#I know lusaku are technically in charge of the askbox for the next few hours but I don't feel like having them answer rn slkfjds
mydictionary-yume · 2 months
god im so late but 📼🎙🗣 for sakulu for the interview game? :3c
📼 — What is a favorite memory you guys share? Least favorite?
UHHHHHH THIS KEEPS SHOWING UP IN ASK GAMES AND I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WWWWW.... A fave of mine is those lil quiet moments after a long day where we can just sit in silence with each other and enjoy the other's presence. He's comfy ur honor. His hair is fluffy. His body is soft. What more could you want in life. Least fave is prolly all of the early stuff with Lu and her first few weeks of existence slkdjfk. It was also just rly awkward between the two of them at that point anyway teehee<3
🎙️— What’s a song you’re picking to serenade your partner/s with during karaoke?
WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING BY LAUFEY UUUUUU I've yelled about it before i think idk but like....,., I didn't even realize it suited them so well until like. A few weeks ago while I was sobbing seeing this song performed live sklgjls... I'd also just like to tell him every single thing in those lyrics bc man. I can't believe you're in love with me sweet boy you're so... aoughhhhhhhhhhhh. Saku.ya 🥺😭
🗣️ — Were there any rumors about your relationship before you went public? Are there any current ones still? How do you / did you deal with them?
It's kinda a running joke among some fellow a.3! yume friends of mine that man.kai members place bets on who will get in a relationship and when, so of course that applied to lusaku sklfjs(iirc Azu.ma has the longest winning streak). I don't think it was anything serious, just the gossip spreading that they were into each other. As for current ones, such as ones possibly spreading around the company's fans, they're usually quickly dispelled + if things get out of hand we have a whole-ass yakuza<3
Ask game
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