#I keep it hidden behind my TV so I'm not easily tempted
casquecest · 2 years
Is the only alcohol I have in my house REALLY the wine I received for finishing the Marathon du Médoc in 2019?!?!
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baronessblixen · 6 years
Hello! I'm sorry if you already did this - but how about some smut involving early mulder and scully playing truth or dare, never have I ever, etc?
Guys, this is one of my oldest prompts. If the original prompter reads and remembers this: hi. I’m sorry it’s not really smutty. Today’s @txf-prompt-box advent calendar word is: snowstorm. Also tagging @today-in-fic
Never Have I Ever
"Hey Scully, wanna play agame?" In other circumstances, this situation might be consideredromantic. But not for Mulder and Scully, certified partners and friends. They'retrapped here in this shabby hotel room with no TV, no radio or any form ofentertainment. The old radiator rumbles, providing the only background noise.All they have here is each other.
"What kind of game?"Anykind, Mulder thinks. He's known Scully for a year and this is the second timethey're in the same room scantily clad. Well, she is. Her clothes are dryingall over the place. Her skirt is joined by her stockings on a chair, her bra ishanging off the radiator winking at Mulder. Both their shoes are standingthere, drops of snow still falling off. The snowstorm surprised them a coupleof hours ago on their way to the airport. Rather it surprised him. Scullywarned him about it before they even got into their rental car. He didn'tlisten. The sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. Now he knows that he shouldhave listened. When the first few flurries danced on the windshield, he merelychuckled. That didn't last long. It's a wonder Scully isn't angry for him aftermaking her walk through inches and inches of snow.
"How about… Never Have IEver?" He grins at her, not for a moment believing she would even considerplaying the game. But out of her Scully clothes, in full Dana mood, she is adifferent woman. He's only just learning that. She tucks a strand of wet, curlyhair behind her ear and smiles. Unlike her, she's showered. They were warnedthat there might not be enough warm water for two showers. There was noquestion who would use it.
"Sure, why not? I haven'tplayed that since college." She grabs a twinkie from their pile of dinner.They plundered the vending machine, the only source of food in this place. Withthe snowstorm raging outside there is no way they can go anywhere. They'relucky they made it here at all. Their only losses Scully's clothes; they neverhad a chance.
"We don‘t have anyalcohol."
"We can play withwater."
"You're so boring,Scully." She shrugs.
"We can just sit here insilence and not play."
"Fine, we'll play withwater."
The room is equipped with twobeds, a fact Mulder tries not to be disappointed about. Scully sits Indianstyle on hers, as if this were a school trip. Clad in her robe she bears noresemblance to Agent Scully. It only occurs to him that maybe playing thisjuvenile game is not the best idea. But he's not about to call it off either.
"You go first,"Scully says, licking her lips. There's a crumb stuck on her lips still andMulder can't help staring at it. Most days he doesn't allow himself to think ofScully as anything but his partner. It's as dangerous a road as the one theytraveled today, blankets of snow making the journey a difficult one. Theyweathered that storm. This, he fears, is a different one. The tip of her tonguecatches the lone crumb and she smiles at him as if she was doing this onpurpose. Mulder hands Scully one of the yellow plastic cups he's filled withwater. He doesn't shy away from this dangerous road either.
"Never have I ever liedabout my age."
"And you call me boring,Mulder." Scully takes a sip from her cup. "Never have I ever said thewrong name during sex." Scully grins at him and he swallows hard, grippinghis cup. He doesn't drink. Scully chuckles, mouthing another 'boring'. Here hethought he had the upper hand. Another thing he's beginning to understand: whenit comes to him and Scully, he never has the upper hand.
"Never have I ever made outwith a co-worker." Scully drinks, her eyes firmly set on Mulder. This gamewas a bad idea.
"I told you about JackWillis." She shrugs and he nods. "Have you ever wanted to make outwith a co-worker, Mulder?"
"That's not a never haveI ever question, Scully." He grins, thinking he's dodged the question. Hismouth feels dry; Scully is so much better at this game and he fears he's nevergoing to get a sip of his water.
"Never have I ever fantasizedabout my work partner." Oh yeah, she is definitely way better at this thanhe could ever be. He holds his cup up in fake victory before he takes a sip.
"I lied." He watchesas Scully puts her mouth to the cup, taking a big sip. "Let‘s play adifferent game."
"Which one?"
"Truth or Dare."
"Is that a good idea?"Scully changes her position and her robe gapes open, not revealing much, butenough to spark his imagination. Maybe he should go outside, take a dive in thecold, wet snow. He could do with a cooling off.
"Truth or dare,Mulder?"
“Am I the work partner you'vefantasized about?" He considers lying. They're stuck here in this room,snow piling up outside; they're the only two people. The lights flicker everyonce in a while; who knows how long they'll have power. He doesn't have anypower left himself. If the storm continues, the radiator might malfunction,leaving them without heat. That they must create, together. Right now Muldercan't imagine being cold. He eyes Scully with her pink cheeks, her make-up freeface and freckles. He should lie. He should. And yet…
"Yes." He downs thelast of his water, wishing it was something much, much stronger. "Truth ordare, Scully?"
"I‘m going with truth,too."
"Are you wearing any underwearunder your robe?"
"Hmmm, no." She'shiding her smile behind the cup. Mulder licks his lips, trying to keep his eyesabove that very tempting v right over her breasts. Her naked breasts. She isnaked under this thin layer of cotton. "I had to take it off. It waswet." Mulder just nods, looking away. "Truth, Mulder? Or dare?"
"Tr- truth." He'snot sure he's going to survive a dare.
"Would you like me toprove to you that I'm not wearing underwear?" He has to look at her, hejust has to. The robe is still closed, mostly. A few shadows hint at what's hiddenunderneath.
"Answer the question,please."
"Yes," he mumblesit, almost hoping she won't hear. No such look. She chuckles; a low, deep soundhe's never heard before. He doesn't dare question it.
"It's your turn,"she reminds him when he remains quiet.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare." He doesn'tallow himself to look anywhere but her face. He knows what he's going to askher to do. His heart is pounding. He wipes his sweaty hands on his pants. Theyfeel much tighter than they did mere minutes ago.
"Open your robe."His request hangs between them for a moment and all they have to do is reachout and take it. It's Scully's decision. She might call him a pervert, call himan asshole or… he lifts his eyes and she's waiting. As soon as she is aware ofhim watching, she loosens the belt and the fabric pools away from her body. Herbreasts come into focus and Mulder gasps. He lets his eyes wander lower andlower and lower.
"Truth or dare,Mulder?" Her voice is luscious, a caress. His sex throbs, dictating hisnext move.
"Dare." The wordfalls from his mouth easily. As if this wasn't sealing their future. Whateverhappens next, tomorrow when the snow melts, when they go back home to theirreal lives, he doesn't have regrets. Not a single one.
"Touch me," Scullysays and Mulder doesn't hesitate. He is on her in seconds, their mouths hotagainst each other. Their tongues stroke and tease, just getting to know eachother in this new, intimate way. Scully moans into his mouth as his hands slipunder her robe, removing it. He cups her breasts and is fascinated by howperfectly they fit into his hands.
"Get… naked… Mulder,"Scully groans into his mouth, against his lips and he obeys. With her help,they get his shirt off. He forgets to breathe as Scully's hands roam over hischest.
"Breathe, Mulder. You‘llneed your breath." She winks at him, kisses his lips quickly, as her handsnestle at his pants. She looks into his eyes as her hand wanders inside hisboxers, freeing his weeping penis. She's gently stroking him and he fears he'slosing his mind, what's left of his sanity.
"Scully." It's aprayer, a question, a declaration. "Never have I ever," her handstills, one of her eyebrows shooting up, "made love to my partner whilecaught in a snowstorm."
"Next time you play thisgame," Scully says, cupping his balls, "you'll have to drink if that onecomes up."
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