#I learn more and more about underfell every day
How would your skellies react to an S/O who has a green thumb? It seem like every plant S/O takes care of comes back healthier and better.
Undertale Sans - Well that's a good thing because he's a mass plant murderer. You're balancing each other lol. Every plant someone trusted Sans with ended up dying a horrible death somehow, so you're kinda saving the day by somehow reviving them. He doesn't understand how you're doing this. He swears he tried a ton of things and nothing worked. Ok, maybe most of the time he remembers he had to take care of the plant after two weeks to two months, but still.
Undertale Papyrus - He's good with flowers but he's a bit bored with the classic species. He wants cool-looking flowers and you're here to help. After two months, plants turned into a hyperfixation for Papyrus and you're living in a jungle, congratulations.
Underswap Sans - He thinks plants are boring honestly. It does nothing, it doesn't last long either, and it takes so much energy to take care of for only a few days of nice-looking moments. That's your thing, and it will say your thing. He's not patient enough for this.
Underswap Papyrus - Mr "I'm-allergic-to-everything" is not making the task easy for you lol. You're struggling to find plants and flowers that don't make him sneeze all day long. But it's a little victory every time you find something that he tolerates. Honey loves to help. Well, he loves to be included in everything his S/O is doing, but taking care of plants actually makes his anxiety shut up so he's always happy to help a bit.
Underfell Sans - He's doing his best to help but somehow he makes things worse every time he's helping. Like that time he watered your plants with gasoil and only noticed avec the twentieth flower :') He's not doing it on purpose, he's just terrible with plants.
Underfell Papyrus - You two are fighting on which plants to keep inside the house. Edge actually loves plants too, but he loves plants you hate... And you love plants he hates. He waits for you to leave the house to replace the plants, and you're doing the same. It's an eternal war. Maybe someday you'll find one you can agree on.
Horrortale Sans - He actually learns with you. At first, he doesn't show that much interest, but the more you do, the more you notice him staring behind your back. He's a bit clumsy and forgets half of the things he has to do, but it actually keeps him occupied. It actually helps his memory too since he has to water the plant every day, which is training his memory. He thinks it's a really relaxing activity and he would love to do it more often with you.
Horrortale Papyrus - He doesn't have that much of an interest in plants, but he's curious about what his S/O is doing and he's always happy to help if he can. He gladly appreciates your advice on his vegetables though. He had some difficulties growing them in the beginning but you showed him how to improve his fields and he's delighted with the result!
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't have any interest in the activity, but he likes having plants around. It makes his house look even more expensive and he's a material girl so he's really happy. You pretend like you don't see his black-and-white edge lord photos on social media next to your plants lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - I mean, you can do what you want but... Do you really want to have plants in a secluded area where Rus lives? Your plants are living in fear, never knowing if they're going to see the next day. That guy has no limits and can accidentally set the house on fire at least once a week. He's dangerous to all living things, please reconsider.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine surprisingly likes to take care of plants too. It was a true shock the first time you discovered that because that skeleton usually hates more things than he likes some. Of course, he will never say it out loud, or show he likes it. But you can sometimes catch him watering the flowers or cutting some disgracious leaves from your plants. He gives you the "what are you even looking at?" kind of look every time you see him though lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He saw you cut leaves and he wanted to help! So he cut leaves on all your plants. And by that I mean he cut 75% of each of your plants. When he sees your face, he goes from very proud to kicked puppy in three seconds. Maybe it's best if Coffee stays away from your plants from now on.
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magic-hcs · 4 months
Yoooo, I must say I adore your writing. I read the one where the boys have an argument with their S/O and end up hurting them… I was wondering if we could get a fluffy ending to that… 👉👈
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my writing! And thank you for being so patient with me and waiting for so long. It's not really a fluffy ending, but an open ending instead with a positive outlook, I hope that works for you as well.
Since most people voted for Charon's part when its finished instead of waiting, I'll be doing that now, but don't worry I'm still working on the others.
You can find part one with Charon here
Charon; Underfell Papyrus
warnings: Hurt/comfort, and i think that's it?
Time to cast some magic and see what we'll get!✨
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Charon: After the fallout between you, Charon hasn’t seen you in months. More accurately, he has avoided every single place that you could possibly be at like the plague. (If he couldn’t avoid it, Charon would make sure to go only at certain times when he explicitly knew you wouldn’t be there.)
He couldn’t bear to look you in the eyes after what he had done. Unjustly done to you.
And stars did he regret it…
But from that altercation between the two of you there came forth a single silver lining: It was the catalyst for Charon’s decision to go see someone who could help him see what had gone so wrong with the relationship, and how he could learn to better adapt to the surface world. After a few days of research Charon concluded that seeing a therapist would be the best course of action. 
It had not gone as expected…
The first frustrated him to no end, the both of them as the therapist said; “there was no click between us, and thus I believe it is best for us to part ways.” And so they did. Really, the only useful thing the first one provided was the fact that Charon could simply try with a different specialist. That sometimes, it took a few tries before he would find the right professional.  Well, luckily, Charon is nothing if not persistent.
The second one wasn’t it either. The third was down right racist! (speciesist?) So that was a hard and firm No. 
The fourth however, was one Charon was currently satisfied with. She didn’t make him feel stupid, she treated him with respect and in Charon’s opinion knew what she was doing and talking about. Thanks to self reflection - and her helping him find sources that taught him more of the surface world - Charon learned and realized what had gone wrong between the two of you. Learned how to better cope with his issues. (his therapist had told him it was called trauma and very normal for people and monsters to experience after what he had gone through. Charon still has trouble accepting that having them doesn’t make him weak.)
Few more months passed and Charon finally felt comfortable enough to go to the places you go to as well. Not fearing the possibility of running into you by chance. (Mostly because now he was prepared. He now knew where he stood, what he would do and say were he to see you again. (Having practiced role plays with his therapist pretending to be you.))
Charon was prepared.
Until he literally bumped into you and stood face to face with your scowl in the park. 
You were not happy to see him.
His nonexistent throat and mouth suddenly became very dry. He can’t help his red eyelights that automatically get drawn to your throat - remembering he had grabbed some part of you in that general direction - subconscious searching for any more but finding none.
You go to turn around when Charon finally finds his voice again. 
“You Were Right.” 
You halt your footsteps. Wide eyes staring at the floor. There was a crack in the voice, a slight air of desperation was in there as well. But it was the clear, open sincerity and especially the remorse that threw you through the hoop the most.  
You took a glance over your shoulder just to make sure that it was really him who said it. 
Charon isn’t standing straight and alert like a soldier would - like you were used to him doing. His chin isn’t pointed to the sky. He’s standing there, almost timid. Eyelights are still directed at you but he’s practically bowing his head slightly down. 
“You Were Right.” He repeats, and you can hardly believe it. 
“I Was In The Wrong.” He added. There was genuine sadness and remorse shining inside his eyelights. And you had never seen him open up like this before.
Despite your mind telling you no, despite your heart that still aches when thinking about him, when looking at him. Despite it all, you give Charon the chance to speak. You would hear him, but that was the only thing you would do.
The two of you had taken a seat on a park bench and Charon had started off with apologizing (although awkwardly.)
He wouldn’t let you try to apologize as well  - even though Charon obviously took the altercation too far, you were to blame as well in your opinion - requesting you to listen until he has explained everything. And you let him. Begrudgingly thinning your lips together.
Charon explained he had been going to a therapist, he’s been unlearning his learned behavior that doesn’t work on the surface, and been working on bettering himself. He conveyed his regret on what he did and how lashed out at you - that he hadn’t meant what he called you and said to you - staring at his hands all the while.
You were happy for him that he was working on improving himself, you said as much. You also accepted the apology but made it clear you didn’t forgive him yet nor felt comfortable continuing your relationship where you left it off.
Charon had broken your trust, your heart, and it wasn’t easily repaired, if at all. 
He had been very understanding of your notion. 
“I’ve Burned Bridges, I Broke Your Trust, I Destroyed A Lot Of Things. But If You Let Me, I Would Like To Start Over Again. Earn Your Trust,” Charon speaks and it’s in a respectful way. It’s different from the way he used to always demand things. Maybe he really changed…or at least is working to change.
“I’ll Accept Whatever Answer You Give me. You Say Yes And I’ll Start Right Now. Say No And This Will Be The Last Time You See Me In Your Life.” There’s a slight tremor in his voice. It’s obvious what he wants to hear from you. He hopes for it, longs for it, you can see it in his eyelights.
But it doesn’t make you feel pressured. 
You ponder over it for a moment or two.
You take a breath. There’s only one way you can answer this right here, right now.
“I need some time to think about it.”
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 10 months
I had a mental image and it won't let me go. Basically, Stretch sees how stressed out Blue is because he is constantly having to out his life on pause to play out some random role in a Reset over and over, and while it's comforting to know Stretch isn't the only one dealing with Resets and he has someone he can not only trust but go to for comfort (strange as it is to imagine with it being Sans, whom he hates having to burden especially now that he knows just how cool his brother actually is, he always knew Sans was the most magnificent monster but learning he's an interdimentional hero working alongside literal gods does soemthign to a guy).
So basically, Papyrus works double time to stop the Resets. And eventually he succeeds! So Sans is now clear to live his life and, like you said, finally tell everyone about his true self and his real job!
Problem is... multiverse shenanigans keep interrupting him every time he tries so while everyone knows something weird is up and it involves Sans, there is no context for the suddenly appearing skeletons that constantly interrupted their day and Sans somehow knows them all and is slowly getting more and more frustrated by the day because he very clearly wants to tell them something.
It blows down to Sans literally sitting everyone down and just saying it outright that the multiverse exists and when Killer comes running in on a supply run, Sans bodily tackles him, sits on him, and forces him to help him explain because,
"So help me if I get interrupted while explaining what the multiverse is one more time I'm gonna spike all of your favorite foods with laxatives!!"
"That'd be funny, actually..."
Idk jsut funny shenanigans with Blueberry getting more and more frustrated because he wants to tell people and finally is allowed to tell people but apparently the multiverse decided that moment to be the biggest nuisance
(He find out later it was Ink's fault)
Saving this saving this sAVING THIS—
Everything and everyone is just constantly against him in the most unfortunately comedic ways. And it starts out small! Little inconveniences, maybe not even at the fault of outside influences. He’s trying to tell Chara and Frisk, but no, Asgore says it’s their bed time, it’ll have to wait. Tries to explain it to Undyne and Alphys, hoping Undyne would maybe be help in explaining it to everyone else, but oops something in her lab exploded, they have to deal with that real quick.
Then it’s the Stars needing his help in another world, so he has to dip for a day or too, leaving Paps to be like “uh he’ll explain later.” Later comes, and a very apologetic Dream needs his help pulling Noots and Error apart cuz Ink’s no help, he’s just watching their argument and eating popcorn. So he has to leave again, far more frustrated than before, which baffles all his friends and family.
Then it’s like actual trouble; a world is falling apart and they need to evacuate it. There’s a council meeting and they’re introducing a new Sans. The Gang’s on an LV spree and needs someone to spare with so they don’t rip apart more Underfell copies. Just, every time he comes in saying he has an announcement to make, planning around his schedule and everyone else’s to get a family night together and finally come clean, SOMETHING has to get in the way and ruffle his feathers.
Meanwhile his family is so concerned. They’ve never seen Sans so tired and annoyed before. The dude just is done with the innocent bean performance pretty much as soon as they’d stopped the resets and is, to them, acting strangely. He clearly wants to talk but just can never get the chance. And who are these other skeletons that are popping up to talk to him?? To whisk him away with stern, worried looks?? Does he have long lost relatives they never talked about? Is he involved in something bad? Is he safe, is he trying to escape something he doesn’t wanna be a part of??
(Paps takes a bit of pity on him and asks if Blue just wants him to explain it, but Blue really really wants to be the one to tell them of his adventures and his job and all of his progress and achievements. He’s waited SO LONG for this he wants it so badly!!)
Eventually he manages to get Lust to just cover for him for a single day, a DAY that’s all he needs, but NO. Killer’s just gotta swoop in last second and Blue’s SO at the end of his patience why is this so DIFFICULT—
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pokegalla · 2 years
More fluff coming your way!!! But first a quick note!
A shoutout for @theneurodivergentdummy
They always give me new ideas, they are a talented artist and they deserve some follows!
Also! If y’all love learning about new Undertale AUs, I have an AU I’m creating called Unitytale! I’m working on a fanfic that already has two chapters up and an ask blog just for it! Come on by to ask more questions about the characters, story, or just pop in to say hi! Link to account right below:
Sorry for the long intro! Let’s get right back to it! (Little warning for a little NSFW. Nothing crazy just….Y’know how Red is.)
Underfell bros’ First Time Sleeping over at S/o’s home.
* MAN was he PUMPED. He played it cool though. Like oh sleep over at your place? What are we, kids? Sure let’s have a little pillow fort set up and make s’mores while we’re at it. Mind you he is mentally fist bumping in the air.
* Bake together before heading to bed! He actually knows how to bake so it would be fun! (Bonus points if it’s super late and y’all just say fuck it I wanna make some cookies-). You’d probably fool around and get into a messy battle of flour and batter.
* After a messy battle and cleaning up, you guys probably just wanna head to bed. He was a little nervous at first but tried to deny it but with your reassurance, he gets the confidence he needs and turns into a huge cuddly teddy bear!
* Though he does get a little….TOO confident if you get what I mean. Expect a firm grip on your tush or as a girl, on your chest. And a cheeky little smile from him if you point it out. (Lil shit-)
* And in the morning you can bet on lazy cuddles and kisses. He would be at his softest and sweetest. Please take advantage and make him blush with compliments and sweet words. He’ll love it and even be just as mushy.
Mini Story Time!!!
You stretched and snuggled more into the blanket. You should probably get up….you had a guest after all. You giggled as you looked up to see your bone-friend slightly snoring as he had an arm around your shoulders. You slowly tried to get up but Red quickly pulled you closer.
“C’mon! I need to make breakfast!”
“Five more minutes….,” He mumbled.
He opened his eye sockets and stared down softly at you, moving your hair out of your face and rubbing it between his fingers. The gesture was so gentle and loving….you smile and cup his cheek bones.
“You’re so adorable when you wake up. Teehee, it’s almost like we’re married,” You said.
You notice his face turns into a brilliant shade of his namesake but smiles before quietly saying, “If I get to see you every morning like this, I wouldn’t mind tying the knot.”
His smile widens as your face flushes up. He kisses you right on the lips. You kiss back, both of you giggling in between and finally ending it with a big hug.
“I love you,” You say happily.
Red kisses your forehead, “Love yah too sweetheart~”
* He probably has been waiting AGES for you to ask him. Even setting up minor inconveniences to try and get you to invite him inside. (He was too embarrassed to ask you personally.)
* But when you asked him (or probably figured out his plan) he was estatic!!! He’ll be sure to be making dinner that night! And you can bet he made it elegant AND romantic!
* He even set up a romantic candle lit bubble bath! It comes with wine! (Don’t worry wine doesn’t have to have alcohol in it).
* Once you guys hop into you sleepwear, he low key was nervous. He’s excited to cuddle with you but he was calculating how his tall ass was gonna fit-
* You guys manage though! And in the morning you wake up to a breakfast in bed!
Mini Story Time!!!
You woke up to a lovely smell of coffee and pancakes, making your stomach rumble. You sat up right when Boss had entered the room.
“Ah! You’re Awake. Excellent. I Made Something For You,” He walked over and carefully placed a tray of food over your lap, “There! Now Eat Up! I Want You To Start Your Day With A Nutritious Breakfast!”
You giggle, “Aw you didn’t have to!”
“Of Course I Did! You Are My Date Mate! I Must Tend To You! What Kind Of Monster Would I Be If I Didn’t,” He proudly states.
“That or you’re showing off that your cooking is getting better?” You said.
He blushes, “Well That Too! Look! It’s Not Burned At All!!!”
You laugh and pat the bed beside you, “I’m proud of you. But you did make a bit too much food. I simply can’t eat this myself. Come eat with me! Pleeeeeeease?”
He chuckles softly, “Oh….Alright.”
You both enjoy the food together.
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I'm honestly super interested to know more! Tell me more about yourself :3— like your hobbies/birthday ooor maybe even what you are most scared of? Hope I'm not askin' too much!
You ask Paint to tell you more.  Oh, uhm what else would you like to hear about? You ask about their hobbies. Oh! I like knitting and crocheting. I also sew too!!!! I actually make all my clothes. I also really like learning about other AU’s. I actually normally live in Pacifist AU’s sometimes I move from them every now and again. There’s only a few AU’s I’ve not really been to. Like Underfell. Since it’s very much Kill or be Killed in that AU it’s not considered safe for me with my lack of defense and attack. I may have a good amount of HP, but it’s still not safe for me. I honestly don’t like that in my last Multiverse Ink had kept me in the Doodle Sphere in order to keep me safe. He was a pretty protective version compared to the one I originally knew. You ask when Paint’s birthday is. Oh it’s on the First of May! Silly, it’s exactly a month after Classic’s, hmm? That day’s always been pretty special for the few years I was in the last multiverse. Ink would always take me to any AU I wanted. Granted it had to be Pacifist. I honestly am not one to complain though. You ask what Paint is most afraid of. . . . You got nerve asking that to someone you just met. I may be willing to tell you a lot since this isn't a common occurrence. People don't just appear in my void like you have. I don’t think I can really trust that you don’t have the power to make my deepest fears a reality. . . It seems you’ve made them wary of you. . . Maybe you should leave him alone for a bit. Maybe apologise later. . . ❤️Save Return
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Do you have any recommendations for Undertale fic? I especially love things focusing on Frisk, Asriel, and Chara. But I’m scared to just dive blindly into the tags on Ao3 or something. ): Thanks!
oh great question! here's some kid-centric fics I like a lot:
Be Good, Alright? by @smells-like-mettaton. Frisk stays with Toriel in the Ruins instead of leaving, and Flowey and Chara are there too. Ongoing and very cute. Contains some references to child abuse. You should probably just follow Tali on tumblr if you haven't already, Tali posts a ton of great stuff.
And Whither Then? I Cannot Say by ohjustdisarmalready on ao3. Frisk get launched across time and space and travels through several AU versions of the underground. This one focuses a lot on AUs like Underfell and the skeleton brothers are a huge part of it, but it's still fundamentally a story about Frisk, and the way they're written is REALLY good, they're such a good kid. Might want to avoid it if you don't want to see Frisk getting hurt though
rename the fallen human by brushstrokesApocalyptic on ao3. The fallen human can't decide on a name. This one is Chara-centric and it's classic. Really funny and sweet.
high score by @knifehecker. The three kids reflect on their time in the underground. This one takes place post-pacifist but it's primarily about the no mercy route. I really like the dynamic between the kids here, and the tone is both funny and poignant.
Risen Up (or, Of Fallen Children and Mountain Kin) by @riverpersonn. Frisk and the gang put on Undertale: the Musical! This one can get pretty intense and gets into Frisk's backstory and some violent routes, but overall it's a really touching story about them and their new family.
i still hesitate in the hopes i'll save some face by Princex_N on ao3. This is a series of snippets about autistic Frisk journeying through the underground. We love autistic Frisk in this house
Frisk Learns Some New Words by Rakkogaki on ao3. Despite the title this fic is actually more Sans-centric but it's the fic I was talking about a couple days ago where Sans goes several weeks without standing up by teleporting between different chairs. It's an absolute classic crack fic.
Floweytale by @andreabandrea. A series of fics about Flowey's resets before Frisk showed up. Absolutely essential reading for all Flowey fans. But watch out because you'll feel every emotion at once. Contains references to violent routes.
My Big Fat Fish Holiday Party also by andrea. You probably know this one if you follow me but if not you should check it out, it's everything to me. Ultimate crack fic.
All We Left Unsaid ALSO by andrea. Frisk ends a no mercy route while fighting Sans, and the underground rebuilds. This one is Flowey-centric, but there's a ton of side characters in it and it's really sweet and sad. If you like Flowey and Sans not trying to kill each other, this is a great example of that.
memeing across time and space by threefourthstime on ao3. Another classic crack fic, this one's about Gaster trying and failing to prank various characters.
If you like the kids I'd also rec a couple of ask blogs! There's @redsoul-kris which is a Deltarune ask blog that involves the Undertale kids in a certain way, and @dont-forget-to-ask which is for the post-paci Undertale kids. @friskibitz also sometimes writes really sweet ficlets about the UT/DR kids on his blog.
This is in no way a complete list, but there ya go!
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lilac--sun · 2 years
Specifically Nightmare headcannons because I love the king of negativity with my whole heart also I gave my stance on how they gang met Nightmare.
Nightmare is extremely protective over his crown, Even tho he only wears it in his passive form he keeps it in his room in a special box. He almost snapped Errors arm in half because the destroyer grab it without warning to look at it
I feel like hes actually very patient, he can deal with a lot of shit before he snaps, and there will be warning before he attacks; usually either a glare or growl type sound
While he is extremely patient when he does get mad/annoyed it takes him a long time to calm back down due to his body craving negativity so after a bad fight he isolates himself for the day after so he doesn't blow up at his gang
Hes a major small control freak, everything was out of his control for so long he starts to panic if he cannot control every single thing in his environment. Thats one of the reasons why his castle is always spotless
He can tell when someone is feeling positive emotions quicker then negative because hes more sensitive to positive emotions then negative
He is an extremely fast reader, he can read 1-3 books in an hour if hes in good mood to do so
Hes a total book nerd. He would talk about the book he just read and how he likes/hates the main character and the story. He often talks to his gang about it and they love just to listen
He feels obligated to protect his boys, he can see himself in every member of the gang one way or another so he takes on a protector roll, they call him dad sarcastically but it makes him smile a little every time they do
He started calling himself the "king of negativity" instead of Guardian/prince after he had people bow down to him and plead for their lives...it gave him more satisfaction then he would ever admit.
His passive form has a cracked eye socket, it was givin to him the day he ate the apples by the villagers who tried to kill him, not quite as bad as Horrors crack but still pretty bad
He learned how to play piano out of curiosity after he heard Dancetale Frisk play it and he loved it
He met Farm after he was looking for Horror and after he found out that Farm had treated Horror good he suggested a truce; the gang helps around the farm and he supplies the gang with fresh food. Farm thought it was cool to have the king of darkness help him work tbh.
When Nightmare is in his passive form he mumbles a lot out of habit and he often gets told to speak up
Since he isn't from a game he doesn't understand the true mental tax going through rests cause but he tries to comfort his gang the best he can
He actually has pretty bad nightmares himself, he wont admit it but checking on the gang makes him feel better
Nightmare didn't trust blue for one second when he first started to hang around but after Blue cought him crying and actually helped him instead of leaving Nightmare swore to protect him
Nightmares corrupted form can grow/shrink by the amount of negativity in the area so hes very rarely the same height.
Nightmare had just left his AU, still high off of the pure negativity and felt absolutely unstoppable with dream out of the way. Until he stumbled upon Error, he was taking out an copy of Underfell and he was doing it in just seconds, Nightmares adrenaline started pumping as he started a fight with the taller one. Nightmare was losing. He was terrified. From leaving his AU till now he had never lost, it was definitely a humbling experience for him but when Error came within an inch of killing him, Nightmare fleed. Nightmare didn't speak to him for another 500 years when the star sans' were formed and Nightmare wanted Error in his gang
Nightmare met Dust when he felt a BIG wave of negativity coming from a certain location and when he popped into the au he found Dust staring into the lava of hotland muttering to himself, shaking. He gave a simple "hello?" Dust had jumped so hard he slipped and Nightmare caught him before he fell into the lava, after Nightmare heard what happened before he arrived Nightmare offered a room at his castle and it worked out
Nightmare was looking for an Au to suck negativity out of when he found Killers au, Killer was in stage three of the change to his soul so he was a killing MACHINE and attempted to kill Nightmare the second he layed eyes on him but after a few hours Nightmare pushed enough magic into Killer and he just collapsed and pleated for Nightmare to kill him but Nightmare offered him a job working as his Right-hand-man because of how well he could fight and Killer agreed to it
Nightmare was investigating a particularly negative Au when he had an axe thrown at his head, just barely missing. He whipped his head around and saw Horror who was extremely thin, shaky and what seemed like a fresh wound on his head, Nightmare immediately felt bad and when he realized Horrors stomach rumble making the smallers face turn into a fearful look as he apologized but the darker one just smelled like apples. Nightmare offered Horror food and a place to stay and Horror had been loyal ever since
Nightmare felt a strong weekend of negativity and decided to go check it out and met cross who was muttering to himself and scared cross when he appeared. They made the deal, Cross would work for him and Nightmare would give him the ability to open different portals, Cross was the last to join the gang
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I'm not sure if you're open for different asks that aren't prompts right now, so I hope this is okay to send.
How would the skelebros (Underswap, Horrotale, Underfell, and Undertale) react if their s/o worked in a prosthetic place that that mainly worked on legs for different people of all ages (and the occasional arms for those under the age of 15)?
((Please ignore this if you've done a similiar ask //nervous sweats))
Thank you for your time and have a lovely day~☆
I'm going to be honest. This one has been in my ask box for such a long time, and I feel bad about that! I just... didn't have ideas for it?
Blueberry: He thinks that it is very cool! He loves learning about that sorta thing, and finds the whole idea... cool? You're helping people who've gotten hurt be able to do things again! Who wouldn't think that you're awesome?! He wants to know everything! Even though he might not be able to keep up if you go too fast. He more or less wants to know how it stays on.
Stretch: He's someone that finds it interesting. He'll ask if you connect the fake legs to their nerve endings? Then they could move around, feel whatever it feels? Or would that be too much? Most likely too much... you've unlocked his secret nerd side! (it isn't all that secret)
Axe: He thinks it's interesting. It would come in handy for people who've lost their legs and such. He remembered when his sibling almost lost their leg in an accident... he doesn't really have much else to say to it though. It's a thing that you do, it's cool.
Noodle: They find it very interesting! If they are allowed, they would like to see how you make them and how you attach them to the people. They think that it is so amazing that they want to go around to just cut the legs off people! :D Not that... they... they would? Not at all... just a thought.
Red: So, you're able to help people out that lost their abilities to walk, instead of just leaving them to either end up dying or leaving them to figure it out themselves? Damn, humans are shocking him every turn... he likes learning about it, and sometimes he'll ask questions but normally only whenever you bring it up... or when he sees someone with just one leg.
Edge: He might ask a lot of questions, way too many, but it's mostly because he finds the idea of it very interesting! How could you create a new body part for someone after they lost it? Does it feel like real skin or plastic? He wants to know everything that you would let him learn! He does squint and glare at things a lot...
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
A short while ago I was really into "Pony Metal U-GAIM", possibly for the very fact that Pony Metal is so far out of reach even in the age of the internet, that my mini-obsession was more fueled by that feeling of "I need to know more and I know there IS more but I have no access to it!!"
Basically; in the mid to late 80s, there was a fan-created character in Japan who was basically Yuu Morisawa from "Mahou Tenshi Creamy Mami"... except instead of a Magical Girl she was like.... a robot.
The original Creamy Mami's Yuu
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Pony Metal U-GAIM's "U"
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The best comparison I can think of is she's kind of like what Underfell Sans would be to the original Undertale... (or maybe... Error?? I don't even know).
(the art of her robotic parts is RIDICULOUSLY well done)
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Much like the Undertale AUs she was EXTREMELY popular. There were Several Garage-kits of her, 3 art books, a 3 minute promotional video, and even an NES game in the works which never really saw the light of day in the end.
(and remember, this would be 1988. So all of this had to be done on paper with pencil, and cels, and ink and paint and photographed and composited all by analog)
Apologies for the bad quality. As a promo video from 1988, this was likely shown off at conventions and such and I'm not entirely sure how many actual copies of it even exist since it was never mass produced and sold iirc (feel free to correct me)
Most of this done by young college-something otaku that were just really passionate about anime and manga. However exact creators of Pony Metal doesn't seem to be super clear, one name we have for the creation of Pony Metal is Mika Akitaka who was a mechanical designer for Gundam 0083 (considered one of the best Gundam stories) as well as Gundam ZZ, Seta, War in the Pocket (also considered one of the best Gundam stories) and just a BUNCH more.
This is further supported by Akitaka having a series of illustrations of "Mobile Suit Girls" which were basically the same idea as Pony Metal except... Gundam. (if you google "Mobile Suit Girls" there is a TON of these)
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Anyway as I said, Pony Metal was INSANELY popular in the otaku circle, and it seems it was VERY close to possibly getting an anime made, possibly an OVA or something, but it never got that far.
So there exists a lot of Pony Metal stuff out there, but the language barrier as well as the fact that a lot of modern weeb culture is primarily focused on whatever the newest anime is, means it's VERY hard to really grasp onto a lot of what Pony Metal has. There's a short story manga that's fully available online and is REALLY well illustrated, but it hasn't been scanlated.
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So yeah, I have that classic problem of learning about something that's pretty cool, realising I don't have easy access to it, and then JUST because I don't have easy access to it I become obsessed and I NEED to find everything I can about it. Maybe it's that case of just being like "there HAS to be more!" when there isn't really.
Also I think I just really like this era of wild west anime. Where questions like "wait... Why is Yuu a robot now?? Why does she live in a sci fi/Tokyo suburb?? Why are there robots after her?? What are the emotional ramifications of her being a robot??" simply Do Not Matter.
She's a cute anime girl who's a robot and can fire rockets. THAT'S IT. That's all you need!
It reminds me of Project A-Ko which was originally just gonna to be a very short segment of a straight to video softcore hentai series until the people making it went "nah let's just make it its own OVA" and you have this parody sci fi action thing that's part REALLY impressive sci fi action show and part completely ridiculous parody referencing EVERY anime that was popular at the time and part really mild ecchi. Oh and also it's implied A-ko herself is Superman and Wonder Woman's daughter. Why?? Why in Japan?? Why is Tokyo sci fi now?? Why is Kenshiro's daughter in the same High School? WHO CARES!!!
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Or like how the people who went on to become Gainax made Daicon IV in their spare time, had it screened at various otaku conventions and literally changed the face of anime forever because people lost their FUCKING MINDS.
I guess Pony Metal U-GAIM is just another part of the giant smelting pot of the eruption of talent in 80s anime, where the enormous economic bubble was at its peak, old animation veterans who had had DECADES to perfect their craft were coming into contact with brand new hungry animators eager to make their marks on the industry and the introduction of the OVA completely breaking down the walls on what you were "allowed" to show in anime.
Maybe I'm just obsessed with Pony Metal because its a smaller part of when anime had it its highest peak, something we have not seen it be able to reach since, and as with many lesser-known outside of Japan anime pieces of the 80s in a world of nothing but Isekai fan-service shows made by underpaid employees working themselves to death making homogeneous product within the parameters they know will make a lot of money, it's a small example of a more wildly creative time. And sometimes I feel a bit like I'm scavenging the remains from ruins of a better and more advanced civilization for whatever scraps I can in the current, creatively starving environment we find ourselves in.
Ok so it's not REALLY that dire and not REALLY all that awful... but I think there's also a large reason why anime made during this very specific window of time continues to be obsessed over and revered in a way that goes beyond wimple "nostalgia".
Maybe if the anime industry PAID THEIR FUCKING ANIMATORS we could start creating a firework explosion of creativity like this again. (to be honest Netflix isn't doing that badly in terms of its anime but it also has a long way to go)
Anyway this post got away from me a bit.
Kenny Lauderdale (who is someone you should DEFINITELY AND ABSOLUTE BE SUBBED TO) made an entire video on Pony Metal U-GAIM which I recommend;
And that's the very short story of Pony Metal U-GAIM which I've been obsessed with recently.
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I've been meaning to draw her, actually...
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Error X Reader - "Never Seen an Error like You Before"
Sighs in cringe
Lmao I didn't know what to do for him
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Thousands of AUs and variations of the same people were created, destroyed, replaced, or abandoned/forgotten throughout the entire multiverse's existence. However, a new character had been introduced to Ink; a character he never created but adores even more for that reason.
Y/N, a girl with flowing H/C hair that literally sparlked. Her eyes were E/C and was as expressant as the entire Muliverse together. She was a character unlike any other before.
And with this new and uniqueness came worry and confusion from an abandoned skeleton hiding between AUs. Error Sans, destroyer of universes.
Y/N was a new creation and quickly became very close to Ink as he would show her around. "This is Undertale, the very beginning to all of our existences! And this is Underfell and Underswap, the first two variations of Undertale; these two led to nearly avery single variation of any AUs. See Birdtale over there? There's a Birdfell and Birdswap too!" Y/N would smile and instantly fall in love with all these different worlds. But her favorites were [AU], [AU], and [AU].
Once Dream met her, he instantly fell in love with her. "Aww, your so sweet," he cooed as Y/N handed a rose she got from Flowerfell to him. He slid the rose between his headband on the side of his skull. Y/N giggled, clasping her hands together and complimenting him.
Anyone could tell that Dream fell in love with her instantly. Hell, after a while, Ink couldn't hide he feels for her too. She was randomly created as an adult with no personality or interests but he got to be there as she became more complete. On every adventure, he gets to witness another part of her get created. It's so cute to him to see her curiosity get to her too!
But when Dream mentioned Y/N to Nightmare, the problem started. Nightmare immediately wanted to date this new creation and wasted no time informing Error about this. And this is where our story begins.
Y/N skipped around, singing to herself as she watched one of her favorite AUs through the small breaks in the multiverse. She smiled as she saw the little fallen child converse with one of the characters. It's so incredible how many genius ideas are created just through using Undertale as a template!
She pressed her hands between the little portal of [AU],the void created some random wall for her to rest her hands on. It's so weird how the Void knows where to place "floors," "walls," and when people want to just flout and all else.
"[AU], huh? I remember-r-r-r when that ErRor first ap-ap-appeared."
Y/N spun her head around quickly and saw another Sans. His skeleton was black aside from the blue lines connecting from his sockets to his jaw. The word "error" in all caps would appear disappear throughout his whole body, as if he was simply a glitch. A smug expression rested on his face as he looked through into [AU]. Y/N parted her lips and kept a curious expression as the examined the skeleton.
"Oh, I didn't see you there! Which Sans might you be?" She asked as a extended her hand for him to shake. The Sans eyes her hand for a moment without reacting. Y/N pulled her hand back, giggling nervously. "Actually- I heard it's polite to introduce myself first. I'm Y/N, I suppose the only "Y/N" in existence. I recently appeared here in the Void so I don't know too many people yet, haha."
The Error cocked his head smugly, immediately taking note of innocence in her voice. "Call me Error-or-or, and I'm not a S-Sans. I'm simply an anomaly-aly-ly here to fix all glitches and mistakes throughout the mult-multiverse. Basically, I c-clean the messes Ink makes."
Y/N hummed in curiosity before nodded. "That makes sense! Please, let me know if I can help in any way, heh heh. Since Ink's been pretty busy with an AU suddenly going missing, I've been pretty alone," she confessed as she swayed her body back and forth.
Error smirked wider, shrugging. "Well..." he spoke thoughtfully. "The job's a little bit ha-aaa-zardly for some-someone like you... You're cute and a-a-a bit too innocent-nt to join in," he answered cockily, like a older brother testing his little sister to see if she's up for whatever he has in store. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he walked past her to get close to another opening to an AU and looking it.
Y/N pouted her lip and smirked. "Well thank you, but I have to disagree," she crossed her arms. "I can a lot better than you think I can, mister."
Error looked over at her, "are you sur-re? You're not tainted ye-ye-ye-yet. You've seen too lit-t-tle of what the Multiverse has in store." Y/N just nodded her head, keeping that confident smile up.
Suddenly, Error started laughing. Y/N's cocked her head in confusion before joining in.
"Aww, haha! You re-remind me of Blue in a way- you know, Underswap Sans? You have so much learn about here before I let you jo-jo--join in," Error spoke as his smile turned more genuine. "I almos-st-st-t want you to stay that way, even if you're a g-g-glitch-ch as well."
Y/N giggled nervously before rubbing the back of her neck. "A glitch? How?" She didn't know too much about the Void or Multiverse so of course she asked.
"You'll understand one d-day." Error responded as his smile faded. He put his hands back in his pockets before sighing. He knew Ink was near.
He suddenly began walking away, yet again confusing Y/N. "Hey, wait- where are you going?" She asked as she turned her body to face him.
Error spoke as he a portal opened in front of him. "I j-just wanted to m-m-me-meet the new addition; I can't stay here," he explained matter-of-factly. His moods changed fast and became serious all at once. "But re-really, you're quite the pretty error. I couldn't ha-have someone like you join m-me ever. Oh, and don't tell Ink you saw me." With that, the skeleton walked right into the portal and disappeared from sight.
Y/N stood there with a blank face. She registered the previous moments in her head and smiled to herself. He was eccentric, wasn't he? The overlapping voices and lags coming out of his mouth was interesting to her. His smug and kinda playful attitude was nice, but a little strange with how quickly he changed the subject and mood. She was a little confused on why Ink shouldn't know of him but she wouldn't push it.
And just moments later, Ink appeared. "Hey, Y/N! How are things?" He asked as he popped up behind her. Y/N jolted but giggled.
"Great! I was thinking of how exciting it could be for there to be other me's too! An evil version, [monster/human] version, winged version, and everything!"
And with that, the two talked for while. Y/N would learn how she's a glitch some other time, but she knew to ask in a way that doesn't make it known she spoke to Error.
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
Hey Reader Insert Lady, I need some help. So, I see that you have Gaster in the voting thingy, and I was wondering if you knew this fic of him that I've been looking forever for. It's on ao3, I think, and it has multiple AUs. The book is like... 100k words long? and it was made somewhere around 2015-2017, I think. There's Underfell, Dancetale, and... I think UnderSwap as well? As well as a few other AUs. It's where Gaster and the reader travel through AUs to try and collect the pieces of his soul to make him whole again. But like, the reader shares souls with Gaster or something, and the reader slowly looks like Gaster? And, there's this one scene where the reader/gaster cries over eating a sandwich? Also, the author put songs to listen to through the story as well. I've been looking all over for this fic plzz help lol.
OMG I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT FIC YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT I— I love that fic so much, and I've gone back several times over the years just to re-read it. It's called Piece by Piece, and it was written by words_to_escape_by. Literally top 5 fics I have ever read. Undertale was my first fandom, and I've read over 200 reader insert fics (how many there were at the time a few years ago) of my homeboy Gaster. He's an old favorite of mine, and I swear, I'd read every single fic of him back in the day (I need to start reading more of him..)
But, I feel like most fics are often seen by how well written they are (or, how many big fancy words they use), and not by how memorable they are. This fic? Extremely memorable, and very easy to read. Like, I'd straight up sit down and read this in an afternoon. And, the plot was sooo good, too— that makes a fic memorable as well. Even if the trope has been used a lot; finding the pieces of Gaster or whatever, the plot? Was delicious.
(Story time: so, I was scrolling around for plain Dimentio fics a few years ago, and... I found this Dimentio x Luigi mother fuckin' vore fic, right? I am personally not into vore, but I was curious, and. I swear to god, it was so well written 😭 it takes you through some emotional trauma, and.. just holy fuck, it was so good. It easily makes top 10 for me, even if I am not really into that. And, it isn't a reader insert, either!! I've read it at least 3 different times. Lesson learned; Anyone could write about anything, and make it the best piece of fiction you've ever read.)
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So I just had a funny thought and I can't stop laughing about it so main 10 + dust and killer(I'm ok with just main 10 if adding two more is too much) with a child and S/O one day there just chilling and child starts screaming out of no where then runs hysterically and turns out there a cockroach on the wall... S/O takes skeletons slipper/her own slipper and throws it at the cockroach and it hits...
It's still moving so S/O goes for round 2 and throws another slipper... also hits the bug...
That sh** starts flying... S/O and child now screaming, there also running out of there if sans/papyrus are brave enough both S/O and there child screaming at them kill it they won't be coming out of the bedroom until it's dead or outside
S/O would have killed any bug that was small or a tad big but a bug the size of a tarantula( I'm sorry I can't spell) or a cockroach that flys that's where they draw the line.
Undertale Sans - He picks up the cockroach and throws it outside, taking his damn time. He doesn't understand why you're so scared of that little thing. You know he had cockroaches as pets when he was a kid? Well, that's for sure something you didn't want to learn about him.
Undertale Papyrus - He starts to throw bones everywhere, trying to catch the bug as it flies everywhere in panic. After that, the kitchen is a forest of bones but the cockroach is dead! ... Or he thinks so. He kinda lost it in the middle of all the bones. Oh well. A problem for his future self.
Underswap Sans - No, sorry, he can't. He's dying of laughter on the floor, screaming like a hyena as you and the kid are panicking and running around like headless chickens. He can never get enough of this. You end up kicking the cockroach out with a broom, and then you kick him out as well to thank him for his help.
Underswap Papyrus - What? Him? No! He's not touching that, he's scared as well. And you know what? To not have to do it, he starts to hyperventilate and then passes out on the floor, adding to the chaos lol.
Underfell Sans - He laughs like an evil villain and stomps on the thing in a disgusting "KRIIIIIISH" that still echoes in your head to this day. You can't get rid of the ugly stain on your carpet though. It's here to stay forever.
Underfell Papyrus - He picks up Doomfanger and throws his cat on the cockroach. Doomfanger then destroys the hell out of the cockroach and eats it entirely in front of your disgusted eyes, and his very proud eyes. That's his baby girl.
Horrortale Sans - Uh... Ok. He picks up the cockroach, slowly puts it outside, pets it twice on its little head, waves it goodbye, and goes back inside. Why being mean? The poor thing was just scared. You didn't know he could talk cockroach.
Horrortale Papyrus - He puts on a pair of kitchen gloves and comes to pick the thing. He then throws it outside and kicks it so it lands far from the house. Ew. He needs to clean the house again now. It's disgusting.
Swapfell Sans - Him? Like hell. He throws you on the floor as a sacrifice for the cockroach, picks his kid, and runs out of the house with them above his head. It was nice knowing you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He picks up the cockroach, laughing. Then he suddenly stops laughing and slowly turns around with a shark smile. "Oh no." "oh yes." You start running, screaming like you're getting murdered, as Rus runs behind you to put the cockroach in your hair. He can't help it, sorry.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He summons his three blasters and blasts the hell out of the cockroach. It's very dead now. So is the wall actually. You have a new window in the kitchen now. If it bothers you, he can still stick some tape on it.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He tries to push the cockroach, it jumps back at his face. Coffee is now screaming, the cockroach on his face, running into every piece of furniture and screaming for help to get it off. The worst part is when he runs into a wall, squeezing the cockroach on his face in a disgusting noise. Poor Coffee just unlocked a new trauma.
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franstastic-ideas · 3 years
I just got stung by wasps, and Tommy was a little late in warning me that hitting a tree could knock a wasp's nest loose! Speaking of, how would the boys react if their girls got stung by wasps?
Ah, the wasps... I've been playing Animal Crossing since the Gamecube days, so I'm plenty familiar with what happens when you shake the trees.
In Undertale, Sans winces when he sees how swollen Frisk's face is, but he takes good care of her stings. Papyrus screams when he sees what Chara looks like, then apologizes profusely because he just added insult to injury.
Sans of Underfell freaks out, of course. He's asking her a million questions as he's trying to take care of her, one of them being if she's allergic to wasps, and then panicking further when he realizes, "why don't i KNOW if you're allergic to wasps?!?!". Papyrus takes care of Chara's stings as calmly as possible, then goes out of his way to nuke every other wasp nest in the vicinity.
Sweet Underswap Sans swoops in as Frisk is being attacked; he gathers her up in his arms and whisks her away to safety. Then he dotes over her, tending to Frisk's swollen face by getting her medicine, and tells her she's still beautiful with total sincerity. Papples, he tries to help, but then he learns that he's afraid of wasps - so both he and Chara are in this together, running away from the stingers and taking care of each others stings later.
Swapfell Sans steps in right as Frisk is being attacked as well, but for whatever reason his mere presence is enough to make the wasps back off. Much like UF!Papyrus, once he's finished applying medicine to Frisk's face, he's going to remove every nest in the area himself. As for his brother... Papyrus drops to his knees and spreads his arms out in front of the wasps and cries out dramatically, "take me! take me instead!" ...But all that resulted in was both he and Chara getting stung terribly.
After G takes care of Frisk's stings, it's a long time before he'll let her walk alone around wasp territory. He's got one arm around her, ready to shortcut them both out of there at the first sign of a swarm headed their way. Green, he's got the best medicine for stings, but like his brother, he's keeping his sockets peeled for more wasps and feels uneasy about leaving Chara unattended in the danger zone.
As for W.D. Gaster, once Frisk's face has healed thanks to his medicine and love, he's taking her to every single wasp nest in the entire surrounding area, and then they're blasting them to kingdom come with a bazooka. Together~ ...Well, that's HIS plan, anyway.
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 4 years
     That ask about the snake and the s/o going into a fast moving river for it reminded me of the time I jumped into a fast moving river. I feel like it's good to note before this story that I'm actually kind of afraid of water because of almost drowning as little kid. Anyways, I was visiting some family a few years ago during the summer and it was hot out so we decided to go to river because there's a deeper pool in it without a whole lot of current and it stays relatively cool. My cousin had brought his 2 year old dog with him, Chevy, that he had adopted a few months prior but this was the first time we had met him. (He's the absolute cutest and sweetest pitbull ever.) And he got hot too, so he went in the river for a few minutes near us in the little pool and we didn't really think anything of it. Apparently my cousin wasn't watching Chevy very well though because I looked downriver not like two minutes later and THERE HE IS just struggling against the current.
     So, naturally, I leave the little pool everyone's in to go get my cousin's dog who's a good 500 feet or more down the river by now and, as I figured out later, it was absolutely a snap decision on my part to do so. I manage to get to him pretty quickly, because at this point in time I'm swimming with the river's current, and bring him closer to shore but by now we're pretty far from my family and they look like little dots on the bank. I hang onto Chevy and he's trying to get to the bank also (team effort!) but there's only one spot of bank this far down the river and it's tiny and steep and I let the Chevy go up while I stay in the river because I know I won't make it up the bank but I can at least help the dog up out of the water. So Chevy takes off through the brush and then down the road and I've made it maybe a third of the way back upriver by the time I see Chevy on the bank with my family (he's fully white and easy to spot) and everyone promptly starts to freak out and start screaming to figure out if Chevy just ran ahead of me or if I'm still in the water.
     Legitimately the second I'm close enough to the bank my family's on though, Chevy helps me get up onto the bank the rest of the way by dragging me in by my shirt. I probably laid there on the bank for like an hour after letting everyone know I was fine, but I was so tired after that. I think I took like a five hour nap when we got back to the house lol. Chevy is literally my best buddy now and he's all over me whenever I see him, he even napped with me when he got back to the house.
     Anyways, sorry for the long story, but how would the Farmtale, Underfell, Mafiatale, and the regular Undertale bros (sorry if that's too many) react to learning their s/o did that? Maybe they found out by asking how that one pet in particular just won't leave their s/o alone and is always exponentially excited to see them or something like that? Also, I hope you're doing well and staying hydrated and eating food and stuff, just taking care of yourself. You deserve the absolute best and nothing less. (Also sorry for my inactivity in your inbox lately, I haven't been doing too well.)
- Ghost
Ghost!!! 💖💞✨ No need to apologize! I saw your sweet message on uquiz! I hope your days get better because YOU are amazing, ok? 🥺
Also, your dog Chevy sounds adorable 😭💖✨
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Straws: Well, he knows how close some owners get with their animals. Just look at him and his chickens! But he never expected such a story! He’ll lean down give your dog an affectionate pat on the head and congratulate him on being such a good boy. 
Plaid: He’ll be slack-jawed the entire story and just blink at you and your dog when you’re done. “Talk about a crazy story.” He’ll bend down and pet your dog while he makes a mental note to tell you about all the dangerous spots in the river by their farm. 
Red: He listens to your story completely enraptured by every detail. From the moment you tell him the dog was way farther down the river to the point where he was dragging you up to the bank. What a story! He’s not surprised. The dogs of his underground were very tough, so dogs on the surface aren’t too different? Well, maybe a little different. Yours is very lovable and affectionate. The dogs of his underground still owe him 20G.
Boss: He’ll listen to your story intently and nod along to everything you say. When you’re done he’ll look down and nod at your dog. He’s heard harrowing stories like this back in the underground. The rushing waterways between snowdin, waterfall, and hotland were no joke. He’s glad both you and your dog were able to get out of that situation ok.
Brick: He’s got the dog cradled in his arms while you tell him the story, and when you’re done it finally clicks and he just stares down at your dog in his arms with big eyelights. “This dog is tough! I like him!” (As if that wasn’t obvious before, Brick?) He’ll pull you into his arms as well and tell you that he’s glad it all turned out ok.
Gent: Gent is not a fan of dogs at all. He’s more of a cat person if he’s being honest. He tolerates your dog at first because he’s so close to you. But when you tell him WHY your dog is so close to you? Perhaps he can afford to like ONE dog....(Don’t let him lie to you, he can’t resist those big ol’ puppy dog eyes and will be very protective of him from this point on.)
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Keep Breathing (standalone)
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Summary:  Edge can handle this. He can. All he has to do is keep breathing.
Notes:    I forget where I saw it, on twitter or discord, about Edge being unable to understand what he felt when he saw Stretch. This is what sort of evolved from it.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Papcest, Angst, Feels, LV Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Breathing, that was what was important. In, out, deep, slow breaths. It took a few before the icy Snowdin air seemed to help smother the fire currently burning in his chest. Edge kept it up, slow breaths, in and out, and he didn’t have lungs, but he still needed air, his magic greedily incorporating the oxygen as the sense of smothering he’d felt in the Swap brothers’ house faded.
His bones felt hot and achy, the snow beneath him melting and soaking into his trousers as he sat curled up on the ground behind the house, out of view of any passersby on the streets. Not far away he could hear the crunch of footsteps and words blurred by distance, pedestrians heading to the shops or perhaps Muffet’s for a treat. Their laughter was clearer, unknowing that he was close by and listening, and Edge buried his face into his updrawn knees and did not wonder at what they might think if they saw him here, if their concern would turn to fear with a simple Check.
It was rare that he made such a foolish mistake. If his brother’s lessons hadn’t taught him caution, then life in Underfell certainly had. One was cautious or one was dead, there was little room for error. Although foolish was far too sedate a word for this. Insanity might be closer, to come here to this softer world with his LV still sizzling in his soul. He’d thought it was safe, that it had settled enough or perhaps wished it so desperately to be true that he’d convinced himself it was.
He should have known better.
Bounty hunters were supposed to restrain themselves to the deeper parts of Snowdin woods where no one lived, only existed, those who lumbered about with their minds lost to their LV. Supposed to, but anyone willing to bounty usually had high LV themselves and the irony that they would probably become what they hunted in the end was not often lost on them. When they were teetering between hunter and hunted, anyone unlucky enough to cross their path could be the one to set them off and send them over the brink. Edge’s luck had been especially poor today to come across a hunting pair while checking the traplines and if he’d been only slightly slower, a fraction less dedicated to his training, he would have simply been more dust added to their growing pile.
He hadn’t killed them, though it had been a near thing. Only taken them down to one HP and left them panting in the snow to either drag themselves away to try healing or perhaps finish each other off. Either way, they were likely as good as dead, but he refused to take them over the line. His own LV was already high enough, he shuddered to think of the amount of XP that would come from killing a hunter, much less two. He hadn’t stayed to see which option they chose, only hurried back to Snowdin proper without trying to seem as if he was hurrying. The walk had seemed endless, fraught with peril as anyone who dared check him would find him vulnerable. No one did, their ingrained wariness of the guard keeping them from trying their chances.
He’d arrived home with no fresh XP, but his soul still felt as if it were lit on fire from deep within, crying greedily for more. He likened it to a voice in the back of his skull, one that grew louder with every LV up and made cold demands for more payment in dust. He’d learned to ignore it, mostly, except for these moments when his soul felt as if it was swelling in his ribcage, hovering hot and bloated in his chest, and wresting control back seemed to take longer every time.
He should have called Blue then to cancel their cooking lesson, offered his regrets and made plans for another day. He should have and hadn’t, selfishly telling himself that he had it under control because he hadn’t wanted to cancel. He’d wanted to come to their shared cooking lessons, wanted to be here in this world with its abundant supplies and residents that walked the streets easily without having to peer out their front doors before stepping out into crisp air that didn’t taste of bitter, lingering dust. The same air he was so desperately inhaling now.
Tacos were the order of the day, a simple dish with a thousand variations. He’d been helping Blue chop up the brisket that’d already spent the day roasting slowly in the oven and he'd absently reached for a scrap of gristle that would otherwise be heading to the waste bin, only to have Blue playfully slap his hand away.
"Ah, ah,” he’d laughed, his starry eye lights bright and amused, “you'll spoil your appetite."
And in that one split second, his control broke free of his increasingly tenuous grasp and he'd nearly struck back. He could still see his intention in his mind's eye, to slap this little aggravation out of his way, how dare they lay a hand on him when they should be cowering at his feet, how dare they, how—
He'd reeled it back in almost instantly, but the damage was done, the urge lingering. He wouldn’t allow it control. He couldn’t. Edge turned on his heel and walked out, ignoring Blue's confused calls for him to come back, he was only teasing, Edge…?
He ignored it all, hasty strides taking him out into the cold snow, fleeing as if the hunters were still scrabbling at his heels and not one small, confused skeleton. He’d gone, one hand clawing at the front of his shirt to let in some much-needed cold air and didn’t stop until he was around the house at the back door that led downstairs to the machine. His boots slid in snow hardpacked from so many others walking through it and he’d slipped, falling heavily to the ground. His flight back to Underfell paused as he crawled over to lean against the house and all he could do was heave in long, slow breaths to ease the aching burn in his chest.
Around him, lights were coming from the windows of the other little houses, cutting through the darkness. Artificial dusk had fallen at some point after he’d arrived, and those houses were filled with Monsters who had no idea who was in their midst. Their souls weren’t like his; they were innocent, as pure as Blue’s, and—
He’d been so confused, apologizing profusely even without knowing what he was apologizing for. Edge would have to think of something to tell him, some excuse for his poor manners. Better for Blue to think Edge rude than the alternative; that he’d very nearly beaten him bloody in his own kitchen for the tiny sin of teasing. He needed to get and keep control over himself, and right quickly. Any moment now Blue might come looking at him, all innocent, solicitous concern.
He didn’t want Blue to see him right now, didn’t want anyone to see him. But the voice that suddenly came was from no one he’d considered at all.
“you okay?”
Edge whipped around to see Stretch leaning around enough to peer around the corner, his lower half still concealed by the house. One of his ever-present cigarettes was smoldering between two fingers, ash falling from the tip into the snow, so much like dust—
“What the hell do you want?” Edge snarled, his guilt suddenly swirling with the tension Stretch always brought with him. There was something about Stretch that had simply irritated him at first sight, something that he couldn’t put to words. It couldn’t be his lazy ways or his attitude or even his way of dress. Sans was much the same and he didn’t provoke the same reaction. But there was something, something in his enigmatic smile or the cant of his hips that made Edge’s soul stir in a way reminiscent of LV. Like now, fanning the already agitated heat inside him even hotter.
Stretch only shrugged. He’d always taken Edge’s dislike of him in stride, offering the occasional sly insult and little more. “just what it says on the box. are you okay?”
Someone of the science mind might find it interesting that all of them sounded so differently. Papyrus’s voice was surprisingly nasally for someone who had no nose, and Edge’s own ranged into higher pitch, almost a screech at times, and it took considerable effort to keep it to a lower tone. The low rasp of Stretch’s, like velvet polishing marble, was surely a sign of the Universe’s bizarre sense of humor; he didn’t deserve such a voice to use while he snored his life away.
“I’m fine,” Edge said shortly.
“uh huh. fine. you’re always fine, huh. bet your ass you are.” He exhaled smoke through his nasal aperture and it wreathed his face, his cigarette glowed brighter as he took another drag. The glowing ember briefly illuminating his face, giving it an eldritch cast and making his resemblance to Edge even more uncanny than normal. "even when you’re not.”
Did he know what Edge had been thinking? Difficult to say with him, there were times when Edge envied that carelessly bland expression, so difficult to read, even for his own brother.
“Am I supposed to be grateful for your concern?” Edge asked instead. “I see you looking at me. I know what you think of me.”
“yeah?” Stretch said mildly. “you think you got the inside scoop of what’s on my mind?”
Edge closed his mouth hard and turned away. No, no, he didn't and that was part of the problem, wasn't it. He didn’t know what went on in that head, couldn’t begin to guess. He only knew that despite sharing a face, it was nothing like what was in his own.
Stretch finally stepped around the corner entirely, sauntering closer and seeming not to notice Edge’s barely stifled flinch even as he snarled, “Get that filthy thing away from me—"
He trailed away as Stretch tamped out the cigarette on the bottom of his sneaker before he could finish, tucking the remaining butt into his pocket.
Stretch sat down next to him, seemingly equally unperturbed by the snow soaking into his clothes and Edge’s unwelcoming expression. Not touching, but close enough if one want to reach out a hand. Or a fist.
“what am i thinking,” Stretch mused, “hm. tell you what, let me give you a quick rundown. right now, i’m thinking that i wanted to check on you ‘cause you ran out of my house like you were getting chased by a bony bat out of hell. even my little bro’s most creative cooking ain’t that bad. i wanted to make sure you're okay.” He shrugged, an easy roll of shoulders. “that's it, it's not that deep.”
That was untrue. The fact that he came out at all meant something and Edge didn’t understand what. Unless his goal was to keep Blue away, a sensible choice if that were so.
Stretch didn’t wait for him to gather his wandering thoughts. "you think you know what’s on my mind? let me tell you something. you come from the wrong side of the multiverse and shit is rough for you, right? you think i don’t get that? you think that sitting here cushy in my slice of the universe means i don’t get what it’s like for you?” He tipped his head towards Edge, half a smirk lifting the side of his mouth and Edge wondered if he were being mocked. “well, you’re right. i don’t. but only takes one look at your face to guess that.” His hands didn’t seem to know what to do without their usual vice. They rested on his knees, his thumbs rubbing absent circles against the coarse material of his cargo pants. “i don’t know what it’s like to live in your ‘verse and you only think you know what it’s like in mine. we’re that much alike, ain’t we.”
“I have LV.” And you don’t was left unspoken.
“i know. but i’d be the last person to judge you about that.” His smirk twisted into something almost bitter, some humor that Edge couldn’t place. “the very last.” Stretch sighed and climbed to his feet with a groan, pressing both hands into the base of his spine as he arched. He held out a hand and after a moment, Edge took it. his gloved fingers against Stretch’s bare ones. ”come on, my bro’s been working hard on his weird ass tacos. ‘preciate if you could choke down a bite or t—hey!”
His yelp was loud, echoing then lost in the cavern overhead. The moment he was on his feet, Edge pushed Stretch against the house and finally that casual façade cracked, his sockets startled and wide as Edge pinned him against the wall. That hot, heavy feeling in his soul surged again, overwhelming the linger dregs of LV and all Edge wanted was to wipe away that easy smirk, touch the untouchable.
Only that startled expression changed into something else, unexpected and unreadable. “well, now, didn’t know this was already on the menu.”
“What?” Edge only managed that single word before Stretch kissed him, full and hard, right on the mouth. His teeth were already parted and Stretch’s tongue slipped smoothly between them, moving against his own. Edge might have expected the taste of cigarettes and it was there, a little, the slightest taint of ashy nicotine. That taste was quickly swallowed up, engulfed, transmuting into unknown honeyed sweetness and warmth.
Stretch’s hands were resting on Edge’s chest, his bare, bony palms flat against his uniform shirt, bleeding warmth through the cold air around them and it was too fast, too much. Edge jerked back and stared speechlessly into Stretch’s face. His eye sockets were half-closed and within them, lights burned, their normal pale hue tinged with a strange cocktail of orange and blue.
His mouth moved as Edge stared, reforming that lazy smirk before he said, “you wanna go right here or take this up to my room?”
The words made no sense to him, nothing but pointless yammering. Then he realized he still had Stretch pinned against a wall, pressed to him from chest to pelvis.
Oh. He thought Edge wanted sex. He didn’t, that wasn’t why, but the actual reasons were fuzzy now, distorted. Why had he pinned Stretch to the wall? He was no longer certain. That confusing roil in his soul whenever he saw Stretch only surged harder as if straining inside his ribcage, LV only a careless afterthought, drowned out by the taste of sweetness lingering on his tongue. He breathed in hard through his teeth, but the cold air didn’t deaden that tingle, the burn shifting from his soul to his mouth. He didn’t know, he didn’t understand, he couldn’t—
Edge backed off, almost stumbling as he stuttered out, “I…I didn’t…”
That easy sultry expression shifted, Stretch’s gaze narrowing. “no, you didn’t, did you. pity,” he murmured. He dusted himself off as if to sweep away any lingering traces of Edge’s touch, already reaching into his pocket for his lighter and cigarettes. “welp. on we go, then, to dinner and probable indigestion.”
All Edge could do was follow him, noting that his back was infuriatingly dry while Edge could feel his own snow-wet clothes clinging uncomfortable to his bones.
Stretch turned the corner and abruptly stopped, wariness dropping briefly across his face before it smoothed away. Edge didn’t think, pushed in front of him automatically to face whatever threat dared to invade this world and instead found his own brother standing there.
With his slouching stance and his hands tucked into his jacket pockets, some might mistake Red for harmless. It was a mistake few survived and even Edge was wary of that casual menace. Red’s gaze narrowed as he looked at them, crimson eye lights sweeping over them both. He ran his tongue over his teeth, the tip digging into the gold one. “heya, ashtray. whatcha doing out here with my bro?”
The lazy warning was unmistakable, and Edge stiffened, already bracing himself to take the brunt of his brother’s temper. Stretch only stepped around him, flashing that careless smile as he tucked a cigarette into the corner of his mouth. He cupped his hands around the flame of his lighter, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he said, “nothing i wouldn’t do with you.”
“that ain’t much reassurance.”
“heh. wasn’t trying to be.” He strolled on, skirting around Red with an extra sway in his narrow hips as if he was just another obstacle in his path and left Edge to deal with his brother.
The moment he was out of sight, Edge swung around to glare at Red.
It had little effect on his brother, it never had. He only offered his own shrug, the roll of his shoulders infuriatingly similar to Stretch’s. “just makin’ sure you ain’t gonna lose your head, boss.”
Edge narrowed his gaze, hissing out, “I don’t need your help!”
The word was soaked in doubt and Edge stormed past him, ignoring whatever else Red said as he went back into the house where Blue was surely waiting. There were apologies to be made and tacos to be eaten. At least whatever it was that Stretch stirred in his soul had settled his LV, that heat was banked back, for now. He could handle anything else that came his way, he didn’t need help from anyone, not even his brother, and if seeing Stretch sitting at the dinner table made him inhale slowly through his open mouth, his mouth watering not from tacos but from a memory of sweetness, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if that taste lingered, if that strange feeling still sat heavy in his soul.
None of it mattered, so long as he kept breathing.
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lizzie-tempest · 4 years
Can...can we get the paps of the yanderes SO finds out they are pregnant and manages to escape?
Oh no.  If there’s one thing you’ve learned about the skeleton brothers, it’s that even though they’re both yanderes, Papyrus is the one you really need to worry about.  Sans may be the violent and manipulative one, but at least you can predict when he’s gonna strike.  But Papyrus?
Completely unstable.  There’s a reason why he usually gets what he wants.  No one wants to get on his bad side.  You don’t know what might happen if you do.  And once he finds out you’re pregnant, there’s no knowing what he’ll do to keep you with him.
You’re quick to leave.  You’re surprisingly lucky.  You find a place to settle down, find someone new to love who accepts your pregnant.  The months go on and as you get more and more heavily pregnant, you relax.  You think you’ve finally done it.  You’ve finally broken free!
There’s a knock on your door while your partner is at work.  You don’t think anything of it, until you open the door.  
Papyrus is standing there, grin crazed and eyes wild.  He’s covered in blood and you can see why.  Your partner’s body is lying on the floor, completely mangled beyond recognition and their decapitated head in Papyrus’ grasp.
He takes in your form, his hands stroking your belly and it’s then that Sans steps into sight, waving the pregnancy test and smirking.
“you didn’t think we’d let you go, did you?”
You try and get away.  Really you do.  
But no matter who you try and turn to for help, they turn their backs on you.  Family?  Consider yourself disowned.  Friends?  All talking behind your back.  Everyone who you used to talk to, be friends with and care about before you started going out with Stretch, now wants nothing to do with you and you can’t understand why.
But it turns out, that Stretch has actually been rather busy.  He knows you’re pregnant.  He’s known for days that you’re trying to get away.  He could see it in your soul.  He can’t let you get away.   He loves you too much. 
So he started spreading rumours.  It’s amazing how the tiniest rumours spread among humans and can flare into a wild fire of nastiness and cruelty towards the one being talked about.  Stupid human idiots will believe everything.
You finally come back to him in tears, sobbing and genuinely upset about how your loved ones have treated you.  
He shushes you.  Stretch pulls you into his arms and dries your tears, allowing you to sob openly into his hoodie and telling him your woes.  
“shh.  it’s alright, honey.  they can’t really love you if they treat you like that, right?”
You nod.  He grins.  He’s got you right where he wants you.
“it’s okay.  you’ve got me.  i’ll always be here, i’ll never say such mean things about you.  you can count on me.  you don’t need anyone else.  wanna go upstairs and cuddle?”
You sniffle and mutter a quiet “Okay.”
Without you even knowing, he’s got you in his clutches again.  And this time, there’s no chance of escape.
Naturally, he’s furious when he discovers you’re gone anyway.  Even more so when he finds the pregnancy test.  This just would not do at all.  Has he taught you nothing?
It really doesn’t take him that long to hunt you down, he’s rather experienced in hunting humans after all.  He doesn’t listen to your protests and unfortunately for you, no one jumps in to help you.  No one wants to confront the giant, scowling skeleton with razor sharp teeth.
When he gets you home, he tugs you in the direction of the basement and you start struggling and screaming even more.  You know from experience what will happen if you go down there.  
He’s going to punish you for leaving.  
Oh, but rest assured that the baby won’t be harmed.  He’ll make sure of that.  He just has to make sure that you realize what you did wrong and then he will restart the process of training you.
A good mate is an obedient one, after all.
Is completely delusional.  Your unsteady relationship with Crooks is based purely on the fact that you look a little like the main character on his favourite show.  He insists on you dressing, talking and acting like that person so that he can live out his fantasy of being with that character.  It makes you uneasy to begin with, but when you find out you’re pregnant you know that you can’t do this anymore.
You try and break it to him gently.  Besides the whole character worship thing, he’s been sweet and kind and you don’t want to break his heart.  You can still be friends and you want him to be involved with the child if he wishes to be.  If not, then you understand.  Not everyone wants to be parents.
He takes it surprisingly well and sends you on your way.  He...took it a little too well.
Crooks shows up at your work the next day, all smiles and holding a gift basket filled with goodies.  His obsession’s favourite snacks and treats.
When he calls you over, he’s not using your name.  He’s using their name.  You try and talk to him, try and explain that you’re no longer together and that you broke up the day before.  He just smiles sweetly, blinking.
“What are you talking about, my dear?  We had no such conversation!  Oh, you must be imagining things!  An effect of the pregnancy, no doubt!” He’s announced it so loudly that everyone is looking over now.  Crooks insists on taking you home and you reluctantly agree.
Except he doesn’t take you to your home.  He takes you back to his home.  When you try and protest he pouts and says that he has prepared a home-cooked meal for you.  He made it with love!  You’re aware of what the situation in the Underground was.  You can’t bring yourself to turn him down. 
When you step inside he locks the door.  You reluctantly eat the spaghetti he’s made, feeling more nervous with every mouthful.  Why isn’t he eating?
You feel drowsy.  You just about catch Crooks grinning with excitement before everything goes black.
You wake up in their basement, surrounded by pillows and blankets.  And dressed as the main character from his favourite show, hair styled in the same way and a chain around your ankle.
You left him?  You left?  How could you do this to him?  Don’t you realize how much he loves you?
Mutt hunts you down out of desperation.  He needs you.  He can’t live without your presence in his life.  Every moment that he’s without you increases his anxiety.
Are you safe?  Are you alive?  Are you happy?  These questions and more bounce around in his skull as he searches, growing more desperate and frustrated with each passing day.  He needs you, you’re his princess!  His goddess!  His very reason for staying alive!
He starts scratching at his bones.  It’s his fault you left.  He wasn’t good enough.  If he had been a better mate, if he had protected you from the outside world then you wouldn’t have left.
You’re a few months along when he finds you.  He takes you in, stares at your belly and the cogs start turning.  The dots connect.  It makes sense.  
You wanted this to be a surprise!  Oh what a wonderful mate you are!  So perfect!  He grabs you before you can run.
“i finally found you!  at long last, stars i was goin’ crazy without ya.” he presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
You whimper, protesting and trying to get away and his expression turns crazed.
“no!  don’t leave me again!  please, i can’t live without you!  look!  look what i did!  i did this because you left me!  that kinda makes it your fault, haha!”
He’s shoved his wrists into your face and you take in the deep scratches.  The kind soul you are can’t help but inspect them, trying to make sure they’re not infected or hurting in any way and he purrs at the attention.
Mutt’s teleported you home without you even knowing it, having used his scratched wrists to distract you.  He pulls you even closer, placing his hand on your belly.
“now we can be together forever.”
I’m so sorry this took so long.  I got this ask really late at night, so I decided to leave it till morning.  But then I had to help Big Bro make a CV and THEN I got dragged out to walk Tilly dog and have only now just been able to get to it! >_> 
I hope it’s okay! 
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