#I love the competition between Italy and France in who is more difficult to govern and how that's represented by the diversity and quantity
mariacallous · 10 months
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teamxdark · 1 year
Hi! I know that the map you posted of the world of Avalon is a few years old at this point but I kinda wanted to say a few things about it, if that's okay, because historically speaking there are a few weird little things that bugged me about it, like for example, using the Avalon close-up
Traditionally territory borders would coincide with geographical landmarks, like rivers, or mountains, both because they made for good defense and naturally separated cultures and because it was easy to mark on peace treaties when maps where hard to make accurately and differed wildly from each other. ("This side of the river is mine, this one is yours":Easy, no complaining and universal). You can see the river border for example in the United States, the king of Straight Lines on the border with Canada, or just in little areas on everywhere on europe. And mountain ranges are natural separators too. They arent shown in this map, but for example Italy and Spain are separated from the rest of Europe thanks to really tall mountains that both difficulted trade and cultural exchange and protected both territories.
In the Avalon map there are rivers, but they are just... Ignored? in the territory border? And I don't really think that trying to follow them even if just a little bit instead of making little zones in between river and neighbouring kingdom would break any lore and would make the map be more realistic and have a little bit of storytelling too, like what "Avalon is divided in 2 by natural lakes" tells. (The whole 'national pride and equality' comes from the french revolution era, the border civilians wouldn't really care about who governs them, since they probably kept their laws as kingdoms had multiple laws and cultures on the medieval ages, the Holy Roman Empire a great example of this)
There's a lot of little things that would define a kingdom's territory, like if they are a predominantly naval kingdom, or they have really good land travel, or if they are naturally hostile or naturally merchant-oriented and things like that can be used to define a set of differing kingdoms (For example, all of the kingdoms close to water seem to have some territory across sea, which unless you have a really strong merchant economy (like Carthage) or are just the global superpower of the era (Spain/Portugal, Britain/France, United States, etc) they probably would end up being conquered by the neighbours, getting separated from the territory from neglect of cultural differences, or just getting sold for being a black hole of funds)(Are all those kingdoms merchants? Lots of competition in the market then)
Maybe I talked too much. My bad. I just really like history and stuff. Please don't take this as negative, if I didn't like your stories I wouldn't have written so much.
Hope you have a nice day!
No worries at all!
Yeah I know they don't make much sense, but in all honesty I didn't work very hard on the maps. Kinda just generated them and then didn't save them so all I had were the screenshots.
But the point of them (for me at least) was to get more of an idea of how the world looked and where the kingdoms were and what places were bigger, etc. There's a lot of world building that can be made from maps, just like you said! And unfortunately I didn't have the time to dig into that before I lost the maps (and I'm not sure how well I would have done, either). The Avalon close up was mostly to show where Camelot was located in conjunction with Green Hill and Corbenic and Angel Village, again for my own personal understanding.
I may not be a great cartographer but it sounds like you certainly are! I'd love to hear more ideas you might have about the geography of Avalon (if you would like, of course!) And feel free to reimagine the mountains and rivers, I'm not married to their placements at all.
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Essay代写:The potential impact of brexit
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The potential impact of brexit,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国脱欧的潜在影响。从短期的结果看,英国脱欧是欧洲区域一体化遇到的挫折和回调。英国脱欧公投后,国际金融市场率先做出消极回应,全球各大金融市场的主要金融指数均承受下行压力,出现大幅震荡,英镑汇率跌至历史最低。未来甚至有可能直接导致欧盟统一大市场分为英国和欧洲两部分,将对盟内人员自由流动、金融服务等方面产生负面影响。未来金融市场是否再起波澜、世界经济多大程度受到牵连,取决于英、欧对各自内部局势的掌控。
Since the result of the brexit referendum was announced, it has drawn great attention from the international community and triggered reflection and discussion from all walks of life. This paper holds that, from the perspective of world multi-polarization, the overall impact of brexit is positive, which is conducive to promoting the development of the world towards multi-polarization. From the perspective of great power geopolitics, brexit has little impact on Britain in general while weakening the eu. To a certain extent, it is good for Russia and China, while it has mixed advantages and disadvantages for America. From the perspective of economic globalization and global governance, certain "adverse" effects will be brought to globalization in the short term. In particular, the sovereignty regression trend exposed by brexit will intensify the game between great powers, further impeding the establishment of a new global order.
Since the World War II, it has been difficult for Britain to speak as a separate pole in international politics. Before the World War I, Britain was a well-deserved world hegemon with its economic strength ranking among the top in the world and its colonies all over the world. After World War II, Britain was replaced as the dominant power by the United States. Although Britain was still an economic power and an important member of the group of seven western countries, it could only follow the United States and Europe in the international political and economic arena. Although the UK has no fundamental differences with western countries such as the us and Europe in terms of ideology and international politics, in fact, the UK is not only at odds with European powers such as France and Germany in history, but also in a long-term competitive relationship in reality. Although the UK and the us do not share the same views on many major international issues, such as international financial and security affairs, they are always constrained by various factors and cannot exert their own influence in global affairs as independent poles.
Britain's exit from the eu objectively contributes to the multi-polarization trend of international affairs. Even if Britain eventually leaves the eu, it will not leave NATO, nor will it change its permanent membership of the UN security council and its status as a nuclear power. This will be conducive to Britain's independence from Europe and even the western bloc in the fields of diplomacy, economy, trade, currency, finance, military, security and defense. For example, during the establishment of the aiib, the UK took the lead in announcing its intention to join, which was followed by many continental European countries. In terms of China's market economy status and anti-dumping substitute country policies, the UK has always pursued free trade policies and opposed trade protectionism. Its position is different from that of the eu. It is to be expected that leaving the eu will help the UK to use its consistently pragmatic foreign policy more freely and strengthen its role as a "separate pole" in various international affairs.
Once the UK leaves the eu, it will inevitably cause financial market turbulence, split public opinion and the resignation of the prime minister in the short term, which will bring uncertainty to the UK's economic and social prospects. But in the long run, leaving the eu does not mean fundamentally changing Britain's external environment, including its political alliance with the us and Europe, as well as its economic and trade relations with other wto members. According to preliminary statistics, if the brexit negotiations fail to succeed and are not extended after two years, according to 2013 trade data, Britain's exports to eu members will pay about 9 billion pounds more in tariffs than the current, roughly equal to the eu budget contribution exempted. In particular, as a constitutional monarchy, the influence of the royal family on the political stability of Britain cannot be underestimated. In particular, the queen, who has stood the test of centuries and is deeply loved by the people, is regarded as a symbol of the "stability and security" of the UK and will play an irreplaceable role in the political environment inside and outside the UK. As an old capitalist country, Britain has a solid foundation in politics, economy, finance, law and talent. The British chancellor of the exchequer has proposed a tax cut to attract foreign investment in the brexit revitalization plan. Of course, brexit will also involve a series of sensitive events such as Scotland's brexit and Northern Ireland's independence. It remains to be seen whether the transition will be smooth in the future.
Britain's withdrawal from the eu will undoubtedly damage the European integration process and threaten the internal stability of the eu. France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Italy already have domestic forces pushing for their own brexit referendums. Therefore, how to prevent the proliferation effect of brexit among members is the top priority of European politics. In terms of economic and trade relations, in order to prevent the momentum of European division, the eu is expected to adopt a harsh stance in the next negotiation with the UK to prevent the UK from paying a free rider. To that end, Angela merkel, the German chancellor, declared that "without free movement of people, there can be no access to the single market".
For Russia, the eu is still imposing economic sanctions on Russia due to the Crimea incident. Therefore, the weakened strength of the eu is conducive to Russia to overcome the external sanctions jointly imposed by the us and Europe and restore its position in global geopolitics. Therefore, brexit is a major positive for Russia. For China, china-uk relations are in a "golden era" in history. During President xi jinping's visit to the UK in 2015, the British royal family and people from all walks of life made overtures to China. After brexit, the UK will continue to give priority to the development of economic and trade relations with China, which may take precedence over the conclusion of free trade agreement or bilateral investment agreement between the eu and China. At the same time, brexit has led to the decline of the status of the euro, which is objectively conducive to the improvement of the international status of the RMB. In particular, China and the UK will have more room for cooperation in the "One Belt And One Road" initiative.
On the one hand, as the UK will remain in NATO, the natural alliance between the us and the UK based on history will not change. On the contrary, it will enable the UK to get rid of the shackles of common eu policies and laws and maintain a closer relationship with the us. At the same time, a properly weakened eu is good for the us, especially as the relative decline of the euro helps to strengthen the dollar. On the other hand, the impact of brexit on the negotiation of the transatlantic partnership agreement is huge, resulting in a complicated American mentality.
In the short term, brexit is a setback and a pullback for European regional integration. After the brexit referendum, the international financial markets took the lead in making negative responses. Major financial indexes of major financial markets around the world all suffered downward pressure and experienced substantial fluctuations. The exchange rate of British pound fell to the lowest level in 30 years, while the dollar and gold were higher. In the future, it may even directly lead to the division of the eu's single market into the UK and Europe, which will have a negative impact on the free movement of people and financial services within the eu. Whether there will be further turbulence in the financial markets and to what extent the world economy will be affected depends on the UK and the eu's control of their respective internal situations.
In the long run, brexit does not mean a worldwide reversal of economic globalization. Brexit is not only caused by complicated historical reasons, but also by the fact that Europe is faced with terrorism, refugee crisis, debt problem and other practical difficulties. However, the acceleration of the eastward expansion of the eu, which exceeds its bearing capacity, may be the root cause of the current crisis. Although Britain and Europe are still confronted with various internal separatist forces in the future and their regional integration process has suffered a heavy blow, from a global perspective, the wave of economic globalization driven by international capital will continue and deepen in twists and turns. With the continuous progress of science and technology, information technology and the Internet have been constantly promoted and popularized in the world. In the future, globalization will not only unfold in the economic and technological level, but also present the trend of global in-depth communication in the fields of culture, religion and ideology.
The trend of sovereignty return brought by brexit will bring new challenges to global governance. Brexit is regarded as a symbolic event of the return of national sovereignty in the era of globalization, which, together with the rise of trump's foreign troops in the us election, has become an important symbol of the rising tendency of great power isolationism. The emergence of this phenomenon, to some extent, exposes the deep contradictions of global governance and international rules lagging behind the reality of economic globalization. On the one hand, economic globalization is deepening and the economies of all countries are becoming more interdependent. On the other hand, the international political pattern based on sovereign states at the political level will continue to exist for a long time, which will remain the basic feature of the contemporary international political and economic order. In the coming period, how to strengthen international coordination and cooperation on the premise of ensuring sovereignty and security, and improve the global system, mechanism, rules and other public goods supply capacity is a common challenge facing all countries.
In general, brexit is still in progress, and other major and practical changes due to various political power games cannot be ruled out. We need to stick to the "One Belt And One Road" as a Chinese solution to promote global peace and development. We need to synergize the development opportunities offered by China, the UK and China and the eu so that all parties will uphold the spirit of the silk road and set a good example for world peace and development.
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In this blog we will deal with the concepts of violence, racism, ultras and the influence of the media. Going deeper we will make a summary of the history of violence in sport and some examples that have taken place in the last two centuries. Regarding the ultras, we will talk about where they come from, what reasons they like, general characteristics of these groups and some examples of their actions. On the other hand we will deal in a global way with the term of racism in different points of view, where it arises and we will mention some of the anti-racist initiatives. The last point is to talk about the communication of the media and if it really is good for the sport or if it further encourages this type of behavior. To finish the blog, there will be some personal conclusions.
If we make a historical summary of the appearance of sport in favor of the historians of the time in ancient Greece, the physical-competitive exercises were more violent than anywhere (Durán, 1996). My professor Durán also talks about the existence of an Olympic combat sport ('' The pancracio '') in which it is okay to kick, punch, bite, torture, etc ... While in Rome, violence does not just occur among the gladiators but also among the spectators, some articles that can cause the death of about 30,000 people. Already in the Renaissance, the first ball games allowed the degree of violence that at present was defined as brutal (Dunning, Murphy and Williams, 1981). At present, violence is not only prohibited, but it is also socially unacceptable in sports, however, it continues to occur. (Gómez, 2007) Examples of violence in sport that ended in a tragic way: One of the cases that have been dropped by frustration is that of Frederic Rouquier, a follower of english football attacked by members of the Boixos Nois, ultra club of Barcelona football club. If we talk about group violence, the most tragic event according to Gómez (2003) was on May 29, 1985, in which 39 followers of Juventus of Turin died and 600 were wounded by the followers of Liverpool at the Heysel stadium in Belgium. However, this has not been the worst of events of this kind, and is neither the first nor the last. Not all the facts are referred to the world of football, to put another example and another sport, at the end of 2002, an ice hockey game that was played in the United States among youth teams ended when the referee ejected one of the players after making a dangerous entry. After this event, the father of the player jumped on the court and started beating the referee to death.
The term "ultras" defines the radical fans who, in the Italian way, are "the" maximum ", the" extreme "[...] are the maximum in animation». (Supporters and Supporters, 5, 1996: 3) These groups are the most recognisable in relation to the violence in sports, focusing on football they are known as "hooligans". They are characterized by locating themselves in one of the stadiums backgrounds and producing songs, choreographies or "tifos", etc ... that is, rituals to encourage their team but also include violent rituals. Most of this group is male, if we talk about percentages, some articles suggest that it would be around 80% male and only 20% are women. Ages are very variable, ranging between 18 and 45 years. These people are moved by the racism and political ideology of each group, the main consequence as Gómez (2007) says is the violence that is directed towards ethnic minority groups. This collective appears around the 1950s and 1960s. It used to be seen as a way to stay in a group for the reason of following a football team, to show an intense patriotism that directed its anger towards immigrant groups, rivals, police or press. There are many people who have been attacked by these groups. As an example, in England, in the time elapsed between 1960 and 1965, violent incidents that were related to sport were doubled compared to the previous 25 years and the retransmission of television parties is understood as one of the possible causes. In the decade of the 70s, hooliganism appears as a movement of strongly cohesive and organized groups and also begins to spread throughout the rest of Europe.
According to the Royal Academy of Language, racism is an ideology that defends the superiority of one race over the others and the need to keep it isolated or separated from the rest within a community or a country. Racism is an element that has spread to more than one country, although it is true that in some it has had a greater impact than in others, such as South Africa with the "apartheid" that occurred. In England the first racist chants were heard in the 70-80s, while in Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands this phenomenon reached a peak during the 80-90s, Spain and Belgium have had racism as a more  recent phenomenon . The differences in the stages of development of racism in these countries could be related to economic differences, with the general levels of immigration and the transfers/signings of players of color and belonging to different ethnic groups in professional football. (Gómez, 2007) The xenophobic groups infiltrated inside the fans of the football team, as "intolerance towards others, the different, the weak"; Attacking an amateur for using the wrong color is similar to aggression against an immigrant because of the color of their skin; lack of empathy, inability to understand the suffering of others "(Durán, 1996). According to Gómez (2007) there are several ways to represent racism. One of them simply consists of booing those black athletes or other minorities when they are in possession of the ball when it comes to a team sport. This also relies on disparaging chants by the fans. For example, when Rijkaard and Gullit (Dutch colored soccer players) played in Milan, they were treated awfully and booed every time they played away games in rival stadiums. On the other hand we must also mention the anti-racist initiatives: From the point of view of national governments, we find few initiatives in relationship to the prevention of racism in football, and most of them focused on repressive actions and measures through the police and judicial systems. Regarding European intervention projects and programs, there are differences between European countries having focused most of them on the prevention of racism in football more than in preventing racism through football (Durán, 2005). As a common point, we find the use of emblematic soccer players to communicate messages about tolerance or holding matches and tournaments with the motto of the prevention. An example of this is the advertisements promoted by the UEFA Champions League promoting respect and the fight against racism using players such as Lionel Messi, Mario Ballotelli, Carlos Tevez, etc ... In most of the initiatives we can find that all of them try to make clear that no sports entity tolerates racism, they do not give tickets to fans that are related to this type of ideology, work hand in hand with police, clubs, local authorities, fans, etc ... to reduce or eliminate any act.
I will begin by saying that the beginning of racism coincides in the 50s with the appearance of sporting events (soccer) on television We will not deny the advantage that society has for being able to see from their homes  turning them into a spectacle and a mass sport. However, television also allows the viewer to see violent behavior and that this can be extended to those who watch the games from public places, for such basic principles in psychology as imitation and / or modeling. (Gómez, 2007) As for sport as a spectacle, it is undoubtedly the "sport king" in practically all of Europe is football. Durán (1996) states that in Europe soccer is being produced (as a spectacle sport) something similar to what happens in North America with other sports such as football, hockey, basketball or baseball. Bryant and Zillman (1983) state that the media in most cases are an enemy of fair play because they exploit violence in sports, mainly because in many cases the media repeatedly exhibit violent acts committed in different sports in the past likr in documentries that make them money and business. For example, if a violent event has been recorded, it is broadcast again and again and it is given more importance than another or more serious ones but of which there are no images. There is also the possibility of using the media as a channel to prevent or reduce violence in sports. In the 2004 European Football Championship held in Portugal we can find a clear example, the Spanish team carried out an advertising campaign for Spanish fans to defend their team and that there were no differences depending on the team they are followers of. This is directly related to the common in-group identity model, this model is based on the effect of belonging to a higher order category (in this case selection), allowing identification with the lower level category (the team from which they are followers). (Gómez, 2007)
To begin with, in my opinion I believe that stereotypes like the idea all people of color have a genetic advantage because of their dominance in a type of muscle fibers is one of the many reasons that prevent the development of true equality and help to develop racism. Racism should be eradicated completely but it is a long-term process since we have to change the mentality of many millions of people since in this world we all are, whatever our color of skin, facial features, etc ... The ultras from my personal point of view have their positive point in the sport since they are passionate and loving of their team and are the ones that most encourage their team both in difficult situations and when they are losing as well as when they are at their best. But on the other hand, we must not forget the most important thing: they are extremist groups that only conceive their team and do not understand others, this is shown in the songs to people of color as well as in violent acts against the fans of another team. To conclude, I believe that it is true that the media are responsible for the continuous repetition of an act of violence in football showing it over and over and nulling the idea of violence to some groups. Ultras and media still give many more positive things to the sport than negative ones so in general they are beneficial to sport.
-Durán, J. (1996) Sport, violence and education, Madrid: Revista de psicología del deporte.
-Durán, J and Pardo, R. (2008) Racism in the Spanish professional football (1st and 2nd division). Seasons 2004-05 and 2005-06). Vol. 4, no. 12, Madrid : International Journal of Sport Science
-Gómez, A. (2007) Violence in sport. An analysis from Social Psychology, Journal of Social Psychology, 22: 1, 63-87: International Journal of Social Psychology https://doi.org/10.1174/021347407779697539
-Adán, T. , Ultras Soccer cultures. P. 87-100. Salamanca: University of Salamanca.
-Armstrong, G and Harris, R. (1990) Football hooligans: theory and evidence P. 427-44
-Collins, R (2008). Violence: a micro-sociological theory
-Coackley, J Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, 11th ed., McGraw-Hill Education: New York, 2014; 720 pp.
-Durán, J (2006) Football and racism: a scientific and social problem.
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