#I like to imagine him with poisonous spines I feel like that's Fushimi-ish
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 month ago
Hello, Ridia-san! Can I request a Siren Saru?
Saru is open about him being a siren, but most people don't know since they thought those behaviors of his were just part of his personality. Like taking a long ass bath like he owns the shower, avoiding cats (he is half fishy so- (poor neko), not bathing with other people, etc.
Suddenly a mission with other clans happens, and they need to infiltrate a building in the middle of the ocean. Unfortunately, the said ocean is dangerous and cannot be taken lightly, so they need another way to get it there without gaining the attention of other people. While discussing what they should do (more like fighting *ehem* Homra and Scepter 4), Saru grew impatient and decided to jump in the waters. Seeing this threw others into panic mode, but after a while, a head emerged from the water. It's Saruhiko. With his long hair and below his waist is this large, beautiful white to blue ombre tail that seems to glow under the sun. Seeing this seems to strike the others into silence and... (I'll leave the rest to you, Ridia-san! Hoping to see the reactions of the other clans + alphabet squad ^^)
I feel like Yata and Munakata would probably be the main two who know about this, because Yata lived with Fushimi for a while and Munakata is just creepy that way. Like imagine in this AU that mythical creatures are known to exist but it’s like a low key thing where they try to blend in with humans. Say Kisa was actually a siren, Niki caught her out of the water and convinced her to come live with him on land. After she gives birth to Fushimi (wait, would he have been hatched from an egg in this AU) she promptly returns to the ocean to get away from her shitty husband and Fushimi is left alone with Niki, who enjoys joking about making tasty fried fish out of his son. Fushimi doesn’t really try to hide that he’s a siren but he doesn’t talk about it either, he forges a note to get himself out of swimming in gym class and doesn’t talk to anyone about his true heritage because he doesn’t want to deal with being looked at like some kind of freak. 
Yata of course is the first one to really find out, like maybe this is the first time too that Fushimi’s been hesitant about letting anyone know his secret because he doesn’t want Misaki to reject him. Yata drags him to the beach one day though and maybe Yata ends up getting caught in like a rip tide or something and Fushimi dives in to save him, revealing his true form with beautiful glittering scales and a long elegant tail. Yata is amazed and immediately starts talking about how awesome this is, Saruhiko is even cooler than he thought, and suddenly being a siren doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. When they join Homra though imagine Fushimi feeling irritated at the idea of everyone knowing, like Totsuka suggests a beach trip and Yata’s ready to mention how cool Fushimi is in the water and Fushimi just shushes him and spends the whole time under an umbrella on the beach instead (Anna keeps giving him significant looks though, and when someone tries to hit him with a water gun she moves in front of him to intercept the splash).
Then he joins S4 and like the first thing Munakata does is wonder if Fushimi would like a private bath due to his ‘heritage,’ Fushimi gives him this suspicious look like I don’t even want to know how you know. He denies the special treatment though, the whole thing is too much of a pain and he doesn’t want to deal with annoying questions. Instead he always takes his baths alone and probably puts like a lock on the bath when he’s in there too, if anyone wants to come take one when he’s in the bath they have to get used to waiting a good hour or so. Some of the lower ranked members complain about it, that the brat from Homra is always hogging the bath, but Fushimi doesn’t care and Munakata just gives a secretive smile when he hears. Also imagine Fushimi being slightly nervous around Kamo and trying his best to hide it, he doesn’t have anything against Kamo it’s just he knows the guy was a sushi chef and Fushimi’s natural instincts make him tense up around that kind of person. 
The whole thing remains mostly a secret (I feel like Awashima finds out about it at some point too, and is briefly shocked before admirably recovering and resuming whatever mission they were on) until one day there’s a Strain issue that does require the squad to infiltrate an island in the middle of the ocean. This is post-ROK and Homra is helping out, though maybe Yata and Anna are elsewhere at the time and Kusanagi is in charge on that end. Munakata is pleased that their beach training paid off at last, the rest of the squad are more hesitant because they can all swim but this is a little more than just ‘swimming.’ Kusanagi doesn’t think sending their guys out into the ocean with just life vests is the best idea. He and Munakata are being passive aggressive at each other while Fushimi sits there getting increasingly annoyed (and maybe Munakata keeps looking at Fushimi significantly out of the corner of his eye and it’s getting irritating). Finally he’s like ‘I’ll just take care of it’ and he dives right into the water. The S4 alphabet and Kusanagi are all immediately alarmed, Kusanagi did not expect Fushimi of all people to be this reckless, but Munakata is totally serene about the whole thing as he says there is no problem. 
Kusanagi’s all disbelieving ‘no problem?’ when Fushimi surfaces in full siren mode, complaining that Munakata’s going to owe him overtime for this. The alphabet boys are all momentarily on guard but then Akiyama gives a tentative ‘Fushimi…san?’ and Fushimi clicks his tongue to cover that he’s actually a little embarrassed about this whole thing. The S4 boys all think this is really cool though, Doumyouji happily says see Kamo he doesn’t hate you he was just worried you’d fillet him. Fuse mutters that this explains the long baths and Hidaka remembers how Fushimi was the only one who never got into the water when they did their deserted island beach training. The Homra alphabet are probably wondering how they missed this, imagine Kamamoto texting Yata all worriedly that Fushimi turned into a fish and getting back a sheepish ‘oh…you guys didn’t know, huh?.’ Kusanagi especially is a little baffled that he didn’t know this, though now it makes sense why Fushimi never went in the ocean at beach trips and why Yata always acted nervous whenever they went out for sushi. Munakata meanwhile is definitely being unbearably smug about the fact that he knew this all along and Kusanagi didn’t, much to Kusanagi’s irritation, though Awashima at least has the grace to look a little apologetic that they never mentioned this to him.
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