#I like the idea that mag 127 was a test how far is he willing go and what he's willing to accept... Can Jonah share his secrets with him?
nonbinaryeye · 3 years
I already share few of my Jonahbas headcannons but may I interested you also in some of my headcannons about Jonathan Faneshawe and his relantionship towards Jonah Magnus (Jonahtan... Jonahshawe? Okay neither of those are probably a real ship names... Does it have a real ship name...?)
Jonathan Fanshawe was from good enough family and he could have lived quite comfortable life treating rich men but he was always much more interested in gaining new knowledge though he was excusing it to himself that examination of dead bodies and illnesses will have bigger impact and might do more good.
He might have even partly work as a coroner - government or judicial official who is empowered to conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death (since he could just request Von Closens body for post-mortem)
He was also performing operations/autopsies in Operating theater*  in which students and other spectators could watch surgeons perform surgery. Jonathan was regularly going off the script and trying to do his own inovations. It caught Jonah's attention as he might have been sneaking there in his own pursue of knowledge. However the univesity was less thrilled and Fanshawe was eventually forbbiden to continue his practice there. 
Jonah was trying to make acquaintances with Fanshawe who couldn't be less interested after just getting dismissed. But in the end Jonah managed to hunt him down on the cemetery where Fanshawe was trying get bodies to experiment on in a less legal way**. Being caught in such an incriminating situation he had no other choice than to listen to his proposal of cooperation.
Jonah wanted to help him even though he still lacked enough monetary means. He got much more important thing: plenty of connections in higher society to whom he could introduce his new good friend 'who was an amazing doctor' and 'yes indeed all the rumors about him were not true at all!'
Jonathan was overall quite introverted and not so much interested in most of the small talk and pointless conversation but when someone asked him about a topic which was of his expertise he started to ramble about it as much as Jonah did
*I wanted him to be doing public autopsies but after a deep research I found that they on the contrary seem to be illegal to perform. However if anyone have some better reliable source about it please let me know!
**funfact - grave robbing for fresh corpses was quite a thing in the beginning of Victotian era. The grave robbers were called Resurrectionists and they were selling the bodies for autopsies. Fanshawe wanted to simply cut the middle man.
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