded in your dorm, you walked through the hallways of your college in search of another close friend of yours since you'd made plans with him to go out for coffee and study for your shared classes. You walked into his class right as he finished packing and was conversing with another student, their back to you when he noticed you and waved you over.
"(N/n)! Over here!"
The student he was talking to flinched when he heard your nickname, you paid no mind to it though. You instead, chalked it up to Taehyungs loud voice when he yelled you over, the poor person was right in front of him and his booming voice. Once you neared where they both were, Taehyung decided to ask you about his friend.
"Heeyyy," at this you blanked at him, already knowing he would ask you something, "do you think that it'd be alright to bring along my friend and roommate," he gestures to the person in front of him," with us for coffee? He doesn't get the subject very well- ow!"
His friend smacks his arm, you begin laughing at this exchange when you noticed who it is, however, you immediately stopped laughing.
"Come on Kook! Don't just stand there we gotta get going before the lunch rush starts!"
On the walkout, Taehyung and Jungkook conversed about random topics with you walking silently beside them. However, you decided you were being harsh and pretty rude if you were being honest with yourself and that you couldn't hate Jungkook forever. So you decided to begin talking with them both not him directly, but at least contribute and let him know that you didn't completely hate him. You still didn't forgive him though.
Jungkook was ecstatic! Finally, you started talking to him again! Even if it wasn't directed at him, but he would take what he could get. You were his first love, after all, he never had a girlfriend or boyfriend in those nine years that he had been apart from you. He couldn't get over you. It hurt him deeply to not be able to get in contact with you, but he didn't have a phone in sixth grade after he moved and after time he forgot he forgot what your phone number was, or really what your parent's phone number was. Both of your parents were friends, but with the distance that grew between them they weren't as close as before and they weren't able to get together since their schedules made it nearly impossible. It was because of that, that you and Jungkook weren't able to see each other, especially since you were busy and focused solely on your school work and weren't able to spend time with your friends.
Jungkook was so glad he was able to finally move back to your shared hometown, he never forgot about you even after all these years. To be at the receiving end of your anger though? It broke his heart, and if he were honest after the days of not seeing you since being invited by Jimin to your dorm the only thing that he found that could have angered you was him not speaking to you for nine years. What an idiot he was for thinking that you could just be friends again after all this time and that you wouldn't be mad at him, he knows he would have! Once he came to this conclusion he smacked himself in the face, scaring his roommate Taehyung, until he explained why he did so.
That's the reason why the three of you currently sat in your favorite cafe. You drank your (f/d) as Taehyung mumbled about and you quote: "woes of painting with acrylics."
If he were a dog, you could picture his ears drooping as he whined out, "it dries so fast! Not to even get into the fact that it's so hard to blend!"
His pouting, you had to admit, was pretty adorable and you let out a giggle hiding your mouth. Jungkook noticed this and his cheeks flushed so much you would have thought that his face would have exploded. Upon noticing this, you could feel his stare, your face flushed even more than his and you tried to hide it by taking a sip of your drink, failing to hide it you might add.
Taehyung, for as silly as he seemed, was very observant and he remembered his friend and roommate's dilemma, so he stood up, gathered his things, left $10 for the waiter for his food and drink, then came up with an excuse to rush out.
"Loved hanging with you both! But forgot about an appointment I had to water my plants! So gotta do this again but gotta go don't wanna disappoint the plants y' know? Ok bye!"
With that he rushed out so fast you would think he was being chased by a rabid dog. You and Jungkook both just sat there, mouths open because you've never seen Taehyung move that fast before in the four years you've known him. Jungkook awkwardly clears his throat, getting your attention immediately and he nervously smiles as you just stare at him, waiting for him to say something. What you weren't expecting though was:
"I'm sorry."
You were blown back a little from surprise and your eyebrows went up.
"I- what?"
He nervously bit his lip and looked down, took a deep breath, then looked you in the eyes with such raw emotion on his face.
"I'm sorry for not getting in touch with you after I moved or during the years where we didn't see each other. I regret not trying harder to get in touch and not visiting sooner or trying to get my parents to visit. I hate myself for not trying harder to be your friend, your best friend. I meant it when I first met you when I said that we always be friends. I've never forgotten about you, I never will forget about you and I understand you're angry, sad, annoyed at me and that's valid. I would feel like the luckiest guy in the world if you would give me the honor of being your friend."
After his little speech, he was breathing hard having done it in one breath and you were just sitting there shocked with tears in your eyes because this is all you wanted. Of course, you were mad at him, you were sad and annoyed, but the sadness is what stayed all these years and to hear the man you love- you're best friend apologizes for his mistake really melted your heart and you almost forgave him on the spot, but you had something to say too.
"I'm sorry too, Jungkook. But… do you know how hard it was to not have my best friend there at all to help me when I needed you the most? It hurt so damn much, I'm glad that I had Seulgi, Jimin, and Taehyung there when you weren't. Even so, I should have tried harder to get in touch too and there is no way that I could say sorry for not trying and I hope you would find it in your heart to forgive me. I forgive you and I would also love to have the honor of being your friend again. Your best friend, again."
With both your confessions and apologies out in the open, there was a moment of silence as you both realized you could never really be mad at each other. Both of you paid for your meals, gathered your belongings and left the cafe into the sunny outside. You spent the rest of the day catching up on what had happened in each of your lives for the past nine years.
"No way! There's is no way you broke Namjoon's nose while playing Wii sports!"
Jungkook laughs at your flabbergasted face and laughs such a boisterous laugh that his head tilts back and he lets out such a beautiful laugh you could live in it forever and grins so wide his face might split.
"I swear on my mom's cooking! I'm surprised he didn't kick me out if the house! He said that it was karma for him breaking my phone in my sophomore year in high school!"
As you both continued walking, his hand slipped into yours which caught you by surprise. All you did though was entwine your fingers with his and continue walking back to the dorms.
The sun shined a little brighter that day and as you both went your respective ways to your dorms after a long day, there was only one thought in both of your heads as you went to bed.
'I love Sunny Days.'
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