#I love thinking about everyone being close. They're like pack animals. Mess with one and. You have at least 10 people hunting you
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fallout-fucker · 2 years ago
Sole Survivor Headcanon
Kind of OC based but it's also vague (Although Minutemen leaning) so like. If your Sole wasn't a soldier or lawyer. Or anything. Just a skill-less bastard. You might like this. Enjoy.
Sole being trusted by so many factions just for breathing is so funny actually. Like they deadass crawl out of a cave, freshly traumatised, and told they're a General? Because they helped someone? Cool, yeah, sure, uh-huh. That's a great amount of pressure to handle on top of their circumstances.
I like to think that everyone also assumes they're insanely clever. It's not that Sole isn't, per se, but everyone treats them like a genius. A prodigy. People have told Sole they understand why Preston trusted them so much because the Commonwealth 'needs their level of knowledge and intelligence to get better'. To which Sole is always bewildered, because their 'extensive level of knowledge' is just. High school level. Basic science lessons.
They know about evolution and stem cells and stuff. They know how disease and antibodies work. They're praised for changing people's opinions on vaccination when, with the help of Curie, they start a campaign to bring back vaccines. Their goal was to fight the viruses that had been brought back from near extinction from 200+ years of no healthcare system, no scientists and doctors to cure them. A tilt back in the direction of accessible Pre-War healthcare.
Sole knows history. They know what to watch out for, how to spot tension between factions. They know how to avoid more war, lessons learned from textbooks and late nights with post-it notes. They know how to piece together a scale and pin point the tipping point to stop it before shit goes down because they did a project about it on a WW1 assignment. The Great War. The irony is not lost on Sole when they contemplate that name for too long.
They're decent at Maths. Decent enough to make sure the caps and donations to the Minutemen are being put to good use. To make sure the book keeping is up to code and every cap is accounted for, and what it should be put towards. Like trying to bring back vaccines from 200 years ago. Negotiating with Vault 81 to let Curie use the old lab there goes way more smoothly when they've got the caps to make a worthy case for the cause.
Sole knows why people assume their mind is unmatched, though. In a way it is, sort of, they suppose. Since education is rare in the Post-War world, and even then it's not at the level it was Pre-War, Sole just seems smart. Everyone thinks they are.
Sole never knows how to handle it.
Are they complicit for letting people believe they're a genius? Should they keep up the charade so people listen to them? The thought keeps them up at night. Preston laughs at them for it.
MacCready reminds them of the many times they looked like a dumbass in every other circumstance where they lacked knowledge. 210 years of missing out on General Wolrd Stuff will do that to ya. It's not necessarily their fault, but he still likes to drag them for the time they got food poisoning because they didn't realise some of the new plants had to be cooked before consumption.
Every time someone acts in awe of Sole's intelligence, MacCready snickers because he was there in the early days. Sole had hired him to watch their back. Soon enough he became their mentor on how to shoot a gun properly. How to maintain it. What to eat, what not to eat, what to definetly not eat. How to make sure mole rat meat is 100% cooked. How to safely remove as much radiation as possible from water and food when you have only basic supplies. He would never think Sole is stupid. They know a lot compared to most people, but learning how to survive and knowing how to count are very different types of knowledge. No, he'd never think they're stupid. But he definetly humbles them, which Sole is actually happy about. He still affectionately calls them an idiot and reminds them of the time they tripped over their own laces, alerting the radstag they were hunting of their presence. And the food poisoning thing. And the incident with the bucket. And when they almost touched a deadly plant because they thought it would look nice in a vase they found.
Thing is, Preston taught them basics of how to shoot and fight before they left Sanctuary. MacCready picked up the workload when he met Sole and realised they'd likely get them both killed if he didn't. Cait showed them hand to hand combat and lockpicking. Everyone at some point taught Sole something. So Sole goes red from embarrassment when being complimented on their mind, because they know they're gonna get an earful from their friends later. Affectionately bullied. You know Deacon has some blackmail level information from the months he followed them. They all sit at Sole's kitchen counter and share stories of Sole's embarrassing misadventures over breakfast. That's just what a family does.
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verobatto · 5 years ago
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
In Love
Hello my dears! Another meta from this series, and this episode was so so heartbreaking, my friends. And written by Buckner and Leming. I know what you'll say, not everyone likes their writing, okay. But you can't deny this was one of the most heavy in Destiel content...
I want to say thank you to my beautiful friend @agusvedder . She made the first for this meta and discussed with me the episode.
Okay, let's play on!
We gotta get out of this place
People... There's a song playing at the beginning of that classic Destiel scene when Dean sees Castiel on the road...
The song's name is We gotta get out of this place, by The Animals.
And these are part of the lyrics...
In this dirty old part of the city
Where the sun refused to shine
People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'
Now my girl, you're so young and pretty
And one thing I know is true
You'll be dead before your time is due, I know
And I've been workin' too, baby (yeah!)
Every night and day (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!)
We gotta get out of this place
If it's the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'Cause girl, there's a better life for me and you
Now my girl you're so young and pretty
And one thing I know is true, yeah
You'll be dead before your time is due, I know it
Sounds like someone who was in one dirty place trying to get his love out of there, working hard to find him, because he wanted to give him a better life, or get him home... And he failed...
Mmmm who could be? 🤔
Well, so, Dean was moved by just one desire in Purgatory, find Cas and together come back to home. But this plan he had, failed.
And because he couldn't handle the pain of it... His head invented the whole context in which Castiel didn't got out from there...
And not just that, he grew a huge guilt inside his heart, because that's the only way Dean Winchester knows how to handle things. He always blame himself ...
And because he misses Castiel so much, and he feels he failed him, when this song was playing on his car, he recalled Castiel, and the longing was huge, and there you have Cas walking by the side of the road. And Dean saw him, and he tried to go back, but Cas wasn't there anymore.
When he came back to the cabin, his brother noticed the puzzled face, and this is what he said to him...
DEAN stands in the middle of the room holding a six-pack and a paper bag.
SAM You look like you've s– well, I was gonna say, "You look like you've seen a ghost," but you'd probably be stoked. Uh, you okay?
Sam saw his brother struggling with something, he was odd... So he had to ask. But the king of avoidance just said I'M COOL.
Now... When they were on the motel room, and Sam was sleeping, Dean saw Cas through the window, remember that? And his face was... Ugh... Priceless. He stood up and went to the window, but Cas wasn't there anymore.
And then Sam woke up, and he saw something was going on with his brother... His brother who couldn't sleep...
SAM Dean? What's going on? Are you all right? [He throws back the covers and sits on the edge of the bed.]
I don't know. I just saw something.
Dean is about to open to his brother, because now is the second time he saw Cas. And he knows it was him. So, he really doesn't know why he's seeing him everywhere. Is the power of his longing that drags Castiel who's too trying to materialize in front of him.
SAM Uh, you saw what? [He stands up and walks over to DEAN.]
This time he says it. He says his name.
SAM Cas? Where?
DEAN: Right there. And – and – and earlier, on the road. I feel like I'm seeing him.
Dean is confessing this kind of ashamed, because he doesn't know how his brother would react to this. I mean, the man is seeing Cas everywhere... What is that? It sounds so romantic that it hurts... But Sam is empathic, and he senses his brother is feeling guilty...
SAM That's... not possible. I mean, you said it yourself. You made it out and he didn't, right?
Sam is trying to made Dean to get stick to reality. Cas isn't there. You are not seeing him, you think you are seeing him, but he isn't there.
DEAN I tried so damn hard to get us the hell out of there. [He turns away from the window and walks a few steps away.]
SAM I know you did.
Sam is seeing through his brother, he sees he's suffering and part of him is in awe with such pain. So he tries to make him feel better by saying Dean did his best to save Castiel.
DEAN (with his back to SAM] You know, I could have pulled him out. I just don't understand why he didn't try harder.
Now, again, the distortion in Dean's memories, the disguise he put over the real scene. Just because is too painful.
SAM: Dean. [He walks over to DEAN, who turns to face him.] You did everything you could.
DEAN: Yeah, but why do I feel like crap?
SAM: Survivor's guilt?
IDK if Sam is suspecting here, I think he does, because the way Dean is behaving, is not just the words he's saying. There's something else there. Dean misses Castiel horribly. So he came out with the survivor's guilt, jus because is the only thing he could say.
Dean knows that's not because he's feeling like crap. Because he already knows he is in love with Castiel, and he wanted to bring him back home, with him. Together. Because he prayed to him every night, and when he found him, he was happy. And he worked hard to bring him back. And he failed.
SAM If you let it, this is gonna keep messing with you. You got to walk past it.
Sam is trying to give one last advice. But isn't enough...
One side love?
We all recall the scene in the bathroom, when Castiel appears. Remember this is a parallel with Bobby appearing beging Dean in the bath, because we need to make the big difference here between FAMILY LOVE and ROMANTIC LOVE.
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After this we had an interrogation from Dean, who's doubting about the cause of Cas being there. Because what he remembers of that, is Castiel let him go, falling down the hill, and being weak. So Cas was weak and he couldn't make it. How he get out from Purgatory then? So he's mad. Pretty mad, he couldn't get him out, so who could?
CASTIEL Oh. I'm dirty.
DEAN: Yeah, well, Purgatory will do that to you.
He's mad, and mostly because he recalls too Cas putting a hand in his shoulder and saying those words... Thank you for everything... Dean is feeling maybe Cas didn't trust he could put him out of Purgatory... All those ideas are running his head. And he's mad.
But then, we had this jewel...
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The classic boner scene, showing us Sam reaction in contraposition with Dean's. Is clear here. Dean is seeing Cas, shaved, clean and with his usual wardrobe. The Mighty Hot Sexy Angel he knew. And his reaction is awkward, he, acknowledging his true feelings now, can't stop feeling like this. Can't stop his heart anymore. Because he loves him. It will be worst now, and it will be awkward now being by his side. Because he knows he is in love with Castiel. So this reaction is showing us something had changed in Dean about Cas.
And remember Benny cleaning himself and getting out form the bath... And Dean's reaction to that? Well... Difference between FRIENDSHIP reaction, and ROMANTIC reaction. Is just perfect!
And Sam is there again registering the whole thing. Sammy knows is born slowly...
Another scene that show us Dean is acting weird because he know he loves Cas, is one of my favorites Destiel stares.
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Look at this... Is amazing, because CAS is just talking about the case and the Prophets and wherever, and Dean first felt surprised because CAS is standing there close, then he just stared at him with those eyes people have when they're looking at their crushes. That heart eyes glare. Cas watches him, and then he comes back to the conversation. And Dean making the check out. Eyes-Lips-Neck. And whoa... The face after this... Is a face of realization... I'M SCREWED, I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HIM.
And one more thing about this, the motel room is Destiel color coded. Watch the walls... Green and blue flowers...
That, my friends, is the consequence of acknowledging he loves Castiel not as a bro, or as a best friend. But as a male angel.
Then... In the car, Dean recalls his fake memory about Purgatory...
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He needs to clarify with CAS, so... We had this scene...
DEAN Cas, can I talk to you outside?
DEAN and CASTIEL get out of the IMPALA.
DEAN Exactly. What? What the hell happened? Back there. Purgatory. I told you I would get you out. We were there! It was like you just gave up. It's like you didn't believe we could do it. I mean, you kept saying that you didn't think it would work. 
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This is what made Dean's heart aches... Think about Castiel not trusting him. That's the daga in his heart... That's what his brain came out to, this is painful but is better than truth for him. And this is the foreshadow for the crypt scene. Dean disguising his truly feeling with words like TRUST he DOESN'T TRUST ME even than HE DOESN'T LOVE ME LIKE I DO. Is better talk about TRUST BETWEEN FRIENDS. And not LOVE. So... The trust is a replacement for being in love.
And he points there I DID EVERYTHING TO GET YOU OUT OF THERE. And he did.
His heart is a mess and his brain is giving him this ideas. Is giving him GUILT because that's what Dean Winchesters can manage. GUILT. And not a brokenheart. Not the idea of being rejected. Of being in one sided love.
We had the Moose Interruptus aaaand let's go to the second talk...
I didn't want to save everyone, I wanted to save you.
When they were out of Crowley's dominium, they had this chat outside, because CAS was feeling weak, and he didn't listen Dean's warnings.
DEAN That was a bonehead move back there. You could have gotten yourself killed. Why didn't you wait for me?
Again... The trust disguising Dean's true fears to loosing Cas.
CASTIEL Well, I didn't get killed. And it worked.
Cas is used to work alone. He's a warrior. So Dean being worried about that, he can't understand the depth of it.
DEAN And if it didn't?
CASTIEL It would have been my problem.
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Cas knows Dean is feeling some kind of guilt, so he tries to bring back that matter. Because he doesn't know Dean is in love with him, so the whole situation needs to be clarify. Dying or not is my problem. Getting out fr Purgatory not not is my problem too.
DEAN Well, that's not the way I see it.
Okay... Now the card is on the table, and Cas picks it.
CASTIEL Hey, everything isn't your responsibility. Getting me out of Purgatory wasn't your responsibility.
Period. This is it. He wants Dean to figure the point out. Because he doesn't understand, if they were there, why is Dean being like this?
DEAN You didn't get out. So whose fault was it?
When Castiel heard these words he gets it. There's something wrong with Dean. He's recalling things wrong. Because he's throwing the whole bag on his shoulders... And that's not what happened. Dean has not fault about it.
CASTIEL It's not about fault. It's about will. Dean, do you really not remember?
Cas understands now, Dean disguised the memory of it.
DEAN [laughs shortly] I lived it, Cas. Okay, I know what happened.
CASTIEL No. No, you think you know. You remembered it the way you needed to.
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Cas is the best psychologist ever. You invented a memory to cover the truth, because the truth is more painful.
The guilt again, he can't handle fail Cas. He just can't. He's mad at himself. But Cas will show him the true memory.
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And is worts... Painful and worst...
CASTIEL See, it wasn't that I was weak. I was stronger than you. I pulled away. Nothing you could have done would have saved me, because I didn't want to be saved.
Ugh! He pulled away, rejection. He didn't want to be saved. Why? He didn't want to come back with him? With Dean? Together?? He doesn't love him the way Dean does... Is a one sided love. Cas wanted to stay in Purgatory, and he didn't want to come back with him. The truth is worst than his fake memories...
And the brokenheart is showing all over his face. It seems he is about to cry.
DEAN: What the hell are you talking about?
CASTIEL It's where I belonged. I need to do penintence, I needed to be out. And I saw that clearly when I was there. (Again... The Purity of Purgatory, Cas knew what he really wanted, like Dean knew what he really wanted. He wanted his angel) I... I planned to stay all along. I just didn't know how to tell you. You can't save everyone, my friend... though, you try.
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And Cas thinks that's the pain in Dean's heart. Because he wants to save everyone. To save the world. But not now. Not back then in Purgatory. In Purgatory Dean wanted to save Castiel. Because he loves him.
And Cas knew Dean wouldn't abandon him, so he just made the way to that portal, and when he saw Dean was safe, that he will come back, he let that left him go. That's loyalty.
And Dean's heartbroken face is too much... Is really so sad. One sided love... Ugh...
To Conclude:
Dean saw Cas everywhere because he was longing so hard for him, that Cas was trying to reach him.
Cas and Sam thought Dean's pain was because the guilt he felt because he couldn't save Cas, but he disguised a more profound pain (being rejected for Castiel, one sided love) with a new less painful memory and guilt.
In this episode we had two boner scenes, that showed us a change of behavior from Dean. Dean knowing he's in love with Cas is feeling flustered and anxious. Like a teenager with his crush.
I hope you enjoy this one. See you in the next Chronicles!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous volumes, here are the links... Vol. XXXI and XXXII
Buenos Aires October 16th 2019 9:52 PM
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addictofsupernatural · 6 years ago
The Road So Far (pt. 1)
Sweet Pea x reader
Summary: Y/n Winchester and her two older brothers go to the small town of Riverdale for a case. Y/n must enroll into Riverdale High to help the case, and meets one Sweet Pea on tbe way.
Riverdale + Supernatural crossover
Requested by: @sgarrett49
Author Note: So Tumblr cut me off from writing any more on this text, so it's going to be stretched out into a mini series.
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3402
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"I just don't get why I have to go to school to hunt a werewolf."
Dean closed the trunk of the car. "Because, we heard from some of the people here that the teenagers basically run this town."
"Really?" You said. "Ugh, it's like we got a case inside of some crappy new age TV show." Sam laughed and Dean nodded. You all went inside of a motel next to some trailer homes.
The next day you took your stuff and went to school. Apparently a school got closed down due to some hazardous stuff, so there was only one in the town.
When you got to school, there was a small crowd of teens waiting for you. "Excuse me, are you Y/n Winchester?" You nodded. "Okay then. Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge, and welcome to Riverdale High."
"Lodge, as in Lodge Industries?" You asked. Her smiled faded a bit, then came back just as quickly.
"Yes, but whatever daddykins does with his business, I am not associated with."
You smiled and compressed your laughter. "Daddykins, huh?" She nodded. "That's a new one."
She let out a small laugh. "Well, this is Archie, my boyfriend."
He waved. Then another one spoke up. "I'm Betty, I'm one of the people who run the blue and gold newspaper. This is Jughead, he also runs the blue and gold."
"You guys solved some murders right?" Maybe they could help you with the case. The two of them nodded.
Then Jughead spoke up. "This is Fangs and Sweet Pea." They both nodded.
You look at Sweet Pea's tattoo. "What's that mean?" You put two fingers to your neck pulse, indicating the tattoo.
"It's a symbol for the Southside Serpents." Her said, looking down at you.
"That a gang?" You asked as a joke. When he nodded, you responded with, "Wait really?"
A person bursted through the doors. "Ignore the hoodlums. Don't pay any attention to the raggamuffins, they're only important in their greasy, Southside bar. Hi I'm Cheryl blossom. Maybe if you lose the flannel and band shirts I could consider you to be a River Vixen."
"So you're captain of the cheerleaders?" You asked, amused.
"Yup." She said, smug. "I basically run this school."
You bursted out laughing. "Okay, let me get this straight. There's turfs, gangs, murders, and, no offence Ronnie, a mobster in this town?" They all agreed. "And yet, for some reason, cheerleaders and football players are still important? And the head bitch in charge is a ginger?"
You had began to laugh again. "Aw, this is a bad new aged TV show, isn't it?" Jughead snorted.
"You you have a problem with my hair color?" She looked pissed.
"Of course not, gingy #2, I think gingy #1 seems like a nice guy. Look, minus Carrie White over here, you all seem like pretty cool people, but unfortunately I won't have the pleasure of getting to know you. My brothers and I will probably be gone in a week or two. So where do I go to get my schedule?"
"Um, I have it right here." Veronica said. You were going to grab it, but she took it away. "But, we have been asked by principal Weatherbee to make you feel at home."
"No, you and Betty were and you two dragged us into it." Jughead said.
"Well, either way, I want to become friends with you, even if you will only bless us with your presence for a short amount of time."
You looked at her, amused. "Okay then."
She beamed her smile. "Alright, well you have a class with each one of us, and also four classes with Sweet Pea, so we will be with you for the whole day."
Sweet Pea had been watching the entertainment you had been giving this whole time. Who was this girl? One of the first people who didn't care about the social status in Riverdale.
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. You ready Sweets?" You asked. He was taken aback by the nickname. You did the same with Veronica earlier. Was that just a thing you did?
"Uh, yeah, let's go."
As you walked down the hallways, you see signed about some Red Circle group. You grabbed one off the wall. "The Red Circle? What is that?"
"The bulldogs made a group to terrorize the Southside. Trying to clean up the streets and protect their people."
"Really?" You giggled, confusing him. "What kind of piss poor excuse is that? They want to pretend that their in a gang so they can sound cooler than just being a group of sex deprived football players."
He laughed. He was so intrueged by you. You said what was on your mind, and your logic was that of an outside perspective. You were funny and adorable, and came with an I don't give a fuck attitude.
You walked into class together. The teacher told you to sit next to Sweet Pea, who sat in the far back, since you seemed to get along with him. As you walked to your seat, a guy said, "Careful sweetheart. I wouldn't get too close with the snake boy. He's not like us."
You stopped, looking at the letterman jacket he wore. You then held up the red circle sign. "You in this?"
"You know it. The name's Reggie Mantle."
"Wow!" You said in a fake overly happy voice. "You know, when I first walked through those doors I thought you were a douchebag, but I was totally wrong. You're a wanna be ghetto ass douchebag!"
You crumpled up the paper and threw it at him, continuing to walk. Everybody gasped and Sweet Pea smiled excitedly, nodding in his seat.
You silently laughed at him. "Woah."
"What?" Sweet Pea asked, still smiling.
"You look adorable when you're happy." You turned back to the front, missing the smile slide off his face as he stared at you.
As classes went by, you both enjoyed each other's company. Turns out that in every class Sweet Pea is in the back because the teachers fear him. You liked being in the back of the class with him though.
When it came to lunch Veronica practically dragged you to their table. This was your chance to get some information. "So," you said, looking towards Betty and Jughead. "I heard there's been murders of people and animals recently. Do you know anything about it?" They all looked at you, confused. "I'm just really into that stuff."
"Well you'll fit right in here." Veronica joked.
"Not much, but people have been saying things about werewolves." Betty said. "Ethel said that they had a pack at Fox Forest. We were gonna check it out tonight. Do you wanna come?"
"I'd love to." You genuinely smile. If you were to ever stay at one place, it would probably be this one.
Betty smiled. "Okay. This'll be fun."
"Gee gang, sounds like the start of a new mystery." You said without much thought.
"Did you just quote Scooby Doo?" Jughead asked.
"I think this is the beginning of a new relationship." He said as he munched on his food.
When you got to PE Sweet Pea heard girls talking about you. They were talking about how you had scars covered up, and laughing about how they were ugly on you. He was about to go and tell them off, but was stopped by you calling out for him. "Hey, Sweets!"
"We're supposed to partner up, and I think you're the only one who could be close to keeping up with me." You playfully put your hands on your hips.
"We'll see about that, won't we sweetheart?" He gave a smirk.
"Sweetheart, huh? My brother calls his one night stands sweetheart." You counter.
"Don't worry Winchester, you're worth more than that to me." Your cocky smile faded and was replaced with a small, genuine smile with some red on your cheeks. "What's wrong? Not used to the praise?" He slyly said.
"Not at all." You said truthfully. He faltered a bit, but you just brushed your embarrassment off. "C'mon, let's just start the stuff."
Sweet Pea learned just how in shape you were. No matter what exercise was being done, you seemed to excell in it. It was a hassle trying to keep up with you, but he did.
PE was your last period, so the two of you were seen talking together right after school. It seemed that everybody saw, because the five others who greeted you in the morning, except Cheryl, went to go talk to the two of you. It was a rare thing, to see Sweet Pea even give a second glance to someone who isn't a Southsider. But here he was, happy as can be right next to you.
"Hey guys." Betty said. You waved.
"Well well well," Veronica said. "It seems that the new girl in town has found herself a man, and no other than the toughest guy in Riverdale." She was smiling slyly.
They have never seen Sweet Pea so happy, at least not at Riverdale High. Nobody had even seen him look at any girl except Toni, who was one of the guys to him. So having someone crack a smile on his face was a sight to see, and they all automatically wanted the two of you to be together. After all, you made him smile.
Betty then had an idea spring up in her head. "Sweet Pea," he turned his attention towards her, his face unintentionally being a little more colder. "You should come with the three of us tonight to Fox Forest. We're working on the deaths of those people and animals."
Sweet Pea thought about it for a bit, but looking at your waiting face made him not need to think about it at all. "Sure. You guys will need protection, so it's smart if I tag along."
Your face perked up into a smile. Just then a 1967 black Chevy Impala pulled up to the front of the school, classic rock being heard from inside. Two men stepped out and were both leaning on the side of the car. You were guessing that they wanted to look tough to show people not to mess with you.
"Nice ride." Sweet Pea muttered.
"Thanks." You said, everybody turning to you.
"Oh my God, who are those beautiful men standing over there?" Veronica asked. "Especially the one on the left." She said, staring at them.
"That would be Dean. The other one with the long hair is Sam. Those are my brothers." Everyone was in awe of how badass the two looked.
"Well now, some new blood hotties have rolled into town." You all turned your heads to see Cheryl enjoying the view as well. "Who would have known that they were related to a greasy little raggamuffin like you."
"Okay, let's not check out my brothers guys, this is weird and gross for me."
You look at Sweet Pea, who seems to be in a trance as well. "Really? You too?"
He laughed. "No, it's not that. I'm looking at the car." You laughed back. "Don't worry y/n, you're the only Winchester I like to look at." You giggled.
Dean spotted you laughing with some guy. "What the hell?"
"What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Look at that kid, getting a little too chummy with y/n. I'm gonna have a little talk with him."
"You don't know if he's doing anything bad, they could just be talking Dean."
"The kid has a neck tattoo. He's a douche." They watched as you nudged him, smiling and talking. Sam cleared his throat, not knowing how to defend you anymore.
"Oh hell no." He angrily went over to the group of teenagers, ignoring Sam's calls. Everybody brought their attention to the eldest Winchester walking up. "Hey there." He said to Sweet Pea with a smile. "Wanna tell me why you're standing so close to my sister?"
"Dean." You said, standing in between the both of them, although not making a difference from you being a lot tinier than the two. "Don't."
"We were just talking sir." Sweet Pea said, sweating bullets. He stood up straight and his voice was clear, but he was more nervous than anything.
"Oh, you were just talking. Well to me it seemed like flirting, and if you think I'm gonna let-"
Suddenly a hand clasped hard on Dean's shoulder. "Okay, that's enough. Sorry you all had to see that." He smiled at everyone, making the females melt.
Dean took a few steps back before pointing to Sweet Pea and saying, "We have guns."
"Dean!" Sam said in a sturdy voice.
"Are you satisfied big bro?"
"Get in the car." He said in a strained voice. You mouthed the word sorry to Sweet Pea, then looked at Betty and Jughead, nodding. They nodded back.
When you got to the motel, you were on your way to the bathroom. "Imma go take a shower."
Dean grabbed your arm and plopped you on one of the beds. "Oh no, you're not." You innocently smiled at him, making him even more annoyed. "What the hell were you doing with that kid?"
You looked at him, dead face. "Talking."
"Talking my ass! I saw you two, way too close for friendliness. I don't want you around that guy anymore."
You huffed, kicking off your shoes and getting comfortable. "Why not?"
"Because that kid is bad news. He has a neck tattoo of a double headed snake, I mean, that says it all." He smiled, although unamused.
"It's just a tattoo! I have one too." You were referring to the anti possession tattoo just below your collarbone, which was the same place your brothers had theirs.
"That's different."
"Sam, help me out here."
Sam sighed. "I don't know y/n, you guys were standing pretty close."
"Ha!" Dean said.
"But you really could have only been talking."
"See?! Thank you Sammy. You know what, whatever. I'm gonna head to that 50's themed diner. Want anything?"
"Just a salad. Thanks."
You nodded and opened the door. "Don't forget the pie!" Dean called out as you shut the door.
You huffed as you went into a diner called Pop's, heading to the front. You didn't notice the four people with leather jackets. You smiled as an old man with the name tag of Pop came. "Do you have pie?"
"Cherry's our best slice." He smiled.
You smiled back. "Perfect. I'll have that, two combo #1's, and a Caesar salad to go please."
"Sure thing. What kind of milkshakes?"
"Of course, everyone who comes here gets a milkshake. They're the best you'll ever have."
You shrugged, still smiling. There was something that you liked about him. He was just so peaceful. "Surprise me." He nodded and headed to the back. You sat at the counter, waiting for your food.
Meanwhile, Sweet Pea ducked his head when you walked up to the counter. "What's with you?" Toni asked.
"He's into the new girl over there." Jughead said.
"Until her brothers came and scared the crap out of him." Fangs teased.
Sweet Pea flushed from both embarrassment and anger. "No they didn't, I was just showing them respect."
"Then go up to her and ask her out." Fangs said all too casually.
As his three friends stared him down with their evil grins, he awkwardly stood. He knew he couldn't get out of this. He walked over to you, sitting next to you. "Hey."
You swiveled your seat in his direction. "Hey. Sorry about my brothers. Dean likes to get overprotective sometimes, especially when it's with guys that have tattoos on his neck." You have him a teasing smile.
"It's fine." He chuckled out, rubbing where his tattoo was.
"We still on for tonight?" You cocked your head as you waited for his answer, which he found adorable.
"Yeah, I have to be there in case you get yourself in trouble Winchester."
"My hero, but how do I know you won't leave me hanging with Jug and Bets?" There it was again, the nicknames.
"I'm not that kind of guy." He put a hand over his heart jokingly.
"Then why are your friends staring at me?" You squinted your eyes a bit at him.
He put his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it nervously. "They, uh, wanted me to ask you out." You raised your eyebrows at him in an unimpressed manner. "But, I know that you deserve more than some date from a dare. The date will come, but it will take more time. And I don't care if you'll be leaving soon, I'll drive out to wherever you are and pick you up, and we'll have a good date."
You giggled. He suddenly felt hot, having watched him just pour out his soul. He probably seemed like an idiot right now. "That might have been the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me." You nodded. "Okay, you've got yourself a date. Full warning though, never been on a date. So if I'm weird I'm sorry. But on the bright side, you won't have to top anything from my experience."
He put up his hands to his eye level in victory. "I hit the jackpot."
"Just one thing," you put up your index finger. "You didn't answer my question. How do I know you aren't lying and leave me waiting for you?"
He took off his skull ring and put it on your middle finger. "I have to get my ring back from you." He saw you looking back behind him, then at you. "They're still watching aren't they?"
"Yup." You then leaned to him in your seat and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, I'll put on a show for them." You whispered in his ear, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds up," Pop said, with a bag and a cup holder with three drinks in hand. "But your order's ready. The pie is on the top, and I labeled the flavors of milkshakes on the cups."
You leaned away from Sweet Pea. "Bless your beautiful heart Pop." You reached for your wallet, but Sweet Pea smacked some money down before you could get your own money out. You gave him a side smile. "Ever the gentleman."
"Does that surprise you?" He looked you up and down.
You grabbed your dinner, hopping off your chair. "I bet it would surprise most in this town."
He ignores your comment, and instead focuses on your situation. "Do you need a ride?"
"Um, on your bike?" He nodded, to which you responded by raising the items in your hand. "I have precious cargo."
"Then I'll walk you back to your place."
You gave him a questioning look. "And possibly see my brothers again?"
He shrugged. "I have to protect you, remember? I'm your hero."
You rolled your eyes and smiled. "If you insist."
You both walked and talked, you holding the food and him holding the drinks. "I'm thirsty." He said. "Which one of these milkshakes is yours so I can steal some?"
You laughed. "I have no idea. I told him to surprise me, so that's what he did. Which one do you think I'd like?"
"Peanut butter cup. Definitely." He then took a sip of it, taking it out of the cup holder and putting it towards you. "Try it. Maybe it'll make you stay."
You look at him as he smiled. "I wish. If it tastes bad I'm releasing my brothers onto you." He chucled. You then took a sip, not ready for that level of tastiness to be in that shake. "Holy crap that's amazing!"
"What is up with this ghostly bipolar town? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone." You then both got to the motel. "You can go if you want."
"You're living in a motel?"
"Always. Well, sometimes we sleep in the car." You said casually, knocking on your door.
Dean answered the door, eyeing Sweet Pea. "What are you doing here kid?"
"He was at Pop's, and wanted to help me carry dinner." You said with a smile. "He also bought our food! Isn't that so nice of him?"
Sam came to join in. "How considerate."
Your smile became even wider. "Right Dean?"
"You two go on ahead, I'm gonna have a little talk with Mr. Nice Guy outside."
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