#I love them 😭 this series can't end Bee it just can't!!
ninaiseri · 14 days
Tomo icon! 🤩
I play favorites and Tomo is in my top five for sure 🥰
If you're new here, click that link in my description, give dead-finch-420 a follow, and get that post to 1k before pride month ends!
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xxsycamore · 9 months
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𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙨 𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙣 (ARTHUR X READER)
↬ 🩸 ❝ Now, now…❞ Arthur unfolds yet another towel, laying it on the bed. ❝ You've surely heard that this is one way to treat period cramps.❞ ❝ What is?❞ ❝ Orgasms.❞
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Arthur Conan Doyle x f!Reader • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Menstruation; Menstrual Sex; Period Cramps; Embarrassment; Kink Negotiation; Vanilla; Arthur is gentle; Pet Names; Gentle Sex; that gets a little not so gentle; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Kissing; Lots of it; mentions of blood drinking; Creampie; Aftercare; Post-Coital Cuddling; Crying; Dacryphilia • wordcount:  3,177 • masterlist
a/n: I've been trying to finish this fic for months 😭 My first period sex fic! Hope you enjoy!! If you happen to suffer from cramps and you want your favorite ikevamp suitor comforting you in their own unique way, may I also offer: Napoleon, Comte, Mozart, Theo, Leonardo, Sebastian 💕(All fics in this series share the same opening scene!)
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It’s another beautiful day at the mansion, and the sun is continuing to shine brightly outside as afternoon settles in. Your list of chores is more than half-way done now, the morning was a productive one and you pat yourself on the back for pushing through at your usual pace, even if your period surprised you early this morning. Sleeves rolled up and armed with a feather duster, you march towards the lounge room to take care of another chore.
Specks of dust dance in the afternoon sun, windows wide open, as you complete your task little by little. Soon the sections left to dust decrease and you start to tire - a minor pain in your tummy appearing as well, as if to persuade you into taking a short break. You throw a look at the grandfather clock. You’ve been a busy bee; not even the distraction of dusting off some of Comte’s highly intriguing antiques couldn’t get you late on your own schedule.
You sit down at the spacious couch area, grab a throw pillow to hug, and fall on your side - shoe-covered feet juust hanging off the couch because it won’t be worth the effort of taking them off for just a minute or two of rest.
Uh-oh! The pain doesn’t go away and only gets worse instead. Suddenly moving as much as a millimeter equals signing a death warrant.
“Help” You whisper to yourself, clutching onto the throw pillow.
Trying to escape from the pain in the realm of your imagination, you fantasize about nicer things…and that means fantasizing about your boyfriend, Arthur. If only he was here right now, you're sure the pain would be way more bearable. Maybe he would sit in the armchair next to you and take out the small journal he keeps on his person to work on his current draft. You love relaxing in the ambient sound of his pen scribbling across the paper, it has helped you fall asleep many nights. On those, he'd normally write on his desk, but seeing you snuggled onto yourself alone on the bed never sits right with him. It typically doesn't take him too long to come join you under the warmed-up covers. You think about how he props the book against his knee, how he plays with the ends of your hair spilled across the pillow when he gets deep in thought…
You also think about how on some nights, you just can't sleep, and he just can't write - when those innocent idle caresses start growing into more, and your gazes meet for a second too long. Arthur would slowly remove his glasses and turn off the night lamp; then in a flash, his lips are attacking your neck with passionate kisses before your eyes can get used to the darkness.
How did your mind trail off to this, again?
"Arthuuuurr…" You groan as the loneliness begins growing stronger with your daydreams, and the cramps chime in as well.
You hear the floorboards creak outside the door and you raise yourself to a sitting position, calling an abrupt end to your short break. Maybe you'll go take some medicine, after all…
"Calling for me, luv?"
You stand awkwardly in front of the couch for a second, staring at Arthur as if he is a fraction of your imagination still. He's not, and if it wasn't for the godawful cramps you'd be throwing yourself on his neck right this instant.
"D-Did you really hear me? It can't be possible!"
Thankfully, he's the one shortening the distance so you don't have to, planting a greeting kiss on your cheek.
"Oh? So you did call my name?" A wide grin occupies his lips now, satisfied with himself and his little accidental guess that wins him the sight of your blushing face.
Realizing his bluff, you purse your lips, removing yourself from his smooching range.
One look at you and Arthur is nodding as if all the checkboxes in his head are now marked. However, he's not celebrating the brilliancy of his deductive mind with a smirk this time; he looks remarkably concerned.
"You were lying down just now, luv, didn't you? Are you in pain? Your period came?"
Despite the best efforts of this persisting pain, expressions other than a bitter frown are still able to play on your features, and you're honestly impressed. "Yes, yes, and yes, but…how did you know?"
Arthur steals himself another kiss, on the corner of your lip this time. "How did I know? Is it so strange for me to know my lover inside out?"
Whispering his reply is all a part of the flirty little trick to win you over, and you wish he didn't - because it works a little too well with the whirlwind of emotions and hormones inside you. You shiver whole, barely able to spare a thought or two about the actual reason. Didn't you catch him taking a bath today? Did he take a peek in your underwear drawer, armed with the knowledge about which panties are the "period panties" (which surprisingly IS a thing even with the circumstances of this time and age!), and notice their absence? Some pervert he is. It wouldn't even be his first time doing this, but still, you're not mad. Not when he's palming and caressing your shoulders while sneaking in another kiss on your pouting lips. You love his attention, especially now that you missed it so much.
"Now luv, what are we going to do with you, hmm?"
You shiver as his hands wander all the way down to your hips and linger there.
"Should we get you something warm to press to your belly? Or maybe take you on a light walk once you're done resting? One word and I'll do everything for you, my dear."
"Arthur, you're spoiling me…"
"Think about it, I'll wait."
Oh, thinking is not good. Not when he's so close with little to no room left to be closer than that, save for the one thing you absolutely cannot ask of him. Your thoughts start getting shameless; cursed be the conditions that are not letting you pounce on him. Even if you're never going to live down the shame of it, you wish you could just hump his leg to a sweet, sweet release and be over with it. It would end quickly and without mess.
Arthur looks at you differently now, and you can feel his gaze examining you. You try to control your breathing which might have quickened in the last couple of seconds. But he's too good at this.
"Something the matter, luv? You seem hot."
His cool hand on your cheek feels too good, as if asking you to nuzzle into it, slip the thumb in your mouth and suck. You summon some much-needed self-control at the price of a sharp breath that puts the attempts at steady breathing to waste. You decide to spill the beans, groaning as another cramp creeps its way onto your nerves, both metaphorically and literally.
"I'm horny."
You expect pity at most. This sort of blurted-out-of-nowhere confession is more typical of the man in front of you, so even with this, you're not doomed to become the bigger pervert between the two of you; it's relieving somehow. You hope that Arthur understands.
It's a small exclamation, and it could mean many things coming from his mouth of all people. While leaving yourself wholly in his hands and their gentle messaging motions, you should've considered that he is ready to sweep you off your feet any second. Like he does right now.
The sudden loss of balance surprises you, and you find yourself carried bridal style. Arthur turns with you in the direction of the door, but before taking a single step, he leans in to whisper to you. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you have no chances of escape as his warm breath hits your lips.
"I think I just thought of a way to relieve you from your pains, darling."
To your surprise, you're dropped off at the chaise longue once in your shared bedroom. You watch in near horror as Arthur brings out towels and lays them on the bed. It's not long before you connect two and two, and you have to protest.
"Arthur, you're surely not thinking about-"
"Now, now…" Arthur unfolds yet another towel, giving it a small shake. "You've surely heard that this is one way to treat period cramps."
"What is?"
"Orgasms." Arthur catches your gaze, having finished preparing the bed. You watch him approach and you change the position of your legs on the chaise longue, pressing your thighs together.
Sometimes you hate how awfully familiar Arthur is with the human body given the fact that he used to be a doctor - a field doctor, but a doctor nonetheless - everything from your anatomy to your bodily reactions being a mere tool in his hands to love you and to take care of you, should the need arise. You should be glad to have such a knowledgeable boyfriend by your side, even if it embarrasses you to no end when he puts his skills into action.
"But, it's gross!" You insist in a near-shout, realizing that he's now close enough to hear you even in a meek whisper. "Just think of all the mess… I don't want you to be grossed out with me."
"My dove."
Arthur caresses your neck, pressing his thumb into the underside of the top button of your shirt and easily undoing it, then moving to the next. He pretends he doesn't possess the skill of getting it all done with in seconds, and you're not a fan, even if it gives you time to arrange your thoughts. He wets his lips and continues.
"Nothing about you could ever gross me out. I think this exercise would help me prove that to you, even… and maybe by the end of it, you'll truly believe me."
Soon there are no more buttons left for him to undo.
"I happen to know how to wash blood from bedsheets."
Shivers go straight to your nethers, images of sleepless nights flash in your mind with the reminder of the sharp tips of his fangs perforating the skin of your neck.
"I'm a blood-drinking bastard, remember?…" He latches his mouth into your neck, but keeps his fangs to himself. Despite doing nothing to stop him, you know that losing more blood is not the wisest thing to do right now, and you're already sure Arthur keeps that in mind. You still enjoy his teeth on you, even the ones that don’t aim to break the skin. Before he can suck long enough to leave a mark, he breaks the contact, needing you to be good and listen for a little longer.
"Some blood cannot get in my way of giving you pleasure. Quite the contrary."
You whine at his comment alone, as embarrassing as it is, and you realize that you've been rubbing your thighs together a little too hard. It doesn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend, as he places his warm hand on your knee, smirking at the way you shiver and release the tense muscles of your thighs. He pats you in encouragement. "Will you stand up for me, my princess?"
Complying quietly, you stand up on shaky legs. Arthur hugs you from behind, distracting you with kisses as he untucks your open shirt from your skirt, moving to his next target. Soon the two pieces of clothing pool at your feet, leaving you only in your underwear. His hand is gentle as it guides you to bed like many times before.
You lie down with the soft towels underneath caressing your lower body, and it's not as awkward as you thought it would be. Arthur doesn't give you much time to dwell on it as he climbs ontop of you, claiming your mouth in a passionate kiss.
Burning hot need pools in your belly, a tang of pain mixing with it, and you realize you've almost all forgotten about your cramps. Instead of being wary of upcoming sensations flaring them up, you feel like chasing the prevailing lust that now resides in your loins. Arthur's got you. You want to experience this together with him.
Eager to show him your progress, you guide his right hand between your open legs. To your surprise, he lets out a groan, breaking the kiss to look down and rub the place at the apex of your thighs.
You didn't expect to feel him through the obstacles in the way, and your own sensitivity catches you unprepared. The noise you make is familiar to Arthur, it's hardly the first time he's got you helpless and dying for him to touch you like that. Though it usually takes a bit more toying with you. He keeps rubbing down on it until your body is certain this is nowhere near enough for what it needs.
"Arthurrr… Please…"
"Begging already? My, aren't you cute?"
You pout at his teasing, taking matters into your own hands as you try to shimmy out of your panties. He's there to help, hands meeting yours as he pulls them down and out of the way.
You shut your legs together out of embracement, and Arthur is prepared for this reaction as he quietly tuts you, resuming his ambush on your lips, and you give into his ways of convincing you.
Feeling the tips of his fingers on your clit, electricity runs through you and you thrust your pelvis up involuntarily. Arthur remains collected as his fingers dance around your bundle of nerves, but no matter how gentle he is, his touch feels too good for some reason. You can feel how slippery it is, but the feeling is not too alien to you, and that's a relief. While drowning in the sweetness of Arthur's kisses, it all feels like a regular night with him, you're just extra wet and sensitive.
"Arthur- Are you gonna…" You don't finish, instead running your hand down his toned body and to the front of his pants.
He chuckles. "Only if you can handle it, luv. Say the word and I'll give you what you need. But if you think that would be too much, I can make you cum on my hand now and here."
It all sounds lovely to you, but the hormones playing with your head are demanding all you can take and more. You want to explore this sensation all the way, despite the tad of embarrassment still threateningly lingering in the back of your head.
"I want you inside…" You blurt out, raising your legs in an attempt to make Arthur hurry up and slip inside you already. You obviously don't need more preparation, as you're sure it's not only the blood lubricating your hole anymore.
The shadow of lust darkening Arthur's blue eyes is alone at fault for your walls clamping down around nothing. The rustling of a belt coming undone is music to your ears as you count the seconds before Arthur claims the place between your legs once again.
Same as when you felt his fingers, the tip of his very hard cock makes you jump, but now Arthur chooses to simply observe from above as you forms writhe. You feel him coating himself in your juices and the filthiness of the act makes you moan on the spot. The repeating tease of him threatening to breach your entrance only to withdraw is making you crawl out of your skin.
"Are those tears in your eyes, Luv? Oh, you poor thing, we teased you too much now…"
You're shocked to discover that your vision is indeed blurry. Hormones at fault, you mutter a sound of surprise that turns into a moan as Arthur finally enters you.
"Oh— My god, so— big-"
Arthur groans like you rarely hear him do. He must have felt that too. You're really tight around him.
It's good he slips his tongue between your lips again because the smallest thrust would make you explode. You're getting drunk on this sensation, feeling him so intensely. Just as you begin to relax, he starts grinding inside you.
"Ahhhh- More, more!"
Eager to give you all you want, Arthur complies until you start hearing the wet noises of him thrusting inside you. It's making your face red, but you can't help moaning at every thrust, adding to the sultry sounds.
Arthur is as lost in it as you are, and your heart sings at being the source of his maddening need. Hearing his low noises of pleasure drives you closer and closer to the edge, as all you can think about is cumming together with him.
Locking your legs around his torso, you egg him on to tip over the edge now and here. The unmistakable noise of him cursing under his breath floods you with desire just as you thought you couldn't feel needier, but then something happens that catches you off guard. Arthur moves his head away from where it was nestled against your neck and at first, you aren't sure about the reason before you hear his muffled groans. He fills you with his hot cum just a second after.
You realize that just now, he was biting the pillow. The bloodthirst must have gotten to his head, and he… did everything in his power not to drain you of more blood.
Seeing him so out of control makes you scream as a violent, powerful orgasm is ripped out of you, your body seemingly having a mind of its own as it humps against Arthur through it, and he holds you down by the folds of your knees to ride the pleasure off for you. It's one of the best orgasms you've ever had.
Hormones shifting once again in the chemistry of your brain, you glow with the aftermath of pleasure running through your body, head to toe, and suddenly the need to hold Arthur close grows tenfold. His hands move to cushion the back of your neck as he kisses you softly, spent and content as you are, chuckling against your lips.
"Aren't you going to ask why we haven't done this sooner?"
Still catching your breath, you want to groan at how quickly he regained his cockiness, being a textbook gentleman just a second ago. Though, you can totally see his point now.
"I just…really don't want to look down right now."
"You don't have to. Leave the cleanup to me. I'll take good care of you."
The whispered promise is already lulling you into a deeper relaxation, as you rest your limbs with no intention to get up anytime soon. Arthur is… absolutely, shamelessly spoiling you rotten. Both with his gentle care and with his ways of casually giving you one of the best orgasms of your life, making you discover a new kink.
Oh, and your pain is completely gone, by the way.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @princess-pray-a Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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Liveblogging real life part 2: Joel (it's been 12 13 days) (already watched)
Okay so maybe we'll do the liveblog-every-five-minutes-unless-something-crazy thing also idk if I should link this up to my intro post (idk how) or reblogged my og one with this oh well we'll figure it out why am I eating AGAIN doing this
I got inspired after rewatching secret life my beloved for the umpteenth time :P
Okay ep. 1/finale is hilarious and new "series" 😭
Joel why did you point out the cursor I can't take my eyes away
First batch
Joel jumping then immediately keeling over in nausea:
Idk how to respond to that but it struck a chord within me, how true
BigB wholesome waving but it also looks like his arm is BENT I can't get over VR arms man 😭
Punching BigB because he's so tall is so real tbh + love the smash cut to Gem being salty
Headpatting + baby-ish voice "little gem/Ren/skizz" what a gentleman makes me think of the try not to cry challenge or Jimmy's crazy christmas series where he says Joel is a crybaby and Gem says he's a romance guy in a mental gymnastics train of thought
Grian throwing his head back from the outside?! Cryptid behaviour
The real life vids don't make me motion sick but Joel making retching and vomiting sounds does NOT help it makes me sick by proxy or something I hate being disoriented and nauseous too buddy
There's probably a video out there of someone comparing regular mc to vr because vr just hits different like proportions wise
Joel noises
Love this Joel-Gem duo already idk how to describe it just fun
Also Joel having to process out loud he won't throw up on Gem I remember playing Richie's plank experience or whatever years and years ago shit was REAL
Joel's inventory becoming disorganized with things that can be stacked together :(
Hey what gem said kinda reminds me of what grian said :D at the end of his episode awful :DD
Poor Joel he's battling his height complex alongside his motion sickness (rip bozo poor little meow meow)
I think almost everybody had the problem of facing the wall dude, it's okay it's very silly
Water foreshadowing (he will swim with his future gang and become incredibly sick)
Geminislay that pig
Wait till Joel learns about lying down‼️‼️
"...Falling in powdered snow" kinda reminds me of this short story I read in grade 9 English class "The Bamboo Trap" protag fell in The Bamboo Trap™ and got bitten by big ass spiders or something the idiot, also I think got published in the same anthology as the most dangerous game 👊
Joel admits to weakness
Weird ass snow, someone built this or something?
Joel with his arms out looks so silly, so does gem
Oh gem how graceful with the figure skating history 👊👊👊✌️👉✌️✌️🤜🤛🤛🤜🙏
Lol they learn about the wrist chat
Second batch
Jimmy, oh iconic Timmy
Shield (why did I write this again?)
Bi shoes, love seeing gem's skin wearing the bi shoes I forget about it every once in a while and when I see it again it's a pleasant surprise
Vr players learn to pvp
When you use the shield to block in first person it looks kinda stupid dude
Campsite vibes tbh, I really like it.
Bee spotted 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 what is it doing
Shaky controller cursor over top chest plate I feel you
Falling irl indeed (recursive mention about plank)
LOUD holy moly Joel is loud (not negative)
Healf being something people can't look at at all times is actually a kinda funny mechanic
Smajor friendship aww when will they team up (did I forget about a series)
The poor beg for bread, we live in a society ✊😔
Grian killing??? Since when??? (Sarcastic)
Batch three
Peace and love is why they haven't died yet 😘
Arms again! Weird looking things
Hand gesture reminds me of that one diamond scar short with etho's greedy "I want the diamond" voice
Flint and steel? Weird looking thing
Omg red club looks like bugs, the way the trio gossips about them ♥️
Right no out messages...
Can't believe the most motion sick man gets in the water not once but TWICE this ep
Does he know
Where did the horse thing come from
Can't remember if I mentioned this but when the sword swings without critting in VR it looks so silly it pokes
A bugs life: the sequel
Club: deadly euphemism
Sword 😐
Something about jimmy doesn't get burnt...
Why is Jimmy jiggles the only one with a wooden sword???
Strong words from a man on the verge of mania 👀
Lol knowing impulse breaks the ground under Joel big brain man going for the kill
Something about the disappointed way Joel says "scar!" And scar stabbing him in the first caused this
Tim is so British he says "get in" so much
Joel, again exasperated, cries out "where's all my stuff?!"
Funny Minecraft men, my favourite funny Minecraft men
My god seeing from Joel's perspective his second death is from zombie
I think Joel was about to saying bluming + the cover behind house + the constant begging for his stuff back + violence as an answer (he hits men)
Oh scar up to no good again
Joel and scar just did mitosis stop being scared of biology 🙄
What was Mr solidaritygaming doing in that hill and said yes to did he finally get iron?
Aw the silly arm motion I love greeting people with spirit fingers reminds me of that
GOON SQUAD?! (neuron activated)
Famous moment
Oh more famous moment here comes the smallidarity kiss
Love Tim's body language once again the sharp smooth head turn to grian he's like a cartoon character
(what grian mean they are suited and booted he cut this part out I don't remember the other povs 😢)
Leave it to solidaritygaming himself to be the most homoerotic straight man there is of course + Joel is still patting him on the head? + Timsel being cringefail needing to jump multiple times on ONE BLOCK + Joel did NOT need to lean that much he looks like he's powered by springs + Jim's arms always being so tight together. Makes him. Look like. An old granny??? + Joel IMMEDIATELY checking his wrist afterwards like it's a Tuesday and he's on break + homophobic GRIAN + impulse's dad delivery one liner
The more I watch smallidarity kiss the more bizarre and asinine it becomes to me 😀
When did Joel learn to button jump (he WAS mental for jumping irl irl)
Okay Joel cut out that canary comment why don't you 🙄🙄🙄
Fond of Joel's cadence of saying "hello guys!" And "I'm coming in boys!" And "HAHA!" oddly musical
Okay aaaaaaand he dies worst ranking ever good for him the end
Idk if I should liveblog scar next or watch Ren because I've already watched up to skizz + me 'ead 'urts oh well
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vintagelacerosette · 2 years
hey you! can you believe it’s the end of the year? 🥳✨🥂
to wrap up another fucking fantastic year of loving on ian & mickey & each other, please share:
your favorite thing you created this year
a fanfic that you can’t wait to reread
a piece of fan art you can’t stop thinking about
happy new year! cheers to another go around the sun! xx
Happy happy new year Bee 🥳🎉 This has been an amazing year for me engaging in fandom in a way i wish i had when i was younger and I couldn't be more thankful I was able to find you all 🥰 I love y'all & wishing so much abundance for the new year for all of us 💖
1. Favourite thing you created this year?
have to say I'm pretty proud of all the things I've been creating this year & having the courage to share them 🥰
My faves have been my good omens au, macy's GGE2022, holiday card & watercolour stargazing ✨️
And also a shout out to the birthday art I've made too! I loved making the crystals for you, gallacats & cow's for leah 💕
2. A fanfic you can't wait to reread?
There was sooo many amazing fics this year that I read 🥰
Anything by @goodkwuestion especially faffy & tipdig these fics strike my core & are sensational 💖
@captainjow l Let the bodies do the talkin' it's absolute 🔥🔥🔥
@annatrow My Nine Lovers is absolute thrill to read ❤️‍🔥
@jomilky fics are amazingly smutty 🌶
@celestialmickey yqhbr is an amazing fic & an authentic read on the tumblr experience. Adored making fanart for this 🥰
@look-i-love-u Flower u-up gives me heart flutters 💐
@suzy-queued These foolish games & my GGE2022 The birkenshire trials are such fantastic fics 🔫💖
@crazynadine the cauldron born series has amazing freaking lore & magical setting depth 🔮
@squidyyy23 Dancing after death is amazing! ⛓️
@crossmydna sizzling tension of That's a Wrap is spectacular id love more of them 🎥
@depressedstressedlemonzest I adore their fics & this build-a-bear fic had me melting 🐻
@whatthebodygraspsnot Sweetpea is brilliant got me seeing every black cat on tumblr as 'im 🐈‍⬛️
This is not a Fairytale by bluebirdeywrites is a pixie au treasure i didn't know i needed 🧚‍♀️
@lalazeewrites Of going home has immaculate world building of the superhero au 💪
@gallavichgeek Only fans series is fantastic 📹
@abundanceofnots Agents of undead chaos is a whimsical adventure 💭
@sunoficarus weaver of fate (to your will i won't fold) is a glorious fic ✨️
@beebabycastiel A Little Bit of Tender Mercy, these guys are so freakin cute i cant even 😆💘
an exception to the rule by you is an exquisite fic 😍
@howlinchickhowl Ristretto is a fic that gives me so much feels ☕️💕
@flamingbluepanda The Wonder of You cute soulmate fic that i had the pleasure to read before posting 😘
@notherenewjersey Love, guaranteed, love this fic just makes my heart full ⚖️
@ mmmichyyy The silence is all we have, god this is so wonderfully emotional & riveting ♥️
@very-sleepy-head Kinky advent calendar was delightful 🔥
3. Pieces of fanart you can't stop things about?
Buckle up bc we so blessed as a fandom 🥰
My breathtaking commissions made by the magnificent @darthvaders-wife here gave me everything I wanted & more 💙
This comic by @psychicskulldamage mick's booty in Ian's eyes? Instead of heart eyes it's peach eyes 😂 I need your art tattooed on me 😍
The tenderness of @heymrspatel in this piece just gives me the ✨️oh✨️ feeling all the time
Your art too Bee here pulls on my heart strings wow 🌅
@mishervellou s all of paola's are phenomenal & i simply adore dancing painted kiss art 💋
@adakechi art is holy wow & stunning 😭
@milkoviched sweater weather art had bubble butt & bubble bulge 🍑🍆💕
suzy-queued gallacrafts has my jaw on the floor every time like this one! Omg the craftsmanship 💖
@imikhailotakeyouian chibis bring me immense joy 💕
@ianandmickeygallavich i like em sweet craft was sooo creative i love it 🍬
@deathclassic such beautiful art here ✨️
@gallavichiscomfort absolutely precious chibi art i need stickers 😍
@mikhailoisbaby snuggle husbands 🌈
@ divine-gallavich pls take my money these pieces are phenomenal 🥹
@tsuga-of-mars gallacraft is soft, sensitive & magical! Just so them 💘
@creepkingin c incredible book binding 💚
@takeyourpillsbitchh artwork of one of my fave scene is amazing 🤚
@filorux art here with Ian's mesmerising eye & pocket mickey love!!! 😍
@y0itsbri tomato king ian 🍅
@grumpymickmilk gallavich picrew is sensational 👏
@ steorie comic is spectacular omg the details ❤️‍🔥
@mikcrymilkovich oh this art is beautifully tender 🧡
@clingymickey cute snuggling husbands in bed art 🌙
@friend-bear art has a beautifully intense colour scheme 🧡💜
@doodlevich family pride comic is the sweetest 🌈🥰
I'm loving on gif makers too bc they're damn artists too 😍
@mrsinistertype my first gifted gif set & it makes my heart burst ily 😘💘
@ gallavichsbitch gif set makes me all emotional i need some monumental instrumental music here 🥹
@sluttymickey this gif set has me in stitches omg 🤣
celestialmickey set here mesmerising with angel numbers 🥹💖
@gardenerian this set magical & heart melting 🥰
@7x10mickey big ole mo everybody 🌈
@mixkeymilkovich gif set mickey is all that & more 🥰
@sisitrip winter gif set so beautiful ❄️
@sickness-health-all-that-shi t have you ever seen so eyes so blue in this set 💙💙
@imikhailo beautiful rainbow set for beautiful rainbow boy 🌈
@themilkoviches text gif posts are hilarious omg i love 🖤
@usermikhailo this colour combo of this gif set is perfection 🧡💚
Also astounding video art by @southsidesadness gives me literal chills all the dang time 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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babstheyaga · 1 year
ik you’re uncomfortable with pregnancy and all that but I’m gonna assume the actual kids being there doesn’t bother you that much?? as shown with soundwave so can I share something that happened that make me think of FMOD while I was out and a family was there?? basically a kid wanted to be held by their mother all the time and the dad got annoyed because he was trying to hug and kiss his wife on their date so I couldn’t help but think that with mirage and bumblebee 😭😭 the way i could see them actually be so possessive of reader that they’d be jealous if their own kid was occupying too much time on their hands much to reader’s happines especially if the baby was still being breastfed they’d look on in envy like “those are MY tits not yours” even though they were the ones who gave reader their baby so she *literally* could not escape them 😭😭 tied down forever or whateverr
haha i hope this wasn’t too much?? just can’t keep fmod out of my head at all … too scrumptious for my brain to stop thinking about it constantly /pos pos pos
hope you have a great day tyler!! 🩷💗💖💝💕💞 whatever direction you wish to go with your fic (as you mentioned in your A/N in the latest chapter) i hope you do it!!! plot/filler or even sex scenes don’t make a difference since whatever you write always has something thrilling and exciting in it !! :))!!!!
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i'm SANE you guys i am PERFECTLY NORMAL!!
no but seriously, you guys are just tying me into the thought of pregnancy more and more by the second...
but like- okay hear me out... out of ANY of them bee would be the father figure to like- teach the child how to eat properly because he's like- scared the kid is gonna end up being like him with his eating disorder and like-
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and mirage is like the overly possessive dad that just like- refuses to let both reader and the kid out of his sight at all given times of the day like- oml guys i'm nORMAL i SWEAR
but like- the co-parenting between the two?!?!?! like bee and mirage get into little debates on who gets to hold the kid while reader is like dealing with something like optimus or some cra- holy crap optimus. omg... what the hell would HE do??
(spoilers ahead)
Optimus is kinda a softy for kids, but not in a way for like- "aww kids i love kids! i'm so good with kids!" no he NEVER kills children because he plans on recruiting them!
(spoilers oml i can't stress this enough MAJOR spoilers)
Optimus is known for taking valuable teens from their Decepticon familys and turning them into soldiers. Arcee, BumbleBee and Mirage are exactly that. Arcee never plans on talking about her parents, later in the series BumbleBee will talk about his, and Mirage is very open about it. But like-... What the HELL would Optimus do if reader has a child born into being a Autobot?? ESPECIALLY FROM SOME OF HIS CLOSEST RECRUITS MIRAGE AND BEE???
I'm debating now on if he would go two different ways with it... Either he would become an almost fatherly role like he has with BumbleBee, or would be become a drill sergeant roll like he has with Arcee?
Oml- so many idea holy moly- So like... What if- Like- Probably not gonna happen, just a headcannon, but like- What if Bee tries to get the three of them out of being a Autobot? Like, Bee doesn't want the kid to go through the same experience that everyone has, so he finds a way to just... Get them out of there? Holy crap, that would make such a good ending for the series... Omg... Stimming omg...
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hakureiryuu · 11 months
okay, I'm calm now, ready to rewatch with the intention of understanding, and not through the lens of 3 years of excessive fanfiction.
(and also, apparently, not through the lens of the book? idk man.)
episode 1, lez go!
crowley using that crank thingie to make stars is delightful, gives that bit at the end of s1 so much more impact and puts crowley's tool of choice on par with aziraphale's flaming sword.
thinkin bout the way the intros play out the entire series basically so I was waiting for aziraphale's sprite to fly away or something on 2nd watch. instead they're climbing up this huge purgatory-esque mountain with all of humanity behind them. lends some credence to the idea that the 3 seasons parallel the 3 acts of the divine comedy. (edit: actually the end of the s1 intro has them all jumping into the pits of the inferno so yeah that completely checks out.)
I didn't notice maggie spelled urgency wrong lmao
"I'm very good at forgiveness" bitch the fuck you are! ofc I would not be the least but surprised if heaven culture completely skewed his definition of the word.
crowley's tattoo is lower down on his face and it bothers me.
"why can't they just deliver the mail to your car" first hint that he's living in his damn car, which I didn't figure out until like ep3 XD
john hamm is delightful and I so deeply regret all the fics where gabriel is explicitly rapey. now he's a himbo of legendary proportions and I love him.
fly buzzing lol
"now that I'm not reporting to heaven" gdi he feels a lack without a system to report to even if that system was shit. he misses the scraps of approval heaven used to give him and doesn't know how to fill that void.
aziraphale practicing acknowledging his relationship with crowley 🥰
also I was so pleased when they tossed in that aziraphale knows about shax, they are (were 😭) doing so well.
I'm dying, their argument over gabriel is an exact parallel to their argument over going back to heaven. aziraphale wants to fix the problem. crowley wants to run from the problem. help me.
all the archangels dress in the cool spectrum of whites but muriel is warm and it stands out rather starkly.
s1 beelzebub had such an interesting accent and manner of speaking that this new one lacks. too feminine, maybe? not that enbys owe anyone androgyny I guess. idk I'm bad at change, ignore me.
trying to read into bee's behavior knowing what's really going on is so bizarre XD
that whole book of life thing never actually comes to fruition this season and I am scared.
I had zero investment in the secondary ship but listing off all the parallels makes it so interesting that they flip it all on its head by the end about who is paralleling who.
1793 was the french revolution, 1941 was the blitz. what the hell happened in 1650??
d'you think david tennent made up the I was wrong dance in the spot? 😂
"no alarm bells ringing in heaven" -cut to alarm bells ringing in heaven- welp
also I like the gestures both of them used in keeping with the rules. snapping is great and all but I like variety sometimes 😌
part 2
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kpophubb · 1 year
Hii love
do u mind telling me ur thoughts about sooha, if you've read dark moon?
I know the #sooha_OUT community are going to come for me for this, but i personally think that she's a neat and pretty girl ( LIKE I WOULD KILL TO HAVE HER HAIR AND BODY EVEN THOUGH SHES FICTIONAL) and maybe it's the fact that heli and solon are her potential love interests that has everybody buzzing like bees. And maybe her role is irrelevant in the lore, but i guess they seem to forget that she played an important role in the mvs of drunk-dazed and fever. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people are hating on A FICTIONAL CHARACTER because she's a princess, has the most gorgeous guys in the webtoon pining for her, and has super strength.
Also, I believe i might change my bias to Sunghoon :)
Hi hi my baby bini!!🤍🥰 how are you today and tell me what you’ve been upto recently? I felt like I’ve missed u so much and haven’t heard from you in a while..
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now coming to sooha..I did talk about this with you before in another ask you sent that sadly I don’t know her enough to judge her babe😭 I only read the free ch 1 of the webtoon series and trust me if I could read the entire thing, I’d be doing it RN to come and talk to you about it in detail ( BUT idk how to purchase these things bc I don’t have a credit card ¿ )
anyways, at first I felt like fans were raging about sooha bc she was getting unnecessary attention and the series was becoming ABOUT HER and not the BOYS like it was originally planned to be. It was supposed to be their story and how they grow, get over their fears and get accepted in the outside world. That’s why, some fans hated sooha when she stole the spotlight and the guys LITERALLY STARTED FIGHTING EACHOTHER for her 💔 secondly, I thought reading the funny attacking tweets were just an inner joke between engenes and Enha. The whole “#sooha_out” thing was just for fun and not serious at all, that’s why engenes were even taunting enha on their vlives and asking them “sooha vs. engene”. It all felt like a funny light hearted joke and engenes being jealous and cute for enhypen, so the matter totally slid from my brain.
HOWEVER, if some people are obsessively throwing hate on this character mainly because of jealousy…then uhm isn’t that very immature? Like come on, this was a teen romance genre series in the first place so it was obvious someone was gonna be her lover (most probably heli bc it was sorta foreshadowed in the first chapter I think by their meeting). And the bite oh god…🙄 it’s just HELI, another fictional character not even OUR REAL HEESEUNG. If sooha was an irl girl, living in the enha dorm with them physically as some sort of 8th member in the group then maybe the jealousy would’ve been (a little justified ¿ ) but this is just very childish…
at the end I still think people are just doing it as an inner joke trend and nth too seriously..Ik some people are making a REAL big and serious big deal outta it but some obsessed problematic fans exist everywhere ESPECIALLY Twitter! 🤦🏻‍♀️ or else why do you think jay would have had to apologise recently and made felt like that for something..so simple that they all misunderstood. It was clear he had good intentions but NAH some people just had to be like that..
AND WOW THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION🤩🥳🎊🎉🍻 I’m clearly assuming it’s bc ethan lee always seems to threaten your sanity, hmm? 😉
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amateurlogs · 1 year
howdy folks!
here's my review on the entire Bridgerton universe.
now 'lettuce' rate them!
starting off low...Season 1
season one by far is my least favorite one. the fake dating trope (which i believe this season was a play on) was not my cup of tea. by the end of the season i did not feel that they were truly in love LOVE with each other. with everything that they went through, especially with the baby, it feels like simon doesn't really love daphne. but then again simon does and still gives me the closed off vibes, even if he's totally obsessed with you.
i also wanted to talk about THAT scene with the couple. watching it in real time was so shocking?? a part of me sees where daphne was coming from when she found out that he COULD have children, but he DOES NOT want them. but still the most rational thing to do in that situation is talk about it before you force him to have one.
from that point on i looked at her differently. that's probably why i still don't like their relationship.
with that being said, i didn’t completely hate the season. it was a nice and pretty solid one. the other characters were nice and really made me enjoy the show. the music also??? i love the tie in of modern day music into that beethoven type feel.
that's all i have to say about it though😭.
now on to the BEST so far...Season 2
i’m still blushing at kanthony, like they are just perfect! enemies to lovers will forever be THAT trope (when done correctly).
going into it i knew that they would end up together, but it was still unsettling to watch anthony and edwina together. however, seeing him try to woo kate for her blessing and in the process fall in love with her was just so good (hope that made sense lol).
and the bee scene omg. like the amount of concern in his face??? like he was loosing someone he loved all over again. it was amazing.
nothing felt rushed. everything rolled smoothly. i have zero complaints about their relationship.
the only off thing with this season is how much we saw the featherington’s. now don’t get me wrong, i am a penelope stan (even after discovering her secrets) but i do not care about the rest. like the stuff with the fake jewelry was so unserious. however, the whole jewelry situation did bring collin and p closer so maybe it was for a good cause. (idk was she’s sees in him but ill support a woman and her hobbies)
that's all my thoughts that i can think of for now. (i could literally talk about them for hours)
idk what to say for this one...Queen Charlotte
the king and queen were CLOSE in beating kathony in my opinion. i am not a huge fan of the arranged marriage trope no matter the circumstances, so that's what deterred me.
beside that you could see how much they genuinely loved each other.
when watching bridgerton i always thought that the queen was tired of the king. like she didn't want to deal with him. but after watching QC, you can tell that she actually cares for him. she just hates that there's nothing she could do to relive him of his burdens.
between him forcing himself to "be better" for her, and her trying to comfort and console him, it was all too much. i can't tell you how many times i cried while watching.
now for my critiques!
lady danbury… like the scenes with her and her husband were sooo unnecessary and uncomfortable. like one? i could understand because of the parallel between the time when they did it, to when she did it with lord bridgerton. but the second and third time was just too much.
other then THAT the rest of the series was good. i mean the dance number with if i ain’t got you solidified it imo.
❥ that’s all i have to say (for now). overall it’s a amazing series and i can’t wait to watch more of it. if they were to make another spin off, then i agree with everyone that violet and edmund should be next! idk what happens in the books, but for them i imagine love at first sight.
❥ rating: 3.5 trees out of 5. there is always room for improvement, but again it’s a pretty solid romance. i highly recommend! and if you didn't know it's on netflix if you want to watch.
❥ also sorry if this review is all over the place. i literally can not organize my thoughts. until next time!
xoxo, amlog
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