#I kinda want to join one 👉👈
lost-inthe-v0id · 4 months
Someone PLEASE needs to do this
Like something about zuko and fire bending reader being engaged. Like she’s a royal and they’re being “forced to get married” but they actually fall in love. They support each other through everything and they’re literally stuck at the hip. They sneak out to see each other and whenever they have to go to formal events they can’t wait to see each other and they goof around all night. She knows all of his secrets and how he feels about his father and mother.
Reader somewhat gets along with Azula. Reader doesn’t like the way she treats zuko sometimes but she acknowledges she is only a product of the adults around her so she has a soft spot for her.
Then when zuko get exiled he’s so caught up on getting his fathers approval. He promises to her he’ll be back before she knows it. He knows how hard it is for her in the palace. She tries to go with him just as his ship is leaving, pleading with him one last time; insisting she can be of help. He declines her kinda harsh but she understands and bids him farewell. She walks away but remembers she has to give him something. A token of good luck. When she runs back to give it to him she over hears Zuko talking to someone telling them he didn’t want reader to come because she’d be baggage, a burden, dead weight. Reader is hurt and goes back to her room in the palace and cries her sorrows away. She really thought he thought more of her, he always complimented her when she firebent, she was taught by the best and he still thought of her as deadweight?
In Reality Zuko only said that because he knew he wasn’t going to come back for a while, he knew it would inevitably she would fall for someone else during the time he was away. What if he came back with his hopes up only to find her in the arms of someone else, someone who was there for her, who would care and love her then and there. He wasn’t good for her. And the faster he convinced himself he could move on, the less he would cling to her when he inevitably saw her again.
Time passes by and reader comes to the conclusion from the help of overthinking, that he never loved her. It was all a facade to win the approval of his father. If he really cared for her , he would know how awful it was in the palace without him. He abandoned her. And for what to find some kid?
She joins azula. She’s really good at fire bending and she hates to see azula practically destroy herself and the people around her for some approval. So she decided if no one will properly take care of her, she will. Over time Reader has disconnected her feelings from the actions she takes under Azula. Her only concern right now is Azula. She realizes Azula at her core is a wounded little girl and she takes care of her as her own.
IDK when or where reader and zuko reconnects or see glimpses of each other again but when he sees how she cares for Azula he melts away. You’re so scary to people around you but soft and nurturing towards his sister. He wants that. He needs it. At one point when you challenge him to fight due to anger from maybe hurting Azula in some type of way or jealousy due to his kindness towards katara. When you firebent in the past you made sure your flames wouldn’t hurt him but now they’re coming at him full force and he doesn’t know what to do.
@ me if u do plz give credit 👉👈🥺 I can’t write like that
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I am totally obsessed with your fics!!! Your writing 🤌💕
I just wanted to request a fic where the reader is new to the task force but she's experienced and tough. Vibez similar to Ghost to elaborate she's more scary than Ghost cuz of her past maybe she was experimented on or trained brutally....
Reader is working hard to prove herself even if everyone knows she's the most lethal person. So one time she gets injured badly while protecting someone from the 141( probably Ghost 👉👈) and she wakes up has an emotional moment Ghost comes know about her Trauma . More like hurt/comfort....
Happy Writing 💝
CW: Mentions/references of kidnapping, torture, canon typical violenece Part 2, Part 3 Hiii Anon!! First off, thank you! Secondly, I am so, so, so sorry for how long this took😭 I did make this a two parter, the first part is kinda like backstoryish and the second part will be the actual story. I was gonna wait until I finished both to post but you have been waiting for way to long so I'll give you the first part now instead of waiting, again I am so sorry! I hope you like it :)) Summary: F!Reader was a part of a special program(LMK if you can guess what it is) and once she was released she joined the military.
WC: 1467 As always, I didn't proof read so lmk if there are any mistakes :3
Life had not been kind to you. Ripped from your family at a very young age, you had never known the type of love and safety a nurturing home could provide. Instead, you grew up in the confines of a Russian base, with cruel instructors and a dwindling group of girls as your only companions.
From the moment you could walk, you had been told you were a weapon. A lethal force to be honed and trained, nothing more than a tool for others to use to further their games. Brainwashed, tortured, and trained into submission, a perfect puppet. Both your brain and body were sculpted into absolute perfection, a rigorous process most people did not survive. By day, they trained to be a lethal force, an unstoppable, unnoticeable, killing machine. At night, you were handcuffed to your bed, listening to the screams of students who did not make the cut.(to this day you sleep handcuffed)
You watched, at first in horror, then with a sense of detachment, as your friendsrivals bit the dust, unable to keep up with what the program demanded of them. It got better as you got older, less girls died from their tasks. But in some ways it got worse. It was a competition now, a fight to see who would remain victorious, to see who would come out on top. It was not a place for friendship and comradery, and you learned that quickly.
You stopped trying to make friends with the other students when you were forced to shoot your best friend in the head after giving her some of your dinner when she was being punished. You were 8. And you stopped trying to even just be friendly with the other girls at 10 years old, when the instructor broke every bone in your hands after your bunkmate framed you for something you didn't do. To this day your hands are not the same, always hurting and forever scarred.
Your world was kill or be killed, and you'd be dammed if you didn't come out on top.
And come out on top you did. You graduated top of your class, a position you had fought and killed for, won through bloodshed and pain. If you had a conscience, it would have been screaming at you for the things you had done to get to the top(You laid awake every night consumed by guilt and grief)
The program was disbanded(re: destroyed) when you hit 18, just two weeks after your 'graduation'. You were given two options: Join the American military, or face a life sentence in prison. 
You had a lifetime of sins to atone for, and knew there was only one way to even begin to ease your guilt. Two days later your background was sealed up and you were shipped off to boot camp. 
And you excelled. This was nothing to you. What was a six mile run when you used to run until you passed out, then wake up and keep going? What was surviving on four hours of sleep when sleep deprivation had been the norm your whole life? What was any of this compared to what you had been forced to do everyday since you were five? 
You scared your instructors. And the other recruits. And everyone else you came into contact with. And you were fine with that. You didn't like when people got close to you anyhow.
Love got you nowhere in the world. It was a lesson you learned hard and fast. You did not care for others, they did not care for you. And you liked it that way. Until you met the 141.
A woman named General Laswell came to you one day with a job offer. Well, not a job offer exactly, but more of a…transfer of positions. A small, (mostly)four-man team that she oversaw.
You had gotten disciplined for beating the ever-loving shit out of a recruit the week before, and Laswell had watched it all unfold. She went back to her office, read your full file, and decided you would make a good fit for John's team.
You took a look at your bunk, at the trunk that held zero worldly possessions, realized there is nothing for you here, and said yes. 
Price had not wanted a new recruit, and told Laswell as much. She simply said he had a penchant for picking up strays and left your file on his desk. It took him a week to actually get curious enough to read it. A paper copy, the only one in existence that had your full, undisclosed background. He pretended he didn’t see her smug grin when he hit accept on your transfer application. 
You had been trained since youth to fight and to kill, yes, but your true purpose was espionage. You were trained to study those around you, to lie, to mold yourself to the expectations of those around you. You excelled at fitting into your surroundings, at assimilating perfectly with your peers. It was all you were good for, in your opinion. So you asked Laswell for files on your new teammates. And she gave them to you. They were full of gaping holes and redacted information, but there was enough there for you to profile them. 
Soap would be the most receptive to you. He most likely would also be the one to not give up in trying to get you to be open with them. Gaz would be receptive as well, but you know that your sealed background would put him on edge, Ghost, well…Ghost was a lot like you from what you could piece together. Yet another person who learned that the world was cruel and unforgiving, who had learned the lesson that love does nothing but hurt. And because he was like you, you knew he would trust you the least.
You felt a small pang in your chest when looking at this masked photo that you hadn’t felt in years. Not quite sadness, but…pity? No. It was different, it was sympathy. It weirded you out. 
It was hard at first, joining the 141. You had court-mandated therapy you had had to attend, and you had slowly come to realize that some trust was good, necessary even, for life. You knew you wouldn’t be able to open yourself up to them, that you would never be able to feel the sense of brotherhood you had seen amongst other soldiers, but you wanted to try. 
It was harder than you thought it would be. Hard joining men who already had comradery, who had a bond that had been forged with blood, sweat, and tears. men who weren't sure how to fit another person, much less a female, into their group. 
As you suspected, Soap was the most receptive. He was fun, you thought. His Scottish accent and affinity for filling the silence made him a very pleasant conversationalist. You didn’t have to do any of the talking.
Gaz was wary of you, but did a good job of not showing it. As you suspected, he stopped inviting you out after you said ‘no thanks’ for the third time. 
Ghost didn’t like you. You could see it in the slight tensing of his muscles when you walked in the room, the way his eyes pinched when you spoke. 
It was a rough, rocky start, full of distrust and misunderstandings. Everything about you set his senses on high alert. They way you could sneak up on him completely silent, the way you could hold your own when you sparred with him, even the way you moved had his hair standing on end. It wasn’t until a mission that would have ended with Soap's death if you hadn’t risked your life to shove him out of the way that Ghost began to trust you. 
And then he began to notice something else about you. And the more he noticed, the more concerned he grew. He noticed the way you threw yourself into battle, what little regard you held for your own life. He noticed how you never instigated conversation, never gave away the slightest bit of information that could be used against you. Noticed that you always wore gloves. In fact, he's never once seen your hands.
His constant observations of you had an unintended side effect. The longer he watched you, the more he realized you were a lot like him, the more he was drawn to you. And vice-versa. 
You found yourself willfully seeking Ghost out, willingly sharing information with him. Nothing about your past, no, you would never tell anyone the things you had done. But little things, how you liked the food served this week, how your mission went, that your new pants were really itchy. And he told you things too. Told you really bad jokes, told you Soaps stupid Scottish saying of the week. And slowly you branched out, agreeing to go to the bar the next time Soap asked you, telling Gaz that you liked his new sunglasses. 
It was nice, having people who looked at you like you meant something to them. Having people who didn’t know what you’d done, people who didn’t look at you with disgust and distrust. It was nice to have…friends. 
So of course everything had to go downhill from there.
End scene :3 let me know what you think!!6 and be on the look out for pt.2, I hope you're ready for a buttload of angst >:) Also requests are open <3
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cloudcountry · 9 months
I am LOOKING,, at Zero on the right 😳 
And yes!! The Berlin trip was exhausting, but it was really fun! And aaa I’m glad you liked the song! ^w^ It’s really catchy to me
As I’ve mentioned, I did a little wedding thing for some TWST characters 👀 So for some context, the reader/you are going to go to a large family wedding that’s coming up. Which also means extended relatives! You didn’t want to go out alone, so you decided to invite your friend as a plus-one. This is mainly platonic, but reader/you and the characters are implied to have some Feelings™ for each other,, 👀 👉👈 [The mini headcanons may be a bit messy- I hope you don’t mind!!]
-Congratulations! You’ve just gotten the biggest family flex of the century! Bragging rights forever!!
-He helps you with dressing up and styling your hair-
-You’re interrogated the second you step into the venue because holy sh*t is that the Vil Schoenheit??
-Vil will excuse both of you if he notices you’re getting overwhelmed by the barrage of questions. He’s had his fair share of social conventions and he knows his way around them
-Seeing how he’s so popular, there’s a pretty good chance that he also gets barraged with questions by the guests- And though he’s used to that sort of thing, you manage to break him away from the busy atmosphere and take him on a walk through the rose garden outside to get some fresh air
-The peaceful and quiet atmosphere is really nice, so you stay out there for a while. Unfortunately, you two do loose track of time because while you’re out there, the fireworks display began to start. Though you say you should go back and join the others, Vil convinces you to stay in the garden with him, and he pulls you down to sit with him on a bench, seeing the fireworks go off in the sky. The two of you could still see the fireworks just fine, no?
-“What a beautiful sight,” you say watching the night sky pop with colourful fireworks.
-Vil glances at you, and he saw how the colours reflected in your eyes. “Yes,” he said, “it is.”
Trey Clover
-One of the best people to have as a plus-one and meet the family to be honest
-His polite, caring charisma and dashing looks are a deadly combination
-He’s open to chatting with anyone, and he shares recipes and baking tips!
-You two get different desserts and you compare each other’s
-“This is really good, you have to try it!” And he holds out his spoon to feed you some of his dessert
-I don’t know why, but I love the image of him analysing each dessert like he’s some pâtissier Gordon Ramsay. He’s more of a Paul Hollywood though
-Kind of a bad dancer but that adds to his charm 🤌
-I can see him hanging out with the grandparents… They’d love him, let’s be honest. They’d pat you on the back and nod in approval for finding such a nice young man. You have to tell them you’re not dating
-“You’re not dating yet, you mean!” Your grandma says.
-“Grandma, no-“
-I can see Cater hyping him up through text messages kfjgnb
Cater Diamond
-“Wait, let me take one more picture—“ Proceeds to take fifty more
-Also asks you to take some photos of him too so he can upload them to Magicam. He’s uploading them in real time
-Just imagine the hashtags he’d make
-Pretty fun date overall! Probably hasn’t been to a wedding before so he’s pretty excited
-Social butterfly, and by the end of the wedding, he’s probably met your entire extended family kjfkjhbd
-There was a glitter bar and he was ECSTATIC,, He asks you if you want to get some glitter makeup with him and now both your faces are bedazzled with glitter
-Fun dancer! Probably in a lot of dancing candid shots
-Though, he does manage to snag a photo of you dancing wholeheartedly and having the brightest grin on your face as an upbeat love song plays, the coloured lights catching in your hair,, he’ll keep this one photo private
Azul Ashengrotto
-Wants to make a good impression on your family, so he makes you give him a PowerPoint slideshow presentation on your family members—
-Not a bad date! He gets along well with your family
-Probably manages to overhear all the juicy family gossip and is living for it
-The bride ended up tossing the bouquet way too far and Azul ended up catching it. Now all the uncles are patting him on the shoulder saying congratulations and now he’s trying to hide his embarrassment because he knows exactly what they’re insinuating
-Ngl, he’d probably advertise the Mostro Lounge,, networking king honestly
-The bride and groom wanted one last private dance and as the others were preparing for the send-off, you and Azul have a little dance of your own, listening to the music drifting out of the open windows
-It was a little bit of a surprise for you; Azul didn’t strike you as much of a dancer but he was doing pretty well (He may or may not have practiced a lot-)
-It’s honestly a pretty tender moment; you follow his lead while you lay your head against his shoulder while he gazes at you so softly
Jade Leech
-Surprisingly eager to agree?? He’s curious to see how humans on land celebrate weddings, and it’s an opportunity to spend time with you, so win-win
-There was a DIY mocktail bar and Jade had the audacity to make you a drink with the most wack combination of ingredients you’ve ever heard. Why are you smiling while offering a drink infused with watermelon and cayenne pepper. Jade? Jade—
-Your aunts are charmed with Jade, and they ask you why weren’t you dating such a polite young man?? He’s enjoying every second of your embarrassment
-Fans the flames like “Yes (Name), why aren’t we dating?”
-Pretty chill on the dance floor and mostly just sways along to the music tbh
-How did he get in all the important family photos
-He got a personal invite to the next family gathering and had the sheer audacity to invite you as his plus-one
Jamil Viper
-A bit nervous about having to leave Kalim, but you both manage to convince him it’ll be fine. It’s just for a few hours!
-He absolutely tears it up on the dance floor. It’s his dance floor and we’re all just dancing on it
-You and him are also in a lot of candid shots dancing together!
-Gets along well with your family and the other guests (And tries so hard to not be passive-aggressive to your mean relatives. Whether he succeeds or not is up for debate)
-Although, the ceremony was to take place outside, and that meant bugs. So, as the bride was saying her vows, a roach landed on Jamil’s knee, and you were the first one to notice. You could feel the sweat sliding down the back of your neck as the bug casually crawled around. By some absolute miracle, Jamil didn’t notice it yet
-“Jamil,” you whisper just as the guests applauded the newlyweds kissing.
-“I need you to trust me and not look down.” 
-Jamil, currently living in blissful ignorance, is confused, but says “sure?” He’s suspicious now. You need to be quick.
-As the guests are walking away, you slap the bug off his knee and he screams bloody murder at the sudden sight of the bug flying in front of his face
-RIP Jamil he can’t catch a break
-Aside from that though, pretty chill time!
Kalim Al-Asim
-Very excited to go with you to the wedding!!
-Even though you insist he doesn’t have to, he gets the newlyweds so. Many. Gifts. And they’re all expensive too; it’s to the point where the bride and groom genuinely consider giving some back kjfngb- Kalim assures them it’s fine though!!
-Gets along great with the young kids there! The flower girl asked him to dance and now all the kids want to dance with him fgjnbg
-You have to pull him away from them so he can finally get some food fkgjnb
-Sucks for you because they still follow him around like an entourage. You just stand there like "🧍‍♂️"
-Another fun dancer and very social! He’s a fun date tbh
-After the wedding was finished and all the guests were sent away, you two were still hungry, so you did some Mac and cheese at home
-He says he had a great time and hopes he’ll get invited to the next family outing!
I hope you enjoyed this! I hope no one seems super OOC or anything fghjnfb- (Also happy birthday to Zero! :D)
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
azul would one hundred percent network at someones else wedding omg. ALSO THE BOUQUET PART?!?!?! IM FUCKING DEAD!??!?!?! WE SHOULD GET MARRIED AGAIN FR COME HERE POOKIEEEEE I LVOE YOU
"why arent we dating?" BECAUSE YOU HAVENT ASKED ME OUT YET YOURE TOO BUSY DEFLECTING JASHFDJASGFD also him getting his own invite to the next social is so real that would happen hes so sneaky JHASFDHAHSFGD
KALIMS PART IS LITERALLY SO SWEET. YORUE RIGHT HE WOULD BE THE FUNNEEST DATE EVER (except for my networking bf but that sjust me <3)
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monpalace · 1 year
OKOK! Another thought if i may 👉👈
Time is secretly pinning after Reader but refuses to acknowledge his feels and confess to them. This secret is so well guarded that not even the chain has the slightest clue! But after all these months of quiet admiration, emotions start to bubble to the surface.
One night, when the chain is staying at a Inn Time decided to join a few of the older boys for some drinks! (A decision he’ll come to regret) After a few too many drinks, the secret spews from his lips like a water fall. The once stern old man is now replaced with a lovesick teen boy who GUSHES about you endlessly. Honestly, he’s worst than Sky talking about his Zelda— and that’s saying something!
The older boys (imma say Warriors, Twilight and Sky) are honestly kinda floored by this sudden shift is Time’s personality. But they decided it would be best to get the old man to bed before he says something they really shouldn’t know.
Now, the three didn’t intend for the secret to reach the rest of the boys but…shit happens ig! Slip of the tongue or someone over heard a conversation, either way the words spread like wild fire and now the whole chain — except you and Time — are aware of their leader’s hidden feelings for you :DD
CUE EPIC MONTAGE of the boys trying and sometimes failing to be Time’s wing-Posse…without telling him…..
Yeah this aint gonna end well..
(I have a few ideas for scenarios for moments when the chain not so subtly sets the two up, if you want them :DD)
time gives off giggly drunk energy idk what else to say 🗿
"it's just the way they carry themselves, y'know?" a giggle, "it's just so—" and then a indiscernible noise and all of a sudden he's just like 🙈
i'd literally love to hear about moments like those?? i'm imagining a few of the boys trying to hype time up the reader and they just respond with "yeah, he's a pretty cool guy™️. whoever gets with him is a lucky person," while both parties are internally screaming because they deserve to be that lucky person
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astarionfreak · 3 months
I'm not sure if you are taking prompts 👉👈 But i had an idea and i haven't seen any fics of it yet.
What if after escaping the nautiloid, tav found Astarion first, and they are all alone when she finds him. Then he does his little thing with his dagger, demanding answers, but then tav is sorta touch starved. Maybe she is kinky, or something like that, so tav ends up moaning and/or breathing heavy under his blade, and astarion realizes what is happening and is very excited to give tav what she needs?????? >.<
I know I am not good at writing, but your fics are so good, i find myself thinking about them throughout my day, and it's distracting 😭
Feel free to change whatever if my idea is kinda dumb or unrefined
Anyways, whether or not you take this prompt is up to you, and i hope you have a great day <3
ANON. Anon! Anon! Listen. Listen. I love this idea. So -- yes. Okay. YES. Thank you!!
As with most things I write, this fic spiraled out of control. It turned into completely self indulgent filth. I hope you enjoy my take on the prompt <3
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That darling neck of yours
// Astarion x Fem!Reader (Tav)
When Astarion pulled you down to the ground and held that blade to your throat, it awakened your desire. He noticed -- and he's going to hold it against you (again).
18+ • NSFW • 4.2K words | Teaser below (Read on AO3)
Tags/Warnings: POV second person, Present tense, Knife play (if you squint, Tav does get a small cut on her neck but it's an accident), Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in vagina sex, Vampire bites, Blood kink, Light choking/breath play, Submissive Tav, Dominant Astarion.
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You sit on your bedroll, staring deep into the campfire. Sometimes, if you sit still enough, you can feel the tadpole wriggling around in your brain. You wonder if you should have pressed on, but the sun set quickly after the pale elf joined your side. So you set up camp.
Astarion. He’s an interesting find. Maybe you’re a fool for letting him travel with you. He did hold a dagger to your throat.
Although . . .
A shiver rolls up your spine. Your skin prickles. You’re immediately aroused by the mere memory of him threatening you — the thought of him claiming you as his own.
You glance over your shoulder and watch Astarion for a moment as he struggles to set up his tent. You’d offer to help, but, well, no. You won’t offer to help. You turn back to the fire and let your mind wander.
Time seemed to slow when the sharp edge of his blade pressed against your throat. His body was so close to yours as you went tumbling backwards and crashing into the dirt. All you could think about was how the back of your head didn’t hit the ground — and how he held you. How he threatened you: his willing captive.
You tug at the collar of your shirt, suddenly finding the warmth of the fire practically unbearable. But your thoughts, they begin to drift again . . .
“What the hells are you doing?” you choked out. Your mouth went dry. You were certain that your face and chest were flushed red from anxiety — or, maybe, it was arousal. You swallowed thickly and tried to plan your escape. When was the last time someone held you or even touched you at all?
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours,” he purred. The low timbre of his voice went straight to your cunt. You locked eyes with his. Crimson, dark, deep. A soft moan clawed its way up your throat and slipped past your lips. He didn’t say anything, but he heard it, you watched as his eyes darkened. Part of you hoped that he’d defile you right there — in the dirt where you met.
Heat pools between your legs. If only you could find some relief. There’s one thing that would help. You check behind you again. Astarion is still busy with his tent. Surely he wouldn’t notice if you . . .
You slip your hand beneath the hem of your pants. Your fingers travel lower, lower, lower. Only pausing when you’ve brushed over your clit. You bite your lip and shiver. Then you continue down until your fingers are low enough to dip between your lips.
You find exactly what you expected. You’re drenched. Just from a thought, just the idea of him — this stranger — pulling you to the ground, holding a dagger to your throat, and taking control of your body.
You sink two fingers into your cunt, down to the second knuckle. It’s almost agonizing, clenching around your own fingers while thinking about his. The dexterous hands of a rogue. He’d know exactly how to pleasure you — when to take and when to give.
You struggle to push your fingers in deeper without making too much of a scene. You grind the palm of your hand against your clit. Ugh. It’s not enough.
You bite back a whimper as you withdraw your fingers. You drag them back up through your slick folds until you find your clit again. Just once, you lie to yourself. Just one, tiny, stroke. You check over your shoulder. Astarion hasn’t noticed you pleasuring yourself yet — he’s busy. He doesn’t ever need to know.
Read on AO3.
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
Dunno if youve done this already, but would you be willing to do some general headcanons for some of the creeps? Maybe ben or jeff? 👀👉👈
(Does this count as a request??)
I’m not sure how many of these headcanons I may have mentioned before, so excuse my repeating them if I have 😌👌🌸
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Check out my patreon if you’d like to support me!
Masterlist: x
Jeff the Killer
Honestly, he was pretty scrawny (and dare I even say twink-like) when he first started killing
He thought he was invincible when he lost his mind, and combined with his lack of experience with independence, it led to him making a lot of very unhealthy choices
He neglected his hygiene, ignored the pangs of hunger & pain from overexertion, and he didn’t even bother sanitizing the cuts & scraps he got from fighting
For one reason or another, his mental break did result in superior health & stamina, but that doesn’t mean he’s invulnerable
Contrary to what he may have thought at one point, he is, in fact, not a god
It was only multiple near-death experiences later that he started learning how to take better care of himself
And then he also realized that eating right & working out made him even faster & stronger
So he’s since bulked up quite a bit, and he’s become obsessed with his health, fitness & nutrition
It also comes as no surprise to anyone that he’s, well, kind of an asshole
He actively tried to start shit when he first joined the mansion
He was restless & aggravated, and felt like he had something to prove
So he acted like a massive dickhead to everyone & looked for trouble wherever he went
He’s gotten quite the reputation because of that, and even though he’s chilled out since then, a good amount of creeps are either still wary of him or want to shred his guts to pieces
But don’t feel bad for him, he still kinda deserves it, even nowadays :”)
His relationship with Slender is definitely precarious because of what he’s done in the past
Because before he joined the safe-house, this idiot guy literally challenged the eldritch being to fights
Which, obviously, resulted in him getting his ass beat, but that didn’t stop him from trying again next time
The only reason Slender keeps him around is because he’s good at what he does
And he also doesn’t want an opposing force to claim him
Besides, Jeff is useful to pin chores on
Cause if he refuses, Slender just might get sick of him & kick him out—and Jeff is fully aware of this
It’s all those accumulated debts from before
But!! He’s not entirely without friends at the mansion
He’s besties with BEN, and otherwise gets along really well with Clockwork and Toby
He doesn’t spend too much time with Toby since the proxy’s always busy with work, but when they do hang out, they almost always have a really chaotic great time together
He honestly considers Smile Dog his ✨bestest bestie✨ so BEN does sometimes have to compete with a dog for Jeff’s attention
Which is, objectively, very funny
Romance-wise, though he’d never admit it, he is kind of lonely
He’d like to develop a bond with someone he can trust & become ride-or-dies, kind of like Bonnie & Clyde-esque
But he also has major trust issues, and it would take a Lot for that bond to develop
Sometimes, the loneliness & burden of his lifestyle haunts him when he least expects it
So he is prone to unhealthy coping mechanisms
He’ll find comfort at the bottom of a bottle, or he’ll pick at his open wounds & hurt himself various ways to deal with the darkness in his mind
But luckily, he’s learned how to repress it better over time, especially since he’s learned how to take better care of himself
So those lonely nights, while they still do creep up on him occasionally, have become fewer & farther between
Anyways, overall, this man is kind of wreck, but he’s gotten better over time, so that’s something at least, innit?
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BEN Drowned
Unlike Jeff, who’s gone through some kind of change over time, BEN… has not
It might just be because he’s dead and physically/mentally/spiritually/emotionally stuck in his old ways
Or it might just be because he’s incredibly lazy
Who can tell for sure?
Either way, his laziness borders on depression
He just doesn’t feel like doing anything—because why would he?
He’s basically immortal, he doesn’t need to get a job or pay rent or eat or sleep or, well, do anything, really
It gets to the point where he thinks “what’s the point?”
And that results in him playing video games for 2 weeks straight without leaving his room or showering or doing any basic self-care
He has to hold onto the things he likes because otherwise, he kind of just… wouldn’t have anything to exist for
So he’ll often indulge in gaming, hacking, sex and murder
Messing with people’s minds and driving them insane is a very entertaining hobby for him
It makes him feel powerful, like he can still exert his influence onto the living despite being dead
Sometimes, he won’t even kill his victims—he’ll just play with them for a few weeks or months before leaving them alone
He just loves knowing the thought of him will haunt them for the rest of their lives
He gets to live in their minds rent free without even trying—how wonderful is that?~
Tbh, he generally enjoys anything that strokes his ego
So he’ll often scour the inter-webs for stories about himself; whether they be from fans, victims or potentially even ghost hunters
It’s very flattering to him, knowing people actively spend their time thinking, talking & theorizing about him
He’ll sometimes even make fake accounts to join in on the fun~
He‘s kind of a narcissist, what can I say?
Homeboy feels very deeply connected to The Legend of Zelda, so he’ll follow all the latest news on the franchise
It’s also one of those things that give him some kind of a purpose
When his mental health dips, sometimes he’ll escape reality by just kind of… floating off into cyberspace
Existing can be hard, and sometimes you just wanna reside in a blank slate of information, ya know?
And then also, because he doesn’t need to eat to sustain himself, his diet is a mess
Which particularly stresses EJ out, so if he’s feeling like a lil shit, BEN will just eat the wildest kind of junk food to bother the med student
He once went nearly two whole months just eating condiments alone
And while EJ knows he doesn’t need good nutritional habits as a ghost, it just does Not sit right with him
Speaking of EJ and such, the other residents contribute a lot to helping BEN’s mental health
Mostly unintentionally, too
They just always keep things fun & fresh for him, like coaxing him out of his room, bargaining favors from him, getting him to do pranks—that sort of thing
He’s good friends with Jeff (as mentioned), Toby (they’re prank buddies), and he’s got a good amount of respect for Hoodie (even though they’re not super close, for similar reasons Jeff isn’t super close to Toby)
BEN’s also got a love-hate relationship with Dark Link, to the point where he’d probably consider him his nemesis
The two have a complicated relationship, but ultimately, his life would be missing something without Dark Link to constantly compete against
But other than that, he’s pretty neutral with a lot of the residents, simply by virtue of staying holed up in his room a lot of the time
With little to no purpose, our manses is really honestly just here to boyboss, gaslight, manipulate and be cringe
So things really aren’t too bad for him
At the end of the day, it’s hard to say whether he should be pitied or envied :”)
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galkyrie · 9 months
Will you tell me about that not posted fic? 👉👈👀
Ooh yeah, I can totally give you an idea! I have bits outlined at this point so here goes.
It follows the events in this post, where, Jason happens to run into Tim following a mission in a small port city halfway across the world from Gotham. It's been months since anyone has seen Tim, and Jason's kinda been blaming himself for setting the whole sequence of events off-
And then Tim's there in some shitty bar he'd just happened to wander into, laughing with the bartender about something he can't hear- and he looks different. His high cheekbones seem softer, his skin a sunkisswd from his time spent on the sea, his hair long like it was when he was just setting out to make his way as Red Robin. Jason almost doesn't recognize him- but their eyes meet and there's no mistaking those for anyone else's.
Somehow, miraculously, after chasing Tim down and accepting the very justified venom Tim spits his way, he manages (through blackmail) to get Tim to promise to keep in touch with him.
Tim does, begrudgingly at first. He tells him just enough to let him know he's still alive, as per their agreement. But...he's lonely, and has spent months as little more than a stranger to the people he meets, and Jason writes him religiously. Tim reads them. More than once.. then, slowly he starts sharing what his life is like now. How he has a cat that stowed away, who saved his life when he was at his lowest point after running away. How he still practices with his staff, but without the City to defend it's more of a meditative process. How he's slowly learned to feed himself because cats apparently hate MREs.
Eventually, they grow closer. Things are getting worse in Gotham- Bruce is off the rails and Jason refuses to feel like that's his fault or problem in any way, and at first talking with Tim feels like a release valve. A break from watching things fall apart because the man can't stop. It's not lost on him that Bruce is hunting Tim down with far more fervor than he did Jason, back when he was the only one with a known double digit kill count.
He can't help but think it's because Bruce saw so much of himself in Tim. But Jason knows now that that's a mistake, because Tim got out. Tim's carved a life for himself, something small and quiet and peaceful in a way that he doesn't think Bruce would ever be able to manage.
And only he gets to see it. Nobody else knows any of it with Tim. This softer, gentler Tim is all his.
He feels less bad about wanting to keeping that way when Tim sends him a number he can use to call him. Their relationship repairs and deepens over time, until eventually Tim invites him to come see him, if he can get to x coordinates on x date.
Jason's floored when he shows up to the spot alone and Tim's right there. He's gained more weight in the time it took to go from hostile penpal to...whatever they were now, and Jason just cannot get over how pretty it makes Tim. There's actual, physical evidence that Tim's regularly prioritizing himself, and it's driving him a little wild. Gone are the days of entirely regimented and perfectly portioned meals and green juices and supplemental smoothies- Tim's fucking frying things. Jason gets a little dizzy over the idea of teaching him to bake.
Meanwhile Tim is a little nervous. Jason is still in like, peak physical condition due to being an active vigilante and Tim's just been...chilling? He's fully unprepared for the sheer level of attention paid to his newly developed love handles, or how much the man seems to enjoy just squeezing the soft bit of pudge over his abdomen. He's baffled- Jason looks like he's carved from marble, but acts like Tim's the one who should be worshipped.
There's a lot of Jason being unable to get enough of Tim like this, and a slow realization that he doesn't just want these periodic trysts between long periods of watching the Bats go to shambles- he wants to join Tim, he wants the softness and the peace for himself, too.
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spadesncrows · 21 hours
ok so abt that au i was talking abt before,,, 🥺👉👈
To start off, this is something I’ve had in the back of my mind for quite a bit that I haven’t been able to fully express and show due to reasons I’ll mention later. This project has lowkey given me some brainrot so I hope my words don’t just sound like I’m going clinically insane LMAOO i swear I’m so definitely normal abt my aus guys (denial)
Dead Casino is a twst au I’ve had for a while but has been on the backburner for being very unfinished. However, since it’s a little (keyword: little) bit more fleshed out, I think I can at least give a general summary on the concept !! :D
First off, the concept behind it was a direct inspiration from mlp infection aus I’ve seen on insta. Since mlp was a large chunk of my childhood and certain variants of horror had become an interest of mine as of late, I liked the idea of mixing them together. But—of course—when I enjoy something just enough, it eventually becomes a feeling of “how can I forcefully throw it in with my current obsession into the mind equivalent of a blender” and Dead Casino was the smoothie that came out of it. Essentially, the resulting foundation is that NRC experiences a zombie apocalypse, but as with most things I obsess over, I wanted to build on that.
To get into the nitty gritty of it first, there’s a few core things abt the infection that basically effect not only what the characters face, but the story itself:
The infection is primarily based off of blot, and the concept of it using something/someone as a vessel to control and harm others
While blot zombies are the most common creature plaguing the school, blot has the capability to take over different objects as well when under specific circumstances, which leads to the creation of (mostly) nonhuman blot infested monsters
Over-accumulation of blot can lead to an increased vulnerability to the infection. This especially targets those that have overblotted prior to the outbreak, even if they had seemingly “fully recovered” :)
As for the story, I don’t wanna get super into it just bc yknow spoilers, but the general overview is relatively simple(ish). Basically, it folllows Ace and the rest of his group of survivors (mostly Cater, Trey and Jade) after the initial outbreak on campus. I wanna say anywhere from a month to a month and a half?? Basically enough time to be at least a little more accustomed to everything going on if that makes sense !!
Ace and co. take refuge in classrooms near the cafeteria, but just like everyone else, is not allowed to leave the safezone unless permitted. Surprise surprise, he leaves the safezone not permitted. In fact he does this multiple times through the first couple chapters alone. And the whole story.
But essentially, Ace manages to figure out two things the first time he leaves the safezone in the prologue:
That there are living survivors in Heartslabyul trapped there under the rule of their infected housewarden, which—by extension—likely means the situation may be the same in other dorms
That both Deuce Spade and Grim—who he hadn’t seen since the outbreak and assumed were dead—were actually alive and MIA.
And that basically kickstarts the rest of the story !! The main group infiltrates different dorms in the hopes of reconnecting with any survivors, all while trying to solve the mystery of their old friends’ whereabouts :)
Now the reason why a good chunk of this au was pretty much kept under wraps was for one main reason specifically: I had zero clue how to present it.
My initial thought was “oh!! Fanfic :3” and then it scrambled into “…comic? Animation? No?? Both?? Neither??”
…and then it kinda just sat there. I had the story, I had the idea, I had the biggest brainrot, but no way to properly explain or show it. And then I got the thought that plagues me every single time—at least once—I join a fandom: make it a video game.
At first, i wasn’t going to. But then it clicked into place just a bit too well and the ideas kept coming together and it wouldn’t stop and now we’re here :3
More specifically, Dead Casino is gonna be portrayed as a desktop game ^^ (i took like two game dev classes, sue me /j)
here’s some ideas for different mechanics I thought of including !! They’re all on my spam blog, but I have a third blog in the works rn where I’ll have all the info organized eventually :3
[1], [2], [3]
And here’s some irl doodles I’ve made for this!! These are beta designs and the like for different characters and the like !! (Tw for body horror, knifes and guns, lmk if I need to add any more warnings ^^)
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
So what are your personal thoughts on Yilidth (if you haven't already answered). I hadn't read the comics in a while but I don't think they ever said anything about him being related to Duman, though considering his eye and hair colour I guess it was probably implied. How do you think he created him? Like did he just use magic or did he had a one night stand and then years later, a basket with baby Duman just appeared with a letter telling him he's the dad, and he's like "Oh, f*#k".
I actually made an au where the wizards had joined Yilidth's wizard cult as novices and one task that he made them do was babysit Duman. Imagine the chaos😂
I think I have given my thoughts on him before, but that was both a while ago and I didn't appreciate him as much as I do now, which you can tell 💀💀 very angry very rambly stuff over there- So let me give some more/updated thoughts!!
Him being underused and shoehorned is still very true, unfortunately. He could've been a super handy tool to give us more information about the whole Terrestrial conflict, since that was an interesting part of canon that might have benefitted from a bit more exploration, even if it was a bit late. But then he just. Wasn't?? He was announced, he came, he died?????? And that was the first and last we saw of him. Honestly deranged boooo yucky.
He never even got to interact with the wizards again- You could literally say he was just some random criminal that had been locked away and almost nothing would change, and that's really his main problem. Aside from his design. I mean, love a blank canvas to throw a bunch of takes at, but come on!!!!!
Him and Duman's relation was never really mentioned either, I don't think? Beyond the "He was the leader of the fairy hunters!" there's really um. Nothing. Like in general. Ask canon Yllidith their names and he'll give you a blank stare fgbhbn- Tbh I'm surprised Duman's even in the lil flashback thingy at all ngl
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Now, can we call any sort of relation implied? Are we gonna give them that much credit? Well idk! I'm just personally a fan of it so I just kinda. Squinted real hard. Matching eye colour? Mhm. Hair colour? Sure kinda. Yllidith having illusion magic and Duman being a shapeshifter? Yep that lines up enough for me, that does it, they're related now. Some people see the vision, others might not- I've spoken to plenty of people who aren't a fan of the take and that's a-okay, just know that I very much am 👉👈
This is a. Surprisingly consistent thing for me too?? Like yeah there's a case of "it depends on what I'm doing", there usually is- But not to a large extent ig? The method varies, but in a lot of stuff I'm doing now there's definitely a relation in one way or another.
Usually Duman is more or less made from scratch, a magic'd up baby, if you will. Though the process did include Yllidith's blood, so you have enough wiggle room to still say there's a blood relation. (Duman wouldn't.) (Yllidith only does when it's convenient.) But I've been getting the urge to explore a more normal approach where he was just regularly born lately, so maybe I'll get to that at some point too.
And!! If you ever feel like sharing more of that AU in any way, please do, because it sounds absolutely DELIGHTFUL. Imagine them thinking it's gonna be an easy enough task, and they wonder why nobody else wants to do it, then little Duman starts shapeshifting into horrors beyond mortal comprehension. Bye, I'm obsessed.
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tigertofu · 10 months
Hii!! I saw your requests were open and inbox was empty, and I really love your writing, so if you have the time would you mind share some pre-Ludendorff headcanons or a short fic (whatever you prefer) about Trevor, Michael, and Brad? 👉👈
Thank you!! And no rush at all! 💕
yes yes yes so glad u asked for this TY !! 💞💞 been actually thinking abt the north yankton era a lot lately 🤧
pairing: none (kinda sorta little a implied trikey tho?)
summary: headcanons about trevor, michael, and brad during north yankton
cw's: drugs/alcohol mention
wordcount: 844
• ik i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again: brad and trevor def played pranks on (aka BULLIED) lester. building on that tho: michael would get pissed as hell about it (most of the time. sometimes he wouldn’t bother giving a fuck). this would lead to arguments between trev/brad/michael, usually ending with trevor insinuating that michael and lester were secretly gay lovers and that’s why he defended him, causing michael to throw his hands up and just give the fuck up or remove himself from the situation so things wouldn't turn physical.
• ice skating !!! trevor already knew how to skate before joining the crew cuz of playing hockey when he was younger, and on one particularly boring snowy day he tried teaching brad and michael how to skate, too. they both sucked at it tho and neither of them skated again after that day. like just imagine trevor skating circles around them, laughing and making fun of them for falling on their asses.
• continuing on abt snow-related sports: ice fishing. when he wanted some peace and quiet, michael would go ice fishing at whatever nearest frozen body of water he could find. most of the time he wouldn't catch anything; he just did it as an excuse to be away from everyone else for a while. can imagine him inviting lester along a handful of times too tho so that they could gossip/bitch about how annoying trevor and brad were.
• michael would sometimes try to host Movie Nights. he'd make a big fuss about showing trevor and brad some old-ass classic film. he'd make microwaved popcorn and then get everyone to sit around the shitty tiny TV of whatever hotel or safehouse they were staying in at the time and pop in a well-loved VHS tape of one of his favorite movies. both trevor and brad would interrupt the movie with loud, inappropriate remarks though and michael would eventually lose his temper from telling them over and over to shut the fuck up. once he met and started dating amanda tho, he finally got a nice and peaceful movie-watching partner.
• lester fucking HATED brad and tried to interact with him as little as possible. can't quite remember right now if there's anything in canon to confirm or contradict this.. but i feel like lester would've had even less of a tolerance for brad's dumb ass than michael did.
• trevor and brad were like,, the world’s most volatile toxic married couple. one day they’d be best buddies, just having fun drinking/getting high/goofing off together. next day, they’re getting into yelling matches and throwing hands over like the last slice of nasty three-day-old pizza in the fridge or smth else equally stupid. idk why but i imagine brad had a temper almost as bad (or equally as bad) as trev’s, and that he was not exactly the brightest guy, so those two personality traits combined would be enough to frequently piss off trevor (and michael even moreso).
• trevor and brad def shared clothes.
• trevor and michael would occasionally have deep, late–night conversations that would last into the early morning hours. probably over beers and cigarettes. probably while sitting outside, probably on the snow–covered balcony of whatever shithole motel they were staying in. though trevor considered brad to be the more “fun” friend, he really appreciated these more serious talks about their pasts, their presents, and their futures with michael. those nights are both michael and trevor’s fondest memories from this period of their lives. 
• i think there are some interesting implications in the game about trevor and amanda previously being friends, or at least being mildly friendly towards each other during the north yankton days. i imagine that this is largely because his drug use wasn’t nearly as bad as it became later on in his life, so even though he was loud/inappropriate/a bit chaotic, he wasn’t exactly dangerous nor too disgusting for amanda to be okay with spending time with. maybe she even let him babysit little jimmy and tracey occasionally (IMAGINE how cute....). brad, on the other hand, (even though amanda does admit that she “”“liked””” him in the game), was not allowed around the kids. 
• i like to think that when they first met and for a while after, trevor really genuinely looked up to michael. like admired his leadership abilities and his skills at pulling scores (and i’m applying the popular headcanon that michael is a few years older than trev here but also srsly,, where does that headcanon come from?? is there any actual evidence for this or is it just a headcanon that became popular in the fandom pls someone lmk if u have an answer to this !!). as time went on though, this admiration gradually waned. michael started making decisions that trevor just wasn’t on board with (namely marrying a certain stripper and having kids with her), arguments became more frequent, trevor started to distance himself from mike a bit and spend more time with brad.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 14 days
basic summary of each star gazer diary char’s backstory? 🥺👉👈
Aight ig, but it won't be for everyone. (As this will mainly only focus on the Comets Squad members & one of the antags + a bonus character that I didn't introduce yet till now)
Chris: Was born in a normal family till both of his parents divorced. But was then completely neglected & ab*sed by his mom till his gramma took him away & then at the age of 15 he was adopted by the Lockes. At 20-22 years old there was a incident that happened with him which kinda turned him into the person he is today, was later abandoned but then found by his now best friend Konner.
Konn'a: Was born in a pretty wealthy family but was genuinely kind to everyone. Although in his teen years he kinda got in bits of trouble due to some... unspoken things.. At 18 he became a part of Stellowbark which eventually got him up the ranks of being apart of a squad, now eventually getting his own squad he can lead at the age of 23.
Kemor (ASGD! Konn): Was originally a normal kid but when & his best friend, Yor'iem (ASGD!Insidiae), were both kidnapped by a evil space colony. He went through a lot of horrible things only to actually escape with a help of some space rebels. This however made him have a major freaky scar on his face & a missing arm/leg. (Also his bug tail was ripped off in order to look more "human"). Now he wears a mask & lots of armor due to being very self conscious about his looks & also the fact his species is known for being perfect (as partners from his species tend to look for individuals with no flaws), so yeh uh... no bf for him. :(
Alazeria (ASGD! Alejandra): Originally a officer/sheriff working under King Malsokia but decided to quit & join Stellowbark as a squad member of Comets aftera break accident which made her go blind in her right eye (yeh she was attacked by one of her fellow WildBeaks, this is also where she gets her Squadron name from-). Also due to certain past reasons she doesnt seem to be wanting to be in love.. (Also doesn't understand some men like her frikin Co worker Kemor- But she doesnt h8 men. But i do think she did have a bad experience with a certain man back in the past)
Dr. Gerald Lyconoth (ASGD!Gwin): A scientist once apart of a research group of 5 only to be separated by them after a certain permafrost began to happen. Due to this permafrost his body was actually preserved for at least 300 years until his ice prison defrosted & he able to *somewhat* move again, minus the fact his legs were pretty much slightly broken now but he carried on. Eventually making a small lab for himself & in order to not feel lonely he created a duaghter for himself which he raised for 15 years, but over those 15 years he started to...not truly feel himself, like some voice was telling him to do bad things in a hypnotic way... He unfortunately succumbed to the effects leading to once a innocent man's life into a disastrous spiral which made it worse bcs during that period he was also unfortunately infected with one of the dangerous universal diseases to exist..
Bonus time!
Namria Lyconoth: Was the duaghter of a certain scientist... She decided to run away after her father's started to show signs of major aggression. But that was not after he pretty much started to trying to attack her which made her extremely scared. This was not the man she knew for 15 total years. After she ran away, she found herself with 3 wanderers who pretty much became like her adoptive siblings. Now she walks on the frozen planet with her new family in order to eventually find a cure to whatever the hell is currently happening with her dad & why did he decide to giver her that nasty scar on her left side.
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queenbees21 · 2 years
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Thank you for letting me join the Party! @laudthingcat ! Ps! this is Rainbowqueenbees21, Queenbees21 is my writing account
• Here for more Info
Pairing : Hawks x reader
Type: One-Shot + Fluff
Word count : ……1,234 (👉👈🥺)
Warning : Cursing, Grammar Error, Not Proffered read, Glitching problem (sorry for the repeated lines! If I have any!)
If your bother by it, feel free to read it on WP & a03 or not, Which ever your most comfortable with I’m fine with any! ➡️ Paisley175 || ➡️ a03
A/n : So the ending kinda has nothing to do with haunted houses or anything, it’s just a fluffy ending I came up with… 😅🫣
𝐌.𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟐 |
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"Hawks... This isn't my house." You sarcastically point out, you and Hawks stood in front of a creepy old house covered in moss, splinters and a few wood boards missing on the floor. You cringed at the sight trying to cover up the fact that you were slightly scared.
"Indeed it's not baby bird." Hawks smirks as he pats your head smoothing your hair neatly. He chuckles at your shy squirming looking down at the ground drawing circles small with your foot.
You sighed, "And why are we here exactly?" You looked towards him, with a questioning look.
"To have fun, of course! It's a spooky season, lighten up a little chickadé!" He cheers as he slightly fluffed up his feather in excitement. He swung his arm around your shoulder preventing you from escaping.
You lightly grumbled in fear of going into the haunted house, but it's not like you have a choice anyways in the matter. Hawks got you wrapped around his finger and had somehow convinced you to walk with him up to the doors of the spooky house.
'I'm so going to regret this
And so it began. The haunting memories, of your life and maybe even the best of them too.
You violently snapped your head at every small motion that was made or heard in the house, you clung to Hawks for dear life.
You looked around for any suspicious activity or anything that might be human-like, disguise as an auto mechanic. While on the other hand, Hawks watched you in the corner of his eye, amusement written in them.
"Aww is our little (Yn) scared~" Hawks coos, as he pokes at your cheek a little, tauntingly. You grunt in annoyance. "Freaking bird brain! be quiet! Or I'll-"
As you were about to insult Hawks, you suddenly heard a squeak of the floorboard and froze in place. You shook violently and couldn't move an inch, you were so scared you avert your eyes to the floor.
So you looked down at the floor, this is why you hated haunted houses; they were scary and it's able to take you by surprise!
Hawks was on high alert, he slowly turned his head and with his peripheral view, spotted a fake spider crawling its way up to them.
He turned his head back towards your shaking figure, he wanted to take him seriously but your face was too priceless not to laugh too at and so he did, which made you angry.
"What the crap are you laughing at! Stupid bird!" You angrily shouted at him, although; that didn't irk Hawks one bit, it only made him chuckle even more.
"How are you this adorable." He stated more than questioned. You flushed up and looked up at him, astound and a bit irritated by the lack of comfort he didn't provide but, it wasn't really his responsibility to nor was he obligated to do so, and yet he did...
He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest and covered the sight in front of you, and started slowly walking you out of the haunted house.
As he was doing so, you could hear the sound of your heart beating rapidly of the closeness of his warm body, his breath near your ear softy whispering to you directions of where to step and turn.
While he had his hand on your waist his thumb cares your sides in comfort, As well as rubbing your temples of your hidden sight.
You felt like you were in heaven at that moment, you always wondered what it’d be like to be near Hawks and you finally got the excuse and chance to be close to him.
As you both were walking Hawks suddenly stopped his movements and slowly turned you towards him. He moved his hand away from your eyes and placed both of the palms of his hands upon your checks.
You flushed at how close his face was, you could feel his scent of minty breath near your lips, his eyes gaze at yours with a hint of fondness in them, gently creasing your cheeks as he rubs his nose and slowly closes his eyes.
You did the same and waited for the feel of his lips but you were met with nothing only the sudden feeling of falling back. You panicky opened your eyes and saw Hawks with a hand in his pocket and then another waving at you and smiling!!!!
You screamed in fright and closed your eyes waiting for the impact of the harsh ground, but were met with a soft feel of a cushion, bouncing you up and down. It was an airbag…
“YOU MOTHER F- DAME YOU HAWKS!” You angry shout at him and he loudly laughs his ass off at the sight of you “YOUR CRAZY!” You added.
“Baby bird, you should have seen your face when you realized you were falling, it was priceless!” He laughs out loud, wiping the tears from his eyes.
You huffed and made your way off the airbag slipping off and landing your feet on the ground. You dust yourself off and crossed your arms and sighed in disappointment but, I guess that’s what you get for getting distracted thinking that he was going to kiss you…
Hawks made his way to you a cheeky smirk on his face hands in his pockets. “Aww, what’s up with that frown~” he teases,
“Shut up! It’s nothing!” You embarrassingly shouted at him, you couldn’t tell him that you were frowning at not getting a kiss! He’ll never let you live it down.
Although, the perspective jerk noticed and already figured it out without even having to think too deeply about it. He smirks and closes the gap between you two leaning down and whispering in your ear.
“Aww~ are you upset that I didn’t place my lips on yours~” You couldn’t take his teasing anymore, you turned away in embarrassment and started walking your way back to your apartment.
___________ 🐝 ____________
Hawks smugly follows you all the way there it wasn’t like it was a far distance, it was pretty close to the haunted house.
You made your way up the stair to your apartment Hawks was on your trial, he leans on a nearby wall and waited for you to unlock your door but, you stopped and turned your head towards him. “Uh Hawks, why’d you follow me?”
“I’m trying you keep you safe duh~” He smoothly answers,
“From what? A Ghost?” You sarcastically comment, at him. Hawks chuckles, he slowly walks towards you and once again closes the space between you.
You shyly watched his every move, he placed his arm above your head leaning in towards you. His eyes gaze at yours adoring having you with him.
“Good night Dove, See you tomorrow.” He says, Hawks unexpectedly softy kisses your cheek and walked and flew out of a near window.
You quickly made your way towards the window, watching him leave you but knowing you’ll be able to see each other again. “Good Night!... Handsome.” You whisper the handsome part to yourself watching him fly back home.
You smiled to yourself, Maybe hunted houses weren’t so bad after all.
To you, it felt like a haunted wonderland that only you and Hawks will remember and will never share or tell anyone that precious moment
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲/𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭! 🫶 💤☀️ - 👑🐝2️⃣1️⃣
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funnywormz · 1 year
share about lister and rimmer? 👉👈
ALRIGHT HERE I GO >:-) putting this under a readmore bc it kinda ended up being an abridged version of the history of the red dwarf universe as well as lister and rimmer lol so it's long as fuck <3 . this is mostly gonna be based on the tv series, not the books, but i am gonna use some details from the books to fill in some gaps
OK SO. the red dwarf timeline begins in the 23rd century. in this version of the future, humanity has colonised the entire solar system and beyond, and there are colonies of humans living on most planets and moons in the solar system with solid surfaces. earth still has a human population, but ecologically/geologically/etc it's been reduced to a wasteland, so humans have to look elsewhere for resources. in the 23rd century, the "space corps" is a huge mega-corporation/quasi-military force that runs most of the spaceships traveling between planets. the space corps also makes most of its money from mining minerals etc from planetary bodies in/around the solar system. the "red dwarf" is a huge mining ship owned by a subset of the space corps called the "jupiter mining corporation" or JMC, and is designed to house hundreds of crew, and is miles long. most of the series takes place on the red dwarf itself which is why this is relevant lol
lister (full name dave lister) grows up back on earth, which he loves, despite it being a wasteland. he never knows his real parents; he's abandoned underneath a pool table in a pub as a baby, and gets raised by the young couple who find him there. they live in poverty and lister's adopted dad dies when lister is 6 years old, and lister gets into shoplifting and stealing in general when he's a young kid. but his family is still pretty loving and lister grows out of the stealing and ends up taking on odd jobs here and there, and he's pretty happy despite everything.
on lister's 25th birthday, he gets plastered as fuck with a group of his friends and somehow ends up on a spaceship which drops him off at a colony on mimas, one of saturn's moons. lister wakes up there with no money and no way of getting home. eventually he runs into a space corps recruiter, who mentions that the mining ship "red dwarf" is making a trip around the solar system and will eventually return to earth. lister signs up to the space corps under the impression that the ship will be returning to earth immediately, but once he's on board he finds out that the trip is gonna take at least 5 years, and now he's stuck working as a technician on the ship for the entire time. that's how lister ends up on the red dwarf.
rimmer (full name arnold judas rimmer), on the other hand, is born and grows up in a colony on io (one of jupiter's moons), in an upper class family. rimmer's father is obsessed with rimmer and his three brothers becoming officers in the space corps, and they're all subjected to very high standards from an early age. rimmer is the youngest, and is pretty brutally bullied by his big brothers. he's also not particularly academically or physically talented compared to them, he does enjoy cartography and art, but his parents are pretty deeply disappointed in him for not living up to his brothers and they're very cold and frankly abusive towards him.
rimmer is desperate to please them, so although he isn't skilled enough to join the space corps as an officer/pilot like his brothers, he decides to join at the technician level (the lowest possible rank) and work his way up by passing his astronavigation exams to become an officer. however he ends up failing every single exam he takes, and ends up spending years on the red dwarf as a shift manager in charge of the guys who maintain the ship's vending machines lol.
rimmer and lister first meet when lister is assigned to be rimmer's roommate on the ship. they DO NOT get along. all lister wants to do is fuck around and get drunk and have fun, and he's pretty grubby and kinda lazy (actually he's just depressed basically lol but yknow). rimmer is career-driven, up-tight, and generally an obnoxious asshole with no friends who insists on being pedantic about EVERYTHING. they spend most of their time bickering. it's made worse by the fact that rimmer is technically one rank higher than lister and is his shift manager and uses this as an excuse to try and boss him around constantly despite lister barely giving a fuck lmao. they have to work together most of the time bc they're coworkers and there is a little hint of friendship there but it's. pretty small.
things continue like this for a while. however, it all changes when lister, while on planet leave on miranda (one of uranus's moons) ends up finding a little pregnant stray cat who he calls "frankenstein". he smuggles her back onto the ship with him, despite it being illegal to take unquarantined animals onto the ship. for a while he keeps her a secret, but eventually the captain finds out about her and calls lister to his office. he tells lister to give up the location of the cat so she can be euthanised, but lister refuses. as punishment for refusing to give up the cat, the captain sentences lister to be imprisoned in stasis (a kind of suspended animation) for the rest of the trip back to earth.
after lister is put in stasis, rimmer is given the assignment to repair one of the ship's drive plates by himself. this is far outside of his area of expertise, and not something he can do by himself, so he really should have delegated the task to someone else. but instead, because he's so desperate to be perfect and impress his superiors, he tries to complete the repair by himself.
this goes horribly wrong. the incorrectly repaired drive plate ends up leading to a radiation leak from the reactors powering the ship, which immediately spreads throughout the ship and kills everyone, including rimmer himself. lister, however, survives, because he's in stasis so the radiation doesn't reach him. his cat also survives, as she went down into the ship's hold to give birth to her kittens, and the hold was sealed by the ship's computer before the radiation could reach it.
the jupiter mining corporation, believing the entire crew to be dead, leaves the red dwarf to drift off into space as retrieving it would be more trouble than it's worth to them. and so, the ship drifts aimlessly, through the solar system and into deep space.
3 million years later, the radiation on the ship has returned to a safe level. the ship's computer "holly" (who has gone mildly insane after spending 3 million years alone) revives lister from stasis.
they also bring back rimmer as a hologram. holograms are popular in the 23rd century, and are like perfect digital copies of a dead person and their personality. holly could have brought back any of the red dwarf crew members as company for lister, but she decides to bring back rimmer because lister has the most shared conversations with him out of anyone else on the ship (despite them supposedly hating each other).
as well as lister and rimmer, there's also the cat (a humanoid creature that evolved from the descendants of lister's pet cat frankenstein over the past 3 million years), and kryten (a service android they salvage from the wreck of another ship), but im gonna focus on rimmer and lister here for now lol.
at first, after rimmer is brought back as a hologram, things between him and lister are probably even more tense and aggressive than they were when he was alive. after all, rimmer has all of the same neuroses and Issues as he did as a human, but now he's fucking Dead and a digital ghost of himself and the entire human race has gone extinct in the 3 million years since he died. and he copes with this by being Even More Obnoxious.
however as time passes, they get to know each other more and eventually come to be best friends and care abt each other deeply despite also somehow still hating each other lol. lister is pretty smart and very brave and kind despite his tendency to be lazy. and rimmer, underneath all the bitchy rude asshole behaviour, is really just a clingy sad little guy who wants to be loved. as the series goes on they do form a kind of mutual respect for each other. and they care abt each other.
the series spans like 30 years (both in irl time and time in the series), so you get to see the characters go from being dudes in their 20s to dudes in their 50s. they both mature and grow up somewhat, especially lister. and they're still roommates after all this time, and rimmer lets lister sleep in his bunk when he's too drunk to climb up to his top one lol.
the Gay Tension with these two is really. something else man. rimmer (as well as being heavily autistic coded imo) is commonly read by the fandom as a Deeply Confused and self hating gay man. as a younger man/hologram he's pretty defensive of his masculinity and makes a big show out of being a Heterosexual Man despite it clearly being an act he puts on. as he gets older he seems to make peace with it more though and is content with doing more "feminine" things and no longer rlly performs attraction to women.
lister is like the Ultimate Bisexual Transman Guy to me without either of those things being actually canon lol. there's a lot of unintentional transmasc coding with him. he's also shown to be pretty affectionate with his male friends when they're still alive (telling one of them he loves him and kissing him on the lips at one point lol). and with rimmer he's like. blatantly attracted to and flirting with an alternative universe version of rimmer they meet at one point. he puts his hand on rimmer's upper thigh not once but TWICE to comfort him. when rimmer leaves the red dwarf crew for a while he misses him desperately and literally has a dream about telling rimmer he loves him and making out with him. i could go on.
the latest red dwarf episode/movie thing has a really sweet scene where rimmer is considering turning himself off for good bc he feels worthless and is doubting his personhood due to being a hologram, and lister gives him this whole sappy adorable romantic speech abt how he's like the sun and rimmer is like the moon and basically implying that they need each other to exist and they complete each other and it's enough to snap rimmer out of it. they're also so sweet with each other in general in that episode and lister is So Proud of rimmer at different points for being himself and being brave. it's so sweet it makes me melt just thinking abt it AUGH.
in general they're basically canonically soulmates. that one meme that's like "they would find each other in every universe" but for rimmer and lister it's not even ironic they're literally a pair in every single alternative universe we've seen in the show so far. and at this point they've known each other for so long and lived together for so long that the old married couple energy is Very Very Real. idk i could keep typing this post forever bc there really is So Much there to talk abt. but ik this is already way too much information and you're probably not even gonna read it lol so i will stop myself here.
the tldr is that red dwarf is one of those series that's technically a comedy but underneath the humour it's deeply sad and tragic and kinda depressing. but rimmer and lister and their love for each other and their friends are what holds it all together. the universe is cold and uncaring but they Love each other. throws up. ok im done
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^ oh also everyone should watch this amv btw
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nevarroes · 6 months
i refuse to send these thoughts separately:
who would cas main in league, he wouldnt play isnt an answer the mans gender is at least 25% calling people slurs on mic
okay but what if what if um 🥺👉👈 someone wanted to write a thing but they were super anxious about getting cas’s voice right in part because by the nature of how you share your creative concepts the only solid vibe they get is Doesnt Talk A Lot, When He Does Its 90% Weird Rude Mean Shit, hence the cesare big top burger comparison
and fuckin um i forget if ive ever asked, i mostly process cas’s fuckedupedness through a lens of npd, but am more familar with bpd because my own brain garbage is a bit of both and having had many loved ones with bpd, does cas ever fully freak the fuck out in an insecure attachment way trying to make gortash Go Away or trying to leave himself(but coming back generally), might characterize that Oh No Hes Going To Die leaves forever cant handle loss unless he “choses” it meltdown in a similar menthol eelnessTM vein
i especially love thinking about cas being extremely insecure because reality will never live up to his delusions of self importance perfection and grandeur because fun fact :^) a side affect of those thought patterns is constant disappointment in a reality of self that can never meet those expectations :^^^)
casim “i AM perfect or ill DIE” carnavorn
honestly "Doesnt Talk A Lot, When He Does Its 90% Weird Rude Mean Shit" is pretty on point here😭😭 I used to say like everyone desires him and then he opens his mouth and theyre like "hmmm yeah idk if this one's worth it chief". Like he has no filter at all but it isn't like he doesn't do it on purpose it's more like he goes out of his way to make sure everyone leaves in a worse mood than before, if that makes sense? Gortash would join in though honestly.... type of situation where Gortash tries to introduce them to some noble family on a party and Cas just drops that some poor girl looks like a fat cow (see this is funnier considering that he stands next to Gortash but ain't nobody gonna say that back) 🙏
aside from that though like.... in private? I suppose this may be more of a tone thing and I'm a VERY mid writer so I couldn't even tell you how I'd show this of the top of my head but I suppose he's more... clearly affectionately teasing? because yeah he obviously stays teasing and calls him a fat bastard in private still and such but it's very obvious if you look at them for a second that it's like a far cry from how he treats everyone else (smth smth his gaze very clearly softens and he allows himself to giggle and you can tell that they have been knowing each other for a long time)
okay sorry im YAPPING but ! ....If you want to write something I'd be over the fucking moon either way honestly like??😭 tbh I think you sound like you get him a lot already but also let me just say additionally... I see Cas as a character that's pretty flexible anyways because he erm... he has mood swings but also doesn't really have smth I'd consider a set speech pattern or something that he needs to sound in character?
anyways concerning the npd/bpd thing I never quite drew a line for him or anything to put him more into one camp but. I mean yeah based on the dying of old age scenario... LMFAOO but also yeah he does. Cas is the type of person that will literally leave the city for months or lock himself in and try to "become a new person" (he literally has moment where he's like "maybe I should just become who Bhaal wants me to be. maybe it would be easier") if there's some dispute with Gortash. It usually ends with Gortash forcing him to meet him again and Cas being something along the lines of "oh my fucking god can I just stop loving you already" but yeagh u know the fact that Gortash is kinda the only person he ever liked or even saw as a friend just makes it worse tbh
and the insecurities/delusions thing? yeah exactly what you said. a lot of his insecurities are insane too tbh like "I can never be what everyone desires" but then he loses it if he's NOT what someone desires, Gortash saying smth along the lines of "I like women too" would be enough to make him walk off a ledge because he can't be that part (smth smth I can be most perfect man on the planes but I'll never be a woman. funnier when u know he could use incubus illusion magic but he refused to his whole life). But anyways yeah as I said once Cas is like... a DEEPLY insecure person at his core even if he'd never admit or think that it shows
anyways after this analysis... Cas plays adc and shits on every support he plays with💯 He mains aphelios because he wants to look at a man but also because he thinks he's better than anyone else for playing a complex champ... hope u see my vison
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illfoandillfie · 7 months
2023 Advent: Day 8
This was a lil idea that came to me at some point during the year. I honestly don't remember what inspired it but i've had a note on my phone for months that just said "idea: sugar daddy demands thank you fuck". No clue where it came from or when but here we go, have some writing about it.
Warnings: Sugar daddy! Gwil, and he's kinda mean about it 👉👈, backyard sex,so i guess minor exhibitionism, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking, a touch of humiliation
Everything you had right then was from Gwilym. The bathers you wore, the necklace around your throat, the drink you were holding. All of it he’d given you. And of course, you were lounging by his pool, relaxing in the sun while he was on a call inside. He liked having you around, even when he had work to deal with, knowing you were waiting for him, knowing he could call on you the moment his meetings were finished. You didn’t mind either. Sitting around a pool in the middle of the day, cocktail in hand, was clearly better than most else you could be doing. Certainly beat working or studying. It was really very lucky you’d met Gwil when you had, with your useless degree and skint bank account. He’d taken pity and bought you a few drinks and you’d thanked him by going home with him. Not that you didn’t want to – he was hotter and more interesting than any of the guys you’d slept with at uni. You let him call you a slut and tell you when to cum, and the next day he admitted he wasn’t looking for anything serious but he liked fucking you, so he offered to buy you breakfast and let you thank him for it. He made it clear what he wanted. Company from someone capable of following his instructions. You just wanted things you didn’t have to spend you own money on and easily agreed to his proposition. Of course, you paid for them in other ways.  
When Gwil joined you outside he was in boardshorts, a beer in one hand, his other hidden behind his back. You perked up at that. It meant he had something for you, and you were keen to see just what he’d bought you this time. So you looked up demurely as his tall frame blocked out the sun, ready to play whatever roll he wanted in return for the gift.   “Got you something, princess” he said with a smile, placing his beer aside and holding out a small red box.  “Jewlery?” you asked sweetly, not recognising the box. You’d had, however, picked up on the choise of pet name and suspected his call hadn’t gone as well as he might have liked. Princess was usually a sign he wanted to vent some frustration.   “Open it.”  You did, nearly dropping it as you spotted the shiny silver keys.  “A car? Oh my god Gwil.”  “Brand new model. Just delivered. We can take it for a spin later.”  There was implication in his promise but you were so surprised by such a huge gift that you completely forgot what was expected, jumping up to hug him as you said, “Thank you, Gwil, thank you so much. You really didn’t have to; I can’t believe it. Thank you.”  Gwil grimaced disapprovingly as he gently pressed you back onto your seat, “Princess, you know that’s not how I like you to show appreciation.”  You nodded, already realising your lapse, “I know, daddy, I’m sorry. It’s just so amazing I wanted to tell you how much I love it and-”  “Princess.” His tone was warning as he cut you off, clearly losing patience.   You didn’t mind it if he was a little annoyed – he got rough when he was ticked off and that was fun – but you didn’t want to push him too far and risk ruining things, risk not being gifted cars, “Sorry daddy, should we go inside so I can thank you properly?”  Gwil stared you down for a moment before he began undoing the tie on his pants, “I don’t think we need to go anywhere.”  You felt yourself warming as you glanced around at the neighbours houses, “Really? Here?”  “Oh don’t worry, I’ll let you thank me inside too. You’ll do a lot of thanking in a lot of different ways for such a big gift. But, it’s become clear that my princess doesn’t know when it’s appropriate for her to talk. I think you need a lesson in how to be quiet and show some fucking respect. So we’ll start out here.” 
You weren’t surprised when he tugged you to him, able to see him getting harder as he demeaned you, but still you let out a little gasp at his tighter than expected grip.   He didn’t loosen up though, intent on pulling your mouth to his cock, making sure you understood what he wanted. You were quick to try and rectify your mistake, summoning up spit and wrapping your lips around his length with a small moan. You knew he’d like that, that it would redeem you a little. And he did, if the jolt of his hips was anything to go by. Or perhaps that was his apparent annoyance because he didn’t let up. Gwilym didn’t seem to have any intention to let you blow him the way he usually did. He didn’t hold himself still to give you time to adjust. Didn’t encourage you to stroke and lick and tease him the way he usually liked. You had to grab onto his thigh as he pushed his shaft deeper, seeking out the back of your throat and rutting into you when you gagged in surprise.   “Take it.” he said, voice low and gravelly and all the more menacing for it, fucking your mouth until saliva dribbled over your lips. When he pulled himself out you were panting for air, a sting of spit still attached to his cock. He guided your hand to his cock as he bent down a little, tilting your chin up so he could look you in your watery eyes, “I own your holes. I’ve bought them a hundred times over with every little thing I’ve ever given you. So you’re going to keep quiet and take what I give you.”  “Yes daddy,” you managed to get out, trying to focus on stroking him so he wouldn’t get madder.  Gwil looked at you for a moment, his thumb ran over your wet bottom lip, “I want you to ask for it.”  “What?”  “Well, this is in return for the fucking car I just gave you, isn’t it? It's what you want to give me in return, so you can tell me that.”  You’d anticipated he might want to humiliate you a little as soon as he’d called you princess, but the combination of it and the suggestion that you’d disappointed him had you on the verge of tears. So your voice shook as you said, “Please use me daddy.”  It must not have been enough because Gwil just stood up straighter and staired you down, surprisingly intimidating even with his cock in your hand.  “Please fuck my throat daddy. I want to thank you.”  “Okay, princess, because you asked so nicely.” Gwilym smiled as he grabbed the back of your hair, directing you back down over his cock. 
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leorawright · 2 years
Loved the headcanons for Scout having a Polish S/O who works with Medic
So I wanted to ask if it's possible for others reaction to this person joining?
Im curious how you see them , beacuse
A) Solider thinks that Russians are communists and they're bad yet still likes Heavy right? Well Polish tends to be mistaken for Russian A LOT,due to both of is being salvic
B) Russian and Polish are salvic and kinda similar so yeah. Heavy reaction tk another Slav?
C) Germany is neighbours with Poland and well the Scouts S/O got hired as his student/helper (they're a nurse at this point) his reaction?
D) idk if Spy cares about gaining another European but yeah
Your point of view on the mercs is interesting, I waited paintently for weekend to ask this
Yeah and I know the weekend might've been long coming but I think I like this new system A/N (I'm assuming this person is still Scout's s/o)
Other mercs reaction to a Polish, nurse, s/o joining
Soldier may think that all of Russian is communists and may mistake you for one but don't worry
He's really easy to trick
Even with your accent just insist you're an American and Soldier will believe you
So it's pretty easy to get along with him
He's pretty delighted to have someone native to a country extremely close to his home
He might ask for any news if you just came from there
Bonus if you can speak Russian expect to have much longer conversations with Heavy
Medic is delighted to have someone who's eager to help him
Your help will certainly make the battlefield
And your home is somewhat close to Medic's certainly more than other mercs
Medic also tends to have a lot of conversations with you since you're his assistant so expect to hear a lot about his less than ethic experiments
He's not too interested in another merc
Until he realize you're dating his son
Now he's interested
Expect him to silently scrutinize you to figure out how you started dating his son
But thats about all from Spy because conversations are about as often as water in the Sahara desert
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