#I hope he takes it well and learns about team spirit award crap or it's going to suck
captainofallships · 5 months
The Ravens being undefeated before their Championship match and Jean Moreau being out for that match now makes him the only undefeated Raven on the starting line-up.
He has a better win/loss ratio of all the Raven players (never lost a game)
Also the only undefeated member of the remaining perfect court.
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productivelyfe · 6 years
Taylor Swift
Greatest hope is: As I grow/change, my music will change as well. I love a great song, I don’t care what genre it is in.
Have a lot of epiphanies- this would be a good idea so I had epiphany I’d be a novelist. Career path.
Writing-writer 1st. Favorite things how you can convey a thought or story or completely describe a character or situation through words/right combination of words. The whole process of editing/re editing/rethinking/imagining/get these little mini epiphany ideas that come to you. You have to love it more than anything else and you have to love it for more than what the end result could be. Like you don’t make an album so that you could get a platinum record to hang on your wall and you don’t go on tour so that you can hang the sold out plaques in your bedding. It’s so many little stepping stones/so many people have this idea that it’s like you get discovered/then you get the record deal/then you record the song/then the song goes #1 and then, you know, and it’s like, it’s never like that. Very rarely is it like one thing leads to another which leads to another/another and result. It’s so many dead ends/switching directors and going back/replanning/rethinking/so many interviews/strategy meetings/management meetings/PR meetings and so many things that are outside of music that you have to…
Shows - might be the same looking crowd but there’s a different feeling behind them all. There’s magical shows that stand out, where you were on point, we were all in it, looking back those magical shows are what make you want to continue doing what you’re doing for the rest of your life.
Record everything right away.
When you’re trying to fit in with everyone sometimes you learn who you are/who you’re not.
I always thought I’d go to college but somethings happened and I ended up getting to pursue this crazy dream.
Still get nervous? - Just focus on being alright/rolling with it and realizing you play shows every night/this should be no different.
Song writing - So unpredictable/spontaneous, what’s gonna hit me first. Whether it’s a general thought, experience, just got in my head. You were Romeo you were throwing pebbles/the song expanded from there. THe fastest songs I write just happen in just a surge of idea/inspiration. Something I’m going through at the time. Hard to come up with metaphors of something I haven’t gone through or recently just gone through. Starts as idea/feeling/emotion.
Metaphor - something you’re going through but relate/connect it to something completely different.
4 or 5 lines “ooo, oooh that’s the one, yes!” Before I put it on record. Writing process never turned off.
Making record - Here, allow this into your life takes about 2-2 ½ years of writing. That way, know have best songs. Have 40-50 songs about 14-15 make it.
Obsessed with the latest songs I’ve written, but discovering old stuff possibly being good enough to put on the albums.
Very impatient if I don’t have song finished. I’ll obsess over it, won’t sleep at night, edit constantly. Conversations around me get ignored. Working on an idea but stop and can’t figure out where chorus is going if my hunch is right-bring it to writer I trust/admire. Best co/writers really great at giving advice.
Adapt to a million different places to write. Awakened by song ideas all the time. Wake up at 0400 with idea. Write wherever/whenever you can. Writing a story/characters/you can only write about a character if you know them, if you went there.
Go through emotional rollercoaster on stage, in songs fully feeling all of it. Completely feeling all sadness, anger, frustration and hurt, then crowd starts screaming/everything is right in the world.
Reach out 2 new people challenge yourself creatively/change up influences. Easy to remain the same. Be inspired by things you’ve never been inspired by before.
Think of topics you haven’t covered. New ways to present old emotions that everyone feels.
Throw shoulders back/be friendly.
Fans - Large group of people but expect individual contact. Look at each other something simple feel really connected to the fans. They get me, they show up. There for me/understand me.
Saying right thing at right moment shouldn’t change who you are based on the room you’re playing in.
Insert into online communities, be in on their wide jokes, talked to them, not just posting industry crap like ‘vote for me’ or ‘this is coming out.’
Love how the internet’s given people ability to express who they are, express sense of humor.
Being comfortable letting people know I’m awkward, not that cool, not edgy. Be self. Don’t try to be something you’re not.
I don’t think anyone has a solid stance on an way that they feel it’s like saying are you happy everyday?
Fame, paparazzi: Mental exercise, how many years did you want this, how many years did you dream of this, how many times did you say that when you got famous you’d walk up to people in restaurants/introduce yourself if they were trying to take a picture of you?
Used to say as little kid: If I ever got to do this I’d make the most of it/I’d try to do good things instead of doing weird things/get affected by it.
Age gracefully without anxiety - with time gain more wisdom/use it for good.
To people who are going to understand it/get it/say I feel that too. Reveal life/the emotions. To people who want to take you down/make fun of you.
Having fun. Discovering self.
Make the joke first/better. It’s not as funny when others. They’re the same kind of weird as me. I like to put time into it because it usually starts very different than the way it ends up.
Knew I had to change things up, knew I had to explore different things, go a completely different direction. Go for phone, journal. Write down as soon as you get in your head. “Running to airport bathroom to write on a paper towel.”
Dreamed high pitched “Stay.” All that was coming out of mouth in social humiliation dream. Went to study/wrote a song about it next day.
Very excitable. Get excited about things as they happen to me. Enjoy things when they’re happening to you. Enthusiasm protects from everything.
Create new challenges for self. New genre, new sound.
Try everything then you’ll notice you’ll naturally start to grow/write towards one style.
Following impulses, don’t want to predict where I’ll be. Implement as much spontaneity as you can if life is planned. (Tour a year from now).
This actually is really fun, so just try to enjoy it as much as possible. There’s nothing to stress about.
Stay vulnerable/open/true to emotions/what I’m feeling/how to translate that into song.
Song writers - feel the pain/feel it intensely but as a celebrity you’re supposed to put up wall/block it. So trying to navigate the mixed messages walking a tight rope.
Come from place of storytelling.
Don’t want people to tell me what I want to hear all the time, that doesn’t thrill/excite me at all. They’re all passionate about their own jobs, lives, own things. Keeps me realistic.
Stay realistic. Want to have normal mindset, attitude, priorities, friends-treat me normally, say somethings stupid, guilt trip, etc.
When I listen to album I think about moment that inspired the song, the time he first played it for me, when he went into studio/recorded it for me/all the different mixes he played forme. It’s most amazing thing to have all those memories with someone/then to have piece of art connected to it. It’s like a photo album.
Sometimes not able to calm down. But allow yourself to be okay with that. Feel insecure, overwhelmed, or sad, depressed then feel guilty for feeling those things so it compounds it. So = most amount of negative emotions you can possibly be feeling. Some of greatest lessons I’ve learned and some of best songs I’ve written have come from when I didn’t feel good. Allow brain to work through it on its own/sometimes write song about it/makes me feel better.
Don’t feel manipulated creatively so no regrets. Continue to fulfill that creative need or there’d be a void.
Like to let life happen rather than have a plan for it. If you have plans, you’ll force life to take that course/might not end up with right person/circumstance!
Cover - makes me feel happy
Body language - she’s turned away from me is that inviting?
Convincing members of team switch was a good idea.
Biggest struggle turned into the biggest triumph when it worked out.
You’re going to have thousands of decisions to make on daily basis that will end up depicting your image, sound, all the things that will shape you as a public image let those decisions be yours. You steer the ship creatively. You pick your battles-fighting the neon top, that’s not a hill I wanna die on.
If you win an award-isn’t that crazy?! How do you just sit there and be like “oh another grammy.”
Puts you at ease when you’re around her, everybody full of youthful spirit. Really inspiring.
Huge success: Never felt like a huge weight. Go back to that place where it feels balanced.
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