#I love those lil gay panicked idiots
mrsfrecklesmarauders · 4 months
"Sirius was my childhood crush. I was silly around him. I was ten years old and I remember I locked myself in my room, put on some Brenda Lee records and drew hearts with our initials in them, or his name inside a heart....
I dreamed about marrying him when we got older. I wanted for him to be my first kiss. My first boyfriend. My first everything. I thought he was the most beautiful boy in the world. He was the owner of every love song I listened to and the protagonist of every scene I imagined in my head. He made my head spin and my heart beat fast. I knew love because of him... "
"And now?" Lily asked, bringing Remus to the present.
Remus blushed after what he had just confessed. He felt like an idiot now. But back then, when he was ten years old, before his transition and all the fucked up shit in his life, Remus used to be a hopeless romantic. And Sirius had fascinated him.
"He still owns my heart" Remus confessed. It was the truth. Hard and clear.
Lily sighed as if she was hearing the most beautiful love story. It was nothing beautiful. It was torture.
"But in a different way" Remus added "Sometimes I really want to strangle him" he chuckled.
Lily stared at him with those emerald eyes. Her eyes flickered towards the spot where Sirius was laughing on the couch with Alecto Carrow. She was sitting too close to him. Showing him something on her phone. Remus didn't want to look.
"But he doesn't feel the same, obviously" Remus sighed as well "I am his best friend and a boy. And we know he is into girls"
"Many girls for my liking" Lily rolled her eyes, then gave Remus a pitiful smile "What are you going to do?"
Remus shrugged "Probably forget about him" he said "Don't worry about it, Lils. I'll be fine... "
Lily hugged him and kissed his head gently. "You deserve better, Remus"
What they didn't know was that Sirius was openly staring at Remus. Confused by his feelings and how much he had been thinking about him lately. Definitely not like a friend would.
"What about him?... Sirius!" Alecto elbowed him.
Sirius moved his eyes to Alecto's phone where there was a picture of a shirtless bloke. A very attractive one. Sirius’s eyes stared and stared at the torso of that man.
"I know he looks bold, but I do really have a type... I mean I used to fancy you" Alecto giggled.
But Sirius kept staring at the picture. What if he liked this? If he liked Remus would it mean he would like every sexy bloke? Would that make him gay?
Sirius swallowed.
"Sirius!" Alecto exclaimed "What do you think?"
Sirius was kind of panicking.
"I know what you are thinking" Alecto snorted "I should not find such handsome bloke or otherwise you'll get jealous..." she smiled.
Sirius faked a smile.
"Please... No one like me" he winked making the girl laugh.
But in the corner of his eye, he spotted Remus again.
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starsandmoonys · 4 years
Part 2 of this, since basically everyone asked. Sorry if it’s cringe. I wrote it while being happy, so maybe it’s cheesy. Anyway, enjoy! and let me hear you comments and opinions, pleaaasee. 
Sirius, surprised with all his friends, not bringing his eyes up to meet Remus’. He could feel the other boy’s stare, piercing through him. He knew there is no turning back; he said it. He knew he had to follow through. He gathered the rest of his strength and spoke, still looking at the floor, “Ahh fuck this, I like you Remus..  a lot. And I don’t know, It's okay if you don't. I’m sorry this happened; I didn’t mean to say it.” He started rambling. He knew he was freaking out because maybe Remus didn’t feel the same; he’s made a fool of himself. 
He lifted his eyes to search for a reaction and was taken aback by Remus, legit crawling again to his direction. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. “Remus?” He said when Remus finally settled beside him, incredibly close. 
“Yeah, I know,” Remus said, smiling. 
“Excuse me? You know? You know what?” Sirius was full-on panicking. What does Remus mean? All this time he knew, and he let him just pine like an idiot. Is he serious? Are they too drunk to be even talking? He tried to stand up; he wanted to leave. He had his heartbeat going crazy. He started to wonder if it’s a prank and everyone is in on it. He’s just the butt of the joke. That’s why everyone left. He moved to get up and was grabbed by Remus, “I know you liked me, Pads,” he said, hands wrapped around his wrists. Sirius couldn’t function, “Close your mouth; you’ve been obvious since summer,” Remus kept being ambiguous, not letting the raven-haired boy out of his misery like he was enjoying it. 
“What? I? Remus, is this a joke? You're playing me?! Let go!” Sirius breathed out; he desperately wanted to get away from Remus’ clutch. “Merlin, she was right,” he heard Remus whisper to himself, looking at their hands. He then looked up; and grabbed his face with both hands, “You really are an idiot to be watching me that much and not realize that I like you back, Padfoot,” Remus fell quiet, looking at Sirius’ eyes. “I just wanted to see how long it would take.” 
Sirius’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “What are you talking about?” He said, calmer than before, yet heart racing a million miles an hour. It dawned on him that Remus just said he liked him too. So it’s all real; he wasn’t imagining it anymore. He kept denying himself for so long, afraid to speak up, but it’s all real now. He’s right in front of him. 
Remus giggled drunkenly; “For you to break, love. It wasn't my idea; it was Lils’; she told me to wait it out.” So they have been going on behind my back Sirius thought. “Does everyone know?” he asked a question he obviously knew the answer to. He felt like a complete idiot; how was he so dense? Remus nodded, smiling. “God, that damned redhead,” Sirius said, taking Remus’ hands off his face to hold on to them. 
“She’s marvelous. And I've got what I wanted. I liked your pretty confession.” 
“Wait, You actually like me?” Sirius said, smiling now. Remus nodded, quite frantically. “Since… Since when?” Sirius couldn’t help but ask. Remus inched closer and closer, so their foreheads were touching, “Since I realized I was gay. Being stuck in the same room as you nine months a year for six years did some damage to my poor heart.” Remus spoke slowly, cooingly, lips threatening to touch with every word.
“Moony, can I kiss you?” He asked, eyes darting to Remus’ lips. “Yes please,” Remus didn’t get to finish his answer as Sirius’ lips were pressed to his. They kissed for the first time. Remus' hands moved into Sirius’ hair, for he started to get onto his lap, straddling him. Sirius deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around Remus, holding him close. They didn’t know how long that kiss lasted, but they pulled away breathless and in a state of bliss, both boys smiling from cheek to cheek. “Merlin, this is better than all my dreams,” Remus spoke first. He pulled away just enough to look into Sirius’ eyes. “Reality is always better, Moons,” Sirius said pressing another soft kiss to the other boy’s lips. He pulled away and Remus grabbed him again pressing a rather not so soft kiss this time, it was short but as good as all the ones before it. “Just checking,” Remus said against his lips. 
"So, you were playing me.. those past months..."  Sirius started, narrowing his eyes. Remus snickered in his arms, "I'd rather say, encouraging you. Cause at your rate, we'd be 30 before you say anything." He spoke openly; drunk Remus can be very confident and bold. "All the things you were doing.. encouragement?" Sirius questioned; he admired how free Remus seems to be. "Yup," Remus said, popping the P. 
Sirius found himself tackling Remus to the floor, "Oh you little..." He started tickling him, ruthlessly.
"Oh god, oh my god, stop. Sirius, shit. Please." Remus uttered between laughs. Sirius halts after many pleas from the werewolf under him. he stopped his assault to find himself on top of Remus, faces so close and chests pressing against each other, both of them gasping hard for breath. 
Sirius fought the urge to kiss Remus senseless at that moment and moved away from him to the side. 
"We'll do this right. Stand up, Remus." He said sitting up and pushing Remus off the floor. He needed to make the moment memorable. "What? Why?" Remus questioned him, confused. 
"Just do it, please." Sirius pleaded. Remus complied, still puzzled, as he rose to his feet, Sirius positioned himself on one knee in front of him. "Sirius, what are you doing?" Remus asked beet red as Sirius took in his hands. 
Sirius smiled softly and looked up to meet the hazel eyes, "Remus John Lupin, would you honor my miserable soul and become my cute, hot, and loving boyfriend?"
"Yes, Sirius," Remus, who couldn't have gotten anymore redder, croaked out the response. At the notion, Sirius stood up and pulled his now-boyfriend into a bone-crushing hug. 
"This is not real," Sirius said, burying his fingers into Remus' curls. He felt Remus smile against his collarbone, "Yes, it is. It's as real as it gets now. Believe me, I've known dreams." He spoke. 
"I've actually got you?" Sirius asked again, still in disbelieve. 
"You've always had; you've just been too dense to realize." Sirius laughed and kissed the top of the other boy's head. 
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Can we get Sooga (and maybe Kohga) babysitting lil Tulin????
“We came as soon as we saw your message.”
“Yeah, it was urgent! Where’s the fire?”
Teba turned as he saw Sooga and Kohga dash on into his home. He nodded at them.
“Yeah. Sorry. Was gonna ask Mipha, but she’s with her boy toy. Figured I’d trust you two instead.”
Teba took a step to the side, showing his son, Tulin, who was currently sitting on the floor, writing in his journal. Kohga cocked his head to the side, before shrugging.
“What? You want me to tell him to beat it? He a freeloader or what?”
“No. I need you two to chicksit for me. I’m taking Saki out, and I need someone to watch Tulin.”
Saki walked in just in time, adjusting her feathers.
“Teba, are you ready dear?”
“I’m ready, so long as these two are. So, how about it you two?”
Kohga was about to say ‘fuck no’, when he saw that look in Sooga’s eyes. He WANTED to do this, because he was a moron. Ugh. He sighed, before nodding.
“Fine. You two go and have fun, we got the little guy.”
Saki clapped her hands together, before leaning down to kiss Tulin’s head.
“Be good for Kohga and Sooga, my little nugget.”
“But not TOO good, kiddo.”
Teba patted his head, and Saki chuckled at the sight. She turned to the two yigas.
“Now, Tulin is supposed to be in bed by nine. No playing with Kass’s girls, as they’re supposed to be in bed, and they get into all kinds of mischief. That’s about it! Have fun you three, stay safe!”
Teba held his arm out for his lady, who giggled as she accepted it. Once they left, Sooga turned to Kohga.
“You didn’t want to do this. Why did you say yes?”
“Because YOU wanted to. And don’t look at me like that, you idiot.”
“I love you so much.”
“Tell someone who cares, moron.”
“You guys are weird.”
They both turned to look at Tulin, who was looking at them oddly. Kohga motioned to him.
“So...the fuck do we do with his white lookin’ ass?”
“Stop swearing, for one. It’s not good that he gets a pottymouth so early on. Two, we should properly introduce ourselves.”
Sooga walked over to him, kneeling down as he held out his hand.
“It is nice to meet you, Tulin. My name is Sooga, and that’s Kohga. How are you?”
Tulin put his book down, in order to stand up, and shake his hand properly.
“Hello! And good day!”
“What manners! And a good day to you too, little one.”
“My dad said good kids make good greeters!”
“God that’s a weird saying.”
Kohga sighed as he walked over to Teba’s hammock, before jumping into it, and getting himself nice and comfy. So comfy, he fell right to sleep. Sooga softly sighed. He loved his husband, very, very much.
“So. We have three hours until your bedtime, what would you like to-oh. You’re practicing your penmanship?”
Sooga looked over to the notebook on the floor, and Tulin nodded.
“Yep! Kheel has really pretty handwriting, I want mine to look good too! I wanna surprise her!”
“Huh. Why, if I didn’t know little one, I’d say that’s rather romantic.”
Tulin’s blush shone through his feathers, and he shook his head.
“N-no. She’s my friend, that’s it.”
“Uh huh, I see, I see,”
Sooga sat down next to Tulin, looking at the notebook.
“Regardless, I’d love to give you feedback. My father practiced calligraphy, I think I have a proper position on the matter.”
Tulin handed him his notebook, and Sooga skimmed through the pages. He nodded in approval.
“This is very nice! Have you shown your father?”
“No, just mom.”
“Why is that?”
Tulin shrugged, reaching up to grab his book again.
“It’s just a mom thing. Flight range and arrows are for me and dad, writing is for me and mom.”
Sooga nodded. Such a sweet, talented little boy.
“You have a good bond with your mother, little one.”
“Dad calls her a ‘worrybeak’, but yeah, I love my mom. Are you close with yours?”
Sooga froze. For a moment, he recalled her. Recalled her hair, her eyes, her smile. Her tears, her screams, her pain. His father holding onto her hand, his father scolding him for choosing to leave, using his mother’s name like a curse. A curse that cut into his hide like a-
“Yoohoo? Mr.Sooga?”
He suddenly snapped back into reality as Tulin waved his wing in front of his face. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.
“We...were. But she is no longer here.”
“Oh. I’m super sorry. What about your dad?”
“My father...wanted me to leave the nest, so to speak. But it’s fine. I’m loved enough.”
Tulin followed his gaze to Kohga, who gave his ass a good scratch. Tulin snickered, and Sooga couldn’t resist a small chuckle as well. Tulin put his book away, In order to look at his blades. The little rito was clearly very interested.
“Did he give you those swords?”
“No. Master Kohga did. Have you ever wielded a weapon before?”
“A bow and arrow, but never something cool like swords!”
Sooga thought about it for a moment. This child DID seem rather mature, despite his small size. Not to mention bows were just awful for up close combat. Against his better judgement, he decided to give the little one a gift.
“Would you like a present, Tulin?”
“YES! Please!”
Oh the way his little eyes shone in excitement. He pulled out something from his back, and placed it right into Tulin’s awaiting wings. A Vicious Sickle. Tulin looked it over in his hands, clearly in awe. Sooga chuckled, lightly patting his little bird head.
“It’s a light, easy to use weapon, with enough practice. It’s a wonderful starter weapon, and it never hurts to have extra protection. You will soon be the man of the house, you must learn to defend what is yours.”
“Woah! SO cool!”
Tulin was so excited, he started waving the damn thing around like a madlad. Even someone as calm as Sooga felt slightly panicked; for the only thing more dangerous than a blade, was an inexperienced hand. He grabbed onto Tulin’s hand, barely keeping himself from being cut.
“It IS cool. But what’s cooler is knowing how to use it. Would you like to learn?”
“Yes!! Please teach me! Please please please!”
“Very well. I should hope to be a good teacher to an eager student.”
Sooga held onto his hand, showing him the proper way to hold it; tightly, with the blade angled for a downward motion.
“Okay, I think I got it. Like this?”
“Perfect. Now, it’s a limber weapon, so if you need to move it in your hand, feel free to do so. Just be careful, it’s very easy to cut yourself. Now, let’s try to get a feel for it, shall we?”
Sooga stood up, and brandished one of his swords. He gave Tulin a moment to get his stance ready, before he let Tulin come at him. Course, he was very easy to block, but the point was so Tulin could feel comfortable holding it.
“Good, good. Side to side motions, just as you are.”
“It’s...kinda heavy, my arms hurt.”
“Suppose for your size, it’s not as limber as it is intended to be. Do your arms really hurt, or can you keep trying?”
“I...can keep trying, I think.”
“Good, a true fighter keeps going. Swing at me again.”
He noticed Tulin had to use almost both his hands as he swung. Poor thing was struggling. Light as his weapons were, Tulin was small. Determined, but very tiny. Still, he did rather well, all things considered. He blocked another blow rather easily.
“You aren’t uncomfortable around weapons. Good.”
“It’s usually bows, but training with my dad is a LOT like this.”
“Good of your father, teaching you to be comfortable with such a vital tool.”
He was about to do a mock swing, just to see if Tulin could dodge, when he saw Tulin was already weary, panting and even sweating a little. For living in a peaceful village, and armed with a bow and arrow, this WAS a lot of practice, especially from someone who was essentially a stranger. Sooga put his weapon away, and knelt down to Tulin.
“Why don’t we take a break? A weapon is useless without a body.”
“Okay...can we eat? I’m hungry.”
Sooga nodded, letting Tulin take the weapon, and sneak it into his own hammock. Tulin helped him find the cooking pot, and in a moment, Sooga had a fire going, and a few ingredients to throw inside.
“So, what are we hungry for?”
“I dunno, what can you make?”
“I suppose I can make poultry curry.”
“Oh! Yes! Do that one!”
Sooga nodded. He had no issues cooking the rice, and the chicken appropriately, and as soon as it was done, he handed a bowl to Tulin. Tulin dug into it hungrily, before slowly ceasing his eating. Sooga cocked his head down as the child stared at the bowl.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t like how it tastes. Super bland. I don’t wanna eat it.”
“God fucking dammit, Sooga, I can smell your shit cooking in my dreams.”
They both turned to look at Kohga, who had just woken up. He got out of the hammock, and walked over to the pot, taking the soup ladle to help himself to a taste. He then used it to smack Sooga on the back of his head.
“You. Cannot cook. I’d rather eat wet sand, at least THAT has salt.”
“I thought I was cooking it right-”
“Yeah right to hell. Fuck shit, move. What even is this?”
“Poultry curry.”
Kohga looked at him as if he had just gone insane.
“You’re...feeding chicken...to a baby chicken. That’s fucked up, Sooga.”
He was about to bitch at him some more, when Tulin nudged the bowl against Sooga. Kohga turned to look at him, and the little one was whimpering.
“Please fix it, I’m really hungry.”
“For the love of- fine. But only because I hate it when Sooga cooks.”
And Kohga did not disappoint. Not only did he fix Sooga’s awful poultry curry, he made the tastiest, sweetest egg pudding Tulin had ever tasted. The little one had two helpings of each, burping as soon as he was done. Kohga chuckled as he saw just how content the little guy was.
“Look at you, hungry fella. You need anything else, kid?”
“Uh huh. Can I please have some warm milk?”
“Sure, sure. I’ll make it just how my mom made mine.”
Tulin peered over as Kohga not only poured milk onto the pot, but cane sugar, courser bee honey, and even ground up some Chickaloo Tree Nuts. It made for a sweet, fragrant drink that Tulin accepted gleefully. He took one sip, and started kicking his little legs around wildly.
“This is SOOO good! This is WAY better than when mom makes it! Your mom is super cool!”
“She really was, she really was. Glad you like it, kiddo. Your turn, Sooga.”
Sooga didn’t LOVE sweets, but who was he to refuse such a treat from his Master? He accepted his own cup, took a sip, and found himself recalling...the good times. The times where he stood with his mother as they sipped tea, the times where she would get rid of his dirty, wet clothes, in order to get him warm and dry again. There was...only good in this drink, honestly. Sooga nodded, trying not to dwell so much on what was.
“I agree with Tulin. This is excellent. I’m surprised I’m just now trying it.”
“Eh, I only make it if I really need to go to bed. I usually make them with banana cookies-”
“Can you make those next time, please?!”
Tulin was practically giddy at the notion of more treats, and Kohga found it amusing. He patted Tulin’s head, nodding.
“Sure. Next time I’ll bring some over, just for you kid.”
“You’re SO cool!”
“I mean, I know that, but thank you.”
Kohga chuckled. He helped himself to his own drink, sighing in content. A nice, cold night, warmed by a nice fire, and some warm drinks. What more could one want? Sooga chuckled to himself, realizing he had downed nearly half of his cup. No wonder he was feeling so calm, so still.
“Thank you. I don’t think I’d know how to handle a hungry child who didn’t like my food.”
“That's why I’M the cook between us. Your food is so bland. I had half a mind to-”
He went silent, and Sooga saw why. Tulin had finished his drink, and had passed out, right into Kohga’s lap. Kohga struggled, clearly not knowing how to handle this, before groaning, and just patting the bird’s back, lulling him further into sleep. Sooga sat there for a moment, watching them. Kohga didn’t want children, but...they did like him. Found enough comfort in him to fall asleep on him, to cherish the plentiful meals he made them. Sooga even turned to look at his face, and caught him smiling oh so fondly at the little bird. Kohga seemed to catch his grin, and huffed.
“Hell you looking at?”
“I’m just. Seeing how wonderful you are with Tulin...and it really, really makes me realize; you’d make a wonderful, wonderful parent. You act so standoffish, but you...truly love taking care of children and-”
“God don’t you start that shit with me, Sooga.”
“I’m just saying! Family life might be for you! How do you know, you’ve never tried it!”
“Shut the hell up, you absolute fucking idiot.”
Sooga stopped for a moment as Kohga leaned into him, still keeping his hand on Tulin. Sooga looked down at these two, and was confident, more than ever, that he wanted a family. This feeling, that he was feeling right now, was something he desperately, terribly wanted. He wrapped his arm around Kohga, letting the dancing fire illuminate his features. He kissed the top of his head, softly sighing.
“I...love you. I love you so terribly much.”
“Sooga! Kohga! We’re ba-oh!”
Saki immediately silenced herself as she saw the little cuddle train that was happening here. Teba walked in behind her, chuckling at the sight. He nodded towards Sooga, who was too busy protecting them to sleep.
“Teba, Saki. How was your date?”
“Oh it was lovely, we went out to eat and everything. Quite sweet, honestly. Here, let me put him into bed, I’d hate for him to get a cramp, laying on the floor like that.”
Sooga, despite how it hurt his heart, let Saki take Tulin, and put him into his own little bed. Suppose that was his cue. He got up, carrying a sleeping Kohga in his arms. Teba nodded at him.
“Thanks for watching him. Hope he wasn’t too much for you two.”
“Not at all. You have a very wonderful, and very honest boy. You should be proud.”
“I am, I am, honestly. Especially if he made an impression on you.”
“I...hope this isn’t too much, but may we stay? I just, really wanted to-”
“What is this?”
They both turned to look at Saki, who was holding the vicious sickle in her hand. Teba winced, before shaking his head.
“yeah...I think staying is a really bad idea.”
Sooga looked at Saki, and shrugged.
“In my defense, he was excited to receive a present.”
So Sooga and Kohga weren’t ready to be dads.
Just yet, anyway.
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Some Notes for the Mix-Matched AU (aka the slow burn Analogical AU where Logan’s the school punk and Virgil’s the school nerd)
Logan Croft-
Resident punk
Tol boi, and I mean real tol with the muscles
He wears contacts because he’s found some people don’t take him serious when he wears glasses
When he was younger, he was very smart and wanted to learn everything, but he found out it wasn’t smarts that would help him survive, but being intimidating, and most people didn’t find it intimidating when he kept correcting them. Therefore, he stopped trying to learn and just went with the flow
Somehow hasn’t been kicked out of a single school despite allegedly “starting” fights and always being disruptive
Anger issues for daaaaaayyyyss
He has ear piercings, nose piercings tongue piercings, you name it, he’s got it.
Also has a couple tattoos which are awesome
He has somehow got in a group with people from different teenage cultures and will gladly die for them. He even brings lil babey nerd into the group and yay they’re all happier!!
Can and will debate about anything and everything, which is really fun
Virgil Storm-
The embodiment of not only all knowledge in the world, but the panicked thoughts of swear words repeating
He didn’t really care if he wore glasses or contacts, but found glasses more manageable and has a giant pair he pushes up constantly
See tol boi Logan? Well I present smol boi Virgil. He was just barely the average height, and literally had noodle arms
As a kid, he once almost failed a class because he thought learning would be boring, and therefore didn’t try. When he realized he was about to flunk, he studied hard and found the stuff he was learning... interesting?? And he remembered it?? Then he started doing the same for all his classes and wow learning was incredible!! There was so much to learn and see and do and mark his words he was going to learn it all!
After he started getting bullied for being smart and weak, he wore makeup so nobody saw the bruises. If nobody knew, nobody would bother him, so he could read for longer!
Not really used to people caring about him, so it was a big shock when this big punk came out of nowhere to help him out, and then let him hang out with his ragtag group, filled with more caring people.
He also didn’t really talk a lot at first, because he has a really bad habit of info-dumping or ranting, and nobody wanted to hear what he knew. Then one day at lunch, Patton asked him why the periodic table of elements was arranged the way it was, and what was supposed to be a small answer became an info-dumping session, and when he snapped out of it, he realized how everyone at the table was staring at him in shock. Apparently they didn’t know he could talk so much, so they’ve made it their mission to try and trigger sessions like that because Virgil seemed really happy when he did it
Also when he reads, he has a habit of either not hearing what’s happening around him at all, or having a conversation without realizing. (Not only have the others found this as a good way to trigger a rant, but also Roman quotes musicals and plays and sees if Virgil finishes it so he knows how many Virgil knows of)
Janus Smith-
Snek emo boyo
Wears an unholy amount of makeup and black clothes
Suicide jokes baaaaaabyyyy
He sometimes wears a symbol of a two headed snake, and when asked about it, gives an answer completely unrelated to it
Sometimes, he wears colorful clothes to trigger other emos or to throw everybody off
Beneath all the emo-ness, sarcasm, suicidal tendencies and black, he was a gentle, kind soul
And even further beneath that was a giant asshole
Patton Hart-
Skirts and dresses? Yes. Pastel colors? Yes. Floral print? THOSE WERE TO DIE FOR!!
A fashionista inside and out
Tried to wear boy clothing once. That is a day that shall not be named nor referenced, as it was traumatizing for all involved
Big round glasses, because those go with everything! (He even has versions of his glasses with colored lenses because those were so pretty!!)
Freckles on his nose, and as cute as they were, he will not hesitate to cover them in makeup if they didn’t fit with the outfit for the day
No, he is not a girl, and would appreciate if guys stopped mistaking him for one
Sweet and lovable, but he can and will kill a bitch with his heels if you insult or hurt anyone in his crew, including himself because he mattered
Speaking of his crew, he tries real hard not to help them with their horrible fashion tastes. Logan? Did everything need to be ripped and have bold statements on them? Janus? Beautiful face even with heterochromia and virtilago, but he keeps covering it up with tacky, horribly applied makeup that was ONLY BLACK. And don’t even get him started on when he wore colors!! What is this, a Disney Channel movie? Roman sometimes wore old costumes from school productions he did, which no. Remus was relatively fine, EXCEPT HE WORE THE SAME THING EVERYDAY AND DIDN’T TAKE IT OFF UNTIL THE WEEKEND, WHICH SMELLED HORRIBLE, MIND YOU. Virgil only wore jackets and jeans, and by far drove Patton the least insane with fashion, but the jacket he wore was black, torn up, oversized, and the worst thing, PLAID (he was planning on replacing it, secretly)
Does he cry?? No one knows
Roman Royal-
Quotes from many different things, and bursts out into song randomly
“Not to be gay, but...”
Does many things in theater from playing a part to running around on backstage. He is theater god.
Sometimes he wears costumes from old productions (the ones in a more modern setting though. He’s not gay enough to walk around the halls in a prince outfit. He only does that at home)
Can’t fight for the life of him, but he can sure gossip
Way too loud, but can you blame him?
Remus Royal-
“I am but a mere jock, making fun of my fellow jocks and basically beating them up, being a delinquent but seen as a hero.” “I only asked what your favorite color was.” “Oh. Green.”
Acts as childish as you’d expect
Signs up for any and all sports no matter what
As much as he loves being an idiot with his fellow sports players, he much rather prefers hanging out with the group of misfits purely because they can all be themselves without judgement (he stands corrected. Apparently it was weird when he triggered Virgil into explaining the sex of unicorns and penguins)
Weird ass nicknames for his friendos on his phone. Roman was Ronbow, Janus was Kill or be Killed, Patton was Stabby-Feet, Logan was Propagayda, and Virgil was Answerkey
THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE, WHY DID WE LEAVE REMUS TO COOK OH GOD OH NO HE TRIED COOKING ONE OF ROMAN’S PROPS WITH PATTON’S MINI PINK SKIRT AND OH SHIT OH FUCK VIRGIL’S ON FIRE SOMEONE CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT (this was an actual event, and Remus got the fury of Roman for charring his favorite sword, Patton for ruining his skirt, Logan for somehow setting the nerd on fire, had to deal with Virgil being nonverbal for three weeks thanks to the trauma, and a Janus who recorded the entire event without showing a single emotion)
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writethehousedown · 4 years
get my heart attached to you ( trinity centered, multi ) - Lily
summary: trinity and monique are close teammates who play for the same football team abroad, while training for their next game they can't help but think about other things. [ title from “when I think of you” by janet jackson, for the prompt “heat” ]
author's note: me being a sports gay will never fucking die huh. wallah, had to write a lil something because I have enjoyed reading the various fics that have been churned out! I am also intensely spreading trinity/sports gay propaganda always !! I liked their volleys and personalities together on all stars, hope it's decent <3 trintox, momo and vanique are the ships in this: I barely write monique or vanessa but damn I love monique. worth the shot!
— *.✧
The heatwave in Barcelona was utterly immeasurable.
Monique wanted to gag.
She knew that being a professional athlete especially for a sport so cardio driven as football meant she'd have to dull out the extreme heat in order to play at most locations however, this seemed inhumane.
Football was always going to be riddled with money, complications and referees. It was simply the name of the game and had been since they both began to train at their individual academies at a young age.
Years and years of playing the sport and her absolute least favourite location to play in was Spain.
She'd been contracted to Tottenham for almost five seasons now; she preferred the grey and rainy skies of England to the absolute pit of hell that was the Iberian peninsula.
"You're not even phased by all this?" She asked Trinity who shrugged, her blue and white cleats dribbling her almost deflated football between the points of her feet.
"It's for the Champions League, I don't care if I pass out, I wanna win those points against Barcelona tomorrow."
"Girl you stay determined, I admire that."
The Floridan also felt right as if she was at home. The only difference being the humidity and mugginess.
Orlando is just as awful, it feels like my childhood all over again.
The brunette tied her hair back into a bun as she tossed her fellow teammate a new, cold water bottle.
"Drink before you pass out, you're sweating like a sinner in church."
Monique rolled her eyes though she immediately grabbed the water, barreling down as if they had been stuck in the Sahara.
She laid on the turf, Trinity grabbing her legs as she began to stretch her out.
"God you're tense," she mumbled before she continued on, "You need to stretch more especially since you're a striker and we need them powerful legs of yours."
"Thank you captain!"
Trinity flinched, it felt a bit odd to be singled out as a captain for the team. Monique found it quite odd; she was one of the most humble and determined players in the entire sport.
She had proven time and time again her loyalty, she'd never understand how Trinity didn't think she deserved her current position.
"Be all shy and cute for the cameras but you know deep down that you deserve to be running this team and wearing that armband," she inquired as she heard Trinity mumble something under her breath.
"Girl I don't know, I'm just trying to win, I don't need any extra pressure from any kind of media or fans," the brunette insisted as she juggled the ball, kicking her knees up.
Monique cocked a brow as she realized it would probably be better to say nothing. She quickly joined Trinity and practiced her own dribbling skills with the various balls that laid across the training field.
The forward player prayed that nothing about her behaviour was too off to Monique.
Nothing about playing a game made her nervous, in fact it calmed her down a bit, it was a distraction from her current thoughts.
There was however, an extremely different kind of heat that came to mind when Trinity heard their next bracket matchup for the Champions League was going to be against Barcelona.
Her face must've cracked the moment she heard Barcelona would be one of their three group rivals for the tournament.
She remembered distinctly how their team watched the group drawing happen from their training building in London and aimlessly waved their hands around knowing the draw was in their favour besides FC Barcelona being pulled.
Well shit.
Trinity sighed heavily, loud enough for some of her teammates to question why she felt so downtrodden against playing Barcelona.
She knew that was an entirely different story she couldn't speak on or delve into it; it felt too wrong and far too misplaced.
Monique snapped her back to reality as she asked if Trinity wanted to take a few laps with her around the field.
"Might as well make use of the time we have," the Missouri native hummed, "I know coach is probably gonna make us work with the goalie soon let's be real."
The brunette agreed, a fake and plastered smirk across her face as they headed towards the track.
A distraction was what she needed surely especially the day before the big, first match up of their group stages.
"Anyone in particular you wanna destroy tomorrow, purely for fun?" Monique asked, gently nudging her fellow teammate as Trinity felt her entire head explode at the question.
"Nicky and Detox are both forwards so guess I have to pick between them," Trinity commented as Monique laughed aloud, the two of them both picking up speed.
She felt herself remember everything from almost a month ago—she remembered back in London when they had invited Barcelona for a simple friendly game, nothing too special.
Yet somehow, things managed to gravitate towards the worst.
Trinity couldn't remember exactly why and how she had managed to slip in Detox to her hotel room after the game ended but she almost didn't want to know.
The incessant staring after forty five minutes had ceased; the occasional sharp tongued and witty comebacks to each other's insults, the not-so-accidental touching that occurred.
Well—as accidental as it could be still being utterly weary of the dreaded yellow and red cards.
She wasn't sure how it started but she was determined to keep it going. It made her heart feel some kind of way, whether extremely turned on or anxious she couldn't tell you the difference.
The heat was real, it had been for awhile though neither of them knew how to feel about the situation.
Two cups of wine and they both managed to build up liquid courage enough to make a move or some kind of statement.
They kissed passionately, the blonde immediately grabbed the other woman and pulled her towards her lap. Both of them far too lazy to move off the couch.
They made out with nothing but drive, as if they somehow had been begging for each other's company and touch this entire time.
Their lips met, Detox smirked, nothing but a snarky comment about how she could taste the sports drink flavouring that stained Trinity's lip.
"God shut up, we've only been kissing a few minutes and you're already infuriating."
"You're acting like I meant it as a bad thing baby," the blonde commented softly as she cupped both of her hands around her opponent's cheeks.
The moment their skin touched so softly was when Trinity panicked. She didn't know if she could handle a true, genuine connection to her own competition.
"You're my rival you know," Trinity slipped out as Detox blinked, almost impressed that the brunette managed to state the obvious so innocently.
"I know," the Barcelona forward laughed, her lips outlined the other woman's jaw. Her hands gently slid across her waist, a tight grip on her hips as she spoke once again.
"It makes this twice more fun, it's a thrilling experience for the both of us."
How idiotic.
Two competitors and athletes on different ends of the spectrum once again seemed to follow that delusional, charming fantasy.
They both knew the utter amount of backlash that would appear if anyone ever even saw them together in any kind of romantic light.
All of this and yet Trinity let the kissing ensue for longer and longer.
Every passing minute grew into a bigger ball of heat. The two took turns stripping their dirty, sweaty jerseys and uniforms off each other piece by piece. It was one of the most gratifying moments of Trinity's entire life.
If Trinity had known that all she wanted was some blonde to come and destroy her frivolously she would've asked much earlier in their careers.
"Do you actually want this or am I just the lucky one for tonight?"
Trinity dug her nails into Detox's shoulder, angered that she had suggested this entire thing being just a spur, no irony there, of the moment joke.
"I want you, I certainly won't if you keep talking however."
Detox grinned as she licked her lips, eyeing the brunette up and down, she noticed Trinity's cheeks begin to flush.
"That we can accomplish," the blonde whispered as her fingertips traced the football player's bare chest.
"Then get to it."
"Bossy. You're just as controlling here as you are on the field."
Trinity began to grow tired of the small talk, their lips drew together shamelessly; nothing short of fireworks seemed to blow out of the pits of the brunette's stomach.
It felt so wrong and yet, it still seemed like the most right decision she had ever made.
Trinity had never been so thankful for such unforgiving heat. She could excuse all the sweat and unforgiving memories as simply effects from the typical Barcelona climate.
"Can I ask you about something?"
Monique's question seemed light-hearted enough though the forward nodded nervously, praying to every religion that her fellow teammate hadn't managed to put together the puzzle pieces.
"Go ahead," she replied nonchalantly, shrugging even if her heart seemed to pace at an irregular beat, her nerves completely heightened.
"Girl, I don't know if it's the heat or what but I'm feeling some type of way about Miss Vanessa."
Oh thank God.
"Mateo? The transfer?"
Vanessa had been their winter loan of the season, she was quite a good defender for someone of her size. She had the most irreplaceable energy and attitude.
"Yeah," Monique said, stretching out the word as long as possible. The brunette could hear her voice go up the octave as she began to speak on how Vanessa had asked her out yesterday.
"Oh damn," Trinity laughed, impressed that the Puerto Rican clearly even after just a week was completely on a mission to take her friend on a date.
"Bitch good for you, she's nice enough and very funny, I feel like you'd enjoy yourselves."
Monique gave a small smile as she sighed, pushing the long hair from her face as she insisted that somehow it wouldn't feel right after her breakup with Monét.
"Oh so you're scared to move on is what I'm hearing."
"No, no, those are lies!" The statement must've struck a deep chord within the other woman, her entire expression seemed to tense up.
"You broke up only a month ago, it's okay to still be thinking about it, no one is making you feel ashamed about it."
Monique crossed her arms, now regretting this conversation topic.
She knew deep in her heart some of those feelings were still locked away even a month later but she wasn't going to let anyone get the satisfaction of finding that out.
"Okay, let's say that's why, which it isn't," Monique began as she pointed a finger towards her friend, the two of them still running aimlessly around the field. "What do you think?"
Trinity was in absolutely no place to give consolidating relationship advice considering her current situation however, she knew Vanessa was certainly worth a shot.
"Go for it, if you think she's gonna be good fun then take a chance."
"She's so pretty," Monique groaned as she glared out of the corner of her eye, watching as Vanessa practiced drills with their club's goalie. "I think I'm gonna say yes when we're alone."
Trinity smiled, happy that Monique had some semblance of getting over her last relationship. Monét was lovely, a very great teammate.
She remembered the shock they had both felt as they tied with the UEFA Player of the Year award.
Trinity would've rather Monét simply won than have to share the trophy; the snarky comments and blatant hatred of the results had truly pushed them both to become better friends.
It was a bonding experience to scroll through each other's social media and giggle along at comments while half way tipsy in another country.
She was still a bit surprised they had broken up. Nothing seemed to be outwardly wrong though Trinity wasn't Monique, she couldn't grasp every interaction or moment simply by asking.
"Go for it."
"Speaking of going for it," the other woman said, once again flipping around the conversation topic to whatever she desired. "How about you Miss Taylor, I'm shocked she's still on the market!"
The brunette felt chills run down her spine, she in general hated any conversation about relationships but considering all of the things that had been going on with Detox, it felt almost wrong to speak on it.
"She's a busy and focused woman," Trinity replied, "I'm not gonna get into a relationship right now, too many things going on." She adjusted her hair as she felt Monique shake her vigorously.
"Please let me set you up, there is no way that there isn't at least one person or another who catches your eye."
Well, she's not wrong there…
"No matchmaking. Maybe after we win the Champions League though."
Monique sighed in defeat, "I'm always here."
"I know, thank fuck for that," Trinity grumbled as the two hugged. Moments like these always seemed to distract from their giant bubble that revolved around their sport.
"We'll find a perfect woman for you someday or another."
Girl if you already knew.
Trinity grinned, "Yeah, maybe one day."
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passanima · 7 years
I’m gonna review a manga even tho it’s an animation blog cause I’ve read something I thought had a cool concept, and like an idiot had hopes, just to be left deeply disappointed and upset. So I’m gonna rant till I feel better!
It’s called shishunki bitter change and is one of the popular “genderbend” manga that usually goes like: girl and boy of high school age fall or bump into each other and realize they now switched bodies!
That seems fun and all but in general the girl is the only serious/mature one while the guy is a dumbass and a pervert and the first thing he’s gonna do in the girl’s body is touch her boobs or look at her naked. They also usually find a way to go back to normal but still decide to change from time to time because why not.
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The cool concept this one manga I’m gonna talk about has, compared to the usual format, is that boy and girl meet and change place in elementary school. Way too early for the gross jokes. And also, they don’t find a way to change back and have to live as each other from now on. We follow them for years, until high school. Which leave them for 6 years dealing with this uncomfortable situation.
So I thought it was gonna be great! We won’t see the usual boring tropes of the genre, it will feel fresh, and we’ll get to follow them as they’re growing up! How difficult it may be, and shit.
Of course, I was wrong!
Instead we got very bad writing (and bad art but that would have been fine if, you know, the story had been good) that don’t even try to touch the most important elements of their lives or just gloss over it so fast you’re left feeling like it wasn’t talked about at all.
We start with these two 10 years old kids who play in the park till boy fall on girl and next time they open their eyes, you know it, they switched body. Of course they panic and try to re-do the fall in hope they’ll switch again so everything goes back to normal. But it doesn’t work.
Since they don’t know what else to do and it’s getting late they have to go home and decide to just pretend they’re each other for a day, then meet again the nest day and fix this thing somehow. Till now this thing works, it’s believable, it’s just the first few pages.
Boy in girl’s body go back to an abusive home where the dad is almost never here and the mom just don’t pay attention to her child. The boy was lucky enough to have a nice and warm family so the change is quite a shock. I MEAN to me the reader it was, but to him it’s just “ah ok” reaction and he’s more upset about having strict rules to follow. It’s still fine, he’s a kid that as far as he know only need to pretend for a night.
Girl in boy’s body live the opposite. She comes back to a lovely family with an attentive mom and a little brother who wants to play together. She’s more impressed by the food than anything else and the weird thing is the lil bro is the only one who realize something is weird. He ask where his real brother is and the girl tells him they’re playing a game and his bro will come back if he keeps the secret.
I would... Love to talk about it. If it had been brought up again, and if it had made sense too. It’s implied the brother knows and remember the person in his brother’s body isn’t his actual brother... But he also doesn't seem to care about it! Remember that they stay 6 years stuck like this? Damn, that’s a long game to play. If I was 6 of age and my nice older brother disappeared one day and I only got a clone of him with a weird personality I wouldn’t have kept my mouth shut about it for years! I would have cried to my mom about it or something! it’s upsetting!
The first problem is that. These young kids are never shown to be upset about it. Really upset I mean. It’s a strange and scary situation they don’t know how to deal with. And they’re only mildly inconvenienced. 
It’s just not realistic. This would happen to me today I would panic, like, bad. I don’t want to ever be stuck in someone else body. Someone being in my body and using it however they want is the scenario of actual nightmares I have from time to time. So if this happened when I was 10? I would have cried just at the idea of pretending being someone’s else in front of this person parents and sleeping in a stranger’s house.
Yea, because the two kids aren’t even friends to begin with! They’re classmates that rarely talk to each other. Being stuck in your friend’s body? Might be fun for half an hour. In an almost stranger’s body? Not fun for even a minute!
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And we... Directly jump in time. Something like a year in the future. One year they pretended to be each other and no one but the lil bro that don’t care about it so much found out.
These two have completely opposite personalities. And the parents just don’t realize. The girl’s parents, sure, they’re abusive and don’t pay attention to her, it’s already been said. I’m not surprised about it. But the boy’s mom just think “wow you’re so mature now”. Like. If your kid completely change personality in one day something seriously wrong happened. Of course she’s not gonna think it’s something supernatural but she should be wondering if it’s related to school or something. Anything! The parents are either idiots or the author just didn’t want to spent time on it.
At some point the two kids decide to confess their situation to a friend, who decide to believe them. That’s the only person they tell for 6 years.
I still don’t buy that kids would keep such a secret for that long, it’s neither realistic nor smart. In this situation you would want to ask for help. Even if the adults don’t believe you talking about it is still the best thing to do.
... Well at least they have one (1) friend they trust with it, better than nothing.
It’s also shown that girl in dude and that friend spend time together at the library to find books about people in the same situation as they are, to, you know, find a way to go back. But again that’s literally just one scene and we never talk about it again.
There’s so many short scenes that talk about important things and then, bye to that I guess, you’ll never see it again, there won’t be any sort of resolution to it.
So, now they’re in middle school and the most important (at least you think) part of the manga that is right there in the title is finally talked about: puberty!
Girl in dude is growing up and starting to look more manly and she’s panicking mildly about it cause deep down she’s a girly girl and she miss her body and wearing skirts. Dude in girl just had his first period and somehow thought he was gonna die instead of realizing what it was (which they studied at school), and ok I’m not gonna laugh about that because honestly RELATABLE. Of course you freak out the first time you see so much blood. He get really upset about it, mostly the pain, and having to go thought this every month.
And you know whaaaaaat? It’s never brought up again! Something that clearly deeply upset them, we get one scene of it and bye forever!
I’m not gonna talk about the next scene for long cause it’s so badly written it’s just whatever at this point. Remember how boy in girl live in an abusive family? Well he start yelling at the parents one day, telling them they suck, and magically they’re nice afterward.
Take notes people: that’s how you deal with that kind of shit! Yell at your abusers and instead of being ever more badly abused like you’d think would happen, they’ll suddenly become nice cause that exactly how the world works.
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This review is so long already and there’s still so much to say... I’ll finish a bit abruptly, sorry.
In the end, the manga isn’t as refreshing or interesting I first thought it would be. All the important part are randomly throw super fast at you, there’s no character grow, nothing is realistic even tho the author tries so hard to make it look like it.
And of course it gets vaguely transphobic and homophobic even tho those are subjects you should seriously talk about if you want to realistically make such a scenario. It’s mostly jokes about how girl in boy want to wear skirts, in the body she’s in right now, but the true owner of said body refuse to let her do it cause it would make him look like a transvestite and that’s gross right? Also when it comes to having a crush they have to keep it the romance straight but in those bodies (how they’re viewed by others) it’s a bit hard. Girl in dude tries to becomes friend with a girl in her class who sees her as a boy and falls in love. Which makes her uncomfortable. There’s also a boy later on who falls in love of her, as he sees her, so as a boy. Of course it’s just vague enough that the author doesn’t need to address it and make it clear that, yeah, that’s gay folks. Cause we don’t want that in our manga.
In the end what I hate most is that nothing change. Again, no character grow. They spent 6 years in each other bodies and still believe they’ll find a way to change back without realizing that... Even if they do.
It won’t be the same.
It was their body till they were 10. They’re now 16 and almost done with puberty. If they go back now they won’t recognize their body, it would take so long to get used to it. Not even touching on having to go back to their original family who should realize it if they suddenly completely change personality AGAIN? Accepting the fact that the parents are idiots and won’t realize it, after 6 years they’ll be strangers. And the friends they made along the way sure won’t be friend with a total different person like it’s normal.
In this situation, accepting that the 10 y/o kids never told anyone but that one friend about their situation and all that bullshit, there’s still a point where they’ll should grow accustomed to the body they’re in and accept it as theirs.
But because they don’t, because the author doesn’t know how to write, they’re mentally stuck and haven’t grow at all. They can’t think of the future. They have only two more years of high school before choosing a path in life in case they never go back, and they refuse to think about it.
The manga may get a satisfying enough ending but I’m not interested in reading it since nothing make sense and all the important point are always ignored.
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