#I know there are others I just can't think of them at the moment; I'll remember when I least expect to
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Sound III
Steph Catley x Child!Reader
Summary: Your first day at school
"Go on," Steph says," Go and stand with Calvin and I'll take a picture."
You shift a little on your feet as you do as you're told.
Steph's been floating on air this whole morning.
She made you a special breakfast of pancakes and strawberries. She brushed your hair gently and helped your change into your new uniform.
You think she might end up crying too but that's only because your best friend told you that's what her mothers did when they were in the shop to buy her new uniform.
"You're so grown up now, angel," Steph says from behind her camera," I might cry."
You knew that would happen and you shuffle forward to hug her.
She's much bigger than you. She's always been bigger than you but that's okay because Steph says you've got a much bigger heart than her so you try to force all of your love into this hug for her.
"It's only a half day, alright?" She says, though it seems like she's trying to remind herself more than you," So I'll be picking you up right before lunch and we'll head back to training. I'm sure the others are all going to be so excited to hear about your day."
"Okay, Mummy."
"And..." Steph trails up, biting at her lip for a moment before kneeling down and drawing your closer. "There's going to be a lot of kids and they won't be like your friends at camp. They might not...understand that-"
"That I have to wear extra ears?"
"That you have to wear hearing aids, that's right. Do you remember your rules?"
You do.
Of course you do.
Steph made sure you memorised all of them during summer, insisting that they were important for your wellbeing.
"Don't let anyone touch my ears. No turning off my ears and remember that my new friends might not know how to sign so I have to use my voice."
Steph smiles. "Good girl. And make sure that if anyone teases you, you go straight to the teacher to let them know."
You nod. "I will, Mummy."
Steph doesn't end up crying at home though her eyes water slightly as she loads you up into the car.
She doesn't even cry when she leaves you in your new classroom with your new teacher and your new classmates.
She does cry in the car though.
In the car.
On the way to training.
At training.
She just can't seem to stop.
"She's so big now," Steph sobs into Beth's shoulder," So big. When did she get so big?"
"Still crying?" Kyra asks with a dismissive eye roll.
"Has been for the past half an hour," Alessia replies," Beth had to convince her not to pick y/n up early."
"Y/n's a great kid. I'm sure she's having the best time."
"Don't tell Steph that. It might be too much to cope with."
The hours tick by slowly or at least they do to Steph. For what feels like every half an hour, she looks up at the clock to find only five minutes have passed.
It's excruciatingly painful and it's clear to everyone that she's not really listening so it's no surprise that Steph is up and gone like a shot the minute her alarm goes off.
She's early to pick up, anxiously parked outside the school and tapping her steering wheel before your class comes out.
You're near the front like she told you to be, your pastel pink backpack practically dwarfing you in size as you come out.
"Hey, angel," Steph coos as you go running into her arms, burying your face into her neck," Hey. I missed you today."
"Missed you too, mummy," You reply, your voice small and quiet like it usually is," I kept my ears on. I didn't let people touch them. I spoke as I signed too."
"Good girl," Steph says, easily lifting you up into her arms," And was it good? School? Did you have fun?"
You look a little nervous but still nod. "I think so."
Steph doesn't want to pry too deep into that while still on school grounds but there's a horrible sinking feeling in her chest at your words.
They play on her mind as she drives back to training. They're at the very front of her thoughts as she watches you go off to play with Kyra, Vic and Alessia.
She almost wears the floor down with her pacing as your words circle her head without respite.
You were a little nervous to tell her. You weren't sure if you had fun at school.
You certainly look like you're having fun now though as Kyra grabs you from behind and swings you around in the air before Vic and Less pounce and tickle your tummy.
You shriek with laughter and Steph doesn't want to think about you not having this kind of fun at school too.
She doesn't want to think about it all but she can't help it, calling out to stop your play before she even realises what she's done.
"Hey," She says, taking your hands and sitting down on the grass with you," I wanted to talk to you. Can we talk?"
You're still smiling - that infectious smile you have that makes everyone smile with you. "We can talk, Mummy!"
"I wanted to talk about school."
Your bright smile drops immediately. "Oh."
Steph draws you closer until you're firmly sat on her lap and she can hold your properly.
"I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?"
"I can do that."
Steph takes a big breath before asking," Did you enjoy school? This is important."
You say something but it's a mumble and Steph has to strain to hear you.
"I enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun."
Steph frowns. "Then why did you say you weren't sure earlier."
You nibble at the inside of your cheek for a moment before you say," You looked sad this morning when you were getting me ready. I didn't want you to be more sad if it looked like I had more fun at school."
"Oh...Well..." Steph takes a moment to compose herself, to think through her muddle of thoughts. "You don't have to be scared to tell me these things, angel. I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things. I just want you to be happy."
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This made me curious so I decided to try and map them all to different pairs! I'll try to explain my logic too :] In no particular order!:
Stubborn - Determination/Stubbornness This one's a given. Take a single look at any chapter he's in, honestly. Adversary is the biggest display of this, though, since he won't even waver for death until it becomes 100% clear you're losing ground with each death.
Hero - Compassion/Naivety Hero's basically always trying to do the right thing, but even he knows he's gullible [Chapter 2: the Razor]. An easy one!
Opportunist - Resourcefulness/Opportunism I was torn between a few of them but this one had the best description ["A character is adept at finding solutions but is also quick to exploit situations for personal gain"]. Oppy's basically always sucking up to whoever he thinks will give him power [Chapter 3: the Wraith] and he isn't stupid. He waits to reveal his plan until the Witch trusts you specifically because he deems you a bad liar [although I can't think of a single instance in which this is backed up by gameplay, personally].
Smitten - Optimism/Denial Burned Grey. Thorn. Moment of Clarity. Optimism and denial fit him perfectly.
Contrarian - Humor/Inappropriateness Stranger of course shows this dichotomy of his well, but also how he acts in No Way Out and the way you get him in the Arms Race fit this REALLY well.
Cold - Resilience/Emotional Detatchment Cold added that to the list himself I just know it /silly. Anyways, Moment of Clarity if you want a good example
Paranoid - Honesty/Bluntness This one feels a bit more like a stretch than the others so far? But he openly admits to not trusting the Narrator [Chapter 3: the Apotheosis] [Chapter 2: the Nightmare] and calls out Hero for being bad at running a body [Chapter 2: the Nightmare].
Skeptic - Strategic/Calculative Sorry Skeptic lovers, I don't have a specific thing to cite here I just went off vibes for him. I like him a lot he just doesn't make a ton of sense to me </3
Hunted - Patience/Passivity Passivity doesn't fit him insanely well but one could argue he doesn't take the action of slaying Den when "needed". Idk, Hunted's an odd one. I like him but he also confuses me a bit, and he just doesn't fit any of these amazingly well
Cheated - Wisdom/Cynicism This guy is so cynicism. I just don't encounter him often enough to have many scenes to point to, but the entirety of Cage and especially the moment where he thinks she'll drop you jump out at me.
Broken - Loyalty/Blind Obedience Tower and Apotheosis for loyalty/blind obedience towards the Princess, Adversarial Fury for loyalty towards the player :]
Ok that's all of the voices. Scuttles away.
20 Compelling Positive-Negative Trait Pairs
Here are 20 positive and negative trait pairs that can create compelling character dynamics in storytelling:
1. Bravery - Recklessness: A character is courageous in the face of danger but often takes unnecessary risks.
2. Intelligence - Arrogance: A character is exceptionally smart but looks down on others.
3. Compassion - Naivety: A character is deeply caring but easily deceived due to their trusting nature.
4. Determination - Stubbornness: A character is persistent in their goals but unwilling to adapt or compromise.
5. Charisma - Manipulativeness: A character is charming and persuasive but often uses these traits to exploit others.
6. Resourcefulness - Opportunism: A character is adept at finding solutions but is also quick to exploit situations for personal gain.
7. Loyalty - Blind Obedience: A character is fiercely loyal but follows orders without question, even when they're wrong.
8. Optimism - Denial: A character remains hopeful in difficult times but often ignores harsh realities.
9. Humor - Inappropriateness: A character lightens the mood with jokes but often crosses the line with their humor.
10. Generosity - Lack of Boundaries: A character is giving and selfless but often neglects their own needs and well-being.
11. Patience - Passivity: A character is calm and tolerant but sometimes fails to take action when needed.
12. Wisdom - Cynicism: A character has deep understanding and insight but is often pessimistic about the world.
13. Confidence - Overconfidence: A character believes in their abilities but sometimes underestimates challenges.
14. Honesty - Bluntness: A character is truthful and straightforward but often insensitive in their delivery.
15. Self-discipline - Rigidity: A character maintains strong control over their actions but is inflexible and resistant to change.
16. Adventurousness - Impulsiveness: A character loves exploring and trying new things but often acts without thinking.
17. Empathy - Overwhelm: A character deeply understands and feels others' emotions but can become overwhelmed by them.
18. Ambition - Ruthlessness: A character is driven to achieve great things but willing to do anything, even unethical, to succeed.
19. Resilience - Emotional Detachment: A character can endure hardships without breaking but often seems emotionally distant.
20. Strategic - Calculative: A character excels at planning and foresight but can be cold and overly pragmatic in their decisions.
These pairs create complex, multi-dimensional characters that can drive rich, dynamic storytelling.
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living at the edge of the world (2/2)
part 1 | ao3 version here
aaaaand we're done. needs a polish but it should be on ao3 early next week if anyone prefers to read there!
The hospital moves around him.
That's how it feels. Like Buck, still in his turnouts, is pinned and at the mercy of gravity (gravity pulling at the chopper, fighting with mechanics and engineering and winning, always winning and - no) while the whole world moves around him, able to go on somehow, while he's just - here. Noises blur and blend into a background roar that fades under the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears, the lights are too bright, his hands hurt from how tight he's been balling them into fists to stop them shaking.
Tommy had disappeared through those doors into surgery with a crowd of doctors and nurses around him and even knowing that he wouldn't be allowed, Buck had tried to follow only to be - gently, kindly, firmly turned back. And now he's sitting here, him and Tommy both victims of gravity, and Tommy might as well be on the other side of the planet for how far away he feels.
Time stretches and compresses around him, meaningless waves of seconds and minutes and centuries.
He still hasn't cried.
Hen shows up first, with a bag of his clothes and a hug that he collapses into.
"They won't tell me anything," he says, muffled into her shoulder. "I'm not - not an emergency contact."
"Okay," she says. "Go get changed. I'll talk to them."
Buck blinks and he's in the bathroom, dressed in the clothes Hen must have taken from his locker.
His turnouts won't fit into the bag. He remembers they had the same problem after Maddie and Chim's wedding - Tommy's turnouts too large and too stiff to fit in a bag. Buck had run them down to the Jeep, part of him thrilling at the sight of Tommy's name, right there on his backseat. He flips his own turnouts inside out to try to keep the mess off his clothes.
Blinks and he's back in the waiting room.
"He'll be in surgery for a while," Hen says when she sits back down next to him. "His emergency contact is on the way, we'll find out more then. Sorry I couldn't get more out of them."
"That's okay," Buck says, and his voice comes out croaky and weak. He clears his throat, but doesn't have anything to say.
Hen puts her arm around his shoulders and it takes him a beat to lean into it.
"Tommy's tough," she says, and he nods, trying not to remember how scared Tommy had looked, how scared he'd sounded, those awful moments in the ambulance where he'd - where he'd had to be brought back, because - because he was gone.
"I should have told him," he says.
"That I love him. I should have said it. Hen, why didn't I say it?"
"You'll get the chance," she tells him. "You've gotta believe that."
Some indeterminate period of time later, Chim arrives, side by side with -
He looks harried, still in his uniform, like he came right from his station on the other side of town. Buck only met him a couple of times when he and Tommy were dating, didn't know he'd be the emergency contact, but it makes sense. Tommy's cousin lives near Portland - shit, someone should call him, Buck thinks - and it would have to be someone local.
"Hey, kid," Sal says. "You got here quick."
"We were at the scene," Hen says, her voice heavy with a significance Buck can't parse right now.
"Ah, hell. Alright. Hang tight."
Chim sits on the other side of Buck, him and Hen like brackets, holding Buck together. Buck thinks they're talking but he can't hear it, can't look away from where Sal is at the nurse's station, talking seriously and quietly with someone Buck can't see.
"Can - can someone let Eddie know?" Buck asks.
"Already did," Chim says. "Maddie's dropping Jee with Anne and John and she'll be here as soon as she can."
Buck nods, draws breath to say something about Tommy's cousin but it sticks in his throat when Sal turns and heads back towards them.
"Okay," he says. "He's still in surgery, probably will be for a bit yet because of some internal bleeding and they want to set the breaks they can while he's under, too. They sound hopeful, though. They said the care he got on the scene was top rate, really pulled him through. Guess we have you two to thank for that," he adds, glancing at Hen and Chim.
"That's good to hear," Hen says. "I'm gonna do a coffee run, update Karen. Sal, you still milk, no sugar?"
"Aw, Wilson, I'm touched. Usually yeah, but put like, four, five sugars in there for me, okay? Could be a long night."
"Gross," Chim says mildly, but it sounds like a reflex.
"Buck?" Hen prompts. "You want anything else?"
Buck shakes his head mechanically. His stomach hurts. Set the breaks and internal bleeding ricocheting around in his head.
"Okay," Hen says gently, squeezing his shoulder. She exchanges a glance with Sal, who takes her vacated chair next to Buck as soon as she stands.
Time does its thing - swooping, contracting, passing with no new information. More people trickle in as the hours pass.
Maddie sits next to Buck and holds his hand. Bobby hugs him and makes awkward small talk with Sal. Lucy and a couple of other people from Harbor trickle in and take up seats around the room. Buck's phone vibrates intermittently in his pocket but he can't bring himself to look at it.
All he can think about is Tommy. Tommy looking so scared. Tommy bleeding and crying and saying how glad he was to see Buck.
I love you, Buck thinks, hoping wildly that Tommy will hear it somehow.
Finally, finally, an exhausted looking doctor steps through the doors and says, "Family of Tommy Kinard?"
Everybody looks around from where they're seated, talking in twos and threes. Chim nudges Lucy awake and she flails a little. Sal stands to meet the doctor. Buck wants to stand too, but he feels like he's made of lead, his heart pounding so hard in his chest that it's all he can feel. He can't read the doctor's face at all, can't hear what she's saying, can only see that her mouth is moving.
"So he's gonna be okay," Sal says, and then - Buck doesn't know. Sal's saying other things, people are talking, making relieved noises, but he can't hear a word of it. His ears are ringing, his head is spinning, his heart feels like it's going to burst out of his chest.
Buck's breath rattles in his chest, and dimly he hears Maddie's voice.
" - ck? Buck? Hey, it's okay, just breathe," she urges.
And oh, there they are. There are the tears. It's a good job he didn't manage to stand before, because he's pretty sure he'd be on the floor by now if he had. He presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, lets Maddie hold him from one side, Bobby from the other, doesn't think about the other people in the room - half of them little more than strangers to him - and cries and cries.
Once he's settled down - once he's cried himself out - he realizes that the room is a little less full.
"Where'd - " he croaks, and clears his throat. "Where'd they go?"
"Captain Harman and Lucy have gone to update the rest at Harbor," Maddie says. "Chim's collecting Jee, and Hen's gone to swap over with Karen. She'll be here soon. Eddie called a couple times."
Buck nods. "I'll call him back later."
"Wash your face, kid," Sal says, not unkindly. "We can go sit with him if you want."
Buck starts to launch himself to his feet but finds himself pressed back into the seat by Bobby, who's holding out a pre-packed hospital cafeteria sandwich and a protein bar.
"Eat something first," he orders, and Buck reluctantly agrees. Even that little movement had been enough to make him feel dizzy. He chokes down the food even though it's so much sawdust, and eventually he finds himself in Tommy's hospital room.
More tears threaten to spring to his eyes at the sight - the cast on his arm, the bulk under the covers of what must be another under the covers, the stitches near his hairline, the IVs, the machines, the beeping. He breathes through it and hesitates before Sal shoves him towards the seat next to the head of the bed. He drags it around a little so he can sit at Tommy's side, carefully taking hold of the hand on his uninjured arm.
"Jesus fucking christ. Kinard and his hero bullshit," Sal mumbles, sounding shaky for the first time.
"You need to sit?" Buck asks, not looking away from Tommy's face.
"For a second," Sal says, collapsing into the other chair. "I need to update Gina and the kids. I spoke to the staff, you can stay."
"Thank you," Buck says absently.
Time continues to pass. Staff and second visitors come and go, and thankfully no one even suggests that Buck should move. Lucy drops by with food at one point, assuring him it's lunch time, and sitting with him while he eats. Chim comes by and tells him about the last time he was waiting in a hospital for Tommy, drops off a Get Well Soon card from Jee that joins the growing little cluster on the table next to the bed.
When he's left on his own with Tommy at one point, Buck gets up to pace the room, stiff from sitting in hospital chairs for what must be going on double digit hours now, if it's not already long past. It's when he sits down that he notices the fluttering of Tommy's eyelashes. It could be nothing, he tells himself, as he holds his breath and watches, his hand hovering over the call button. When Tommy's good hand starts twitching, when he tries to lift it towards the mask on his face, Buck slams the button.
"Hey," he says softly. "Stay still for me, baby. You're in the hospital. It's okay, someone's coming."
A nurse appears in the doorway and Buck retreats from the bed. He feels like he's more present in his head now than he was before, mentally taking notes on the nurse's conversation with the doctor he summons, on what they both say to Tommy and to him. As they're leaving, he fires off a text to the group chat, then puts away his phone and takes Tommy's hand again.
Those beautiful blue eyes, still a little hazy with painkillers, turn to him.
"Hey, Tommy. You scared the crap out of us," he says. Tommy's hand, shaking a little, lifts to his face, strokes his thumb over Buck's cheek like the tears are still visible.
"Sorry," he croaks. "Needed a week off and really didn't wanna use up my PTO."
Buck laughs, shaky and a little wild, presses his cheek more firmly into Tommy's hand. "You dick," he says fondly. "Here."
He grabs a glass of water from the bedside table, holds the straw steady for Tommy to take a couple of sips.
"Thanks," Tommy says, sounding a bit more like himself.
"That's okay," Buck says.
"Were - you were there?"
"Yeah," Buck says, and Tommy's eyes close briefly.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I - I should have been less - I was being selfish - "
And Buck - he can't stand to hear that again. Can't stand to hear Tommy calling himself selfish for using what he probably thought were his dying breaths to try to comfort Buck.
"I love you," he says.
Tommy's mouth opens. Closes. He frowns as though he might have heard that wrong.
"I don't know if you remember, I - I said we'd talk? In the hospital?"
"I remember," Tommy says. "But - "
"We will," Buck promises. "We'll talk. We have so much to talk about. But the last - jesus, the last 12 hours, I guess, I've been sitting there with all our friends, and I've just been thinking, I should have told him. He should know. So. Now you do. I love you."
"Evan - "
"You don't have to say it. It's okay. I know it's a lot. I know I'm a lot. But. I was sitting out there, with Sal, and Lucy, and your captain - she is scary, by the way - and Hen and Maddie and Chim and Bobby and everyone, and I just couldn't stop thinking…does he know? Like does he know any of these people love him? Does he know I love him?"
"Well," Tommy says after a beat. "Now I do."
"Now you do," Buck says. His phone is blowing up and he starts to reach for it, but Tommy squeezes his hand to keep his attention.
"Hey. I love you too," Tommy says. "I want - I want us to talk, but I'm so tired, I just - I love you so much. I love you now, I loved you when I left, and it scares the shit out of me."
"Me too," Buck admits, ignoring the way his voice cracks.
"Be brave together?" Tommy suggests.
"That sounds perfect," Buck says. "Go to sleep, honey. I'll be here when you wake up."
"I know you will," Tommy says, and he smiles.
tag list! which idk, i'm not 100% sure is working? i'm sorry!!
@geddyqueer @adiprose @peapodbond @poppyspoppy @stolemyhheart @screamlet @buck-unbewildered @beanarie @chococara25 @fenrirscarsback @hyperfocusthusly
@trombonechurchill @thegingerparty @setmeatopthepyre @rcmclachlan @espressotonicc
@untitledbychoice @sunnywithachanceofbi @onceuponatmi @tistai @blitzynatural @laundryandtaxesworld @mubsterstuff @samjohnssonvt
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You're my comfort person

pairing: felix x afab!reader
warnings: period sex, lix is just sweet and gentle, soft lovemaking, pls i will cry
genre: fluffy smut
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i'm dying in pain so i needed this (this is disgustingly cute)
"Hey, is it any better?" Felix appeared next to the bed where you were currently clutching at your stomach with all sorts of blankets wrapped up around you.
"Just a little bit." you answered weakly, he had brought you some tea and painkillers earlier in hopes of helping alleviate your pain.
Felix looked at you with big sad puppy eyes, frustrated that you were in so much pain.
"We can cuddle?" he suggested and you nodded quickly, wanting to feel him close to you. Felix crawled under the blankets, wrapping his arms around you as he spooned you, his palms gently caressing where it hurt.
You relaxed a little bit as his body warmed you up, your boyfriend's presence comforting like always.
"You know..." he trailed off after some time in that tone. You knew he was going to say something out of the pocket so you rolled your eyes playfully, turning to look at him as he grinned impishly at you.
"What?" you grinned back.
"I heard sex can help with period pain. Especially when you cum, 'cause you relax and all that. I also heard that period make you more sensitive so you like... enjoy it more." Felix rambled.
"And where did you hear all that?" you lifted your brow at him.
"Google. I read an article." he answered and you giggled, shaking your head.
"All for some pussy, huh?" you teased him.
He laughed, poking your side gently.
"Not just any pussy, only yours." he wiggled his eyebrows, diving into a kiss.
"I don't know..." you sighed after you parted. "You might be grossed out."
Felix shook his head at that, pulling you into his body as you faced him.
"I'd never be grossed out by you. And periods are natural, there is nothing gross about them."
You whined at his words, burying your face in his neck and inhaling.
"You can't be real." you said and he laughed, squeezing you a little. "How did I get so lucky?"
"I'm the lucky one." Felix put his hand on your face and made you look at him.
"If you don't feel comfortable, I won't bother you with it anymore. But I promise, I won't be grossed out."
"Fine, we can try it." you said after a moment of thinking.
"Are you sure?" he asked once more.
"Yeah, I'm sure." you nodded and he smiled, kissing your forehead before getting up.
"Okay, I'll bring a towel. Be right back."
"Feeling okay? Are you cold?" Felix asked a few moments later, as your naked body shivered underneath him.
He had placed the towel on the bed so it wouldn't be too messy.
"Just a little embarrassed is all." you said with a sheepish smile, your cheeks warming up while Felix observed your face for any sign of discomfort.
"Babe, you literally peed while I was brushing my teeth the other day. I think we're past being embarrassed with each other." he said and you smacked his arm, chuckling.
"Shut up, I really had to go then and you were taking so long!" you whined and he giggled.
"I don't mind." Felix shook his head before leaning down to kiss you gently. "Just relax, my love." he added quietly, his hands caressing your hips, gently travelling up to your stomach and sides.
You closed your eyes, relaxing as he started kissing your jaw, down to your neck, all the while his hands were slowly mapping out your body, mesmerized by your curves and dips even though he had you many times before, he was always amazed by the beauty of you.
Felix cupped your breasts and you let out a quiet whimper as he bit into your neck, sucking on the skin and claiming you as his.
"L-Lix." you breathed out and he smirked against you as he played with your sensitive nipples.
"J-Just be gentle." you stuttered as he squeezed your breasts, massaging them and leaning down to lick at your hardened bud.
"Of course, my love." he whispered, wrapping his plump lips around your nipple and sucking. A wave of arousal washed over your body and you felt it dripping down on the towel, feeling a little embarrassed as you wondered if it was blood.
But Felix was touching you and kissing you so sweetly, making your head spin and your body tingle so much that you almost forgot about the embarrassment. Almost.
After spending a good amount of time worshipping your breasts, Felix reached to grab a condom from the nightstand.
"You wanna continue?" he asked and you nodded.
You looked at him as he ripped it open and grabbed his cock, giving himself a few pumps. You licked your lips at the sight of him, his skin was flushed, his cock leaking with pre-cum, his brows furrowed as he bit on his lip and rolled the condom on.
"So sexy." you sighed dreamily and he looked up at you, face breaking into a smirk.
"Oh yeah?" he kneeled between your legs. "You want me, hm?"
"So much." you said, your body arching towards his. He grabbed his cock, pressing it against you as he looked down and touched your clit with his tip.
"Don't look." you whined and Felix chuckled.
"Why not?"
"It probably looks gross."
"No, it doesn't. Relax, baby." he caressed your face with his free hand as he slowly started to push in.
A whimper escaped your lips as he slid in easily, filling you up perfectly when he bottomed out.
"Fuck." Felix's body shook for a second as he propped himself on his hands, giving you both a moment to breathe.
"Felix..." you whimpered, grabbing at him.
"Does it hurt?" he asked and you shook your head.
"No, you can move." you said as you wrapped your arms around him.
Felix nodded, his hands gentle on your hips as he started moving with slow and deliberate thrusts, making you feel every inch of his perfect cock, his tip hitting your g-spot every time he pushed in.
"You're so wet, baby." he groaned, keeping the pace as he rocked you gently.
"Mm." you moaned, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
"Feels good?" Felix asked, his hands sliding back up to cup your breasts again as he fucked into you with languid thrusts.
"So good." you moaned out, feeling yourself relaxing more and more even though your pussy was clenching and gripping his cock.
"Yeah? Feels so good for me too." he groaned, leaning down to nip at your neck again.
"Lixie." you whimpered as he pressed himself against you and you wrapped your legs around him, allowing him to push in even deeper.
"Y/n." he moaned your name as he kept fucking you, a little harder now but still keeping the movement languid and slow.
"I'm gonna cum." you whimpered, feeling sensitive and overwhelmed as his happy trail kept brushing against your clit and the tip of his hard cock kept pressing into your sweet spot.
"Mm. Me too." Felix moaned out, squeezing your breasts, fingertips pinching your nipples lightly.
It crashed over you like a tidal wave as you clenched around him, moaning his name loudly as you came around his cock.
"Ugh, fuck. I love you." Felix grunted, his hips stuttering as he fucked into you a bit harder before he came inside the condom.
"I love you too, Lixie." you gripped at his back, digging your nails into his skin as he rode his high.
Both of you breathed hard as you held each other and he buried his face in your neck.
After a few moments he looked up at you with a smile.
"So? Is your pain gone?" Felix asked.
"It is. I feel more relaxed." you said.
"Really? I was gonna say if it's not, we can go for round 2." he winked at you and you laughed.
"Don't push it."
"I tried." he pouted jokingly before pulling out.
"Is it gross?" you asked, covering your eyes.
"No, it's okay baby, don't worry about it." you heard him shuffling around, his footsteps leading towards the bathroom and then the sound of water.
He came back as you still had your eyes covered, a giggle escaping his lips before you felt the warm wet cloth pressed against you as he started cleaning you up.
You peeked at him through your fingers and almost melted as he stared at your face with a biggest smile.
"What?" you asked.
"Nothing. You're just cute." Felix teased.
"Am not. That must be you." your voice was muffled as you hid yourself behind your palms again.
"You wanna cuddle again?" he asked.
"Yes, after a shower." you scrunched up your face, finally looking at him.
Felix laughed, extending his hand and helping you up, the two of you making your way to the bathroom.
When you laid next to your boyfriend that night, you nuzzled into him as he held you.
"You're my comfort person." you mumbled against his collarbone and he smiled, kissing your head.
"You're mine too." he whispered as you drifted off into blissful sleep.
taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @porangporangmeong @laylasbunbunny @laughatdanger @jeonginslefthand @sapphirewaves @s3ungm1nxxl0ve @painterhyunjin @moon-ttokki-x @saintcosette @ooshyana @frehyun @scarlet789 @skzdust @schniti-is-in-the-house @eastjonowhere @sona1800 @channiesrightasscheek @justwonder113 @yvettemint @inaribu00 @httpdwaekki @possum-playground @ria-april @yn-x-them @mariahxrrera @0omillo0 @halfwinterhalfuniverse @cooldeermagazine @delulkpopstan143 @todorokiskitten @compersian @azxulskz @stayp1eceposts @minniesverse @skzdreamer13 @0325ale @j-ji-jia @shannthewriter @mhluvie @my-neurodivergent-world
#stray kids x reader#stray kids smut#stray kids#skz x reader#skz smut#lee felix x reader#lee felix smut#stray kids fluff#skz fluff#lee felix scenarios#lee felix imagines#lee felix fluff#lee felix imagine#lee felix x y/n#lee felix x you#felix imagines#felix x reader#felix smut#felix fluff#skz felix smut#skz imagines#skz felix fluff#skz soft thoughts#skz soft hours#stray kids scenarios
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I'ma be real with y'all, I don't think America's massive size and the financial costs of travel are the biggest contributors to the attitudes we have here that make other countries go like
the provincial thing is honestly a fair statement, in the same vein as holding americans who voted for trump accountable - there are bigger reasons for both, but that doesn't minimize how much a lot of americans cultivate and maintain their ignorance to feel more comfortable.
I'd say more legitimate things to mention when talking about american's very self-centric attitudes towards global happenings are things like: the US media deliberately keeps up the image of the United States as a strong, independent world power who don't need no allies, aka the fact that when other countries send us aid in natural disasters or other Big Uh-Ohs, it generally isn't reported by large news outlets. I never knew for years that multiple people, both individuals and organized efforts by various other countries, would send aid to the US when we'd be hit by big hurricanes, fires, and other bad shit
the other day a coworker and I were talking about the recent swan-dive of relations between america and canada and they scoffed at the notion that canada has a military too, and that they also participated in conflicts like the mess in the middle east after 9/11 - But I can't disdain my coworker that much, cuz I didn't know this either until very recently. I'll bet you most americans don't know about the Article 5 collective defense clause NATO has, which was only ever invoked once, on America's behalf after the 9/11 attack, and had multiple countries sending troops to Afghanistan alongside US forces. Canada specifically sent out over 40 thousand. the US as an entity does nOT like to acknowledge when foreign aid has been helpful, and just that kind of 'we pretend we do not see it' attitude does a lot of quiet heavy lifting to influence american attitudes towards the international community.
Additionally, although its more common now than it has been in the past for americans to watch movies and tv from overseas, I'd guess most americans still mostly only watch media centered around american culture, or at least western, english-speaking media (Harry Potter and the Sherlock series are two non-american examples). Now, that's a little weird, considering how much of our media is marketed and consumed around the globe. the US has a LOT of soft power, but we don't import fiction from other places at nearly the same rate. So you end up with this weird correlation between a lot of folks overseas having some idea of american culture while the americans in question have very little exposure or knowledge of anybody else's culture
i mean I've come across quite a few pointed threads or comments online from people overseas about how entitled and aggravating american tourists can be, and I think this is part of why: americans are deliberately presented with a POV that centers them, while not addressing the interconnectedness of modern life in a first world country, and a lot of folks just don't have the curiosity or feel a need to investigate that. add to that the fact that america doesn't really push learning second languages in schools, and many americans won't ever travel overseas, AND that we only share borders with 2 other nations so we don't get a lot of land-based travel from other countries like you see in europe, and its not really all that shocking that the american people don't really grasp how the US fits in to international politics and going-ons
none of this is an excuse. honestly I think the best you can hope for from some americans if you call us out for this is a "well I never actually thought about it all", which is a pretty lackluster defense (i mean, all the moments for me personally where I went "what was i thinkin- oh wait I didn't think" have NOT been my finest), and unfortunately for a fair portion of people, there's a dependence on this worldview and a resulting emotional backlash when its challenged. Basically when a population is propagandized as much as the US is, realistically you don't get a bunch of doe-eyed innocents who mean well but don't know any better, you get a population with a high percentage of people who hold onto said propagandized image as part of their identity and act like ASSHOLES to any info that doesn't fit what they've already been told
its not that the americans you think of when you imagine the ignorant, entitled americans couldn't do/be better - its that people WON'T try to be doing better than they currently are if they believe 'better' is what's in front of them right now so there's no need to improve it
#ALSO: idk why specifically americans are bad at this but our cultural attitude towards service workers#is fucking AWFUL#like i worked one (1) cashier job in between semesters in college#and literally every job i've applied to since then that was just to pay bills has been a manual labor job#cuz manual labor is waaaaay better and less taxing than the shit you have to deal with in customer service#america got itself Fucked Up#you couldn't make some fo this up istg#trying to get people to willingly do stuff that will end up making them embarrassed for the place they come from (rightfully so)#can be very hard to do#especially when those people do so little informed/researched self-critical-analysis that they have no tolerance for feeling uncomfortable#its very fair to mock all these behaviors btw but don't expect mockery to fix it either#i honestly have no clue what WOULD fix it#like i would have said reality will eventually dole out some stinging slaps but...it did and america STILL has its head up its own ass
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slow morning w/ sae, rin, hiori, kaiser
note: Omori's Kel mentioned, pet name 'love' used with Hiori. After some time writing for them, i thought i'll get back to it with something cute. i just read the chapters i missed, i'm in a huge bllk brainrot again
m.list | rules
It rarely happens, Sae staying in bed after 7 in the morning – that's usually the later he can handle. So when you feel his arms wrapped around you again after you roll to the other side, leaving him space to get up slowly after you feel him switch, there's a warm feeling spreading through your body. You turn around, nesting your head on the crock of his neck with small, bubbling sounds that make his heart soften every time. He holds you closer, if possible, and you swear if you could you'll start purring the second his fingers go through your hair, scratching your scalp lightly without touching any sensible era. You feel your mind drifting away slowly again, but you don't resist it. Instead you enjoy his soft attention until you fall asleep again.
When you wake up, Sae's sitting on the edge of the bed by your side. His hand goes kindly through your hair again, but this time he's fully dressed and you can smell coffee on his hand when it brushes your cheek.
"Breakfast's ready," he said rather blankly but you perceive the softness in his eyes. You rub against his hand.
"What time is it ?"
"Around 9 and a half ." There's no way on earth he's waiting this long.
"You've eaten already?"
"No." You can't help but smile at his words, feeling your heart skipping a beat. He really waited for you.
So got up quickly, putting on some shorts and one of his sweaters he kindly handed you before following him to the living room. Breakfast is settled on the low table in front of the TV playing whatever kid shows aired at that time. On the rare morning and breakfast you share with Sae, it is an obligation to watch this – that helps him clear his mind, he says, since he doesn't have to think.
You sit next to him and pull your tray on his tights, wandering around it a little before eating some rice first. You could find all the things you liked, along with some rice because he'll never put that away.
Keeping only your cup of coffee after being done with most of the food on the tray, you put it back to the table and lay on his shoulder, enjoying the small contact the best. Enjoying this whole morning at its fair value, because you had no idea when this would happen again.
"We have to get up," Michael said seriously for like, the fifth time, but you still wouldn't get up from your lying state on top of his body. He's so warm and cuddly, how could he ask you that ?
"Not yet," you mumble, face down in his chest.
"It's literally 11," he objected, desperate to just get up and get, at least, his running routine done today. "Don't 'no yet' me. I have things to do."
Without any warnings, he tossed you to the side and went straight to the window, opening the shutters. You shouted at him not to, but it was too late and when he looked back at you again, you were now just a ball below the cover, whining at the "holy light". He held his laugh, he couldn't let you know how cute and funny you were while doing this when he was, supposedly, mad at you. But God he loved it.
Without any further goals in this room, he left for the kitchen and started making your breakfast for you until you were ready to face the sunlight. It never took you too long, so he wasn't worried. He took his time, putting coffee on the heat stove until it was ready, preparing both your salty and sweet parts of it along his, despite not eating the same things. Before he was even done, your arms were already wrapped around his waist, still whining at the light burning your eyes.
He really liked it, morning like this. It was dear to his heart, sweet moments with you that was worth putting his career aside for a day. He was scared he got too used to it, scared this could vanish but, still, he couldn't imagine a world without you anymore.
On his resting days, Hiori likes to lay in bed longer than he should. He becomes one with the blanket, looking more like a giant worm than your boyfriend. You know he'd die to have you stuck in his arms until he's fully awake, which you don't mind most of the time, but the rare time you're awake before him it's a living nightmare not being able to simply turn around and take your phone to wait. So you flee away from the bed without making any noises, getting dressed in the living room so you can be the one, for once, making breakfast.
You took your time, leaving him to enjoy his day off a little longer but you still couldn't let him sleep all day – he'll be mad at himself. Preparing it all, you cracked some eggs and let them cook before moving to toast some bread and cut avocados. You make sure to not boil the water for his tea, preparing it last in fact to be sure he has it while it's still fuming like he likes.
It was almost done when his arms held you from behind, his head laying on top of yours. You turned the kettle on, his cup only waiting for the warm water.
"Are you ok with avocado toast ? We still had two that were done. It didn't want to waste them," you started but your rumble fell into deaf ears when his lips began drawing patterns along your neck, straight to your shoulder, making you giggle.
"That's perfect," he answered, purring in your ear when his face rested on your shoulder, looking down at the pretty plate you just made. "Thank you, love."
You can't help but look away, even if he can't really see you. You pull him with you when you move, since he's glued to your back now it seems. You pour his drink, and proceed to ask him where he wants to eat ; you're not surprised when he murmurs in front of the let's play you two started not so long ago.
"You put this on and I bring it all there ?" you proposed cheerfully. He lets you go with a grunt, kissing your head quickly before leaving with you on his tracks with two cups. He already saw it, but he loves the story so much he wanted to share it with you. You actually liked it a lot, it was easy to watch and the story was amazing. You two easily spend hours sitting in front of it.
"I'm so sad Kel loses his rock," you commented, your breakfast long forgotten and his arms holding you close.
"Yeah, I was too the first time," he grinned, kissing your head again. "Don't worry, he'll get over it though."
You nod, believing him.
A slow morning with Rin is whatever he wants it to be, so if you ask anyone else, they would tell you that this has nothing to do with a slow morning. He wakes up early, no matter how hard you try to keep him in bed with you – but you know you're getting better at it 'cause it's harder every time for him to say no. He takes a long shower, washing his hair thoughtfully and taking care of his skin. He spends a lot of time in the bathroom, between shaving and doing his skincare, before doing some meditation in the living room so he knows it won't bother your sleep.
By the time he's done, you're usually awake but still groggy, he has to be patient with you. You always fo for him, it doesn't matter if he's barely done or packing his appetite mattress, you'll always lay on him or grab him from behind with a tired hello.
You try to help him cook but you always end up sitting still, half sleeping on the table with a fuming cup of whatever you felt like having this morning ; of course he made it for you.
The thing is, Rin wants to be done with his routine before you wake up, that way he can let himself enjoy doing nothing in your company for a few hours without feeling bad or in a rush. He likes taking care of you, making things for you, it doesn't matter if you feel like it was too much. You have no idea how much you give him in return. Even if you were not fully awake, you always were the best company he could wish for. You talk about your weird dreams, bring back old situations to talk this out again even if he barely answers you sometimes.
"That was something for sure, what happened next ?" He asked, giving you your plate and sitting next to you with his, listening to your creepy dream.
It never gets boring, he always likes to listen to you talking nonsense in the morning.
"Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie," he commented.
"The beginning ?" you gasped, flabbergasted. "More like the most scary scene, please I felt so, so deranged."
By now you're fully awake and you start doing bigger gestures, give him dirty looks when he disagrees with you and he doesn't do everything he can so you don't see the way he smiles at you.
So no, his slow morning isn't what most people think it is. But simply having time to talk with you in the morning, without thinking of anything else, is his own definition.
Let me know if you liked it!
#blue lock x reader#bllk x reader#blue lock headcanons#blue lock#bllk headcanons#kaiser x reader#michael kaiser x reader#kaiser fluff#sae x reader#itoshi sae x reader#sae fluff#rin itoshi x reader#rin x reader#rin fluff#hiori yo x reader#hiori x reader#hiori fluff
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A Diary Confession
Asa's POV

8:03 P.M.
I blame this guy I met the other day for what secret I'll confess in these pages.
He's so fly. I can't stop thinking about him that it turned me on so much. As soon as I got home—not a soul is around, thankfully—I went straight to my room and locked myself.
I went straight onto my bed, still wearing my shirt and black skirt, along with my white long socks. Gosh, I hate myself for doing this again but I can't help it. Maybe it's my hormones acting up but it's driving me crazy.
AC was on and I was ready too. Ready for doing this thing again that might shock my parents. Never in their life that they would think I can do things like this. But, at this point, I don’t care.
I laid on my back, pulled my shirt up just right to expose my breasts with already hard nipples, starting to fondle them while I think about the man that I wish doing the job for me. I pinch both nips with my fingers, elicting soft moans, imagining how his lips are exploring my neck, going down to my shoulders, and then starts to suck my nipples. God! I moaned his name out loud just with the thought of it! I continue to fondle myself, savoring the sensation it gives.
I picture him whispering words, dirty, yet ones that I crave to hear. Words that will push all the right buttons in me to unleash my sluttiness. Yes, I'm willing to be his slut! What I'd give to have him right now. Fuck!
My left hand stayed on my left tit still doing its job, while the other starts to crawl its way down. Slowly. Taking its time to trace my curves thinking it's his that does it. I feel panties were getting wet just by the thought of it. In just the right time, my hand reached inside the waistband of my skirt, tracing the piece of undergarment that's already wet from my juices.
I placed my middle finger on top of the fabric to my sacred entrance, tracing its folds right on the middle. Up, down, up, down and again, repitition sending goosebumps in my body. Shit! I feel so hot! Add the fantasy that my dream guy is already topless with his fine body, doing this for me, hearing him ask 'Do you like this, baby girl?' in a sultry way, making me more horny than I am earlier, even thirstier to feel his presence on my body. The things—unholy things—we'd do to this perfect room of mine. Oh, fuck, fuck, yes!
Enjoying myself more would be absolutely good but I need to get off before my parents get back. My panties landed somewhere in the room. Will probably easy to find since my room is always clean.
Oh, to see how drenched my pussy was! Will he eat me out first? Play and suck it? Fantasizing things is far from what I'd experience first hand but that's where the fun lies. The unknown, the excitement of possibilities.
My two fingers already went inside, spreading my legs wide even more, letting the cold air brush against my cunt. Strokes and strokes made me writhe in pleasure, hitting my spots, while his name escapes my lips in such a lewd way that I wish it was his cock infiltrating my pussy, coating it with slick juices. Letting him feel how tight I am for him and him only. Moaning and screaming his name letting him know how I feel. Oh boy, he will sure know. He continues to feast on his prey, leaving his mark, making me his slut the moment his cock entered my cunt.
My digits upped the tempo and my thumb attacked my clit more. I feel it. That familiar sensation, but this time it will be stronger with him in my thoughts. My feet served as lever to lift my ass off the sheets.
Muffled moans, shorter breaths, distorted face of pleasure. I'm close. Oh, how I wish he's fucking my brains out. How I long to hear the words with his deep voice, 'Baby, I'm close, and I'm gonna fucking cum in you.' How beautiful and sinful is that?
With one last push, I came. And I didn't just cum, I squirted. Hard. My legs trembled in pleasure, my chest heaved, catching for air. My fingers stayed inside for a few seconds, extract any residue of pleasure before all of it went down. So good. A perfect night session of easing myself. Do I feel guilty? A bit, yes. But all of these will stay with me.
Now, I better clean myself and my room before my mother come barging in without knocking first.
I can't wait to see him again next week!
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I admittedly haven't watched your stream playthrough of TGAA games, mostly because I was playing through them with my fiancé very slowly, but we just finished them and I was curious what your opinion on them was? My fiancé and I enjoyed them but we both felt like they were pretty... Tame, compared to mainline AA. Like, there wasn't really any insane twists that shook the characters to their cores, everything wrapped up so neatly for everyone, it felt too easy, in a way? Also the big bad was wayyyyy too predictable.
I'd recommend checking out these amazing animatics that Infamouslydorky did of our playthrough!
My feelings re: The Great Ace Attorney games are sort of complicated, so this answer's going to be kind of long. I'll keep it spoiler-free, though.
I think they have the best main cast of any AA game. The music, character designs, and quality of life are basically the best they've ever been. That's really cool. I really love a lot of the one-off characters too. Enoch Drebber, Pat and Rollie, and the little plague mask coroner girl are huge stand-outs for me.
However, I think Shu Takumi has a lot of... foibles as a writer, and the way they manifest in these games is more evident and more obnoxious than basically anything else he's ever made.
I've played every game he's ever made and I can tell you that Shu Takumi writes the mysteries and twists in his stories first before anything else. I think he has a great sense of when he wants the twists to hit for the audience and he's great at figuring out where a twist will hit in a case... but he's remarkably bad at making character motivations match up to the story he's trying to tell.
In particular, he's awful at giving characters reasons not to tell each other things. 90% of a time your protagonist in a Shu Takumi game will ask a completely reasonable question to an ally, and the ally will avoid answering simply because it's not time for the player to know the answer yet. This is an issue in every game he's ever made. Even his best game Ghost Tric, is plagued by this. i.e. The way Lynne refuses to tell you her goals even though you're a literal ghost who's saved her life 3+ times in the same evening. Like, what do you have to lose, Lynne? Do you think this ghost is going to leak your goals to the police? No, it's just in service of delaying information so the player gets that information when it really hits. My friend circle has some to refer to characters in video games not telling you information for no reason as "Shu Takumi-ing".
Because most AA games are really silly, this isn't usually a gamebreaking issue. Why isn't your ally telling you information that would allow you to help them? Well, they're stupid, that's why. This is a game where you get possessed by dead people to get evidence and cross-examine a parrot. It's not serious. Everyone's a little bit on the stupid spectrum.
That's not really the case with TGAA. The games still have silly moments, but the characters are very explicitly smart. Kazuma is meant to be a legal prodigy on an exchange program. Susato is incredibly well-read and her father is a well-traveled and well-respected man of the law himself. Iris is a genius. Sholmes is whacky, but he's supposed to be cannier than he lets on.
Because of that, it's really noticeable when Shu Takumi doesn't know how to delay information or elegantly set up an interpersonal conflict. His fallback is always to have a character drink The Stupid Juice. For Case X, this character is suddenly stupid and does stuff they'd never do. For Case Y, it's someone else.
When you're dealing with Larry Butz and Lotta Hart, you come to expect that sort of thing. The inconsistency is part of their character. But when Susato can't identify her own father sleeping on the couch because... I dunno, I guess she landed on her head when she fell out of bed this morning, what the hell are we doing here, gang? Why are we doing this? Some people in our chat were like "This is a joke". I don't know. Is it? it really a joke if it takes 20 minutes of real gameplay to SOLVE THE MYSTERY instead of walking over and look at him, like any rational person would do?
I also can't go into too many details about this without spoiling things, but I really really hate the core overarching plot of this duology. I would bet almost all the money in my bank account that Shu Takumi didn't have the details of the second game 100% ironed out by the time he wrote the first. They don't lead into each other at all and so many characters' actions need to be unfathomably stupid for everything to work out the way it does. It kind of makes me retroactively dislike a lot of the cast. Especially Sholmes.
Also the assistant Van Zieks gets in the 2nd game is unfathomably bad. Everything about that setup and how that character acts is my least favorite thing about the game and maybe my least favorite thing that ever happens in the entire franchise. It makes me SO angry.
The games are still pretty good though.
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Hi Jo!! Here are some zukka prompts! “Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”+ “Kiss me.” 💕
Sokka looks up at the sound of the door to his study opening, the surprise on his face quickly shifting into amusement when he lays eyes on his visitor.
"Fire Lord Zuko," he says, putting on his most haughty voice. "I was under the impression you were meeting with your uncle for tea at this hour. Shouldn't you be with him?"
"Not all of us show up to everything fifteen minutes early, Ambassador Sokka," he replies lightly, leaning against the closed door. Sokka drinks in the sight: Zuko, smiling slightly, his posture missing the usual tension he carries with him, his eyes dancing as he watches Sokka, looking happy and comfortable and beautiful.
Instead of letting himself get sappy over it right now, Sokka raises an eyebrow, abandoning his current stack of paperwork in favor of standing and slowly walking up to Zuko. "Are you keeping an eye on me or something?"
"I can't just let any ambassador wander around my palace without knowing what he's up to," Zuko says.
"Aww, and here I thought I was special," Sokka says, stepping into Zuko's space, and before he can blink Zuko has his hands on Sokka's waist.
"Well, you are probably in my list of top ten favorite people in this building right now," he says, voice low.
"Not even top five?" Sokka pouts, barely containing a smug grin when Zuko's eyes immediately dart down to his lips.
"Top five," Zuko immediately agrees as Sokka's hands trail up Zuko's arms, one stopping on his bicep and the other moving up to brush a strand of hair aside and rest his hand on the back of Zuko's head, cushioning it from the door as Sokka presses closer to push Zuko's body against it.
"You can tell whoever is in first place that I'm determined to dethrone them," Sokka mutters, lips just inches away from Zuko's.
He leans in to close the distance then pauses, pulling back. Zuko opens his eyes, blinking dazedly -- without even getting kissed, Sokka thinks, wondering for the hundredth time how it took him so long to realize that he affected Zuko just as much as Zuko did him.
"What?" Zuko scowls, impatient.
"Are you...flexing for me?" Sokka asks.
"I am not," Zuko huffs indignantly. "You just haven't noticed how-- Sokka!" he shrieks in a manner very unbecoming of a Fire Lord as Sokka's other hand leaves his head to tickle Zuko's side, his bicep relaxing a moment later and confirming Sokka's suspicions.
"Tui and La, you were!" Sokka says, delighted. "That's adorable! Were you trying to impress me? I was already going to kiss you, you know."
Zuko clears his throat loudly. "I believe Uncle is waiting, if you'll excuse me."
"Aww, Zuko! Don't leave now, come on, kiss me! I'll even let you flex your big muscles--"
He's cut off by Zuko abruptly kissing him and then pulling away before Sokka can process it. "Hey--"
"I have to go, and you need to learn to keep your voice down," Zuko practically growls.
Sokka's stomach flips, and the next thing he knows, Zuko is opening the door, forcing Sokka to step back. Before he leaves, he looks back at a speechless Sokka, his lips in a triumphant smirk that leaves Sokka wondering how Zuko turned the tables on him so quickly.
All he knows is he is definitely getting back at him later.
#thank you!!! <3 sorry this took me a month LOL this recovery has been rough#zukka#my writing#prompts#atsushigrayson#ask me stuff#i debated between ambassador zuko and ambassador sokka but i couldnt resist the hint at pre divorced zukka so#in my mind this is secret relationship days but interpret it however you want
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can you explain the subtext between lottie and nat during the trial episode and episode 6?
yeah! i'm on the shuttle to work so this might be a bumpy ride but i'll try my best!
so to start off with, i think sometimes people overlook/dismiss things about lottie and natalie that actually aren't subtextual. for one thing, lottie canonically cares about nat's safety. she's invested in it to the point that she goes out of her way to bless her for the hunt in season 2 ("i just want you to be safe"). and then in the adult timeline, she sends her heliotrope goons to stop nat from killing herself. they have an exchange that's something like (can't remember exactly), "well you're alive. and that's good enough for me."
i think a lot about this dynamic (as well as lottie's compound functioning as a space of reckoning and possibly healing for nat in the adult timeline) when i look back on the teen timeline.
okay so the crown. in season 2, lottie crowns natalie after the failed queen card hunt. keep in mind that she was absolutely horrified when misty told her that they had drawn cards on who to hunt, specifically the part that they did this because they weren't going to eat lottie because she was their leader. she was scared when misty mentioned nat drew the card. at the end of the episode, we get lottie turning over the crown to nat with a bow and a kiss to her hand.
the subtext for me there tracks with what lottie has shown she wants for nat: safety. i think she thinks of her as a strong leader and there's a wilderness element to it ("you were always its favorite.") but i also think lottie is manipulative when she needs to be. crowning nat effectively took her off the table for any future hunts. nat was perhaps the most vulnerable YJ at that moment because if it came to a hunt again, why wouldn't the others just conclude they should hunt her since she cheated death the first time?
moving into the trial, there's actually a glance or two between natalie and lottie that i found interesting. particularly when lottie gets called in as a witness. after misty's questioning, she (and the rest of the girls) have to conclude that anyone could have burnt down the cabin. when nat gets called in as a suspect and is ousted for hiding ben, the tides really turn. now everyone is on trial, not just ben, and everyone's safety is at risk.
so when shauna starts intimidating people during the trial vote, i think lottie senses there's a sea change. as i mentioned in previous posts, she literally has a vision of which way the wind is blowing. i actually don't think this tracks with the wilderness choosing because lottie doesn't really go on to show shauna much deference.
one thing I think people forget about the lottieshauna dynamic is that shauna really almost killed lottie. while people are quick to brush over that, that's a crazy take imo. violence like that lives in your body. you don't just get over it. while i don't necessarily think lottie is frightened in that specific way of shauna, she has an intimate awareness of what shauna is capable of. and lottie knows firsthand the price of misplaced rage.
the fervor was building up as nat made everyone vote again and again and again. as a viewer, i was genuinely worried that the vote was going to turn into whether natalie herself was guilty. that's how deep the tension went. my reading is that lottie saw the possibility of this turning on one of the YJs and she made a political choice. because ben is the lesser evil to kill than one of them. or nat.
what gives this theory more grounding is that lottie was never invested in the execution. she totally blew it sideways when akilah had her vision. an acolyte of shauna just wouldn't do that.
okay this episode. so natalie killed ben. we see throughout the episode that lottie is invested in keeping him alive, right? she is bitterly protecting him as their bridge. when nat kills him, she of all people should be furious. she's not. she sees everyone pushing nat around. she sees the calls for trial and shauna's bloodthirst. dethroning yourself is one way to survive, she knows this, because that's what she did. so staring down at nat, not anything but pained and certainly not angry with her, she turns the crown over to shauna.
i was gutted and haunted by how quickly it deescalated things. while i understand that this isn't a canonical ship and i'm not always sure what the writers are intending with it, you are going to have to fight me if you want me to believe that lottie didn't do that to save nat's life. she has no investment in shauna as leader. the move was political. she knows how to move the pieces when she needs to, and i feel like she often is doing that for natalie.
i have lots of takes on this if you wanna check out my "yellowjackets meta" tag. thanks for asking!
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Cw : d3ath
If you're reading this, it probably means I've already crossed the rainbow bridge by now. Or sometime very soon at least. I hesitated for a long time on whether or not I should tell everyone or keep my disappearance to myself. But now I think I rather have my passing be acknowledged rather than remain a mystery and branded as "they found something better to do, some better people". Or let people wonder aimlessly as to where I could've gone or why I abandoned them. My heart aches at the thought that I'll never get to meet any of you, never laugh with you again, never share details of my stupid life and pictures of my cat.
I know that this is kind of sudden and I'm sorry about leaving, I wish I had done more for this community, for this place so dear to my heart. You all accompanied me for 5 years in the prime of my youth ever since I joined in 2020 and I met so many incredible people during my stay. I loved every moment spent speaking another language, sharing and talking and loving with so many different people. People I hope I won't forget in that next place. Thank you for everything you've done for me, I remember every art piece, every conversation, every laughter.
To the people on the discord server; Hachi, Dye, Reed, Moon, El, Mari, Summer, Opposum and every other person, thank you, thank you for everything. For helping me with the loneliness I felt throughout my time. And for providing me with so much laughter and joy every day. I'm sorry in advance for the absence my disappearance will cause.
I'm sorry, I know my decision will question and sadden some of you and I'm sorry for the hurt it will cause. But please remember me. And most of all don't feel guilty, there was nothing to be done with my case. You all have brought me so much happiness. The only truth is that I've fought for too long in meaningless battles with my mental and physical health I think it's time I rest a little. I'm sorry I wasn't stronger. I just can't bear it anymore
-Alice (Veer)
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Patience:~The host club declares dissolution!~

➼ pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader ➼ summary: The ouran fair and the arrival of the host club's families causes disruption. ➼ what to expect: "Anything you do will be in my name until the moment it becomes Ootori, bury your head in the sand all you like but is still mine." ➼ warnings: angst ➼ Part Twenty three | Part Twenty five
"Uh... aren't school fairs meant to be, i don't know, more about students proudly showcasing unique things they made by hand?"
"Perhaps for a mere average school yes, but at ouran the emphesis is on planning and leadership skills, keep in mind, most of our students are being groomed into leadership postions so they're required to showcase their talent for upward mobility, not arts and crafts"
The twins pull up with a horse drawn carriage before kyoya and haruhi, yourself sat in the back.
"We're rehearsing for the big ouran fair parade!"
"Wow it's just like something out of a fairytale!"
"How romantic" "Can we have a ride too?"
The eight of you all go on a lap around the courtyard "Hey you're getting pretty good at this" Hikaru turns back to kaoru "There's nothing to it, you should've practiced with me earlier"
"Well, just because we're twins doesn't make both of us good drivers"
"It's kind of neat having us all together like this for a carriage ride huh?"
"Oh and for the actual parade tomorrow we'll all be in 18th century-french costumes" Tamaki's statement causes your head to snap towards him "What?"
"I had them imported directly from france they are divine, I heard you've always wanted to go to the ball at versailles palace y/n"
"I...have...but something about dressing up as 18th century french artisocracy feels a little...tone death"
"but you'd look great as marie antoinette" "More like madame de pompedor"
The clock tower chimes to mark the hour "Ah the fairs opening ceremony has started let's make this fair the best one yet"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The host club declares dissolution!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Okay we both know what we are doing right?" You whisper, you and Kyoya huddled in an alcove just outside the host club which was filled to the brim of guests and their parents.
"Yes y/n I know, but i still think this plan is risky, convening with some CEO's in the same room as both of our families while also facing the brunt of reactions of the announcement is quite the balancing act."
"I know, but we aren't going to get this opportunity again...well other than obviously next year but we can't wait that long"
Kyoya sighs "Yes...I know, you ready?" you nod, taking his arm as the two of you enter the host club.
"Kyoya ootori, it is good to see you, miss l/n, I heard congratulations are in order"
"Indeed, thank you sir" You both politely nod to those who approach you as you continue through the host club, occasionally subtely making arrangements to meet with certain individuals when you reach them.
"This is a bit too much even by our standards, you can buy a small country with the money we're wasting"
"Nonsense, that's not the host club way at all and you know it, happiness is above any price tag! Besides think about all the exposure!"
"No haruhi's right, you have overshot the budget, the use of the salon withstanding you had a period style carriage and costumes shipped all the way in from france. Must you be so capricious? Your impulsiveness overwhelms my accounting skills" Kyoya notes, standing in the centre of the salon with Haruhi and Tamaki. "Typical" Haruhi wanders off
"Whatever! Capricious is just another word for creative! I'll have you know that the whims of the host club king are the stuff of dreams! No price is too high!" Tamaki throws a fit.
"Father" Tamaki's demenour shifts entirely when the school's superintendent enters "Do not refer to me as Father, the term is far too familiar. You will address me properly as chairman"
"Kyoya we gotta do something" You whisper, him nodding back, already out of his seat. "Ah very good. welcome sir, please let me show you to your seat" Kyoya puts on his usual polite smile "Would you like a drink sir?" You add "Thank you, that would be lovely"
The two of you lead the superintendent away from Tamaki to a seat. "Kyoya my boy without you I'm sure this club would be in shambles. My son must give you no end of trouble."
"Oh on the contrary sir, your son's vision is what keeps us viable." you hum to agree "Indeed, while tamaki surely has big dreams it is also his dreams that bring in the most guests."
"I see, may I say it is wonderful to see the newly engaged couple working together so well, it is a shame though I must admit miss y/n, I was going to approach your father about possibly matching you with my son"
You pause at the revelation, not even imagining being engaged to tamaki "Oh... while i am flattered chairman our families agreement has actually been in place for many years, but only felt the need to announce it recently as we head towards our final year"
"Oh I see, well congratulations regardless"
"Would you like me to bring you anything sir?" The chairman motions for kyoya to come closer, whispering into his ear. He nods, standing "Haruhi, you're needed"
Haruhi hesitantly sits with the chairman.
Kyoya politely nods, taking your arm as the two of you step away from whatever is about to unfold "Kyoya"
the two of you freeze, knowing that voice very well, turning to find Yoshio Ootori, Kyoya's father. "Sir" You nervously smile.
"Y/n, it is good to see you, so close with my son might i add, I am glad to see that you two are well acquainted. May Kyoya and I have a moment?" You glance at kyoya with concern, who returns you with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "How about you go and check on the twins?"
You hesitantly nod, stepping away, immediately feeling the absence of his presence as you do so, however you do not get far as the sharp crack of skin to skin contact makes you freeze in your tracks, you whip back around to see that Kyoya had been sent to his knees glasses flown off in the process.
"This is how my son has been choosing to waste his time?"
"That's Kyo-chan's father isn't it?" Honey appears next to you "Yes, yes it is" You desperately avoid the urge to run over and cause more of a scene, despite the fact you want to, you know kyoya wouldn't want that.
"You are an embarrassment to the Ootori name" his father steps away, leaving an opening for you to swoop in. "Are you okay?" You reach up to fix his glasses "I'm fine" kyoya doesn't look at you, just over your shoulder towards the door.
"It looks like it's going to leave a bruise" You trace over the redness on his cheek, trying not to apply pressure. "It doesn't matter"
"Kyoya-" "Y/n listen to me, it does not matter" He nods ahead as you turn around to find most likely the only person who could make this worse. Your hand falls, turning around fully and all of a sudden it is like there is no feeling in your legs.
"Father" You slowly step towards the door. "Y/n"
You look down, suddenly the lack of pattern on the floor has become incredibly interesting. "Are you not going to welcome me in?" You look up but still not at him "I'll show you to your seat" you just about muster up the noise.
"Disappointing" he mutters, following you to a seat. "Haruhi? Would you mind getting my father an espresso shot? Thank you"
"Are you not going to ask me what I want? You just assume you want caffe?"
You raise an eyebrow "It is 1pm, like you would order a cappucino at this time" he seems to hum in approval. "I'm not sure i like your tone child, i thought you were meant to be a manager at this host club"
"Father why are you here? I know that this is not a social call"
"It is a social call, I have things to discuss with Mr Ootori, and with my future son in law of course." He stands stepping way too close for comfort "not to mention you have caused quite the stir, and I had to come see it for myself. See what exact rucuss have you been causing in my name"
"It is not your name it is mine"
"Anything you do will be in my name until the moment it becomes Ootori, bury your head in the sand all you like but is still mine."
"Sir I took the liberty of preparing your drink myself" Kyoya appears behind you, espresso cup in hand "Speaking of, thank you Kyoya" he sits back down, taking a sip.
"y/n would you give us a moment?" You a reluctant to leave kyoya with your father but knowing that he could hold his own you step away. "I think that Mr Maihara was wanting a tour of the gallery anyway" You step away.
"Strange, I thought his daughter went to Lobelia academy"
Kyoya sits opposite your father "The zuka club are frequent visitors, expecially during the cultural fair, some of his daughters artworks are here"
"Oh i see, I did consider sending, y/n there instead, keep her away from boys, but your father convinced me otherwise"
"Oh I see"
"Too much like her mother that one, too...independent" Kyoya raises an eyebrow "I would say that y/n's independence is one of her greatest assets"
He rolls his eyes "You are young kyoya, i was once like you, I am sure that her rebellious spirit is fine to you now. But you must learn that if you want to keep a girl like my insolent daughter you need to keep her in a guilded cage...make sure she doesn't stray away"
"Sir your daughter keeps out of trouble and gets good grades, by any measure she is the perfect heir to a company such as yours. Why do you speak as if she has spun out of control"
"Be that as it may kyoya, I know my daughter well, i look at her and see her mother, being led astray with her own ideas. That is why I am not making the mistake i did with her mother and keeping her on a firm leash. I only sent her to this...school...on the condition that she remained under your families survailance"
It is rare now a days that the rug is swept from beneath kyoya. but it was in this moment he was overtaken with vertigo. All these times that his family had asked about you, every time his police force insisted on your protection, every phone call he had made to them...it was not about your safety at all...it was about control.
Not only that but it made him wonder if that meant that he knew about what the two of you were planning.
"Sir...y/n told me about her mother...how she ranaway... left you and y/n when she was young...but that does not mean that y/n is like her"
Kyoya catches of a glimpse of Tamaki and his grandmother from across the room, realising that this battle was not going to be won right now "Excuse me" He stands, walking over but still keeping his distance, ready to step in if need be.
"So does he really plan to spend" "The entire fair escorting some stranger?" The twins question, watching tamaki walk off with a girl. "Eclair right? Or something similar" "Who is she to him thats the mystery"
"I could tell you" You appear, back from your meeting with mr Maihara. "Eclair Tonnerre, the youngest daughter of the renowned tonnerre family they descend from royalty"
"Indeed, the family has quite a history, their wealth is something of a legend among financial heavyweights. In fact, just being associated with them makes you a part of a very elite group. They also own grand tonnerre, a firm that has been buying up a lot of businesses in japan recently. Of course that doesn't explain why lady eclair has come here to visit tamaki" Kyoya explains, sitting nearby.
"Of course it does, isn't it obvious?"
"Huh?" You capture the host clubs attention.
"His grandmother wants Tamaki to marry lady eclair" you wander closer "How did you reach that conclusion?" Kaoru asks.
"Its what the chairman said to me earlier, that he was hoping to ask my father today for my hand on Tamaki's behalf but was beaten out by Kyoya and I's engagement-" "Wait what-" "-yes i know, I don't want to talk about it, anyway, it is clear that the chairman is looking for Tamaki to marry upwards to secure a good legacy for his only heir in the eyes of his grandmother because Tamaki is...well...we all know. Frankly there will be requirements for the chairman to even consider, wealth, power, most likely european, that shrinks the pool greatly. I'm already engaged so it could only ever be lady eclair...or well...renge"
You sigh, standing up "The truth is we are growing closer and closer to graduation. I think the engagement announcement was just the start of many things...which reminds me, kyoya, a word please" He is quick to rise out of his seat "Indeed" he takes your arm, leading you out into the gardens.
"I think your father is onto us" you hum "I would be inclined to agree, but the question is how much he knows, not to mention the presence of Lady Eclair is not good for us, I think she may be trying to do the same thing as us. There is also...one more thing"
"All this time I thought that your father the one who is trying to hold on to the engagement, that he was the one with the most to lose if it breaks down…I’m starting to think it may just be the opposite, why else would he push forward the announcement”
Kyoya debates whether or not he should tell you what he learnt, but something withheld him from doing so. There was enough going on this weekend, you didn't need this aswell.
"I think...for whatever reason, your father wants access to the black onion squad"
"I can't see why...perhaps I have been so focused on looking into the Ootori group that I haven't been considering why my father would put himself at so much risk"
"Well...as someone once told me, the closer you look, the less you see"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The host club members changed for the second time that day. "So where did the boss go?" "He was looking forward to this the most"
"Our king is lounging in music room 3, entertaining lady eclair"
"Well well well" "Looks like someone's a little jealous"
"Like I said i'm not"
"Like you said?"
"Look i...i just think that he's being more irresponsible than usual today you said it yourself Kyoya-senpai, he's impulsive"
"True, he certainly is, but in this instance he's obeying the whims of his grandmother"
"Um, now that i think about it, Tamaki-senpai's grandmother seemed really cold towards him earlier. Is there some special reason for that?"
The club members exchange glances "Well, everybody else knows about it" "See, Tamaki-senpai is illegitimate"
"See, twenty-something years ago, the suoh family patriarch died at a young age, for political reasons chairman Yuzuru rushed into marriage to the behest of his mother to a woman of her choosing, allowing him to become head of the family. But several years later the chairman fell passionately in love with a beautiful young woman he met in paris."
"Not long after Tama-chan was born"
"The boss' grandmother vehemently objected, because of her poor health, living in japan proved too difficult for senpai's mother so she raised him in france until he was 14. His childhood seems to have been a happy one, but as time went on, family business on his mothers side went belly up and they went into debt. When the boss' grandmother, worried about there being no heir to carry on the family name, came up with a proposal. Money to support his mother in exchange for tamaki coming to live in japan, with no contact between the two"
"While the patriarch of the suoh family may be chairman yuzuru technically, but for the time being all the family's assets remain under the control of Tamaki's grandmother. What's more, with his mother's health being so frail, Tamaki understood the grim prospects facing her if she were left to live in debt so...not long afterward, either out of anguish or just plain guilt over having bartered her son away for financial security, Tamaki's mother left France in shame and went into hiding, her current whereabouts is unknown. To this day, he's never seen her again. Not once." Kyoya explains, looking out over the salon.
He stands "It's easy to feel sorry for him, but the harships he endured as a child helped mold him into the person he is today. He'll be fine, the host club is his refuge so that means when all is said and done, he still has us"
The doors creak open, tamaki and lady eclair stood behind them. "Everyone I have an important announcement, as of today, Lady Eclair Tonnerre and I are officially engaged. Furthermore, the host club will be permanently dissolved after the ouran fair. That is all"
Next time on patience 'This is our Ouran Fair!'
Tag list (reply to be added): @skottch @cgmajor @rebirthbunbun @bbybubbles @blueberry19000 @katgirl05 @smellslikelovinglies @veras-fanfic-reblogs @sadprimrose @mirtalikesdr @sleeplesssskeleton @ritzes28 @crackpeole @rory-cakes @renjunniex @II-kita-san-II @angelicwillows @missbrebre1012 @sleep-7372 @strawberrbitch @reticent-writer @eternal-dokja @meme848 @mistyhydrangeagarden @nanaloverz @hyuninslutbbgirl @rebel-author-chick @voyager1fan @bubbabobabubbles @haowonbins @justtryingtosurvive02
#kyoya ootori#kyoya ootori x reader#ohshc#kyoya x reader#ohshc kyoya#ohshc x reader#ouran high school host club#ouran highschool host club#ouran host club#ouran hshc#kaoru hitachiin#ouran#ouran kyoya#hikaru hitachiin#haruhi fujioka#tamaki suoh
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Could I make a request for a Yandere Harvey/Two-Face where they run into the reader and object of their obsession affection while committing something like a heist or robbery where he and his goons end up holding the place hostage? Maybe one of his goons randomly pics a hostage to threaten/rough up to serve as a warning to the others, and this so happens to be the reader, and this is when Two-Face sees her?
Sorry for getting to this late. My mental health hasn't been the best, nor has my physical health.
A fateful encounter
Yandere Two-Face x Reader

You could hear your own heart pounding loudly in your chest, silently praying this would end soon.
What started as a rather dull visit to the bank devolved into chaos. It happened so fast that you could barely comprehend what was happening, all you could recall is the sound of gunshots being fired into the air and the sound of a man shouting, demanding everyone get down on the ground.
So you kneeled there, fear flowing through your veins, frozen like a cornered animal with nowhere to escape.
You heard a man's voice barking orders to the many other men in the room. They likely worked for him, you figured. His voice was gruff, gravelly and deep. It sounded dangerous, as well as oddly familiar. You can't pin down where you've heard that voice before.
You try to subtly move your head towards the source of the sound, but before you can get a good look, one of the henchmen grabs you and lifts you up off the floor, holding you up with a firm grip on your neck, choking you.
"I saw this one move, boss. I figure they're tryna get away." the hired thug sneered, looking like he's just waiting for an excuse to beat somebody to a pulp.
You finally get a good look at the owner of the voice when he approaches. He was a tall, intimidating figure. Not quite as muscular as the man currently holding you by the throat, but he had a menacing aura surrounding him. What struck you the most about him, however, was the severe scarring that covered half of his face.
It was the former district attorney Harvey Dent. You've heard about the incident that left him disfigured, and you've heard about his fall from grace and his eventual turn to crime, but you never thought you'd ever see him in the flesh.
His expression was unreadable but his gaze was intense as he looked into your eyes. It was like he was taking in every detail.
"Let them go." He ordered, and the henchman obeyed, dropping you to the ground. You landed on your knees, catching your breath.
"What's your name?" He asked, and you answered between gasps for air.
"I'll make sure to remember it."
The heist was a success, but now wasn't the time for him to rest on his laurels.
Alone, he kept replaying that moment at the bank in his mind.
"They sure have caught your eye, haven't they, Harv?" rasped his second self, Two-Face.
There's tension inside him. A conflict.
"This is stupid." Harvey tells himself. "We should just leave them be. They have nothing to do with us. They're just some unfortunate soul who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"But you want to know more. You know you do. You want to have them."
Harvey can't deny that. Something ugly and twisted is growing inside him. A need to feed this newfound obsession.
"I'll try to get our guys to find out more about them... but we won't do anything drastic."
"Are you so sure about that? The way I see it, this is going to eat you until you snap and try to take them for yourself. Obsession is never a good thing."
Harvey can't deny that either...
"This is wrong... but we both know neither of us can rest until they're ours."
He sighs.
"They looked so angelic... I can't stop thinking about it. I pray this doesn't get ugly, I don't want to hurt them."
"And that's why we made the guy who threatened to thrash them two bullets to the skull? How sweet."
"He was acting out of line."
"He was touching what was ours."
The two fell silent, pondering what their next move should be. Is it worth it to feed into this obsession?
Fuck it.
If it means getting to be the one to keep you safe from all the ills that men like them commit, it's definitely worth it.
#yandere#yandere imagines#x reader#yandere fic#batman villians x reader#rogues gallery#two face x reader#harvey dent#yandere x reader#rogues gallery x reader#gotham rogues#batman villains#batrogues
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hi star! i saw that you write for spencer and I just read your responses to the other two spencer requests, they're so cute!! :) i was wondering if i could request a fic where spencer and reader are long time best friends and they both like each other, and then one night something causes spencer to confess his feelings to reader and it's just really cute and fluffy, could end with smut if you want but no worries if not!
hi!! i really enjoyed writing this so thank you for sending it!!
fem!reader x bsf spencer agnew, smut, sub!reader, softdom!spencer, fluff
You hummed softly while you drove to Spencer's apartment to pick him up, expecting it to be a normal night, the ones you usually have with him.
As you pull up to his house, you call him. Per usual, he responds instantly.
"hey spence, im outside."
"okay, i'll be out in a sec."
You watch him walk out the door and hang up at the same time. The past few months, all you've been able to think about when you look at him is how he would look growing old. Those thoughts slowly evolved into him growing old next to you, grandkids running around the house, living out by the beach, taking walks by the beach with your dogs, it just sounds so perfect. Even more perfect to imagine it with him.
Thoughts of the world you've created for the both of you rush back to you when he opens the car door and then they go away when he snaps in your face.
"hello? y/n/n? are you here?"
"huh? oh im sorry, yeah"
"are you okay? you've seemed a bit, off, recently."
"I'm okay. You know, you've been off, too"
You can almost see the panic in his face despite it being a dumb ploy to get him off your back. For a moment, you meet eyes with him, and can't help but wonder if he's thinking the same thing you are. But, you get a spam call before you can say anything.
"we should probably go." You speak, he nods, you drive back to your house.
When you get there you decide to paint each other and order takeout. You pick watercolor and he uses with oil pastels, claiming they're easier because they're just like crayons but better.
While painting him, you let it slip that he has just the right face for your painting, causing something unexpected.
"you have a really good face for painting, like its just easy."
"nah, you probably made me look ugly, like a swamp monster or something."
"excuse me?? mine is so realistic, it's perfect!!"
"oh so you think i'm perfect?"
"n-no, thats- no, thats not what i said"
"woah, are you like choking or something??"
You both laugh when he says that. And in this moment, your thoughts of being with him forever rush back, scaring you into silence.
"okay, but like, real talk, can I tell you something, y/n?"
"of course, whats up?"
"i need you to promise something first, okay?"
"promise that this wont change anything if you aren't okay with it."
"i promise, i love you, and nothing will change that."
"well um, i love you too. just in a different way. i keep getting these flashes of us growing old, living on some beach with like, a thousand grandkids. it sounds stupid but its made me realize that i love you. this is a different kind of love, this kind of love wont fade. i can feel it."
"oh thank god," you sigh out, relieved that he was feeling the same way.
"no joke, i have been getting the exact same flashes. its almost like some distant memory, and the people in them are so familiar but they don't exist yet."
"are you serious?"
"yeah, im so serious right now."
"well, i dont see any reason that we can't start trying to make those people exist." he giggles and then stops, having to retry that phrasing. "wait, i meant the kids and grandkids not us, that wouldn't make any sense-"
"yeah okay, can we fuck?"
instead of a reply, you laugh, hard, then kiss him. he grabs both sides of your face, immediately deepening the kiss.
"please, Spencer,"
"holy shit, yeah, i've got you," he moves his kisses down your body, stopping at your shirt, glancing up at you for permission.
"yeah, go ahead,"
he did as told, pulling your shirt over your head. then, as expected, he continued his kisses further down. so far down that he has to get on his knees.
he places his hands on your hips, halting his kisses to look up and you.
"can i?"
"yeah," you reply and give a small nod towards the couch. he stands and walks over to the couch, waiting patiently while you strip for him. Once fully bare and ready for him, you sit down on the couch. he sinks to his knees in front of you, spreads your legs, hooks his arms under your thighs and ass, and pulls you to the edge of the couch. Now that he has you right where he wants you, he goes in tongue first.
Immediately, he's got a rhythm to his licks. Soon after, he slowly prods at your open cunt with his middle finger before slipping it inside. he revels in the noises you make for him when you're about to cum. right then is when he pulls back completely, leaving you whining his name under him.
"Spencer please, you're so good. please let me cum,"
"not yet, want you to cum on my cock."
you shiver slightly at his words, imagining what that would be like. Apparently you were so engrossed in your fantasy that you failed to realize that he was fully naked now, directly in front of you. he had his dick in hand and he would've already been inside you if it weren't for his awareness.
"baby, are you ready?"
"mhm, yes please,"
Instead of responding, he just pushes into you. When he bottoms out, he lets out a loud groan and you cant help but do the same.
"oh you're so good, spence."
he just quietly whines in return.
he eventually sets a good pace after teasing for, what you consider to be, far too long. the whole time, he has you moaning under him, only spurring him further into you.
He leans down and kisses you soft and sweet, contradictory to the way he's pounding you. That alone makes you cum, your tight cunt squeezing him, making him finish directly after.
You both just lie there for a while, enjoying each other's presence and getting even more used to the way it'll be forever.
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~ SWTD: Still Here AU Season 2 Part 15: ~
You Have to Pay:
It's finally time to wrap up Caz's arc and say goodbye to some characters.
Everyone waited in the car park for Caz, who wouldn't be returning. Despite knowing the circumstances, with everything that's happened these last few days, Caz's crime was something they'd forgotten about. Except for Roy and Rennick.
The pair watched Caz leave with baited breath. It wasn't anything triumphant or something you'd expect at the end of a film. Just a simple goodbye and the urge to hold back tears.
'What's taking him so long, eh?' Innes mumbled as he leaned out of the window.
Off to the side, Roy caught a glimpse of Gibbo, Irene and Jack, and behind them was Trots and Simon. All possibly saying their goodbyes. This wasn't a taxi service. Thankfully, they all lived in Gladgow and could easily make their way home via the train station. He watched their conversations conclude with a tight hug, but he couldn't hear their words. Hopefully, they were better than what Caz was telling Cait and Maidie.
'When will I see you again?' Simon cupped Trots' hand and pulled him close. 'Soon, I hope.'
'I'll be back as soon as possible.' Trots reached up and stroked Simon's face, who in turn did the same. 'Keep the house warm, and I'll bring back a souvenir.'
'From London?'
'No, I was thinking Blackpool.'
'Sea side rock, then?'
'Sea side rock, then.'
The pair leaned in for a kiss before resting their foreheads and having a moment to themselves. Of course, they didn't want to let go, but Simon still had to work and provide for them, and with this economy, this was his end of the adventure.
'Can't believe I'm going to London...'
'It's not so bad,' Simon squeezed him into a hug. 'You'll see Westminster.'
'Shut up,' Trots chuckled.
Gibbo retracted from the hug first yet held his mother and son by the shoulders. 'I promise I'll be back to pick you up from school,' he said to Jack. 'You be good until then, okay?'
'Okay.' Jack still didn't like that his father was going again, but he felt worse for what he said. The ache was still there, but he still smiled and held his head high. 'Then we get fish and chips?'
'With gravy.'
'Ew, no. With curry sauce.'
Roy found himself tapping his foot, trying to control the rising anxiety in his stomach. He suddenly felt cold, but his cheeks turned red. Muir picked up on the panic in his heart and turned his head from within the truck. His eyes narrowed, and slowly, it clicked. Of course Roy knew what was going to happen or what was happening now.
'It's Caz, isn't it?' Muir had to be sure. Roy heard and turned to the truck. 'I can hear your heartbeat.'
'Fuck,' Roy muttered. He gave himself a moment to compose himself. 'Yeah,' Roy confessed. 'He's gonna hand himself in.' That got everyone's attention, who suddenly remembered Caz's confession back on Beria.
'And you're letting him?'
'No. No, I'm not. I was just giving him a headstart.'
That was Rennick's cue, who appeared from atop a truck like a spider.
'Right. Let's go get the stupid prick.'
Caz sat in his dry cell, trying to drown out the yelling from someone down the corridor threatening to end the lives of the police who brought him in. His clothes had been replaced with a drab grey tracksuit that was several sizes too big. Caz was oddly calm. He twiddled his thumbs that were blackened after having his fingerprints taken. His mind was empty, and breathing was steady. He just wanted to get this interview over with as he stared at the handcuffs on his wrists.
Wish granted, when the door opened to a police officer standing on the other side. He motioned with his head for Caz to follow who did so without question. They walked along the corridor and back into the entrance. Caz waited, watching the other officers pass by without a single acknowledgement. The officer who led him out went to the front desk and signed a form before turning back to Caz.
'Alright. This wa-'
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Three knocks in quick succession became bangs on the glass door at the entrance. At first, Caz ignored it, thinking it was just another criminal putting up a fight, until...
No. That voice. Surely the old cunt didn't come here?!
With wide eyes and a sudden shock running over his body, Caz slowly turned and saw Rennick's giant head and Roy pounding at the door to be let in. Everyone stood motionless. In any other circumstances, Caz would have laughed at the sight, but instead, he was purely shocked. No one stopped Roy figuring out the door wasn't locked, and he could walk right in. Rennick held the door open, learning from last time not to shove his entire head through a frame smaller than himself.
'Wait. Wait. Please wait,' Roy huffed. Poor bugger had practically sprinted here and nearly caused his heart to explode. He coughed and pulled himself together as best as he could. 'We can fix this.'
'And who are you?' The Sarge behind the front desk asked.
'Roy. Roy MacNair.'
'And who is that?'
'Oh that's just Rennick.'
'Christ, what the fuck are you two doing here?' Caz asked in pure bewilderment.
'You can't arrest him.'
'Sir, he handed himself in,' the Sarge said, trying his best to ignore the obvious standing at the door.
'What are his charges?!' Rennick's voice boomed, making it very clear no one could ignore him. For a moment, no one answered. Only out of wanting to break the lingering silence did the arresting officer who stood besides Caz answered.
'Assault and evading the police.'
Without hesitation, Rennick raised his voice and slammed one of his mantis arms, causing everyone, except Roy and Caz, to flinch.
'I'll pay it off!'
'Rennick, what are you doing?' It was just shock upon more shock. Caz's eyes sharply darted around, and he was forgetting to breathe. Whilst he knew he and Rennick had mended their past issues, he never expected this. He didn't know what to think.
'How much and whatever it is, I'll pay.' Rennick hissed. 'Just give me a pen, and I'll write a cheque, or whatever the process for this is.' A pause. Rennick's anger flared. 'Now!'
Caz felt his body feel light. All the muscles in his body began to relax, and a small smile etched onto his face. He and Roy shared a look, then with Rennick, who gave him a wink. The next thing he knew, the arresting officer had removed the handcuffs that had been squeezing his wrists and told him to wait until he got him his clothes from the back. And after that, he was heading back home. It was a lot to take in. So much so that Caz ignored any locals who saw the sight of Rennick, who was also ignoring the locals staring and giving him a wide birth. Roy turned to Caz and placed a hand on his shoulder.
'You alright, mate?'
'Yeah, but,' he turned to Rennick. 'Why did you do that?'
'Because I wanted to,' Rennick replied as if he didn't just pay Caz's bail and more like he had just given him a lift to the nearest airport.
'Rennick, that was five thousand quid. I cannae accept that.'
'Do I look like I need to earn money again, McLeary?' Rennick won't boast that a few thousand pounds was mere tuppence in his bank account. 'Now go tell Suze you're a daft pillock, and we'll seya in a bit.'
No hard feelings.
Suze didn't need to wait for a knock on the door. She saw her husband approach from the window. Her mind went into autopilot, dropping the vase and startling Cait and Maidie. They expected Suze to break down sobbing, not suddenly turn and run out of the flat, causing them to follow. It was hard to keep up with their mother, but when they did, the girls saw her embracing Caz. He held her close and stroked her hair. That lingering cloud finally vanished, and the sun shone brightly.
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I just want to seat the desperate virgin boys (89, Hachikyu, Marks) in my lap and give them a prostate massage. I'll promise to fuck them one day soon and describe in detail just how I'll take care of them when I steal their virginity.
He's halfway between incoherent from sheer horniness and so desperate for more that he might actually forget his nervousness enough to beg for it. 89 knows he'll want to die of shame for it later, but when you're milking every last bit of rational thought out of him with careful fingers on his prostate, knowing better means very little. Slumped against your shoulder while his cock leaks uselessly into your lap, untouched save for the moments of friction when he squirms, he can't help but mutter lewd, desperate fantasies.
Held in such an embarrassing position while you finger him open and tell him all the ways you'll fuck him stupid later, Hachikyu is torn between self-consciousness and lust. Trying to fuck himself on your fingers (or rub his dick against your shirt) is way too embarrassing, so no matter how badly he wants to come, all he can do is whine, beg, and pray you'll end it soon. What you're doing is already more than he could have ever hoped for— but the intimacy is unbearable when he's still coherent enough to think.
Unlike the other two, he's content to stay there and let you toy with his body for as long as you want. Even if he's aching to come, even if he wants you to fuck him properly more than anything, the fact that you're touching him at all means that Marks would never complain. Instead of begging, he's rambling non-stop thanks, wiggling eagerly in your lap while cuddled up as close as possible. Feeling your fingers inside while you tell him how you'd fuck him is enough to make Marks come— even otherwise untouched.
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