#I know he didn't mean it in a cheesy way when he said she was a dream comes true but in a cryptid 'there's something behind those words' way
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Also since tonight is apparently Doodle Evening Time: 
Valley getting to hug (and be hugged) by three of her haggy parents in yesterday session
She’s never been this happy since the campaign started, she’s genuinely so relieved to see them ok and can’t wait to see the other two hags as soon as she can. 
...She also got into definitely not a shady contract with a fiend in the feywilds in order to try and keep her family safe, so we’ll see how that one goes (probably poorly but for now, she’s happy to have half her family back again) 
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bleedingoptimism · 4 months
“I’m sorry Steve, I thought we were just having fun! I enjoyed you taking me out and paying for everything that’s all…” Is what Shelley said to him when Steve walked into the bar and saw her flirting with another guy. 
Obviously, he smiled and shook his head, said everything was okay, ‘Just a silly misunderstanding’ and left, ever so graceful. But the second he was outside he cursed, tried not to shed a tear, failed, and then started laughing. 
He probably looks like a mad man, or a drunk. But no, don’t worry people, he’s not drunk or crazy, he’s just really, really stupid. He thought Shelley really liked him, he thought they were dating. And Shelley just assumed he was just another playboy so she played him back. He’s not even mad at her. She didn't mean to hurt him. It’s not her fault Steve is just so easy to hurt. 
Sighing, he gets his phone out to get an uber and hugs himself even though it’s not really that cold outside, waiting for his car, already imagining the big, greasy burger he’s going to order when he gets home. He deserves it, okay?
The car that pulls out has definitely seen better days, but it’s clean and comfortable so Steve doesn’t think twice about getting in. He offers the driver a smile through the rearview mirror, sparing a moment to notice his eyes are big and dark, and they crinkle when he smiles back at him. 
Steve sits stiff and straight for a moment before realizing no one is there to judge him right now and he deflates, sighing again and letting himself collapse against the seat. Still hugging himself to feel any sort of comfort, he bumps his head against the window softly a couple of times. 
“Long night?” The driver asks him in a friendly manner.
Steve meets his eyes in the rearview again and shrugs, smiling back crookedly “Thought I should go home early since I already accomplished making an ass of myself for the night”
He checks the uber app for the driver’s name, doesn’t want to be rude by not remembering. ‘Eddie’ chuckles at Steve's statement.
“You did, huh? Well good job on getting it out of the way then,”
Steve chuckles back, “Yeah, I was actually thinking I deserve a treat”
He notices Eddie looking back at him a couple of times before breathing an interested, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, “A huge cheesy burger or something” Wondering what Eddie was thinking he’d say.
Eddie laughs again, “Oh! Right of course” and just when he’s about to say something else his phone rings.
“Oh, sorry” Eddie murmurs, immediately hanging up on whoever is calling. 
“No worries,” Steve mumbles back, sitting up a little straighter again. 
“So, what’s your favorite dirty burger place?” Eddie asks him. 
Steve can tell he’s trying to distract him from the mood he entered the car with and he really appreciates it.
He sits forward and leans his forearms against the headrest of the passenger seat, “Oh, there’s so many, but…” from this angle, he can see Eddie’s face better, and he can’t help but think he’s got a really nice looking profile, long lashes, full lips, and the cutest nose he’s ever seen, “I think Benny’s the best one” he finishes.
Eddie pulls at a stop light and turns to look at him with a smile and he’s so much prettier than Steve first thought he involuntarily gasps. But thankfully Eddie is talking excitedly and doesn’t seem to notice.
“No way you know Benny’s?! Benny is my uncle! Well, he’s married to my uncle actually- you know what I mean but yeah, Benny’s is great!” 
It’s such a weird coincidence that it managed to take Steve out of his stupor and he’s suddenly just as excited as Eddie,
“Really? Oh my god, I’m so jealous right now, I wished I could live at Benny’s sometimes” 
Eddie laughs, and just when he opens his mouth to reply his phone rings again. This time he doesn’t immediately hang up and Steve sees the screen light up with the name “you deserve better” 
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Ouch, he thinks, and his heartstrings tug for his cute, sweet, uber driver. Who offered him friendly conversation cause he noticed he was feeling down and has the most beautiful laugh. He doesn't really know why he feels so strongly about it, he doesn't even know Eddie… but he still feels the text is right. Whoever hurt him, Eddie deserved better.
��Hey,” He says softly when Eddie hangs up cursing.
Eddie sighs again, “I’m so sorry,” 
“Hey, no. It’s fine,” Steve replies, resisting the urge to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He figures, after the way his night started, he’s got nothing to lose so he says, “So much talk about Benny’s I feel like I need to go there right now.” 
Eddie let’s out a distracted “Huh?” and Steve soldiers on, “Wanna change the destination and join me? You can take me home after,”
He notices Eddie doing a double take and blushing, “Really? I- Am- I- okay” he stammers but Steve can’t really figure out why.
“Yeah, you know, that way you don’t lose time on the job and have another ride?” He finishes and Eddie laughs,
“Oh, right. Yeah That- makes sense”
They keep talking about their favorite things on the menu on the way there and soon they are sitting face to face in a booth at Benny’s.
What a pair they make, Steve in a three piece suit, jacket off, vest undone and shirt rolled up to his forearms. And Eddie with sweats and a hoodie. 
Eddie is even better looking in the shitty dinner light and the blush that adorns his cheeks ever since they came in makes Steve wanna kiss them to feel their warmth.
Benny himself comes to take their order, and Eddie gets up to hug him and introduces him to Steve. They already know each other, because Steve does come to the dinner often and Benny lets Eddie know that.
Eddie thinks it's hilarious that they both have been here so much and never saw each other before, but Steve can’t help to think it’s a shame.
“I actually would’ve loved to have met you sooner,” he tells Eddie at one point and watches curiously as Eddie’s blush turns a few shades darker.
As they eat, Steve tells Eddie about Shelley, about his hopes, about misreading the situation, about his shame. How he doesn’t even think he liked Shelley that much, but he just wanted to have something real. Eddie gets mad at him for blaming himself, tells him it wasn’t his fault, that he’s being too hard on himself. And it’s not a bad thing to consider but all Steve can think about is how cute Eddie looks when he’s mad on his behalf.
Eventually, Eddie tells Steve about whoever was calling him. 
“I met him at my last job. I thought he was so cool but turns out he was actually just cold,” Eddie shrugs, “We dated for like 6 months or something, not that long but, I was miserable the whole time and I didn’t even realize it was because of him.” 
Eddie’s hand is tearing up a paper napkin between them and Steve tentatively settles his hand over Eddie’s, who stops destroying the napkin and smiles gratefully at Steve, holding his hand back.
“The worst part is I didn’t even break up with him, he broke up with me,” Eddie chuckles self-deprecatingly, “But he still wanted to keep me around I guess… And I… didn’t want to feel lonely” 
They both stay quiet for a moment after that, and Steve stares at their hands joined over the greasy dinner table and thinks about loneliness, about how he doesn't feel it right now, with Eddie.
“So, what happened?” he asks after a bit.
“I did eventually realize he was the one making me feel like shit so I stopped seeing him but he didn’t appreciate my new sense of self-respect,” Eddie says lightly and Steve instinctively squeezes his hand protectively, which makes Eddie smile again, “I’m doing just fine now though, I told him to fuck off and got a new job. And it’s actually pretty good, ya know?”
Steve can’t help but smile back at Eddie’s cute expression, “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah, my own hours? Good money? Plus I’ve always liked driving around, it calms me. And I get to meet really interesting people…” he says, winking at Steve and making him chuckle.
“Well, I’m glad then. Proud of you for getting out of there,”
“Me too,” Eddie says and looks up as Benny walks over to them.
“Sorry to interrupt boys, but we are about to close for the night,” He says, stifling a yawn.
Steve looks surprised at his watch, it’s almost 2 A.M. He can’t believe he’s been sitting here with Eddie for hours when it only felt like a few minutes.
He offers to cover the bill but Benny fights him over it and says it’s his treat. And Eddie offers to take him home no charge. So they get in Eddie’s car again only this time Steve sits next to him instead of in the back and they talk about music on their way to his place while Steve changes the radio stations. Laughing, singing and joking around, it’s such a good time. It feels like they’ve been doing this forever, like they could do this…forever. But eventually they arrive at Steve’s building and suddenly Steve doesn’t want the night to end. 
He’s about to tell Eddie as much, maybe invite him inside, when his phone rings again, the ‘you deserve better’ staring at them. But Eddie immediately grabs his phone and hangs up, blocking the number after. 
“There, he can’t call me again,” he says with a sigh.
“Can I see your phone for a second?” Steve ventures, making a last second decision.
Eddie looks surprised but curious as he hands it over and Steve punches his phone in.
“If you ever feel like unblocking him, or calling him back… Why don’t you try calling me instead?” he says in a rush and then walks out of the car, not lingering to see Eddie’s reaction.
There’s always the positivity that he got things wrong again, got too invested too soon again and he doesn’t want to know tonight. He’ll deal with it later, if Eddie doesn't call.
It takes only two days for Steve’s phone to ring, an unknown number flashing on his screen. He picks it up feeling a little out of breath for no reason at all.
“Eddie, I”
“Wait- before you say anything I just want you to know that I didn’t call because I wanted to call him, or I was thinking about him. I called because I can’t stop thinking about you, I wanted to talk to you. Okay?”
“Eddie- yes! It’s more than okay, I- I was hoping you’d call”
fin 💙
☕🥐💕 coffee? oovoo javer?
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punkshort · 2 months
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Pairing: (Hallmark) Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: You finally move in with Joel and Sarah.
Warnings: language, fluff (the cheesy hallmark kind), established relationship, reader has a previously explained nickname, smut (18+ MDNI), oral (f!receiving), unprotected piv sex
WC: 4.8K
Series Masterlist
Dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics
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Joel was nervous. He never really got nervous, but that particular day, he was nervous.
Sure, it was a big step in your relationship. Or maybe it was because months ago when he asked your father's permission to marry you, he promised he would wait until you moved in together.
And now, that day had arrived.
Where did the time go? He swore it just flew right on by, time that was filled with memories of dinners, parties, dates and holidays together. He hadn't planned what he would say and he felt woefully unprepared. He hadn't even talked to Sarah about it yet.
Just because today is the day you're moving in doesn't mean today is the day I need to ask, he thought to himself. Still, it was a big step. A big, symbolic gesture on both your ends. One that screamed, I'm in this for the long haul.
"Mornin', babygirl," Joel said sleepily as he entered the kitchen, Sarah already sitting at the table in front of an empty bowl and scrolling quietly on her phone.
"Hey," she responded distractedly. He poured himself a cup of coffee and looked around the room. It would be the last morning in his kitchen that didn't include you, and the thought made warmth bloom in his chest and excitement flicker under his skin.
"Big day," he said, but Sarah only nodded. "Y'know, been meanin' to talk to you 'bout somethin'."
She pulled her gaze up from her phone and cocked her head to the side. "Yeah?"
He nodded and took a deep breath before sitting across the table from her. He told her it was about you and she sat back in her chair.
He nodded, the silly nickname coming from his daughter's lips that only previously came from your immediate family making him smile.
"You know I'm cool with her moving in, we talked about it months ago. I think it's great. She's amazing and we have so much fun-"
"It's not that," he said, cutting her off before he lost his nerve. "One day - and I ain't sayin' today - but one day, I wanna ask her to marry me."
Sarah just continued to stare blankly at him, so he continued.
"I love her so much, babygirl. She means so much to me, 'n so does her family. I can't imagine my life, our life, without her."
"Yeah, duh," she replied, giving him an incredulous look. "Obviously if she's moving in I figured that would be the next step."
He frowned. "You did?"
"Dad," she whined, rolling her eyes. "I'm seventeen now. Soon, I'll be in college. I want you to be happy. I don't want to worry about you being sad and alone when I'm gone."
"Gee, thanks," he scoffed over his mug, and she giggled.
"What I'm saying is, I think it's great. Go for it. She'll totally say yes."
He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah?"
Sarah gave him a deadpan look. "Yes, Dad. She's moving in with you. She's not expecting friendship bracelets."
He smirked and looked down at his coffee. One thing was checked off the list, now he had to think about when and how he would ask you.
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It was a long day.
You hadn't even lived in Texas for a full year yet but you managed to accumulate a lot more shit than you thought. Fortunately, between Joel, Tommy, your dad and Josh, your brother in law, all the furniture was quickly unloaded. The time consuming part was working out the angles in hallways and stairs. Since Joel and Sarah already had more than enough furniture, the two of you decided to put your old couch and television in the basement, an idea which Sarah excitedly jumped on board with.
You could hear the men grunting and talking through different ideas on how to get your couch into the basement all the way from Joel's - your - bedroom upstairs with Sarah.
"I am obsessed with this purse," Sarah sighed, tossing a red leather Michael Kors tote over her shoulder. Prior to living in Texas, you lived in New York City and had created quite the collection of designer clothes and accessories thanks mostly to your ex-fiancé. Since moving, you found very little use for most of it and your style evolved to one that was much more relaxed and comfortable. More you.
"Keep it," you told her as you opened up a box of your bathroom things. She gawked at you while you began to drag the box towards the bathroom, already smiling to yourself as you thought about Joel seeing all the girly face masks and perfumes cluttering his once rather masculine space.
"Are you serious?"
You glanced up at her and shrugged. "Sure. I haven't used it in a year and I have plenty more. It's all yours."
"Oh, my god," she murmured, holding the bag close to her chest. "Thank you!"
You grinned and pulled out bottles of shampoo and conditioner. "Don't mention it."
There was a loud thud that came from the basement and you both froze, waiting to hear panicked calls for help, but after a moment laughter erupted amongst the men and you both exchanged looks of relief.
"I bet Dad that Uncle Tommy would be the one to hurt himself," she told you, crouching to help unpack more of your toiletries.
You laughed and shook your head. "You're probably right."
Glancing at the time, you stood up and weaved your way through the boxes littering the floor to grab your wallet laying on the bed.
"Would you mind calling in a couple pizzas for delivery?" you asked Sarah, handing her your credit card. She nodded and patted down her pants.
"Shoot. I think I left my phone in my room," she said as she headed towards the door. "Ronny's Pizza, right?"
"Yeah, that's good," you called after her before stubbing your toe on a half empty cardboard box. "Shit," you muttered angrily, then squat down to scoop up what was left in the box and get it out of your way.
Wrestling with an armful of socks and bras, you carefully made your way to the dresser and yanked open a drawer. You mistakenly had opened Joel's underwear drawer instead of the one he had emptied for you, but right as you were about to close it, something caught your eye. Was that...? Slowly, you reached forward and nudged a pair of boxers out of the way so you could get a better look.
Your eyes went wide and your heart jumped into your throat when you saw the small, black velvet box nestled between his things. The fingers holding up the pair of underwear began to shake and you nervously swallowed the lump in your throat.
Maybe it was a class ring.
Maybe it was a piece of his mom's jewelry he saved for Sarah.
Or maybe it was a fucking engagement ring.
You heard creaking on the stairs and you quickly dropped the boxers back over the box and slammed the drawer shut. By the time Joel entered the room, you had successfully found your drawer and were halfway done putting your clothes away.
"Hey, darlin'," he murmured, sidling up behind you. He buried his nose in your shoulder and slowly circled his arms around your waist.
"Hey, yourself," you replied, hoping your voice sounded normal and he couldn't feel your heart slamming in your chest. Already got the ring he had said to you drunkenly the night before your sister gave birth. "How are things going down there?" you asked, trying to refocus and get your mind off what you just saw.
Joel breathed in deep and began to sway you both back and forth. "Good. Everythin's all set. Got a nice man cave set up now."
You giggled and closed your drawer before turning around in his arms. "Man cave, huh?"
"That's right," he said softly with a grin. "Gonna be great in 'nother month when football season starts."
"I don't know, I think Sarah was already making plans to have her girlfriends over down there. Might cramp your man cave style," you told him, arms draping loosely around his neck.
"'S'alright, I just give her a hundred bucks and let her borrow the car and then it's all mine," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss against your throat. "Be nice to have some privacy down there, too," he added, tilting his head in the other direction so he could give the other side of your neck the same attention.
"Yeah? Privacy for what?" you teased, chin lifting up to give him better access. You felt him chuckle against your skin.
"For anythin' we want," he replied, tearing his mouth away from your shoulder so he could brush his lips gently over yours.
"Mmm, like board games?" you asked, giggling when his lips froze and his face pulled away, giving you a look of disbelief.
"Is that what we're callin' it?"
You nodded and stretched onto your tiptoes so you could kiss him again.
"Okay, the pizza'll be here - oh. Gross," Sarah said when she appeared in the doorway. You pulled away and grinned while Joel looked over his shoulder with a frown.
"Gross?" he repeated, voice laced with disgust. "Seein' me happy is gross?"
Sarah rolled her eyes as she navigated the minefield of boxes in the room to hand you back your credit card. "Is this what it's gonna be like now? You guys sucking face in every room?"
"Hate to tell you, kiddo, but it's always been that way," you told her as you dropped your arms from around Joel's neck to take your card back.
"Pizza?" he questioned excitedly as if he just processed what Sarah said, and you nodded.
"Figured you guys would be hungry."
Joel groaned in delight and wrapped his arms around you once again, making you laugh.
"Alright, gimme a second to leave at least," Sarah said, turning towards the door as quickly as possible, but not before you caught the smile on her face.
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"Hey, can I give you a hand?" Tommy asked as he entered your kitchen. You could hear Josh, your father, Sarah and Joel laughing in the living room with the television on in the background.
"Oh, Tommy, that's so sweet but I got it. You've done so much already today, thank you for your help," you said with a smile as you continued to clean up the pizza. Tommy leaned against the counter and watched you move around his brother's kitchen like you had been there your whole life, and he couldn't help but smile.
"You look right at home already," he told you, making your cheeks warm. You pulled out some foil and shrugged.
"I've stayed over a couple times, what can I say?"
He chuckled and continued to watch you work quietly for a moment.
"Say, what'dya think 'bout you and Joel goin' on a double date with me and Maria?"
"Oh, I would love that!" you exclaimed, meeting his gaze briefly as you moved towards the fridge. "Must be getting serious if you're ready to introduce her to family, huh?"
"Yeah, I think so," Tommy said, shyly looking down at the tile floor. "She's so pretty. Smart, too. And funny. We have such a great time together. I'll tell you, I ain't ever remember feelin' this way 'bout a girl before."
Your jaw hung open in shock after you turned away from the closed fridge. "Tommy! This is... amazing!"
He scratched the back of his neck and grinned. "Yeah, it is," he agreed warmly.
"He botherin' you, baby?" Joel asked as he strolled into the kitchen with a beer in his hand. He shot you a wink right after Tommy gave him the finger.
"I was just telling Tommy we should go on a double date with him and Maria," you said, leaning into the hug he gave you. Tommy gave you a thumbs up behind Joel's back and you smiled over his shoulder, knowing intuitively that his brother would tease him mercilessly if he knew Tommy was the one with the idea instead of you.
"Oh, yeah?" Joel asked, pulling back to look at Tommy. He nodded.
"Yeah, sounds like fun. Maybe grab some drinks down at Mike's. Play some pool."
"Alright. Set it up, can't wait to meet her," Joel told him before squeezing past you to get another beer from the refrigerator.
The men spent another hour or so relaxing in the living room while you and Sarah did the best you could to clear up the remaining boxes in your bedroom. You did rather well, too. By the time everyone was ready to say good night, you only had two boxes left, both of which you stacked and shoved into a corner to deal with the next day.
You were looking forward to collapsing into bed after a long, eventful day when Sarah asked if she could go to the movies with a few of her friends.
"Please, Dad? School starts up in a couple weeks," she begged, and Joel didn't have the heart to tell her she didn't need to bother to beg. He handed her some money from his wallet and she rushed up to her bedroom to get ready, announcing her friend Katy would pick her up in twenty minutes.
"Strange how Katy knew to pick her up before I said it was alright," Joel told you with a fake look of confusion. You laughed and plopped next to him on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder while he flipped through the channels on the television.
You wrapped your hand around his bicep and snuggled in closer as he wavered back and forth between two different action movies. When you really thought about it, it was funny. Your life was so different just a year ago. You were engaged to someone else, living in New York City, wearing expensive clothes and dining at restaurants you didn't really care for but your fiancé did, so you pretended to like them, too. Now you were living a completely different life. One of comfort and love and joy and you had never felt happier.
As if he could read your mind, Joel lifted his arm and tugged you closer by the shoulders, then planted a kiss on the top of your head, further emphasizing how perfect your life seemed now.
"I'm coming downstairs now! Stop making out!" Sarah warned as she stomped down the steps. You stifled your laughter and Joel shot her a scowl.
"We're just watchin' TV."
"And I'm just covering my bases," she said with a grin, holding her hands up in surrender. A faint beep came from the road and she grabbed the purse you had given her earlier that day and said, "don't wait up!" over her shoulder before the door clicked shut.
"Don't wait up?" Joel repeated with a snort. "She's seventeen goin' on thirty."
You giggled and gazed up at him from your place against his side. "You wanna play some board games?"
He looked confused for a moment before the realization dawned on him.
"Hell, yes."
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The basement looked nicer than you expected. It wasn't completely finished but there was an area Joel had built a wall around and painted years ago. He had installed a drop ceiling and some laminate flooring but he never got around to actually doing much else with it until you moved in and had extra furniture. An area rug from your old apartment was in the center of the room, your old couch resting on top and your television was placed on your entertainment center across from the sofa. You had some floor lamps and end tables you could arrange in the space later on but for now, it was nice.
But all that didn't really matter that particular day. Not when your shorts dangled around one ankle, which was slung over the back of the couch, your legs spread wide as Joel kneeled on the area rug, his fingers gripping your hips as his tongue feverishly lapped at your pussy.
"Fuck, Joel... I'm close," you whined, hand clawing at his hair, your hips grinding shamelessly against his face. He just groaned, eyes fluttering closed as he drank you in, your scent engulfing him, absolutely loving the way you fell apart under his tongue.
"Joel," you gasped, mouth hung open as your gaze fixed on the top of his head. "Joel, d-do t-that thing-" you moaned loudly, cutting yourself off when he repeatedly grazed his teeth over your clit while working two fingers into your cunt, curling them so they pressed against that one spot he knew drove you crazy each time he dragged them in and out.
A moment later, your body went rigid and tears sprung to your eyes as you came, ragged groans melting into quiet little whimpers until he finally pulled away from the center of your thighs. His eyes were dark and wild as he panted for air, watching you with a cocky smirk as you struggled to come to your senses.
"Gonna let me fuck you now, baby?" he murmured, his pants already pushed halfway down his legs. You nodded in a daze, thighs trembling still when he stepped out of his jeans and kneeled onto the couch. He hovered over you, pressing his thick length against your pussy while he bent forward to bite and suck at your throat.
You gasped sharply and grabbed his shoulders when he first entered you. The initial stretch always took your breath away, regardless if he made you come first or not. You came to crave that feeling, those first few seconds of intrusion that made your mind go blank and your heart stutter before your body made room for him and relaxed. And because you knew he loved to hear it, your mouth found his ear and you whimpered, "so big," and you smiled when you heard his responding growl.
A few days before you moved in with Joel, you laid awake at night in your apartment, thinking back to your relationship before him. When you moved in with Will, it seemed like something shifted almost immediately, and not in a good way. The spark fizzled out as you adjusted to living with one another, putting up with each other's quirks and bad habits. Logically, you knew that spark was dying before you moved in together but at the time, you didn't want to admit it. But anxiety still crept up and you wondered if the same thing would happen with Joel.
What a stupid thing to worry about.
What you had with Joel was so different, it was hard to describe. But it was a feeling, something deep inside that couldn't be denied. This was special. This was unlike anything you ever experienced before and it was foolish to try to compare it to anything else.
As if you needed further proof, Joel sensed your mind had drifted elsewhere and he nipped at your lower lip to draw your attention back to him.
"What's wrong?" he whispered when you met his gaze. His hips had slowed down, worried you were uncomfortable and didn't want to say it. You slowly smiled and draped your arms around his neck, looking up at him with such love and adoration that he couldn't stop himself from smiling in return.
"Nothing's wrong. Everything's perfect," you told him. You tugged him down so you could give him a kiss, then mumbled, "you're perfect," against his mouth.
Joel flushed and shook his head gently, resuming his steady pace. Sometimes he had a hard time believing you were real. He spent a good chunk of his adult life thinking he would never find true love and after a few years of loneliness, he grew to accept that. He threw himself into his work and focused on raising Sarah but when he met you, it was like everything changed. He couldn't stop thinking about you to the point where he would have been content with just getting to know you better, but the moment he first felt your lips against his, he knew he didn't stand a chance. But when he first made love to you, it was all over. He knew within seconds he could never let you go, and he never did.
"You're the one who's perfect. God, so fuckin' tight," he groaned, flexing his hips with a little more force. You rewarded him with a sweet little moan and tipped your head back into the couch. "That feel good, baby?" he breathed, watching with pride as you writhed underneath him.
"Yeah," you whispered before sinking your teeth into your lower lip, skin already red and sensitive from where his own teeth had laid claim. "Again. Harder, Joel," you pleaded, and his eyelids fluttered as he tried to slow down his own orgasm that was already growing all too quickly.
He gave you what you wanted, hips snapping into yours roughly. Your whole body rocked beneath him, breasts bouncing free under your thin T-shirt, jaw slack and back arched so beautifully he had to look away before he came too soon.
"Oh, fuck, Joel," you whined, face pinching as he forced another orgasm to the surface with each powerful thrust.
"You like that?" he murmured, his dark eyes raking over your body greedily. "Tell me, baby. C'mon, wanna hear it."
"Yes," you whimpered, eyes still screwed shut, "feel so fucking good, Joel, fuck... so... so deep, I want more." You took in a deep breath, your release so close you could taste it. "More... don't stop, please... I-I need..." you were rambling now, unable to form a full sentence, barely aware you were saying anything at all and fuck, did he love being the one to make you do that. Make you lose control and give in, putting all your faith and trust in him to give you what you want. To make you feel good.
"I know what you need," he said through gritted teeth, then grabbed ahold of your hip and ground himself roughly against your cunt. Your eyes flew open and he smiled when you cried out, clenching around him after only two or three passes over your clit.
You were whispering his name mixed with something else incoherent as you came down and he couldn't hold himself back any longer. He slammed into you over and over, eyes fixed on the way your pussy strained around his girth, his cock all shiny and slick with your arousal and he came with a loud groan, thrusting into you deep and slow until he was spent.
His arms began to tremble so he slowly lowered himself down to rest the side of his head against your chest and instantly, your hands came up to card through his hair. He sighed and closed his eyes, soaking in your gentle touch as his heart began to slow.
"Do you think it will always be like this?" you asked softly, fingers still threading through his curls.
"Yeah, I do," Joel replied, eyes still shut as he nuzzled into your chest.
"Good. Me, too."
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Maria was fun.
You knew immediately you would get along. Her sense of humor and her carefree attitude completely contradicted her profession as a newly appointed Assistant District Attorney, and you absolutely loved how full of surprises she was, especially how good she was at pool.
"Y'know, we just let you girls win," Joel teased when he put his pool cue down.
"Oh, yeah? Is that why I heard you and Tommy talking strategy on my way back from the bathroom?" you shot back. He grinned and tugged you into his chest, kissing the crown of your head before releasing you.
"C'mon, Tommy. Losers buy the next round," he said, giving his younger brother a playful shove. Tommy squeezed Maria's hand and gave her a warm smile before following Joel to the bar, leaving just you two to find an empty table. Maria spotted one right when a group of four were standing up to leave and she grabbed your arm, practically dragging you across the crowded floor to snag it before someone else did.
"Good eye!" you told her when you slid into the booth, the green, plastic cushion underneath you essentially useless after years of being flattened and never replaced. The table was sticky from spilled beer and droplets of hot sauce, so you each got to work yanking handfuls of napkins out of the dispenser at the end of the table and squirting hand sanitizer over the tabletop to clean the area as best you could.
"I don't think Tommy told me how long you two've been together," Maria said, her eyes lifting to search the bar for your dates.
"Uh, eight months or so," you told her, "we met right before Christmas."
She raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I would have guessed much longer. It feels like you know each other so well."
You could feel your cheeks warm from the compliment. It was clear to you what you had with Joel was special but it was always nice to hear others could see it, too.
"What about you and Tommy? He's been keeping you a secret but I want to guess... two months?"
"Three, actually," she corrected you. "We both agreed to take things slow. I had just gotten this job and I knew I would be putting in long hours, I wasn't really sure if I had the time to devote to a relationship but he stuck it out. I really thought he was going to bail when I kept having to call it early so many nights and cancel dates last minute but he's a trooper."
You leaned across the table and wiggled your eyebrows at her. "That's 'cause he really likes you."
She giggled and waved you off but you could see the delight in her eyes.
"I'm serious! I've only known him for as long as I've known Joel but from what I was told, Tommy didn't bring girls around often. Especially lately. You must be special," you teased, making her smile widen.
Unbeknownst to you, across the bar, Tommy and Joel were having a similar conversation.
Now that Tommy had a few beers in him, he was more open to telling his brother about Maria and how happy he was with her.
"I'm tellin' you, Joel, I think she's the one," he was saying, slamming down an empty shot glass next to Joel's on the messy bar top.
"I like her, she keeps you in line," Joel quipped, taking a sip from his beer to chase the shot of whiskey. "Girls are gettin' along real good, too."
Tommy nodded and looked across the bar. "And how's things goin' with you two? She wanna move out yet?"
Joel laughed and shook his head. "Nah, it's only been two weeks. It'll probably take at least a month 'fore she realizes she made a mistake," he joked.
Tommy chuckled but caught the fond look in Joel's eye when he thought about you.
"So, you think this is it for us?" he asked, and Joel glanced up from his beer. "We finally found the ones?"
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk and he nodded.
"Hope so." Then maybe he was feeling a little braver, or maybe it was the alcohol, but he added, "got the ring already, be a little tough tryin' to take it back."
Tommy's eyes bugged out of his head. "You - what?"
Joel sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Yep. Had it for a while now. Asked Paul 'n everythin'."
Tommy's mouth opened and closed like a fish, completely stunned.
"And Sarah?"
He nodded and took a nervous sip from his bottle. "Talked to her, too. She's thrilled."
Tommy broke out into a huge grin and tugged Joel into a quick hug before pulling away and giving him a playful shoulder shove. "So when are you gonna do it?"
Joel sighed and looked around. "I don't know. When it feels right, I suppose."
"Shit," Tommy replied, rubbing his chin. "Gonna be a hell of a year."
Joel nodded and looked down at your drinks sitting on the bar. "We oughta go find the girls."
"Yeah," Tommy agreed, shaking his head like he was snapping out of a trance. He reached for Maria's drink while Joel grabbed yours but before they began to weave their way through the bar, Tommy stopped him.
"Congrats, brother. I'm happy for you."
"She didn't say yes yet," Joel reminded him with a raised eyebrow, but Tommy just shrugged.
"She will."
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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whorekneecentral · 11 months
Sticky Fingers
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader
Warnings: dad!seb, seb referring to himself as daddy, cheesy flirting, oral (m!receiving), the use of daddy in a sexual context, penetrative sex (p in v), breeding kink, hint to pregnancy kink if you squint, creampie, a touch of cum play, finger sucking, mommy kink but in a joking way.
Word Count: 2,112
Author's Note: would it really be me if I didn't start it off with my favourite dilf on the planet?? happy holidays to everyone who celebrates in whatever way you do and to those of you who don't, I hope you have a wonderful winter season!!
merry smutmas series
Your husband spends his first Christmas at home since his retirement and he went a little.. a lot over board. 
It had been a long year; Sebastian had been driving you mad as much as it was nice to have him home. A full year of retirement and Seb was making sure this holiday season was the best one yet.
Last year, after he retired, you had practically already gotten everything together for the holidays. Sebastian helped decorate and do activities with your daughter but this year, he was hands on from day one. He insisted you guys get a real tree as well as decorate the whole house from top to bottom. You couldn't count how many times he had you running to the store to pick up something for him and his newest holiday project.
Your daughter was upstairs in her bed, fast asleep with her messy blonde curls all scattered over the pillow when you checked on her. Sebastian had put her to bed while you had gone to take a shower.
Usually, you'd find him in bed by now or in the living room, finally working on the insanely long list of tv shows Charles had recommended to him over the years.
Tonight was different, the house was quiet and you couldn't seem to spot your husband anywhere as you made your way through the house.
A light peeked out from around the corner, the door to the basement slightly ajar and you pulled it open, slowly making your way downstairs.
You can see Sebastian from behind, the man freezes when he hears the creaking of the stairs. "It's just me," you announced, the man visibly relaxed, turning to smile at you.
"What are you doing down here?" You asked, finally making it down the stairs. "So secretive, are you jerking off?" You jokingly asked, Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"Don't need to do that when I have you," he raises his eyebrows and it was your turn to roll your eyes.
"Whatever Seb," you laughed, "seriously, what are you doing down here?"
"Trying to wrap this," Sebastian steps to the side, revealing the massive box that was behind him. On the front was a photo of the doll house your daughter wanted.. the ridiculously expensive dollhouse that is. It's not that you two didn't get your daughter what she wanted but she had to earn it. Just because her father is who he is and the fact that he has money, doesn't mean she should get whatever she wants.
You raise her as a normal kid, not some spoiled brat who gets whatever they want.
You huffed, arms folded over your chest as you looked at your husband. "Sebastian, you didn't."
He glances between you and the dollhouse. "What?"
"Do you know how expensive that is?"
"Yeah duh, I bought it babe." He says as if he was stating the obvious, which he was.
He takes a step towards you, grabbing your arms to unfold them, "listen, I know you don't want me to just buy her whatever she wants but it's Christmas and she did really well on her first term report card, remember ?" Sebastian smiles at you, trying to justify his purchase.
You sigh, nodding. You always gave in, both he and his daughter knew as much.
You reach up, holding his face. "You're the best daddy a girl could ask for."
From the moment the words left your mouth, you could see the gears turning in his head. Sebastian's hands grab your ass, squeezing it when he leans in to give you a kiss. "I know I am," he whispers against your lips and you know he did not mean it in the same way you had said it.
Laughing, you lean back in your husband's arms. "Only you can make that dirty."
The man swings you in the direction of your couch, dropping you down on it before getting on top of you. "I'll show you dirty," he says, kissing you once again.
Your legs wrapped around your husband, holding him against you. Seb's lips are all over you, hands slipping between the two of you, pulling on the hem of his t-shirt until he stops to take it off.
"Don't look at me like that," he teases, pushing your shirt up to kiss down your stomach. "Like what?" You breathe, head tipped back into the cushions.
"Like you want to fuck me."
"I'd give you another baby right now, Sebastian."
The man freezes, looking up at you. There's a wicked smile on his face. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you nod, propping yourself up on your elbows to look down at him. Sebastian moves to between your legs, settling there for a minute as he presses kisses along your bare skin, following the trail from your hip, down your thighs to between them.
Your hand tangles in his blonde curls, giving it a tug and pulling him off of you before he can get to what he really wants. The man's brows furrow, looking at you. "Sweetheart," he huffs, fingers dragging along the bare skin of your thighs.
You give him a shove back with your foot, sitting up. Sebastian watches as you move him to sit and you move from the couch to the floor. Seb reaches for the pillow, dropping in front of you so you'd have some sort of cushioning; he knows even though this was your idea, you'd blame him for sore knees tomorrow.
"You're sure?" He asks, watching as your manicured nails tugs on the strings on his sweats. "Absolutely," you say, your eyes fixed on him as your hands rub up his thighs.
Seb watches as you lick your hand, his head tips back and a soft moan slips out when you wrap your hand around him, moving it up and down slowly.
His eyes don't move from you, watching your every move. His lips parted slightly, as if he was going to say something but he can't bring himself to. You lean forward, a hand wrapped around the base of his cock, the other resting on his thigh. Sebastian groans, teeth sinking into his bottom lip when you wrap your lips around him.
"God-" he breathed, his arm hung over the armrest and his head tipped back into the couch.
His eyes flutter shut when you hollow your cheeks, bobbing your head up and down. You glance up at your husband; eyes shut, his hand reaching down to tangle in your hair - pulling it into a makeshift ponytail.
You move yourself up a bit, lips still around the tip and your hand quickly replaces where your mouth was. Sebastian finally opens his eyes, looking down at you again just as your tongue swirls around the tip.
His hips involuntarily buck upwards, forcing you down on him a little bit more. "Oh fuc- baby, do that- yeah." He's out of breath when he whispers the words.
That was a reaction only you could get out of him.
It was killing him but he forces himself to pull you up off of him, your hand wraps around his cock, moving it slowly. "What?" You asked, your tongue running across your bottom lip - the sight alone makes his cock twitch in your hand; you smile at the reaction.
"I was gonna cum."
"So? I'm not complaining." You tell him, leaning forward to rest your cheek on his thigh. Sebastian reaches down, his knuckles brushing over your cheek - red and flushed.
You looked so beautiful like this.
Sebastian smiles, "I know but.. what if I wanted to try for one more?"
"One more?" You asked, brows furrowed as you looked up at the man. It takes you a moment, your husband's glance was suggestive, as if you were meant to remember something - "Oh!" You giggled, sitting up straight now. "I mean.. yeah."
"So.." he grabs your arm, carefully pulling you up. "C'mere."
Climbing onto your husband's lap, you straddle him and your hand rests on his shoulder to balance yourself. Seb reaches between the two of you, his wrist brushing against your bare cunt when he goes to line himself up with you.
The slightest touch causes you to lean into him; watching him react to you sucking him off was enough to get you worked up.
"All for me?" He looks at you, kissing along your throat.
You hum, teasing him. "Not like I can say it's for your teammate anymore."
Sebastian smiles, his free hand on your hip as you sink down onto him. Your lips parted, his name slipped from between them. As much as he loved to hear you, he didn't want to wake up the sleeping child upstairs - he kissed you, muffling the sweet sounds coming from you.
You liked to be in control up to a certain point, Seb's hands rested on your hips as you bounced on his lap, setting the pace.
After a moment, Seb's hands begin to wander; this man could never settle, not even during sex. His hands move from your hips to the curve of your spine to the back of your neck, holding a firm grip there. You couldn't exactly move, not that you wanted too, but Sebastian forces you down, gently as always, to kiss you. You bite his bottom lip, giving it a gentle pull when he feels you clench around his cock.
"You're - fuck." he moans, making you giggle.
Your hand rests on his jaw, fingers tapping his stubble covered cheek. "I'm what, daddy?"
"You're evil," he mumbles, his hand on your lower back before he flips the two of you. You end up under him, legs wrapped around his hips.
A hand moves to behind his shoulder, your perfectly red nails dig into his pale skin, the marks you left matched the colour of your nails; very festive, you thought to yourself.
Seb's face is buried into the crook of your neck, kissing down to that one spot he knows drives you crazy. "Seb-" you cut yourself off with a moan when you feel his fingers on your clit.
"What was that?" He taunts, watching as your eyes close, back arched, his chest pressed to yours. His lips travel down to your chest, kissing over your tits and as far as he could go. Your nails dig into him once more, Seb feels you clench around him.
"Seb- I'm gonna, fuck-" you mumble and he hums in response, kissing along your jaw.
"Go on, I'm right here baby. C'mon, be good for me." He whispers, he grabs your hand, pulling it to rest on your lower stomach. "Can you feel that, hm? You'd look so pretty with a baby in you - fuck, drove me crazy last time."
You mumble something he doesn't quite catch but from the look on your face, you were going along with everything.
"Please Seb," your lips are on his, begging him for any and everything."
"Please what, sweetheart?" His eyes find yours, "what do you want? You want me to cum in you?"
"Let me make you a daddy again, Seb."
The man groans, your legs tightening around him. "Fuck, okay," he breathes, cheat heaving when you clench around him once more, the tighten knot in your lower stomach comes undone. You find yourself calling his name; the sound and sight of you was something Sebastian never wanted to forget. He finds himself following shortly after you, dropping down on top of you.
Seb moves off of you, pulling out in the process. A soft whimper slipping past your lips at the loss of fullness. He tsks, smiling to himself. His finger drags along your pussy, he watches how you react to his touch, pushing his finger into you to fuck what's slipping back into you.
Before you realize, his hands moved from between your legs to your lips. "Open," he tells you and you do, the man putting his finger between your lips, letting you suck it clean.
He smiles, watching in approval before you let his finger go with a pop. "Good girl," he whispers, holding your jaw when he kisses you.
Seb shifts the two of you, letting you cuddle into his side. His hand rubs along your side, your leg stretched out over his lap.
"You okay?"
"Perfect," you smile, your hand on his chest.
"Well, when we do get up-" he starts but you cut him off, already knowing where he's going. "I'll help you wrap it." You tell him, making him laugh.
"You're the best mommy a girl could ask for," he says and you make a face, laughing. "Doesn't work that way babe."
"Ew, no - I didn't mean like that, you freak."
"Oh shut up," you shook your head, reaching up to kiss your husband.
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls@wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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unluckywisher · 16 days
A/N: This is exactly what you think it is. 2013 called and they want their Wattpad fanfics back. Cringe and cheesy and stupid and OOC on purpose. Let's have fun and relive this beautiful era of the internet. I wrote this as fast as I could and without checking for mistakes, in the true fashion of these fics. Written in first person, and using 'y/n'. Xavier, Rafayel, Zayne, Sylus and Caleb are in a band called 'Love and Deepspace'.
Part 1?
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I woke up after hearing some people talking downstairs, which was strange, because usually it's just me and my grandma, Josephine. Ugh, visitors?
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I was wearing a One Direction shirt and pajama pants, and honestly I didn't feel like changing, so I just threw my hair in a messy bun and went back to my room to check my phone before going downstairs.
Like always, I had no new messages. Not even from my best friend. Well, 'ex' best friend. Ever since we went to that Love and Deepspace concert she had been a bitch to me, all because one of the singers looked at me during the concert, which I didn't even want to go to in the first place, I went so she wouldn't be alone, that's why I took a book with me to read while they performed. But it just so happened that one of the boys on the stage saw me with the book and kinda looked at me and smiled, which made her really jealous.
Anyways, I'm not like other girls. They all like this new boyband, but not me. I like reading. The guy that looked at me wasn't even that hot or anything.
But back to the present, I headed downstairs, and...
"Y/n! Why are you still in your pajamas?" Scolded my grandma, who was surrounded by a bunch of guys. "We have visitors!"
The visitors nodded and waved a hand at me, smiling.
I looked at them, and realization slowly dawned on me. These were... These were the Love and Deepspace boys. What were they doing here!?
"Grandma, what's going on?" I frowned.
"We have no money left. Your grandpa, may his soul rest in peace, left us with a debt that I cannot continue paying. That is why I'm selling you to the town's mafia." She explained.
"Wh-wh-what?" I gasped, stumbling like I was about to faint. "M-m-mafia!? Is there no other way to solve this!? Can't I start working part time!?" I tried to find another solution.
"No, my little unicorn. Now, pack your bags, you're leaving right now." She turned back to the men and started lively talking to them.
My orbs looked down, tears starting to form, and I ran back to my room, slamming my door in anger. How could she do this to me? Didn't she love me?
I took all my things and put them in a suitcase, and everything conveniently fit inside as I closed the zipper with no problem.
There were so many things I didn't understand. First, what kinda shady business was my grandpa part of when he was alive? Second, had my grandma always been looking for ways to get rid of me? I mean, she kept making jokes about killing me over and over, but they were just that, jokes, right? Thirdly, the famous boyband LADS was apparently a mafia?
I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding as I walked downstairs again, still on my pajamas. I was too depressed to change my clothes.
"Ready, cutie?" Said the purple-haired guy with a wink.
I huffed, making him laugh.
"Someone's not in a good mood." Pointed out the black haired guy.
You think, smartass?
"She should be, a lot of girls would die to be in her shoes..." Said the brown haired guy, playfully.
I want to die alright.
"I'm sure she'll warm up to us." Said the white haired guy, smirking.
In your dreams.
"Well, for now, maybe we should get properly introduced." Concluded the ashy blond.
I didn't say any of what I was thinking out loud, but I wish I did. The last guy was right, though, because I actually didn't know their names, I hadn't bothered to ever learn them, not even when my ex best friend invited me to their concert.
One by one, they introduced themselves as Rafayel, Zayne, Caleb, Sylus and Xavier. Names I probably would forget later, since I didn't care about any of this, much less them.
"I'm Y/n." I said weakly. The events were taking a toll on me, and it showed on my voice.
"Well, introductions done, it's time to leave," said my grandma, pushing everyone out of the door with surprisingly strong arms, "have fun, Y/n. And you boys can transfer the money this afternoon, yes? Good. See ya!"
I couldn't believe her. How was she so unaffected by the fact that her only grandchild was being sold?
"Here," Caleb took my suitcase, "I'll carry it to the van."
How nice. Not. What kind of intentions did they have with me? I didn't trust them one bit.
"You know, a smile might do you good," said Rafayel, poking my face.
I swatted his hand away, and he made an exaggerated face of pain, moving away like I was some sort of vile creature.
"She comes from a poor family, do you think she has rabies?" He protested. I facepalmed.
"Don't worry, I'll do a medical check-up on her once we arrive," said Zayne calmly.
I wanted to sink to the ground and curl up to cry. How were these men treating me like this... So naturally?
Sylus opened the van door for me and I got in. Once everyone was seated, Zayne started driving. Away from my home... And into the unknown.
Should I do part 2 and lemons at some point?
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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othervee · 6 months
Finale thoughts!
Interesting to find out that Hillerska has had multiple warnings over several years and still didn't pull their heads in. Clearly they thought they were invincible.
Vincent and Nils stepping up to the plate when they see August's genuine distress, the way Vincent is stroking his arm. There's real friendship and love to be found, but you only see it when you're honest. Similarly, their reactions when they find out that August is backup. August receiving the posioned chalice. What else can he do now, though? He's lost Arnas, or at least part of it. He has to do the military service; he's in the position Wille has been in.
Haha, the housemaster having a drink with the boys. What else is he going to do?
Loved the scene with Felice dragging Wille to the party. Her facial expressions, she's so cute. Wille negotiating with Malin shows a level of maturity, but the male bodyguard is SO not impressed as he follows them to the palace, LOL.
LOVE that Simon brought Rosh and Ayub to the white party. And Ayub reassuring Rosh, after Stella shows herself for who she is. She's chosen the Hillerska way, all the way.
The scene between Wille and August in the clubroom. He didn't know it, but that was the closure he needed. THat they both needed. They've made peace, they can even develop a familial relationship again into the future, but right now this is as close to peace as they can have at this stage.
Nils, you giant dork. And also... They're shocked he didn't say anything earlier,  but would things have been different if he had?
No Royal house, no Prince, no socialist, no drama. No before. No later. Only now. As the previous song said, back to basics. Back to the pure connection they have with each other.
The lake scene. So beautiful.
Simon's Song! Did Felice initiate that, do we think? A few of the choir were smiling at Simon. Nice to see they all (or most of them) wanted that and not the musty old version.
Oh, Kristina, that really is too little too late, but I'm glad you came through in the end.
The little token the Queen and Duke put around August's neck is a frog prince. The symbolism would be a sledgehammer if the direction or script drew attention to that, but they don't.
In the car, Wille beginning to feel the panic attack happening, the constriction of the collar around his neck, and realising what that means. This is an unhealthy system and if he stays in it, this will be his life. The constriction, the desperation, literally struggling to breathe. Echoing Simon's words to him, "I've seen how it makes you feel". Being calm because he's no longer coming from a place of despair, a place where he has no control. And Kristina knows it. It was important for Wille to tell his parents he loves them. He's coming to terms and making peace with everyone.
That closing scene, oh my god. The montage was cheesy as fuck and I am here for it. The dialogue and the execution were not cheesy. They established the important things. Wille is doing this for his sake, not for Simon's. For the first time in his life he is making an informed, calm, active choice.
Simon's FACE. OMG. The shock, barely daring to believe it, but knowing when Wille says 'For my own sake' that this is it. It's real. And then! The tears, the gasping, the incredulous joy! Omar is a natural who stepped it up even more this season, and I do hope he continues to take on acting roles because he is amazing.
Wille's FACE. The joy but more importantly the PEACE.  His entire being, his posture, his aura changes and he radiates rightness. Edvin is incredible.
Also? They both look so, SO beautiful in this episode. This closing sequence, but really the entire episode.
Heading off into the sun, in white, whooping and cheering, Felice with her legs up on the dashboard, free.
And now I want LOADS of future fic about The Adventures of Wille, Simon, Sara och Felice. Tack, Lisa, for leaving it so open for us to do that!
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101maverick · 3 months
one shot with comic dick grayson where you guys get into a small fight and it gets to the point that when you spar together, he purposefully pins you to the ground to make you listen to his apology🫢
A/n: ooooohhhh this is juicy! Perfect angst material eheh🤭 imma have fun with this one >:) Not really sure about the “comic” part tho, cause i’m still at the start of my comic journey, but I’ve seen panels here and there on tumblr so imma see what I can do for u
Word count: 1400
There’s Something in Your Eyes
You are being stupid, really.
Logically, you know Dick loves you.
Logically, you know there is nothing going on between them.
Logically, you know Dick is an extremely influential hero, and that basically everyone in the hero community looks up to him since he’s been in it for forever, which makes it normal for him to have had many flings with people he still to this day works with.
However, logic doesn’t stop jealousy from burning in the pit of your stomach every time you see him interacting with one of them.
It’s not even one particular event that sets you off, more so a series of tiny little things.
Each reunion, each debrief, each cheesy quip, each mission, they all pile up until what was once only a tiny twinge of jealousy has turned into a gaping hole in your chest, out of which comes only anger and insecurity.
You aren’t an intergalactic princess like Koriand’r.
You aren’t an historic sidekick partner and lifelong friend like Barbara Gordon.
You aren’t some charming top-model or Lord-knows-what-else that his past stories surely are.
You’re just you, and while you don’t necessarily think badly of yourself, nowadays you aren’t sure that ‘you’ is enough.
And all of this is so unfounded that you feel silly at the thought of even voicing it, and you really didn't mean to make a fuss, but when Dick comes home after the umpteenth space mission with the Titans, raving about Starfire's intergalactic ambassador skills, you can't help the irritated quip that makes it's way past your lips.
“Cause she’s always so amazing, isn’t she?” You huff. Satisfaction coils in your gut, a bit of the tension inside you easing as a bit of your pent-up frustration finally finds release. You stifle it as best you can.
At that Dick looks up at you, startled. You feel your previous satisfaction wither right alongside the happiness in his eyes.
You are in your shared apartment’s kitchen, the island between you as he sits on a stool while you lean against the counter.
“What?” He asks, confused. His expression is rapidly morphing, reminding you of something awfully akin to a kicked puppy.
You backtrack as fast as possible. “Nothing, don’t think about it.”
Shame colours your cheeks, and their sting joins the burning of your mounting shame, bubbling under your skin. You turn your body away from him, not wanting him to see.
Dick isn’t having that though, because your boyfriend, your sweet and perceptive boyfriend, sees the way your shoulders are hunched and your brow is slightly furrowed and immediately clocks what your remark was all about.
He shoots you a concerned glance. “Babe, you alright?” He asks while sliding off the barstool, making his way around the kitchen island. Ever the tactful one, as always. “If there’s something bothering you, we can talk about it—”
You cut him off. “I said it’s nothing. There’s nothing to talk about.” The irritation in your voice is a poor shield to hide behind, a hastily put-together cloak of dryness and hardened stares for your shame to shroud itself in.
Dick remains standing there, halfway around the kitchen island, as you make your exit to the bedroom.
The day passes, and you keep your distance. Just the thought of how Dick would react to you voicing your insecurities, the absolute hurt that would mar his features at his girlfriend accusing him of cheating of all things, makes the flame of shame and self-hatred re-ignite in your ribcage, inflaming your lungs with every breath.
You manage to deflect any attempts at confrontation in the car, spending the whole ride to the Manor looking out the window and blasting music through your earphones.
It all comes to a head in the Batcave, obviously.
You’re training in a corner of the gym area, going through your usual routine. Dick comes up to where you are and stands there, waiting for you to pay attention.
After a solid five minutes of him standing there unmoving and of you stubbornly ignoring him you cave and pause your reps. You keep your eyes stubbornly fixed ahead of you.
He tosses you a roll of bandages. “You up for a spar?” His voice is quiet. Your resolve breaks.
You grab the bandages and swiftly wrap your hands. He stays watching you the whole time. You wonder wether his gaze is damning or merely analytical.
When you’re done you move to the training mats. Getting into position is reflex by now, readying your stance and falling into a weird stand-off, both waiting for the other to swing first. You keep your eyes fixed to a spot above his shoulder.
You attack first, lunging at him and throwing a right hook, meanwhile trying to kick his feet off of him.
Dick swiftly avoids your punch, sidestepping it and catching your entire arm in his grip. He uses that to leverage your body over his shoulder, rendering useless your attempt at getting him off-balance.
You recover in mid-air, landing in a roll and getting back up while he’s still in the process of turning toward you, and manage to land a punch to his stomach.
He sputters but manages to step aside in time to avoid your other arm coming to enclose on his waist, and your momentum makes you loose your balance.
You go for another roll, but before you can do more than turn on your back you find yourself locked into a full-body pin.
Dick’s almost laying on top of you, his knees on either side of your hips, his chest pressing on yours so his bodyweight weighs you down too much to get up.
His forearms are laying on either side of your head, though. You could easily slide your arms out from where he’s got them pinned against your sides and make him loose his balance, if you wanted.
Trapped like this, though, your face inches from his, you have no choice but to stare right into his eyes.
What you find there stops you from fighting.
His expression his open, his brows slightly furrowed. In those oceans he’s got for irises swims something you aren’t sure you know the name of, but it doesn’t burn you and you aren’t sure you like that. Aren’t sure you want the unfamiliarity of it to keep festering.
Dick Grayson reads people like one does library handouts, laid bare with all their weathered discolouration and all their folded corners for whoever comes across to see. You are no exception.
So why, just why in the hell doesn’t his gaze burn? Why doesn’t it scorch you with the familiar flames of hatred, resentment and anger?
You want to turn away. You do, really. Aren’t sure you can keep looking into those mariana-trench deep wells of something you can’t name without drowning. You steel yourself, though. You have a feeling that looking away would be too much like a condemned man flipping the switch of the electric chair himself. You’re gonna leave that job to him.
“You know I hate it when there’s something wrong but you won’t tell me about it.”
His voice is soft. It doesn’t burn. That damned something permeates it, as well.
“You already know everything you need to. What’s the point in making a bigger fool of myself?”
The shame stings your cheeks. The way the something remains plastered on his face unperturbed instead of giving way to something fiery soothes it. The lack of condemnation rips the confession from your lips.
“I’m sorry.”
The admission. You’re right, it says. Everything you read in that torn-up book of my soul is true. Add another tear to it’s pages. Rip it to shreds.
How could you? How could you have, even second-handedly, doubted his loyalty? How could you have been so self-absorbed and childishly jealous, when that forsaken something embeds itself into every fibre of his being? While it washes over you to soothe every burn and extinguish every flame you yourself caused?
Dick’s expression changes. It morphs. The something is joined by something else now, not unlike a breeze parting clouds previously hanging in a greyed sky.
“It’s okay. I just wish we’d work together when there’s something bothering one of us.”
It’s okay. Absolution.
You think the sky would’ve parted. You think you should be hearing trumpets right now.
You are reminded, then, that there is a whole world outside of this cave. That who you have in front of you is just a man, and that the universe is filled with something bigger than yourselves.
But even with this knowledge at the forefront of your mind, here, with Dick’s forearms resting on either side of your head, your entire universe boils down to him. To his almost-creaseless brow. To his something-filled irises.
And in this moment of clarity you realise that right now, with all your little hurts bare to see, his entire universe boils down to you.
“Yeah. Let’s.”
You wish you had more to say. You wish your brain could come up with something more substantial.
You hope the something shining in your eyes is enough.
It feels a lot like love.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed!! I absolutely loved writing this, it was so fun and I just love angst hehe If you like my work, please consider reblogging and checking out my other works through the master list in my pinned post<3
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dezzie-wurks · 1 year
Realizing They Have a Crush + Confessing
Characters ;; Hobie, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr !
Extras ;; No warnings, sfw, headcanon style !!
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Hobie Brown
He realized very quickly. He liked being around you too much. He loved giving you stuff. He loved seeing your smile and hearing your laugh when he stuck up an attitude with people.
He wasn't for labels, but damn he just might for you. He liked the sound of you being his in reality. You'd definitely get a pass if you worry about that type of stuff, too. I mean, he said he doesn't believe in consistency.
And so, he admitted his fondness for you very quickly.
He didn't see a point in beating around the bush, if you liked him great! If you didnt, well he'd like to stay friends.
Yet when you said yes, he couldn't help and smile widely, throwing his arm around your shoulder as a prop.
"Mine, eh?" He'd ask with tease filling his tone
He was all for spending time with you. I mean, you made him feel so good. He also loved having an arm around your waist, holding your hand, anyway to know you're by him still. Only you get to see his soft guy interior when he calms down at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, his heart swells a little when you two exchange 'I love you's.
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Miles Morales
At first he just thought he had a fondness for you.
But when he flipped through his notebook and saw your face plastering almost every page, he got hit with realization. Sure, he drew all his friends, but you were different.
Every time he saw you, he felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He couldn't push the feeling down.
He asked Hobie for help. All he got told was "Be honest," and that didn't help.
His confession was an accident entirely when he had been alone with you, and he was trying to describe his crush in a way for it to not sound like you.
"They're really cool! Yeah.. really.. cool." He sounded lost in thought, heat rising to his face. Didn't help that you had peeked in his notebook and saw the drawings of you.
But when you acknowledged that it was you more than likely, he fumbled, trying to say no. But when you kissed his cheek, he felt on cloud nine.
Was geeked to be called yours. Especially since his parents loved you(you didn't call them by their first names)
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Gwen Stacy
She immediately knew she loved you, but she was scared.
She was too scared of losing you, just like... nevermind.
It didn't matter, though, you would find out easily by how she acted. Her excited toe to heel jumps when you came around or just her bright smile when you talked to her. She found opening up to you easy.
She found the emotions all too troubling. So telling you was a huge problem for her. Especially since she found you clouding her mind so often, she zoned out during class and other activities.
She told you by starting a conversation. Hanging out, a sleepover maybe, and slipping it in during a heavy talking moment. She thought you didn't hear.
But you did, and you being excited warmed her to no ends. "Wait, really? You're serious!" She'd happily chirp out.
She got more allowing with touch. Actually, she was more touchy. Hugging on you or using your lap as a pillow.
You're her safe haven, and yes, she's so scared of losing you, but she's learning to worry less and love more.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Absolutely love sick puppy. He had a crush for a long time before he realized that his feeling with you was special.
But everyone knew, including you. There was no real need to confess. I mean, his pupils ere practically hearts around you.
Truly, you were his sun, and he revolved around you. As far as he was concerned, it should be the same way for everyone else !
Besides his following you around like a lost dog, he wasn't overbearing. He gave you space when asked, though he might be awkward the next day he completely respects it.
He finally decided to tell you in a cheesy way. Showing you his favorite spot in his universe, and he mentioned it quietly.
He would be.. okay, if you said no. But he didn't have time to think of that because before he knew it, you were already agreeing to being official.
Absolutely ecstatic. Totally ruined the romantic moment with his squeals, but your laughs were music to his ears for all he cared. "Jeez, that was nerve-wracking." He'd say after the moment calmed down.
Extremely flaunty that you're his. Made matching bracelets that consist of his spider suit colors for you and your favorite colors for his. Or your spidersuit colors, if you're one too!
Hope you guys enjoyed this. I really hope this uploads without fail this time!! Requests are open☆☆
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
It will always be - Lewis Hamilton 3/3
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An Invisible String Theory Story - It was always them (pt.1). It still is (pt.2). It will always be (pt.3).
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: Fluff.
wordcount: +1K
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Akai Ito. A legend to Chinese origins that an invisible red string is tied to each person at the moment of their birth and connects them to their predestined other half. So that, no matter what happens, and how much time it takes, those two souls are meant to fatally meet.
Lewis often thought about it in relation to his life with Y/N, the way their paths had intertwined, seemingly by chance, yet with an undeniable sense of inevitability.  
"Lewis? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked, her voice soft with sleepiness as she closed the book on her lap.
"Couldn't sleep," he admitted, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "And I had something very important to give you."
It was the night before their wedding. He was supposed to be at his bachelor party, surrounded by friends, indulging in the last night of freedom.
He knew he shouldn't be there. He knew both of their families were superstitious about that, but the urge to see her, to hold her in his arms, had him slip from the party, to the allure of spending a couple more hours with her.
She raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "You couldn't wait until tomorrow?"
"Nope," he replied, shaking his head. "This can't wait."
She laughed, a sound that filled the room with warmth. "Alright. What is so important?"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. Her eyes widened in surprise.
"This is supposed to be a surprise for tomorrow, you know?" she mockingly said, her voice filled with laughter.
He grinned. "This is a different kind of surprise."
She nodded; her curiosity piqued. "Yeah?!"
He sat down on the bed beside her, taking her hand in his. "It’s our love story" he said, his voice soft. "From what I remember, what I wrote down through the years. How I see us, how I feel about you."
Her eyes softened. "You're so cheesy" she teased, but there was a hint of emotion in her voice.
"I know, I know," he replied, squeezing her hand. "I wanted you to have it now. It's a pre-wedding gift."
She smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You're spoiling me."
"Always," he replied, kissing her hand.
"Would you read it to me ?" she asked him softly, scootching to the side so he had space to get under the sheets with her.
“I don’t think I could, love” He whispered into her head, his arms already holding her close to his chest as he got comfortable on the bed, her arms going around his torso.
She looked at him, her eyes filled with love and understanding. "Okay. Stay with me for a bit, then" she said, her voice barely a whisper.
The room was filled with a comfortable silence, the only sound the soft ticking of the clock on the nightstand. Lewis's arm was draped casually over Y/N's shoulders, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her skin. She leaned into his touch, finding solace in the familiar warmth of his presence.
"Remember that night," Y/N began, her voice barely a whisper, breaking the tranquil silence. "When I was working late on that new collection?"
Lewis nodded, his eyes softening. "Our first date, you mean?”
A small smile played on her lips. "We never really talked about it, did we?"
"No, we didn't" he replied, his voice filled with curiosity.
"I was so engrossed in my work, completely oblivious to the world around me. I was trying to perfect a new design, and I was so focused that I didn't notice you leave the factory."
Lewis chuckled. "I was actually coming back from a simulator session. I saw you through the glass wall, lost in your world."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"
He nodded. "You were so focused. I hesitated for a moment, didn’t know if I should interrupt you. But something about the way you were working, the intensity, it drew me in."
A blush crept up Y/N's cheeks. "I didn't even notice you until you were standing in the doorway."
Lewis smiled. "You handed me a few sketches, and we spent the rest of the evening working. We were absorbed in our own worlds, and yet we were on the same wavelength.”
Y/N nodded; her eyes dreamy. "Time stood still for me that night. Ever since, I knew I didn’t have to be afraid of sharing the silence with you."
Lewis squeezed her hand. "Like we'd known each other forever" he said softly.
She turned to face him, her eyes filled with love and wonder. "It was like we were home." she replied, her voice barely audible.
He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her tightly.
"You are my home, Y/N" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
She closed her eyes, leaning into his embrace. Surrounded by the soft glow of the moonlight, they were lost in the beauty of their love story, a story written by an unseen hand, guided by an invisible thread.
Page 1: The Beginning
I don’t know where to begin. Maybe it’s because I never truly believed I’d get to write something like this. Not because I didn’t think I’d find love—no, it’s because I didn’t think I’d find you.
When we first met, it was so easy to talk to you, to laugh with you. It was like I’d known you my entire life. I knew I had to be part of your world. And maybe, just maybe, I hoped you’d be part of mine.
Page 2: The Night in the Rain
Do you remember that night in Paris? We were walking back to the hotel, and it started pouring. You laughed, this carefree sound that echoed through the empty streets. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You twirled in the rain, your arms outstretched, and for a moment, time stood still.
It was then that I thought to myself, This is it. This is love.
You caught me staring, and you ran to me, soaking wet, and kissed me like it was the first time. That night, I knew I loved you.
Page 3: The First "I Love You"
It wasn’t planned, you know. I wasn’t sitting there thinking, Tonight’s the night I’m going to tell her. We were just lying in bed, your head on my chest, and I was tracing patterns on your back, like I always do. You were talking about something, I can’t even remember what, but I just blurted it out. It was the most natural thing in the world, and yet, I was terrified.
And you made me work to hear it back. I’m glad you did. I wouldn’t expect anything else from you.
Page 4: The Hard Times
There were days when I thought I’d lost you. The times when the pressures of the world, of my career, got too much. I know I wasn’t always the easiest person to be with.
The long days, the nights apart, the relentless demands of racing—there were moments when I feared you’d wake up one day and realize you deserved better. But you never left. You stood by me, even when I didn’t deserve it and I hope I can be the same safe heaven to you. Forever.
Page 5: Our Fights
We’ve had our fair share of arguments. Some small, some big, some that left us not speaking for days. But every time, we found our way back to each other. Because no matter how angry we got, no matter what was said, we always knew we wouldn’t lose each other.
The thought of a life without you was unbearable. You once told me that love isn’t just about the good times—it’s about weathering the storms together. And you were right. We’ve faced our storms, and we’ve come out stronger every time.
Page 6: The Proposal
I’d been thinking about it for months, planning the perfect moment. But when the time came, I realized there was no “perfect moment” because every moment with you felt right. So, I just did it, that one random Tuesday night.
No grand gestures, no elaborate plans. I just asked, right there in our kitchen, because I couldn’t wait another second to start the rest of our lives together. And when you laughed and answered yes… I had never felt anything like that. No race win or championship has ever come close.
Page 7: Our Future
I’ve always been driven by the future—by the next race, the next challenge. But you pulled me back to the present. To cherish the here and now. Still, when I think about the future, I can’t help but smile.
I see us, years from now, still holding hands, still laughing at each other’s jokes. I see a life filled with love, with adventures, with big moments and all the important small ones. I see life surrounding us, no matter what and no matter where.
Page 8: The Red String
Do you remember the first time I told you about Akai Ito? The legend of the red string that connects two souls, no matter the distance or the time it takes for them to find each other? I truly believe that we were meant to be.
Whatever made you take that Puma placement, whoever decided to take you to Ferrari, of all places. Our lives, our paths, were always destined to cross. I’ve always felt that string pulling me closer to something. But never, not even in my most beautiful dreams, had I imagined that it was to bind us together.
Page 9: My Vows
Tomorrow, I’ll stand in front of you and our loved ones, and I’ll make promises that I’ve already made in my heart a thousand times.
I don’t know what the future holds, but I know this—I’ll always be there, right by your side, holding your hand through it all. Because, you’re my soulmate. My other half
Tomorrow I’ll vow to love you, to cherish you, to be by your side through all of life’s ups and downs. But more than that, I’ll promise to keep choosing you, Y/n. Today, tomorrow, and every single day.
Page 10: It Will Always Be You
This isn’t the end of our story, not by a long shot. I want you to know one thing: It will always be you. My heart, my soul, my everything. In every lifetime, in every world, it will always be you.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj
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bookishdreamer28 · 3 months
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 ๋࣭ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
Kuroo Tetsuro x reader
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"Baby, looks in your eye. And it's suddenly spring like when Nala looked at Simba in the lion king." You were watching hotel transylvania with Tetsuro...or at least you tried to. Throughout the movie Tetsu was mainly focused on you and he was occupying himself by placing sweet kisses all over your face, hugging you like a coala, and being overly in love.
" The movie was very good" He said as he played with your hair.
"Good? You didn't not even watched it" you laughed and kissed the tip of your nose at the adorable sound you made. Your laugh was something he was going craaazy about hearing. That's all he ever wanted to hear you do. Being happy with him.
"Can you blame me?! You're literally right beside me babe. I can't resist you" he kissed your lips and you smiled brightly at how happy you were at the moment. You adored him.
"Besides the song was quite catchy. I think from now on I'll call you my zing." He brought your body closer to his so you can cuddle.
"You're so cheesy"
"Only for you" he pinched your cheek "I mean, I do believe that this song perfectly describes how fast I fell in love with you. I remember very vividly the day you walked in our practice room, and I suddenly couldn't even play volleyball right anymore."
"Oh come one you're exaggerating"
"When it comes to you? Never" He kissed your forehead and pulled back to admire you once again.
"And I also remember how you pissed you were when Sugawara came to introduce himself to me first. My friend was actually the one who pointed out how you were just standing there, while throwing daggers at him."
"There was no way I would let him steal my girl."
"And how may I ask you knew I was gonna be your girl?" You said teasingly.
"I just knew. I knew I wanted you in my life and I knew I would do anything to make you happy and see you smiling at me, just like that day sweet girl." It was true. That day was the day he knew he was done for. He knew what love was without actually knowing anything in particular. He might had lost the game but he had won something far more valuable and important than the game. And that was you. Kenma and the rest of the guys of course teased him a lot that day, but it was all worth it. Literally everything.
"My sweet talker." You murmured against his lips and kissed him sweetly. He smiled and his hand rested on your flashed cheek, caressing it softly. As you both stared at each other after this heartfelt conversation, Tetsuro stood up.
"Where are y-"he grabbed tv's remote control and replayed the part where the song plays.
"I thought I found a love but she was just a fling. And then I met a girl, and felt a different thing." He leaned down to kiss you and then you laughed hard at the silly dance he was doing while singing the lyrics. He then took you by your hand making you stand up so you can dance to together.
" Zinging in the air and I don't have a care. I'm winging from the zing that we share. Zinging in the rain. Now I'm feeling no pain." You sang and danced together to the song with no care in the world. Just you two being unconditionally and incredibly in love woth each other. It was another night that was filled with laughs, plenty of kisses and nothing more but love.
You were definitely made for each other. You were each other's zing.
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HELLO EVERYOOONE!! I'm so happy that I'm back on writing again after so long! I hope I find you all healthy and happy ❤
I thought that it would be great if I came back with a Haikyuu fic and I started ofc with my boy Tetsuro!! There so many more coming, so stay tuned luvs!
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peavhyshy · 10 months
𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗙𝗥𝗜��𝗡𝗗𝗦 (oneshot)
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Pairing: Sarah Cameron x Reader
Summary: In which you and Sarah share a secret kiss while hanging out alone in your room, complicating both of your relationships with John B.
Warnings: sarah cheats on john b with reader, explicit language, fluff, smut, secret relationship, friends to lovers, this set after ward blew himself up, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, fingering, oral sex, grinding/tribbing, nipple play
Words: 2,617 
a/n: guys is it bad to sleep with your best friend when your boyfriend is being a douche and didn't comfort you after you watched your dad die? but seriously there needs to be more sarah fics on here, y'all sleeping on her
((not proofread because i'm lazy and rereading stuff I write makes me cringe for some reason))
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The sun had just set over OBX, casting an orange glow across the sandy beaches. Inside the your families beach house, Sarah lay sprawled across your bed, half-watching some cheesy rom-com on the little TV in your room.
"Ugh, I can't watch this anymore," Sarah groaned, grabbing the remote and flicking through channels aimlessly. She was grateful for you trying to cheer her up after the traumatic events of the past few days, but she just wasn't in the mood for happy endings right now.
You glanced over from where you sat braiding friendship bracelets on the floor. "Yeah, I'm not really feeling it either," you said with a sympathetic smile. You tied off the bracelet and scooted up onto the bed next to Sarah.
Sarah clicked off the TV and flopped back onto the pile of pillows with a dramatic sigh. "I just keep replaying it all in my head, you know? Like maybe if I had done something differently…" Her voice trailed off as she stared up at the ceiling fan swirling above you guys.
You reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "It's not your fault, Sarah. There's nothing you could have done."
Sarah turned her head to look at you, her brown eyes glistening. In the soft glow of the bedside lamp, You looked so beautiful and comforting that Sarah suddenly felt the urge to kiss you. Before she could talk herself out of it, she leaned in and pressed her lips to yours.
Your eyes went wide in surprise before slowly closing as you kissed Sarah back tentatively. After a few seconds, you broke apart, blushing wildly.
"Um, wow," you breathed, biting your lip. "So that just happened."
Sarah let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just feeling extra emotional and impulsive tonight. I've always thought you were really pretty though." She grinned sheepishly.
You laughed and playfully hit Sarah with a pillow. "Oh so that's how it is, huh? Taking advantage of me in my own bedroom?"
Sarah dramatically flipped her hair. "I mean, can you blame me? Have you seen this hair?"
You both dissolved into giggles, the tension instantly broken. No matter what else was going on in your lives, you always had each other. And maybe this was the beginning of something more.
“What about John B?” you asked, putting the bracelet on Sarah’s hand.
Sarah sighed, twisting the new bracelet around her wrist. "John B…I don't know. He's been so caught up in everything with his dad and the gold, it's like he doesn't even see me anymore. I miss how things used to be between us."
She looked up at you. "But then there's this…" she gestured between you guys. "This connection we have. I've never felt this way about another girl before."
You nodded, a worried crease forming between your brows. "I know what you mean. I care about John B, but I also care about you." you bit your lip. "Maybe we should keep this between us for now? At least until we figure things out.”
Sarah considered it for a moment then nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re probably right. No need to complicate things even more.” She linked her pinky with yours. “This can be our little secret.”
You smiled, hooking your pinky with Sarah’s. “Our secret,” you repeated.
Sarah leaned in conspiratorially. “So should we pick up where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted by your question?” you teased.
You giggled and closed the distance once more, your lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss.
Sarah lifts your shirt over your head, exposing your bare chest. She runs her hands up your sides, caressing your soft skin as she kisses down your neck. You let out a soft gasp, tangling your fingers in Sarah's blonde hair.
"Sarah…" you breathe out, your heart pounding as Sarah's hands continue to explore your body. You feel a growing heat between your legs, this new intimacy with Sarah awakening desires you never knew you had. Sarah kisses lower, trailing her lips down your collarbone, then takes a hard nipple into her mouth. You moan, arching your back off the bed at the sensation.
Sarah lifts her head to look into your eyes, her own darkened with lust. She reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, then tosses it aside. Sarah sits back on her knees to admire your naked form, a smirk playing on her kiss-swollen lips.
"You're so fucking beautiful," she says throatily before leaning down to capture your lips once more. As your tongues meet, Sarah reaches down to undo the button on your shorts, her hand slipping beneath the waistband. You gasp into Sarah's mouth at the intimate touch, your hips bucking involuntarily. You never felt more alive than in this moment with Sarah, every nerve-ending tingling with anticipation.
Sarah's fingers dip lower, finding slick heat that makes you cry out. She strokes slowly at first, learning what makes you whimper and moan.
As Sarah's fingers work between your legs, you feel pleasure building within your core. Your breathing comes faster, soft moans escaping with each circular stroke of Sarah's fingers over your slick, swollen clit. Your hips rock uncontrollably, pushing yourself against Sarah's hand as your arousal grows.
Sarah watches your face, taking in every flutter of your eyelids, every gasp and whimper. She slides two fingers lower, teasing your entrance before pushing them inside. You cry out at the penetration, panting Sarah's name over and over. Sarah thrusts her fingers slowly at first, then faster as your inner walls clench tight around them.
The coil of tension in your belly winds tighter and tighter until suddenly it snaps, your orgasm crashing over you in waves of euphoria. Your back arches off the bed, a string of curses and Sarah's name on your lips as you come undone.
Sarah pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, her own bright with exhilaration and desire. She runs her fingers through your tousled hair and grins, trailing her hand down your body. She slips her fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts again, raising an eyebrow in question.
You bit your lip and nodded, lifting your hips so Sarah can slide your shorts and underwear off. Sarah tosses them aside, then settles between your parted thighs, kissing a path up your inner leg. You shiver in anticipation, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch. When Sarah's mouth finally finds your pussy, you gasp, your head falling back against the pillows.
Sarah hums in satisfaction at your reaction, the vibration sending sparks of pleasure through you. She uses her tongue to explore your slick folds, quickly finding the sensitive bundle of nerves that makes you cry out and clutch at the sheets. Sarah focuses her attention there, alternating between broad laps of her tongue and tight circles around your clit.
Your soon panting and writhing beneath her. "Oh god, Sarah…feels so good…" you moan. The coil of tension winds tight once more until you shatter again with a sharp cry, your thighs clamping around Sarah's head as you come. Sarah works you through it with soft licks, not stopping until you go limp with satisfaction.
Your moans fill the room as straddles you and slips off her underwear, your bodies coming together in a tantalizing display of desire. The slickness of your wetness creates friction that sends shivers of pleasure through both of you. Sarah's core radiates heat, igniting a fire within you that can't be quenched.
Your hands greedily explore Sarah's sides, eager to feel every inch of her. You grab onto Sarah's ass, pulling her closer, urging her to grind harder against your throbbing clit. Sarah leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that leaves you both breathless. Your tongues dance and entwine, a passionate tango of desire. The taste of your shared arousal fill your mouths, fueling your hunger for each other.
Your hips move in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge. Sarah's grinding against your clit, your clits rubbing together in a rhythm that drives you both wild. The wetness between your legs acts as a lubricant, allowing your movements to become even more intense, more intimate.
You arch your back, offering your breasts to Sarah's hungry mouth. Sarah eagerly takes the invitation, capturing a nipple between her lips, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh. The sensation shoots electric sparks of pleasure straight to your core.
With one final, powerful thrust, Sarah's body shudders with pleasure. She cries out, her climax washing over her in a wave of bliss that crashes through her entire being. Her walls clench around nothing but the air, her core pulsating with every release.
Your own release follows closely behind, your body convulsing in waves of pleasure. The intense sensations ripple through you, causing you to grip onto Sarah tightly, your bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace. You both ride out the waves of your orgasms together, matching each other's moans and gasps.
When you finally break apart your both are flushed and beaming. Sarah's fingers gently stroke your face as you kiss languidly, softly.
"Was that okay?" Sarah asks after a moment, suddenly shy.
You smile, pulling Sarah down for another lingering kiss. "More than okay," you assure her. Sarah grins, nuzzling into your neck.
Sarah smiles contentedly and lays her head on on your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat as it returns to normal. She feels a sense of peace and belonging that she hasn't felt in a long time. Here with you, away from the chaos and tragedy of the outside world, Sarah can simply be. No expectations, no pretending - just two souls connecting on the most intimate level.
Sarah traces lazy circles on your bare stomach as you lay entwined. She thinks about how rapidly her feelings have shifted - from seeing you only as a friend, to suddenly being unable to resist her. It feels natural though, not scary or confusing like her past crushes on boys. With you it just feels…right.
Eventually your lips find each other again, the kisses growing heated once more. You roll yourselves over so you're the one on top, straddling Sarah's hips. You look down at Sarah with hungry eyes as you slowly grind against her. Sarah gasps at the delicious friction, gripping your hips.
"Now it's my turn," you say in a low voice that sends a jolt of arousal straight between Sarah's legs. You reach down and tugs at the hem of Sarah's shirt. "Take this off."
Sarah complies, pulling her shirt up over her head and tossing it aside. You make quick work of her bra too until Sarah is laid bare before her. Your admiring gaze roams over Sarah's body, making her shiver with anticipation, you capture one of Sarah's nipples between your lips.
Sarah cries out, arching up into your warm mouth. As you lavishes attention on her breasts, Sarah is reduced to a writhing, moaning mess beneath your ministrations. This is even better than she imagined as she lets you take full control. 
You kiss your way down Sarah's trembling body until your mouth replaces your fingers between Sarah's legs. Sarah closes her eyes, crying out your name as a slick tongue explores her slick folds. She reaches down to tangle her fingers in your hair, urgent moans spilling from her lips.
"Y/N, I'm close…" she pants out. The coil of tension winding tighter and tighter within her finally snaps as she comes undone under your tongue.
You take Sarah into your arms. You exchange soft, languid kisses as Sarah catches her breath.
"Wow…" is all Sarah can say, still reeling.
You grin, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'd say we're pretty good at this secret relationship thing so far."
Sarah laughs. "I'd say so too. But we should probably keep practicing, just to be sure." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
You smirk, pulling Sarah in for another deep kiss. "I like the way you think."
Your lips meet again, both of you giddy with the exciting newness of exploring each other. For now, you’re content to stay lost in your little bubble of bliss, putting your troubles aside for a stolen moment of passion and release.
Sarah sighs contentedly, her body still tingling from her intimacy with you. She strokes your hair softly as you lie tangled together on the bed.
After a few peaceful moments, Sarah props herself up on one elbow to look down at you. "Not that I want this to end, but won't your parents be back soon?" she asks.
You glance at the clock on your nightstand and grimaces. "Yeah, probably. As much as I'd love to keep going…" You trail a hand suggestively down Sarah's side.
Sarah shivers at your touch. "Later," she promises with a grin. She gives you one last lingering kiss before reluctantly climbing off the bed to gather her scattered clothes.
As Sarah gets dressed, you sit up and wrap the blanket around yourself. You watch Sarah wistfully, not quite ready to burst this intimate bubble you’ve created. But the approaching sound of a boat motor outside makes the decision for you.
"Coming?" Sarah asks from the bedroom doorway, now fully dressed. Her cheeks are still flushed, lips swollen from kisses.
You sigh. "Yeah, be right there." As Sarah disappears down the hall, you take a moment to collect yourself. You press her fingers to your lips, Sarah's taste still lingering. Your heart flutters thinking about what just transpired between you too.
With a giddy smile, you get up to get dressed. You rejoin Sarah in the living room just as the front door opens and your parents walk in, loaded down with gear from their fishing trip. If they notice your matching blushes and shy glances, they don't say anything.
"Are you staying for dinner, Sarah?" your mom asks as she heads for the kitchen. "I'll throw some fish on the grill."
Sarah catches your eye, an impish look on her face. "I'd love to," she says sweetly. Under the table, she squeezes your hand, your secret.
The you too sat close together on the worn couch in your living room after dinner, shoulders touching. Your parents had retreated outside to the back deck, giving you some privacy. Sarah turned to you, looking into your eyes. She still couldn't believe what had transpired between you too earlier that evening.
"So…that happened," Sarah said with a small smile, cheeks flushing pink.
You nodded, biting your lip. You reached over and gave Sarah's hand a gentle squeeze. "It did. And as crazy as it sounds, it felt…right."
Sarah let out a soft laugh, interlacing your fingers. "I know, I feel the same way! I mean, I never expected this, but being with you just feels so natural."
She glanced down bashfully. "I know things with John B are complicated right now. But he's been pulling away, and you've been there for me. You make me feel safe and happy even during the worst moments."
You lifted Sarah's hand to your lips, kissing it softly. "You deserve to feel safe and happy, Sarah. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens with John B. And if this-" you gestured between you too "-is something you want to explore, I'm open to it."
Sarah's heart swelled with affection. She leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.
"Then let's explore," she murmured against your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, twining your arms around Sarah's neck to pull her closer. 
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lecsainz · 1 year
monegasque charm
pairings: arthur leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: arthur making stupid pick-up lines, jokes between the leclerc brothers.
authors note: i strongly believe that arthur should make this kind of joke with his girlfriend and the leclerc brothers teasing each other, omg i love this family!
word count: 1K
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Y/N and her friends had been looking forward to the Monaco Grand Prix for months. They had saved up their money, booked their tickets, and packed their bags with excitement and anticipation. But as they approached the circuit, their excitement turned to frustration as they found themselves stuck in a long queue of cars, barely moving at all.
"Can you believe this?" Y/N groaned, leaning her head against the car window. "We're going to miss the whole race at this rate."
Her friends nodded in agreement, muttering under their breath about the terrible traffic and the incompetence of the organizers. But Y/N couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This was supposed to be the highlight of their trip, and now it seemed like they might not even make it to the circuit in time.
As they sat there, bored and frustrated, Y/N noticed a group of guys in the car behind them. They were laughing and joking, seemingly undisturbed by the traffic. And then she noticed one of them in particular - a boy with light hair and bright blue eyes, who winked and smiled at her when he realized she was watching him.
"Who are they?" Y/N asked her friends, nodding towards the car behind them.
"I don't know," one of her friends shrugged. "But they're cute."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but she couldn't deny that the boy with the blue eyes was kind of adorable. And as the traffic continued to crawl along, she found herself stealing glances at him, wondering who he was and why he seemed so familiar.
It wasn't until they finally reached the circuit that Y/N realized who the boy was - Arthur, the younger brother of Charles Leclerc, her favorite F1 driver. Suddenly everything made sense - the blue eyes, the mischievous smile, the effortless charm.
As they were making their way through the crowds, Y/N felt someone bump into her from behind. She turned around to see Arthur standing there, a look of surprise on his face.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" he said, flashing her a smile. "I didn't mean to bump into you like that."
Y/N smiled back, feeling her heart rate pick up at the sight of him. "It's okay," she replied. "We're all a little crowded here."
As they moved forward, Y/N couldn't help but notice that Arthur was wearing a shirt with the logo of his brother's F1 team. And when he caught sight of the number on her own shirt - Charles' racing number - his eyes widened in recognition.
"Hey, I like your shirt," he said, gesturing to the number. “16 is a great number, isn't it?”
Y/N felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she realized that she had been wearing Charles' number all day without even knowing that his brothers were nearby. "Oh, wow," she said. "I'm a huge fan of his."
Arthur grinned. "Yeah, me too. He's pretty amazing, isn't he?"
Y/N nodded, feeling a sudden wave of shyness wash over her. But as they chatted more, she found herself warming up to Arthur's easy charm and infectious enthusiasm.
"So, are you into racing too?" she asked, curious about the young Leclerc's own ambitions.
Arthur's face lit up. "Yeah, actually. I'm a driver myself - I compete in F2."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's amazing. You must be really talented."
Arthur shrugged modestly. "I like to think so. But it's tough out there, you know? It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it in this sport."
Y/N nodded sympathetically, feeling a sudden kinship with the young driver.
As they walked towards the grandstands, Arthur couldn't resist making a few cheesy jokes and silly pick-up lines, trying to make Y/N laugh.
"Are you a parking ticket?" he asked with a grin. "Because you've got 'fine' written all over you."
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the corny line, but she found herself giggling anyway.
Before they knew it, was time for Arthur to go and find his brothers before the race started. As they said their goodbyes, Arthur pulled out his phone and asked for Y/N's number.
"I'll text you later, Y/N. Maybe we can grab a drink or something?" he said with a smile.
Y/N nodded eagerly, feeling a spark of excitement at the thought of seeing him again.
Arthur hurried to find his brothers, Lorenzo and Charles. As soon as he saw them, he excitedly recounted his encounter with Y/N and how they had hit it off in the queue.
Lorenzo raised an eyebrow. "You're telling us about a girl you just met in line? I hope you're not neglecting your training for F2."
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Of course not, but a little distraction never hurt anyone. And besides, Y/N is really cool.”
Charles chimed in, a smile on his face."Well, well, well, look who's got a crush,”nudging Arthur in the ribs.
"You should ask her out," Lorenzo suggested.
Arthur's eyes widened. "What? No way. I barely know her."
Charles snorted. "That's never stopped you before."
Arthur blushed, but nodded in agreement. "I already got her number. And I'm planning on taking her out to dinner next week."
Lorenzo smirked. "Look at you, little brother, all grown up and making moves. Just don't let it affect your racing, okay?"
Arthur laughed, feeling grateful for his brothers' support.
Later that night, as Y/N and her friends were out at a bar celebrating the end of the race, her phone buzzed with a message from Arthur.
"Hey, it's Arthur 😉 I had a great time hanging out with you today. Want to meet up tomorrow?"
Y/N's heart raced as she replied, "Sure! How about we grab lunch at that cute café we saw earlier?"
As the week in Monaco came to an end, Y/N felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving Arthur behind. But as they hugged goodbye, Arthur promised to stay in touch and even invited her to come watch him race in the F2 later that year.
And as Y/N made her way back home, she couldn't help but smile at the memory of the handsome Monegasque boy who had swept her off her feet.
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wooahaes · 3 months
svt- coming out as bisexual [maknae line]
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pairing: non-idol!svt maknae line x fem!bisexual!reader
genre: some are angstier and lean toward hurt/comfort (mingyu + minghao), others are fluffier.
warnings: reader mentioned to have exes that aren't men (just women in seokmin's drabble, reader has dated both women and a non-binary person in seungkwan's). vague food mentions in mingyu's, minghao's, and vernon's drabbles (implied something fried in mingyu's due to the usage of cooking oil, mentions of tea in minghao's, vague dinner reference in vernon's). reader getting defensive in mingyu and minghao's drabbles. reader no longer speaks to her parents in mingyu's drabble due to biphobia from her parents. reader's ex in minghao's drabble is biphobic, but left ambiguous what he said to her. angry hao (not directed at reader). extremely casual coming out (seungkwan). joking reference to joshua beating up seungkwan if he didn't react well. reader being cheesy as fuck (vernon). questioning leading to realization (vernon). reader refers to herself as a bisexual mess. chan being kind of a mess (clueless but trying his best).
daisy's notes: happy pride! a continuation of these for the maknae line :) again, no taglist purely bc i don't know who will and won't be interested in this since it is a bit more exclusive.
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lee seokmin
"if there's something you want to say, you can say it." seokmin's touch was feather-light as he cupped your cheeks. "i'm listening."
sometimes you wondered how you struck out with meeting seokmin, let alone dating him. he was one of the kindest souls you'd had the pleasure of knowing, let alone loving, and now was no different. tears brimmed your eyes as you replayed the past few minutes over and over in your head. you hadn't meant to come out like this. you wanted to have it be something more... official, in an odd way. something you had control over. but all it took was you ranting about one of your exes to seokmin for you to slip up and say that magic "she" that gave you away entirely.
seokmin hadn't meant to pry or force you out of the closet. but you saw the way he looked up, clearly caught up on that word. "she?" he'd said, soft enough that you thought it was just him musing aloud.
meanwhile, you swore all of the blood drained from your face right t hen and there. "i... uh..." you stammered out. every time you tried to come up with an excuse, the words seemed to dissipate on your tongue, melting away like cotton candy. you wanted to say something, anything. that it was a slip of the tongue. that he heard you correctly and, yes, one of your exes was a woman. that if he had a problem with it, you'd gather your belongings from around his apartment and leave right now.
that was what led to seokmin taking your face into his hands. he looked at you now with this softness in his eyes, ever so loving, and you were sure that he knew you were something other than straight. did you really have to say it? wasn't him knowing, even vaguely, enough? you averted your gaze, and seokmin dropped his hands from your cheeks down to your shoulders, slowly running down your arms until he met your hands.
"you don't have to," he said a moment later. "but if you want to, i'm listening."
you met his gaze. the words died on your tongue again. "you aren't mad i didn't tell you?"
he shook his head. "should i be?" he teased lightly, but dropped the tone when he saw the way you stiffened up over it. "sorry. it's not the time for jokes," he squeezed your hands. "if you don't want to say it, that's okay. whatever you are," he paused, "and whoever you are... i'll still love you. okay? i fell in love with you."
your face grew warmer at just how tender seokmin could be. "so it's really not a problem that i'm bisexual and just... didn't tell you? i mean, it's not like i don't take care of myself, so if you're worried that i'm not cle—"
"it's your identity," he firmly said, stopping you before you could spiral any further. "but... thank you for telling me," he leaned in to press a soft kiss against your forehead. "i love you."
you just smiled, a rosy warm feeling blossoming in your chest. "i love you, too, sunshine."
kim mingyu
"i was thinking..." mingyu was stretched out on your couch, listening to the clamor of pots and pans as you focused on making an elaborate dinner. "we've been dating for a while..."
"and you've met my family..."
your stomach immediately dropped. oh no. even though you knew where this was going, you had to play dumb. maybe he'd catch your drift and go along with it. "uh-huh? well, kim, if this is a marriage proposal, i think we're still a little too early into a relationship for that—"
he didn't hesitate to ask. "when can i meet yours?"
shit. the spatula slipped from your grasp, clattering against the stove-top far too loudly for your liking. a glance over your shoulder was enough to tell you that mingyu had leaned up to look, watching you carefully. you waved him off, cleaning up where you'd splattered a little bit of oil onto the countertop with your clumsy action. it gave you a moment to think. people were sometimes weird about the fact you'd gone no-contact with your parents as soon as you could stand on your own two feet. a curt never, haha, sorry! would unfortunately never work. but...
"i... i don't think that's exactly gonna happen, mingyu." you didn't turn to look at him. the conversation would be easier if you didn't.
but you heard the sound of him getting up off of the couch, making his way over. "is there a reason?" he crossed his arms, leaning against the nearby counter. "or is it me?"
"it's not you," you didn't hesitate. the last thing you wanted him thinking was that you didn't like him. with a deep breath, you turned to face mingyu. "i don't talk to my parents anymore because they never accepted that i'm bisexual."
he said nothing at first, just staring at you as everything sank in. not that you blamed him: if someone unloaded all of that onto you, you'd probably need a couple minutes to process. all you heard from him was a soft "oh."
"is that going to be a problem?" you crossed your arms. "because if it is, you can leave my apartment right fucking now—"
he shook his head. "honey, i'd never have a problem with any of that," he said as calmly as he could, a steady stream in contrast to the way you were already starting to burn. "i won't bring it up again, though. i'm sorry."
you let out a long sigh, head dropping down for a minute. shit. you knew you had the tendency to get defensive too quickly over this shit. "sorry, mingyu—"
"don't," he said. "it's okay." he stepped closer to you. "i shouldn't have pushed. i think most people don't cut off contact from their parents unless they have a reason."
"no," you pressed a hand to his chest, "it's a fair question. i just..." with a heavy sigh, you shook your head. "i came out to them when i was a teenager, and they basically told me i was desperate for love. and once i could afford to live on my own... i cut contact." you met his gaze a moment later. "some people get weird about it and tell me that i should reach out because they're my parents, i wouldn't be here without them, but... it's not their decision."
he took your hand in his own, drawing it up so that he could kiss your knuckles. "it's not," he affirmed. "but... you're not desperate," mingyu said softly, "i know you know that, but you're just you. and i love you," he smiled, so giddy and in love with you as he leaned in to kiss your cheek.
you found yourself smiling as you pecked his cheek in return. "and i love you, silly," you giggled. "thank you, though. for understanding."
he stepped behind you once you turned back to the meal you were almost finished cooking, wrapping his arms around you. "it's my job," he chuckled. "but you're welcome. and if it means anything..." he shut his eyes, resting against you now. "my family loves you. and so do all of my friends," he giggled. "and so do your friends. so... i think you already have a better family now."
"i know." you smiled to yourself. you'd picked this family out for yourself, after all. but the reminder helped.
xu minghao
there were only so many situations that would lead to what you were dealing with now: minghao, face burning with anger, as he was forcibly dragged out of a restaurant by you. you hadn't let go of him at all, dragging him up the street despite the way he struggled against you once, then twice, before giving in. he was being irrational and he knew it, and you just needed to get him out of there before something bad happened.
"can you stop and tell me what just happened?!" he finally snapped at you, ripping his wrist from your grasp. "who was that and why was he disrespecting you?"
of course that was what he zeroed in on. not the fact your ex-boyfriend was right about to out you to minghao before you'd even ordered drinks, but the fact the guy was being a dick to you. not that it was a surprise: the guy had been disgusting toward you when you came out to him. of course he'd try to "warn" minghao about what he was getting into now.
"that," you said, "was my ex. and we're not having this conversation here."
minghao balled his fists, standing his ground. "he was being horrible to you. you should have let me shut him down. i'm your boyfriend," he said, "if you're scared to stand up for you, then let me do it for you. no one should treat you like that."
"which is why he's my ex," you pointed out. "i don't need you to fight my battles for me."
"that's not what i—"
you shook your head. "if you want to talk, we're going back to my place. i don't want to talk about it here."
that seemed to finally register with minghao, who had slowly been coming back down from that burst of anger. he looked around, realizing that, while the two of you weren't attracting attention, there were other people around. so he nodded, and took your hand as you guided him home. and he didn't let go: not on the taxi ride there, not in the elevator, and not until you needed to let yourself into your apartment.
you excused yourself to make yourself a cup of tea, offering to make him one as well. minghao accepted the offer before looking around your apartment. it'd been a bit since he'd made it over here again. he'd been busy, and most of the time, you were meeting him out or going to his place to hang out for cozy at-home dates.
soon enough, you'd settled down next to him. "i'm only going to explain this once," you said, "okay? i don't want to think about him too often, so..."
minghao immediately stopped you. "you don't have to tell me," he said, voice softer now. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have snapped--"
you shook your head. "you're right, you shouldn't have, but i'm still going to tell you so you know." with a deep breath, you set down the cup of tea. "i'm bisexual. i figured it out during college. that," you vaguely nodded in a direction, "was my ex-boyfriend. i came out to him, and he said... some things," your voice was dripping with venom at even the vague memory, "and i ended it with him right then and there. so when we ran into him tonight, he was trying to warn you about my sexuality."
minghao grimaced. "that's not his place."
"which is why i dragged you out of there," you said. "before he could out me."
all at once, you saw the realization hit minghao like a truck. he hadn't considered that part of it all. his lips parted for a moment, and then he closed his mouth again, shaking his head. "i'm sorry," he said again, voice softer now. "i should have realized—"
you clasped your hand over his mouth, minghao's eyes widening in surprise. "don't. i don't want to think about it. you already apologized for getting angry, so let's just leave it at that. okay?"
he slowly nodded, pushing your hand away from his mouth. "thank you for trusting me with this, by the way," his voice was still soft, gentle enough to truly mean it. then he frowned. "i hate that he ruined our night now," he said. he'd been wanting to show you that restaurant for a while now. "you deserve better than that."
"i know," you reached forward, pinching his cheek lightly. "because i have you."
he met your gaze and smiled. "thank you," he giggled, hand resting over your own. "i'm glad i have you in my life, too."
boo seungkwan
"you know i've kissed girls, right?"
seungkwan shot up from where he'd been reclined on the couch, scrolling through social media. his phone clattered to the floor, and he turned to watch where you continued to idly work on a cross-stitch project. it was as if you hadn't said anything. but he heard you, right? you said something, right? should he say something in response...? he just sat there, watching you, hoping you'd give something up. after a moment, you glanced up from your project to see the way seungkwan was just staring at you, at a loss for words.
"well?" you set your project down, turning to face him. "jeez, dude, you kinda suck at this whole 'coming out' thing--"
wait, what? "you're...?"
"bisexual," you grinned at him, resting your head in one hand. "i've been trying to decide on the best way to come out to you for a while now. and... i dunno, one of my friends just said to tell you i've dated women before." for a moment, you paused. "and one non-binary person, actually. they were cool, even though it didn't last that long."
seungkwan still had no idea what the hell to say to this. he almost wished that this had been more emotional. he could deal with emotional, with holding you and telling you he loved you and accepted you no matter what. what he was struggling to deal with was how you seemed to be taking joy out of how at a loss for words he was right now.
"well?" you watched him, smiling that evil smile of yours. no wonder joshua and jeonghan had been so eager to introduce "a friend of theirs" to seungkwan forever ago. you fit right in with them. "should i have bought you a lemon square? or cuffed my jeans? or—"
seungkwan finally stood up, crossing the room. "you're so mean to me," he said, squishing your cheeks. "always teasing me..." then his gaze softened a little, although his voice never wavered from that playful tone, "is this really how you're coming out to me?"
it earned a delighted snort of joy from you. "do you have a problem with it?" even with your smushed face, you were hellbent on teasing him. "joshua said he'd come beat you up if you reacted badly."
seungkwan rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss your lips before drawing back. "i love youuuu," he said, drawing the word out to tease you back. he drew his hand away from your face, watching the way you stretched your jaw a little now that you were free. "but if i'm being serious... then thank you for telling me," he said, voice growing softer. "i know you're enjoying teasing me, but i know this is a big step for you."
your smile fell for just a few seconds. seungkwan had seen through your bravado, and you mouthed a soft thanks. and then you returned to smiling, burning brighter than ever. "you live another day, my sweet boo."
he rolled his eyes, kissing your forehead. "i could take joshua," he said. "i could."
with a delighted giggle, you wrapped your arms around him, bringing him closer to you. "i know you could."
vernon chwe
"the moon's beautiful tonight," you mused aloud, holding onto vernon's arm. the two of you had opted for a walk by the river after dinner. "you know what else is beautiful?"
vernon looked over at you with a soft hum. he knew where you were going with this, but... if you wanted to be cheesy and romantic, then who was he to stop you? "who?"
"you," you giggled. and then you squeezed his arm. you had averted your gaze, chewing on your bottom lip for a moment as you suddenly seemed a little more distant from him. "and, uh... a lot of people, actually."
it earned a snort from him. "oh, yeah?" he turned to you, ready to tease you. "and who are these other guys?"
"not just guys, silly," you said, drifting from his side a little. "i think women are kinda hot, too. actually... everyone's just kind of hot and i think i'm just a big mess because of it."
vernon watched you curiously for a moment. he followed after you. "so... like... in what way?"
"i've been thinking a lot lately," you admitted. "and... i dunno. i think when i started googling quizzes to figure out my sexuality, that should have been a really big sign that i'm bisexual, y'know?" you glanced at him. "and... i dunno, i really wanted to tell you. so... i'm telling you."
vernon just slowly nodded along. "i see..."
you slowed to a stop. "i don't know why i'm bringing this up tonight. i just..." you rested a hand over your heart for a moment. "it's like i've had this big secret stuck inside of me for so long, and... you're the first person i want to tell because i know you won't react badly. because you've always been a really sweet guy, you know?"
the heat traveled to his face at that. this was your moment, and still you found it within yourself to compliment him. he just stood before you, unsure of what to say. should he wait until you were finished? he wanted to tell you that he loved you, that he'd always accept you, that he supported you. all the things you deserved to hear.
"i think that's why i've felt so safe exploring this part of myself, too." you reached forward, taking his hands in yours. "because i knew that if i am bisexual... then you'll be right there to support me. because you're you. and... i'm me." you met his gaze, a soft smile on your face. "and i'm bisexual and... i really, really like knowing that now. i'm just this big bisexual mess sometimes, but it's who i am, you know?"
he squeezed your hands tight for a moment. "i'm glad you feel safe with me," he said, voice soft. he leaned forward to kiss you gently. "so, uh. thanks for telling me," he chuckled. "sorry—i'm not good at this, am i?"
"you're perfect as you are, silly," you giggled. "but, uh, now you know why i get flustered whenever the pretty barista compliments me."
"nah," he pulled you forward, "i've known compliments fluster you. remember when we first started dating—"
immediately, you let out a groan. "don't remind me."
"you still get all cute when i call you pretty now," he chuckled, swaying with you. "but it's cool. you're my cute, bisexual mess of a girlfriend." he squeezed you a little tighter. "and i love you."
you snuggled into his embrace. "yeah, yeah..." you wrapped your arms around him. "i love you, too, you big dork."
lee chan
"sorry, you're what?"
you genuinely have no idea how to respond right now. you'd ended up blurting out the whole "hey, by the way, i'm bisexual!" thing to chan impulsively, and now... he was just staring at you, completely perplexed now. how were you supposed to answer this? by giving him a definition...? by asking what he didn't understand? hell, did he even hear you correctly?
"bisexual," you answered after a moment. "you know... like... i like more than just guys?"
"no, i—" he shook his head. "i get that. i just... i didn't hear you the first time." he nodded slowly. "so, um... how long have you known?"
you tapped your toes against the floor, suddenly growing more nervous. shit, was this going to be it for the two of you? maybe you should message your housemate to get the ice cream out now. "since i was... sixteen, i think?" you frowned a little. "i dunno. around sixteen. i just..." you took a deep breath. "it's weird to describe, i guess. there was a girl i was crushing on in high school. one day, she hugged me and it all just kinda clicked in my head, and... yeah." you shrugged. "i'm bisexual. is that a problem?"
immediately, he went wide eyed and shook his head. "no! no, no, no—it's not a problem at all!" he set aside his coffee cup. "i was just curious—genuinely! i mean, i didn't know if i should be supporting you questioning and figuring yourself out right now, or if you knew and i should just be supportive and happy for you, or—uh, i—"
something about how flustered you'd made him made you laugh. he grew quieter, cheeks rosy as he watched you giggle to yourself for a moment.
"it's not a problem," he reaffirmed one last time. "you're still you. you're still my girlfriend," he reached across the table, interlocking his fingers with your own. "and i love you. thank you for trusting me with this." he paused for a moment. "does anyone know?"
"my parents, for one," you said, counting off on your fingers. "a lot of my really close friends know. uh, your friend vernon knows, but that's because he somehow knows my ex-girlfriend and he just put two and two together when we started dating. and, uh, seungcheol—but that's because i told him forever ago before he ever introduced us. i'm, like, out, but it's not something i just go around saying, y'know?"
he nodded along. "okay. good to know." he ran his thumb over your knuckles. "i mean it, though. thank you for telling me." he paused once more, looking up at you. "can... can i ask you questions about it? or is that too much?"
something about the soft look in chan's eyes endeared you to him more than before. he seemed so shy now. a little clueless as to how to go forward, but he did seem like he genuinely cared. "questions like...?"
"how you knew," he said softly, "and if there's anything i can do to not mess this up with you. i've, um," his faced was flushed, "i don't think i've dated a bisexual before and i don't want to say accidentally something stupid that hurts you. i've, um—i've heard about people doing that, you know?"
"i think you're already overthinking it a little," you said softly. "just keep treating me like me, and if you do say something without thinking, we'll talk about it. okay?"
his shoulders slumped a little, whatever pressure he was putting himself under having been lifted. "right! right," he ran his thumb over your knuckles once more, face burning red now. "right. i... i'm sorry," he laughed nervously, meeting your gaze again after a moment. "i'm a mess."
"you're a cute mess," you giggled. you reached out, brushing a strand of hair back from his eyes. "but i am, too."
his eyes twinkled a little as he looked at you like you were his world. "a cuter mess," he said. "but... really. thank you for telling me and—and trusting me. i'm really glad you do."
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pookietv · 3 months
number one fan | george clarke
this was requested! and i couldn't resist the end lmao so !!
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george had always been supportive. he liked to consider himself his friends biggest fans, always turning up to whatever may be important to them, from arthur's tours, to his home friends graduations, he always wanted to be there and be able to show his pride in the people in his life.
so when he began dating a singer, it was to no one's surprise that he became the biggest fan out there.
your music a staple of the household, to the point where an intervention was called by arthur and chris.
"geooooorge can we not put on different music now?" chris said with a slight smile on his face as he rolled his eyes jokingly.
"you know we love y/n's music but george, this is a little excessive," arthur agreed, giggling to himself a little.
"just let this song finish! its the best one," he protested whilst cooking at the kitchen island, earning a joking groan from arthur.
"i'm convinced that just by living in this house we may know her lyrics better then she knows them," chris laughed, and george just shrugged with a mockingly innocent look.
when you first got signed by a manager, changing from original songs uploaded to youtube to a real publishing plan.
"george?" you grinned to yourself as you went into his room, having been let in by arthur, seeing him sat at his desk, seeing you and pulling his headphones off his head.
"hey, you! didn't know you were coming around today," he said, standing to press a quick kiss to your hairline, and you could barely stop yourself grinning at him like the cheshire cat.
"what's that look for?" he asked as he pulled away, quirking his head slightly as a small smile approached his face too.
"i got offered to be signed! by a real label! they actually want me to be under their label!" you practically babbled out, watching george's grin grow wider before wrapping you in a hug, practically lifting you from the ground.
"no way! that's amazing, darling," he muffled into your hair, his arms around your torso only wrapping tighter, "i'm so so so proud," he beamed, pressing another kiss to your cheek.
"thank you george," you smiled back, your cheeks glazed with red, "you've been so supportive, and i appreciate it so much,"
"so, now can i convince you to write a whole album about your biggest fan?" he teased, and you playfully pushed his chest.
"well, maybe i could write a song for arthur, i mean he was so lovely letting me open for his tour, he definitely has been a loyal fan..." you teased in return, pretending to ponder, causing george to mock pout.
"hey, hello, i am your biggest fan you muppet!"
when your first album released, and it was all george could yap about for at least a month afterwards.
when he featured on his bach and arthur's podcast? practically the first thing to leave his mouth.
"yeah, so i've not been up to too much, y/n was really busy recently so we decided now she's done and the album's released, we might try and go away somewhere - the album's out now on all streaming platforms! go listen, she's brill," he says with a cheesy grin on his face.
"what was the timer on george mentioning y/n there? under five minutes?" bach laughed, george's face going slightly red as he shrugged.
"it is a good album, in his defence," arthur laughed a little.
when he's in one of chris' videos? practically every goal he scored was backdropped by the beat change of one of your songs.
"if you miss this one, we're not letting you aux the flat for a week," chris chided with a grin, and george rolled his eyes as he placed the ball down, lining it up and kicking it in.
"see? he's the biggest fan around! the second the thought of not playing y/n's new album 24/7 is unthinkable to george," arthur laughed, before continuing, "i don't even live with you guys and i think i've heard y/n's music more times then i have actually met her in person."
going to your first big concert?
you had offered him to be backstage, but he had said no - of course he wanted to be in the front, seeing you perform like he was anyone else, he wanted to see you properly, from the floor.
"you're sure you don't wanna be backstage?" you had asked him on facetime earlier that day, when you were already at the venue for sound checks but he had assured you no.
"we're all coming in the pit, we've gotta see it like a normal concert!" he grinned down the phone, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"you at least gonna stand at the back so you guys don't get like, mobbed or squashed or something? 'cause people might ask for photos," you said, slightly concerned for him, but he just shook his head.
"we can take photos afterwards with whoever wants one - i'm not standing at the back and barely seeing anything just cause some people may try and be rude and take photos with us whilst you're performing, that's not fair to you," he hummed slightly down the phone, "plus, chris wouldn't be able to see from the back and you know that," he laughed a little at his own joke
you cracked a small smile as you shook your head, "you're so stubborn, george, you know that?"
and when he showed up to the concert, with both of the arthurs and chris, all stood as close to the front as they could be, and before you could even notice anything else, you saw george's shit eating grin at his shirt, which he wore in a teasing sort of pride, that just said 'i fucked the singer', and as he saw your eyes roll, you could hear his laugh from the crowd.
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Wingwoman (Wriothesley x reader)
summarry: Being the secretary of the hydro archon isn't easy, although I suppose being her friend does make it easier. The hydro archon-furina, is quite a good friend actually. Though, her methods of helping you get closer with the man you fancy aren't always quite...ethical. But I promise you, she does mean well.
notes: i still havent completed this quest yet so its probably wrong in some areas lol. I also think i'll be updating some orv writings on the weekend where I have more time.
not proofread
"[name] [last name], by order of the court, you will be sentenced to-" the lady paused, trying to make sure what she read was correct. "-to twelve hours in the Fortress of Meropide for...not being true to yourself?..."
This was Furina's doing. You sighed, holding your head as you nodded.
"Right..." You answered, also seeming unsure.
This...this was really the best Furina could come up with? Just because you said you didn't fancy the Lord of the Fortress of Meropide.
Okay, sure. Maybe he is a little handsome, and strong, and kind, and-
You were led to the inside of the Fortress and there you were. 'Furina, my dear archon and friend, what the fuck am I supposed to do here?!' You nervously bit your finger nails, freaking out internally. 'Oh archons, she wouldn't extend my sentence would she?...what am I even saying-she definitely would.'
Wriothesley walked with Lumine and Sigewinne, going down to eat. His eyes widened at the sight of you, down here at the Fortress.
"[name]?" He spoke, his voice seeming surprised, at a dash of excitement. Had you-had you come to see him?!?
You turned around surprised. "Wriothesley? Lumine?-hold on, Lumine!? What are you doing here?"
"Ahahaha...Its...complicated. I'd rather not explain my sentence. How about you?" Lumine asks, smiling. It was good to see a friend again.
You certainly weren't here for business, that's for sure. Wriothesley would've been officially notified.
"I uh...also got sentenced. For half a day." You laugh embarrassed. You were definitely going to cut Furina's sweet intake by 25%.
Before anyone could reply, someone-who worked at the Fortress- ran up and handed Lumine a letter. "An official letter to Lumine from the Hydro Archon!" speak of the devil.
After reading it as you and Wriothesley conversed about business, Lumine laughed.
"Wriothesley, If its alright with you, Paimon and I would like to look around the fortress ourselves for a bit if that's okay. You could tour [name] around instead!"
No way. Theres absolutely no way Furina asked the renowned Lumine to help her-you, on this little fiasco. However, when Wriothesley nodded and turned his back to Lumine and Paimon, they both winked and gave you a thumbs up.
Oh my god, she did.
"-ame]? [name]? Would you uh, like a tour?" Wriothesley scratched his head bashfully.
"Yes, I'd like one if that'd be okay with you."
You smiled, trying not to freak out. Was this-this could definitely be considered a date right!?! I mean, you were arrested for a stupid reason but I mean, it worked! Damn, Furina was a really really good wingwoman...
"Great!-sorry ahem, I meant, it'd be no problem."
Oh my god what is this, a cheesy rom-com movie?
After the tour ended, it was already nearing the end of your short sentence. (lets just pretend Wriothesley has no work responsibilities.)
"It was really lovely getting to know the place you work at. You seem like you enjoy your job." You smiled at him.
"I do!-sorry I meant yes, I do enjoy it. I also really enjoyed talking to you outside of work." He scratched his neck shyly, looking away, before mumbling, "you're much lovelier when you're yourself anyway..."
And that was that. You were discharged from the Fortress, and you guys were going to become strangers again-
"[name]!" You hear his voice call out to you as you walked. Pausing and turning around, you were faced with Wriothesley.
"If, If you'd like, could we have lunch every now and then? I really liked talking with you today!" His cheekes were flushed, was it from running or his bashfulness?
"I would like that too..." You covered your face, blushing. What a cliche romance plot! Just like the novels you've read from your library Furina had gifted you...
"R-really!? Wonderful! Maybe you should get in trouble more so we can see each other more often-" Your eyes widen in surprise, and he stutters over his words.
"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have sai-"
"Pft-ahahahaha!" You laugh, covering your stomach. "I didn't know you could crack jokes like that too!" You laughed, tears brimming your eyes from laughing so hard.
"Who knows? Maybe I will." You laugh, as Wriothesley waves his hands in the air in a frantic manner.
"N-no! That wouldn't be good for you! It would be on your record and it might put your job at stake!" You smiled, regaining your posture.
"Haha! No worries, the beloved Hydro Archon and I are practically best friends! I know her quite well."
You smile softly, then deciding to be bold and tucked his hair behind his ear, and kissing his cheek. "I hope I see you again soon."
You turned around and left, leaving a shocked and flustered Wriothesley. Little did he know, you and a really giddly smile on your face.
Maybe you should increase Furina's sweet orders by 25% instead...
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old-danmei-fan · 5 months
Here is some Sebastian fluff. Sebastian was my first SDV love and always will be ❤️
No warnings, just 1087 words of fluff
Description- what happens when the farmer and Sebastian start dating quietly and they are almost found out when Robin shows up unannounced during movie and cuddle time.
In the year you've been living and working on Grandpa's old farm, you've gained many new friends throughout Pelican Town. Your core group included Sam, Abigale and Sebastian, with you being closest to Sebastian.
It was hard not to gravitate towards him when everything about him was just so comfortable. You didn't feel the need to fill the silence with chatter when you two hung out and read comics or manga, but also had no problems trash talking when going head to head in a video game.
It wasn't a big deal to you two when you quietly started dating. Neither of you were into pda and you always hung out so no one besides you two even knew it was going on.
You two were sitting on the couch in your farmhouse watching whatever cheesy horror movie was on, just enjoying each other's company and laughing together at how ridiculous the movie is when you hear a knock at your door.
"Are you expecting anyone today?" Sebastian asks as you untangle yourself from him and the blankets.
"Nope. I have no idea who it could be. It's Sunday and everyone knows I don't really do any work around the farm on Sundays and that I'm a couch potato all day." you reply with a confused tone as you walk to answer the door.
When you open the front door, the last sight You're expecting is Robin standing there with a big grin on her face.
You've got no problems with Robin finding out about your relationship with her son, but you'd definitely prefer her to not find out by seeing her son laying on your couch shirtless, so you quickly step outside and shut your door a little harder than intended.
"Hey farmer! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I know it's your day off and all" Robin starts with a slightly confused look on her face. You can only assume the look is from the way you slammed your door shut behind you like a crazy person.
"It's all good Robin! No worries here. Just worried about letting the heat out." Is your sorry excuse of a response. Like you'd have the fireplace roaring when it's the middle of summer.
"Oh sure. I get that, gotta conserve that fire wood right? Well I actually stopped by to see if I could trouble you for some goat cheese. I've been craving some and Pierre said he was out at the moment." Says Robin, getting to the point of why she stopped by today.
"Oh of course Robin! I've got some extras in the house, give me just a moment and I'll bring them right out!" You say a little louder than was necessary,happy that she only needed something as small as a chunk of goat's cheese.
You turn to open the door so you can run inside and grab the cheese when it thuds on something solid and stops before opening. Little did you know, while you were talking to his mom, Sebastian had crawled over to the door to eavesdrop on you two. He definitely didn't anticipate you throwing the door open as quickly as you did.
Sebastian rolls to the side where he would be blocked by the door as you go to open it again, stepping inside and shutting the door again quickly. While you run to the kitchen and Sebastian is rolling around on the floor holding his head where the door hit him trying to stay as quiet as possible, Robin is standing outside wondering what has gotten the farm so spooked.
Once you return to Robin with enough goat cheese to keep her away for a couple weeks, she thanks you and is about to be on her way when she stops and turns to you.
"Ya know, since you and Sebby have gotten so close lately, I think it would be amazing if you two went on a date. I think he may have a little crush on you." Robin says with a wink and walks away, leaving you slightly dumbfounded.
Once you gain a little of your composure, you walk back into the house to finish your movie with Sebastian as you notice he's still on the floor, but instead of rolling around in pain, he's now laughing hysterically.
"Glad you think this is funny Seb. I just about had a heart attack and a stroke all at once! All this stress over some damn goat cheese." You exclaim plopping back down on the couch and covering your head with the blanket.
A few moments later, you feel Sebastian lay on top of you and pull the blanket away from your face. He's still chuckling as he kisses your forehead and says "She's right ya know. I do have a little crush on you."
When you open your eyes you see that stupid smirk and all the tension leaves your body as you start laughing, pulling Sebastian closer you both relax back and continue your movie.
Later that night, Sebastian is walking back into his house and saunters into the kitchen to get something to drink before retreating to his room. Robin is in the process of making a snack of crackers and the goat cheese she got from the farm earlier in the day.
Sebastian tries to hide the smirk when he thinks back to what transpired during his mother's excursion to the farm. Robin hands him a cracker with cheese after he grabs his water bottle. “Try this Sebby, I got the best goat cheese today.”
As he pops the cracker and cheese into his mouth, he decides your farm really does produce the best cheese around, and as he's walking to his room tells his mom "Damn, the goats over on the farm really do make the best cheese, huh mom? Did you get enough for both of us today?"
Before he can make it to the stairs that lead to his room, his mom calls out to him "wait, how did you know I went and got cheese at the farm today when I normally go to Pierre's?"
Sebastian swears he can see the light bulb go off above his mom's head as he just chuckles and walks downstairs, leaving Robin alone in the kitchen. He hears his mom squeal with joy as he steps into his room and shuts the door.
By Wednesday that week, all of Pelican Town knows that Sebastian and the farmer are dating, and Robin couldn't be happier.
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