#I may come back to add blurbs for the fanfics but I don't have the energy to right now
chibi-chaos · 4 months
Tumblr media
Dawn is Coming, Open Your Eyes: Tumblr - AO3
Tale of Two Shatterdome Kids:
Partners In Crime: Tumblr - AO3
Watchful Eyes - Tumblr - AO3
Partners From Another Time - Tumblr - AO3
Partners in Arms - Tumblr - AO3
And the Flood Gates Opened: Tumblr - AO3
We'll Remain - AO3
Broken Promises - AO3
OC Focused Fanfics:
Sydney Shatterdome Shenanigans:
Change on the Rise - AO3
Kraken Roun Origins: Tumblr
Defining a Home - AO3
This and Nothing More - AO3
Bitter Truths and Burning Scorn - AO3
Broken Souls and Warm Hugs - AO3
Titan Fall - AO3
Every Time a Jaeger Falls
Liberator Whiskey: "Not just a soldier, but a good man" - AO3
Vanguard Haechi: “The moments when you’re in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down” - AO3
Sierra Sovereign: "Made and Remade Continually." - AO3
Ruins Crumbling - AO3
Echoes and Remnants - AO3
The Museum (Post Pacific Rim Movie)
Sydney Shatterdome
OC Moodboard/ Playlists
Fixing Pacfic Rim Uprising One Headcanon at a time
Amara's parents death
Newt being controlled by the precursors
On Patrol
'Signing Off' after falling in battle
Lore Analysis:
Kaiju and Hurricanes
Where is Sydney Shatterdome?
Walls and Bridges (responding to @eadrey-the-iptscray's post)
What is Chuck? (responding to others - yes including @eadrey-the-iptscray my beloved *insert meme here*)
Becket Brothers (responding to others)
Lighthearted Fun:
Buzzfeed Articles During the Kaiju War (with @eadrey-the-iptscray)
Tumblr Makes a Jaeger (aka The rise of Honky Honk McHonkface)
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pittdpeaches · 8 months
Hi there! Sorry if you’ve already been asked something similar to this haha-
Do you have any writing tips? Anything you wish you’d known earlier? Things you would suggest avoiding?
I’m also curious how you plan your fics if you don’t mind sharing haha
aaaaa hello hello! Apologies for not getting to this sooner, I've been in the process of going to study abroad, but I have some time to sit down and answer this properly. I'm not sure if I have things I wish I'd known or advise you to avoid, but I can share writing tips and fic processes.
Way back in like, october 2022, I made a huge google doc with like 12 different fic ideas I had. I go back to it now and again and add some ideas, or work on others. If I'm particularly inspired by something, I may even make it into a bigger doc. Usually I have an idea of what story I'd want to write and a handful of scenes seared in my head, and it's just a matter of adding scenes in between to get to the Big Stuff. A lot of the time, the story I start with shifts from there in order to justify getting to the original scenes I've planned out.
For example: Genus Datura was supposed to be a sickfic/intoxication fic where Red Son got so fucked up he started genuinely believing MK was his husband, because there was No Way this was real, he had to be dreaming, while a very real, *not* married MK tried to take care of him. The main scenes in my head were the hair washing scene and Red Son throwing up all over MK, but it was a matter of stretching it out into a bigger plot. I wasn't sure *how* Red Son would get into that state, so I did some research and found out jimsonweed is a very poisonous plant that causes hallucination and even death.
This bit of research was great because I could use an element from the actual show in the fanfic, but it also changed the story's tone. It wasn't a silly fic about Red Son spilling his affections to a very real MK-Red Son gets genuinely poisoned, and believes MK is proof of that. It also changed the reason why Red Son was working with the crimson jimsonweed-Princess Iron Fan needed him to work on it, which meant this was to some degree, Princess Iron Fan's fault.
Sometimes, it's less a matter of research changing the fic and more stream of consciousness? I didn't plan for the car scene between Red Son and MK in Genus Datura, but it just sort of poured out the more I wrote, and I went along with it.
While I do sometimes play with the idea of writing the sillier genus datura, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I enjoyed the writing process for it immensely.
I have a pretty spastic writing schedule-I'll do huge 5-8k chunks of writing over the course of a couple hours or a single day, and then just *not* write for a couple days or even a week. I wouldn't say it's the *healthiest* schedule per say, but it works for me and I'm overall pretty content with it. That being said, if you can stretch your writing out over the course of several days rather than jamming it into one, I'd recommend that more to others lmao.
So, here's some advice:
Firstly, make an outline. I'm not a big outlining person myself, I usually just have the chapter number and like, a short blurb about what I want to happen, but that alone is good enough. There's nothing worse than having a scene in your head and then completely forgetting it when you sit down to write three days later.
Take your time writing! Schedules and deadlines you create for yourself are handy if you want consistency, but life isn't consistent, and sometimes you need to be lenient with yourself. Write what you can, and if you can't some days, don't.
If you're stuck on something, genuinely go outside. Or stay inside, doing something completely different. Work on something else. The brain is fascinating-it works on things even when we don't really think about them. Give yourself some time away from your story and eventually, it'll come to you.
Play around with your ideas, even if you don't expect them. You might change something you thought was an integral aspect of the story at some point, and you might switch it out for something you'd just came up with on the spot. And that's okay. If this is where the story wants to take you, then go along for the ride.
Most importantly I think is that no matter how silly or stupid you think your writing is, someone out there will love it. Even if you don't get as many views or likes or comments as you'd hope, someone out there keeps your work close to their heart. You've worked hard on something, and you should be proud of that :D
Hope this all helped!!! It's a VERY long response, sorry about that rgurithjn.
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