#I imagine it was so much worse for people who aren't as down w/ gore as I am
Really in thinking about the major gangs of RDR2 though, like... why does it seem like no one ever talks about the Skinners Brothers. Because holy sh*t.
Like. In the grand scheme of things the Van Der Linde gang isn’t worth even mentioning. They mostly target big heists, and just to petty theft and what not. Yeah, you could be a target, but at least with them you’ll pretty much just get shot. 
But the Murfree Brood, O’Driscolls, Lemoyne Raiders, Del Lobos, and Skinner Brothers are all like. A serious threat. I’ll admit I’m not that knowledgeable on the Del Lobo gang, but from what I know they sound like your classic Cowboy Outlaw Gang. Riding through towns causing hell, shooting up people, looting, etc. But like. We know that the O’Driscolls are full of rapists, and Murfree Brood has fun by torturing people, and the Skinner Brothers are pretty much like the latter, but like... on a terrifying scale.
Idk if it was rockstars intention, but like. Whenever there’s anything Skinner related, it’s with an insane amount of men. Like literally, where the actual f*ck do they keep coming from? Oh my god just DIE already. That in itself isn’t what’s so f*cked up to me. The part that f*cks me up is that the Skinners, imo, are the most brutal, f*cked up individuals. Scalping, dismembering, disemboweling, roasting and flaying people alive. And there are hundreds of these motherf*ckers. You see enough things in game that really just... holy sh*t. Honestly if I was John, I’d nope tf out on Beechers Hope. I’d be so f*cking petrified they’d get Abby and/or Jack. John is a kick*ss outlaw, but there are hundreds of deranged murderers living in his neck of the woods for the time being. I dunno man. It just f*cks me up to think about. When my brother was playing through the epilogue I was so caught off guard, because they’re so f*cking over excessive. It’s like. They literally found every single f*cked up torturer and threw them in one area. Maybe it was just our experience, but. Man. They like killing in the slowest possible way and they get such a kick out of it. It’s really f*cking unsettling.
I mean look, if you’re killed you’re dead. I know this. But like. If you’re gonna die one way or the other, I for one would greatly prefer to just be shot in the head or chest or w/e than having to endure torture beforehand. Yeah I get “but as long as you’re alive there’s the hope of rescue” but for me personally? F*ck that sh*t this is the wild west. You’re lucky if someone happens to pass by that choses and successfully saves you. So I’m gonna opt for a quick death.
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