#I like Orihime but... she shouldn't be the new Masaki or whatever
doudecim · 4 years
So, I was reading We Do (K)not Always Love You novel because I was very thirsty for Bleach content and I came across that horrifying scene where Orihime’s dinning with the Kurosaki family and suddenly there was some weird af talk about how much Orihime looked like Masaki and the twins saw her as their mother I’m just no. Hell to the FUCKING NO, bitch.
Let me begin by saying that this is an absolute disservice to Orihime. She’s INOUE ORIHIME, not Kurosaki Masaki. Second of all, Orihime is barely into her twenties in the novel. T w e n t i e s. She’s at the age of discovering herself, finding her path in the world, having fun, becoming the smart, successful career-woman she saw herself becoming by the earliest chapters of the manga. She shouldn’t be idealized as the mother of two motherfucking teenagers, and SPECIALLY SHOULDN’T BE IDEALIZED AS HER BOYFRIEND’S DEAD MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!
To be quite honest, Orihime and Masaki do have physical simmilarities. And, from a very shallow point of view, they both are very easy-going, bubbly and smiley people. But their resemblance ends there. Orihime is a sweet girl, yes! But she is far, far, far away from being nurturing the way Masaki was portrayed. Orihime’s main goal is portrayed as one through the whole series: Ichigo; (or whatever idea she had of Ichigo.) All the series, her main motivator was Ichigo, to get close to him, to be with him. Romantically speaking. Let’s be real, y’all: Orihime is self-centered as fuck. That doesn’t make her a bad person, that just makes her human, like you and me. All Orihime works foward in the whole series is to achieve what she wants. No one can blame her for that! Orihime grew up by her own, and she had to think of herself first and foremost if she wanted to stay alive, because no one would do it for her.
Now, let’s speak of Masaki. Masaki is basically the glorified saint of selflessness. She is the ultimate protector: the last person she thinks when a complicated situation arises is herself. She was compliant to marrying Ryuuken if that assured the well-being if the Ishida family that took her in. Even if that meant sacrificing her own happiness. And then, when she sees Isshin about to be killed by a Hollow, what she does? She just bursts in the battle to save him, even if it cost her life. Let’s not forget that Isshin was a Shinigami, her natural nemesis. And then comes her biggest sacrifice: her life for her son’s. Masaki’s life philosophy was to do all the things she could do to help others, even at the cost of herself. She preferred to die than to see anyone suffering.
Now, dude, do you dare to look me in the eye and say that they are sooo alike like OMG they’re twinsies!!! and shit? If Masaki saw those adorable scenes in the Hueco Mundo arc where Orihime is crying over Ichigo’s lifeless body and shit she would have had an aneurysm. Because Masaki is a fighter. When she sees a loved one down she rises up for the fight, how powerful the enemy is doesn’t matter for her. BY THE WAY, THIS IS HOW MASAKI RAISED ALL OF HER KIDS. Even Karin, as powerless as she is as a human girl was willing to face a much more stronger and dangerous foe to protect her friends, and don’t let me start on how much Yuzu sacrificed of her childhood and how she was forced to grow up and fill her mother’s shoes and did so without complain!
BITCH, TATSUKI IS MORE OF A MOTHER FIGURED TO THE TWINS THAN ORIHIME!!!!! One of her first instincts after she wakes up in the Winter War arc is to check up on Yuzu and Karin!! 
And don’t come after me with that bullshit that they are both orphans and grew up surrounded by hostile blood relatives/caretakers and therefore they are soooo selfless and caring. Cuz’ you know what, bitch? If that makes a mother then Uryū is the real soccer mom of Bleach.
Btw, I’m not saying Orihime is incapable of being a great mother. She does seems like an awesome mother, in fact! It’s just that Orihime learned to be a good mother with her own child and with time. It doesn’t mean she was just Motherhood Material from the beggining, nor should she. AND SHE SHOULDN’T BE COMPARED TO ANYONE. (I swear that if someone came to face and said “you’re so much like my mother! you’re so motherly!” I would fucking set them on fire.)
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