#I kinda feel like once you've created one OC it's hard to stop
misc-obeyme · 8 months
I've seen a few another asks about MC and honestly, it's so interesting to see others characters. I guess that's one of the reasons why I love Obey, you can create OC, who's can be anyone, well maybe except a God?? I just don't know how that would be work lol
I have two angels, Gabriel and Agrael. Gabriel, Lucy and Michael I hc as triplet. Agrael his younger sister, who was the one who killed Lilith, and well, Gabe do everything he can to keep it as secret. He's loves Lucifer and Michael with Agrael more than others brothers, and was against the war, but at the end decided to let Lucy go, bc he doesn't have a choice, but trying to be neutral as much as he can. Agrael was just obedient soldier and wasn't bothered by brothers rebellion and just fight. Asmo fell in love with her, but she's didn't love him and attacked without resist, which hurt him a lot lol
Her only friend was Mammon, but it's didn't stop her from fight. But also she's didn't saw brothers as enemy. Has a human lover, but nobody knows who is it. She's usually disappears in human world, and Gabe cover for her, bc he's soft for his sister too much lol
Also there's two sorcerers. Crowley, who's father of my MC, famous merchant of the three worlds, who can find anything you want, except knowledge that he has a daughter lol
He's funny guy and tried very hard to reconnect with his daughter, but Anders prefer to punch him and not talking. He's not old as Sol, but still old and keep himself from aging with magic artefacts. He's probably slept with Asmo and I always laughed when thinking about it
And Alastair, who's wanted to be Solomon's apprentice, but well, Anders was the chosen one. He's taking that as insult, bc he's more knowledgeable and powerful, and now hate Anders and wished to kill her, and tried a few times lol
Do you have another characters? I would like to read about them too!
Hello again!
Yes, I really love to hear about everybody's MCs and OCs!! They're so interesting, it's so fun to see what people have come up with! Especially since I feel like there is so much space for such things in Obey Me. They really left a lot of stuff unexplained and there are three whole worlds that we can fill in with our own characters!
Okay, I kinda feel like the only way you could have a character who was a god would be if it was like somehow a rival to the "Father" character from the Celestial Realm. I kinda think it'd be interesting if the Greek gods existed, for instance. Since we have Cerberus, it kinda stands to reason that we'd also have Hades and Zeus and the rest. But you know, maybe they're retired? LOL.
Now that is an interesting concept! I never once thought about who killed Lilith. What a burden to bear! I love Agrael already she sounds amazing! I love that she's now the one with a human lover, even after the war and everything that happened with Lilith! Man love can make you do crazy things! And Gabriel is just trying to be a good big brother!
Crowley and Alastair omg I love them. Crowley sounds great, but I do feel bad for Anders lol. Let her punch him! It would probably be very therapeutic! Alastair is crazy if he thinks Solomon would ever let anyone kill his apprentice, but I'm impressed that he still tried. I get the impression that Anders would be difficult to kill, but he's still gonna try it seems!
Ah well I do have my demon OC Arsenios. And I have some other OCs that show up in his story, but I can't talk about them too much without giving away spoilers for his story. There are a couple of angels and a reaper.
I have a couple more human characters that are related to Ciaran and their story. There's their older sister Fiadh who I am quite fond of. She gets help from both a witch and a sorcerer when Ciaran goes missing and they help her get to the Devildom to find Ciaran.
I do have another demon OC, but I've never talked about her... Her name is Liviana and she's the librarian at RAD. She knows Arrie, but I just created her because I wanted to lol. I really love libraries and I was thinking about demon professors/RAD staff members and I just sorta daydreamed her into existence.
I do have one other reaper OC but she doesn't have a name yet. And she's too involved with one of the other characters from Arrie's story for me to talk about her too much...
OOPS now I have revealed my secret which is that I have a whole STASH of OCs that I never talk about lol.
Anyway, I love hearing about all your characters! Thank you for sharing them with me! 💕
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Travel is all fun and games until you step off of that 14 hour flight for a layover and realize you've got 3 more hours after it. Makes me wanna cry 🥲.
Anyways, on to the ocs. Writing the Zoro Fic (still don't have a name for it) I've found it a bit difficult to come up with OCs who can create interesting dynamics with Kuina and Karasu. With Kuina providing such a nice parallel to a younger Zoro, it's been hard not to just copy-paste the original crew lol. I have a few basic frameworks for characters, though. As always, no names:
Little Miss Chronically Unemployed. Not exactly a bounty hunter, more of a contract job kinda gal. Well, she would be if she could get a job, that is. Kuina is the first person in a long time to throw her a proverbial bone, and now she follows her around like a lost pup. Tsukino Usagi if she was a sad drunk.
Prince of....wherever the hell. Karasu, why do you, as a man, have an arch nemesis? What are you arching, your back? Seems being a swordsman is a one-stop-shop for being a bi disaster. Prince of some island and, for lack of better word, the group's sugar daddy. He's a stupid dumb dumb, I wanna put him in a jar and shake it.
The Struggler ™️. Obligatory devil fruit user, and despite being the youngest, they are adult supervision to these idiots. I'm thinking levitation, simply for the mental image of the rest of the group arguing with eachoter, only to suddenly be flung in opposite directions. Some assembly required on this one.
Thats what I have for this fic so far, however the more I get into this fic, the more I realize I don't know. The biggest example being: I am an only child, however with the amount of cousins and clse family friends I have, I've basically experienced every spot in the eldest-middle-youngest hierarchy. I've got an idea of what to do and ehat not to do when it comes to writing Kuina and Karasu but there's a small part of me that feels like I'm going to slip up and do smth stupid. Some Kuina & Karasu interactions, for your perusal:
Karasu has eldest child syndrome. Kuina has eldest daughter syndrome. That means even if their parents were present for their whole lives, they very much raised eachother. Very close bond because of this, but would rather die than acknowledge it.
As kids, Kuina once got dangerously sick. Karasu got so worried that he threw up and their parents were stuck caring for both of them.
Karasu once convinced Kuina her onigiri was poisoned so that he could have it instead. This backfired when Kuina freaked out and threw it away for "safety ". (This is inspired by smth I did. I have no regrets 👹)
Slow-motion punches. No words, just going up to eachother and pretend punching them into the face. You can't refuse a slow-mo punch, it's illegal. You just gotta take it.
UGHHHHH, I could go on and on, but for your sake I won't. OK, byeeee.
-♡♡ lots of love
Oh my gosh, HOW MANY LAYOVERS AND FOR HOW LONG??? Here I am whining about the fact that I've got a 2.25 hour flight coming up to see my baby sister, and you're doing a full 17 with stops. Dayum!!
Coming up with titles is just the worst. If this fic was me, I'd simply call it: "The World's Greatest," or "Whatever It Takes." Maybe even going with: "My Greatest Honor" considering the greatest honor for Zoro would be to pass his title onto his daughter.
Tropes are tropes for a reason, we love them. Having Roronoa Kuina as a reflection of both Zoro and Kuina (in his youth) would be an interesting way to have him see life come full circle.
Chronically Unemployed: the all rounder. Physically strong and burly, great sense of humor, could drink Zoro into a new liver -> reason why Kuina enjoys her so much? Reminds her of what her life would look like if she was less ambitious and more carefree. If we're going Japanese for names, Junko (ジュンコ) would be cute considering her obedience to Kuina. That name literally translates to "obedience" or "pure".
The Prince: Karasu's nemesis because he envies his parentage perhaps? Could go deeper: Zoro's wife and mother of Karasu and Kuina could be an heir to a title, and gave it up before her arranged marriage to the Prince's father. She chased love, and Zoro was who she wanted. The Prince sees Karasu as the embodiment of the childhood he could've had, and the Prince's mother could've been more hands off (as many are) than Zoro's wife. The issue? Karasu is in love with him, but has to keep up the farse that he isn't because he doesn't want the prince to stop talking to him -> even if that means insults. I would give him an incredibly pretentious name like "Ludwig" or "Leopold" and have his nickname / alias "Ludo" for safety for travel.
Devil-Fruit User: Leviathan is such a cool name, I love it! Anything to do with aqua mythos and I'm like a moth to a flame. "Levi" is also a very cute nickname, but considering the fact that I went with an "L" name for the one prior, I would love to steer your attention to other aquatic mythological creatures. Neothelids, for example, would be REALLY FUN to play with in the One Piece world, and "Neo" or "Theli" would be cute for the youngest member of the crew. A Neothelid is a creature that stems from mind-flayers, growing into a beast like a Kraken or Worm, that can: levitate, use telekinesis, breathe acid, and overtake creatures minds with a mental blast. Playing with those powers would be absolutely chaos, but I love it.
I am the oldest of four, my younger three siblings and I get along extremely well. We play D&D every Saturday night as a family, and I'd do anything for them. Wasn't always like that, but that comes with having siblings close in age. Sibling dynamics are a lot like watching older cats interact with younger kittens: swatting, showing who's boss, establishing the pecking order, and then realising "Oh shit, you're a lot taller than me now. What have I done," when they grow up.
Yes to the onigiri incident between them. Absolutely happened, it's canon to me. Poisoned food, food poisoning, absolutely.
Ship Roles:
Captain: Kuina (Little Sister)
First Mate: Karasu (Big Brother)
Navigator: Ludo (Prince)
Chef: Neo / Theli (DF user)
Shipwright: Junko (Chronically Unemployed)
Kuina is the captain because she is assembling the team. Captain whether she wants to or not. Karasu is the first mate because they are known for taking care of their Captain. He wants to keep her safe, like the doting big brother he is. That, and his mother would kill him if anything were to happen to her.
I'm sorry it took a while for me to get back to you about it! I have been thinking on this so hard and wanted to have the words happen in the right way. Love you, ♡♡ Anon. Enjoy your time away!!
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