#I know it's the Basic Bitch tm origin but I don't give a fuck all
inquisimer ยท 8 months
replayed the Cousland origin for screenshot purposes and I am ALL up in my feels about it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”
just. she's a carefree young noble, she's beloved by all the staff and knights. She rescues her dog from the cook who's known her since she was born and helps her former tutor teach the new young students. Rebuffs her mother's attempts to arrange a marriage but sleeps with an elven handmaiden. She begs her father and mother and brother to let her go into the battle at every opportunity but gives herself over to her duty in the end. and then in the end, the battle IS her duty. Becomes a Grey Warden after dreaming about it for the entire origin and thinking it would be impossible and then it comes to be in the absolute worst way possible. Both of her parents encourage her swearing vengeance on the Howes. Her mother could have gone with them but let her go alone (she's been begging to do things alone forever) to stay with her dying husband. Last image of her parents is her father's lifeblood all over their family home while Duncan forcibly drags her away.
in ๐Ÿ‘ my ๐Ÿ‘ FEELS ๐Ÿ‘
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