#I just found this stuffed in my drafts I'm so sorry I don't know what happened!
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
gardener, watch me bloom and encore ashton are my fav series ever 🤍 i go back to them constantly, i just love your work soooo much
Oh my goodness, thank you! Those all have a special place in my heart for different reasons 🥹 WMB was my first big project (adorable that I used to think 10k was too long 🤡) and I'm proud of what I did with it despite still being relatively new to writing. I feel like those first couple Gardener Ash pieces were really what cemented my style of writing (Banter! Banter that never stops, not even during smut! 😅) and the type of relationship I like to write. (And as I think I've mentioned before, probably my favorite thing I've written so far is a Gardener Ash story.) And Encore is my baby. 🥺 That original story was just supposed to be a simple plotless excuse to clown but I accidentally fell in love with that couple (especially that Ash tho 😍🥵) and was unable to resist living in that world for as long as I could. 🥰
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vxnillavampir · 8 months
All I Wanted .1 - Nice Shot
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you thought your life was over until you stumbled your way in to jackson. being the new girl around town means that someone has to show you the ropes and what to expect on patrols.
pairing: ellie williams x afab!reader
content warnings: some violent themes, reader takes out a couple of dudes and infected, joel makes an appearance, reader has relations with a man (briefly mentioned, barely even an aspect of the story), bad writing, not proofread. even though it's not smut, please be 18+ when interacting with my account thank you <3
a/n: hi…so i originally posted a little snippet of this on my old blog, in case this seems like something you have read before! i decided to just post the full chapter here. this is part of a multi part series i have in my drafts. who knows if the other parts will see the light of day.
word count: 2.3k
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The ice-cold water being thrown in your face is what woke you up.
"We're going to need you to start talking." A blurred man kept pacing back and forth in front of you, his southern accent distinct. You shake your head to come to your senses and notice that your hands are tied behind you. The room you were in was dimly lit, the limited daylight peeking through the windows. What time is it? How long were you out? "Tommy take it easy," said another man with the same accent, "she's just a kid."
"I’m not a kid." You spat out.
"So, she speaks." The one that was apparently named Tommy knelt down in front of you. "Who are you? Where did you come from?" His voice was stern.
"California." Your voice sounded pretty groggy, and you cleared your throat to try and get yourself together.
"Jackson is a long way aways...what brought you all the way out here?" You glanced over at the other man who had his arms crossed. He was comfortably leaning against the wall waiting for you to answer. "I had to get out."
"You were...in pretty bad shape when I found you out on the trails. Are you infected?" The other man spoke up.
Tommy jolted up and stormed over to the mystery man. "You didn't even check to see if she was infected? What the hell is wrong with you, Joel!"
"I didn't see any bites when I picked her up..."
"I'm not. I was only passed out because I hadn't eaten in a few days..." Your stomach chimed in at the perfect time and both men looked over at you, relaxing a bit.
Joel sighed and uncrossed his arms. "You can eat when we figure out if you're going to be a problem or not." A problem? You guys are the ones that tied me up! You thought. "I don't mean to be any trouble. You can untie me, and I'll be on my way."
"Not with injuries like that," Joel gestured to your several cuts and stab wounds, "how'd you get those anyway?"
"I had to fight like hell out of my hometown. I don't feel like reliving it just yet." Your voice trailed off, feeling a bit faint once again from lack of food. The bearded man nodded slowly and unbound your wrists. Joel helped you up and your legs couldn't help but shake and wobble. "Woah, easy." He said softly and wrapped his strong arm around you to help you up.
    "Hey, don't go passing out on me again." Calloused fingers tilted your chin up and you opened your eyes. You looked around at your new surroundings. A bar? Where the hell did Joel take you? "Food as promised." He passed a bowl of food over in your direction. You two were sat in one of the few booths while soft rock played on one of the speakers. It has been a long time since you had electricity. The smell of hearty stew filled your nose and your stomach growled once again. Before you could even think, you were stuffing your face. "Okay slow down or else you're going to choke." The man chuckled in front of you. "Now why don't you go ahead and tell me your name?"
You swallowed before speaking up to introduce yourself. "That's a nice name you got. As you probably already know by now, I'm Joel, and the other guy is my brother. 'S name's Tommy...sorry he gave you such a hard time."
"It's fine...I guess. This place is pretty nice...at least from what I've seen in the two minutes I have been conscious."
"Yeah, sometimes Jackson has its moments. Better than a QZ."
"I wouldn't know. I just stayed on my family farm this whole time. I've heard some stories about life in a QZ, though."
"Family farm, huh? Sounds like you're one of the lucky ones." Joel cracked half a smile, thinking about what it would be like to live by himself on a patch of land.
"Yeah. Guess you could say that..."
"Y'know...we actually do need someone to join our patrol team. Do you have any experience with that?"
"I mostly just fixed fences and made sure our livestock was taken care of. Since we were so far away from the city, I never had to take down any of those creeps at the time if that's what you're wondering...but I can handle myself."
That part was clear. You can't travel over a thousand miles on foot without being able to take care of yourself. "You could stay here for a night and rest up. We can see how you do on one of our routes in the morning. What do you say?"
"Yes! Just as long as you don't tie me up again." A dry laugh escaped your lips before you continued to devour your food.
            The next day you woke up bright and early in a studio apartment that Joel and Tommy had near their place. It was nice to actually sleep on a bed for once. After you got ready for the day you heard a knock at the door. An impatient auburn-haired woman stood in front of you, her arms crossed. "Uh, hey. I'm Ellie. Tommy told me I needed to show you the ropes. Whatever that means."
You nodded. "Okay. I'll just go grab my bag." You shifted around your things and stuffed your backpack with a few necessities you might need like your trusty bow and some arrows, along with your daggers and emergency pistol.
Ellie stood by a horse that you can only assume is hers, arms still crossed. You couldn't tell if she was cold or if she was just pissed off. "Got everything?" You nodded, watching her as she effortlessly got on the horse. "The stables are empty so...we're gonna have to share." She said awkwardly. "Oh..." You breathed out and attempted to climb on.
"Here, let me help." She extended out her hand and you reluctantly accepted it. All of this was so embarrassing. You have been on horses before and even grew up with them, but your injuries made it difficult to get on your own this time. Once you managed to get up Ellie signaled for the horse to take off. The jolt of movement caused you to instinctively grab onto her waist so you wouldn't fall off the damn thing.
Ellie couldn't help but feel a little smug about this situation, I mean, she had a pretty girl holding on to her for dear life. "So, I'm guessing that you never ride?" She called out to you.
"I ride a lot of things." You joked to ease how awkward this whole experience is, hearing a snort from Ellie. "Awful joke, new girl."
The scenery of this trail was absolutely beautiful, the lively green foliage was everywhere in this forest. It was well maintained—probably because of Ellie. "Wow..." You said in almost a whisper.
"What?" Ellie glanced around to make sure there was no danger.
"It's so...green."
"You don't have plants where you're from? They're everywhere. Literally."
"California is rarely this green. It's called the Golden State for a reason..." Mentioning the state where you're from sent you into a fight or flight state. The trauma you experienced was triggered just by thinking about your hometown.
"Mom? Are you okay?" Your mother was still...a little too still. She was standing over the dead body of your father. Her head turned to meet your eyes at the sound of your voice, her skin paler than usual and her mouth covered in blood. She was infected. Before you knew it, she was sprinting at you and thankfully your adrenaline kicked in.
She chased you out of the house and into the barn where you kept your livestock. The cows mooing at the sight of your uncharacteristically feral mother. She tried to hop the gates to get to the animals and you quickly grabbed the rake resting on the barn door, impaling her with it, the rake going through her neck with ease and the sound of her blood gurgling would be seared into your brain forever.
"Hey, you with me new girl?" Ellie's raspy voice broke you out of your flashback, your arms practically shaking around her torso. "Y-yeah...just...a bad memory."
"Do you...want to talk about it?" She suggested, not knowing if you would actually take her up on the offer or not. After all, you two had just met. "No. Sorry."
"Don't apologize. I totally get it." All of the stories Ellie kept secret would surprise you.
"Alright, this is far enough." She signaled for the horse to stop and helped you down off the saddle. "Stay here, Shimmer. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." You couldn't help but crack a slight smile at how Ellie communicates with her horse. The sight of her chiseled hand stroking Shimmer sent a shiver down your spine. God, how long has it been since you saw another mentally coherent hot person? Get it together.
She stepped away from the horse and ducked down behind some bushes, her rough hand grabbing your wrist and gently dragging you down to meet her level. "Hunters." She gestured towards the two men walking mindlessly along the trail. "Let's see what you can do."
You quietly take out the bow that you had packed earlier and a few arrows from your backpack. Your eyes fixated on the stalky blond man following a slightly shorter man, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. When the man in front of him bent down to tie his boots you took a deep breath to steady your hands and your mind. This is it. You released the arrow from your fingertips at the same time you released the air from your lungs. The arrow glided through the air before taking out the unknown man with a headshot. The sound of his body thudding to the ground sent the other man into a scared frenzy. "Where are you?! Come out here you coward!"
"Nice shot. Now him." Ellie watched you in awe as you loaded up another arrow, the first arrow hitting the hunter in the stomach and the second in the throat. "How's that?" You said quietly in case there were more enemies around. "Good. Really good actually." Her words made your cheeks flush. You were always a fan of words of affirmation and encouragement. "Looks like the coast is clear. Let's get back to the others."
             After everyone got back from their routes, you all decided to blow off some steam at the bar you were at just the night before. The charming place was lit up by fairy lights and candles to create ambient romantic lighting. It looked so beautiful. "Everyone, we finally have a competent person joining our patrols! Jesse, please don't sleep with her. Please. I beg." Ellie said to the tall dark-haired man with her hands held together like she was praying. "You know I can't make promises that I might not keep," Jesse said slyly before extending his hand for you to shake. You shook his hand politely and introduced yourself to everyone else.
An hour later you were slowly sipping at your whisky and started people watching. The last twenty-four hours had worn you out and it was nice to see so many people living...normally—or at least what would be considered normal now. Ellie was dancing with Dina, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous at the sight of her cheeks getting flushed from having Dina's arms around her neck.
"Another drink?" Jesse chimed in, snapping you out of your jealous thoughts. "Trying to get me drunk?" You smirked at him before taking the drink from his hand.
"You caught me. That was my intention all along." He joked as he took a seat next to you at the bar. "So...wanna gossip? I know some pretty juicy stuff about almost everyone here." The offer did sound pretty tempting...
"Sure, I'll bite. What's going on with those two?" You gestured over towards Ellie and Dina. Jesse let out a prolonged sigh at the sight of the two of them. "Those two...a little bit of a will they won't they thing they have going on. I mean, I guess Ellie could use a win since she broke up with her last girlfriend." Girlfriend. That's promising at least.
"Do you know what happened between them?"
"No. Ellie is a closed book most of the time. You only know what she wants you to know." You nodded at his words and took another sip of your drink. The alcohol creates a warm pool in your stomach. "Dina on the other hand, we are kinda in an on-again-off-again relationship..."
"And right now you're...off?"
"Yeah..." Jesse looked at the floor to keep his eyes off the two of them. It was hard, he was friends with Ellie and his ex-girlfriend had an obvious crush on her.
"I feel like we're going to need another round of these." You say after taking one last sip from the clean glass and handing it to him. Jesse chuckled and went back to the bar to get more booze. If you were going to do what you had planned to do tonight, you needed more liquid courage to get over these nerves. It had been a long time since you had any affection and it seemed like Jesse would be able to give it to you. At least for the night.
So you went back to his place.
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AHHHH omg there i finally posted something y’all. please let me know what you think!
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dividers by cafekitsune <333
© vxnillavampir 2024 - don’t copy, steal, translate, repost, or plug any of my works into an ai.
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spinningwebsandtales · 10 months
Imagine Geto Confessing His Feelings On A Mission Assignment
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Geto Suguru X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, Gojo is a meddler
Word Count: 1k
(A/N:) With this I have officially made 300 posts! Oh my goodness how time flies! I write a lot for Gojo and Nanami that I haven't written anything for the Geto fangirls. So this is my gift to y'all! I do have an imagine in the works for several of the JJK guys so keep an eye out! I hope to start work on that soon! It's in my drafts I just have to find time to write it! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You walked between Geto and Gojo down the side streets of Tokyo. Scrolling through your phone, you ignored the guys surrounding you while they shoved one another playfully. Gojo had a mischievous gleam in his bright blue eyes and Geto could only glare at his best friend. He regretted the day he had confessed the way he felt about you to the tall white haired sorcerer. And you oblivious to his feelings thought of him as a really good friend and fellow Jujutsu High student. Shoko had stayed behind on this particular mission, but little did you know it was Gojo's doing that you joined him and Geto.
"Let's check out this crepe place when we're done," you said showing both of them your phone screen. They weren't paying attention, still shoving at one another. You rolled your eyes elbowing both Gojo and Geto in the ribs. This time they started behaving themselves holding their throbbing sides.
"The curse should be right around here," Gojo said his eyes roving around.
Geto shrugged, hands in his pockets as he stood close by your side. You still weren't paying that much attention when Gojo started to walk off.
"I'll go this way and look around, you two go that way," he said pointing towards a park.
Geto glared at his friend who wiggled his fingers in reply. Geto flipped him off, causing Gojo to just laugh obnoxiously and continue onwards.
"Hey shouldn't we stick together," you argued, worried at what trouble Gojo could get himself into.
"I'll be fine," he chuckled. "I'm the strongest after all."
"More like hard headed egotistical jerk," you grumbled, causing Geto to snort.
"Guess it's just me and you now," Geto said before taking off walking. He lumbered along slowly, letting you catch up as he kept his hands stuck deep in his pockets.
"I guess Gojo will never change," you sighed.
"Of course not," Geto rolled his eyes. "From here on out he'll just get worse."
"Don't worry Geto," you grinned patting his head while you both walked side by side, "I'll kick him really hard if he gets too out of control."
He laughed, the overwhelming urge to take your hand making Geto keep his hands stuffed deep in his pockets. He kept having flashbacks to the first day you arrived at the school. You had never been among people that could see the things you could. It had frightened you and you found safety to see that you weren't the only one. Then your ability began to flourish and Geto was happy that you had become so comfortable with them. He also remembered how quickly he had become enamored by you. Of course Gojo had been the first to notice and wouldn't let Geto live it down, or forget it. He was bored with watching his dark haired friend not taking a chance on you. So Gojo had taken it upon himself to give Geto his chance, and this moment was of course one of his meddling schemes. Deep in thought, Geto didn't realize that he had been talking to him.
"First Gojo and now you are ignoring me," you pouted. "Do I have a disease or something? Am I even here?"
"N-no," Geto stammered. "You're perfect."
You flushed bright pink and he did the same when he realized what he just said.
"I mean...you're fine the way you are. And that you're amazing...and I'm sorry," Geto wanted to run and drown himself in the pond you both were walking around.
Seeing Geto so flustered honestly stunned you. It was sweet but it brought a side you never got to witness. Giving his arm a gentle squeeze, he quieted down, eyes wide and cheeks still blushing bright red.
"Thank you Geto," you soothed. "You don't have to explain yourself."
He sighed, cursing his best friend who had to be laughing his butt off right now while he took out the cursed spirit and Geto dealt with this. He had decided eventually he would tell you how he felt, but not anytime soon. So now Gojo's meddling had him confessing way sooner than he had wanted. Biting the bullet Geto took your hand and led you away from the crowds of people. Finding a quiet bench by a stream that fed into the pond he helped you to sit before he took the spot beside you. Looking down at his shoes instead of you, his stray lock of hair dangled down on one side of his face. You wanted to reach out and tuck it back behind his ear.
"I like you," he blurted. "I've liked you since the first time I saw you. I wasn't going to tell you but Gojo has been trying to force me into giving in and tell you. You weren't supposed to go on this mission, just me and him, and he talked them into letting you go. All because he wanted me to have some time alone with you."
You sucked in a breath, stunned that this was actually happening. The Suguru Geto was confessing and it had you giddy.
"I'm sorry for shoving this all on you. I didn't want to strain our friendship. I could live with you never knowing how I felt as long as we could remain friends."
You tapped Geto's shoulder and he looked up. The smile on your face had him realizing how much you cared about him.
"I am so relieved." Reaching out you tucked his hair back behind his ear. "I thought I was the only one who felt that way."
Geto melted, suddenly grabbing you and pulling you into a hug. You returned it gladly.
"I guess this means Gojo won," you whispered and Geto laughed.
"I say we let him guess if anything happened and refuse to tell him anything," Geto replied. You nodded eagerly. If you both could torture the sorcerer who seemed to know everything, you chalked it up as a win, and knowing how Geto felt about you was an added bonus. Geto suddenly stiffened before he stroked your cheek. He waited to see if you pulled away but you leaned into his touch. Unconsciously he leaned inward, taking your lips in a gentle kiss. You decided in that moment as Geto's soft lips caressed yours, that when you both were done torturing Gojo you would thank him. Because of him, the man you dreamed about had finally become yours and you couldn't be happier.
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barsformars · 7 months
A Little More
g - fluff
p - jongho x gn!reader
w.c - 1.2k
t.w - none
a.n - i wrote this back in 2020??? i found it in my notion drafts so i edited it a lil bit and decided to post it (i dont think ive posted this? i couldnt find it on my page)
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You tapped your feet impatiently to a made-up rhythm in your head, constantly glancing up at the clock hanging on the wall right behind your teacher. Urgh, class was supposed to end 16 minutes ago.
"Are we going to miss it?" Jongho turned to ask even though he had already guessed that judging from the way you were acting.
"If she doesn't stop talking right now," you leaned in slightly and replied softly, not wanting to get caught talking in class. That would just mean getting held back a little longer than you would like to. "Gosh, I'm not even absorbing an-“
You pause at the sudden quietness of the classroom, looking up to see Ms Kang with her arms folded across her chest. Uh-oh.
But before she even has a chance to call the both of you out, Jongho raises his hand, making up a lie on the spot as an excuse. "Sorry, they were explaining a question to me!" He nudges you with his elbow, which was your cue to apologise as well so that Ms Kang would just get over it.
"Alright, but next time don't discuss while I'm speaking. Got it?"
"Yep!" You rolled your eyes playfully at your table partner, he has a way of always getting out of trouble. It was just impossible for anyone to dislike him, and all the grown-ups just absolutely adore him.
Thankfully for the both of you (and everybody else), Ms Kang decided that there was no point in carrying on the lesson any further. She said that everyone looked 'too dead on the inside' which wasn't not true at all. It's just the case when school had started as early as 7.30 in the morning, only ending now at 5pm (or rather 5.20pm).
You stuffed all your belongings into your bag hurriedly before helping Jongho with his. Why does he always have a pile of loose notes and books under his table? Now, if it wasn't for how early the sunsets were nowadays now that it’s winter, you wouldn't be rushing him. You never liked pressuring anyone in any way.
"If we miss it today, we can just catch it tomorrow or whenever, you know." It wasn't that Jongho didn't like you rushing him, in fact, he doesn't mind it at all. He just rather not see you stressing over something so minor so unnecessarily.
Jongho had a point, but you really wanted to see the sunset today for whatever reason. Or actually there were many reasons. You know how there's always one week in the month where the sunsets just hit different from the other days? That's what you have observed at least, even if you didn't have any scientific information to back it up or prove that was really the case. Anyways, to put it short, the sunsets recently have been extra pretty and if you don't catch it today, you'll have to wait another month. Why? You have classes that extend way past 5 o'clock starting tomorrow.
And besides, you couldn’t wait any longer. As curious as you were hopeful, you really wanted to know who Jongho had caught feelings for. He promised he would tell you on a day the sunset is exceptionally beautiful.
"We still have a little more time left," you said, not bothering to explain your thoughts to Jongho. It's too much effort to try and properly formulate your thoughts into coherent sentences.
"Alright, let's go then." Without any warning, Jongho takes hold of your wrist, pulling you along with him as the both of you ran down the hallway, then the 8 flights of stairs and finally to the open field at the back of the campus.
After all the panting and gasping for air, you tilted your head upwards only to be greeted by light grey clouds filling up the sky. The golden rays of the sunset were barely peeking out from the back despite it extending out like roots greedy for nutrients in the soil.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and checked the time, hoping that maybe this was only the starting and not the end. "They say the sun sets in 6 minutes, so I guess we just wait?" You suggested, already seated on the floor before Jongho could process your words.
He remained standing, looking down at you with narrowed eyes. There was definitely something wrong with whatever you had just said but Jongho couldn't tell if he or you were the stupid one here. "I think that means the sky goes dark then, no? Like when the sun completely sets....." His voice trails off as you tugged at the sleeve of his uniform to get him to sit down as well.
"I don't know, but no harm in waiting just a little while more."
"I guess," Jongho said with a shrug of his shoulders.
But a lot of things can happen in just a little while. For example, Jongho might just muster up a little more courage in this peaceful silence to confess his feelings for you. And in this little while, an amazing friendship could very possibly end, unless you saw him as a little more than only a friend.
Jongho decides not to take the risk just yet; there's no harm in waiting just a little while more. Just a little more, when he can be a little more sure of your feelings as well.
"What's with this weird atmosphere?" You joked, an attempt to ignore how fast your heart was racing right now. Lucky for Jongho, you were too busy calming yourself down that you missed the way his body immediately tensed up at your question.
"Uhm, I'm guessing that's-" Jongho points up at the sky that was very far from spectacular-"all today's sunset has to offer." That wasn't the best way to break the awkward silence but oh well...
"Can we wait 5 more minutes?" You had almost lost all hope at this point but you never know what might happened in the next few minutes. Maybe Jongho would finally decide to let you in on his crush's identity as he had promised. Because if he doesn't, then you might. And if it so happens that your feelings for him aren't reciprocated, you were only going to burden him with your feelings. You don't want that, but right now you're barely holding yourself back. "Do you even remember what you promised me?"
"The thing about my crush?"
"Yea, I remember. But today's sunset isn't it." Jongho sighed as he leaned back on his hands, staring up at the now dark sky. "Just wait a little while more."
"Well, but I don't want to miss the timing just like we did with the sunset today so I'll just say it." Your voice was shakier but in no way more timid than usual, perhaps it was the adrenaline that was rushing through your veins right now. Because right now, you couldn't care less about the weight and consequences of your words.
"Choi Jongho, I really like you a lot."
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fr3sh-tragedies · 2 years
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Hug Me
[Attack On Titan] Modern! Touch-Starved! Annie Leonhart x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Brief mentions of slight bullying/toxic friendships
[A/N]: I had planned on adding much more to this, but I wanted to keep it relatively short so I can move on to the next character I plan to write for. I've got a masterlist in my drafts where I'm linking each post I've made for every character, but I don't plan on posting it until I've written for all of the characters I plan on writing for.
Annie shuffled through her backpack for the spare key to [Y/N]’s house, cursing under her breath as she struggled. “Come on, dammit. I know I grabbed them on the way out.” Just as her finger grazed the key ring, the front door flew open to reveal [Y/N] standing there with a warm smile. “Annie, hey! Glad you could make it.” Annie raised an eyebrow and zipped her bag back up. “You sound like I’m showing up to a party of some kind.” [Y/N] chuckled and scratched the back of her neck. “Sorry, I’m just happy you’re actually here.” “I promised I’d come, didn’t I?” “Well, yeah, but…” She looked off to the side, her genuine smile becoming forced. Annie tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s not important. Uh…why don’t you come in?” The [h/c] girl stepped to the side, allowing Annie to walk past her into the den. The blonde gave her a confused--and concerned--glance as she headed inside. [Y/N] quickly locked the door and motioned for Annie to follow her upstairs to her bedroom. They trailed up the steps and into the girl’s room, where Annie often found herself staying when she felt upset or lonely. She dropped her bag down beside the door and took a seat in her usual spot against the headboard, far enough over that she could lean against the wall.
She watched [Y/N]’s movements, which seemed anxious as she searched the room for something to distract herself with. “[Y/N], if something is wrong, you can tell me. Who upset you? You know I’ll kick their ass for you, I just need a name.” A small chuckle passed the girl’s lips at Annie’s comment. The blonde felt more at ease now that she got her to smile. “It’s okay. Just had a few bad experiences with people in the past. It’s not happening anymore, it’s just painful to remember those times.” Annie nodded understandingly. She headed over to her bag and unzipped it. She dug through it for a moment, groaning as she failed to find what she was looking for. “No no no. Ugh, goddammit. I knew I was forgetting something.”
[Y/N] stepped over to peer inside the bag curiously. “What’d you forget?” Annie blushed and looked down, ashamed of what she was going to admit. “You know that stuffed lion I always have with me when I come here? The one I sleep with?” [Y/N] nodded. “I, uh…I forgot to grab it before I headed over.” “Oh.” The blonde sighed and put her bag down. “It wouldn’t be such a big deal if it was only a fidget toy. The problem is: I can’t fall asleep without it.” She never told anyone about this. She found it humiliating that she still had to cradle a stuffed animal at night just to sleep. She felt like a child.
“Oh, I know what you mean. I have the same problem–though I don’t really think it’s a bad thing. I don’t see why people find it so strange that others have comfort objects.” Annie looked up at her in surprise. “You…you sleep with something too?” [Y/N] nodded. “I don’t usually hold it when I have company over since I don’t know who will judge me and who won’t, but yeah. You can hold it tonight if you want to. I don’t mind.” Annie fidgeted with her hands, slowly nodding at length as she returned to her spot on the bed. [Y/N] headed over to the closet and picked something up from under a blanket. She turned to reveal a stuffed panda bear the size of a large pillow. She brought it over and handed it to the blonde with a smile.
“My great grandmother gave it to me before she passed. I didn’t know her very well since I was really young when she died, but it still brings me a lot of comfort.” Annie took it gently from her hands and examined it, her thumbs rubbing circles against the soft, soothing material it was made of. She slowly brought it to her lap and placed it down before cradling it against her chest. She sighed at the contact and blushed, trying to hide it with the head of the bear. “Thank you,” she whispered softly. [Y/N] smiled down at her and nodded before sitting down at the foot of the bed. “Of course.”
They sat there for a while in silence. Annie picked delicately at one of the ears that had been partially torn off, silently wondering what had happened. Probably from aging–[Y/N] had said that she had gotten it at a very young age. Surely it had been through some things during the girl’s early childhood. “So…why do you find comfort in holding things?” Annie’s eyes flickered up to see [Y/N] gazing back at her softly. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks again, spreading up to her ears. “O-Oh, well…I honestly didn’t start holding things at night until high school hit a couple of years ago.”
“Really? What caused it?” The blonde averted her gaze and stared down at the bear in her arms. “I just–um…I like to pretend it's the girl I like,” she admitted sheepishly. [Y/N]’s brows raised in surprise, a small smile toying on her lips. “Oh, that’s really sweet! Maybe someday you’ll get to hold her instead. I’m sure you will.” [Y/N] sounded as though she was being genuine, but there was something else behind her tone that Annie couldn’t quite figure out. “I hope so,” is all she said for a while. Finally, she glanced up. “What about you?” “Hm?” “Why do you find comfort in holding things?” [Y/N] smiled sadly and toyed with her fingers.
“Oh. Because I’m too worried about holding an actual person. I’m worried I’ll make them uncomfortable, or they’ll find me annoying, or–something like that. I don’t know. It just gets so lonely in my room. None of the people I call my “friends” ever stay more than a couple of hours, and that’s just because they’re always ranting to me and never listening to my own problems. I know they’re horrible people, but…I just want people to like me.”
Annie felt her heart aching at the girl’s words. How long had this been going on? Did [Y/N] talk to anyone about this at all? It seemed she truly was as lonely and touch-starved as herself.
“Oh, [Y/N], I had no idea.” [Y/N] chuckled and wiped her eyes before any tears could fall. “It’s alright. I just keep telling myself that someone will come along eventually–probably after high school, honestly. High school students are such bitches.” Annie smiled softly as the girl giggled at her own words. She turned to the blonde and pondered something for a moment. “Annie?” “Yes?” “Can I…can I hug you? Just for a little bit?” Annie’s eyebrows raised in surprise–the same way [Y/N]’s had done just moments ago. She cursed at herself mentally as she felt her face growing red once again. "I-I would..." She averted her gaze and cleared her throat. “I would like that. A lot.”
Within a moment, [Y/N] was across the bed and in front of Annie, tossing her arms over the blonde’s shoulders and pulling her close for one of those warm hugs that Annie had grown so obsessed with over the past few months. She gasped suddenly, her hands flying up to grip [Y/N]’s shoulders. She stayed there for a while, frozen in shock, before the [h/c] girl let out a choked sob. Out of pure instinct, Annie’s arms lowered themselves to move the stuffed bear to the side before pulling her even closer, letting her rest her head against her shoulder.
She felt herself tearing up, just then realizing that she wanted to be held by [Y/N] most of all, even if they weren’t together the way she dreamed. Just feeling her warmth and having the opportunity to take in her scent calmed her and made her happy. She closed her eyes, turning her head and burying her nose into the [h/c] girl’s neck. They stayed like that for a while, Annie gently swaying the two of them back and forth and rubbing her back in a soothing manner.
Although she hated to, [Y/N] did eventually lean back from the hug to wipe her eyes. She smiled tiredly at the blonde. “Sorry for getting so emotional. This year has been…really rough. You just–you’ve helped me through so much already, and I’ve wanted to hold you like that for so long.” Annie blushed, but didn’t mind it this time, a blissful smile painting her lips. “You don’t have to apologize. You’ve helped me through a lot too, believe me. I owe you so much. And I want you to know that hugging doesn’t feel like a chore to me–I really do enjoy getting to be so close to you.” They gazed at each other lovingly for a long moment, unable to hide their smiles. Finally, Annie looked down. “U-Um…so, I was thinking: maybe we could–and you don’t have to say yes–I just thought that maybe we could…”
She sighed after a second, growing embarrassed even further as [Y/N] giggled at her sudden inability to speak properly. “Just take your time. I’m not going to judge you for anything you ask,” she said softly as she rubbed Annie’s arms. “I was just wondering if we could maybe…c-cuddle? Like, while we sleep?” [Y/N] froze, though the blonde didn’t notice because she was still avoiding eye contact. After nearly a solid half-minute of no response, she glanced up through her eyelashes with pleading eyes. “Please…?” [Y/N] stared in shock for another long moment. Annie was about to apologize and tell her to forget about it, but the [h/c] girl suddenly smiled widely and nodded. “I would absolutely love that,” she finally said.
Annie felt her heart flutter. They stared at each other yet again, not sure what move to make to get comfortable and fall asleep. Finally, [Y/N] lied down on the pillow next to Annie, who then shifted down to lie beside her. Sheepishly, she scooted forward and placed her head on [Y/N]’s chest. [Y/N] smiled down warmly at her and wrapped her arms around the blonde to pull her closer. Annie could feel her heart racing–pounding against her ribs–but she didn’t feel ashamed this time because she could hear [Y/N]’s heart beating just as quickly.
She smiled, nuzzled closer, and closed her eyes with a small, soft sigh of content.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
My Baby Penguin
Prompt By @imagining-in-the-margins: Spencer and someone goes to/meet at the aquarium (I saw the Trivia post and had to write this lol ty for making it!)
Spencer Reid x F!OC (Dr. Aaliyah Hadid)
TW: mention of fear and child abductions
A/N: Sorry, this is kinda messy since it's a draft but I thought it was cute so 😭
When Aaliyah Hadid took the day off from the BAU to spend the day with her family at the local aquarium, she didn't expect to debate with a five-year-old about whether or not to get another stuffed animal. It's not like she didn't want to spoil her kid, but it would be an understatement to say that their home was already filled with toys from baby showers and previous birthdays, mostly from her unofficial aunts and uncles.
"Cleo, we talked about this," Liya says sternly while crossing her arms. "You agreed to one stuffed animal." Spencer stood between his two favorite girls struggling to pick a side while his daughter pouted.
"But mami, he's so cute! And Daddy said penguins are super cool, right Daddy?" she turned to him with her big doe eyes.
"She's right, actually. We saw the documentary about Antarctica and actually, many penguin couples can locate each other using distinct calls-" he starts to wave his hands excitedly while explaining before he is interrupted.
"Spence!" she exclaimed. "I love you and your fun facts but you aren't helping right now babe."
"Sorry sweetheart," he apologizes, leaning over to be on the same level as his daughter. "Sorry pumpkin, we already agreed to one stuffed animal right? And we know how important it is to keep our promises." She frowned and gave the soft pumpkin a big hug.
"Okay Daddy," she replied solemnly. Aaliyah chuckles against her will. Daddy's Girl.
As she puts the toy back, Spencer sighs. For some reason, he couldn't live with the guilt that came with not getting her the toy. What if she hates him? Or worse, hates him? Besides, it's just one toy...
"Liya, honey?" he pulls her aside. "Maybe we could try to work out a new agreement?"
"Spencer..." she warns him. "Did she already get to you?"
"I can't help it! She has your perfect eyes," he cradled her face in his hands. She sighed.
"Spence, I love her too, but we can't give in to her every time. We already let her have ice cream and we agreed to extra TV time. If we keep this up, she's going to feel like she can get whatever she wants without any consequence."
"Would that be a bad thing?"
"You know that's not what I- Wait, where did she go?"
The sudden dread kicked in, and it felt like their blood ran cold. The two have worked many abduction cases before and were easily able to sympathize with the parents, but this? Actually, being in this situation? It felt completely different, like wanting to freeze yet feeling a sudden urge to run in every direction possible.
Cleo couldn't have gone that far, that's for sure, and they didn't hear anything, so she was probably not taken by force. But then again, she also wouldn't leave with a stranger, the two taught her better than that.
As they spiraled through their worst fears, they found her in the corner of the other side of the store hugging another penguin that was practically her height. Spencer and Aaliyah threw their arms around the little girl, doing their best to hide their watery eyes.
"Don't ever do that to us again sweetheart, promise us," Spencer begged. All Cleo could do was nod before they released her. She showed off her newfound penguin bigger than the last one.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to show you the big penguin," she sniffled, scared she made her parents mad. Aaliyah kissed her forehead and smiled.
"You know what, fine. We'll get the big penguin. But in return, I want five good snuggles, is that okay?" she asked.
"Okay mami, I love you. And I love you, Daddy. Can you tell me more things about penguins?"
Spencer's face lit up immediately. "Of course, I can sweetheart!"
And as they left the aquarium, Aaliyah reached two conclusions. One, she loves her dorky husband and her adorable daughter unconditionally no matter the ridiculous things they can do sometimes it's not like she hasn't made mistakes either. And two, she will never let her husband handle negotiations with their daughter again.
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snkvnks · 2 years
"Open Diary" by finnsonlyprincess || mike wheeler x fem!reader
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paring (💌) : mike wheeler x fem!reader
warnings (🩰) : fluff 🐑 and light angst. lmk what i missed (not proof read btw)
summary (🍧) : ever since 6th grade, you had a crush on mike wheeler; you've promised yourself to take that secret to your grave as it would most likely ruin you guy's friendship severely, but one day when mike was over at your house, he was snooping around your room after a few minutes of snooping, he found your diary. would he find out?
(a/n) : sorry this is bad lol , still pls enjoy this lovies! 🦢💋
lower case intended (⛸)
Indiana, Hawkins, 1986
~ 7: 45 am ~
"mike! what the hell are you doing up in my room?!" you shout from upstairs as you fix yourself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen, mike stumbles to put your diary away, stuffing it underneath a random pillow on your bed. "nothing (y/n)!" mike shouts sounding nervous, you hear the nervousness in his voice, however, you chose to ignore it as you sit down at the table to eat your breakfast.
~ a couple of minutes later~ :
~ 8:59 am ~
"(y/n) hurry your ass up, we're late for school!" mike tells you in a stern voice, he goes upstairs to drag you from the bathroom where you were still doing your hair . "god wheeler, i swear if you do that shit again, you are so dead." you say in a serious tone emphasizing the word 'so'. both of you were closing in at the school entrance, you hop of your bike and so does he, you and mike walk into the school , once you reach your class you hug mike, " i got to get to class, see you later mike." you say with a smile on your face , he lets go of you and says with a smirk "don't miss me too much (y/l/n)." blushing and smirking you say "i won't miss you at all wheeler." he chuckles at this then he starts walking to class. if only he knew that he just left you with a thousand butterflies in your stomach.
~the next day~ :
you were laying your head down on mike's lap on your bed , you were totally calm and drifting asleep if anything, but soon enough that all comes to an end when mike pulls out your diary and says "hey (y/n), guess what i found yesterday." he starts , smirking like he usually does it's nothing new to you. you clearly see what he was holding, your diary was in his hands and at any moment, he could find out that you have a serious crush him, you jolt up from his lap to sit up attempting to snatch the diary away from his hands however, you fail miserably "micheal wheeler you better give that shit back to me , right now!" you snap at him, he smiles and says "and what if i don't? what will you do?" you roll your eyes at this "what are you even hiding from me, princess?" he says in a joking flirting tone, you were beyond flustered, next thing you know he opened up your diary and started to read it "dear diary, i was overjoyed to see my best friend mike wheeler today and also know as my long time-..." you just spaced out because the next few lines would go into detail about how much of a crush you have on him, you were very embarrassed to say the least. after he finished the whole paragraph, it went silent , mike was just starring at your diary and you had your face buried into one of your pillows, the silence was becoming unbearable so you decide to say something, "hey uhm-" you were cut off "(y/n) ... i don't we should be friends anymore, sorry but i just don't like you in that way.." before you could get a word in he just up and left.
it's safe to say that you were crying a lot that night.
(a/n) : 1) sorry this was so short and it was shit, I'm very tired as of late, but i will get some rest after i post this. 2) do any of all want a part 2? 3) this was saved in my drafts so i don't have to write all day. 4) love yall xx💋
requests 💓:
open atm <3
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