#I hope this helps this is kind of no coherent because it's 4am and I have yet to go to sleep lol
deleahtarte · 3 months
hiii waaaaughh OKAY so i just finished reading the newest update to your omegaverse fic and like!! i had spent since yesterday kicking my feet and giggling bc i had read half of it before my 6am dr appt okay?? like i woke up at 4am to read my beloveds, i just adore this story of yours sooo muchh. and then i finished it RN AND HSJAHGHJKSHJS my tummy hurts and i feel so devastated. damn.. what da hell.. and like! LOL hahaha umm wtf @ myself bc i KNOW things are gonna end good (they have to) and stankyle will actually be together fr and know just how in love and cherished the other is to them so theres no reason to feel this sad but it also makes me feel really happy bc.. (damn butters was right -_-) i've felt so empty/depressed for a long while now to where not even stanky could pull me out of that dark pit. i've been feeling a little better just recently and so i wanted to try reading fic again and i just happened to see your email notif and it was like ❤️ a sign. and idk i'm just very thankful your writing, stanky, PREGNANT KYLE, gives me so much emotion flowing through my body again 🤧 thank you so much!! i wanted to write you here since sorry if this is kinda like dumping things onto you, but you dont have to respond! i just really wanted to thank you for everything you do for us readers and i hope you know it means so much to us 🙇‍♀️ hopefully i can leave a much more coherent/less weird comment soon lmao ouughhh theres SOME STUFFF I NEED 2 SAY/THANK YOU ABOUT TOOOOO 💙💚 thank you again, and please take care🫶
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Coming all the way here to send me such kind words is 🤍💕💗💛 I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling so well but I’m glad my fic uplifted you a little!! That’s why I work and release all my fics because I know how art can really help be a momentary escape from our everyday lives and I think everyone should have something like that!! And I am very happy to be one for you!! You didn’t dump anything to me at all and I love, LOVE reading peoples thoughts and comments about my works—makes it worth it every time!! I hope YOU have an incredible day and please take care as well!!
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luvcherry · 3 years
Do you have any tips on writing smut? Sorry if this has been asked before (I'm not sure if it has) I'm new to writing it for my favorite characters I like and it's kind of hard to write but I do enjoy it it's fun.
I swear I answered a similar ask months ago but I can’t find it :(
Anyway, writing smut can be tough! For me it’s because I get burned out on writing sexual content. To remedy this I try to focus on the plot. If there is a concept (smut or not) that you really love, write a fic featuring it! I find that the words flow without problem when it’s a fantasy and a character that I’ve been daydreaming about irl.
You are going to write content that you don’t feel is “good.” Write it anyway. I have trouble with this but I know that I’ll at least write one good sentence or paragraph.
This is a tip given to every writer but read other works often. Also diversify the content you read; fanfics, original works, poems, etc. Since I try to be very active on tumblr and my patreon, I am writing more than I am reading and I can get too much in my head and use the same wording over and over again. Reading really does expand the vocabulary but it also helps you understand sentence structures and pacing. 
Sometimes I write down 1-2 sentence concepts, words, phrases, and ideas whenever I can. My twitter drafts are full with paragraphs of random fics I haven’t even started to write yet. 
I write self-insert fics so I personally don’t describe what ‘Y/n’ looks like because I don’t know what my readers look like and I want it to be inclusive! I find that my writing doesn’t suffer because of the lack of description and plenty of amazing fanfic writers do the same.
Reading my own work is like pulling teeth but editing is a must. I don’t always edit my work so I don’t think it’s always a necessary thing to do. I usually wait a day or a few days after I finish writing because I come back with a clear head. Reading things back drastically improves my work. Even though it’s hard I still try to do it.
Don’t get caught up in the numbers. I need to take my own advice but constantly looking at the word counter has really hindered me! Writing long fics takes stamina that is just rare to come by for a lot of writers. 
The biggest step that transformed my writing was being completely self-indulgent. It’s harder to do that with request, but if I’m writing for a person/character I really like and/or I’m really into the plot then I prioritize that. You work will suffer if you start thinking about how to please people. Some of my best works started off as fanfics for myself and then I shared them on my blog. Sometimes you have to be your own main audience. I know some may see it as just writing fanfiction but writing sexual content can be draining at times.
I have notebooks full of smut that I sometimes read at night before going to bed. You have to be the biggest fan of your work. Now that doesn’t mean you won’t feel like your work is lackluster at times. But removing judgement by viewing your work as some that should make you happy and please you will produce better work. When I was younger on the internet people use to shit on mary-sues, self-inserts, cliches, and work that was clearly self-indulgent. Sometimes those things do make the work suffer but honestly who gives a fuck lmfao! If I want to write about a character I’m really enamored with then I’m going to indulge completely! We are writing for these characters for a reason and there is something about them that attracts us to them so it’s great to show that in the writing. I love reading a fic and being able to tell that the writer is very passionate about the character and what they’re writing. 
Being a “good” writing is subjective. There are people are who are great writers but they’re all so diverse and different. I enjoy the work of my favorite fanfic writers for different reasons so don’t think you need to write in a certain style or write about specific things to be “good.”
It may take some time to find your writing voice. It may also feel like it’s disappeared after you thought you finally understood yourself as a writer. It’s like having an identity crisis lol I’m currently going through this phase for the third time since starting this blog!
This is all I can think of right now but feel free to send anymore questions!
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pessimist-sky · 2 years
I want an update on your life but not the commitment of sending you a message so here I am begging for scraps at the anonymous trough
lmaoo there’s exactly like one person who this could be but i respect the game so i’ll overshare via replies 😎
i have been,,,, okay. i’m studying graphic design except not right now because i’m taking time off to figure out my brain and bones and body which is,,, going lmao. i am on a deadline for getting back to school this fall or else my mom will cut me off which i respect but also i’m falling apart at the seams susan 💀 a bit melodramatic on my part but still. in my journey of figuring out Things™️ i have learned that i have autism which is p swag i guess, a nice contextualization for why i’ve been like this my whole life but also an overwhelming thing to absorb in my little pea brain but i’m getting there. my bones are meh but weed helps and i’m Going To Get My Medical Card So I Don’t Have To Keep Driving Out Of State but i do like road trips lmao i just have to again guilt susan into not disowning me for medical weed because she has weird hangups about it. i’m getting a genetic test and likely a full clinical exam for EDS because apparently i have tons of the main symptoms of that and maybe a doctor should have looked into that five years ago or smthn but whatever cause we’re doing it now and it probs will take a couple months before we know for totally sure whether it is or isn’t that but the odds are in my favor this time that i’ll actually get some form of a diagnosis? and my stomach sucks ass i had to get a colonoscopy and i can’t eat gluten anymore which is like all of my favorite things but as a result i’m a pretty dope cook now and i can make a mean smoothie bowl so i’ve got that going for me haha. but in general i like myself as a person more than i have at any other stage of my life, and i’m getting more enjoyment out of my day to day than i have previously which is growth? i have two jobs which is astounding, i work tech crew AND nanny my nephew boy which is fun because he’s cute and we have many of the same interests which is dope considering he’s not even three, boy has taste. i’m getting along with my sister more than i ever have, and i only have breakdowns about my relationship with my father once every few weeks (though it’s been a lot more often than that due to the fact that rn the theater is doing “Daddy Issues The Musical!” (Big Fish) and so every night im forced to re-examine if one day my dad will die and i’ll have to do all the work of mending our relationship and forgiving him for his failings before he does because in the end he won’t do a single thing to meet me halfway and for some reason we’re supposed to be on the dads side anyway?? but it’s okay i’m talking about that with my good buddy Arlene who is also my therapist. we get on well, arlene and i. but i get to see 5sos on sunday and stray kids in july and mychem in september and i saw bts twice before they split for the next few years and for a person who doesn’t like loud noises or crowds or flashing lights i sure do go to a lot of concerts but they’re fun so long as i get ample recovery time after the fact. my dog is old but he is heathy and kind. so there’s many bads but also some pretty big goods so i’d say i’m in general doing okay. i’m broken a bit but the pieces are getting put back into place in an alright fashion 🤙🏻 i hope a lore dump is what you wanted haha im good at just rambling about my life at 4am but not necessarily at being coherent!
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mercieshana · 4 years
What’s up, Doc? (pt.2)
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Teaser: Your seductive stand-in gynecologist suggests a more thorough and private inspection at his place. 
Characters: You x Jungkook 
Warnings: Some more Doctor Jeon, a pinch of DADDY, a sprinkle of fingering, two shots of dominance, a trace of forceful fucking and a hint of cum-play. 
Word count: ~1.9k
Note: I do not usually do pt.2s to stories, as I feel that they may not live up to my- or your standards and I am afraid that they won’t be nearly as good as the 1st. However, a couple of you were requesting a pt.2, so I don’t want to leave you guys hanging. I hope it isn’t utter trash >.<! Super nervous about posting this! Please enjoy, be safe, and excuse my typos! This is another 4am affair!!!
Read pt.1 here
“Hmmm, it still seems to be awfully wet down there,” his manly voice echoed through the room, “I think you need a more thorough inspection… at my house.” 
That thought consumed your mind, as you found yourself at his expensive place with your body, that was only shielded by your panty’s, pressed against the sheets of his bed with him staring deeply into your dark eyes. His dark orbs exuded danger, hunger, and dominance, as he peered into what felt like your very soul, making your heartbeat race yet again. He had you trapped between his arms, with his jet black hair a bit disheveled, his white doctor’s coat hanging open and his angry erection pounding visibly against the confides of his black pants. For a moment, there was absolute silence, with only the two of you staring into each other’s eyes; the sexual tension between the two of you being so thick that you would’ve easily been able to cut it with a knife.
Jungkook was the first to break the silence, after getting off of the bed. He slowly slipped out of the white cloth of his coat and then his shirt below it, exposing his wonderfully toned chest that heaved with every breath he took. The sight of that made you bite down on your lower lip and you pressed your thighs together in anticipation. While he was unbuckling the black Versace belt that secured his pants, he said: “(Y/N), let daddy inspect you, a bit more thoroughly.”
The second after that sentence slipped past his juicy, pink lips, his pants dropped to the floor and he pulled his large erection out of his Armani boxer’s. His cock was so big and angry looking, with precum just oozing out of the tip, with the light that was flooding in through the large wall of glass windows making it glisten, that it made your heart skip a beat. He could see the shock and horror that crept onto your face as his large hand wrapped around his dick to pump it a few times. He had nice big balls too and you couldn’t wait to feel them slap against your skin, but there was one problem... how was all that supposed to fit!? Nervously, you tried to think of some kind of escape plan or possibly a way to make him fit, but you just simply couldn’t think of one.
“J-Jungkook-,” your words were interrupted by him correcting you and reminding you to call him daddy in a dominant voice that made your insides turn.
“D-Daddy,” you started again, stuttering, “how is that supposed to fit?”
His loud, dark chuckle sounded through the partially dark room, sending a shiver through your whole body. He was going to destroy you! That demon!
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), it will fit,” he replied and it was hardly reassuring. You watched him make his way towards you, slowly inching closer and closer to you who was located in the center of the spacious bed. You couldn’t help, but feel scared. Your mind was screaming that you needed to escape this beast, but your body was frozen in place with desire and want. You could feel the area between your legs burning up, burning up for Jungkook’s attention. Nobody had ever made you feel the way he did. He was like a drug and you were already addicted. 
Next thing you knew, he was on top of you, attacking the sensitive flesh of your neck to leave more marks. You took this time to carefully trace the length of his monstrous cock with your small, delicate hand and what you felt made you even more anxious.
“I don’t think it’s going to fit,” you repeated, trying to wiggle out from under him, but his strong hand wrapped around your tiny throat without hesitation, choking you while simultaneously keeping you in place.
“Oh, I know you aren’t trying to run, are you?” he smiled deviously, his long tongue darting out to wet his sinful lips. Even if you wanted to reply you couldn’t, the grip he had on your throat barely made it able for you to make a sound, let alone breathe, yet it was still turning you on so much that you felt the fabric of your underwear stick to your pussy lips. You began to rub your thighs together for some kind of friction and relief, because the heat down there was starting to become unbearable.
Jungkook leaned forward, not loosening the strong hold he had on your throat and whispered into your ear: “Your inspection isn’t over yet. Be a good patient, so daddy won’t have to restrain you.”
His words made goosebumps form across your whole body. You had nowhere to run. All you could do was take the merciless assault he was about to start on your body that was waiting for him with excitement. Nipples erect and pussy wet in anticipation.
You watched him lean down to take your perky nipple into his mouth. The feeling of his tongue circling the sensitive nub made you release a tiny squirm. Jungkook loosened his hold a bit, so he could hear you scream when he bit down on your nipple. The sound that escaped your velvety lips made his dick jump.
“Your boobs are still fine, but what about..,” your eyes widened the moment his hand wrapped around your soaked panty’s and tore them off violently, removing them from your body and throwing them onto the floor in one swift motion.
“..down here,” he smirked, staring into your eyes, as he forcefully parted your legs with his legs and ran a large digit along the ocean of your slit, only to thrust it in not even a second later. Your whole body reacted and Jungkook smiled triumphantly. He did not hesitate to go straight for your g-spot and inserted yet another finger for more pleasure. Not even two minutes later you were coming undone under his touch with him watching your every move. The pleasure he was dishing out had become too much for you to handle and your whole body was at his mercy. Beads of sweat had formed all over your bodies and the two of you were panting, but Jungkook was not done inspecting you.
“Hmm, it seems to be fine, but let me make sure that your pussy is working correctly,” you heard him whisper into your ear, his tongue coming out to sensually caress the shell of your ear. You squirmed at the unfamiliar sensation, further boosting Jungkook’s ego.
Suddenly, you found yourself flipped onto your stomach, Jungkook’s hand aggressively tangled in your hair with your ass up in the air, facing him. 
“Daddy, I-I’m not ready! It won’t fit,” you protested fearfully. You wanted him so badly and you knew it, but you just couldn’t see how he was supposed to make his way inside you. You felt him position the tip of his cock at your entrance. Scared, you tried to push off of him a bit, the courage that was left inside of you immediately fleeing your being as soon as you felt him rub his head through the wetness of your folds.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N),” he said soothingly and you felt relieved for a moment. Your body relaxed. You couldn’t feel him at your entrance anymore.
“I’ll make it fit,” he suddenly and skillfully thrust his length inside of your tight core, earning a loud yelp from you. Oh, how you wanted to push off of his large dick that was stretching you out to the point where you felt like you couldn’t stretch out any further, but the hand he had in your hair was keeping you in place, no matter how much you fought.
“The more you run, the further in I go,” he threatened you. Your pussy started to tighten around him and it became even more aroused at the sound of his dominant words. You never knew that you were so into being forced into submission, but you were sure learning about it and yourself.
“Ah, daddy,” you shouted in pain and pleasure, but also to further play into the fantasy that you were having in your head. Jungkook fucked you like you had never been fucked before. He pounded your pussy so good and hard that you were left unable to form coherent sentences while you were tearing the sheets off of his bed. The pain that was present at first subsided and all you were left with was wild, animalistic pleasure and excitement that was rushing through your being. The way you felt his skin slap against yours, with his hard, big balls hitting your clit and heard his grunts and growls ripping through the hot air, made you want his cum. You wanted him to shoot his seed inside of you. Never had you ever had such crazy and wild thoughts. This proved that Jungkook was like no other that you had ever encountered before. You cried and moaned helplessly under his grip as his large frame towered over yours while he fucked you senseless. The way he was angling his dick and the spots he was hitting made it hard to hold on to your sanity. What felt like not even a moment later, you could sense yourself rushing towards your high and then you were inevitably sent over the edge, with stars now clouding your vision.
“Fuck, Jungkoooook~,” you cried out with your eyes screwed shut, cumming on his cock, hard. The way your pussy convulsed around him and gripped him tighter made Jungkook growl and pound into you harder. You could tell he was close, as his thrusts were becoming erratic and low grunt sere slipping past his lips more frequently. 
“I’m about to cum,” he moaned, almost breathlessly, sweat dripping down his body and forming beads on his forehead.
“Cum inside me, daddy,” you stated erotically, as if possessed by some kind of a sex demon. With that Jungkook lost all control and his potent, hot seed made its way from his balls all the way to his slit and shot out inside of you to coat your sweet walls. It felt so good inside you and it was so much that you were sure it would flood out the instant he removed his dick from inside of you. However, you stayed like that for a moment, his cock still inside you while his sweaty body was glued to your sweaty, the two of you struggling to regain your breath. As he lifted himself off of you and removed himself from inside of you a while later to retrieve some tissues to clean you and himself up, you turned to face him, his cum leaking out of your pussy. 
A smile consumes his face, as he saw your cute disheveled hair, your sexy “I just got fucked” expression and his seed dripping from your entance.
When he returned with a rag and some tissues, he saw you sitting up on the bed, a huge blush spreading across your face the second the two of you made eye contact.
“Are you alright?” he questioned, the caring and kind Jungkook you had encountered in the office a few hours earlier making an unexpected return.
“D-doc, I don’t feel so good. I think I should come in for regular checkups,” you whined suggestively and bit down on the finger that was positioned on your bottom lip.
A dark, mysterious, and devious smirk crept back onto Jungkook’s face and, from that moment on, you knew that this adventure was far from over.
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alostsock · 4 years
You shouldn’t have (1/2?)
"Shit," Eddie swore under his breath. Buck quirked an eyebrow, looking up at him from where he was slumped on the couch, reading a book. "My phone just died, I was about to call Carla to tell her to drop Chris off at Pepa's instead of Abuela's."
"I told you you need to stop playing Candy Crush," Buck said with a smirk. Eddie sent him a pleading look and Buck rolled his eyes, handing over his own phone before turning back to his book.
“Password?” Eddie questioned. Buck wordlessly held out his thumb for Eddie to unlock the phone, not looking up from his page. Eddie pressed the unlock button to Buck’s thumb, opening up the phone app as soon as it was unlocked. He snorted, and Buck looked up with a frown.
“Who you been calling, Buck? You called this 1-800 number three times this week.”
Buck paled. “Uh, nobody. Just... tech support.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Come on Buck, we’re with the same carrier, this isn’t their customer service number.
“Was thinking of switching,” Buck retorted.
“These calls are all time-stamped the middle of the night, Buckley.” Buck opened and closed his mouth several times, desperately looking for something to say. “And they’re long, too.” Eddie raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “What’s got you so defensive, Buck? This a sex line or something?”
Buck spluttered. “No! No, just...”
Eddie snorted. “I get it, Buck, we’ve all got needs. And I mean it has been a while since Ali. But like...” he looked back at the phone, scrolling a bit through the call history, “isn’t this a bit much? We need to find you a real girl, man.”
If Eddie didn’t know better, he’d have said that Buck’s lip quivered, but Buck didn’t respond to the jabs. He rolled his eyes and got up with a huff, telling Eddie to “just make the call already,” before saying he was going to the bathroom and heading off.
Eddie quickly called Carla, hoping to catch her before she left home to pick Chris up from school. Message relayed, he thanked her with a grateful “I seriously don’t know what we’d do without you,” before hanging up. Pressing the end button brought him back to the recent calls list, and he chuckled to himself, shaking his head. His thumb hovered over the most recent call to the mysterious number. Should he? It was almost definitely some sort of violation of privacy, especially since he knew what the number was for already. But this was Buck, and what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t pass up this prime opportunity for teasing material? Besides, he’d make sure to take Buck out later. He was a pretty good wingman, if he did say so himself. Decision made, he pressed the number, biting back his laughter as the phone rang.
When the automated voice started giving him menu options, however, Eddie blanched and nearly dropped the phone in surprise. He frantically looked around the firehouse loft, but Buck was nowhere to be seen.
Buck didn’t really need to use the bathroom, but he definitely did need to leave before Eddie made any more jokes about him calling a sex line. Despite the fact that it wasn’t actually a sex line, not clearing his call history before giving someone his phone to use was a stupid, rookie move. He splashed some water on his face before sitting down heavily on one of the locker room benches, dropping his head into his hands. His ears were still burning in embarrassment, but he forced himself to take a deep breath. He could do this. A sex line was pretty in-character for Buck 1.0, wasn’t it? He could play this off as a joke. He could laugh about it. It was better than Eddie knowing the truth, anyway.
He felt his anxiety building despite himself, and he tried to settle his racing heart, desperately trying to think of things to say when he went back to get his phone from Eddie. Should he make a joke? Should he pretend Eddie never saw anything? Buck was very much lost in his thoughts and starting to feel a little woozy as he was startled out of his reverie by the sound of someone clearing their throat. He looked up to see Eddie looking back at him with a strange look on his face. Buck was almost sure he looked nervous. What did Eddie have to be nervous about? Buck hadn’t even decided what he was going to say, this was too soon, he needed a few more minutes to himself -
“Buck...” Eddie cut off Buck’s spinning thoughts. “Buck... I’m... I’m sorry.” Buck frowned. “It was an invasion of privacy, for me to look at your call history like that.”
Oh. Right. Yeah. Buck could work with that.
“Yeah, it was Eddie. Thank you for -” but Eddie cut him off again with a shake of his head.
“I called the number, Buck.”
Buck’s heart picked up the pace again. He wondered if he was going to throw up.
“You... you what?”
“I um... I thought it would be funny. I thought I could make fun of you for whatever cheesy voice answered but then we could go out for some drinks and just have a guys’ night out, or something. I didn’t meant to...”
“You didn’t mean to what, Eddie? You didn’t mean to look? You didn’t mean to call? I don’t think either of those things were accidents.” Anger - Buck could do anger. It was better than the awful hollowness that he’d been drowning in lately. “But I’m glad you got a laugh out of it.” Buck got up off the bench, ready to storm off, when Eddie put a hand on his shoulder. Buck couldn’t help it, he flinched. Eddie took a step back, hands held up apologetically.
“I... I know what kind of phone line it is, Buck. I heard the message, I...”
“Great, Eddie. Now you know. Can I please have my phone back so I can leave, already?”
Buck still had a few hours left in his shift, but anywhere would be better than stuck in the locker room with Eddie. Maybe Hen would be willing to play Mario Kart with him. He needed a distraction.
Eddie made no move to give back the phone clutched tightly in his hand, so Buck huffed out a breath, turning to leave anyway. He couldn’t deal with this.
“I know it was a suicide helpline, Buck,” Eddie blurted out. Buck was now almost certain he was going to throw up. He blinked furiously, trying to clear the tears that were building in his eyes, before he made to leave again. Eddie grabbed his wrist. “Can we please... talk? Please, Buck? Just for a minute?”
Buck sighed. With the nausea that was building, maybe it was best he stayed close to the bathrooms anyway. So, he reluctantly sat back down on the bench, keeping his gaze determinedly on the ground as Eddie sat down next to him. The other man was silent for a moment, before he held out Buck’s phone to him. Buck snatched it back, shoving it in his pocket without saying anything. If Eddie wanted to talk, well then Eddie could talk. Buck had nothing to say.
“Why’d you call a suicide helpline, Buck?” Buck snorted. Wasn’t it obvious?
Eddie ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “No, I know that’s a dumb question. How... how long have you been feeling like... like this, Buck?”
Buck shrugged. Even if he had wanted to answer, it was honestly hard to remember a time in his life when he hadn’t felt like this in some way. The intensity of the hopelessness seemed to rise and fall, but he was very familiar with the sleepless nights. Eddie hovered his hand as if he wanted to put it on Buck’s knee, but when he saw Buck tense he put it back on his own with a sigh.
“I... I know this year has been hard, Buck. But why didn’t you just... call? You have to know you can call me.”
Buck snorted. “At four in the fucking morning, Eddie?”
“We call you at 4am all the time, Buck. You’re always willing to talk to Chris after a nightmare, I know you love him so much, you have to know he feels the same? That he’d do the same?” The I’d do the same went unsaid, but Eddie hoped Buck heard it anyway. (He didn’t.)
“I do know that actually. I know that Chris would be willing to talk on the phone if I called him in the middle of the night. Somehow that kid is the best person I’ve ever met, but I’m not going to call your nine-year-old to tell him that I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about how much I want to kill myself.”
Eddie flinched. Buck was breathing hard, and despite himself he felt a tear slip down his cheek before he wiped it away furiously. “I hope you called Carla. You should charge your phone.”
With that Buck was gone, the locker room door swinging angrily shut behind him as he stormed off. Eddie could do nothing but sit as he blinked in shock, trying to think of what he could say to Buck - to his friend who was clearly hurting. But, before he could form a coherent thought, the bell rang and they were off.
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islelight · 5 years
kisses her forehead. " i love you. "
unprompted !  //  @fireize
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      SHE  WAKES  UP  IN  A  COLD  SWEAT ,  her  chest  heaving  with  strangled  breaths  as  she’d  nearly  sprung  out  of  bed .  she’s  trembling  from  head  to  toe ,  her  blue  eyes  wide  with  fear  as  she  attempts  to  steady  her  breathing .  unsurprisingly  taking  deep  breaths  &  trying  to  clear  her  mind  of  what  she’d  just  seen  do  little  to  help  her .  that  had  almost  always  been  the  case  when  she’d  had  nightmares  like  these .
      SHE  WOULDN’T  SAY  her  night  terrors  were  an  uncommon  occurrence .  on  the  contrary  they’re  quite  frequent ,  frequent  enough  that  she  knows  the  patterns  which  stem  from  her  troubled  mind  &  the  anxiety  &  fear  she  feels  when  she  awakes .  not  that  that  makes  the  process  any  less  distressing .  coming  across  a  bear  in  the  woods  is  still  terrifying  regardless  if  you’ve  seen  one  before  &  know  what  they  look  like .  if  anything  it  makes  it  worse  because  you  know  exactly  what’s  to  become  of  you  should  things  turn  for  the  worse .
      THE  DREAMS  ARE  ALWAYS  THE  SAME ,  ever  since  she  can  remember .   though  they  have  different  variations ,  the  theme  is  always  the  same .  kairi ,  stranded ,  helpless  &  unable  to  do  anything  as  she  watches  the  people  she  love  perish  &  fade  before  her  eyes .  the  main  characters  in  play  can  be  any  one  of  her  friends  &  loved  ones .  sometimes  it’s  sora ,  sometimes  it’s  riku .  however  the  star  of  tonight’s  show  is  her  own  brother .  
      THE  DREAMS  WITH  LEA  along  with  sora  &  riku’s  scare  her  the  most ,  hurt  her  the  most  she  thinks .  she  has  the  most  to  lose  in  those  cases .  after  all  whether  they  be  blood  or  not  there’s  nothing  worse  than  losing  your  family ,  feeling  like  you  can’t  do  anything  to  help  them  as  they  disappear  before  her  eyes .  &  perhaps  it’s  worse  knowing  that  she’s  lost  all  three  of  them  before  in  reality .  sure  they  all  have  returned  in  the  end  (  or  …  she  hopes  they’ll  return  in  the  end  in  the  case  of  sora .  )  but  there  was  a  point  in  time  where  she  had  to  live  &  cope  without  them ,  several  times  in  fact .  kairi  doesn’t  think  she  can  bear  to  lose  someone  else ,  not  again .
      SEVERAL  MINUTES  PASS  &  kairi  finds  her  qualms  ceasing  to  settle ,  her  heartbeat  at  a  constant  speedy  drum .  she  knows  she’s  not  going  to  be  able  to  sleep  tonight ,  not  while  she’s  here  all  alone  in  the  dark .  as  homey  &  comfortable  her  apartment  is  kairi  finds  herself  missing  the  days  when  she  when  she  didn’t  live  by  herself .  it  makes  things  like  this  harder  when  she’s  waken  to  her  own  loneliness  after  just  watching  someone  she  love  perish .  no  she  can’t  do  this .  she  can’t  stay  here .  therefore  she  rises  from  her  bed  &  exits  her  apartment ,  her  hands  still  shaking  as  she  closes  the  door  behind  her .
      LEA  &  ISA’S  APARTMENT  ISN’T  FAR  from  her’s  &  even  if  it  was  she  wouldn’t  care .  she  has  to  see  him ,  needs  to  see  him .  just  to  make  sure  that  he’s  alive  &  safe .  it’s  an  irrational  worry  she  knows  that  but  it’s  also  a  worry  that  won’t  resolve  itself  until  she  sees  him  again .  &  kairi ,  ever  the  impatient  is  not  going  to  wait  until  morning  to  do  so .
      THE  SKY  IS  STILL  DARK  when  kairi  steps  outside  to  the  streets  of  twilight  town .  she  hadn’t  checked  the  time  before  she  left  but  she’d  guess  it  was  between  2am  &  4am .  she  hadn’t  gone  to  bed  particularly  early  but  she  at  least  was  asleep  by  midnight .  she  would  perhaps  feel  sorry  to  wake  them  if  she  wasn’t  so  anxious .  she  knows  lea  especially  values  his  rest .  but  sometimes  you  just  can’t  help  being  scared  &  needing  to  see  your  big  brother ,  even  if  you’re  a  chosen  keyblade  wielder  nearing  adulthood .
      IT  DOESN’T  TAKE  HER  LONG  to  reach  his  apartment ;  just  about  five  minutes  across  the  street  &  another  five  to  get  to  his  floor  &  suite .  she’s  not  exactly  subtle  about  her  arrival  as  she  slams  her  fist  hard  &  fast  against  the  door .  it  is  most  definitely  rude  of  her  to  knock  in  this  manner  but  it’s  her  brother  we’re  talking  here .  she  thinks  he  can handle  a  little  rudeness  (  isa  maybe  not  so  much  ) .
      AFTER  A  MOMENT  SHE  HEARS  a  grumble  from  the  other  side  of  the  door .  despite  it  being  muffled  she  recognizes  the  voice  is  lea’s .  she  knows  her  brother  anywhere  (  well  now  at  least .  prior  to  having  her  memories  restored  that’s  a  very  different  story  entirely  ) .   she  doesn’t  need  to  see  him  or  hear  him  coherently  to  know  her  brother .  the  door  opens  &  there’s  lea  in  all  his  tall  glory  (  in  fact  he’s  stooping  a  little  since  he  can’t  fit  entirely  through  the  doorway  ) .  he  looks  incredibly  exhausted  &  grumpy  as  he  opens  the  door ,  grumbling  “    geeze ,  what  the  hell  is  all  the  racket  fo —    ”
      HIS  WORDS  ARE  CUT  OFF  abruptly  when  kairi  rushes  at  him  &  wraps  her  arms  around  his  middle  in  a  fierce  hug .  instantly  she’s  comforted ,  calm  even .  it’s  just  like  those  times  when  they  were  living  together  in  radiant  garden  &  lea  was  the  only  thing  that  could  soothe  her  after  a  nightmare .  &  perhaps  they’re  not  the  same  people  they  used  to  be  since  then  but  the  safety  she  feels  in  his  arms  remains  constant  even  against  the  scourges  of  time .
      LEA’S  QUICK  TO  RETURN  THE  HUG ,  his  initial  annoyance  vanishing  as  soon  as  he  sees  who’s  exactly  at  his  door  &  reads  the  tone  of  the  situation .  he  gives  her  a  squeeze  &  kairi  finds  herself  sniffing  a  little  as  tears  of  relief  flood  her  eyes .  she  buries  her  face  further  into  his  chest  as  she  croaks .  ❛    i - i’m  sorry  i  just  —  i  had  to  see  you .  it  was  another  —    ❜
      “    ANOTHER  NIGHTMARE .    ”  lea  finishes  the  sentence  for  her ,  his  voice  calm  &  even .  he  knows  her  just  as  she  knows  him ,  like  the  back  of  their  hands .  he  knows  how  the  nightmares  are ,  ever  since  they  were  young .  they  might  have  increased  in  intensity  since  then  but  the  way  he  responds  is  still  the  same .  “    it’s  okay  kairi .  i  understand .  you  don’t  have  to  feel  bad  about  coming  to  see  me  for  stuff  like  that ,  okay ?    ”   
      KAIRI  FEELS  A  LIGHT  AMOUNT  of  pressure  to  the  crown  of  her  head  for  a  moment  that  she  recognizes  as  lea  giving  her  a  comforting  kiss .  this  only  makes  her  squeeze  tighter  on  him  as  she  feels  herself  needing  his  warmth .  she  feels  foolish ,  still  needing  her  big  brother  after  all  this  time .  she’d  learned  to  cope  without  him  for  over  ten  years  &  now  that  he’s  back  she  doesn’t  know  how  to  be  without  him .  maybe  that’s  the  thing  about  wounds .  once  you’ve  been  broken  there  once  you  become  more  fragile  &  sensitive  to  getting  hurt  again .  
      WHEN  THEY  BREAK  APART  lea  opens  the  door  a  little  wider  so  she  can  pass  through  it .  she  smiles  at  him  gratefully ,  quickly  wiping  the  tears  from  her  eyes  as  she  enters  the  room .  she  still  feels  a  little  shaken  up  even  after  seeing  him  so  she’s  a  little  slow  to  reach  the  couch  on  the  other  side  of  the  room .  she’s  still  walking  over  when  she  hears  the  door  to  the  master  bedroom  open  &  a  see  a  figure  pop  out  of  the  doorway .
      THE  SIGHT  SHE  SEES  BEFORE  HER  is  enough  to  not  only  ease  what’s  on  her  mind  but  completely  knock  the  wind  out  of  her .  there  in  the  doorway  is  isa  dressed  in  a  blue  silk  robe ,  his  face  completely  covered  in  a  green  substance  kairi  can  only  assume  is  some  kind  of  face  mask .  she  has  to  stop  herself  from  bursts  out  laughing .  oh  she  wished  she’d  taken  her  gummiphone  when  she  came  here  now .  
    “    LEA ?  WHO  WAS  AT  THE  DOOR ?  —  oh .    ”  his  eyes  fall  to  kairi  who  is  now  snickering  quietly  to  herself  &  his  face  hardens  ever  so  slightly  (  in  fact  kairi  probably  wouldn’t  have  noticed  the  change  in  expression  has  it  not  shifted  the  placement  of  his  mask  ) .  he  gives  kairi  a  short  nod  before  turning  tail  &  returning  back  inside  the  bedroom .  she’s  not  sure  if  his  lack  of  a  greeting  is  out  of  embarrassment  of  his  appearance  or  due  to  the  state  of  their  relationship  at  the  moment  &  frankly  kairi’s  not  really  in  the  mood  to  think  about  that  at  the  moment .  she’s  got  enough  on  her  plate  right  now .
      STILL  GIGGLING  A  LITTLE kairi  finally  has  the  will  to  get  to  the  couch  across  the  room .  in  a  moment  she’s  curled  up  on  it ,  resting  her  head  on  the  armrest  as  she  prepares  to  sleep  once  more .  however  in  a  moment  or  two  she  feels  a  blanket  placed  over  her  &  a  warm  hand  patting  her  head .  she  opens  her  eyes  &  looks  up  at  lea  looking  down  at  her  tenderly .  kairi  smiles ,  ❛   thank  you  lea ,  for  everything .   ❜
      LEA  RETURNS  HER  SMILE  with  a  soft  one  of  his  own ,  bending  down  again  to  press  a  gentle  kiss  to  her  forehead  much  like  the  times  he  did  when  she  was  a  child  &  he’d  kiss  her  goodnight .  “    i  love  you ,  kairi .  don’t  forget ,  i’m  always  here  for  you .  i’ll  always  be  around  to  chase  off  those  nightmares  for  you .    ”  
      SHE  FEELS  HER  HEARTSTRINGS  tug  at  his  words  though  all  the  same  she  doesn’t  quite  believe  them .  not  that  she  thinks  he’ll  abandon  her  but  she  knows  fate  has  never  been  kind  to  either  of  them  &  it’s  only  a  matter  of  time  before  they’re  forced  to  part  ways  once  more .  she  dreads  the  day  this  will  come ,  dreads  it  every  waking  moment .  but  for  now  she’s  just  going  to  savor  the  time  she  has  with  him ,  how  long  or  short  it  may  be .
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mintyjin · 6 years
neighbor au: yugyeom
sorry for less posts lately- it’s finals season and I got into a super cool thing but that means I gotta plan for it and life is crazy
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no one likes the graveyard shift, not really 
you definitely don’t like it, but what can you do? gotta pay for university somehow 
but it’s not all bad, you know. the graveyard shift is how you met yugyeom 
he’s the only other tenant who gets back to the building at 4:12am
that breeds an odd sort of friendship 
the sort of friendship where you run into each other with tired eyes and hoods pulled over your heads, meet each other’s eyes and laugh
like dude... why the fuck aren’t we asleep? 
you’ve grown accustomed to each other, so much so that you’ll pull out your earbuds to talk to each other for a few minutes before going into your respective apartments and collapsing 
yugyeom knows all about your job and it’s horrible, monotonous shifts spent staring at a glaring computer screen until your eyes ache, but you actually don’t know why he’s out this late 
guessing by the bag he carries at all times, he’s probably a student 
you feel like you remember seeing some math books outside his door
yeah, he’s a student. that’s gotta be it
in the elevator up to your floor, yugyeom will pull a protein bar out of his pocket and offer it to you 
like... he always has them
finally you ask him if he ever eats anything else. like does the boy have a balanced diet or does he live entirely off protein bars cause uh
“I ate some ramen for breakfast!” 
“....I’m sorry I asked.” 
“Ah, Y/N, so judgmental.”
and you’re like listen here you little shit if you stay up this late all the time then you need to take care of yourself 
besides, being a regular student makes it hard to stay healthy, so night classes? you really got to take care of yourself
yugyeom stiffens up a bit and looks at you cautiously out of the corner of his eye
“Night classes?” he repeats
“Aren’t you a student?” you ask
“Yes... but only by day.”
and you’re about to ask what he means when the elevator doors open and he gets off, waving goodbye with a smile and trudging off to bed
so... yugyeom has a secret
the next day, you go out of your way to walk by yugyeom’s door before you head to class
to your surprise, there’s a note taped to it
“Yugyeom, back to the usual place tonight. Call me. JB” 
...what? what? what? 
what! does! that! mean!
date? drugs? what? 
and like, you could just text yugyeom and ask him, but that would mean admitting to having snooped around a bit, so... no
you see him after your shift the next day and you almost ask him what he meant by only being a student by day but,,,, he looks rough
his eyes are bloodshot, he’s sweaty, he’s pale 
“Are- are you ok?” you ask, feeling concern rise in your chest
“Uh, I had a rough night. I’ll be ok, I just need sleep. And coffee. Tomorrow.” 
“No, seriously, Yugyeom. You look like you just survived a tsunami. What happened?”
and he’s obviously exhausted, no doubt from staying up so late nearly every night combined with whatever happened to make him look so dreadful 
but when you fret over him, he looks shocked for a second, his mouth forming a little o, and then he smiles 
and sure, it’s a pretty thin-lipped smile, but it meets his eyes 
and if you were paying attention, you would’ve noticed his ears get pink
“It’s just my hyungs,” he says by way of explanation. “It’s a long story- I’ll tell you next time, ok?” 
“Um, ok,” you say, watching yugyeom take a step out of the elevator 
the doors start to close behind him but you can’t hold back
you stop the doors closing and call, “Yugyeom!” 
surprised, he whips his head back to meet your eyes
“Take care of yourself, ok? I can’t lose my 4am elevator buddy.” 
finally, he grins
“You, too, Y/N,” he says, waving and stifling a yawn
you smile back, feeling a little better as the elevator doors finally close 
totally unaware that you’ve completely turned his attitude around
he’s gone all smiley and blushy and he’s like... y/n... is pretty cute...
the next night, your shift goes on longer than usual
something came up and your boss demanded you stay after to fix a minuscule problem that anyone could’ve fixed, really 
but she seemed especially insistent that you do it
the life of a corporate slave, amiright
and as you make the trek back to your building, the sky is already starting to get brighter
needless to say, you’re in a terrible mood
with the looks to match, surely, with messy hair and hooded eyes, red from you rubbing them every few minutes 
you stumble into your building, heading blindly to the elevator
is that.... 
it’s yugyeom
“I was waiting for you to get back.” 
you’re stunned. “What?” 
he nervously fidgets with his hands. “We’re 4am elevator buddies, right?”
you can’t help but laugh at that
“It’s not exactly 4am anymore...” 
“Still, it feels wrong to ride the elevator at a weird hour without you. Also, I told you I’d explain something.” 
oh yeah! you’d almost forgotten about yugyeom’s deathly appearance in the midst of dealing with your boss
“Yeah, what was up with-” 
“Do you want to go up to the roof?” 
and you’re exhausted. you’re so so so very tired. but yugyeom has hopeful eyes and a smile begging to pull at his lips and you can’t help but want to see him smile all the time so you sigh and say you might as well go up to the roof 
and when his face lights up, you feel yourself mirror his expression
cause listen- yugyeom is cute
always doing some dorky shit to make you smile
you want to spend time with him outside of an elevator. and if that means going to the roof of your apartment complex instead of falling into bed, so. be. it. 
yugyeom never disappoints, you know. on the elevator up, he offers you a protein bar
“Chocolate brownie or cookie dough?” 
“Honestly, Yugyeom, you’ve got to start eating some fruit.” 
“Stop nagging me! Yah, between you and Jinyoung-” 
and when the doors open, you’re laughing your ass off at yugyeom’s whining, totally forgetting about sleeping 
who needs sleep when you have a cute boy? exactly 
it’s a bit cold so far above the ground, though, especially this early in the morning
you cross your arms, content to just bear with it, but then yugyeom drops to the ground and unzips his bag and pulls out a blanket, holding it out to you
and you’re like,,,, yugyeom wtf 
but hey! blankets are warm! so you take it, wrapping it around your shoulders and sitting down on a raised concrete slab, motioning for yugyeom to sit next to you
and he does, albeit hesitantly 
“So...” you start, “you promised to explain?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s kind of a long story...” 
“Well, I’m already up this late, so I might as well hear it.” 
yugyeom just nods a really quick, tense nod and clears his throat 
“So, you were right. I am a student. But I don’t take night classes. I’m out so late all the time because I’m on a dance team.” 
“A dance team? But why does that-”
“There’s seven of us and our schedules never line up, so we rehearse late at night.” 
and like,,, that’s weird, but it makes sense
“The other night, when you said I looked terrible, we had a fight. We’re ok now, but... fighting with friends is never fun.” 
“So, can I see you dance?” 
“Right now?” 
“Right now.” 
“I don’t have music!” 
“You have a phone, don’t you?”
“....OK, just let me find the song.” 
you’re like yes!!! this is going to be so good
but when a familiar kendrick song starts playing from his phone and yugyeom starts to dance, your jaw falls open a bit
you didn’t expect him to be this good
it’s just that he looks like he was born to do exactly what he’s doing 
when he finishes, you applaud somewhat unintentionally 
and yugyeom is blushing and running his fingers through his hair and he’s a little winded and boi he’s attractive 
you swallow to keep yourself from drooling and lose your shit because yugeyom... how come you never told me you’re so good at dancing omfg can you teach me actually no I'm hopeless but can I come to one of your shows maybe? wait do you have shows? you never got into that I still don't know a lot but you’re so good! so hyped to call you my friend!
and yugyeom laughs and pulls you to your feet
“I’ll teach you to dance.”
but it’s different from what he did
one hand tentatively rests just above your waist, the other lightly takes your hand
and you’re freaking out cause omfg is kim yugyeom going to dance with me??? but also this blanket is falling off my shoulders oh dear
but then yugyeom starts to move ever so slightly to the side, guiding you, and you just let the blanket slide off
who cares about the blanket
and neither of you want to admit it, but the dim light of the very early morning makes the scene ethereal 
and neither of you would ever admit to the deep blush coating your cheeks
but you’re smiling, too, and laughing 
cause yugyeom twirls you and keeps you literally on your toes trying to guess what he’ll do next
he’s just so sweet and fun and... well, you’re about 99.99% sure he’s flirting with you
so you take a chance and rest your hands on the sides of his face 
yugyeom’s feet stop moving, his hands still against your sides
you hear him take in a sharp breath
and your heart is pounding but you’ve come this far come on y/n you can’t back out now
you lean forward, standing on the tips of your toes, and lightly kiss his nose
and when you pull back, yugyeom’s face follows yours so that your lips are mere centimeters away 
“Is- is it ok if-” 
you cut him off, planting your lips on his 
and it’s feather light and barely three seconds, but when you pull away, yugyeom tilts your chin slightly up and kisses you again
this time a little harder, with more feeling 
and you are over the moon
coherent thought is a thing of the past
and this time, when you both come back up for air, you smile up at him and say, “Maybe we should hang out before 4am?” 
he’s just like, “I really don’t know what you’re doing to me, Y/N.” 
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May I Have This Dance? | JM
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1,413 words
Genre: highschool!au, fluff Warning!!!: Strong language
Summary: You thought going to prom would be one of the most amazing nights of your life, until you were left ignored all evening. But to your suprise, you weren’t the only one.
Prom night was going horrible. Your best friend ditched you to 'chat privately’ with her boyfriend in the bathroom stalls and you were stuck sitting at a table with the worst date ever and all his friends as they talked about League of Legends, making multiple comments on how sexy it would be to fuck a girl who’s dressed in a Jinx cosplay. Honestly, you were bored. I mean, it’s not like you don’t enjoy talking about your favorite LoL characters but, you wanted your prom night to be different. You wanted to be included in the conversations, you wanted your date to treat you like his date and, most of all, you wanted to dance and you weren’t about to go dancing alone. But, every time you asked your date if he wanted to dance with you, he’d reply with the same answer, “Nah, I’m good here, but you can dance if you want”. 
Like I was asking for your permission, asshole. 
You acknowledged that it was a silly thing to get annoyed over but, the one thing you desperately wanted to do at prom was slow dance with your partner and, it was beginning to look like you weren't going to get that. You attempted to ask your date to dance again and unsurprisingly, you were met with rejection. You stood up out of your chair and walked towards the punch bowl to get yourself a drink. 
I pray to God that someone spiked it with vodka.
Lazily, you grab a cup and fill it with the peach colored punch. Taking a sip, you let your gaze fall on the dance floor. The look of envy etched on your face must have been obvious because, the popular girls started looking over and giggling at you. You’re going to get teased for this, for sure.
“Ugh, this is so shit…” you mumble to yourself.
“I don’t think it’s that bad, maybe a bit tangy” a boy chuckled. You turn to face the boy as he continued to speak, “But, then again, it could be better, maybe a splash of Bacardi?”. 
You stood, staring, mouth agape at the boy talking with you. Park Fucking Jimin. The most popular boy in school, the top student in your year, class president, and the boy you’ve had a crush on since freshman year. Park Jimin is the definition of perfection. He has soft brown eyes, plump pink lips and flushed cheeks on tan skin. His body is slim but, muscular. And his hair, so fluffy and blonde, he looks like an angel. No, he is an angel. 
“Y/N? You okay?” Jimin looked concerned, “You’re not drunk, are you? You’re like, blanking out.” he says with a small giggle. 
You snap out of your daze and lower your head in embarrassment. 
Oh great, he knows my name too. 
“Oh… uh… sorry…” You mumbled, nervously. You kept looking at your shoes, hoping he would just walk away and spare you from any more embarrassment, but he didn’t move. 
Jimin shook his head “Don’t be." he responded, "I came over because I saw you looked so bored and just… yeah… lonely, I guess. Date ignoring you?” 
You looked up at Jimin and nodded. You weren't really sure what to say. You’ve never spoke to him before, nor has he spoken to you. You can’t help but feel he’s here to tease you, like all the popular kids do. 
“If you’re gonna make fun of me, can you make it quick?” you tell Jimin, hoping that he’ll feel caught out and leave you alone, but, he just looks puzzled.
“Why would I make fun of you?” he asked, “It's not funny that it’s prom night and your date’s acting like a prick”.  Your eyes widened at his words.  “My date’s doing the same thing to me. It’s not fun, so why would I insult you for it?”
You stood there, stunned at what Jimin had just said. He wasn’t going to tease you. He wasn’t going to insult you for being ignored or for being a loner at prom. Jimin wasn’t like any of the other popular kids, and that genuinely surprised you, to say the least. While all the other boys and girls in your year would sit and laugh at you, Jimin stated that he wouldn't do that. Wait a minute… Did he say his date was doing the same thing to him? His date was ignoring him? 
“Wait, what? That can’t be true.” You tutted in disbelief. 
“What can’t be true?” Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow, “That my date has been ignoring me all evening? Because, well, it is.” 
You shook your head at him, “You? THE most popular guy in this goddamn school?” 
He nodded with a rather sad look on his face. Oh shit… He’s telling the truth. But, what kind of moron would ignore him? Who in their right mind would leave Park Jimin alone at prom? You looked down at your feet, feeling, once again, embarrassed at yourself. 
“I just… I can’t see that happening…” you muttered to him, “You’re almost too perfect."
Jimin’s eyes widen after you say that. "You think I’m perfect?” he smiled, and it clicks with you that you may have given away your crush on him. 
“Oh… well, yeah… I mean, you’re, like, smart and really handsome so… I… uh…” You tried to get the words out, but they all came out in a stutter. Jimin stared at the ground, a smile forming in his cheeks, and you could swear you saw him blush. 
“Everyone, grab your partner and hold them tight! It’s the last dance of the night!” the DJ announced. There was no way you were getting that dream prom night you wished for. Or so you thought.  Jimin took a step closer to you and put your hand in his. You flinched at the gesture and looked up into his eyes as he looked back into yours. 
“Hey, so I know, I’m not the guy you took to prom but…” Jimin leaned in close to whisper, “May I have this dance, Y/N?” 
You couldn’t believe it. Really? Jimin wanted to dance with you? You couldn’t muster up the words to say yes, so you just nodded, and with a smile, Jimin led you both to the dance floor. He stops just off centre, close to the stage, and he places the hand he was holding onto his right shoulder. He the takes your other hand, and places it on his left shoulder. Finally, he lowers both hands to waist and wraps them around you. You both begin swaying side to side, and you feel Jimin’s chin rest on top of your head. He slowly pulls you in closer, so close you can feel his body heat radiating off of him. It feels like time had gone too quickly, because next thing you knew the music was off and the gym lights were on, killing the ambiance. You and Jimin separated from each other’s arms, and your eyes locked with his. 
“Thanks for the company.” Jimin said, as he scratched the back of his neck, nervously. You nodded at him, still blushing and unable to form coherent sentences. Jimin began to walk towards his friends but, suddenly turned back to you. “Hey, can I get your number?” Jimin asked. You blushed uncontrollably, but you managed to give him your number. “I’ll call you later.” he smiled. He lifted your hand to kiss it and then, he was gone.
Your parents picked you up outside the school and brought you home. After a quick shower and a bite to eat, you changed into your pajamas and flop onto your bed, thinking about what had happened tonight. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. Your phone started to flash, with an unknown number popping up on the screen. You crossed your fingers, hoping maybe that Jimin was on the other end.
You answered the phone with a quiet "Hello?" 
“Hey, so, I agree,” You heard Jimin’s voice on the other side, “That punch was shit.” 
You tried to stifle a giggle but you couldn’t help it and you laughed into the phone. The call lasted almost 2 hours. You talked about family, friends, hobbies, music and your dreams. It was nearing 4am when you felt like it was time to hang up. 
“Hey before you go, can I ask you something?” Jimin whispered.  
“Are you free tomorrow night?”
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gotstory · 8 years
My 20 Year Old Husband - BTS Fanfic [Day 4 - Save Me]
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20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant. 
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 /
All Chpts: #My20YearOldIdolHusband
“No! Stop! Don’t!” your desperate voice rang in Jungkook’s ears as he sprang to his feet and ran to you.
He knelt by the bedside where you lay after fainting, shocked and helpless as your eyes were tightly squeezed shut in a nightmare.
It seemed a little inappropriate to comfort you with a touch yet he just couldn’t keep still.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, everything is fine.” He spoke softly, gently stroking the top of your head hoping it would somehow calm you down.
Your body registered that voice as it slowly let the confusion of reality and dream fade off. Blinking your eyes a little, you see Jungkook staring at your face with a strained and awkward look.
He saw your confusion as you took in the unfamiliar surroundings and quickly reminded you of things.
“You blacked out in the cold last night and I didn’t know where you lived so I took you back to my hotel room. It’s erm..” Jungkook turned to the clock at the bedside, “… 4am now, which means you were asleep for a little over 5 hours.” He smiled, glad that your expression relaxed a little.
“I better go, I shouldn’t be seen here.” You started to sit up but your head just didn’t let you as you shut your eyes tight and held the side of your head to let the sharp pain contain itself.
Jungkook’s shocked and worried face returned, “No no, it’s too cold and late now, I can’t let you go out when you’re going to faint again.”
You sighed, looking up at him.
He hadn’t changed out of the clothes he came back in and he looked sleepy.
“Don’t you have a concert and full schedule today?” You asked, as you slowly sat up against the bed frame to look at what the room was like.
He stood up hesitantly and scratched the back of his head in thought.  
“Hmm yeah, but we only have to be at the rehearsal venue at noon so I told the hyungs I’ll be sleeping in for the morning. You don’t have to worry, I told Jimin hyung and he knows you’re here. No one’s gonna barge in here in case you’re thinking of that.”
“Oh.” That was all you responded.
What! He told his members there’s a girl sleeping in his bed? And they didn’t bat an eyelid? Gosh, does he do this often or what?
“Erm, yeah I’m just gonna take a quick shower alright? You make yourself at home… And just shout if you don’t feel good. I’ll be fast.” Jungkook grabbed a change of clothes from the hanger nearby and walked hurriedly to the bathroom.
It was a small minimalist-styled suite that only had a large white bed, a small wooden desk, some subtle decorative plants and a flat screen TV, followed by a glass-walled bathroom.
WHAT!?! Your eyes looked right into the shower and the entire bathroom was fit for an exhibitionist. The glass wasn’t even frosted or mildly patterned in any way to preserve the user’s dignity. Instead the view from the bed seemed to be specially positioned to have a picturesque sight of whatever was happening in there.
You gulped.
“Wait wait Jungkook WAIT!!! The… the.. the…. ” You held out your hands to motion for Jungkook to stop, pointing at the glass but unable to form a coherent sentence.
His face was a little flushed as he looked around the ground.
“Ahh..heh…. Yeah…. That’s why I didn’t bathe just now, I didn’t want you to be, you know, rudely awakened by that kind of sight. ” He laughed sheepishly.
“You’re gonna bathe in that thing when I’m sitting here?!” You couldn’t believe what this kid was thinking.
“But Chae-rin….. I really need to, I… I…. HAVEN’T SHOWERED IN 12 HOURS!” He burst out like a kid that was about to cry from bath withdrawal symptoms.
He looked so desperate that you had to stifle a laugh.
He continued, “I’m sorry… I’ll be really quick and erm, Ah! I KNOW!!” he exclaimed with a bright face and wide smile.
“I can bathe in the dark, would that be better?” he reached out to the switch and flicked the lights off, sending the whole room into pitch darkness except for the night lights outside the windows.
“No! Don’t!” You laughed out at his absurd suggestions. “The last thing you need is to fall and die in there butt naked, Jungkook.”
He flicked the lights back on, holding onto his clothes, making a pout with his mouth.
“It’s ok, I’ll just close my eyes and take a rest. I might even fall asleep.” You wriggled back under the covers, turning the other way and closing your eyes, pulling the heavy comforter further over your head to face the windows. “Take your time, I promise I won’t look.”
Jungkook bit his lower lip a little unsure but decided his bath was more important than anything, and went into the shower, closing the (also glass) door.
He ran the hot shower and the glass began to fog up pretty quickly. A little more relieved, he finally took his bath. He’d finally calmed down from seeing that you were awake but at the same time, nervous and a little shy to be alone with you in the confines of the room - not by choice.
Your heart raced from hearing just the sounds of the water, knowing it was just a piece of glass separating you from him. Never in your wildest imagination would you think you’d be here, sleeping in a bed that belonged to a hot boyband singer, and having him taking a shower in your full view - only that you promised not to look. Having all these thoughts run your mind wild made your eyes flutter open to bring yourself back to reality.
Little did you know the window was reflecting the bath from behind and you saw his faint silhouette as he flicked his wet hair back, turning off the shower. The glass was fogged and smartly designed that you could see some but not all, of him. It wasn’t racy or overly erotic, it was just …. strangely artistic and you noticed he was really of a good built. Lanky and tall, muscular but not bulky. You couldn’t see clearly since it was heavily fogged and it was just his upper body in your view from the reflection because of the way your own reflection covered it.
You watched him tie a towel around his waist as he blew his hair with the dryer. Even though it was still fogged, there was a clear defined line to his arms and biceps as he flexed them. You caught yourself already unable to take your eyes off the live fog show and shuddered, shutting them again, squirming deeper into the comforter, telling yourself how you really shouldn’t be attracted to him.
“Nothing good’s gonna come out from this, Chae-rin. You’re out of your mind. Stop it! Stop it….” You continued to mutter to yourself that you didn’t hear him stop the dryer.
Jungkook had gotten dressed after some time and came around the bed, crouching down, trying to look for your face in the scrunched up covers before you suffocated inside. He gently pulled at where he thought you might be, only to see you had fallen asleep.
He smiled looking at how comfortable you looked, glad that you were fine now. You’d never know the panic he’d gone through just to get you both safely back in the hotel as he sank down into the carpet, leaning against the windows, recalling the earlier event and how you felt, in his arms …
[Jungkook’s POV]
Her eyes were twinkling under the moonlight and I would be lying to say my heart didn’t flutter. Hearing her, and just looking at her makes me want to do a little something more for her. I can’t even put my finger to it why this is happening. I’ve always kept my distance with people other than the hyungs and girls especially… but this girl seriously, why do I just keep wanting to see her again?  
Wait, why is she closing her eyes? Omg! She’s fainting!
“Chae-rin! What’s wrong, Chae-rin! OMG. OMG. OMG.”
I sat down and lay her head in my arms, pulling my jacket out and covering her with it quickly.
“Are you in pain? Can you hear me? Chae-rin don’t scare me!”
I don’t even know the way back and where on earth we are, this isn’t happening… Jeon Jungkook, THINK! C'mon!
Jimin hyung, yes, I’m gonna call hyung for help.
(Dials for Jimin while Chae-rin lay rested on his chest)
JM: What’s the matter? Aren’t you in your room?
JK: No, sorry I went out to the city and I’m with Chae-rin but..
JM: OHMYGAWD Jeong Jungkook, I told you!!! Wait - but, what?
JK: But… she fainted suddenly and I don’t know where we are, what do I do Hyung?
JM: …………….
JM: You’ll be the death of me you brat. Turn on your GPS now and send me your location.
JK: Arraseo, just come quickly okay?
JM: (Sighs). You should really listen next time.
As much as I wanted to see her and just come out for abit, I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of her health and safety. Why on earth is she so cold? Is this not working?
I’ve got to get her indoors and warmed up fast. Pulling her on my back should do it.
(15 minutes later)
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Jimin-hyung was fully wrapped up, holding onto his phone to locate me, and there I was, sitting at a small verandah with Chae-rin resting in my arms. All I could see was Jimin’s shocked eyes from behind his mask.
“YAHHHH Are you so out of your mind? You’re sitting here in the middle of the night with a girl totally collapsed on you and you didn’t even cover your freaking face? Jungkook? You’re impossible. I’ll deal with you later. Get up now, we need to get her back home.”
“But hyung, we don’t know where she stays.” I told him and felt like the biggest fool on earth.
“Then we’ve got to bring her back to our place. Anyplace but here.” Jimin hyung made sure she was covered and put her gently on my back, as we headed back in a cab to the hotel.
He didn’t say a thing all way back, with Chae-rin resting on my shoulder again, but this time I had a proper hold on her. She felt a little warmer now and I could feel her breathing get deeper.
There were STILL fans at the hotel lobby at midnight – there was no way we could get into our rooms with her on my back without being stopped.
Jimin hyung finally looked at me without dagger eyes, seeing that my nose and ears were frozen from taking off every warm article of clothing and putting it on her.
He took off his scarf and chucked in on my head, “Cover up. we’re here.”
It was the same underground exit as before and thankfully it was quiet except for a couple of strangers I prayed with all my heart, were locals who didn’t know us.
“You’re gonna go straight up to the service lift and to your room, you hear me? DON’T STOP and don’t even look any single person in the eye.” Jimin said sternly as he prepared to get out of the cab.
I could only nod, knowing the seriousness of things if it got out of hand wrongly.
Jimin-hyung led the way, with his head down and I followed close behind with a large padded jacket on my back. It was a good thing Chae-rin wasn’t falling off me when I walked at such a rapidly quick pace.
Jimin stopped short just a couple of doors before the room.
“What, hyung!” I shrieked in surprise unable to stop suddenly without Chae-rin nearly jerking out of my grip.
“SHH. Staff.” He whispered, and I kept my mouth shut, adjusting her on my back, checking if she was awake yet.
Jimin saw that I was getting worried and decided he had to do something, so he walked up to the staff and greeted them, telling them to head off in the opposite direction to check out something, before quickly motioning me that the coast was clear.
Finally, we made it into the room and latched the door behind us.
Jimin-hyung practically fussed over her like a nanny, cursing me out of the way for being such a noob at taking care of a girl. I wondered how he was so experienced, knowing how to remove bracelets and all these female accessories but I decided not to probe anyway. I just did whatever he told me to - getting the heat packs, piling the blankets, turning on the humidifier as he sat beside her on the bed.
After about an hour of warming her up with heat packs and seeing colour return to her cheeks, he finally turned to give me a piece of his mind.
“Jungkook. She was too cold. What on earth were you doing just now?”
I stared at him helplessly trying to recall.
“Ah! That… ” I recalled her pilling her scarf and beanie on me while she only had her jacket while we were playing in the snow and having the breeze blow against us under the city lights. “We were playing in the snow…. and it was probably too windy… I thought she was a little pale..”
Jimin looked at what I was wearing since we came back. “Did you go out dressed just like this?”
I nodded, feeling so ashamedly guilty.
“You better make sure you stay awake all night and watch her until she wakes up, and send her home.” He wagged his finger at me and the clothes that piled up at the side of the bed. “And make sure she’s warm and you wear your OWN clothes, and cover that face of yours.”
“Sorry hyung, and thanks for keeping this between us…” I muttered just loud enough.
“I’ll take care of the others. Just get your act together by noon so we make it to the rehearsal. It’s the concert, so don’t play a fool on that. You know we worked hard for this.” He patted me on the back. I couldn’t feel happier to have Jimin hyung keep me in check. I’d definitely do better tomorrow.
I walked him to the door to make sure I latch it, JUST IN CASE.
“Don’t do anything stupid Jeon Jungkook.” He warned the last time as he walked off to his own room 2 doors down.
Looking at Chae-rin, asleep again, Jungkook smiled.
“Why’re you always asleep when you’re with me? It’s making me sleepy just looking at you..” he yawned.
He stood up and walked over to the other end of the big bed, put some pillows behind you, and climbed onto it, falling right asleep under the same covers.
How’s the story so far? I can’t wait to get to the next part where things really happen HAHA
Please let me know you’re reading and
Happy 2017 all of you and my new followers~ I want to message every single one of you but Tumblr has a limit on my messagers! Gosh..
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