#I mean I do too but I'll listen to other people
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somerandomcockroach · 2 days ago
Talking with myself about Brave Police J-Decker, 11 episodes so far, giving these series my congratulations since they managed to get a drip of tears from me and I love EVERY character there, it isn't logical for a cartoon Spoilers included
In the 2nd episode paparazzi asking Deckerd about what kind of women he likes and how his dream wedding might look. I literally fell off because. Is it some kind of mocking? First ai robot appearing and first questions are these? Yes for mass media it might be interesting "Oh look this is the dream wedding of the robot eheheh fun". He only recently went online what is wrong with this question, and let me precise do they mean with a human?
Deckerd got the build-team but they don't have emotions programmed. Because they don't trust Deckerd's program, they don't trust the kid. Oh well can't blame them for being afraid of a more new AI robots who technically operate on their own and might disobey their orders and a 4 or 6th grade kid as their boss pffht
Deckerd playing wrestle with robot of their neighbor: "He is so weak I could break him, I'll give in to him" Makes dramatic "AAaaa" and falls on the side DECKERD, I LOVE YOU AHAHAH
That's interesting. They gave build-team an AI only after they understood that it is harder to hack them if they don't resist with developed willpower. They wouldn't have allowed them to have AI too unless there was a chance of such situations.
Their AI was surprised by Yuta's kindness. They had the mind of "if can't make your job - useless" already sewed inside them. Or did they develop such thinking from the people in their basement? Because there literally only Yuta and two other men who treat them as machines with heart.
I am SHOCKED. I am SO shocked. This is the first time when I don't cringe from possible human x robot shipping even if not in a romantic way? But here? They fricking give the development to their mind and relationships. Mccrane, a pacifist, always hoping to the end and trying hard ways with more persistence. A Captain Seia Onoue, woman who doesn't allow the heart to get on her way. Mccrane acting more human-like compared to her and showing her other ways. WOW. Wow okay I look at you two I like this combo. Then? Dumpson, robot with a strong will and opinion, and Ayako, headstrong woman who doesn't believe in AI bullshit since these robots definitely just imitate emotions but don't have their opinions whatsoever. BAM look at Dumpson ahah. I look at you two too they make me giggle when they drum on each other's brains XDD And then Power Joe teeeeheheheh Kids looove him, no wonder, three bozos fighting over so that he would live with them. Yuta is just their Boss I suppose they don't find him as close friend as Deckerd did, but I'm happy they found the friends of their own
10-11 episodes.
Kagero is dead, even when his A.I. was changed to obey new owner, it didn't obey, because what was making this A.I. so strong were exactly memories with Shadowmaru. He wasn't a coward, but the person who mixed his brain with his is, and human's life is bigger compared to little data of his own Kagero managed to gain, so it isn't surprising human's side overpowered A.I. Shadowmaru wanted to die with Kagero, but Kagero, the little pieces of him remembering Shadowmaru, wanted him to live.
Kagero was built as Shadowmaru's shadow, prototype to develop Shadowmaru. All his memories are of him, his life literally has no meaning without Shadowmaru since that's like erasing your birth days itself. And Shadowmaru didn't want to leave him, he didn't listen to no one, he is pretty independent and even wanted to just die without fuel after he lost Kagero, let's specify killed him by his own hands. He doesn't have any strong connection with people, he has it only with his only friend. Kagero told him to live his life some more. Kagero, who was clenching to his memories since he learnt what is the meaning of life, by his own, no A.I. has a "value of your own life" data, only "humans' lives are vulnerable" data, and I'm sure Kagero would have had life so much bigger than just an attempt to keep the little pieces he have from being deleted. He told Shadowmaru to live his life a little more, to Shadowmaru, who wanted to just die because his only strong connection was with Kagero and I think he didn't learn how much he wanted to live the hard way Kagero did, but Kagero gave him an easy way to keep learning what it means. I wish they could get brain chip back and fix it, i wish they could, because now I'm sure even if they recreate everything, it will never be Kagero again, he is dead for Shadowmaru and I know Juuzou understands it better than anyone.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 days ago
TMAGP 31 Thoughts: Extended Sounds of Brutal Crowbar Damage
And we're back again, after quite a wait, but it's a nice easy one to get back into the swing of things. Nothing explosive happened this episode really but a lot of foundation setting. However we've finally hit the part of the show that is now a sequel to The Magnus Archives. So, if any of you have somehow not listened to that and are interested to hear why things are so fucked, that would be how you go about it.
Spoilers for TMA, and TMP episode 31 below the cut.
I didn't cover it elsewhere so I'm going to start with Season 2's trailer. It's a nice, short, and sweet trailer so there isn't a whole lot to get into. There are a few bits in the transcript that are worth pointing out though. Firstly, it's referred to as the "London Exclusion Zone, Primeline" and "Primeline" doesn't appear anywhere else in this trailer nor episode one. That's likely a portmanteau of Prime and Timeline which I would take to mean this is the universe from Archives. Given the warden's worry about tapes and a few other notable bits of text from the premieres transcript I would say it's all but confirmed. The only other thing I think is worth mentioning here is that the scuttling creatures are described as having "too many legs". Which isn't incredibly relevant but does at least show they're supernatural in some sense.
Okay, onto the episode proper and now we can all say goodbye to the number 3 blorbo, Colin. I'll always remember the way he called me a gobshite because I sent him an email during the ARG, and the way he lost his mind because gays were in the computer. RIP, Colin, rest in processors.
There isn't really a load to say on this ep is general IMO. I think it's all pretty surface level but as with the trailer there are some interesting bits and pieces to pick out of it. In general though, I thought it was a very solid start to a season. Picks up right where things left off and lays a lot of groundwork for what's to come and isn't a load of info dumping.
So there are a couple of things to pick out from Colin's very messy and unearned death. During the long string of "Discard data"s there is one that reads "upload data" in the transcript which is for sulphur. Sulphur being one of the tria prima and an incredibly important element to alchemy. Now, the actual audio does say "discard data" and it might not be anything more than a mistake but it's an interesting coincidence if that's all it is. The elements listed are also in order of abundance in the human body.
hardware damage_crowbar/DPHW 4600
I believe this joke was written purely for me. No one can convince me otherwise. It's going in the masterdoc.
I don't think there is much to say on Gwen's, Alice's, or Celia's showing in the episode. They're all more or less doing "normal" stuff. The only thing I would point out is that Celia does do some lying in the episode without the usual distortions around those in the audio. At least not that I heard.
Sam is bringing the wet cat energy the Primeline was missing since TMA's finale. It's being met with mixed reception. Most of what goes on here is all pretty obvious I think. We meet yet another version of Georgie who is a little more rugged and generally done with everyone's shit. She's introduced in the text as "Georgie P" which I can only assume is Georgie Prime. This is further reinforced by Heidi's statement describing exactly what we saw of London post-Change. With the additional talks of domains and circuses I think it's fairly hard to argue this isn't TMA's universe post-season 5. Which has some fairly strong implications for exactly how that all went down and how much the world both remembers and has changed, but I feel like that might be bet to get into elsewhere. And likely by other people. Them naming a van after Gertrude is very sweet tho.
I think that's about all I've got to say on this one. Nothing to mindblowing and not a lot of crumbs to follow but it's a great start to a season.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 5555 sounds about right to me. It's not exceptionally spooky in any single sense but is pretty broad spectrum. Pretty standard stuff. Might as well mention that Hardware Damage (Crowbar) being at 4600 also lines up very well.
CAT# Theory: Our very first 123 which is something I've personally been waiting on. I've been very vocal about how I don't think the Person/Place/Object theory makes a lot of sense. However, this is one of the ones I wouldn't argue for there if you want to stretch it to Colin still being a person after "Integration", or you want to say that JMJ also count. Not that I buy the idea any more. Although it should be noted that Johnny says in the Q&A that the first few cases are wrong. Which means if it is P/P/O it should match up perfectly if you start from the bottom until you hit a point where the wrong ones end. I don't think it would from what I recall on my essay about why it's not P/P/O but it might. I was supposed to use the break to do some more work on CAT# but then I didn't. So I've got no real insights into this one.
R# Theory: B lines up pretty well. It would be confirmable that Colin is at least missing, but getting eaten by a server rack isn't particularly likely to be why.
Header talk: Integration (organic) -/- Computer (Hardware) is a fairly standard description IMO. I can't see much to really dig into there.
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pruneunfair · 2 days ago
When you have a shitty sibling. *TW: talk of abuse and rape*
This is a little different than what I usually post.
Not too long ago, I made a vent post that was mostly pretty vague but got the central point across, it's deleted now but not like it matters since it was just mindless ranting.
That vent post was dedicated mostly to my younger brother.
For all the people with siblings out there, we already know those corny depictions of brothers and sisters always getting along and calling each other "Big bro" was not the most accurate form of a sibling relationship. Naturally you fight a lot with this person considering they are a built in room mate, meaning you have to live with someone including their worst habits. Maybe they plop a plate into the sink right as you're done doing dishes, maybe they take your things without bothering to ask you, those are all normal things to expect out of a sibling. What doesn't feel normal is when they reach this level of behavior.
My brother who I'll refer to as B relatively liked to get on peoples nerves but other than that, he wasn't so bad to be around up until recently. It was little things at first, leaving his garbage behind in the living room, making a fuss if we asked him to do anything, and then it got progressively worse.
Skipping school for 3 months straight, running away from home to god knows what, bringing strange people home, vaping and taking substances, increasing levels of disrespect towards women, seemed to assume that if a person who happened to be female wasn't punished along side him meant that they were being bias toward her for being a girl, calling our own disabled mother lazy for being unable to work, expecting everyone to cater towards him and pick up his slack, actively call me and our mom a bitch/cunt, pretending that he's going to hit me to see me flinch, gaslighting us, severe lack of empathy, casually admitting to want to hit me and other people that make him mad, refusal to listen or admit when he's wrong.
B has changed this much in only the span of a year. The lack of empathy and over eagerness to have an excuse to threaten someone is honestly scaring me.
Lately I started to take on the role of tidying up around the house and cooking dinner. My mom as I mentioned is mentally disabled, she can still perform tasks herself and still is juggling around two households of the family, I don't wanna to get too into it but I'll just say that she needs to take a myriad of medication to help regulate her mind or else she could kill herself. Her mental health has declined in recent years to the point where she can't keep a job and she does need help more than ever.
Now I do not mind this at all, mom is still a very considerate woman who appreciates the help I do and still makes an effort to keep things easy, it's also a good way for me to learn independence and take care of myself. The problem is that I have to live with B for a brother and he likes to bring his gang of friends over for small house parties that I usually am in charge of when mom is away. The house is always left a mess as a result and I have to pick it up since B likes to weaponize his incompetence to escape responsibility, I have to pick up every piece of crap they leave behind and sweep up old crumbs off the floor only for those same kids to come back, destroy the house again, leave me to clean it up because B knows that if I don't, all he needs to do is continue weaponizing his incompetence until our mom snaps and has me clean it for him.
There is no compromising with him, B has made it clear that if he says "Nope" then we have to suck it up because he can always just run away to our dad or claim that we are just acting crazy. I can't even get some basic respect from him for being the maid for him and his friends bullshit.
Now this all wouldn't be so scary if I didn't know he had no empathy but he clearly doesn't. How do I know?
Well, I'll leave a pretty simple background: Mom kept telling dad to stop, Dad coerced mom that it would be fine and he lied about wearing a condom. 9 months later I was born.
This is very sensitive knowledge that we do not talk about at all, hell B and I weren't even supposed to know I was both a rape and a baby trap kid, I can't exactly remember why but mom mentioned it on a bad day that I now know was likely an episode.
And during an argument, B told our mother, the woman who was willing to stay with our father just so she can at least have a planned child in the name of B, that she should have taken some birth control before she "had sex" with our dad. That boy KNOWS that was one thing mom never wanted to remember, even when we reminded him WHY we don't talk about that, he didn't care, what mattered was that he got the point of him hating me across.
So yeah, I'm officially terrified of the same person who I used to know as an itty bitty baby sleeping in the crib next to my bed.
I know I am not the only one dealing with this shit, plenty of people do and it's shitty that you have to walk on egg shells around someone you knew when they were still innocent, a little baby turning into a monster with no interest in being better as a person, only in being right at all times. For anyone who has a shitty brother or sister reading this, I am so sorry that you have to live in fear of someone you called family but you are not alone, if you believe you might be in danger even, please tell someone, anyone at all, whenever it's a social worker at school, a cop, or even just a few people you trust. You don't deserve to believe you are worse then dirt just because you had to step up and pick up the slack around your household.
Thank you for listening.
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ya'll feel free to message me if you want to ramble about your writing because I'm a good listener and i know yall just want to yap sometimes. Maybe I'll have advice maybe I won't that part is a gamble but I'll listen because sometimes 👏writers👏just👏want👏to👏ramble👏
Also I know it's weird to just message someone with an 'is it OK if I just tell you about my writing' but guys— I am happy to just sit and listen (or read I guess coz this is online but still)
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