#I love gorey movies I just haven't seen... things. Like anything at all ever
threadsun · 2 years
As an avid Purge fan, I loved the newest headcanons you did!!!
Lol and you may not realize but you have NO IDEA how much Jean and Joseph would fit so perfectly into this AU. The Purge in the movie universe was created by a greedy psychotic group of politicians who wanted to keep the power in the hands of the rich and elite with the excuse of it being a way to ‘reduce violence and crime’ in the US when in actuality it does the complete opposite. By that I mean it spawns cults, abuse of power, brainwashing amongst society that The Purge is a good thing, assassinating anyone who tries to get in the way of stopping it, and probably a good many more that I probably haven’t mentioned.
Either way, lots of gore, lots of violence, power imbalance, and plenty of juicy yandere potential you may like~
Here’s a link to a youtube video that basically sums up the entire history of The Purge in the movie verse in under an hour if you’re interested!
Sorry for rambling I get excited about horror movie aus lol With your permission I’d love to request a oneshot for this au if that’s something you’d feel motivated to write for. If not that’s cool, I’m more than happy to simply share horror movie knowledge and youtube recommendations 👍
👀 Oh you had me at gore, violence, and power imbalance~
I'll definitely take a look!! And once I feel like I know more, I'll definitely be writing at least one oneshot for the au~
I'll add it to my drafts list now! No promises on when it'll get done cause I'll probably wanna watch some of the movies before I do it, but it'll be there waiting when I do >:3c
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